TrlG KW. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. l"Ji7. Nebraska1 OMAHA LABOR MEN ' CALL OH GOVERNOR Building Trades Workers. S&y They Have Been Locked Ont and Ask Defense Council to Mediate. ' (From a Staff Correspondent . Lincoln,' Neb., May 29. (Special Telegram.) 'A delegation of labor leaders from Omaha, headed by T. P. Reynolds, president of the State Fed eration of Labor, called upon Gover nor Neville today to present the em ployes side ot the building trades and teamsters strike. The union officials say the men have been locked out by their emolovers. They insisted that this action is un patriotic in this time of national stress and asked that the State Defense council take the matter up with the contractors and coal dealers. The delegation also called upon the state board of control and asked that :t compel the Enterprise Coal com pany, which has a contract to supply the Deaf and Dumb institute, to de liver coal according to its contract The spokesman said that the institute had been sending its own team for the coal. , Kearney to Recognize Service of Volunteers Kearney, Neb., May. 29. (Special.) The Kearney Commercial club, at the .Regular meeting held yesterday, madespreliminary arrangements for appropriately celebrating registration day next week, Tuesday. , An after noon open air program is planned, consisting of speaking and concerts and patriotic display. This will be preceded on Sunday by a recognition day service to be held in the, opera house. Recognition day has been set aside for the purpose of publicly'recognlz ing the sacrifices made by young men from this city and vicinity, who have already enlisted in the various branches of the federal service. , The Normal school gave a Red Cross benefit Monday and on Wednesday the city gives a big bene fit dance. The Buffalo county chap ter, since organizing, has grown to several hundred members. Attorney General Rules What Makes Appropriation (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, May 29. (Special.) Rea sonable charges and the expense of overhead and administration charges must be considered as a part of any appropriation for a specific purpose, according to a ruling by Attorney General Reed, made on request of the State Board of Regents, covering the appropriat'on of three-fourths of a mill levy provided for in house roll No. 206, by the last legislature, to cover NspeciaJ activities under the . -t .l! : jji ine university. Dean Roscde Pound - Commencement Orator Lincoln, May 29. (Special Tele gram.) Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard law school will deliver the commencement address at the Uni versity of Nebraska in place of Gen eral J. J. Pershing, who had originally been chosen. Pound was formerly dean of the Nebraska law school and i$ a graduate of the Husker institu tion. He wired his acceptance to Chancellor Avery today. X Four Omaha Young People Are Married at Lincoln (From a Staff Correspondent.) - Lincoln, May 29. (Special.) These Omaha people yesterday obtained li censes of the coutny judge and were married by him: Harold Richards, aged 21. and Rose Davidson, aged 19; Harry J. Cooper, aged 26, and Katie Conn, aged 18. Charles Leon Olson of Council Bluffs, aged 23, and Clara G. Gorham of the same city, aged 19, also obtained a license to wed. HYMENEAL Shively-Tuttle. Waterbury,' Neb., May 29. (Spe cial.) Miss Edna Tuttle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tuttle, prominent farmers residing south of here, was united in marriage at the home of her parents to Berdette Shively, principal of the Ewing, Neb., schools. Rev. William Kilburn, pastor of the Meth odist church at Allen, performed the ceremony. Huber-Mooney. Beatrice, Neb., 'May 29. (Special Telegram.) Carl J. Huber and Miss Jeanette Julia Mooney, both of Rulo, Neb., were maccjed herstoday at the Catholic church by Father - Robert Biekert. Notes From Beatrice. ' Beatrice, Neb.. May 29. (Special.) The baccalauerate address to the .graduating class was given Sunday evening at the Christian church by Rev. R. B. Favoright. The class play will be held Thursday evening. May 31. and the graduating exercises Fri day, evening, June 1. Kcv. H. H. Har mon of Lincoln will give the address to the graduates. The body of Mrs. Julia Whitson, who died last week at Rcdgcwood. N. V.. was brought to Wymore Sunday for interment. She was formerly a resident of Wymore and was 58 years N of age. Announcement was received here last evening of the marriage of Joe Shackelton, jr.. of this city and Miss Clare Barmim. which occurred yester day at the home? of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Barnum, at Omaha. After a brief honeymo0Si trip the young couple will return and make their home in Beatrice. Has a Good-Opinion of Chamber lains Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets are a won der. I never sold anything that beat them," writes F. B. Tressey, Rich mond, Ky. When troubled with indi gestion or constipation give them a " trial. Advertisement. '"With a Hartmann wardrobe trunk and one of those beauti ful fitted suit cases from Frel ing & Steinle the Bride of Mys tery will be well equipped to travel. . Ice Floes Save Ship From Torpedo Attacks New Ybrk, May 29. An unsuc cessful attempt by a German sub marine to destroy an armed Russian steamship near Kola Inlet in the Arctic on May 10, in which nine shots were fired by the submarine without a hit and ice floes saved the vessel from torpedo 'attacks, was related today on the arrival of the steamship at an American port The Russian fired two shots at the U-boat, its captain said, but these also missed. The captain as serted that the approach to Kola Inlet is strewn with mines and navigation has become very dan gerous. BUY ALL IMPLEMENTS EARLY, SAYS COUNCIL Defense Board of State Advises Farmers to Act ,.t Once; Look Ahead for Next Year. (From a Staff Correipondent.) Lincoln, May 29. (Special.) "Buy farm implements early," is the latest warning of the Nebraska State Coun cil cf Defense in a statement issued today. . On account of the widely ex tended winter killing of alfalfa in Ne- oraska it doubtless will be necessary to use a large acreage of corn for fod der this year," the council statement says, "and it is highly important that proper provision be made for the ad ditional hartastiug machinery that wjll be needed to take care of it. Owing -to the rushed conditions obtaining in the manufacturing plants throughout the country and the extra demand for material that is used in the construction of farm machinery, implement manufacturers and leaders are urging that orders for corn bind ers and other necessary machinery be placed as early as possible. It is also verv imperative that a large acreage of winter wheat be sown next fall and the experience of the last winter has Droved the ad visability of seeding winter wheat in cornstalks with the one-horse drill. Those contemplating seeding winter wheat in this manner are urgently re quested to see to it that the drill is on hand at the time that it is needed. Farmers should begin now to plan for then winter wheat acreage, to be seeded next fall, and to make provi- lon tor the machinery needed to seed the crop in the best manner possible.' Red Cloud Citizens Will Organize to Drill for Oil Red Cloud, Neb., May 29. (Special Telegram.) Steps were taken Mon day evening to organize a company to bore tor oil in the vicinity ot this city- W. Innes Patterson, amexpen encr.d oil operator, made an address to a mass meeting, told of tracing the oil area by means of instruments from the Wyoming line to the oil held at Eldorado, Kan. C. A Potter, G. W. Hutchinson and S. R. Florance were appointed to arrange details of organi zation and B. W. Stewart was en gaged as attorney to draw up ar ticles ot incorporation. ' State Receives Payment For Condemned Beans (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln. May 29. (Special.) For the first time in the history of the pure food department it has received money for the sale of condemned goods. Food Commissioner Murchell received a check tor 2: tor a con signment of decomposed canned beans which were found unht tor food pur poses and sold to a party near Omaha tor hog teed. Plattsmouth Man Dies in Arizona. Plattsmouth. Neb:. May 29. (Spe cial.) Otto Bulin, who went to Ari zona a few mouths ago forthe bene fit of his health, is dead at Tucson. The body will be brought to Platts mouth for burial. He is survived by his widow, his parents and three brothers and three sisters, who reside here. He was 24 years old. t Four Shubert Boys Join Navy. Shubert. Neb.. May 29. (Special.) Melvin Shafer, William Hogan, Roy naier anu iaie aonuucri joined inc. Christian church Sunday night. They were baptised in the 'lake by Elder Pardee. The young men left for St. Joseph, Mo., Monday to enlist in the navy. :.v Germany and Austria Know They're Beat Minister Nitti Washin'eton. May 29. Francisco Saveriq Nitti, former minister of apri culture and industry and commerce and economic head of the Italian war mission, said today that the mission had come, not to seek anything for Italy specially; hut to draw more closely together the two great nations and assure an allied victorv. There is only one great question today, and that is whether German militarism or allied democracy shall survive," he said. 'H Germany wins this war, its oligarchy will destroy the world. This does not rrtean the crushing of the German nation, hut, rather, such a military defeat as to discredit absolutely. Germany's mili tary caste. "Itally did not enter this war for any particular interest. It could eas ily have stayed out on the basis of its treaty with Germany. The threat of world combinat'on -under the menace of the mailed fist made such a course impossible. This is Italy s last war of independence. It gives it oppor tunity to rfctit" its boundaries and to win back its oil provinces. ' - Germany and An' are beaten. The last hope is in the submarine or in dissension amount thc allies. It is using both to the full limit, it is essential for us all to hold together in the common cause." Mr. Nitti dec a red Italy 5 (reneral economic situation splendid and that he expected it to emerge from the war rne of the strongest industrial nations of the world. Writes from China for Record of His Birth Herman R. W asse, born in Omaha on July 4,-1896, at 902 South Forty fifth street wrote to the city health department from Chunghing. China, tr. ask for a certificate of his birth. He said his mother was Mn. lohanna Pagel. He i. now on -the United I Oiaiei iieampsnip tiies, JUNIUS MORGAN Son of J. P. Morgan, has attained the rank of chief gunner on the submarine chaser Lynx o. 2. The picture shows him getting a line on an imaginary periscope. Morgan was stroke oar on Harvard's 1912 crew. J JU.NJUS FLY FLAGS SLOGAN IS BEING POSHED Chairman Stricken W. H. Clarke is With Scarlet Fever, but the Work Goes On, Just when W. H. Clarke was made chairman of a special committee to fire the city into a burst of flag dec orations for the period of June 2 to 6, he was taken ill with scarlet fever. He has had to drop the work of urging flag and bunting decorations, and as a result of his dropping out W. T. Burns, L. V. Nicholas, and Harry A. Tukey have had to take up the burden. ' They are calling up various organ izations, and individual business houses urging that this period, which covers by a margin of a few days on either side, the draft registration per iod, be made the occasion for patriotic decorations on all the buildings and in the streets. Peters as Chairman. M. C. Peters is chairman of the gen eral committee under the State Coun cil for Defense for patriotic demon strations during the draft registration period. Now the committee finds itself con fronted with another problem that of flag shortage. They find the stores are almost out of bunting, and give them no satisfaction on the subject of producing a hasty aupply. Water proof bunting is practically unobtain able. The result is the committee is urg ing everyone to make use of all the old flags, all formerly used bunting, and anything around the place with the national colors in it. The improvement clubs are being asked to work along the same line. Mayor Dahlman is to arrange to have the city hall and the court house decorated. The Telephone company and the Hotel Fontenelle have pro posed to give their respective build ings some special decorations. The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company plans to decorate all trolley poles, and to drape flags and bunting from all the cross wires. The superintendent of the schools will be asked to reach the children through the principals and teachers and thus try to reach every home in the city with an appeal that special decoration be put on those days. Den Show in Readiness For Initial Performance Dr. Gladstone Derby, Henry W. Dunn, Jack Aljprd, Alec Reed, Ken neth Reed, Charles Docherty, Clint Miller and L. N. Bunce are taking the leading parts this year in the den show of Ak-Sar-Bcn, 'hich was re hearsed Monday night from starf to finish, preparatory to giving the show along with the opening initiation of the season next Monday, evening. "The Queen of Hair Island" is the name of the musical burlesque which is this year to furnish the entertain ment between initiation spectacles. Oscar Lieben is directing the show, and Charley Docherty is stage man ager. Members of the board of gov enors saw the rehearsel last night, and expressed themselves as greatly pleased at the way everything went off. Another rehearsal is to be held Thursday night, and on Sunday after - noon the crew is to rehearse in full regalia. You Must Have Plenty of Iron in Your Blood to Be Strong, Says Doctor Nnxnfml Iron Will Inn-ena Strength of Dclirnt, NerroijM, Kun-dnwn I'eople 100 I'ftf Ont. In Ten lyn in Mmny litNtam-eN. NKW VliRK. N. V, Mowt people fonllnhly apMn In think ihty rt- going hi gft re newed health and utrenelh from foiii ntlm ulntlng in e rile In, nwrel iiontrum or nnrenfli: d'UK, nay IT. K. Hauer, a Hnntnri ptiynlcfMii Who hn Studied M-M1v liolh In thin Mimtrv Rn,i m urct, KuroP-n Modimi imttiiutinn, L,"";,:"" on v Vom? r:.. Ml. But poodle often mil lo vet the Mtrinitih out of their food hctiun they haven't enmiRh Iron in thflr blood to emibk It to chnmr food Into Hvlnjr matter. From their weakened, nervouH condition Ihey know floTnethlng Is wrong, but they can't tell what, no they generally eomniene dorlorlnn for ntomarh, liver or kidney trouble jr symp toms of dome other allrtvent muffed by the lack of Iron In the hlood. Thin thfng may iro on for yearn, whll th patient HufferM un told BRony, It you are not atrong or well, you owi It to yournelf to makti the following teat: See how long you ran work or how far you can walk without bM-oinlng tired. Nett tak two five-grain tahleta of ordinary nuxated Iron three tlmea per day after menls for two weeks. Then teat your ntrngth again and bob for yourself how mu-h you have gained. I have aeen dnzena of nervoua. run-down people who are ailing all the while double and even triple their strength and enduranr and entirely get rid of Mil symptoms or ayapepaia, liver and other trou- Y." tTSSTJlSS "oZ. this after they had In aome case been do- FOUR THOUSAND OUT BECAUStfOF STRIKE Extra Police Sworn In to 'Pa trol Streets Near Some of the Big Building Jobs fh Omaha. With between 3,500 and 4,000 men out of work in Omaha as a result of numerous strikes, and the resultant lockout in the building trades, the labor situation in Omaha is very cri tical at this time. Beginning Monday night, a large squad of special police were sworn in for nigi'it duty to partol the streets and the regions around big building jobs. Though deliveries of building ma terial to any of the building jobs were cut off over a week ago, a few de liveries are being made by night, mostly after midnight, even now. These are few, however, and only small deliveries of material of ar cer tain class badly needed to finish up some very necessary pari, of a build ing. For the most part, building jobs are idle. Many Are Idle. Workers in all lines of building activities, carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, electricians, marble setters, hoistinir eneinecrs. Iathers.-hri3 car riers, and all are idle as a result of the situation. Not all of these trades are on strike Only a part of them, auch as elec tricians, hoisting engineers, lathers, painters, teamsters and a few others we,nt on strike, iiicn tne iockoui Dy the building contractors and the ma terial men followed. Result of the War Depends Upon Will of God Kaiser Amsterdam, May 29, (Via London.) Ernperor William, during his recent visit to the Arras front, says the cor respondent of the Cologne Gazette delivered an address to his troops in which he said: "The enemy, relying on his exper ience in the Somme battle and on his unprecedented supplies of munitions, has been trying to break the German resistance. "The French flatter themselves with the hope of liberating their country a good enough motive but the Brit ish have no such justification. They fight only to Increase their power'and don't inquire where the right may be. "Our people and our army stand firmly together. How long this may last must depend upon God's will, but meanwhile we must keep firm and the people in the fatherland will give us their gratitude. - "In the meantime our comrades in submarines arc doing everything pos sible to cut off the enemy's sources of living." Five Held for Having Hog in Their Possession Frank Knapp, Thirty-fourth and F.mmet streets; Roy Hall, Thirty sixth and Emmet; Ike Gard, 3308 North Thirty-fourth; Albert Gard, 3310 Bedford avenue, and Frank fcirown, 3620 Lothrop' street; are being held at the police station for inves tigation. When arrcsled they had in their nnssr-inn a hnar wliirli it in hpltpvH was stolen. Thry were unable to give an account of how they came into possession ot the animal lorlufc. for months without obtaining any benefit. Rut don't lke Die old forms of redueed Jnm, Iron arptntr or tlnrture of Iron flniply to hh vp a few renin. Foil must take Iron In ft.rmihiii run be eSinlly absorbed and aHHlinllntr.d Jke nuxalrd Iron If'you want It to do you n?iy good, otherwino )t m;iy proe worse thnn uneeHa. Many an alhlete or prize flphter baa won the day almply ttocnuae he knw (he nerret of great atrrngih and endurance and filled his blood with iron before ho went Into the affray, whtle many another haa gone down to In glorlou defeat almply for tho lack of iron. NOTtS Nuxated Iron recommended above by Dr. R, Haiier, la not a paient medicine nor aecret remedy, but one which la well knnwn to drufraletH and whoae Iron con st It urntN Is Widely prescribed by eminent Phyalelana everywhere. Tnllke the older Inorgsitle Iron product. It la rnully aaalmtl aled. do" not In Jam the teeth, make them black, nor upaet the stomach; on the con. trary, It I a moat potent remedy, In nearly all forms of Indirection, as well as for nervous, run-down condltlona. The Manufac turers have auch great confidence In Nuxa ted Iron that they offer to forfeit f 100.00 to any charitable Institution If they cannot take any man or woman under SO who lacka iron and Increase their strength 100 per cent or over In four weeka' timer provided they hava no aerloua organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money It it does not at least double your strength and endurance In ten days' time. It la dispensed In thla city by Sherman A MrConnell Drug Stores and alt other druggists. Adv. WILL CELEBRATE ON REGISTRATION DAY Cities and Towns Throughout Nebraska Flan General Holi ' day, When Young Men Respond to Call. Registration day JuneS will be observed as a great holiday through out Nebraska. Schools will close, courts suspend and business cease in some cities, and there will be 'parades to the roll of drums and sermons, and speechesNdirected at the men who may be subject to service. School children will parade and sing; men who regis ter will be applauded, will receive ad vice and will be decorated with "honor buttons." Arrangements for the celebration have been completed in nearly every town, village and precinct in the state, according to reports received here. Bands in a numhber of towns will play almost continuously from 7 o'clock in the morning until 9 at night at the polling places, where the men will register, flags will fly from ev ery vantage point. It is the purpose of the men in charge of the celebra tions in the several towns to make the day remarkable for the most patriotic, general and intense celebration the state has known. All Will Co-Operate. In a majority of towns the mayors have taken personal charge of ar rangements for the celebration. Public-spirited citizens have given them assistance, speakers have volunteered, services of musicians have been ob tained, the schools have co-operated and the churches have planned special services. Manv ministers will preach "war sermons, urging enlistment and sacrifice that the war work may be finished quickly. Even in towns having large German-American populations arrange ments for the celebration of the day have been made enthusiastically, ac cording to reports. Objections to fol lowing the suggestion of President Wilson and Governor Neville that the day be made a holiday have been few and public officials have jiowhere de cline to follow the suggestion. John N. Campion Found . v Dead in His Office John N. Campion, aged 69 years, residing at 1620 Maple streets and for twenty years employed in the Wood men of the World offices as a book keeper died of heart disease at 2:30 o'clock. When death camj to Mr. Cainnion. It came suddenly, taking him but of the work harness. For several days he had complained of not feeling as well as in the oast, but kept riaht on at his desk. At noon he went out for lunch as usual and, returning, went back to work on his books. Just be fore 2:30 o'clock dropped bis pen and leaned his head on his arms as they spread out across the desks. Clerks in the room hurried to his side, picked him up and carrien him to a table. A doctor Was called. When he arrived, he pronounced Mr. Campion dead. Mr. Campion had lived in Omaha thirty years. He is survived by his aged wife and three children, one son and two daughters. One daughter resides in California and the other in the east. City Offered Two South Side Blocks for Parking The city was offered two blocks be tween Thirty-sixth and Thirty-eighth between Q and P streets for parking purposes in South Side for $17,500. The Christie Real Estate company makes the offer to donate block four in Christie Heights addition, if Omaha will buy block three for the price named. "I am certainly going to have my box party at the Strand," ays the Bride of Mystery; "I love the orchestra and the or gan and Mr. Thomai hat a wonderful atmosphere about his theater." Ministers to Make Report Rev. C. E.fCobbey and Rev. Oliver Keva will report on inter-church work In east ern cities recently visited by them on Friday at S p. m. at the First Baptist church. Park avenue and Har ney. Thla la an open meeting of the Omaha Church Federation. Make your Summer Home (n this Invigorating Mile-high Region. Every Metropolitan Convenience with Out-door Life in the Mountains. Snow-tempered Breeses, Fine Water, Superb Motor Roads and Mountain Trails, Golf, Tennis. Theaters, Dances. , ' THE STREET CAR SERVICE, modern and eonvenknt, en able! visitor to reach Manitnu, Straiten Park, Garden of the Godi, Cheyenne Canona and all parte of Colorado Sprint's with teonomy. comfort and dispatch. Frea daneaa, band eoneerta, motion plcturei, playground! and plcnie grounda make Birat ton Park popular with all vlaltora. THE SODA SPRINGS, at tht etnter of Manitou, are the meeting place for all vlaltora. Mere the natural effervescent aoda water la bottled aa It bubbles from the spring;, and aa "Original Manitou Sparkling Table Water" ta shipped all over tht world. Visitors are always welcome to the modern bottling plant, rest room and attractive grounda, THE CAVE OF THE WINDS, the great geological miracle, with Ita milea of underground rooms and pasaagea and its delicate and fantastic formations colored In Nature's own laboratory, fa an Intensely Interesting place. It la easily ac cessible from Manitou hy new auto road through picturesque Williams Canon, threading the Narrows and returning along the Canon Rim. Admission to the Cava 11. THE WORLD FAMOUS COG ROAD approaches Fikea Peak from the south and east aides, facing the great plains and giving a striking contrast In proportions, with the high peaks of the Roekles In the background. The chain of beautiful lakea from which Colorado Sprinas receives Ita water aupply is directly along the route of the Cog Road.' Round Trip fare- $4.60. European Plan Open All Year Absolutely Fireproof HOTEL GRAND VIEW Manitou, Colo. American Plan IS to $8 Daily Modem 1 1 8. CO to ISO Weekly Private Baths. 100 Soome With Hot and Cold Running Water. Free Auto Service from Colorado Springs Depots to Hotel In Manitou, TO GIVE INTEREST ON BONDJURCHASES Persons Buying Liberty Bonds to Draw Three Per Cent Before Investment Is Paid Tor. Persons buliig Liberty bonds at the First National bank on the install ment or weekly payment plan will get interest on Iheir money even before the bond is paid for. The installment sale of Liberty bonds will be handled through the bank's savings department. The pur chaser will pay 10 per cent of the face ot the bond as a hrst payment. Alter that he will pay in weekly install ments until he Jias paid out by July 1, 1918. All this time, however, he will get interest on every dollar he puts in from the time he buys until the last payment is made. The bank will pay this interest, just as it pays interest at 3 per cent on other deposits in its savings department. Jn July. 1V18, when the bond be comes the property of th purchaser, it will begin to draw interest for that purchaser from the government at the rate, of 3f4 per cent. To Sell $6,600,000 Bonds. O. T. Eastman of the First Nation. al bank is enthusiastic for a big Lib erty bond campaign for Omaha. It will have to be a stroimcr cam paign than the Red Cross campaign was," he said. "That was a good one, but we had to raise only JJ5,(KHI. In this case we have to sell $6,600,000 of Liberty bonds. That is the way the apportionment to this district fig ures. Bonds totaling $22,000,000 are apportioned to Nebraska, and Omaha's share is $6,600,000." A meeting of the Clearing House association will be called within the next few days to outline s campaign to speed up the bond sale. President Luther Drake of the Clearing House Every package every tablet of Genuine Aspirin bears VdQf GttfifWlfM cf Purity" Ci There is and has been Only One True Aspirin House of Taylor HOTEL J Aft D .1. 9uu oaius 600 Rooms 1 r iiiiiii'liiHiiiiliiiiiiiii BEE WANT ADS I SUPPLY YOUR WANTS 1 FOR ONLY ONE CENT PER WORD i lll1ltllllimillllllllfltlllllllllW THE PIKES PEAK AUTO HIGHWAY makes It possible for the visitor to drive his own car or ride in one of the company's I uxorious automobiles over a roadbed aa smooth aa a pave ment with an average grade of seven per cent to the "very top of America's moat famoua mountain. 14,109 feat above sea level. Operated as a toll rod. THE MT. MANITOU INCLINE RAILWAY affords a day of rest and recreation in the pines and among the crags in the very heart of the Rockies. 10,000 square miles of mountain and plain He open to the view. Round trip, SI, GLEN EYRIE, the new scenic attraction, ia at the mouth of gorgeous Queen's Canon near the Garden of the Gods. Here the whole world aeema act on edge. Wonderful rock forma tions enclosing a beautiful mountain gten and the magnificent Tudor Castle and country estate of General Palmer are here molded into a Scenic Wonderland Unique. THE CRIPPLE CREEK SHORT LINE TRIP. "The one-day trip that bankrupts the English language. A wonderful ride from mountain top to mountain top, up and over tho back bone of the! continent, looping the rims of great gorgea to the world's largest gold mining camp still produolng 11,000,000 monthly. Round trip $1.00. SEVEN FALLS AND SOUTH CHEYENNE CANON. "Nature's Beauty Spot." A mighty cleft lined with perpendicular granite walla and guarded by the Pillars of Hercules. The trip through "the grandest one mile fn Colorado'' enda in an impressive climax at the Seven Falls. Admission to the Canon 0 cents. THE ANTLERS 300 room,, r room with sutsid. axpoaur. 200 conn.clJ with F,J f lfJ bath. Baautifullj aituatnl, aurroundad by IS acra, of (ard.a and W i OOa park. Tanni,, Coif and othor Out-door Sport, accauibl. to guutt. General Mgr. THE ACACIA Colorado Springs' Newest Hotel, facing beautiful Acacia Park. Thoroly modern, European plan. I. W. Atklnaon, M.nigin, Dlnetor. association will seethe date for the meeting in a few days. The Nebraska Association of Life Insurance Men, at a recent meeting in Omaha, agreed to set apart June 5 as a day when all the members will de vole the entire day to the sale of the bonds. TwoLacey (lowafMen Are ' Held on Mann Act Charge Aberdeen, S. D., May 29. (Spe cial.) Fred and Howard Coniplou, 21 and 18 years of age, left on the Northwestern southbound train yes terday evening, handcuffed and in charge of an oflicer, on thejr way back to Lacey, la., where they will stand trial for white slavery and other charges pending against them. The boys were arrested here sev eral days ago on a charge of having transported Viola and Mabel Hanna, 18 and 16 years old, from Lacey for immoral purposes. The boys claimed when arrested that they only took the girls for an automobile ride over part of Iowa, had never taken them out of the state and that their relations had been merely that of good chums, nothing immoral having occurred. The authorities alleged, however, that the boys and the Hanna sisters left Lacey April 28. motoring to Omaha, then to Wyoming and Monf tana, and finally to Leminon, S. D., where the girls were sent home by train, while the boys came to Aber deen by automobile. . ; Mrs. Hansen Denies She Tried to Kill Herself Mrs. Lena Hansen, the young woman found oyercome in a g"as filled room at her home, 2328J-5 South Twentieth street, Sunday night (btnies that she attempted to end her (lie, Mrs. Hansen said that she turned on the gas heater in the room, but forgot to light it at the time because her attention was called to- another matter. She returned in a short while greatly excited and was over? come just as she entered the room. She denies that the bath room door was locked. ' I Tht tridMnirit Ajpirin"Uteg.U.3, Pat. OS.) ta na KM that the mono, acetlcacldeater of aallcrlicicid In tha tablets and capsules is of the reliable Saw maaufacturs. MARTINIQUE (ba$erj h f 1 itasii ' , Broadway, 32d St., New York On Block from PnmylTnU Station Equally Canranteat lor AmuMments, Shopping or Businesi 157 pleasant roomi. with private bath $2.50 PER DAY 257 excellent rooms with prirata bath facing treat, aouthern exposure. . $3.00 PER DAY The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate. II. .Colorado Rates from Springs $2.00 THE CLIFF HOUSE at MANITOU la Colorado's largest and moat popular resort hotel. Im mediately fn front of celebrated - "Manitou" Soda Springs. Free Auto bua from Depots. Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Horseback, Games, Trap shooting, eta.