EAST ST. LOUIS DIET ' AFTERRACE RIOTS Several Hundred Negroes Are Driven Across River by Mob; Troops Are Pa troling Streets. East St. Louis, III., May 29. With wo companies o National Guards men patroling tht street, quiet was restored in tht city today after last ' night's rioting caused by attacks of a mob open negroes. Many negroes were beaten. The trouble was caused, it u said, by the importation of negro laborer. Mayor Motlman today said 6,000 negroes had come into East St. Louis in the last ix weeks and said he would ask railroads to discontinue hauling negroes here from the south. Hundreds of negroes were driven across the Mississippi river Into St. Louis this, morning when a mob esti mated from 2,000 to 3,000 started to attack negroes in the streets, follow ing a meeting of the city council, , which was visited by members of the Central Trades and Labor union to ask that importations of negro labor ers cease and on receiving word that two white men had bees held up by negroes. . One Negro Wounded. ' Shots were fired at frequent in-, ' tervals, but only one negro has been reported wounded in this manner. William Taylor fled to St Louis, and was found there unconscious with a bullet wound in his head and three ribs fractured. The mob dispersed ahortly after 2 o'clock.. . Dozens of negroes were beaten, but not more than twenty were hurt se- - rionsly, it was estimated. All blacks were seached and, if armed, they were pummeled into unconsciousness. Many negroes were given a refuge ' in jail. . About midnight a large crowd surrounded the building and threat ened to storm it The mob was dis suaded, however, and rushed into the 'business sections, where street cars were stopped and saloon searched. ' Several negro saloons were wrecked and Mayor Hollman issued an order for all bar in the city to shut down. Police Unable to Check Mob. 'Riot talis brought out the entire city police force, but the mob went virtually unchecked. The Sixth Illi nois infantry was called and put an- ' der arms, but took no active part to quell the disturbance. Many workmen here have been idle on account of strikes and it is estimated that at least 6,000 negroes have been imported from tht south to take their ' place. .This influx has been going on since January 1, but ha been es pecially heavy in the last six weeks, TAKE STEPS TO , FOIL TEUTON. DRAFT PLOTS . for nui more than twenty years, or ' , both." . investigate Injunction Suit. . Kansas City, Hay 29. Every in-1 vestigaling agency of Hie federal gov ernment in Kansas City was assigned today to the task of learning if i treasonable motives are responsible . for injunction petitions seeking to restrain operation of the army draft registration law, which were filed in the tate circuit court today. Hear ing on the petition has been set for Thursday at the request of J. D. & Shewalter, attorney for the petition - crs, who declared hit presence in the state capital wa necessary tomorrov, so he might prosecute mandamus suit which he declared would ba filed there against Governor F. D. Gardner i and the state adjutant general, who, hi petition asserts, "have been acting m : in an oppressive manner." As a result of anti-draft agitation , i.i'n this district a special United States grand jury has been called for June i . b. to consider cases growing out of '. violstions of war legislation, The injunction petition is signed by Raymond I. Moor and Thomas R. Sullivan. It i directed against Gov ernor Gardner, Mayor Edwards, the i election commissioners and the county sheriff, t . The application sets forth that the registration law is unconstitutional, - csusing involunrtry ervitude, and also is in conflict with the Missouri constitution in that it make state of ficial acf flt federal positions. - ' 5 W Amstt' at Chicago. Chicago, May 29. three men' and two women are held today for inyeati . gation on charge oi Conspiracy to ; defeat the conscription law on June lv 5, and other arresta are expected to follow-ahortly, according'to Hinton i G. Clabaugh, chief tnveetigator here i of the federal bureau of justice. The ., ntme of those in custody were not made public, but the federal agents v claimed that the leaders of the alleged anti-conscription conspiracy are under : arrest, " .- Mr. Qabaush said the alleged con spiracy, -of which he had been ap prised, i not connnca id uiicago, nut ' extend through the entirt central dis- ' trict over which he has control. He said evidence of the alleged plot has ; been found in portion of Wisconsin, - northern Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Iowa, and that arrests would be made in many part of the district between now ana June a. Blame Employer' Association. Dalla, Tex, May 29. Counsel for the Farmers' and Laborer' Protective ' . Association of America today issued a statement laving it is believed by ' the association that the cause of the intervention in its alleged anti-con :,i amotion propaganda is the activity of the National Manufacturer' asso . ciation or tome kindred body If eking to destroy union labor organizations. I Any intentional disloyalty to the gov. ernment ii disclaimed. . . . Anti-Draft Circular. ,' The reported widespread campaign - against the draft for tht army has had no activity In Omaha so far as local federal agents know. A man from out . in the state who had received one of i the circular brought it in to them, ; but poitoffice official say they have no knowledge of any of the circular being mailed or received here. "The circular," said Mr. Eberitein, "called upon young men to refute to i register, saying it was better to go to jail. Beyond that I have no infor- nation about the anti-dratt plot Navy Needs Telegraphers And Wireless Operators Telegraphers and wireless opera tor are needed in the navy. Omaha recruiting ameers re ceived order yesterday to recruit a many wire men a they could get They are needed for the naval radio corps. This class the only one in the navy thus farwill have to enlist for the period of the war only. The pay, recruiting officers said, will be according to the ability of the men. Skilled telegrapher and wireless operators will be paid good salaries. RUSS AMBASSADOR SAYS TRUST SLAVS Representative of New Re public Bound for America Says His Country Wants No Separate Peace. Tokk; May 29. "I am immensely satisfied with conditions in Russia, including Siberia," said Prof.. Borris Bakhmetieff, the new Russian ambas sador to the United States, on ar riving here today. "I think the new regime soon will be able to launch an offensive against the enemy." Prof. Bakhmetieff is at the head of a special commission of forty on its way to the United States. He repudiated the idea that his country would make a separate peace and expressed appreciation of aid given the new republic by the United States. Nobles Cause T.oubl. Difficulties have occurred, but they had been exaggerated, and it wal un reasonable to assume that the ancient lutocracy could be overthrown with out encountering resultant obstacles. Everywhere the work of reconstruc tion was going forward rapidly, he laid. "Russia's war aims are similar to America's," he continued. "A sister democracies they are fighting hand-in-hand. I am going to America with complete diplomatic powers. I shall take up questions of munitions, sup plies and finance." Among the members of the com mission are General Ropp, who will be attached to the American armyj M. Lomonpoff, a railroad expert; M. Nontzky, representing the finance ministry; M. Borodkin, representing the ministry of agriculture, and M. Oranovsky, an artillery expert. DUNN'S CHARGES ; NOT LEGAL, RINE TELLSCOUNCIL dtnttnae4 rrnm rat Om.) about the 14th day bf May, 1917, un lawfully, feloniously . and corruptly confederated together, and conspired with each other, that they would ob tain from the said Critea the sum of $5to, and tromlMrs, Robert Hood $500. and from Robert Hood, $1,000, by threats, intimidations, coercion and conspiracy." Then the complaint alleges that the nine defendants touaht to cause Crites and Mr. Hood to be falsely charged with, misconduct and would cause them to be found in the law office of Edwin D. Critea in the nieht time and would cause the said Winckler, Day,. Fisher and Mote to enter Crites law office and by violence and force of arm demand certain : sums of money as specified, spiracy wal to get evidence: against Critea and Mrs.- Hood and then de mand $1,000 from Robert Hood for furnishing evidence against his wife and Crites. Tell bf Gun Pity. Crites also alleses that Winokler. Day and Mole entered his office at 10 o'clock at night, May 14, and, in the presence of Mrs, Hood, made de mands for money by pointing re volvers in a threatening manner. Detective Winckler insists that he did not have a revolver. He said he did enter Crites' office and, pushing open a swinging door leading to a f rival office, turned on a small flash ight and saw Crites and Mr. Hood with Ellen Lowry, an Omaha woman detective, who real name is tlsie Phelps. Winckler' story Is that Crites pur sued him with a revolver and he ran to tht office of Attorney Fisher, a block away, where he was assaulted by Detective Paul Sutton and arretted at the instance of Crites. - General WillcoQHs Succeeds' ' ' Bulock as. Bermuda Governor -40arreepondence vf the AasoehUei Press.) London. Mav 1. General Sir Jamet Willcock ha been appointed governor and commander-in-chief of Bermuda in succession to Lieutenant General Sir George M. Bullock. win iou rass the Grape-Nuts, Please?" a phrase heard dailv in thou sands of homes where both chil dren and grownups are in love with this wonderfully nutritious . whole wheat and barley food. "There's a Reason" r Grape-Nuts is usually eaten with creama most de licious and well balanced ration. iHE BEE: MRS. ANTHONY J. DREXEL Wife of the former Philadelphia banker, has obtained a divorea from her husband oa grounds of cruelty, according to dispatches from London. 7 V, i 'i, i. . i ' 4M R s"AHTrl6ifY J DgeXfcli NAME H. LYNCH IN SCHROEDER RM MYSTERY 'itfentlnaftd From Pat Om.l finally made a start for Fred Schroe der, who evaded him. McDonnell testified that Lynch knocked Schroeder down, the men clinched and staged a rough and tum ble fight on the ground, which lasted about five minutes. After the fight he and Lynch got in an automobile, rode uptown and separated. McDonnell insisted that the Schroeder and Rapp were "not what he would call drunk." Mrs. Hannah Schroeder, widow of Fred Schroeder, and Dr. McCIena han, coroner's physician were other witnesses. A motion of Arthur Mullen, one of the defendant's attorneys, for an in structed verdict wa overruled by Judge Sears. The big criminal court room, where the case is being heard, was crowded, the murder was committed by a fourth person was introduced. Police Officer Unger, who was called to the Hanna house on the night of the murder to question Rapp, testified that the dying man told him "two dagos did it. The policeman also questioned the Schroeder brothres. He said they both accused "two dagos" in state ments to him. Mrs. Ella B. Hanna, wife of Glen H. Hanna, Into whose home Rapp was taken after he was shot, told the court that he said to her, "Lady, I didn't shoo mvself, a dago did it." Mrs. Ella Hubbcll and J. B. Mc Bride, who lived in houses near the scene of the crime, said they heard shots fired that night. Testimony throughout the case dif fered as to whether the three men were quarreling before the murder.. Count Andrassy Appointed Premier of Austria by Emperor Zurich, Switzerland, May 29. (Via London British Admiralty per Wire less Press.) An official telegram from Budapest says that Emperor Charles has appointed Count Julius Andrassy premier of Hungary, There has been a vacancy in the Hungarian premiership since May 23, when Count Stephen Tissa, Austria Hungary' "Iron man" and leader of the pro-German party in the monar chy, resigned his post. Differencel with the throne over the franchise reform measure were assigned as a reason for the resigna tion;. Count Tisza's proposal were understood to be narrower in scope than those which the monarchy fav ored, Count Andrassy, a former premier and long one of the most prominent leaders uf the opposition to Count Tissn's ministry, is regarded as a liberal of the advanced type. With Count Apponyi and other opposition leaders, fie participated in an agree ment early in the war not to antagon i.a the government's foreign policies, but last August the truce wa broken and the opposition ha since been an active force in Hungarian politics, with "differencel regarding domestic policies, accentuated. Work Horse High in. Stockholm. (Corrftlpondftnos of Th AiSortattd Prtn.) Stockholm, May 10. The average price for team of work hortrs at an auction just held in Llnkoping was $ 1 ,300, and -good tingle-harness ani mals brought $675. There was a fair demand even at these prices. 8 V. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY UNCLE SAM DELVES DEEP fflfflS PURSE Government Spends One Bil lion Six Hundred Million! So Far During Fiscal Year. Washington, May 29. The jrn inent'a expenditures for the fi.ital year so far reached $1,600,000,000 today, more than $900,000,000 in excess of last' year's expenditure up to the present date, and a new high record in American history. , The chief item of tjie increase $607,500,000 was purchase of the ob ligations of foreign governments in exchange for -loam to the allies. An increase of approximately $245,000,000 in the ordinary, disbursements of the government, chiefly due to military and naval needs, also is recorded, and another item going to swell the grand total of expenditure was the payment of $25,000,000 for the purchase of the Danish West Indies. Ordinary receipta also show an in crease over last year, the total to date being $818,000,000. The chief item of increase it the income tax, payment so far (this year haying reached the total of $155,000,000. as compared with $28,01X1,000 last year.. Income tax re ceipts are flowing into the treasury at the rate of Pearly $4,500,000 a day. They have reached a total of nearly $100,000,000-this month, as compared with less than $5,000,000 last May. Customi duties show an increase of approximately $15,000,000 for the year and internal revenue taxes on whisky, beer and tobacco have increased ap proximately $45,000,000, of which nearly $20,000,000 was during May. Panama canal tolls increased approxi mately $2,500,000 last year to $4,300,000 so far this year. Prominent Woman Hurt In Automobile Accident Colorado Springs, Colo., May 29. Mrs. N. H. Fisher of Council Grove, Kan., daughter of A, T. Coffey, widely known Kansas financier, was danger ously injured and Miss Barbara Black of Macon, Ga., and Dr. H. A. Mann of Manitou, Colo., suffered less seri ously early today when the motor car in which they were riding plunged over an embankment near Green Mountain Falls, fourteen mile west of here. Frank Gray of Fort Davis, Tex.! who was driving, is detained by the police on a charge of recklessness. Fears are felt for the recovery of Mrs. Fisher, whose hips were broken. She also suffered internal injuries. Four Deaths in Family Within Seventy Days Shenandoah, la., May 29. (Spe cial.) Four members of the family of Mrs. Charles Simpson have died in less than seventy days. Her son, Harvey Sample, died in February; her husband died at the city hospital last Tuesday following an operation. rour days later her tatlier, John Rcid, at Farragut, and the next day her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harvey Sample, died at Sterling, Colo. Since the death of Mr. Sample his widow has been in Colorado for her health, her death being due to tuber culosis and complications. The fun eral was held today at Imogene. A small child survives the parents. . The Japanese Way To Remove Corns Don't Hurt a Bit Easy and Simple The'-Matfc Touch of Ice-Mint Does It Just a Touch Stops Soreness, Then the Corn or Callous Shrivels and Lifts Off. Try it. Your Feet Will Feel Cool and Fine. Jutt touch of It-mint tn4 "Ohl" what tII. Cora and MlIoti van Uh toreneM disappears and yon can danea all night or walk all dy and jrour aorna won't hurt a bit. No mat tor what you hava tried or how manr tlmaa you hava btan disappointed hrt la a nal help for yon at last From tha very second that lea-mint touches that sora, tender eorn your poor tired, aching feet will feel so cool, catty and eomforUble that will Just sigh with relier. Think of It: ftst a little touch of that delightful, eoolinv Ice-mint and real foot Joy is yours No matter how 1 TEETH DR. McKENNEY Sayti "It should he your grove eonoern to select dentiets of known skill, ability and reliability. Yon will find wa pos sess all of these qualifications." HeavUet Bridge Warlr, per tooth, $4.00 WMShr PUtsfr rarsk 1S to 2S, Mt SIIvst Fill ' hrs 50 leat 2J-k Oald Crowns S4.00 . 55, S8, 510 Ws alMM ysw r rtnus) yowr soanay. McKENNEY DENTISTS 14th and Faraan-1324 Farnani St. rnoaa ueugiaa 2B72. BROWN PARK Mineral Baths will ut your blood In circulation and ghre you such "pep1 as you never had before. They will open all tha pores of your akin and ara great for relieving ana of tha so called "Spring fever. Brown Park Mineral Springs acta 4 0 u, Sonta SM ro Santa. S7 DR. JOHN A. NIEMANN OstsopataU rfcyaMaa t Caara Bee Want Ads Supply Wants One Cent Per Word 30, 1V)17. Italian Mission Will Tour South and West Washington, May 29. The Prince of Udine and other members of the Italian war mission will leave Washington, June 4, on a trip through the south and middle west, going first to Atlanta. The com mission will visit Burlington, la, June 8, and Chicago, June 9. NEED MORE MEN FOR PERSHING'S FORCE War Department Figures Show Volunteer System Weak; Army and Guards Short of War Strength. Washington, May 29. War depart ment officials are pointing to the daily recruiting figures as proof anew that that the volunteer system again rfas broken down in time of national emergency. Yesterday's regular army recruiting brought in 2,2.17 men, making a total of 87,518 since April 1. Illinois was first with 300 and New York second with 295. But army officers declare that a great drive for: volunteers to fill the army and National Guard to the new war strength will be necessary unless there is to. be serious delay in or ganizing the newly authorized regi ments. These, of course, are for the regular army &nd quite apart from the army to be raised by selective con scription. Recruiting Slow. ' Despite the fact that the nation is at war and American regulars are un der orders for the fighting front in France, less than 200,000 men have en listed since April 1 in the regulars and National Guard. The present rate of enlistment 1,200 to 1,500 a day officials say, must be increased to 10.000 or 20,000 a day if the forces "which in all prob ability will be among the first to fol low Major General Pershing's division to Europe, are to go forward prompt ly. Aft appeal to the country from the president may be necessary to get the men. Guard Even Worse. The National Guard is in even a worse situation. The present total strength of the force is less than 200,000, and raised to a war footing, as has been ordered, should total 330, 000. In addition, the sixteen National Guard division plan, on which the War department is working, would re quire nearly as many more to fill necessary additional regiments. The most striking fact in connec tion with the recruiting rate for the regulars, officers say, is that even the announcement that General Pershing would lead a division to France with out delay failed utterly to stimulate enlistment. The daily average recruit ing has dwindled steadily. If voluntary enlistment fails, despite the recruiting campaigns that are in prospect, the only recourse will be to fill up the regulars and National Guard with men selected for military service under the draft. Koek Island Hold Franehtne. Hoclc Inland. III., May 99. Tho Rocti tflllnd tetm .of the Three-I league has re constdertd Ha doclafoh to five up Iti fran chise, a dispute ovsr a suspsndsd player having been settled, U waa Announced to day. 51 old or tough your pet corn b ha will shrivel right up and yon ean pick him out after a touch of lee-mlnt. No pain, not a bit of soreness, either when ap plying It or afterwards, and it doesn't aren lrritata tha skin. Ice-mint is tha real Japanese secret of fine, healthy, little feet Prevents foot odors and keeps them eool, sweet and comfortable. It la now selling like wiMfir here. Just auk In any drug store for a lit tle Ice-mint and give your poor, suffer ing, tired feet the treat of their lives. There Is nothing better, nor nothing "just as good." Our Furniture Packers are Expert It you are going to locate elsewhere call us to sack and crate your good for ship ment. Our expert packer will re lieve you of all thi hard, un pleasant work and the cost is small everything con sidered. , Omaha Van & Storage Co.' Phone Douglas 41 65 808 South 16th St. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A N noma tm That Aiwons Tan I'm Without Dlsomtort ar loss of Tims. We hava a New Msthod that cures Asthma, anil want jrou to try It at our rxpsnas. No matter whither your case Is ot lon sundlna or recsnt asvslopmsnt. whether It Is prsssnt as ooraalonal or chronic Asthma, you should send (or a frea trial ot our method. No matter lo what ollmata you live, no matter what your age or occupa tion, If you ara troubled with asthma, our method should relleva you promptly. We especially want 10 send It to those apparently hopeless oases, where all torms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "paten amokes. ate., have failed. We want to ohow everyone at our own ex pense that this hew method Is deslsned to end all difficult brea.tr.tne;. all wheestn. and all those terrible paroxysms at ones and for all lime. . , This frse offsr Is too Important to neslect a elnle day. Writs now and then begin the method at ones. Bend no money, tint ply nail coupon below. Po It Today. FREK ASTHMA COITON. FRON'TIKR ASTHMA CO.. Room llti, Nlasara aod lludeon Bis., Buffalo, N. T. Send free trial of your method to: .................. BRAZIL'S ACTION IS WAR DECLARATION Revocation of Neutrality De cree Marki Breakdown of German Influence in South America. Washington, May 29. Brazil's de cision to revoke its decree of neu trality is construed here as little less than a declaration of a state' of war with Germany. Brazil's action is n lieved to' indicate a general break- The Thompson-Bel den Store Will Be Closed Wednesday Memorial Day Vacation Opportunities Via Rock Island Lines (FROM OMAHA EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST) Alexandria Bay, JT. Y., and return $45, Asbury Park, N. J., and return $55. Atlantic City, N. J., and return Bangor, Me., and return.. ..........$58, Bar Harbor, Me., and return $59. Boston, Mass., and return ......$54, Buffalo, N. Y., and return Burlington, Vt, and return .$50. Chautauqua Lake poihts, N. Y., and return Toledo, O., and return Charlottetown, P. E. I., and return . .$64. Concord, N. H., and return ..$51, Detroit, Mich.t and return., Fabyan, N. H., and return $52, Halifax, N. S., and return... ...... .....-.$61, Lake Placid, N. V., and return ..$49, Moncton, N. B-, and return.. ...$56. Montreal,' Que., and return .....$45, New York, N. Y., and return $51 Old Orchard, Me., and return... ...$5 Portland. Me., and return........ ..$5 Portsmouth, N. H., and return. Pictou, N. S., and return.... St John. N. B.. and return Saratoga Spring, N. Y., and return $49, Toronto, Ont., and return... ..$40. Yarmouth, Me., and return.... .....$52. CIRCUIT TOURS : New York City and return 858.50 to $62.10 One direction via Buffalo or Niagara Falls, other direction via Washington, D. C. New York City and return ...$70.50 to $72.10 One direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer; other direction via Niagara Falls or Buffaloi or Via Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass., and return........ $57.80 to $60.20 One direction via Montreal, other direction via Niagara Falls or Buffalo. Boston, Mass., and -return.... $57.80 to $69.15 One direction via Niagara Fall or Buffalo, other direc tion via New York and Washington, D. C. , . Boston, Mass., and return $76.95 One direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer, other direc tion via Niagara Fall or Buffalo or Montreal. Tha above is only a partial list of Eastern points to which oxcur .ion far, are available, and many other attractive Circuit Tour ara offered. Tickets carry final retura limit of sixty day from date of sale, and very liberal stop-overs in both directions. Chicago Limited at 6:08 P. M. Daily For further information Inquire of I4th and Faraam Sts. Amazing Power To Make Weak Eyes Strong Doctor Says It Strengthens Eyesight 50 per cent in One Week's Time in Many Instances A Fre Prmrlpllott You Cab Hat Filled ul I'm at Horn. Victim at y train and other eye wiakneM nd thow who. Wear will b gift to know that according to Dr. Lwl thtr la rl hop and help for thfm. Many who aye wr UlHnt y ttur have' had their yee mtored ay thla remarkabl pfficrlptlon and mny who onr wore gtaMM aay thy havo thrown they away. One man iaya, after mlnr it: "I waa almoit blind. Could not lea to wad at all. Now X can read avery thin without my !. and my ayes do nnt Wt any mow. At ftlht they would pain dreadfully. Now they fel Una all the time. It wae like a mlracl to ma.' A lady who used it eayei "Tne aimo- phstt aamed haiy wnn or wunout. o'w. but alter ueinn low prMcrim.i". day everything mi clear. I ean read . " . MllVant etlaaiBiatBl A tint A MP even iinj prim wiwiu -.-- who uied It aaya: "I wae bothered with aya train cauw-u or '"IB' "l i'" whlrta induced fierce headache. I have w ...ihI Vekre both fol dler tanc and work, and without them 1 coul nnt read my own ntma on an envelop or the tvpowritinff on the machine before m I oati do both now and hava diirarded my Inna- dim nee Iawea altogether. I ean count the fluttering leave on the tree acrOPi the itreet now. wmcn iw ... yean hava looked Ilk a dtm green blur to ma i c.nnot xdim my Joy at what It hat dona for me." It w dii even mat mouaanaa nw glaaaea oan now aiacara invta w - -.-able time and moltltudea mora will b abl . . . L.i. u aa he ana roil W eiircnK lUCU utvii vm mm w a -w down of German propaganda air over the southern continent Unofficial advice that Chile wouiu endorse and perhaps join Brazil in the stand against Germany are taken as added evidence of the growth of a friendlier spirit and a corresponding decline of German influence. Preparing to Seize German Snip. Rio Janeiro, May 29. Seizure of German ships and adoption, of naval measures against Germany ln-collab-iration with the entente allies is recommended by the diplomatic com mission of the Chamber of Deputies. The commission' report ets forth that Brawl hitherto has remained quiescent notwithstanding Germany s indifference of the rights of neutrals as well aS belligerents. 45 80 to $46.95 to $59.10 ..$57-30 to $67.45 to $70.45 to $62.10 ...$42.41 to $51.50 ..$41.10 ...$35.10 to $83.65 to $59.10 ...$35.10 to $67.25 to $85.10 to $50.60 to $77.95 to $55.51 to $59.10 to $63.11 to $62.45 to $59.10 to $84.15 to $73.45 to $51.66 to $42.41 to $63.15 70 90 60 90 -.$52, ..$61, ..856. ,90 ,35 ,00 ,15 10 90 v. J. S. McNALLY tr Division Passensr Afent W. O. W. Bldf. of Bon-Opto the trouble and expense of aver getting glasieg. Eye troubles of many description may b wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription at home. Qo to any active drug store and c&t a bottle Of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop ona Bon-Opto tablet 1n a fourth of a glass of water and let It dis solve. With this liquid bath tha eyes two to four times dally. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start, and Inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. It your eyes bother you von a little it la your duty to take atepa to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if they had cared tor their ayes In time. Not: Another prominent Physician., to whem the above article was submitted, aid: "tm. the Bon-Opto prescription la truly a wonderful eye remedy. Its constlt uant ingredients are well known to eminent ya apacialists and widely prescribed by them. X hava used It very auocenfully in my own practice on patient whose ayea wera strained through overwork or rain fit glasses. I can highly recommend It In caew of weak watery, aching, smarting, Itching, burning ayes, red Hda. blurred vision or for eyes Inflamed from exposur to smok, sun, dust or wind. It Is one of the verv few preparations I t"l should be kept on hand for regular ue In almost every family." Bon-Opto.' referred to above, is not a palent medicine or a secret remedy. It Is an cltilral preparation, tbe formula be ing printed on the package. The manufac turers guarantee It to strengthen eyealght bt ner cent In on wcek'a tiro In many In stances or refund the money. It can a obtained from any good drurtfi-t and Is sold m thla city by Sherman ft McConueii C. A Melcher and others. Adv.