The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Showers ZSSSSJSSSX. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VOL. XLVI. NO. 297. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1917. TEN PAGES. W 1 OMAHA PAYS TRIBUTE TO HEROES WHO DIED PEOPLE MEET TO MOURN THE DEAD OF WAR Memorial Day Exercises Bring Together Veterans of Two Wars, Who Hold Impres sive Services. Exercises at the Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, held under the . ' joint auspices oT the Grand Army of the Republic, the United Spanish War Veterans, Sons of Veterans and their auxiliaries marked a fitting close for Memorial day. While several thousand people were at the Auditorium, the weather cut the attendance. Rain that set in earlier in the day, contifTucd to fall and the scheduled parade was abandoned. The interior uf the Auditorium was profusely decorated with flags and rri-colored hunting, while to the rear of the speakers' platform, hung an immense portrait of Lincoln. The seating plan was perfect, the members of the Grand Army Posts occupying A the front center section, the Spanish nar veterans ami the Sons of Yel- kJ erans a large section to the right, Jf with the members of the auxiliaries in f the sections between. Flag Cheered to Echo. While the Auditorium exercises were solemn and impressive, they were patriotic in the extreme. Every reference to the Stars and Stripes and'tvery reference to United States soldiers, living, or dead, was cheered to the echo. August Lockner, chairman of the memorial committee and past com mander of George A. Custer post, No. 7. presided and in calling the meeting to order, clearly explained the signi ficance, purposes and objects of Me morial day. The introductory num ber was a violin solo, with Will Heth eriugton leading. The invocation was by Rev. G. A. Mulbcrt, pastor of St Mary's Avenue Congregational i cnorcn, ayWtltfril i mm iLt liproyfamp, )' SpanislyAmerican War Veterans, i gave a number of selections and when the members .had concluded,. Grand Army men and others,, including the ..,..- r,adv tr, rnlist. eiltllUSl- asm having been worked up to that extent. Read Logan's Order. General Logan's Order, No. 11, set ting aside May 30 of each year and designating it as Memorial day was read bv Earl W. Lowe. This order bears date of 1868. Following this, Mrs. R. L. Flanagan, a soloist of the North Presbyterian church, sang, "O, Drv Those Tears" in a manner that V elicited rounds of applause. The roll of the local soldier and sailor dead, those who have passed awav since last Memorial day was read' by Major R. S. Wilcox. The list contained the names of twenty Grand Army men, two of the men who served during the Spanish-American I war and two Sons oi Veterans. Fol- I lowing the reading of the list, Ser- i geant Mapcs sounded "taps," after ! which Miss Eleanor liolling sang 'Tn God's Acre" most charmingly. : Gettysburg Speech Read. Lincoln's Geltsburg speech was read by Ray J. Abbott and then the. Grand Army quaret, made up of E. W. Johnson, D. M. Haverly, W. H. Russell and -R. M. Stalry sansr some of the old war songs of the 60s, fin-, ishing with, "We Arc Tenting lo night on the Old Camp Ground. 1 The address of the day was by Rev. John F. Poucher, pastor, of Trinity 'Methodist church, adjutant of the Fourth Nebraska and one of the "Omaha men who saw service on the Mexican border. He said in part: Past and Present. The orator of the day was Revn lohn . roucner, pastor or 'Methodist church and adjutant of the Fourth Nebraska National Guard. He extolled the "boys in blue" and also those who are now flocking to the colors. He said m part: . "A National Guardsman and a civil fc war veteran wejc viewing a specta- cular reproduction of the battle of ! i".tiu5hnrff at a moving picture theater. The young man saw the can nons, the old mau heard them. The (Continued on Iaa;o Thret, Column fr.) The Weather Tor Nebraska Showers; cooler. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deir. r. m a. m 7 a. m a a. in fl r. m 10 n. m 11 a. m 61 55 12 noon 1 p. ni. .... 63 .....62 ! p. m. 1 p. m .... 61 4 p. in 6 p. m S3 p. 7 p. m 62 Comparotlv. Local Booord. 1917, 19K. 1I1S. 1114. Hlrneit,.. St - 2 7 It Lowest yeatarday. . . . m &n C7 Mean temperature.... till 73 SS Precipitation ., bX .00 ,flt -.00 Temperature and precipitation departure rrom ine normal Normal temperature 67 uerincnry for tho day Total dericlem-y since March 1 Ha Normal precipitation IS Inch Kxceaa for the day...... 32 Inch Total precipitation alnce March 1.. 9.16 Itx-liea Excee Blnco Marrh 1 44 Inch Deflrtency for cor. period In 191. 3.1 Inches vcnciency or cor. period in 1916. .19 Inch Vienna Main Point Of Italian Objective Washington, May 30. The Ital. ian mission visited Annapolis to- 1 day and later returned to Washing ton. Recent military events in Italy are being followed with the most tense interest by members of the mission, who say that the fall of Trieste now is inevitable. Trieste, however, is viewed as a side issue to the main offensive. which is now directed toward open ing up the road to Leibach, which in turn opens the road to Vienna. Sharp mountains stand before the Italian advance and it is esti mated it will cost 00,000 men to pass them. General Cadorna, it is thought, seeking to avoid this loss by going around, OMAHA MEN GO TO CHADRON TO ATTEND HEARING Those Accused of Attempt at Blackmail to Have Their Preliminary There , This Morning. Stephen Maluncy, Harvey J. Wolf, Philip Winckler, William S. Dolan and Gust A. Tylec Jcft at 4:30 p. m. for Chadron, to appear in the Dawes county court this morning, at a pre liminary hearing on charges of con spiracy to blackmail. Charles VV. ripkin, the other Omaha man in the case, went Tues day afternoon. The Chadron men ited in the complaint sworn to bv County Attorney Crites are: Allen G. r-ishcr; Louis M. Mote and Charles J. Day. Michael Harrington of this city will represent Fisher and II. C. Brome is on the scene in behalf of the prose cution. Ben. S. Baker will go as coun sel for the other defendants. Will Not Waive Hearing. The hearing is on the docket for 9 a. m. Thursday, before County Judge Slattery. The nine defendants will not .waive a preliminary' -heartnt?. wTiich will mean that the prosecution will be required to bring out evidence tliey claim to have against the alleged conspirators. Upon the strength of the evidence adduced at the prelimin ary hearing will depend whether the defendants will be bound over to the district court for trial. We are going to Chadron with every feeling of cbnfidence that the prosecution will be unable to make a case against us at the preliminary hearing. The case will be sharply contested even at this hearing. In fact, I might as well say that they have no case against the defendants," were the sanguinary words of Attorney Baker. Interest in Women in Case. Considerable interest centers upon Ellen Lowry (Mrs. Elsie Phelps), the Omaha detective who was sent to Chadron by the Omaha Detective as sociation, to win the confidence of Mrs. Robert Hood and assist in ob taining evidence for Robert Hood against his wife. Mrs. Phelps cstah-t iislieu nersclt m Lliadroit ostensibly as an Umalia wile who intended to make her residence in Dawes county for tire purpose of getting a divorce. That was part of her detective meth ods. Before she left Omaha on her Chadron mission she confided to De tective Paul Sutton the work she was about to do. Then followed the al leged efforts of enemies of the Omaha Detective association to "queer" their work in Chadron. Mrs. Phelps is said to have "given aid and comfort" to those who were against the detective association, in whose interests she wa' supposed to be working. It is generally understood that County Attorney Crites, who pre ferred the conspiracy charges, will depend on Mrs. Phelps and Detective Sutton for most of his ' evidence against the defendants. Crites claims that his meeting with Mrs. Hood in his office Iwo weeks ago was arranged with knowledge to himself and Mrs. Hood that there was frame-upfto get him in a compromising situation for blackmail purposes. He alleges in his complaint that the blackmail scheme included Mrs. Hood and her husband. A stoiv from Chadron is to the effect that when Detective Winckler was arrested on the evening of May 14 papers found in his pocket estab lished the relation of Stephen Mar loney with the operations of the Omaha Detective association. Mar vey J. Wolf and William S. Dolan of that association deny that Maloney i t .1.-:- i ; nau any connection wiin mcir uusr ness. In War Together. Fisher, one of the defendants, is at torney for Robert Hood. Mote was former chief of police under Fisher when he was mayor of Chadron. Fish er and Tylee were in the Spanish- American war together and it was (Continued on Poa-o Two, Column Three), Training Camp Men Must Register on Draft Day Washington, May 30. In order to clear up a misunderstanding regard ing registrations for the draft army, the War department today officially announced that all men now in train ing camps who are not either com missioned or have not .avijistcd must register on June 5. THAATIQN MIGHT LIVE r. IN Tints line! V Ths'sc we nr - hv. swnd "ToseTHtii, READY To VX iYmlNG- If HfclP ouB CPONTCSY 1" " 'WtaT-'THeN5WHV EwmT You, CUMB &OARD'9Nt Buy S.OMH OF.'-'THE. SLAV ARMY ASKS PEACE AT ONCE OR PLENTY OF GUNS Delegates From Front Vote Resolutions Demanding End ' ing of International Carnage. Pctrograd, May 30. (Via London) The congress of delegates from the front, after a debate on the war, has unanimously voted the following re solution: First, the army in the trenches de clares that it is indispensable to take every measure to put an end as possible to the international carnage and conclude peace without annexa tion or indemnities on the basis of the right of all nations to dispose of themselves, proclaiming at "the same time the watchword, "Whoever wish es for peace must be .prepared for war." Adverse Condition. Second, the army, pointing out that the Russian soldiers have been fighting hitherto under conditions in finitely worse than those of the allies, that the Russian soldier has 4iad to march almost unprotected against the enemy's bullets and break with bare arms the barbed wire entanglements which the allies and the enemy pass freely after artillery preparation, de clares that the Russian front must be provided with munitions and every thing necessary to maintain the prin ciple, "the most metal, the less gup fodder." In conclusion the eongreSs declares that the army appeals to all to whom free Russia-is dear to rally around the council of soldiers and working men's delegates and the provisional government and not to permit "ad venturers to let the army become manure for foreign fields." "Penny Subscription Flag" Dedicated by Kellom Pupils A large silk flag which had been purchased bv "a oennv subscription-' from each member of Kellom school and Kellom Social Settlement club was raised in the school yard Wed nesday morning. Fitting Memorial day exercises were held. Patriotic addresses were made by Father John Albert Williams, Isaac Rees and William Burton. Children of the school sang "America" and the "Star Spangled Banner" and recited Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. Scout Troop No. 29 gave an exhibition drill. Although it was raining at the time, the children stood with bared heads while Old Glory was being hoisted to the top of the school flag pole. Memorial services were in charge of Miss E. Rees, principal of the SCHOOL Hans Sulzer, New Swiss Minister, on Way to Capital Berne, May 30 (Via Paris) Hans Sulzer, who has been appointed Swiss minister to the United States, is leav ing for Washington, his appointment having been approved by the Ameri can government. Do You Know a Man Like . - MY (JREATfcST That I'M Too oyb To 3biN THE..4RMY jLr OH - NO only ce NT-' 0 i 4syoj MY Memorial Day Observed By People of France Paris,' May 30, Memorial day was appropriately observed in Paris and throughout France. Commit tees visited the cemeteries and dec orated the gravel of American sol diers. Ambassador Page decorted the tomb of Lafayette. MAJOR TELLS OF FORT SHELLING OFFICERS' CAMP Member of Omaha Bee Staff Gives Graphic Account of War Training; U. S. Has Big Job. Arthur H. Major, a former member of The Bee staff, who resigned to enter the United States army, tells graphically in this letter of what is transpiring in the officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, near St. Paul. Under tutelage of English and Ca nadian officers, many of whom were' n the bloody encounters in France, A.M. MAJORS the young men in camp are beginning to realize how serious the war is. This is what Mr. Major says on the sub ject: "The way it looks now I may not have to worry much longer over how to make a living. Civilians do not realize one-tenth of the gravity of the situation. Honest, friends, the old United States of America is in for a real job. "We have lectures from English and Canadian officers occasionally and believe me they sure chill the blood whert they tell of the action on the front especially the bayonet charges. The orders a company gets that is going in to a bayonet charge is 'For ward to kill or be killed' how's that. "There arc 600 carpenters building new barracks for recruits in Septem- (Continued on rage Tw, Column Four.) -- 'JMl This? - J : - THEY PAY $x fen I CrtN MAKE. 10 P.WT WITH MONEY FEWER BRITISH MERCHANT SHIPS SUNK BYSUBSEAS Losses From German Divers Appreciably Smaller, Due in Part to Better Weather in Recent Days. London, May 30. Eighteen British merchant vessels of more than 1,600 tons were sunk during the last week, it was officiary announced tonight. One vessel of less than 1,600 tons and two fishing vessels were sunk. The losses of British shipping from the submarine war as reported this week total twenty-one as compared with a total of thirty lost in the previous week. While the losses of vessels exceeding 1,600 tons each re main the same as in the last previous report, the number of vessels of less than 1,600 tons is reduced from nine to only one. The number of fishins vessels sunk is reduced from three to two. Summer weather and the long days favor warfare on the submarines and the admiralty is taking full advantage of these conditions. It is the belief of naval men that as long as these conditions prevail there islittle likeli hodd that the submarines will make any better showing than in past months. Thousands File Past Bier of Late G. W. Guthrie Pittsburgh, May 30. Memorial day took on a deeper meaning in Pitts burgh today as thousands filed past the bier upon which the body of the late George W. Guthrie, United States ambassador to Japan, lay in state in Memorial hall. Citizens of all ages and stations passed in continuous procession for nine hours. It was Pittsburgh's tribute to the man who once served as the city's mayor and who has been termed "the city's foremost citizen.'' The bodv arrived here yesterday after the 8.000-mile trip from Tokio, where Mr. Guthrie died in March. The casket, surrounded by a mili tary guard, rested upon a flag draped catafalque, about which were heaped many floral tributes, including wreaths from the Japanese emperor, the Japanese ambassador and high of ficials of the United States govern ment. Funeral services will be held to morrow, afternoon in Calvary Pro testant Episcopal church. Ship Is Torpedoed Just Outside Genoa Harbor New York, May 30. Officers of the former American steamship Virginia, who arrived atran American .port to day, brought word of the sinking of the British freight steamship Wash ington by a German submarine on May 3. The Washington was torpedoed, they asserted, only seven miles from Genoa, after the naval convoy had left the steamship believing it safe from attack. The explosion was heard by persons ashore, they declared. Kaiser' Talk on Arras Front Drowned Out by Noise of Aeroplanes Copenhagen (Via London), May 30. The correspondent of the Ber lin Tageblatt reports that Emperor William, during his recent visit to the Arras line, addressed delega tions from the troops fighting on the Aisne. He thanked them with evident emotion for their heroism in meeting French attacks and said -in part: . , "The decision lies near at hand. You will turn it in our favor as you hav on every previous occasion be cause you realise what you are fighting for tha futura of your children and grandchildren, the future of your beloved fatherland. "We will continue to fight until we secure a complete victory against those who have attacked us." According to the Tageblatt part of the emperor'a speech wa in audible on account of the noisa of airplanes specially watching over head to frustrate an enemy attack. AMERICA BORN TO SAVE MANKIND, - SAYS PRESIDENT Mr. Wilson, in Memorial Day Talk, Says Nation Will Show Its Principles Are Liv ing Principles. Washington, May 30,. President Wilson, speaking today at Memorial rierriars in Arlimrton cemeterv. de clared the time had come for action by this nation and that lie had no fear of the 'part America would play Ill UIC gicai nuim "In the prcuidence of God, be said, "America once more has an oppor tunity to slfow the world that it was born to serve mankind." The president declared that while no such dav as this would be with out sorrow, he looked rather with envv on those who served their coun try in the civil war, because their work for liberty is accomplished. ' - "Th nroffram has conferred an un merited dignity upon the remarks I am going to make by calling them an address, because I am not here to deliver an address." the president said. "I am here merely to show in my official capacity the sympathy of this great government with the ob ject of this occasion and also to speak just a word of the sentiment that is in my own heart. Great Task Before Nation. "Any Memorial day of this sort is, of course, a dav touched with sorrow ful memory and yet I for one do not see how we can have any thought of pity for the men whose memory we honor today. "I do not nitv them. I envy them. rather, because theirs is a great work for liberty accomplished, and we are in the midst of a work unfinished, testing our strength, where their atrrncth ias already been Vested "There is a touch of sorrow, but there is a touch of reassurance also in a day like this, because we know how the men of America have re sponded to the call of the cause of liberty and it fills our .mind with a perfect assurance thaf that response will come again m equau measure, with enttal maiestv and with a result which will hold the attention of all mankind. "When you reflect upon tt, these men who died to preserve the union, died to preserve the instrument which we are now using to serve the world a free nation espousing the cause of human Mberty. In one sense the great struggle into which we have now entered is an American struggle because it is in the sense of American honor and American rights, but it is something greater than that; it is a world struggle. New Struggle for Liberty. "It is a struggle of men, who love liberty everywhere and in this cause America will show itself greater than ever because it will rise to a greater thing. We have taid in the beginning that we planned tins great govern ment, that men who wish freedom might have a place of refuge and a place where their hope could be rea lized and now, having estamisncu such a government, having preserved such a government, having vindicated the power of such a government, we arc saying to all mankind, 'we did not set this government up in order that we might have a selfish and separate liberty, for we are now ready to come to your assistance and fight out upon the fields of the world the cause of human liberty'. In this thing America attains M full dignity and the full fruition of its great purpose. "No man ean be glad that such things have happened as we have witnessed in these last fateful years, (ContlnuMl on Paso Two, Column Ona.) Reward is Offered for Finding of G. A. Davies The chief of police is sending cir culars to various towns, offering a reward of $100 for information which will lead to the whereabouts of George A. Davies, who disappeared under strange circumstances last week. Mr. Davies' home is at 3519 North Nineteenth street. He operated the Tracy Transfer company. He has been away eight days. Members of his family, business and church have been unable to explain why he did not return to his office where he left his watch hanging over his desk. EXPECT HEW SMASH UPON BATTLE LINE Pause in Operations on All Major Fronts Gives Im pression Something Big Will Break Soon. (AuMtntoa From War Summary.) There has come such a pronounced pause in the major activities of the great war as to give the impression that nreoaration for a new phase in the development of the conflict may be in progress.' Only on the Austro-Italian front, where General Cadora is determinedly pusning nts campaign tui 4iicai;, ia any sustained offensive movement go ing on. The great battles which developed last month on the front in northern France have come to a halt Even counter attacks by the Germans have virtually ceased along the British front, while on the French front they have lessened in number and violence. The recent pronounced aerial activity also has subsided. Germans Expect Blow. When the next blow is to be de livered can only be surmised. Indica tions are multiplying that the Ger mans are looking for some new de velopment They have mentioned the Russo-Roumanian front as the place of expected attacks. The trend of the news from the entente side of that front, however, has not been such as to lead to the belief that an effective stroke could be delivered upon the Teutonic lines there at present. - End Near Says Kaiser. 1 Emperor William in addressing liis troops on the front in northern France,' recently exhorted them to stand fast in the decisive time he pictured "near at hand." Apparently thus a renewal of the Franco-British attack, possibly on a larger scale than ever, -it anticipated. , v,v " .,' ' .At for some time recentlytht fight ing on the western front Yesterday " and last. night was of local charac ter, London reports only trench raids, Paris announces the repulse of a Ger man attack on a narrow front near Mont Blond, in the Champagne, and an important raid by the French at the famous Hill 304, in the Verdun region: ; . i . . , Italians Continue to Gain. Rome, May 30. (Via London.) Further gains by the Italians on the Trieste front is announced in today's official statement. The Italian lines have been extended west oN Me deazza. i , . French Official Report. Paris, May 30. Violent artillery fighting occurred on the French front south of St. Quentin during the night, the war office announced this morn ing. A German attack on Mont Blond, Champagne, was repulsed. Britons Beat Back Raiders. London, May 30. "Hostile raiding, parties were repulsed last night in the neighborhood of Fontaine-Lez-Crois-illes and west of Lens," says the war1 office report today. "South of Neuve Chapelle our petrols entered the en emy s trenches and inflicted casual ties." Fusilade on Rust Front. Petrograd, May 30. (Via London, British Admiralty Per Wireless Press. "The usual fusilades oc curred on all- fronts," says today's war office report. "A Russian airplane dropped four bombs on an enemy position in the region of Stanislavoff. Five airplanes threw about forty bombs over Pod gaitze, no injury Resulting to us. Our aviators encountered the enemy. One of our airmen was killed."- Canadian Colors Placed At Altar of St. Paul's London, May 30. It was like an other American day at St. Paul's to day, when the colors of the American legion fu the Canadian contingents wffe placed beside the altar, to re main there until after the war. There were five flags, one from each bat talion the Ninety-seventh. Two Hundred and Eleventh, Two Hundred and Twelfth. Two Hundred and Thir teenth and Two Hundred and Thirty seventh. They were escorted to the cathedral by 500 Canadian soldiers. As the troops passed tin the central aisle the crowd which filled the edi fice sang "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord" and later "Onward, Christian Soldier.'' At the conclusion of the service "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sung, fol lowed by ' God Save the King." . The service was attended by Am bassador Page, Consul General Skin ner, high officers of the Canadian forces and physicians and nurses from the Red Cross units which have ar rived here most recently from St. Louis and Philadelphia. The large silk flag of the Ninety seventh . battalion has the place of honor, surrounded by smaller flags-of the other four" battalions. s. .,, i Memorial Exercises at , ' Each End of Panama Canal Panama,' May 30. Memorial day celebrations were held' at both ends of the Panama canal today with speeches by William G. Price, tha American minister to Panama, and Major Herbert White of th .United . States army, , .r -- ,