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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1917)
s SWISS NATION IS IN DANGER OFSTARVING Minister Sitter Sayi Proposed Embargo Portends Disaster to His Conntrjr. i t ; . Xew York, May 30.-Dr. Paul Kit "'4r, minister to the Vni"0' States 'Irom Switzerland", whose transfer to -i"he Hague was recently announced, today told the National Conference on Foreign,, Relationi of the JJnitcd States in session at Long Beach, N. Y, that the proposed amendments to the embargo section of the espionage bjll "portend disaster" to his country. Dr. Ritter laid he believed the po sition of Switierland in regard to Cer. many was inisunderatood in the United States and asserted that if the embargo proposals should be enacted into law his country might be con , demned to starvation. . Must Have American Food. 4 "Only yesterday," he saioV"! was "asked Just what was the importance of American food to Switierland. The , question is significant when it is re membered' that there is an embargo bill now before your congress. I told my friend that we needed American food, that we might starve without it and that not a single pound of the .goods imported-from the United States recrossed our borders to Ger ' many." ..... It is true, Dr.' TUllef declared, that Switzerland today 'imports five times as much wheat from the United States as before . the war, but It was dune simply because it was impossible to secure -the other four-fifths of the supply from Russia and Koumania, He aid he was sure there was no inten tion by the sponsors of the bill, much less of the government to bring about the destruction of Switierland for the mere sake of completely isolating Germany. ' ' Coal and Iron Problem. ' If is possible,' he continued, the United States might have the right to require Switzerland to cease trade al together with Germany. If such ac tion Is taken, however, he said, he re garded it as no more than fair that the United States should see to it that supplies of coal and iron from this country reach Switierland, which now obtains these commodities from the only source of European supply, Oermaiiy, in exchange for products not imported from the United States. Dr. Hitter concluded by saying that It was . absolutely impossible for Switierland to exist without a con tinuous and uninterrupted flow of sup plies from America. AMERICA BORN TO SAVE MANKIND, SAYSJRESIDENT CmIIumI Tram ! hw.t but perhaps it may be permitted to us to be glad that we nave an op portunity to show the principles that we profess to be living principles that live in our hearts and to have a chance by the pouring out of our blood and treasure to vindicate the things which we have professed. For, my friends, the real fruition of lift is to do the things we have said we wished to da There are times when words aeeni empty and only action seems great. Such time has come and in the providence of God America will once more have an opportunity to show- to the world that it was born to serve mankind.'1 . Regulars and Veteran March. . Down Pennsylvania avenue and' across the Potomac to Arlington Na tional cemetery marched veterans of two past wars at tha head of a column of National Guardsmen and regulars who may see service In Franc within a year. Mingled with the American flag adorning building along the way were number ot confederate banners, flying for the confederate veterans' reunion here next week and the old union soldiers marched be neath them with no sign of rancor. , Cardinal Celebrate Mas. . Special pontifical military mass was held at St. Aloysius church by Cardinal Gibbons and wa attended by Knights of Columbus councils from Baltimdre, Chief Justice White and other members of the supreme court. This was followed by a pa triotic celebration before the Colum bus monument in front of the Union station, with former Governor Glynn of New. York the chief speaker, Spanisti war veterans held services about the Maine memorial at Arling ton. Doth houses of congress adjourned for the day and all government de partments were closed. ' Great Parade In New York. New York. May 30, With a new significance due to the war and given added color by the participation of thousands of men in uniform Memo rial day was celebrated in New York today on a tar greater scale tnan at any time since 1898. The main oaradc. that of the Grand Armv of the Reoublic and the sol diers of the nation, state and city, marched up Riverside drive. It was reviewed by Major General J. Frank- lin Bell,, Unitetd States army, and Governor Whitman at the soldiers and sailors' monument. It was esti mated that 18,000 marchers were in me. Another parade was composed of between 4u.uw ana ju.imi ooys ot the Public Schools Athletic league of the five horouaha of New York. In the, Brooklyn parade 25,000 marcners were- in uue, wiuit ov,vw marched In the Bronx parade, U. S. Agents Will Watch Conference, ot Pacifists New York. May 30,Federal au thorities, it was- announced, will have representatives at Madison Square Garden today and tomorrow while the inerubers of the First American Con ference for .Democracy and Terms of , reace, a pacihst organization, are holding their meetings to consider war problems. ." The conference will' hold e!x ses sions and will listen to addresses by Morris Hillquit, Dr. Judah L. Mag nes, Job Harriman of Los Angeles and Victor L, Berger, Organise Red Cross Chapter. . Holdrege, Neb, May 30. (Special.) A local chapter of the Red Cross was organized last night at .a mass meeting held in the district court room. One hundred and seventy dol lars was subscribed In memberships,- . Be .Want-Ada Produce. Results. WORLD DOMINATION OF AUTOCRACY TO RESULT FROM TEUTON VICTORY Former Ambassador Hill. ' New York, May 30. Dr. David Jayne Hill, Former ambassador to Germany, in an address to the trustees of the American Defense society here today warned that Germany is far from defeated. " , Dr. Hill discounted the theory that the Hohenzol lerns alone are responsible for that country's imperial istic ambitions. He asserted that the present war is a struggle of political systems. "The people of Germany," declared Dr. Hill, "are more loyal to the emperor than the democratic party is to President Wilson today. "The president has said that we have no hostility toward the German people, but do not the German people support the imperial German government to a man?" , , . , "Didn't a wave of general rejoicing go through Germany when the Lusitania went down? How many Germans in Germany can you find who are not im perialistic? I have never found one. "This," added Mr. Hill, "is going to be a different world if the central powers win the war. And it is by no means certain that they will not. "Unless we conscript ourselves for this battle and lay our wealth and our lives at the altar of the de fense of our institutions we will find our descendants in the vortex of world dominating schemes of auto cracy." Prof. Albert Bushnel Hart of Harvard in an ad dress to members of the executive committee of the National Security League, sounded a similar warning. The danger confronting the United States is as great .. that of 1776, he said, "and not one-third of the peo pie realize it." t BURLESON PUSHING . HIGHER PAPER RATE Postmaster General favors Hardwiok Plan lor Increas ing the Second-Class Postage. Washington, May 30. Administra tion influence was brought to bear to day in favor of amending the war tax bill to increase postage rate) of news papers, magasines and other publica tions enjoying the cent a pound rate'. Postmaster General Burleson con ferred with Chairman Simmons of the senate finance committee revising the bill and urged the committee to adopt the amendment of Senator Hardwick of Georgia to increase second class postage rates. Raise Rates on Ad Seetlona. Mr. Hardwick's olan 'would add $20,000,000 this year and more In sub sequent years to second class rates by a tax ranging 3 to 8 cents a pound upon the advertising proportion of publications, retaining the present rate only on news space. ' Sunoort to the Hardwick clan by the postmaster general follows his recent endorsement before the com mittee by two of Mr, Burleson's chief aides. It was understood that Senator Simmons told the postmaster general that sentiment is not strong in the committee for inclusion of the Hard wick amendment. The question will be brought before the committee when it resumes its revision work to morrow. Simmons Consults McAdoo. Chairman Simmons of the senate finance committee, in conference with treasury officials, pointed out that the principal questions of the war rev enue bill yet to be determined relate to the administration s proposed auto mobile license taxes, excise taxes on coffee and tea, higher second class postal rates and taxes on public utili ties. Secretary McAdoo is urging tha committee to report out a bill carry ing about 11,800.(100,000. as provided in the house measure, but committee sentiment apparently is In favor of reducing it to around $1,500,000,000. the difference to be raised' by short term Donas, , Conferences on Budget. Conferees of the senate and house on the $1342.000.000 ward budget bill today still had further changes to con sider, notably the provision to regu late the acquisition of an American merchant marine, for which $750.- 000.000 is authorised. The administration s food survey and production bill will be taken up m the senate again tomorrow and its esrly passage is looked for. The bill Is the house substitute for the measure the senate hi been consider ing. , Ambassador Elkus -r. And Party Leave Turkey Amsterdam, Msy 30 (Via London). A dispatch sent yesterday from Constantinople to the Frankfurter Zeitung says Abram I. Elkus, Amer ican ambassador to Turkey until dip lomatic relatione were sevtrecVwno has since been detained in the Turk ish capital by illness, was to depart on that day for Switrerlana by way of Vienna. Accommodations were Erovided in a special car on the Bat an express for the former ambas sador, Mrs. Elkus and twenty-six others from the American embassy. Mr. Elkus expects to 'remain some time in Switzerland before returning to America. V, .... , Bee Want-Ads Produce Results.! "ONE DISH Or? r POST TOASTIES GOT ME BAYS NEVIR WIRE CORN , FLAK! S LIKE 'CM! 5. V A. - flsflh i sflVs THE EEE: OMAHA MEN GO TO CHADRON TO ATTEND HEARING (ContlnniNl From Vmg One.) through that acquaintance that Tylee went from Omaha to work with Mote and Fisher for Mr, Hood in getting evidence in connection with alleged indiscretions of Mrs. Hood. Winck ler went to assist Tylee on the case. Cnuntv Attorney tita hai lived in TJawes county all of his life. His lather was Judge (.rues. Robert Hood is a wealthy resident of Dawes county, where he has lived lortyyeara, tit is nearly 3 years ot age and the wife he married a year ago is 35 years' of age, and was a scnooi teacner ot Lincoln. Mayor Dahlman, former mayor of Chadron and sheriff .of Dawes county before he moved his bed and board to ti.. mA.-Anni;- i.n., i, n-:n;nai. of the case at Chadron. He met Rob ert Hood and bride when they stopped here last year on their honey moon trip to the south. Pattullo Decorates the ,' . Graves of Dead Officers Sergeant Andrew Pattullo, as hss been his custom for several years, Wednesday morning decorated the Omaha Police Memorial with bou quet of lilies and carnations in honor of the dead members of the Omaha police force. the following members nave passed awav: Former Chief of Police John J. Donahue, Captain Patrick Mostyn, Laptain jonn n. savage, lieutenant Thomas Hays, Sergeants Michael Whelen and John H, Gibbons, and Officers P. C Foley, John H, Russell, Darwin P. Baldwin. L. A. Smith, Wil liam Cullen, D. J. Ryan, J. B. Wilson, I. W. Dibble, H. L. Wooldrige, Peter M. Lee, Vance Field, Frank Robbins, Uamel u. lledemsn, Micnaet urum my, James A, Norton, Thomas J. Ormsby, Martin J. White, James Cu ticle, James Kirk, Samuel S. Drummy, M. A. Glllen, Alfred A. Rich, William Good, Samuel E. Egan, Thomas Hays, B. A. Rodgers, Dan E. Davis, Thomas Ring, Silas E. Fisk, H. P. Corntau and Thomas J. Mitchell. Ml HAIVl At A LLCMINMd M HOUND'S TOOTH" Wh b ll teat e teg's iMtk an aUmf Wk h It thai wild salssala acldosa have kwar4 tMlh-ead sWl seed re swe teeth kniahp Natare'e eubstltiite far e teeth hrest la e tre-Sw!a estiva white washes) away the be ebswalts, But the oath ef civilised asaa It eessparttlnlr "dry." Alse, . ' we eat salt, eteraky toads wait attefe te Ike testa, enseal) as te eaeae teeth sleeey. Tha ealy way te rTat teeth deaey U ttj slaaa awt? . this fMd dehrie. S-wJI "srasltMel" ttaatirrii tWt help, ead eaay saeke trouble The haetioe at teeth paste is te alms. Ask year shntitt If this isa't M. Ask Us alsa akeut S. 8. White Taath rest sale by the world's beet fcwwa saaBirfMtarer af deatal egoiparaal aasl sastUea and aatboe'rlas the latest laaUas el deetsJ eeieasa. , . Taar fratfM baa a. Bp mi mt tha iw Sttaw aw aar . laT'tW twat Haw Thar Cm Tut at It HaasTsaa." THIXS.WHITIDfMTALMFCCOMWN? MOUTH AND TOIL1T PREPARATIONS I SOUTH IS-ITa BBEDSB3 COUPON Br-?,; Tata, atae a stasis teas m iW Ii ,v,Ns"t. (flirts i H a j KJWsWilli OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY YILLISTA BANDITS CAPTURE OJIHAGA Carranzista Garrison is At tacked and Driven Across the Border Into Pre- - siditvTex.'.: sr. Presidio, Tex., May JO. A Villa force attacked Ojinaga, opposite here early todays surprising the Mexican government soldiers in the garrison there and causing them to flee to the American side, leaving their arm in Mexico.' Captain Pedro-Ornelas and jtwo soldiers ot the .Ojinaga garrison, J who' were wounded during the fight ing, were- brought to the American side. All women and children from Ojinaga escaped to the American side when the attack started. ' Customs officials who arrived from Ojinaga said Villa led the, attack in person. Many Mexican government troops surrendered to the Villa troops, these officials said. Ojinaga now is in possession of the Villa soldiers.- The fighting occurred in the plaza of the Mexican town. The capture of Ojinaga. gives Villa a border port of entry to the United States. Villa's main command is re ported at Polvo, twenty miles east of Presidio. MAJOR TELLS OF FORT SNELLING . OFFICERS' CAMP (CoatlDUWl From rte One.) ber. The buildings will cover 1,000 acres; 45,000 men will be trained here. It certainly looks like war around here. An English officer told us that England lost more officers in the first six months of war than there are in the United States army and that junior officers lived about five to elev en days on the firing line. Sure is en couraging, but we haven't time to worry about it. "I never knew so much work could be crowded into one day between five bells in the morning and 9 at night. We are at it all day. "W do very little actual drilling, but we have a lot of class recitations and they are continually on new sub jects. We gallop through at a really remarkable speed. "We have to study every minute we can grab and we carry a book of soma kind around with us all the time. It it remarkable how much one can learn by concentration and we surely concentrate in large gobs. "I can already give and read mes sages in three different codes and sys tem at a rapid rate. I can drill a company of 150 men in nearly all company formations. I can also start Qn a raw group of men and develop them into a trained platoon. Have Plenty to Eat. "I can adjust a rifle sight for windage and elevation. We under stand internal guard duty and guard mounting, Also field service, (most all the fellows know as much as I do and torn a lot more),' but it just shows how quick one can learn when you want to or have to. "We have fine brick barracks, elec tric lights, steam heating, (it is still cold up here, but great weather), plenty of shower and tub baths, even sheets and pillow cases, and all we want of good and well prepared food with big variety. It's sure great, but we need it, believe me. "The training we are getting is fine and if I ever get back on the job I'll be some stepper. Give my regards to all the boys." Wishes to Raise Street Car Fare to Six Cents Salt Lake City, May 30. That the Utah Light and Traction company will ask the public utilities commis sion or permission to raise tha price of street car fares from 5 cents to 6 cents, was the announcement made today by H. F. Dicke, general man ager of the company. A If NH TNINHT QrKNf HKR HonrorS's Add rlwaplmta A taaapoonful tif a Rlaaa of water, with a SaaH of aiteav, ralfavaa am.a.lva thirst. Su. parlor ta lamona. Advartlsamant, PMIlADStaHHaj lMf aMTMtl Cm Am Haw Ta law nturaata. 31,. 1917. CHINA MAY BE DRAWN INTO WORLD WAR. GKN. KY TSING wz. In view of the fact that China may be drawn into the world war against the Teutonic allies. It is interesting to note that the Chinese army is by no means poorly equipped. It has been thoroughly trained by Japaneae and European officers and boasts a very efficient aviation corps. General K. Y. Tsing, shown in the photograph, Is the cniet ot aviation ot tne army ot tne Chinese republic. France Will Put Ban On Socialist Conference Paris, May 30. A bill which has reference to the decision of the French socialists to take part in the International socialist convention at Chamber of. Deputies today by Paul Stockholm was introduced in the Pugliesi-Conti. It provides that "whoever con cludes or attempts to conclude any convention or negotiations of polit ical, . diplomatic, military, economic and social character, aside from the constituted governmental authorities, either with subjects of an enemy power or with an assemblage em bracing a foreign enemy, shall be punished with five years' imprison ment and a fine of 10,000 to 50,000 francs." Motorist With Blinding Lights Must Pay $1,500 Sioux Falls, S. D., May 30. (Spe cial.) After being out all night a jury in the' circuit court in this city awarded damages to the amount of $1,500 to Elfrida Langlos, the de fendant in the action being Henry Peterson, of this city. The plaintiff charged that while riding in an auto mobile with her husband, she was in jured in a collision that resulted from the blinding lights of a car driven by the defendant being thrown into their faces. At a prior term of court Peter son got judgment for $250 against Mr. Langlos for injuries in the same accident. Venus 10 PENCIL VENUS Is bought by all who want the best. XI perfect black degrees, and 2 copying for every poe sible purpose. Bin Band VELVET Th Supreme JC. PENCIL American Lead Pencil Ce..N.' rierce V- ij e Wright & Peters i C. Aviation' Instructor Is Seriously Injured Buffalo, N. Y., May 30.-Fred W. Zimmer, an aviation instructor, and Seymour H. Knox, jr., a young Buf falo millionaire training for service in the United States aviation corps, were injured today when their hydro airplane crashed into a telegraph pole. Zimmer was struck in Jhe neck by the engine. He has a fractured skull and internal injuries. Knox was thrown clear of the machine and his injuries are not so serious. Salem, N. J., May 30. An airplane in which. William Fry and Louis Ben nett, jr., started to fly this morning from Shcepshead Bay, N. V., to Wheeling. W. Vs., was wrecked in Salem Driving park. Both occupants escaped injury, but several spectators were hurt slightly. The machine landed to get gaso line and as it rose to resume the jour ney one of the wings got caught in a fence.' Part of the fence was car ried away, then the airplane shot into a tree, where it collapsed. THOMPSON. BELDEN COMPANY Fashionable Fabrics for Summer FOULARDS The silk for ser vice, in large assort ments of figured, dot ted end novelty ef fects, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50. (40-inch) PRINTED PONGEES Novelty patterns, in good i weights (33-inch), an ' extra value at 98c. KIMONO SILKS New and distinctly "different" f i g u res characterize these latest arrivals. Choose one now for summer wardrobe; 30 and 32-inch, 85c to $1.25. WASH COTTONS Make your wants known and see how quickly they can be satisfied from tha excellent selections we have to offer. TIwNew Fabrics First while they are really new. Sorosis Summer Fashions White Boots and Pumps A wonderful variety of styles and shape ly lasts in white kid and reinskin boots and pumps, suitable for every summer occasion. White reinskin lace boots with welt soles and covered heels. Priced, $6 and $7. White kid lace boots with twin soles and kid covered heels to match. $12 to $14. Pumps of white Sea Iiland duck are priced, $3 to $5. ot touncn owns I SELLS P. Reed & PUMPS All Colors and Leathers Prices, $3.50 to $6.00 HARRY F. MERGE Will Care for Practice Of Doctors Who Enlist Pithureh. Pa.. May 30. Pitts burgh doctors who enter military service are to receive JS per cent 01 the income from their private prac tice while they are absent, the work being done by doctors who remain ai ti.: n..nilni..m.nt was made "13 UU..VV...V". today by the auxiliary medical council for the national aeicnsc ui h:jih.j county. About 200 doeers from this district have already been commis sioned or have applied for commis sions. - Socialist Conference at Stockholm is Postponed Amsterdam. May 30. (Via Lon don.) According to news from the Dutch delegates at Stockholm the so cialist conference has been postponed until July 15, or possibly later. Ev erything depends on the date of the arrival of the French and Italian dele gations. Bee Want-Ads Produce Results. Trefousse Gloves Nothing Finer f First quality Trefousse jI kid, in new shades of gray "and partel, besides black and white. All with contrasting stitchings, at $2.75. f Trefousse one and two ol clasp kid, in white and colors with self and con trasting stitching, $1.75, $2 and $2.25. Experienced fitters in at tendance. The Sport Corset The one every woman enjoys. We are show ing a Treco Sport model with elastic band at the waist line. Very short to insure comfort, no matter what position you as sume. Also many styles in plain cou tille, batiste and some elastics. Prices: $2 to $5 a pair Third Floor I Co. La France I