Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Cattle Slow to Ten- Cents
Lower; Sheep Decline Dol
lar in Two Days; Hogs
. Suffer Bad Break.
Omaha. May :. 1117.
ttecelpta wre: Cattla. Hon. 8ha.
Official Monday 1,(90 .' "'
Katlinata Tueadir .... 7.SOO is. 009 .oou
Two daya lnl wack.13.tM 17. i: H.JiS
Sama daya laat werk. .16. 71 sn.fili, a. 344
Sama daya 3 wka. ato.H.7:6 .17. 772 ll.74
Sama daya 1 wka. afo.10.710 2n.4S .60 daya 4 wka. ao.ll,:il la.aJO 1.6'JS
Sama daya laal yaar... 1. 140 16.016 11.488
Recalati and dlapniltlnn of llva atoek at
tlw union atock yarda. umaua. lor iw,niy.
lour noura andins at 3 p. in. yeaterday:
Cattle. Hosa. Sheep
C, M. St. P 4 1
Mlasourl Pacific M l 1
Union Partflo 100 4 11
C. 4b N. W., eait I
C. N. W.. ! 37 44 ..
C, Rt. P., M. at O 3 14 1
C, & a l, eatt 14 1
C, B. Q, wat 13 3J 4
C, R. I. A P., wat 1 3
C, R. L P., eaal IS 1 ..
TlllnolB Central t
Chicago Qreat Weatern.... 6 2 ..
Tctal r.celpta 331 151
. Cattla. Hnira,
MorrH ft C ....1,160 1,741
Swill 4k Co 2.024 2,30
Codahy Packing Co.. .1,174 1,234
Armour ft Co 1,0 1,403
Bchwarti Co 475
J. W Murphy 1,471
Lincoln Packing Co.. 4B
S. O. Packing Co.... IS .....
Sinclair Packing Co.. S3
WIIeod Packing Co.. 184 .....
W. B. Vaniant Co. . . .
Kenton, Vanaant ft L. 3
P B. Lewia 1.04 ....
Huston ft Co. ....... 4t
J. B Root ft Co 4
. .t. H Bulla ......... 64
I.. P. Hut L IS
.Wirlhelmar ft Dagan. 103 .....
Sullli'an Broa. B .....
HlKMna 21
HuZrnan 44 .....
Roth 14
Mayan . 2S .....
Olaaabarg ............ 7
Bakar, Jonaa ft 6 60
Banner Broa 1 .....
John Harvar 2S4
Janaen ft Lttngren.. 33 .....
Dannla ft rraocU.... f .....
Pat O'Day , 14
Other buyare 103
7.I7S 10,411 l,tt
Ctttl -HwctlpU wer .arc this morn in ,
101 can bln reported In. Tho total for
tb two dayi foots up 13,190 hsad, btinv th
niaI,4Mt line tbrM walu ago. but Uner
than a year avo by aliuoat 4,000 haad. Thara
was a llttla mora activity to tha trada tbl
morninf In splta of tha law raaalpts, and
to tbat ax tent at laat thara was a batter
UUag. On tha other hand, prleaa wsra
very uneven, the genera! market belna
quoted steady to lOo lower. Tha quality of
tha cattl was very fair, so that oa paper
make food ahowlnf.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
h'eves. llir.40Olt.St; fair to good beeves.
111. 40O13.40; common to fair beeves, f 10.11
911.40; good to choice yaarllnga, 111.760
11.60; fair to good yearlings, 110.76011.76;
common to fair yearlings, lio.oot? 10.76;
good to choice heifers, ft0.26OU.S6; good to
choice cows, M.76O10.T6; fair to good oowa,
98.7501-76; common to fair cows. 97.000
9.71; prima feeding steers, $10.00011 00;
good to choice feeders, I9.00O10.00; fair to
rood feeders, 99.60O9.76; common to fair
ecrs. s7.uv(vi,bu; gooa to onoice siorKtri,
1.50 10.60: stock heifers. 911.96010.60:
stock cows, $7.00019.00; etock calves, 99.60
011,00; veal calves, 99.00014.00; beef bulls,
tags, ate, 99-0OO10.36,
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. Wo. Av. Pr.
... 964 $9 00
... 979 10 00
... 67$ 11 00
...1063 11 36
...1097 11 60
...1049 11 96
... 964 11 76
.,..1323 19 00
...1297 II 46
...196T II 60
...1439 11 70
7 900 $9 60
19 1066 10 90
19 1036 11 16
84 10C.9 11 40
30 984 11 60
'33 ..1160 11 70
34 UBS 11 96
IT 1249 13 20
18 ...1436 13 60
20., 1490 12 16
Hogs Hog receipts were on the liberal
'order today. 179 cars, or about 13.000 head
being reported in. For the two days the
total Is 17,913 bead. This Is nearly 9,000
smaller than a week ago, but Is a few hun
dred larger than two weeks ago, and an In
crease of almost t.000 bead as compared
with a year ago,
Deeptte a reaction In provisions hog val
uea continued to break sharply today all
around tha circuit. Locally snippers had
fair orders, which were filled at prices that
while a quarter lower than yeeterditv'a thip
por trada did Dot show nearly that much
decline when oompered with yeetsrday'a
general market.
Packer trada wag 16036o lower. Early
movement waa fairly active, but lata trade
was alow and weak at tha decline, not ev
erything having bern cleaned ud at noon.
Bulk sold at $16.00016.60, and tha top waaJ
Representative sales;
No. Av. BtL Pr. No. A v.
91, .179, ... 19 00 91. .301
8h. Pr.
90 16 05
... 15 90
190 16 90
s0 II 40
40 H 90
17. .117
70. .369
34.. 391
73. .340
91. .39$
39 19
31. .32(1
IH. .347
111. ail
93, .11$
J90 15 16
90 1$ 36
130 19 49
... It 69
17.. 9T ... IS 00
Sheep The market- was another slow,
linfven affair, and prices were generally
lower than yesterday, though owing to
tha Irregularity tha last two daya, thera la
no way of saying Juet how much the de
cline amounted to. Clipped lambs, which
broke least yesterday, were off moat today,
selling from 7tvc to $1.36 under yeeterday,
or $1.0001-60 below the close of laat week
916.26016.95 bought what were ou offer. Of
ferings Inuluded two cars of wooled Mexi
can lambs, which went at $19.79, showing
a decllno et more than $1.00 from the high
time. . -
Spring lambs broke tha most yesterday,
selling from 99a to In most cases around
91 too lower, and they showed lass of a
slump than anything also this morning,
ranging from nearly steady In the case of
a tew natives to not ovar 36060a lower
men Monaay anywnere. Tney are, How
ever, ft big dollar off for the two days.
Nothing sold above $19.9$, and bulk of the
offerings landed at $11.26. California at
this figure were mates of those that sold at
9IS.DB Monday,
guotstians on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
shorn, $16.00016.96; spring lambs, $17,000
ii.ib: yearlings, shorn. 913.00014.60: weth
ers, shorn, $18.00O13.l6i awes, shorn, $11,00
4 is.oo; ewes, uu anora, $.vuoi.76.
Representative as lee:
No. . Av. Pr.
279 fed shorn lambs , 99 $15 96
99 native spring lambs .. 66 ' 19 00
83 fed clipped lamba 13 16 16
89. ImU lira tSiook Market.
- St. IrtUlB, May 99, Cattle Receipts, 5.
169 hod: market steady; native beet steers.
$7.50 0 19.09; yearling steers and betters.
lt..6O013.OO: cows. 9S.00OU.3I; Blockers and
fetters, $9.00 0 10.00; prima southern beet
steers, si.oovu.&o; Beet oowa ana neiiere.
$4.2tjO9,00; prime yearlings steers and
hollers. $7,5000.00; native eaives, 9vvo
Hogs Receipts, 9.100 head; market lower;
light, $16.10016.50; pigs, $10.00014-35;
mixed and butchers, $15.00016.76; good
heavy. $i&.T6Ol.0; duuc oi aaiea, j.iu
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head
market lower: cltoned Iambs. $14.00015.67
clipped ewes, $9.60O13-96; spring lamba,
$19.90019.791 cannera, $9.0009.00.
Manx CUr Llva Stock Market,
Stoux City. la-. May 19. Cattle Reoetpta,
l.zoo bead: market xor Killers steaay. aioca-
, era strong; beef oteers, $11.00 0 19.00; butch
ers, $0.60011-00; fat cows and heifers, $5.00
OU 00; canners, $4.6009-00; stock trs and
leeders. iT.Tbftue oo: calves, ii.euoia oo
bulls, $6.5009.00; 'feeding cows and heiftrs.
UorsRecelots. 9.600 bead: market 10O
XOc lower; light, $14 76016.16; mUsd, (16.30
OI&-45; Heavy, $16.40015.00; pig 12.Q0
13.2ft; DU1K OI Sales. Ilb.l601b.4.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 909 head:
market 15o lower; yearlings, oltpped.Tlli.OO
vie-vu; ciippea weinere, li.UQVia.Td;
cuppea awes, ii.wqiz.ov; wooled lamDa,
iU.ItOill.3t.; cupped lambs, glf.76019-76.
City Uvs Stock Market.
Kansas City, May 99. Cattle Receipts,
J .t)00 head: market lower; prime fed steers,
412.60f13.40: dressed, beef steers. 910.2641
3;'.;S; western steers, 99.00O1Z.36; stackers
ei.L'UUiii.vtt; neiiem. .guF jj.zi; u or kern
and feeders, 97.76910.90; bulls, 99.00010.29;
talvep, $s.00t14.00.
Hogs Rfctlpts, 11,600 head; market
lower; bulk oi sales, $14.900 16.C0; heavy,
91&-ef 015.70; packers and butchers, $16,800
ISr-l; lights, $14.76016.39; pigs, $13,000
Kheep and Lain be Receipts, 9,409 head
market lower; lambs, $16.09019.50; year
ling, JU.oon ir,,ci0; wcthert., $13.00016.00
ewe, 9U.00tH.o0.
f'hlraco Mve Stock Market.
('hU-aen, May 29. :ttU Krcelpts, 1.500
hcail; inarkft w.;K; native oeovrs. f.2t.4
13.70: ftockrrp snfl reeaprs, si.;it)n ju.zs
vowb and helfera, $ti.26OH.40; calves, 19.50
4t 13.76.
Iloga Receipts, 1 3.00ft had: market
w-Hk: bulk of sateM, 116.16416.65; light.
II l.4(i r 15.60; mxpa, i6.o&wib.7; ncavy
irt.ootri5.76; rough, $16.00016.10; pigs,
lw.iirt !4,:r..
Hhep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 had;
markt weak and nervous; 76c to $1.50
low'r then lent week's close; wethers, 111.00
13. .0; cwi, $10.00tfl3.00; lam Us, 91I.7&0
Ht. Joseph Live Mock Market
St. Jos-1. h. Mo.. May 29. Oattle Re
rrlpn, 3,500 had: market steady to 10c
lower: steers,,: rows ana Belt
ers. 36.60M:.26: Ca ves. 19.00 a 14. ou.
It css Kecelpts, 9,600 head: market 26c
1nwr; top, $16.76; bulk of sales, $16 00
Sheeo and Lambs Receipts, 2,400 head:
market lower; lambs, $16.000 1 9 00; awes,
Omaha Hay Market.
Hay Receipts continue steady and de
mand fair; market Is quiet ana dreggy,
which baa cauied prices to go lower on all
grades of prairie hay.
Choice upland prairie, 9Ztt.vnnji.Q0: No.
1, I9 00020.00; No. 2, 914.0001 00; No. $,
t, 00 11.00. No. 1 midland, 919.00O30.;0;
No. 2. $13.00014-00. No. 1 lowland, $13.00
uie.vo; ao. z, 9.oooio.oo; wo. 3, 97.000
7 60.
Choirs Alfalfa $24.00026.00; No. 1.
laa.ou v zi. 00. Btenaara, iso.oozi.oo; no.
I, $17.00013.00; No. 3, $12.00014.00.
Straw Oat, 98.0008.60: wheat. $7,000
Kggs Freeh, per caie, $9.40.
Buiter Freeh, per lb., 33c.
Poultry Live: Broilers, lUOZc per lb.
30o each; hens, IS Ho; stags, under 6 lbs, 14c
each; old cocks and heavy stags, 12c; tur
keys, fat, 22c; turkeys, old toms, 20o.
FRUITS Or .nges, 2R8s. 324s. $3.25 box:
12fle, 160s, 176s, 300s, $4.00 box; 100s, ls,
ISOi, $3.75 box. Lemon , fancy, $60s, 1 00s,
15.60 box: choice, 300s. 360s. 95,00, box.
Grapefruit, 36s, $4.60 box; 4fls, $4.76 box; 64a,
96.16 box; 04s, sun. 16.75 'box. Pine
apples, Cuban. 93.60 crate. Cherries. Call-
fornlans, $2,75 box. Bananas, 40 lb.
vsve tablesrota toes, old, $2.60 bu,: new.
$Ho lb, CabbHge, orate lots, 4o lb, As
parogus, 40c do (en. Lettuce, head, $9.50
crate; tlosen, 90u Uosen. Cukes, extra fancy,
91.36 doiteii; Taney, 91. 00 dosen. Tomatoes.
9 baskete, $8.75 crate; choice, $9.26 crate.
Onions, Bermudas, $2.25 crate; wax. $2,50
Honey, $3.36 cane.
Fish Fresh halibut, l&c lb.; fresh cat-
fluh. 20o lb.: black cod sable Huh. imo lb.:
freah salmon, 19019o lb.; fresh trout, No.
1. 170 h.: fresh whiten!. 20o lb.: fresh
yellow pike, lite lb.; freeh pickerel, 12a lb.:
freeh herring, dressed, 11a lb.; fresh white
perch, 10c lb.; fresh buffalo, dressed. 13c
lb.; fresh ling cod, 104o lb.; freeh Spanish
mackerel, 16o lb.; fresh red anapper, west
ern, llo lb.; gulf, llo lb.; fresh carp, dressed.
10 id. rresit ros snaa, Tba escn: rresn spilt
had. 40o each: frosen catfieh. 16c lb.:
frosen baracuda. 14c lb.; frosen bluensh. 14c
b.i frosen black bats. 16c lb.: frosen tlleflsh.
for steaks, 13a lb.; frosen whltefleh, round,
la lb.: kippered lelmon, 10-lb. baskets. Ib..
market: kippered cod or grayOsh. 10-lb.
baskets, market.
Who eeale Prices of Beef Cuts Ribs: No.
. ISo: No. 1. 32c: No. 3. 17c. Loins: No. 1.
274c; No. S, 24c; No. I, lOfcc. Chucks:
No. 1, c; No. I, 16c: No, I, I60. Rounda:
No. J. 19c: No. I. llfcc: No. 3. 17Uc,
Plates: No. 1, 14tt; No. I, 1414c; No. I, 14c
ieiicaciea Frogs: J umbo. aos.. 13. &o;
Isrge, dos., $3.60; medium, dos., 91.76. ,
Shrimp: Peeled, gal., $2.00; headless. $135;,
ran meat. lump. aai;. 13.30: anaa roe. pair. 1
60c; turtle meat, 10c; lobsters, green, $2c;
boiled. $60. i
celery Large green ton. Fiorina, elegant
stock, dos., $1.00; crates, containing I or 4
dog,, per orate, $3.60, 1
Hew York Money Market. I
New Tork. May- 99. Money On call.
steady; high, $ per cent; low. 2 per cent;
ruling rate, $ per cent; lait loan, I per cent;
closing bid, t per cent; offered at 1 per
Time Loana Easier: txty days, 4U04U
per cent; ninety daya, 4 H 04ft per cent; alx
months, 4H04H per cent
rrime Mercantile raper iv per cent.
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. $4.72:
commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71 ft;
commercial sixty-day bills, 94.71ft; demand,
$4,76 9-19; cables, $4,76 7-15.
Stiver Bar, 74fto; Mexican dollars, OBfte.
Bonds Govern men t. weak; railroad, ir
U. s. is, rsg. vs Tnt. M. M. bs.. iih
do coupon ..94 K. C. 8 r, 5s,, 9ft ft
U. S, 9a reg... 9B44L. N. un. 4s.. 91ft
do eouoon ... B m a t 111 u
U. S. 4s reg.. .106 Mo, Pao. g. 4a.. 40ft
11 do coupon. .loo Mont, rower oa,. w
Pan. 3a coupon 90 N. T. C. d. 9a.. 106
Am. For. Sec. 9s 45 '4 No. Pao. 4a .... 9Rft
A T. tftt T, c. 6s 99ft do 3s 93ft
Anglo-French 6s. 96 Or. S L. r. 4s.. 97
Arm A Co. 4fts tlftPao. T. eV T. 5s 96
Atchlsou gen. 4s 90 Ponn e, 4fte. ,102ft
Bal. O. 4s.. 97 do gen. 4fts ..99ft
Cen. Leather fis.lOO Roadlng gen. 4s 91
Can. Pac. 1st ..S68 L A S F a 9 97
Ches. 4s O, c Is 88 So. Paclflo e. 6a 99
C B A Q Jt 4s 99 do rof. 4s.,.. 99ft
tCMASPgtfte 98 So. Ry. 5s 97
O R I P t 4s 76Tex. 4k Pan. 1st 98
Colo. A 8. T. 4fte 71ft do cv. 4c... 99ft
d. r. o. r os 6&Tu . ttuooer es.. 7
Dom. of Can,' 6 98 V. S. Steel 5a. .104
Krle gen 4s:... Sift Wabash 1st ...,100ft
Oen. Klso. 9s. ,103ft West. Un. 4fts 91ft
ut. no. 1st 4 us 94 wma Tuiieroa.
III. Cen. r. 4s.. 97
London Htek Market.
London. May 39. American securities
hardened with Wall street and closed dull
on the stock exchange today.
Htiver Bar, i9a per ounoe.
Money 9ft 04 per cent
Discount Rates Short bills. 4 11-19 ner
cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent.
Coffee Market.
New Tork. May 99. Coffee There waa
considerable awltohlng from July to later
mouths In tha market for- coffee futures to
day, but business otherwise waa very quiet
and fluctuations narrow. The market opened
at unchanged prices with only one lot chang
ing nanas on tne can, out later mere was
acattersd covering with September selling
up from 9.36c to 9.29c, closing at 1.300 bid.
The general list closed at a net advance of
1 to I polnta. Bales including exchanges.
4S.760 bags; June, .13o; July, 8.17c; August
a. sac; September, B.iao; 00 toner, 0.90c;
November, 8.34cj December, 9.89c; January,
9.46c; February. 8.6I01 March. 1.67c: April.
Spot, easy: Rio Ta. 10 ho: Santos 4s. lOfte.
No change waa reported In offers from
Santos, but rlos and victorias were said to
be easier, Rio 7s were reported here at
9.80c. American credits. The official cables
reported no change In Braxlllan markets
except Santos futures, which unchanged to
ou reis nigner.
Cotton Market, t
New Tork. May 29. Cotton Futures
opened steady; July, 11.22c; October. 90.80c;
December, 3V.9Bc; January, io.boc; uarco,
The cotton market closed very steady at a
net advance of 17 to 26 polnta
Futures cioaen steady; July, gi.&oo: Oc
tober, 21.10c; December, 21.18c; January,
31.1 jo. apoi, quiet; miaaung, 11.70c,
Liverpool, May as. Bolton Hoot in fair
demand; food middling, 14.26d; middling,
li.ivu; tow miaaung. 11 sou. Hales. 1.000
Turpeattnc and Rosin Market.
Savannah. Ga.. May 29. Turnontlne
Firm, 41to; sales, $89 bbls.; receipts. T09
bbis.( shipments, $81 bbls.; stock, 10,979
Rosin Firm: sales, 1,118 bbls.; recelpte.
1,432 bbls.; shipments. 4.144 bbls,: stock.
X4,tt2l bbls. Quotations: A, B, $6.7006.90;
U, Hi, It.Svtffc -SO: F, $6.1605.10; O, H.
$5.9006.96; I, $5.9004.00; K. $6.9609.00; M,
96.00O4.10; N, $4.1009.20; WO, $9.1509.36;
WW, $6.:0O6.l6.
Sranorated Apples and Dried Fruit. '
New York, Msy 29. Apples, quiet; (aucy,
13ft015c; choice, llfto; prime, lOftc.
Dried Fruits Prunes, firm; California,
HftOlSftc; Oregona, UftOUfte. Apr! cola,
steady; fancy, 22c Peaches, firm; standard,
lOftc; choice. 10c: fancy. 11c. Ratalns.
quiet; looee Muscatel, 9O10o; choice to
rancy seeded, S(fo; seedless, lOftc; Lon
don layers, $1.80.
Kansas City General Market
Kanses City. Mo . Mav .-WhMt.VA. i
hard, 83.7492.71; No. 3, 91.9409.76; No. I
red, 93.6803.71; May, $2.46: July, M0ft
Corn Ne. 3 mixed. Il.63rtl.63; No. 2
wnue,; no. I yellow, $163ftO
1.61: May. 11. 5Q: Julv. Il.ltu
Oate No. I white, 49ftOt9c; No. $
" Bt. Xoali Graui Market.
St. Touls. May 19. No. 3 red. nominal;
No. 1 bard, $2.90; July, $3.53; September,
Com No. t, $1 5901.59: No. a white.
ti.nv; ,tuiy, ti.iu; aeptemoer, $1.30.
Oots No. 1 and No. 3 white, nominal.
Dry (ioodi Market.
New Tork, May 29. Dry Goods Cotton
goods and all cloths for government pur
poses were very firm and active today.
Men's wear was being bought at second
nanas 10 ne carriea iota ine spring- season.
ouriapa were tirin.
Cash Grain Trade is Dull. With
Wheat Prices Lower Than
Those Prevailing on
Omaha, May 29, 1917.
Today's trade In cash grains was duller
than It has been for some time and while
the receipts of all grains were extremely
light the demand waa vary alow and there
was hardly enough stuff sold to give a
definite Idea of the range of prices al
though the whole list, with the exception
of oats, was substantially lower. A few
cars of No. 2 hard wheat were sold at a
late hour and brought from $3.70 to $2.72,
giving an approximate range of 104c lower
on this grade of wheat while one eale of
No. 4 hard was made at 92-65, but this
stuff was very poor la quality and the
ordinary samples of this grade would prob
ably be worth considerably more than this
The corn market generally was quoted
about lo under yesterdsy's market and the
bulk of the offerings sold on the decline.
Atmoit all of the sales of the better grades
of corn were made at $1. 6101.61ft, but
Quality considered, the yellow sold at a
small premium over the white and mixed,
tome of tire No. S yellow aellfng at 11. 61ft.
while the No. I grade or wnito ana mixeo
corn sold from $1.6101-61.
Gala sold fairly readily at practically
unchanged prices, hut one sale of No. $
white was made 4)1 1 a one-fourth cent ad
vance. This car, however, waa better than
the ordinary run of stuff.
Rye and barley were quiet, with light
offering!, and these markets were quoted
nominally unchanged.
Clearances were: wneat ana riour equal
to 226,000 bushels; oats, 267.OO0 bushels.
Primary Wheat receipta were im.ouo ouan-
els no shipments, (holiday), agalnat receipts
of 994,000 bushels, and no shipments, (holi
day), last year.
Primary corn receipts were dusp-
els. no shipments (holiday), against receipts
of 249,000 bushels, and no shipments (holl-
aay), last year.
rrimary oats receipts were ess.ovo ousn-
els, no shipments (holiday), against receipts
of 914,000 bushels, no shipments (holiday),
last year. 1
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 127 269 219
Minneapolis , ,...116 ,., ...
Dululh ..199 ... ...
Omaha 17 60 16
Kansas City 65 96 6
Rt. Lou I 80 $3 32
Winnipeg 793
tubhc sales were reported toaay: wneat:
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. $2.72: 1 car. $3.70.
No, 1 hard winter: 1 car, 932.72; 1 car, $2.70.
No, 4 hard winter; 1 car (smutty), $2.66. :
Sample spring: 1 car, $2.47. Corn: No. 1
wh'te: 1 cars, 11.61ft. No. 1 white: 1 cars, 1
11.51ft; 2 cars, $1.51. No. 1 white: 1 car,
11.61 A. No. 1 yellow: 6 cars. I1.&14. no.
t yellow: I cars, 11.61ft. No. 1 mixed: 1
car, ll.&lft. No. $ mixed: 3 cars, $1.51ft;,
1 car. ei. 6i. no. 9 mixea: 1 ear, si,..
Oate: No. 1 whlte 1 car, 46c. No. I white:
1 car, 65ftc; 4 cars, 46c. Sample white: 1
car, 4ttc; 1 car, 62ftc.
Omaha Cash prices Wheat: no. I hard,
J3.9902.73: No. 1 hard. $3.8703.72: No. 4
hard, $2.6602-66. Corn: No. 3 white, $1.91
01-61U; No. 3 white. 9L50Ol-il: No. 4
white, 91.60ft 01-61; No. I white, $1,500
1 60 "A : no. e wnite. ii.4mai.o: no. x yel
low. 9l.61ft01-61ft; No. $ yellow. $1,610
161; No. 4 yellow, $i.60i.ti: No. yel
low, $1.6001.50; No. yellow, II. 41ft
1.50: no. 3 mixea. 11.6i01.biH ; no. i
mixed, 1.60O1.61ft; No. 4 mixed, $1.60
01-51; No. 6 mixed, xi.&ooi-G&ft : no.
mixed, $1.49Ol-60. Oate: No. 3 white,
46ft044c: standard. 96046c; No. I
white, 96086fto; No. 4 white, 44ft 06c.
Barley: Malting, $1.3001.36; oN. 1 feed,!
$1.1901 23. Rye; No. I. $2.2403.35; No.,
3, $2.2302-2$.
Local range or options
Art. I Open. High. Low. Close Tes. !
Wht. I I
July $ 060 1 09 20$ t 01 204
2 04
Sept I 79 1 T9 17$ 1 79 171
Corn. -
July I 49 1 46 142 1 43 143
Sept 1 27 1 27 124 1 34 137 1
Deo. 13 93 90 90 93!
Oats, I
July 9T 67 58 98 17
Sept. 60 I 60 I 48ft 48ft 49
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
Art Pn; 1 High. Low.l Close. Tea.
Wht 1 1 j I
July I 01 1 09 202 1 09 309
Ben. 1 91 1 99 193 1 $8 18$
July 1 48 1 44 139 1 $9 141
Sep I 30 1 31 129 1 37 121ft
Deo 94ft 16 92 91 93
July 59 19 17 5T $9
Sop. 62 63 51ft 61ft 92
Doo 54 64 92 $3 $4
July ST 10 37 17ft 37 IS 37 95 87 00
Sep. $7 10 87 90 17 10 $7 60 37 06
Lard. I
July II 90 SI 97 21 40 11 Tift 21 12 1
Sep. 21 99 33 02 31.60 31 91 21 40
July 80 10 10 16 10 40 10 65 20 10
Sep j 30 40 I 30 37 10 90 30 72ft 20 80
Trading In Pit Shows Decided Weakness
During Day After Opening Strang.
Chicago, May It. Grain prices today de
veloped material weakness after an earlier
show of etrength. The abort Interest had
been greatly reduced while the temporary
bulge waa In progress. When longs at
tempted to unload further they found but
little demand. Tha wheat market depended
largely on the action of coarae grain, and
was unsettled at the finish, with July at
99.03 and, September at 91.93. Corn closed
o to 3ftc down and oats off o to lc
In provisions the outcome waa an advance
of 43o to 9&e,
Bearish Influences, which had an Inde
pendent effeot on wheat were chiefly favor
able crop reports. A leading expert eent
word that continued cool, showery weather
waa bringing out the Kansas crop wonder
fully, ana mat yieias were uxaiy u oe
much larger than had been expected. An
estimate also Was furnished tbat the Mis
souri crop would be four and a half million
bushels larger than In 1918, with Idaho.
Oregon and Waahlngton also Increased
3,000,000 bushels.
Trade In corn was large, especially while
shorts were covering on a eharp reaction
from yesterday's big break in prices, unex
pected scantiness of offerings from the coun
try had caused temporary anxiety on the
part of shorts. Crop prospects remained
good and shipping demand slow, Oats
swayed with corn. Assertions of a revival
in export call were not confirmed. Foreign
inquiries for offers of meats and lard ha
rouoh to do with the advance la provisions.
Offerings were light.
Uatb rricee wneat; noi, m ens e rva.
nominal; No. 1 hard. $3.76; No. 1 hard,
$2.56. Corn! No. 1 yellow, $1.5701-59;
No. 3 yellow, $1.57 01.69; No. 4 yellow, nom
inal. Oats: No. $ white, 43ftO$4fto;
standard, 43 066c. Rye: Nominal. Bar
ley: I1.10O1.&0. Seeds Timothy, $6,760
9.00; clover, $12.00 0 1700. Provslslons:
PorK, 937.10; rnra, Sii.evax.n; nos,
Butter Lower; creamery, 87 ft 04tc.
Km Higher: receipts, 41,494 cases; firsts,
1404c; ordinary firsts, !0ftSlc; at
mark, cases included, 33 8 ft c
Potatoes Unchanged ; new, receipts, $9
cars; old, receipts. 5 cars.
Poultry Alive, lower; xowis, isc
New York General Market,
Now Tork. May 19. Flour Easier, spring
patents, 91I.40OU-66; winter patents, $11.05
O11.80; winter etralghts, $13.40013-90; Kan
sss straights, $13.90013-40.
Corn Meal Kasy; fine white and yellow,
$8.90; coarse, $9.28; kiln dried, $8.70; nomi
nal. ;
Wheat Nominal.
Corn Spot, easy; No. t yellow, f 1.86ft, e. L
t, New Tork.
Oats Spot, easy; standard. TO 70 ft e,
Hope Quiet: state, common to choice
(1919), 30086c; (1915), 9To; Pacific
coast (1916). 9011c; (1915), 79c,
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43fto; Central
America, 42 c.
Leather Firm; Hemlock first 57c; sec
onds, 66c.
Provisions Pork, steady ; mess, $41.60;
family. $44-00; abort clear, $48.60044.60.
Lard, strong; middle west. $31.76031.86.
Tallow Quiet; city special, loose, 19ftc.
Wool Firm; domestic fleece XXX Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 64066c.
Rice steady; fancy head, $0!ct blue
rose, 80.
Butter Steady; receipts, 10,389 tabs;
creamery, higher than extras, 44044fto;
creamery, 93 score, 4ftc; firsts, 43043c;
seconds, 4041o,
Eggs Firm; receipts, 3T.1SS cases; freeh
gathered extras, 3139c; fresh gathered
firsts, storage packed, 97033c: fresh gath
ered firsts, 3437c; seconds and lower
grades, 32ft033ftc
Cheese Unsettled; receipts, 18,489 boxes.
Including 4,216 In transit for export; state,
frexh speclala, 23ft039c; state, average run,
Poultry T.lve, ateady: ne prices settled;
dressed, quiet; chickens, 21 30c; (owls. 19ft
35c; turkeys, l36a .
Bears Have Inning in Early
Trading, But Bulls Come
Back Later in Day and
Stocks Again Climb.
New Tork. May 29. Financial efforts by
the short Interests to depress prices in to
day's Irregular market met with Indifferent
success, the list rising briskly In the last
hour, and wiping out many early declines
of 1 to I points.
Selling of long stock by traders who chose
to close out their contracts over the holiday
was an additional factor In the unsettlement
of the forenoon, together with an abate
ment of public Interest. The Russian sit
uation, as disclosed by overnight advices,
waa one of the developments put forward
by professional traders to effect values.
Initial prices were 1 to 1 polnta under yes
terday's cloe.
United States Steel In the last fifteen
minutes crept slowly up to 11.13 and closed
only a fraction lower, making a net gain of
a point. The belated recovery was accepted
on the customary free buying, Individual lots
running from 1,000 to 4,600 shares, other
Industrials of like description made almost
proportionate recoveries. Sugars were a
pronounced feature at advances of 1 to 3
points. v
Ralls and shippings drooped during the
morning with metals, motors, oils, leathers
and the gas shares. Pool activity waa ob
served In the paper shares and American
Ltnaeea issues. Total sales 01 slocks, si,-
Bonds were irregular, the trend, however.
being mainly upward in raits and utilities.
Total sales, par value, $3,496,000,
united states coupon and registered is de
clined per cent; coupon Is per cent and
Panama registered 3a 1 psr cent on call.
Number of sales and range 01 quotations
of the leading stocks:
Sales. High. Low. Close
Amrr. Beet Sugar. 6,000 96 9flft 94
Amtrican Can.,... 7,400 61ft 60 61
Amer. C A F 4.100 76ft 73 74
Amor. Locomotive. 8,300 73 T2 ft 73 ft
Amer. S. ft H 7.400 104 103 1IM
Amer.. Sugar Refln. 10,400 115ft 113 113
Amer. T. A T 500 122ft 123 121
Amer. Z.. LAS. 1,600 34 34 34
Anaconaa uopper .. zo.iuo & ss1
Atchison .......... 1,000 102 102 102
At. O. W, J 6.. 2.900 108 106 102ft
Bal. A Ohio 22,300 72 72 72ft
Butte A SUP. COP. 1.400 46 43 44ft
Calif Petroleum . I 900 21 21ft 21
Canadian Pacific .. 7,300 142 101 161
Central Leather .. 10,00 94 92 93 ft
Chef, ft Ohio 800 90 90 SO ft
Chi., Mil. A St P.. 1,400 76ft 75ft 76ft
Chi. ft N. W 800 111 112ft 133
C, R. 7. ft P., Ctffe 42
Chlno Copper 2,100 58 97ft 58ft
UOir,. jr. 1 s.OOU &IK &j &3
Com Products Ref.106.100 34 82 8,1
(jruciDie steei .... &3,auo si 77 80
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 21,300 46 44 46
Distillers' Secur. . 300 16 14 17
Erie 1,000 14 26 26
Oeneral Electric , 143
General Motors ... 7.400 104 107 109
Great No. pfd.... 2,000 107 107 107
Gt No. Ore ctfe.. 1,600 94 34 34
Illinois Central 101
Inspiration Copper. 9,200 43 62 3
Int. M. M. pfd.. 18,900 94 82 93
Internet. Nickel . 4.900 43 41ft 41ft
Inter. Paper......'. 19,000 44 40 43
K. C. Southern..., 700 29 22ft 22ft
Kennecou uopper . ix.voq 19 4s
Louis, ft Nashville . 127
Maxwell Motors ... 1,500 51 60 60
Mex. Petroleum .. 11,800 97 95 94
Miami Copper .... 1,600 40 40ft 40
Missouri Paclflo .. 1,000 28 37 27 ft
Montana Power .. 400 101 101 101
Nevada? Copper ... 1,100 36 26 26ft
New Tork Central. I,000 92ft 91ft 93
N. T., N. H AH. 1,000 36 34 35
Norfolk A W,, 2,200 126 126 126
Northern Paclflo . 1,600 106 103 104
Pacific Mall 1,900 36ft 16 25
Paclflo T. A T 29
Pennsylvania 1,500 $2 62 63
Pittsburgh Coal ., 2,400 30 30 30
Ray Cons. Copper., 3,400 30 80 30ft
Reading 39.700 96 9S 94
Republic I. A 8.. 39,700 91 89ft 91
Shattuek Arts. Cop. 609 27 27 27
Southern Paclflo , 1,700 96 94 94
Southern Ry 9,100 33 27 37
Studebaker Corp. 9,100 99 93 94
Texas Co 3,200 $23 320 222
Union Paclflo 138
U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 10,000 139 134 ISTft
IT, S. Steal 39,900 138 130 133
U. 8. Steel pfd..,. 1,100 119 119ft 119
Utah Copper .... 7,800 116 114 114
wanasn pia u . vo sc zt 35ft
Western Union BR
Westtnghouse Elec. 11,900 54 53ft 54ft
ioiei ssies tor me aay, i,4zt,09) snares.
14 Ian ea polls Grain Market.
Minneapolis, May 29. Wheat July, $2.17;
September, $1.83. Cash: No. 1 hard, $2.72;
No. 1 northern, $3.48 03.57; No. 3 northern,
-flour Unchanged.
Corn No, 3 yellow, $1.471.4S.
Oate No. $ white, 69 ft 60 ft c.
Flaxseed $9.0003.08.
Barley $1.0001.49.
Rye $2.3302.36.
Bran $29.00030.00.
Sugar Market.
New Tork. May 29. tiuaar Raw steady.
centrifugal, 5.96c; molaases. 6.08c; refined
steady; fine granulated, 7.6008.60c Futures,
while active, moved within narrow limits.
The undertone was steady In sympathy with
mm apoi marvei ana at noon prices were
103 points higher.
LAter tne list eased orr under liquidation
and closed Irregular; sales, 11,750 tons;
July, 6.1 80; September, 5.29o; December,
Benson Eighth Grade
Class to Graduate
The Benson Eighth grade will give
its graduation program Wednesday
evening at the Methodist church. The
members of the class are:
Misses Misses
Ruth Anderson, Helen Bullfs,
Lola Cleland, Waneta Cole.
Kate Ellston, Lorraine Fair.
Olee Gardner. Helen Griffith,
Florence Hodder, Llnnea Johnson,
Fanella Leggel, Florence Mcllnay.
Mable Mull ken, Helen Raagorshek,
Roma Roth. Rose Rooney,
Lucille Sunneland, Haxel Snyder,
Helen Studenroth, Myrtle Libke,
Gladys TItsel, May Tates,
Fern ZeJlers, " Gladys Young:
Lucille Jaoobsen,
Messrs. Messrs.
Harry Back, Harley Berry,
Harold Berry, - John Carli,
John Calvert, Lester Dixon,
Herbert Chrlstotf arson, Elmer Gustation,
William Forgey, Otis Howell,
Oliver Hlmmelrlch, ' Arthur Johnson,
Henry Johnson, Harry Larsen,
Gareth Klstler, Arthur Oleson,
Hedwlg Michel, Harold Palmer,
John O'Rourke, Earl Rodda,
Robert Pallas, John Stauber,
Herbert Snow, Hgrrel Wh (taker, '
Alden Sherbundy, Irwin Williams, '
David Williams, Alvin Snyder.
Wesley Tates, Harold Brown,
Earl Babeack,
New Promotion Marks Rapid
Rise for Omaha-Young Man
From office boy to assistant man
ager of the L. C. Smith Typewriter
company at Richmond, Va it the
rise of Walter A. Lycke, .son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. P. Lycke, 3309 Decatur
Mr. Lycke graduated from the
Omaha High School in 1910 and
started in as an office boy, from which
position he worked his way step by
step to his present new promotion.
To Observe Holiday
Hours at Postoffice
The regular holiday schedule will
be observed by the postoffice Wed
nesday, Memorial day. There will be
no deliveries by carriers. The gen
eral delivery window, stamp window
and registry division will be open
only till 10:30 a. m. The money or
der department and postal savings de
partment will not be open at til.
Electric car collections will be made
ft usual
Suspended Fine for
Trespassing a Garden
, John Kinter, 3474 Grant street, was
given a $5 suspended sentence for
trespassing on the garden of Charles
E. Brown, an employe of the West
ern Union.
Mr. Brown, who is too old to fight,
it "doing hia bit" by raising a gar.
den on a vacant lot near Thirty-
I fourth and Grant.
Creamery Men Zzpect Prices
to Drop Somewhat in a
Short Time, Says
In Omaha No. 1 creamery butter is
selling at 41 cents a pound, wholesale.
This is the highest price ever attained
at this season of the year. Even at
this price, the same grade of butter
is 2 cents cheaper than in Chicago.
The boost in butter prices is going
to be short lived, in the opinion of
the Kirschbaum creamery. Prices
are going to drop off within a few
days, according to Mr. Kirschbaum.
Speaking of present conditions, he
"While it is not likely to go down
to the prices of several years ago,
there will be a decline in a short time.
The high prices now are due to the
demand being in excess of the supply.
Butter is a commodity the price of
which is regulated almost entirely by
the supply and the demand.
Spring Backward.
"The spring has been cold and
backward and the pasturage is much
later than usual. As a result, cows
are not giving the normal quantity of
milk for this season of the year, and
consequently farmers are not getting
the normal quantity of cream. As
soon a- this quantity reaches normal,
then the cream will commence to ar
rive at the creameries. The butter
stocks will increase and prices are cer
tain to decline.
, "We don't look for any low prices
during the coming summer, nor do
we anticipate that prices are going to
be abnormally high. The number of
cows in the country is probably the
same as last year, and with a favor
able season, the supply of butter
should be about normal.
"There is nothing to indicate a
heavy export demand, owing to the
war. This will cut down foreign sales,
but ut home they are going to eat
butter in about the same quantities
as during past summers."
Red Cross Activities
Miniature bronze loldlere with knap
sacks for the purpose ot holding coin
(or the yarn fund of the knitting de
tachment of the
National League
for Woman Serv
ice have been
placed in the Bar
kalow Bros, News
company, the
Fontenelle hotel
and the Grain
"Drop a coin In
hie knapsack to
buy vara and we
will knit the aocka," la the explanatory
"The men at the Grain exchange
aeked for a larger box, Baying that the
knapsack would not hold enough
money. This shows their generosity
and we women will do well If we knit
fast enough to fulfill our agreement,"
said Mis. E. P. Peck, chairman of the
knitting detachment.
To Show War Film Mra. Edgar
committee of the American ambulance
u un wmcn win do snown at tne Boyd
theater June 9 for the benefit of the
A merican amhn in
France. Tickets have been issued to
patrons, who are requested to report
to Mrs. Morsman. They are also on
sale- at the Boyd theater.
Rd Cnxw Xotci.
Mr. N. P. Fejl wai hoiteaa Monday to
a (roup of twelve women who have formed
a comfort kit and knlttlnv detachment.
They meet Informally every week, to make
suppllta for soldiers and Bailor.
Prank Judson, chairman of tho member
hip campaign, called a meeting of the
membership committee to decide tho win
nera of the J100 prlz offered by John Irv
ing Brandela and he loving cup given by
Ura. William McKeen.
"AmerlcaSi Ambulant Number Ten," by
Leslie Buaweil, an American youth who has
been In actlvo servica In the American am
bulance field.-service In Franco for tha last
several years, la being read with particular
Interest by Omaha people because the letters
composing the book were written to a niece
of Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith's. In Bos
ton. Mass. The letters, which tell of the
devotion and courage of our American boys
In France were first published for private
circulation, but the demand for It became
so great that only recently has It been on
sale for the public.
Brandeis Real Estate
Interests Incorporated
The Brandeis real estate interests
of the city have been incorporated
under the name of the Brandeis In
vestment company with a capital
stock of $4,000,000.
The incorporators are J. L. Ervine
Brandeis, George Brandeis, Sarah B.
Colin, G. H. Malchien and John L.
The company is incorporated for
the purpose of purchasing, leasing, im
proving and owning real estate. The
stock will be handled in 40,000 shares
at $100 each. The highest amount of
indebtedness to which this company
shall at any time subject itself, ac
cording to the articles of incorpora
tion, is $1,200,000. Half the stock is
preferred and half common.
The Brandeis real estate holdings
have grown so large that incorpora
tion was decided upon as the best
means of handling the various deals.
Besides owning large real estate and
building interests in Omaha, the
Brandeis interests have recently taken
some ninety-nine-year leases on sev
eral Douglas street sites where they
are soon to construct ten-story to
fourteen-story buildings. ,
Joint Council of War
Held at Shenandoah
Shenandoah, la., May 29. (Spe
cial.) What is said to have been the
first war council ever heldVin Shen
andoah convened at the Elks' club
Saturday when the members of the
defense boards of Page and Fremont
counties came here for a joint meet
ing. Matters pertaining to the reg
istration and selective draft were dis
cussed. J. J. Doty, a member of the
state defense council, met with the
two county boards. Over thirty men
were present and heard a talk on
conservation by Prof. C B. Rice of
the state agricultural college at Ames.
"I didn't know," aid the
Bride of Mystery, after he had
visited the new delicatessen at
1806 Farnam street, "that such
tasty, dainty home cooked mor
sels were for sale. I know now
where I'll buy my bread and
pastry for hubby."
Question 1b Whether There Was
More Than Sixteen Per
Cent of Water in the
The suit of Kirschbraun & Sons,
Inc., Omaha butter makers, against
Ross L. Hammond, formerly United
States collector of internal revenue at
Omaha, is on trial in federal court be
fore Federal Judge T. C. Munger pf
The plaintiff is seeking to have re
funded $687 which the United States
commissioner of internal revenue
compelled it to pay. October 25, 1911,
on the ground that it was manufactur
ing adulterated butter.
The reason for the government's
claim was that eight boxes of butter,
containing 240 pounds, and a tub of
butter containing sixty pounds were
taken from the plaintiffs establish
ment, analyzed and found to consist
of butter containing more than the
legal 16 per cent of water.
The plaintiff paid the government
tax under protest. While the gov
ernment test of the samples of butter
taken indicated that they contained
more than 16 pet cent of water, the
city test showei that they contained
only 15.37 per cent of water and the
state test showed the presence of
14.67 per cent ot water.
"The law savs that butter shall con
tain a 'not excessive' amount of mois
ture," said Warren Swiu!er, one of
the plaintiff's attorneys. "The gov
ernment has tried to hx the maximum
amount at 16 oer cent.
Prof. J. Bouska, head chemist for
the American Association of Butter
Manufacturers, was the expert wit-
ress and was on tne stand all morn
ing. He gave the jury an exhaustive
lecture on the art and science of butter-making,
some of his answers to
questions consuming hve minutes.
Platte River Flood
Reports Exaggerated
Railroad officials whose jurisdiction
extends over the lines operating into
the North Platte valley, assert that
danger of a flood in the Platte river
valley was exaggerated in the early
reports. They receive daily advices
trom all points up the valley and that
the water is not abnormally high.
They say the water is running over
the spillway ot the rathhnder down
in Wyoming, but in no":reater vol
ume than usual at this season of the
year. Snow in the mountains is melt.
ing and the water is running into the
Rotary Club Postpones
Dinner Until Thursday
On account of Memorial day the
Rotary club will postpone the
Wednesday meeting to Thursday
evening at 6:15, when a dinner will be
held in the ball room of the Fon
tenelle. The meeting will be a pros
perity affair and the talks will be ac
cordingly. Body of James. Kocourek
Found in Missouri River
The body of 9-year-old James Ko
courek, drowned in the river on May
20. was found at the west end of the
Will Be Closed All Day,
Everything it in readiness for some record breaking
sales Thursday, Friday and all next week.
J. V 1
f fofarine
Perfectly lubricated, ths
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more.
Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give yon what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Casolinehe power-full motor fuel.
aUaaaaaanSftMaW aBStMBBBBaJ
Union Pacific bridge by a watchman. -The
boy was fishing when he
slipped into the water to his death.
His brother and another boy wit
nessed the drowning and ran home to
tell what happened. .
The parents live at tu mcnory
Never Hold a
Party-Line Telephone
Over Five Minutes
When two or more tele
phone users are on a party
line, each Is entitled to equal
The telephone company
would save work If party
lines were used by one party
for long periods. That, how
ever, would be unfair to the
others on the line.
It Is not a kind act to com
pel your neighbor on ths
party line to wait more than
five minutes unless your
conversation Is very Import
ant A call for. a doctor or an
Important business transac
tion may be delayed by your
holding the line.
"I)o nnto others as yon
would have them do unto
you" is a good rule.
Wyoming .Oil
We offer 100 shares of
our stock at par, $125.00
per share. An oil company
managed by experienced oil
men. Send for jnap and lit
erature. .. . . i
Unit Oil Company,'
Thermopolis, Wyo.
motor spinning smoothly on