Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Cattle Bun for the Week Small
end Pricei Ten Lower
v-. Than Tuesday; Hogs a
L , Nickel Higher.., . . ,,
Receipts were: ; ' Csttl, Hon fibeep.
(Vflrlal Monday. it..'.. S.4M.1 .'
frfrlnl Tuwlay. .'.... I,4all.3r 4.o:4
Jislimite Wednesday., S.9W -- .a.000 ' 7O0
Three days Ibii week.11.SSl S4,!s' Mil
Sams days laat wetk..2I,s! 11.4(7 I4.S40
Kama daya I wka. o. 52,351 34,430 14,1(1
Sme daya I wka. 10,334 13,001
Sum daya 4 wka. Mro.JS.m 3.J7 Is.JH
Sam. daya laat year.. 14.310 34,407 .10.107
Receipts and. disposition of Uva stock at
the Union Slock yarda. Omaha, lor twonty
tour hours ending at t'p. ra, yesterday;.
Cattle). Hon. Stoop. H'r's.
17. M. ft St. P a 4 .' -V
Wabash ; 1 ... - ..
Missouri Psclflo ... 17- 1 . ... '
Union Pacific ..... M ' 40 1
a sV N. w.. eait.. 7 1 1
C. ft K. W weal.. 43
C. 8t P.. M. ft O. 1.".
C, B. ft O., tat . . , . 6
G,-B. ft Q.. west.. 13
C, B. ft Q.. east..
C K. I. ft P.. waat 1
Jlllnola Central ... S
Chi.. Gt. Western
Totals receipts
Morrla ft Co....
Swift ft Co
Cudahy Pk. Co.
, 433
Armour A Co ..
Schwartz ft Co......
J. W. Murphy
IJneoln Pkg. Co
H. Omaha Pkt. Co,..
(7 .
V.n.ant Co.
If. B. Lewis 131
Huston ft Co 14 .
J B. Root ft Co..... 1
J. II. Bulla 11
I P, Hues 0
Rosenstock Rroa. ... 44
Sullivan Broa 3
Hlm-lna 1
Huffman . .' 1
Rih i
Qtissberg - 1
Baker. J. ft Smith.. S
Banner Broi t . 13 .
John Harvey ..
Jensen A Lungren.. " 32
Put O TJay 11
Other buyerl ....... 11
Totals 4,010
rattle Recelpta numbered only 119 cars,
leaving the totej recelpta for the three
d.iva this week at 17,911 head, the small
out since thne weoka ago, but larger than a
yar ago by over 3,000 head. The mar
ket was generally steady with yceterday,
but here and there aaleamen who happened
to have something that appeared to Just
ault buyera thought they aecured a little
atronger prices, and oconslonallr a aalesman
eouM be found who thought his cattle
brought aa much as life lower than the
low time yesterday.
Quotations on cattle: oood to cholea
b'.ev.n. $13.40913.31; fair to good beeves,
tll.sO013.fl; common to fair beeves, $10.31
0 11.40; good to rholoej yearlings, $11,750
12.10; fatr to good yearllnge, $10.71911.75;
common to fair yearlings, $10.00 9 10.71;
good to choice heifers, good to
choice cowa, $9.75910.71 fair to good cows,
$87109.71; common to fair cowa, 17.00O
t.7i; prima feeding ateera, $10.00 011.00;
good to choice feedera, $9.00 9 10.00; (air to
good feedere, $6.5099.75; common to fatr
feeders, $7.00 91.50: good to choice etockere,
$910910.10; atork helfera. I.2dO10.o0;
Block cowa. $7.00 010 00; atock Salves, $1.10
tdl.OO; veal oalvea, $9.00914.00; beet bulls,
(lage, ate, $1. 00 910.31. - 1
Repreaentatlva aalea;
aicir.r ojr,eo,
Av. Pr.
No... Av. Pr.
011 $1 9;
1(1 9 65 .
947 10 71
li........ 172 l 00
11,, .1021 10 61
7,...,...101 11 00
U....;,..101 11 46
96........ Ill 11 71
10,. 914 11 !0
12., 994 11 15
17.. 117 11 11
21 1340 11 10
:0i.,....,100 12 31.
23 1397 13 15
16 1417 It 90
10 1234 11 00
t nil 12 ii
20.. ......100 11 11
11 13H 11 60
14 1311 II 91
u. Ttin aumilv of hoaa. while not as-
actly of holiday proportlona, was rather
m,dersto for a Wednesday, being estimated
at 110 care, or 1,000 head. The throe daye'
rrietpta have been 24.36$ head, being. 9,000
sit'sller than last weok, and soouc tn.jin
alee as for the corresponding dsyg twt
w,,.l,a evn and a vear ago.
Hogs reacted from the big breakb tha first
two days of the week, and while continuing
,ry uneven, were generally a nickel higher
than yesterday. Shippers ware about a
ttlckel' higher, an4 while packers got some
hore at earlier rounda mat wera poaaioiy
more than ateady, they bought mora hogs
Co higher than any other way, and aorOO Of
their purchases looked a flat 19o higher.
After a trading baels waa eetabllshed the
. ... . falrlv aetlvo. And nretty
neally avarythtng wag cleaned up by 10
o'clock. Ooneral duality of the efferlnii
waa the beat of the week an ear. A gooo
tbare of the sales waa made at 115.10915.60
ttud topa again landed at $1$.56.
Current quotatlona ara a flat tOo lower the close of laat week, nearly $00 be
tw ten dava ago. and tha average Is Juat
noout 75o lower than at the high time. The
irmed la wider now thst It waa when the
market was at the ereet of the advance, and
IM better kinds of hogs ara pot over 60961c
bciow the high apot, while medium to plain
v-rades range from 7io to In extreme cases
XI AA lower than on Aortl 10. ths high day.
r;ut while the msrket lacka a littles of being
'. high aa It was a few weeks ago, a com.
n.i.nit at oreeeiit nrlcea with theao of pre
vious yeara ahowa that today's top of $16.1$
m IS.Oo higher than waa over paid here In
liny previous to tbta year.
RoVrceeltlettve sales,
(,'. Av. Hh. Pr. . ' No. Av. 8h. Pr.
21. .152
14 10 -76. .317 830 IS la
209 15 20 J1..1I9 ... It li
07. .342
... 11 JO : 67, ,354 130 IS SS
10 15 40 69. .26$ $0 li ti
80 11 11
... 13 00
10, .130
Sheep With the exception of Ssturdays
nml hollriss receipts of sheep and lambs
l.Mlav were the smallest they have been tn
,( little over two years. Only three cars or
. ebout 700 head were on offer. Tha total
. fr the first half of tha week is alao th
smallest In a long time, being only 9,071
dead, aa compared with 14.149 laat week,
14.381 two weeka ago, and 11,101
tear. ' i
About the only thing on offer on which
' 'wmnarieone with yeeterday's prloes oould
10 bssed wss a two load bunch of call
'omia aprtng lambs. Tbeeo wera caehed
'.round the middle of the forenoon at 910 re
luvtion from yesterday'a pricee. going at
'IS. 00. with'seventy-flve head out at $15.09.
Other grades of aheep and iambs were
nominally credited with a almtlar decline
:houtrli there wee not enough hero to make
-. it market In fact today a quotations are
Kre:,t deal lower than the higher apots yes
terday e trad,-, and range from 91.19
:ia much as $3.00 lower than laat week'
' .'lose.. A small package of clipped owes
it ood qusllly went at $11.10, and choice
' .lulf such as set the record of $14.00 would
iiavo to huatto to reach $13.00. Decent light
' '-lipped lambs were bought at $14.71, and
- best are not quoted abova $11.00, that
- risure being tic lower than the bulk of
vntcrday'e offering sold, and easily $2.00
toner thsn the blxli time.
'juotattons on sheep and lamba! Lambs,
horn, $14.31911.00; .aprlng lambs. $16,069
, i.oo: spring lamosl cuiia. bi4.qossib.oo
yearlings, shorn, $12.90914 00; wethers.
shorn, 911.;8s12.10: awes, shorn, $10,109
i..uv; ewes, cuiia, snoril, fl.vvwio.vv.
Representative sales;
no. Ave.
H3 Csl.-sprlng lamba 67
111 Cal. spring Ism he 41
45 fer clipped eweg ,;..H3
fed ewes ., ., 93
Cal. feeder lambs 93
It 38
It 10
1$ 90
II tl
St. Louis lira Slaak Market.
Louts, May 90. -battle tteaelpts.
,000 head; market slow; aatlea beaf steers.
s. 10913.00; yesrllng steer and belters.
Il.50 911.09: cowe. I1.9191t.ltl stooksrs and
feeders. $6.00 9 10.99: prtsse souths beer
steers, -beef geese ant belters,
9i.2sefs.oe; prime yearling steers and belt'
: ore. $7.109 10.00: satire oalvea. It. 00014.60.
Hogs Reootpia, 19,009 head; market
- "toe -y,. light, 81191916 40; piss. 910.00
14.35; mixed and balshsra,
"rood heavy. Ill 71911.10; bulk at aalea.
lii,.zetrie.7B. . .
- Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,099 bead;'
market Uwer; spring lambs, $11.9091$.36;
, lipped owes, tt.lOtjtH.7S; cllpsed lambs,
311.90011.1: aannsrs, tl.0098.L 1
... - n 11
Chicago Lira Stock Market. '
Chicago, May $0. Cattle Beeelptg, 11,090
head ; market -ateady! -ealvws Stes4y ta tic
looer: native beef, $9.30911.79: stackers
and feedara, $7.11910 :1; cowa and kelfera,
$(1.35911.10; calves. $9.10913-19.
Hoge Jteoelple, 19,909 . head; market
.;weok. 104tl5c higher: bulk of aalea. $16,259
15.71; light. $14.60Sli.68: rolled, lll.lOtt
13.80; heavy, $15.01911.99; rough, 915.069
1139: plga, $10.35914.11.
Shp and .Lambs Recelpta, 19.99 head:
' market weak: sheea. wethers, i1 9. 76 011,69:
wee. $9.7I13.76: lambs, lll.&091illi
spring lambs, HJ.OOIJll.:. . -r,
Kansas City Ure Btock Market.
' Kanaaa City. May 30. Cattle Receipts,
7,000 head; market strong; prime fed steers,
tl3.o0Cyll.40; dreeaed beef steers, tlO.OQQ
13.11: weetern ateera, 11 00"11.40 cows,
H. 7SJ11.00: heifers, J1.5O.3.10 gtockere
and feeders, ls.00OI0.71: holla, I7.7HJ
10.00; calves, 17.00013 31.
Hoga Recelpte. l.loo h-ad; market
higher; bulk of aalea. 111.0018.7I: heavy,
ltl.404pla.71: packers and butchers, $11.30
flf,64; light. 114.10911.10; Plga, 110.30
Sheep and Lambs Recelpte, K.000 head:
market lower; lamba. 114.ooapll.00: year
linga. IK 00IE.00; wethers, I11.S0O14.10;
ewes, I11.0O4114.0O.
Omaha Hay Market.
Hay Recelpte continue ateady and de
mand fatr; market la quiet and draggy,
which baa caueed prlcea to go lower on all
gradea of prairie hey.
Choice upland prairie, $20.0021.00; No.
I. 11O.OO03O.OO; No. 2, 111. 00O16.00; No. 1.
11.00011. 00. No. 1 midland. $1.00$20.;0:
No. 2.' ttl.o0Qll.OO. No. 1 lowland, 113.00
914.00; NO. t, 11.00 9 10.00; No. 2. 17.009
7 SO.
Choice Alfalfa I24.0OB21.O0; No., 1.
923.00024:09. Standard, 320.00ft31.00; No.
2, 117. 00911. M, No. 1, $13.00914.00.
Straw Oati $1.00 01. 10; wheat, 17.000
Sioux City U Stock Market. .
'Sleu lty, May 10. Cattle Recelpte,
3,1.00 head; market, klllere ateady; etockere
ateady; beef eteera. IO.OCrT13.00: fat cowa
and helfrra, IB.&Off 11.26; etockere and feed,
ore. $1.0099.10; feeding cowa and heifers,
Ifblja - Recelpte, $.000 head; mgrket
ateady; light, $l4.90ltl$; mixed, $11,110
15.40: heavy. $15.40O16'.$0; bulk ot aalea,
$11. 10O1140.
Sheep and Lamba Recelpta, 100 bead;
market 2&0 lower. No quotations, f
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., May 30. Cattle Re
oelpta, 1,100 head; market ateady to 10c
lower; ateera, $9.10018.25; cowa and helf
ore, $1.00012.31; calvee, $9.00913.21.
Hoga Recelpta, 1,100 head: market
atrong to lo higher; top, $11.8$; bulk of
aalea, $H.1091t.0.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 1,000 head:
market lower; lamba, flo.OO01l.OC; ewea,
. Turpentine and Boaln Market.
Savannah. May 20. Turpentine Firm:
4H4c; aalea. 212 bble.: recelpta. 435 bbla.;
ahlpmenta, 11 bblB.; Block, 11,402 bbla.
RoHaln Firm: sales. 1,212 bbla.; recelpta,
50 bbla.; ahlpmenta, 1.133 bbla.; atock.
04.111 bbla. Quote: AB, 15 70; CD, $1.75;
BP, $5.10; UHIK, $1.90; MN, $0.10: WO,
16.11; WW, $0.30.
'' Cotton Market.
Liverpool, May 20. Cotton Spot nulet;
good middling, 14.49d; middling. 14.3ld:
low middling, 14d; bulk of aalea, 6,000
Kggs Prerh, par caee, $9.40.
Butter Freeh, per lb., 23 4c.
Poultry Live: Broilera, 134920 per lb,
90o each: hens. ltVjo; stags, under i lbs, 14o
each; old cocks snd heavy stags, 12o; tur
keys, rat, 220; turkeys, old toms, zoo.
FRUITS Or .nges, 288s, 131s, 83.25 box;
26a, 150s, 176s, 200s, $4.90 box; 100s, 216s.
360s, $3.7$ box. Lemona, fancy, 360a. 300s,
16.59 box:' choice, 390s, 360s. 95,00 box.
Grapefruit. 16s, $4.10 box; 48s, $4.75 box: 4s.
$5.21 box; 64s, 80s, 96s, 11.70 box. Pine
apples, Cuban, $8.10 crate. Cherries, Call-
lornlans, sz.ia oox. jsananaa, 40 in.
Vavetablea Potatoea, old, $3.10 bu.; new,
$Ho lb. Cabbage, crate lots, 60 lb. As
paragus, 6O0 doxen. Lettuce, head, $3.6(1
orate; dozen, 90o doxen. Cukea, extra fancy,
$1.31 dosen; fancy. $1.09 doseo. Tomatoes.
baakets, 93.71 crate; oholoe, $8.31 orate.
Onlona, Bermudas, $2.3$ crate; wax, $2.10
orate. .
Honey, 93.2S ease.
Pish Fresh halibut. Ho lb.! fresh cat-
flsh, 100 lb.; black cod aablo flsh, lltto lb.;
frssh salmon. 16910o lb. t freah trout, No.
17o lb.: freah whlteflsh. 20a lb.: fresh
yellow pike, 18o lb.; fresh pickerel, 120 lb,:
rresn nernng, dressed, 110 id.; rresn wnite
perch, lOo lb.; fresh buffalo, dressed, 13o
fresh ling cod. 1OH0 lb.: freah spanlah
mackerel, 16e,)b.; freah red Bnapper, weet
ern, Ho lb.: gulf, 180 lb,; freah carp, dreeaed.
10 10,1 ireen roe ansa, 70a eacn iresn spilt
shad, 40o each; frossn cattish, 160 lb.;
frosan baracuda. 14c lb.; frosen bluefleh, 14c
:b,i frosen blsck baas, llo lb.: rrosen tlletleh.
for Bteaks, 13o lb.; frosen whlteflsh. round,
llo I0.1 kippered salmon, 10-lb. baskets, lb.,
msrksti kippered cod or graynsh, 10-lb.
baskets, market.
Wholesals prices or Beef cuts Ribs: NO.
13o: No. 1. 23c: No. 8. 17c. Loins: No. 1.
37Ho; No. 3, !c; No. 3, 20Hu. Chucks:
No. 1. 16c; No. 1. 16c. No. 1. 11c. Rounds:
No. . 10c; No. t, llftc; No. 1, 17 Ho.
Plate.: No. 1, llttc: No. 3. ItKc: No. I. llo.
Delteacles Frogs; Jumbo, dos $8.60;
large, doe., $3.10; medium, dos., $1.7$.
Shrimp: Peeled, gal.. $3.90: heedless. $1.31:
crab meat. lumn. gar. $3,811 shad roe. pslr.
loo: turtle msat, iuc; lobsters, green, 820;
bo! ed. sic.
Celery Largs green top. Flortde, elegant
atock, dos,, $1.99; crates, containing a or 4
dog., per crate. 12. bo.
London Stock Market. .
London. May SO. American securlti
were dull and uninteresting on the stock
agehange today.
Bilver bar. 3ld per ounet.
Money 494Vi per cent. Discount rates,
short bills, 411-1S per cent; three-month
DIMS, 4 74 per cent.
new TorK
Close. Equivalent.
Consols for money....
Brttleh. 9 per oent loan..... 94'4
British 4Vj per cent loan... tiv
Atchlaon 107 ti
Baltimors ft Ohio 78
Canadian Pacific 174
Cheeapeake ft Ohio 63 ti
Chicago Great Western..,.. 12
. 't
St. Paul 79 i
Denver ft Rio Orando....... 94
Erla 29 j
Erie let pfd 40 1,
Orand Trunk 9
Illinois Central 107 )i
Louisville ft Nashville 124
39 li
137 '4
Missouri, Kansss ft Tsxss.. 4ta
New Tork Central 16t
Pennsylvania 68
Reading lun
Southern Railway 29tl
Southern Parlflo a...... . 99 is
union Faoino ...-mier-'
United States Steel ISltt
Anaconda (110 ehare) 1(1,
Impounded Millions to
Be Put Into Liberty Bonds
C, r.,n,!A Yfa'v Id ( rtr tl, -i
7,000,000 impounded in Tocal banks
pending federal court decisions win
be converted into Liberty loan bonds
under orders received here today from
the Department of Justice at Wash
ington. H. M. Payne, receiver in the num
erous oil suits brought by the gov
ernment against companies operating
in California, holds $5,000,000 of this
amount.' The United States as plain
tiff has filed its consent to the using
of the money for the purchase of
bonds. Several companies have con
sented and the others are expected to
The balance $2,300,000 Is held in the
suit of the city of San Francisco
against the Spring Vajley Water com
pany, , .
Berlin, Wis., May Change
; Its Name to Mascoutin
Berlin, Wis., May 30. Citizens of
this city are seriously considering
changing the name of the place on
account of its namesake across the
ocean. While there are literally doz
ens of cities in the United States bear
ing the same name, this is the first, so
iar as known, where the agitation to
change the name has assumed definite
shape. A campaign has been launched
by local paper to shape sentiment
tor a cnange. the Indian name, Mas
coutin. is said to be favorably cousitl
ered by many citizens, this being the
name of the tribe of Indians, who
nrst located the town site.
Navy Dirigible Balloon
Make Trip of 400 Miles
Washington, May 30. The first of
the dirigible balloons being built for
the navy, much after the pattern of
the British "Blimps," made an en
tirely successful flight yesterday from
Ihicago to Akron, U. Leaving Lhi
catro at noon it landed without mis
hap at Akron about 5 o'clock in the
afternoon, making an airline distance
ot atjout 400 miles. , -
New Process for Drying Fruits
And Vegetables
Lbcoln, May 30. At a "strategy
council" of instructors who will teach
canning in train'iig schools to be held
in many parts of the-state this sum
mer, Prof. C. VV. Pugstey, director of
the extension service of the collesre
of agriculture, explained in detail the
new process ot drying iruits and veg
etables recently worked out by the
United States Department of Agri
This means ot preserving perisha
ble food for winter use, which is de
scribed as surprisingly simple and
surprisingly effective, is expected to
take an important place in the aver
age housewife's operations this sum
mer. It is thought that it may re
place, to some extent at least, the
usual method of canning. At the
conference, he was able to show
"dryer" in actual operation.
Though the outfit had been in op
eration but three hours when the con
ference began, beets, rhubarb, spin
ach, asparagus and other garden
products had given up a large part ot
tpeir moisture. The equipment used
in this trial consisted of .six trays
(three feet long, twelve to eighteen
inches wide, and two .to three inches
deep), and an ordinary electric fan.
The trays are fitted with wire screen
bottoms and one wire screened end.
The other end is open.' The trays
are placed in stacks (after fruits or
vegetables . have been sliced and
strewn in the bottom of the trays)
and an electric fan placed at the end
of the pile of trays so that a stream
of air plays over the fruit. Dr. Gore,
the discoverer ot tiie process, declares
that he has not found a vegetable or
fruit that would not give up at least
90 tier cent of its moisture within
twenty-four hours when subjected to
this process.
Methods ot drying previously m
New Live Stock Commission
Firm Cannot Become Mem
ber of Exchange Because
of New Rules.
The Farmer's Union Live Stock
Commission company is the name of
a new concern just organized, which
Ifas leased the Woolstein building,
Twenty-sixth and O streets. C. H.
Gustafson of Mead, Neb., is president:
J. M. Burdick of Creighton, vice presi
dent, and u. K. fcllls ot Umaha, secretary-treasurer.
Because of conflict
ing rules the new firm cannot become
a member of the Live Stock exchange.
The Farmer's union has a member
ship of about 40,000 in Nebraska.
Health Officer Injured.
Henry Schmelinsr, 5033 South
Twenty-fourth street. South- Side
health orlicer, suffered several frac
tured ribs when he was struck by a
bicycle ridden by a boy, as he alighted
from a street car. He was taken to
his home.
Open Claim Bureau.
The South Omaha Live Stock ex
change will open a claim bureau in
the office of A. F. Stryker, traffic man
ager of the exchange, June 1.
Through this bureau shippers will be
able to have their . claims against
transforation companies handled by
experienced men. Like bureaus have
been in existence in several other
markets for a number of vears and
have proven satisfactory, Dotn to the
shippers and to the railroad com
Operetta Well Received.
An ODeretta. "The Wild Rose." as
presented by the girls' chorus of the
South High school, was well received
by an audience that filled the high
school auditorium luesday evening.
There were about sixty voices in the
chorus and every member in the east
acquitted himself with credit, show
ing the careful training they had been
?iven by the musical director, Miss
uliette McCune. The next high
school event is the senior, class play,
"The Thread of Destiny," to be pre
sented at the South High school au
ditorium June U.
Magle City Gossip.
For Hent Stores, houses, cottagea and
The Lsdles' auxiliary ot the Ancient Or
der of Hlberlans will be sntertatned Thurs
day svsnlng at the home of Miss Mamie
Powers, 3030 q strset.
L. Qlasberg side-swiped a street car as
he waa driving north on Twenty-fifth and
O atreeta title morning and loat a front
wheel from hla oar, but no one was injured
III ths aooideut.
Dorothy Howard, giving her address as
2619 N street, and occupation waltreea, was
picked up by Officer Herdslna at Twenty
third and N streets. When found by the
police she wss wandering around the street
and seemed to bo confuBed In directions.
FIRE INSURANCE, choice ot 13 lsadhur
compantes: prompt service, lowest rates.
Miss Lenors Ulrlch In her lateat dramatic
triumph, entitled "Her Own People," and
Fatty Arbuckls la hla lateat comedy, "A
ReSkleaa Romeo," ara the big pictures for
the Besse todsy. Your children will onjoy
Fatty Arbuckls, and so will you.
Hustis, Who Worked Here,
' To France With Engineers'
J. H. Hustis, who spent two yean
in the Omaha offices of the North
western railroad, working directly
under General Manager Walters, has
enlisted in one of the Massachusetts
regiments Snd has gone to France
with the unit of United States en
gineers, sent there to put the railroads
in physical condition.
Mr. Hustis is a son of the president
of the Boston & Maine railroad com
pany. By his father he was sent here
to get practical ideas relative to op
eration of western railroads.
Republican L Succeed
Congressman Sulloway
Manchester, N. H, May 30. Sher
man E, Burroughs, republican candi
date tor congress trom the first New
Hampshire district to succeed the
late Congressman Cvrus A. Sullowav.
republican, was elected yesterday over
Jfatrick it Sullivan, the democratic
candidate, according to unofficial re
turns, - "-
Sousa to Organize Bands ;
At Naval Traininq School
Chicago. May 30. John Phillip
sousa arrived here today to take up
the task of organizing the musical
talent bf the naval training school.
Bee Want-Ads Produce Results,
Found by Experts
use result in loss of flavor or in the
deterioration of the product, accord
ing to Dr. Gore," said Prof. Pugsley.
"A long process of drying without
heat permits chemical changes which
lower the .nutritive value of the
product and' cause an injury to the
flavor. Application of heat 16 hasten
drying also causes chemical changes
of a similar character and a loss of
flavor. The process discovered by
Dr. Gore is said to be a happy medium
in that it retains flavor and causes
no deterioration of the product. Prac
tically all fruits or vegetables may be
successfully dried by ' this method.
Even the color may be preserved by
dipping in a salt solution. "
"Such vegetables, when dried and
re-hydrated properly, cannot be dis
tinguished from the fresh product, ac
cording to Dr. Gore. However, they
must be 6oakeJ for at least two hours
to allow them to take up as much
moisture as was removed. Then they
may be cooked the -same raa -fresh
"The cost of drying is surprisingly
inexpensive, according to statements
of Dr. Gore. The trays are relatively
inexpensive, and electric current is
said to cost about 5 cents per twenty
four hours for the operation of an
ordinary electric fan. However, we
are verifying alt calculations as to the
cost. Further tests on the drying
process will also be made."
Experts Now Here.
Miss A. E. Davidson and Miss
Maud Wilson of the Extension de
partment of the State university are
in Omaha in consultation with Mr.
Schreiber and Mrs. Ohaus at the of
fice of the Public Welfare Board with
the object of securing the co-operation
of that board in introducing the
new preserving processes to the peo
ple of Omaha for the economical
handling of fruits and vegetables.
State Fire Commissioner Joins
Warden Morris in Search
for Evidence of Fire
bug's Work.
State Fire Commissioner W. S.
Ridgell arrived in Omaha Tuesday
to conduct an investigation of the
cause of the $200,000 Maney Milling
company fire which occurred Sunday.
After pulling in a strenuous uay tuc
commissioner summoned Deputy H.
Requarette from Lincoln to continue
the work and returned to the capital.
Before leaving Commissioner Ridgell'
said :
The duties of the State Fire coin-
mission are to thoroughly investigate
all fires of which the origin is at all
mvsterious and where there is any
likelihood of the blaze being the work
of incendiaries. Business called me
out of the city, but my deputy, H. F.
Requarette, will carry in the investi
gation. "In fires of this nature and in a city
the size of Omaha, especially, a thor
ough investigation cannot be carried
out in one or two days. We will let
you know if anything develops."
Asked if he had discovered evidence
of firebugs' work Mr. Ridgell said:
"Nothing to say until I am in a po
sition to give you facts. I have not
told any newspaper or individual what
my opinions are regarding this fire."
Morris Will Prosecute.
Fire Warden Morris said:
"We are doing all in our power
to learn the cause of this fire. Recent
fires in mills and elevators in South
Dakota and Iowa, which we learn
were unquestionably of incendiary
origin, will cause us to leave no stone
unturned, there is a possibility that
the Maney fire was of that origin, but
I have no evidence that such was the
"Stories told by the men who were
on the scene when the fire started
agree and unless, Mr. Ridgell is able
to obtain evidence that I was unable
to get, I do not believe we will ever
know the real cause. We have re
cently had two or three fires of mvs
terious origin and we will give $100
reward to any person who can furnish
a clue to the miscreant, if the elevator
was intentionally tired.
"In case I can learn anything fur
ther I- will inform the public imme
diately. I believe it is the patriotic
duty of every person to be on the out
look for anything that may endanger
our tooa supply. .
Timothy C. Manning, superintend
ent of the Nye-Schneider-Fowler
Oram company s elevator in Umaha,
says a fire such as destroyed the
Maney elevator might smoulder for a
long time unnoticed in an airtight
space in the dust that accumulates,
being started from a spark either from
electrical wires or from a defective
bearing. When air conditions changed
it might suddenly burst into flames.
Takes Witness Stand to
Testify He Is Not Dead
Greeley, Colo., May 30. The
sight of a woman testifying in court
that her ex-husband is dead and
then of a man, saying he was the ex.
husband appearing on the stand to
controvert this testimony, was fur
nished in district court here today
in the divorce suit brought by Mrs.
R T Collins against R. T. Collins,
proprietor of a local hotel, asking
J 16.000 alimony.
Mrs, Collins testified her first hus
band, Samuel E.J Baker, died at
Snyder, Tex., and she paid his fu
neral expenses. She said she saw
him die, in June, 1913.
Then the defense called Samuel
E. Baker, formerly of Greeley and
now of Cleveland, On to deny that
he died in 1913. Baker complained
to the judge about a loss of pay
from his regular employment just
to prove he was alive. Mrs. Collins
swore the Cleveland Baker is not
the Baker she knew as husband.
Minnesota's Lakes and Woods
four Nearest Vacation land
Bright, sunshiny days, cool nights,
10,000 lakes to choose from.' Ideal
places to - rest and rusticate, and to
fish tramp, camp and canoe. Good
hotels and boarding houses board
and room $10.00 per week upward.
Low fares via the Chicago Great
Western. Call or write for free fold
ers and let us help you find a desir
able place. P. P. Bonordern, C, P. &
T. A.; C. G. W. R. R., 1522 Farnanx
Street, Omaha,
Speakers Dwell on Part United
States Must Take in War
,i for Principles of Liberty
and Democracy.
Memorial flag day exercises were
held at Creighton university yester
day afternoon. About 600 people,
half of them students, attended.
Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners
Parks and Butler occupied seats on
the platform. Rev. F. X. McMenamy,
James Martin and Frank S. Howell
were the principal speakers.
"The issue in this war is not cloud
ed. Th business now in hand (S to
save democracy and make the world
safe. Conscription is the only way V
perform efficiently our duty. There
are no neutralsi There are just two
classes of people patriots and trait
ors," said Mr. Howell.
No Glory in War.
I see no clorv in war. but I do see
glory in deeds done by men forced
' .k.:. ...:n T . .
llliu Wal aSJdlUSb ,,. ui"
not debate, but accent the conditions
in the conflict, the United States
miKt naralvze the nowcr of the Ger
man autocracy, so heroically checked
by Belgium. We are our brother's
! Benedict McConnville. student, re
cited "The Star Spangled Banner."
Music was furnished by George
Green's ' band. Professor Boch, di
rector of the Creighton Glee club, led
the singing by the audience ot pa
triotic songs.
Kev. fcather McMenamy, president
of the college, said: "Our motive is to
assure a just and lasting peace. If we
hold this view, we will not have the
spirit of hatred, of retaliation, of ar
rogance, we must De aDove sucn
spirit. We must not stoop to hideous
Two Men Killed
In Strike Riot at
Jerome, Arizona
Tcrome. Ariz.. May 30. An investi
gation was begun here today Dy tne
authorities of the killing last night
of two men and the wounding of two
others, one probably fatally, all em
Dloves of the United Verde mine, one
of the mines affected by the strike
by the Union Copper miners called
last Ihursday nignt.
Jim Evans, a guard, and Generao
Mayogotia, Italian, employed in the
United Verde shops, were killed; W,
N. Terry, a guard, was dangerously
wounded and Horace Garrison, a
watchman, was shot through the leg.
The men with forty or fifty other
mine employes had rushed out of the
mine in response to a tire alarm from
the United Verde and Pacific railway
station. They were running along a
narrow path when they were met with
a fusilade of sjiots.
The fire, which totally destroyed the
depot, was incendiary, according to
Fci :a t 17 v..-
JlICl in J. 1'. xuuug.
Demands of Union Men
Hinder Naval Building
' Washington, May 30. Union labor
demand for the payment of double
time for every hour of work beyond
the usual eight-hour day is furnish
ing a troublesome problem for tli?
Navy department in its efforts ta
speed up the naval construction.
When the union officials opposed to
lengthened days with time and a half
for the extra hours, the department
officials planned to keep work in pro
gress at high speed by putting on
two or even three shifts of men in
the emergency branches. They were
informed, however, that every addi
tional and independent shift after the
first force must be paid double time;
The officials now are seeking some
solution for the problem that will not
enormously increase the government's
expense in turning out the warships
for which there is imperative and im
mediate need.
Enlarging Trade Are
by means of the
GMC Truck
is fast becoming the accept
ed method of innumerable
small city tradesmen for in
creasing weekly sales.
The greatest advantage in the use of the -ton GMC
Truck by merchants in the smaller cities is not the sav
ing of cost in hauling 100 pounds or a ton of merchan
dise, but in the ability to accomplish mere work in a
given time in the added territory that can be covered.
Those who have adopted the -ton GMC have found
they could deliver goods into the country and neigh
boring towns, thereby securing trade that was impos
sible to get under the old delivery system
This modern method of extending the selling field
holds forth untold possibilities for the merchant who
is quick to see its opportunities and provide himself
with a truck which has demonstrated its fitness for
this service as has the 8-ton GMC.
V :,-!:-"Put It Up to Us to SHOW YOU"
- , - I
Nebraska Bui6k Auto Co.
Lee Huff, Mgr.
Superintendent of Police Says
He Will Co-Operate in Inves
tigation of the Charges
Against Officers,
Superintendent Kugel of the police
department reiterates his statement
that he is willing to have his branch
of the city government investigated
o the fullest extent, and if the com
missioners decide to extend the
charges against Captain Maloney and
Detective Sutton, he will co-operate.
"I believe there is need of co-ordination
of the branches of the police
department," said one of the commis
sioners. "This system of one group
of men reporting to one head and
.mother group responsible to another
head does not conduce to the best dis
cipline." Kugel's plan is to abolish the office
of chief of the detective department.
He cannot do it alone, because the
city council created the office and ap
pointed Stephen Maloney and any
change must go through the same
Investigate Whole Department. .
"If Kugel and Chief Dunn believe
it best to place the detective depart-
Iment directly under the chief, I will
support them in such, a plan, said
Mayor Dahlman.
Chief Dunn said he could handle the
whole department if called upon to
do so.'
Under the system of the police de
partment Captain Maloney maintains'
his orhce at the police station and his
detectives report there. He is not seen
in the city hall more than a few
times a year. The chief has his office
in the city halL
Whether the charges filed by the
chief against Maloney and Sutton
and set by the council for hearing
June 12, or later, will be extended to
an investigation of the whole police
department, is as yet undecided. Some
of the commissioners are of the
opinion that there has been so much
tir that an investigation would clear
the atmosphere and restore affairs to
Commissioner Kugel says he is
sleeping well these nights, after his
long absence, and is wearing his
wonted smile.
It's making
Can be sold without a V. S. fOTernraent license or with
out conflicting with the prohibition hwi of any state.
Wherever Wholesome and Refreshing Drinlu Are Served.
STORZ BEVERAGE & ICE CO., Orrmha, Nebraska.
E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr.
& CO:, Distributors, Omaha and Council
Independent and Bell
Telephone Companies
Form a National System
Independent telephone com
panies operate exclusirely la
three-fourths of the towns
and cities tn the UnltedStates
having telephone exchanges.
The other one-fourth of the
towns in this country having
telephone exchanges are serv
ed by telephone companies
comprising the Bell System,
There is competition be
tween Independent and Bell
telephone companies lq a
small percentage of the towns
in the United States.
The long distance lines ot
the Bell System connect with
the exchanges and long dis
tance lines oC most of the
Independent Companies, thus
forming a universal telephone
service throughout the nation.
a great hit
Practically Every
Line of Business
is now using the
GMC Truck
Department Stores
Hardware Stores
Furniture Stores
Market Gardeners
General StoreSk.
Dairy Farmer, Etc.
Let us send you
and figures on
performance in
particular line.
Sioux City
S. C. Douglas, Mgr.