Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Boyt Excel in Military Training.
Complaint hat come to us that in
telling about all the sweet girl gradu
ates who have tome home we com
pletely neglected the young Omaha
men who have been studying hard all
year and now expect to return soon
for their summer rest. It is an inter
esting fact that a great many of these
boys are in miliary training schools
in various parts of the country and
have received honors for excellence in
military drill all during their courses.
Omaha has been quietly training its
boys to be soldiers all the time of
peace. '
Herbert Negle, Truman Redfield,
Harold Steere, John Howard Payne,
Hayden Ahmanson and Zeleth Skriv
er return about the middle of next
month from Boonville, Mo, where
they have been attending Kemper
Military school ihe last year.
Lawrenceville has a large number
I of Omaha Undents. Lewis Burgess,
son of- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess,
attended that school until he left a
few weeks ago to join the mosquito
fleet Richard Page, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter T. Page, is expected to
come to Omaha before he goes to join
the French ambulance. James Wy
man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Wyman, came home early this year
v because of trouble with hit eyes. He
is stopping it ths Blackstone. George
Coit, Edward Crofoot and Roderick
Crane are still in school and will not
be home until after commencement,
which takes place about June 18. The
close of school waa delayed as long
as possible because the opening was
postponed on account of infantile par
alysis. s ...
At St. Paul's school, Concord, N.
H are Floyd Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Smith, and Morse Palmer,
son of Mrs. George Palmer. The
. former will arrive in Omaha about
June 23, but the latter will not come
back to Omaha. Mrs, Palmer has let
her house and left last Saturday for
the east, where the will life for at
least three or four yeart. Her daugh
ter. Jean, accompanied her and next
, yeir will enter St Timothy's at Ca
tontville, Md, while her brother,
Morse, who graduates this year, wilt
enter Harvard.
The Omaha boyt wilt not be re-
- leased from tchool tt Exeter until
after the week of June 20. Donald
Hall,, Harknest Kountie, DeWolf
v Wadleigh Barton and Eugene Neville
' all attend that tchool. Eugene Ne
' ville pltnt to tpend at least a week m
the east after tchool it out and will
not be home untjl tfter July l.
i Boyt from Pnncipia tchool in St.
Louis wilt be at home a little earlier.
James Love it expected Saturday of
next week. .., j
Harold Streight, Richard Perry tnd
Paul and Melvin Bekint are also at
Principia tchool. Arthur Herring,
ton of Mr. and Mrt. C. E. Herring,
' came home several weeks ago and hat
gone to do his bit for our country on
farm near Pryor Lake, Minn.
Clarke Riley and Billy Byrne, jr.,
are the two boys left at Notre Dame
in Indiana. The former may take an
eastern trip before coming home.
Keith Cavert came home about two
weeks ago to go to the big ranch
which his father, J. A. .Cavers, bought
recently. t '
George W. Eggerss, ton of Mr. and
, Mrt. A. J. Eggerss, graduates this
year from Shattuck Military academy
v on June 13. His brother, Ernest, it
. a junior at the same tchool. Chin
ning Jordan it also at Shattuck and
- will reach home shortly.
William Degen, Cullen Root, Dieti
and Howard Nelson are Omaha boys
at Culver Military academy. The
school closet June 9 and all are plan
ning to come home together.
, Wedding Announcement . :
Mr. tnd Mrt. A. Harrit announce
: the marriage of their daughter, Ruth,
10 Mr. Albert Cohen of Inditnapolit,
Ind., Sunday evening, Rabbi Freder.
ick Cohn officiating. Mrt. H. Green,
baum of Topeka, Kan., titter of the
bridegroom, wat matron of honor.
Mr. Arthur Harrit, cousin of the
bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrt.
Cohen left thit morning for a year of
......I In ,t, t. After that time
they will be at home in Indianapolis.
Bsthrothtl Announced.
. , Mr. and Mrs. George Parker an
ounce the engagement of their
. daughter, Frances Maud, to Mr. Ted
' Heuck, the wedding to take place
trly in June.
v Carter Lake Club Affair.
,k Carter Lake Swimming and Bowl
ing club held its annual luncheon at
the Blackstone. 1 Election of officers
lor the coming year was held. Pres
entation of gifts to captains and offi
cers followed the banquet. The guests
were Mesdames W. H. Dorrance,
William Smith, F. Peterson and W.
McCann. .
focial Affairs Planned.
The Unitarian club will give its
last dance of the season at Turpin's
academy Friday evening for the bene
fit of the church building fund and
large attendance it expected. Card
tablet will be provided for those who
do not care to dance. Tickets are
SO cents for each person.
Local University of Chicago alumni
i are planning a picnic at Wayland Ma
gee's Summerhill farm on Saturday,
June 9, which is Alumni day, cele
brated at Chicago and by local groups
all over the country.
Luncheon for Visitors.
Miss Irene McKnight entertained
' the members of her Tuesday Bridge
club and a few a-uests at luncheon at
' the Blackstone in honor of Mrs. Mil-
ton Dureli, who leaves today for
her home in Minneapolis after a visit
with her sister, Miss Marie Riley, and
for Mrs. Harry Hebner of Lhicago,
who is the suest of Mr. and Mrs. H.
J, McCarthy. Covert were laid for
twenty. Killarney rotet formed the
centerpiece. The guests played bridge
liter luncneou.
Dancing Parry.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Browne gave
a dancing party at the club
Tuesday evening for Miss Sarah
Smeaton and her graduating class of
thirty-five youngsters at Saunders
achooL The guests included the
orincioil. Miss Mary Reed, Miss Mil'
dred Nunemaker, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Smeaton and Miss curies prowne.
Thimble Club Meets.
Mrs. J. W. Nicholson entertained
the members ot the i nimble club.
Guests outside the club were Met
dsmet C C 'Belden, Frank Hoag
land. Buckineton and Mitt Laura
Allen. American flags, tweet peat
1 1
r 5
s. '
tnd rotet were the decorationt. With
two exception! all members of the
club were present.
Notes of Interest'
Mrt. John L. Kennedy returned thit
morninar from her visit to Fort Snell-
ing. She reports that all the men art
working hard.
Miss Louise Esplin has gone to
Minneapolis to spend Memorial day
with triends.
. At the commencement of Rockford
college June 13, Sarah Seart of
Omaha will receive her degree and
Henrietta Medlar will receive, a fine
arts certificate. '
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Herring arc
movim out to Carter lake tomorrow
to spend the summer in their cottage
at the club house.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Neville re
turned Saturday from a week at Dav
enport, la. They, with the children,
Mary and the two littK bgys, motored
over to buy a car as a graduating
gift for their daughter, Florence, who
graduates thit year from Coatet-
Weaver tchool in few xork. miss
Florence plans to spend next year at
home and if war-time allows, will be
one of next season's debutantes.
Mist Florence Riley, daughter of
t r . i r . . r nil i .
Mr, ma xara. c r. nucy, expects ig
visit in scranton, rt., alter irinity
rcnoot in vvasningigni wmtn mc mv
tends, cloaei June 1.
More Than Half Raised
In "Y" War Fund Campaign
The $10,000 mark in the Young
Men's Christian association war cam
paign fund was passed Monday at
noon, me executive commiue rcporc
ins tubscrintions totalin 110,200. -
Subscriptions under $50 each ag-
f;regated $1,496 Monday and today the
argest amount since the campaign
Started nine days to.
Reports from out in the state show
that the campaign it meeting with
great success. Meadow ,urove, a
town of 300 people, sent in a check for
$222.25. Exeter raised $400 and
Friend, a rival, has announced, "We've
got to beat em.
SubscriDtions today follow:
Pnvtounly rDorted .1 t.481
TraiK-MliNtMippI Oraln company .... 100
U. P. auam bakry 50
SniKlUr aubicrlpllona SSI
Total to (lata.,
But One Case Diphtheria and
45 of Scarlet Fever in City
There is but one known case of
diphtheria in Omaha, says Health Of.
ficer Harrington, and forty-five cases
of scarlet fever. He says there is
nothing abnormal about the condi
tion of the health of the people in the
city at this tune and that the scar
let fever cases are becoming fewer.
Auto. Association Invests
$2,500 in Liberty Bonds
The Omaha Automobile Trade asso
ciation, at its meeting Monday night.
decided to invest its treasury turplut
were not using the money to we
thought we would put it to a good
use. one ot tnt directors said.
"Thoto dandelion rakct tit
th Nebraska Seed Co. are ture
great," remarkt the Bride of
Myttery; "all my garden tools
and intecticidet will come from
Table D-Hote.
$1 a Plate
, Decoration Day
Effective Use of Black and White
BLACK satin, ju
diciously faced
and lined in
white, makes this
smartly tailored sport
coat. Observe how
the white peeks out
from the pockets,
flaunts itself from
one side of the muff
ler and hides under
one side of the little
spiral which trims
the sleeve. The skirt
of finely box-plaited
white tricot carries at
its hem s 6-inch band
of black satin. The
white lisere hat is
faced in black faille
with white faille in
serts crossing: it like
the spokes of a wheel.
7 f?
(Science'' (u)eiarimett Central J(igk efcAool
The teaton it now on for the use
of pineapple in itt fresh state, and
the home canning ot the fruit, tt it
about as cheap now at it ever gett in
thit region, and it in excellent con
dition. It it valuable for the tame
reason that any fruit is valuable, and
in addition pineapple has a flavor that
is especially agreeable to most peo
ple. An excellent dessert it the fresh
pineapple, sliced, cored and allowed
to stand in a cool place alter being
sugared. The plain pineapple can be
varied by the addition of crushed or
whole strawberries or sliced bananas.
In place of fruit cocktail as a first
course or for breakfast the oinaDnle
may be served in slender cone-shaped
piecet arranged around a mound of
powdered sugar, io take out the
cone-shaped pieces wash a pineapple,
out oo not pare it. witn a tuver
fork dig around one of the eyes,
reaching as far into the core at pos
sible. After one or two pieces have
been dug out the others can be taken
out easily.
t lars plnoappla aAitar to taito
t orantM
Cut of! the ton of the pineapple.
Fare away the bate to thtt it may
stand upright and firm on the plate.
With t knife tnd strong spoon tcoop
out the pulp of the apple and sep
arate the same from the hard center.
Feel oraniet and slice lengthwise and
remove teedt. Mix juice and pulp
of the oranges tnd pineapple with
sugar to taste. Put in s fruit jar with
close-fitting cover and pack in three
parts ice and one part salt. Let stand
an hour or more. When ready to
serve turn the mixture into the chilled
shell of the pineapple. Other fruit
may be used in place ot oranges.
Pineaoote lends itself admirably to
a multitude of, salads and desserts.
Tt 1. ...... II. . urith tthmr
At IHUBtl - .UII1U.NV. mil, v., .VI
fruits, nuts and marshniallows in a
fruit salad;. but a pineapple and cheese
salad is good. Place a slice of pine-
annle on a lettuce leaf and sprinkle
with grated American cheese or crum
bled cottage cheese. Ijarnisn with a
maraschino cherry or an olive and
serve with cooked or French dress
ing. An unusual salad combination
that I have eaten it pineapple and
shrimp; but aside from the novelty of
the mixture 1 should not recommend
it hiehlv.
Of the dessert), pineapple, either
shredded or in pieces, may be used
in shortcakes, gelatines, cornstarch
puddings or tapioca puddings. A word
of warning ai to the pineapple gela
tines. Canned pineapple can be used
in any recipe, but the fresh pineapple
contains a ferment which will liquify
gelatine. Hence tresii pineapple can
only be used around gelatine desserts.
The home canning of pineapple
produces . a satisfactory product
somewhat cheaper than the bought
canned variety, if one does not count
labor, ihe preparation ot the pine
apple is an endless job, at any one
can testify who has tried it, but the
result has a superior flavor according
to the taste of some people. Others
feel that a fruit such as pineapple
which is canned at the factory close
to where ft is grown hat a better fla
vor than the shipped-in, home-canned
trutt. ,
I quarts irst4 pin. 4 quarts autar
applo 14 a. lomon Julea
Wash, pare and remove the eyes of
the pineapple and grate it away from
the core. Add the sugar and lemon
juice to the grated pineapple, stir un
til dissolved and let stand for six to
eight hours. Put over the fire, bring
to a boil and simmer slowly until the
honey is transparent and of the
proper consistency.
Plmppla 1H watortol lb.
t-l woislit In auaar autar, (or alrup
Remove tkin tnd eyet from pine
apple. Cut in one-fourth inch slices
and core the slices. Cook in water
till nearly soft. In the meantime
make a sirup of the sugar and water
required according to the weight of
pinapple, and boil ten minutes. Re-,
move partially cooked pineapple U
sirup and finish cooking. Fill steril
ized jara to overflowing and real. To
sterilise jars boil fifteen and
plunge rubbers into boiling water just
before using.
Orated or ahradded weight in tugar
Cook oineaDDle and sugar for fif
teen minutes and fill jart at above.
S lba. Branaa t e. iranulatad autar
e. aratad traab pins- 1 1 salt
appia a a. waiar
Sotk the prunes in water overnight
after washing them. Then bring to a
boil quickly and cook until tender.
Mash through a coianoer ana aaa 10
the water in which they had been
cooked. Add the salt, sugar and pine
apple, and simmer slowly tor one
hour stirring quite often. Pour into
sterilized glastet and cover with par-affine.
Tested Recipes
Put to cook In three cuds of boil-
ins water five tablespoons of small
hominy, slightly salting the water.
Cut up sufficient medium tat porK to
make a cup and stir this into the
hominy, after it has cosked for about
five minutes. Stir well, put the inner
kettle of the cereal cooker in which
the hominy and pork are cooking into
the jacket, with boiling water of the
usual depth in the latter, and cook
until the hominy is thoroughly done,
which will be In about three-quarters
of an hour, adding a little boiling
water if the mixture seems too thick.
When done turn out in a square pan
wet with cold water and let stand
until the next morning, then cut in
nice blocks, dip each in flour or corn
meal and fry brown in deep fat.
11 bananas Powdered aurar.
1 t i, beatan.
Peel the bananas, dip them in
beaten egg, then roll well in powdered
sugar and bake in a hot oven trom
five to ten minutes. Remove care
fully to a serving dish.
s rood alaed potatoea.1 T, butter.
le o. ground nuta. Salt.
2 T. thick cream. White pepper.
Wash and bake the potatoes. When
done cut across evenly three-fourths
of sn inch from the end. Remove
the insides, being careful not to break
the skins. Mash the potato, add the
nuts, cream and butter and season to
taste with salt and pepper. Beat
with a fork until light, refill the po
tato shells and set in oven until hot.
Slice bananas, orances and oine-
apple into a large dish. Mix thor
oughly and sweeten to taste. Line
sherbet cups with strips ot banana,
fill the center with the fruit mixture,
and place a spoonful of sweetened
whipped cream and a candied cherry
on top of each, Mothers' Magazine.
june Bride Rush Starts
With "Cupid" Stubbendorf
"Cupid" Stubbendorf, marriage li
cense clerk, knows that June is ap
proaching without looking at the
The annual "month of brides" rush
for certificates has begun, nearly
twenty licenses having been issued in
the last1 twenty-four hours.
It was the biggest scramble for the
life papers since the slacker rush after
war was declared. ;
County court officials scoff at the
suggesion that young men are get
ting married so as to claim exemp
tion afer registration. They" point
out that persons married since the
.... Hn, .,.BE9ri1v taken into
consideration when the exemptions
are made.
City Will Have to Pay
More for Its Steam Heat
Omaha -will have to pay snore for
its steam heat, J. L. Brandeis &
Sons, who are now selling heat to the
city at 50 cents per thousand pounds,
told the city council. Brandeis t
Sons refuse to contract longer than
until August 1 for steam at the pres
ent rate. The communication was re
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Bee Want-Ads Produce Results.
A cool roomsmokeless, odorless, free from dirt and ashes
that's the New Perfection kitchen.
2,500,000 housewives are now enjoying New Perfection
comforts. Why don't you) '
h costs less for fuel. It's easy to use. Ask your dealer to
demonstrate a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove for you.
' f o hut Ttxlti aaa PirftcihH KttMKt-
(Nabaaia) OMAHA
Do you know how much water is in the milk the baby must
Do you know whether the yards, barns and milking vessels are .
clean and sanitary?
Do you know whether the cows are healthy? Whether those
who handle the milk are healthy?
Do you know how much disease it contains? ,
Why take such chances?
Alamito Pasteurized Milk Is Safe
Alamlto Milk la produced on big. Inviting farma tar in the country
under etrictaft feeding, honsing- and milking conditiona. It la brought by autoa
earlr each dajr to the aerupulouelr clean Alamlto plant where, aa further pre
caution, it la heated to a temperature (not boiled) in which dangerous diieaaa
bacteria cannot live.
Thia care la taken for health'! take. Give the babr a chance.
Telephone Douglaa 409 to begin delivery at your home, or aik your
grocer lor Aianuio mm.
Cane or Beet Sugar, 1 00 Lb.Sack $9.1 0
Eat lifht brMHlwt and Hava
lSe Pott Totutio . 1 3c
lSe KrlnkU 12c
Shreddod Wheat 12c
Crap Nuta 13c
Lar pit. Uoclff Sam' Breakfast Food,
ketps U fit 28c
Larca pkg. Quaker Oata 24c
Lar pkf. Basket Star Oata.....-x.22e
Bulk Oats, per lb 7c
4 lbs., for :.. 25c
Bran, food for cows and chickens.
at , .fl.lO
Shorts ,.$2M
Hominr, biff can 10c
Good .Sound Cane Apples, per box
at 91-vO, $2.00, 12.25
Comb Honey 17c
Yeast Foam, 4c j 2 for 10c
Medium Site Advance Pork and Beans-
per can 15c
16-01. can Condensed Milk, par cam.,12e
Bulk Cocoa, per lb , 20c
Dromedary Dates, per pkf 13c
28c pkg. Pyramid Powder. ........ .19c
Se pkf. Pyramid Powder ...4e
2Sa pkf. Gold Dust 22c
Sal Soda, 10V, lbs., for 26c
Tolletear, like Sanifluab, nude in Omaha,
for ..lBc
Mason Zinc Lids
Plots, 6U1 Quarts, 0ci Half Gal., 1
Mason, Laequered Tops
Pints, 57c; Quarts, 61c; Hslf Gal., I
Garden Seeds, 3 pkf., for
Coal OIL best trade, fall an...
Five fallona for. .
Armour's Large Bottle Catsup. ,
bars D. C. Soap,.
j Bulk Toaa, 65c quaJlty........46o
Quality Supreme-a-Sanltary Case
Good Table Butter, tub er carton
par lb., at w.......41e
Fresh Buttermilk, gallon ,.. 10c
Pure Lrd, No. 5 pail., $1.25
Cream Cheese, per lb...., 32c
Best Brick, per lb 3e
Crisco 41c, 82c, tl-04
Sawtay, well known.. 28c, 6e, $1.12
Butterine, absolutely the beet grade,
at.. 28c, 27 2&Cf 2-lb. roll.,.. 41c
If you are ever dissatisfied with
your treatment er quality call Int
provement Depart in ant Tyler 440.
These itttns are not specials, but some
vect vour eonf. dance In return for a square
of our regular everyday prices. We en
21c Gal. WHITE VINEGAR, 10c Gal.
Puritan Ham and
Bacon art smoked
daily in our Omaha
plant, .insuring
fresh, brightly
amoked meats at
all times. -
for Your
Meet Me. at ilae
Meat &h.op
Hams & Bacon
Thirty yeart of patient study, unremittinj eflkrtand exhaustive experiment on our part
are the foundation for this announcement of PURITAN Hams and Bacon. We betteve
it impossible for human endeavor, however broad itt opportunity, to produce better hami
or bacon. The trade-name, PURITAN, was chosen to suggest honest worth and purify
and to represent fidelity of purpose io the striving for and achievement of this new
standard in meat. The Taste TeHs"
If yeur dealer doesn't
handle Puritan, telephone
F. W. CONRON, Branch
1321 Jeatt St-, Oaaehe, Tebptaiia Dwglaa 1401.