'VIE trf,ir'fl' THE BEE: OMAHA, MAY . 1917. - Want Ad Rates USB THE TELEPHONE U you cannot con veBl.aM. brlQK or send ID your ade, Ask for a Want Ad Taker arid yon will re aaiv. tho asm. fovd service when do Uvula, your ad at thl office. ruoNB tyi.ki; iiMW. WANT AD COLUMN! CLOSS KTTOflKO EDITIONS 18:80 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. U. NO An TAKKK niR l.EHS THAN tIM, OMt TfHE, OB LESS THAN 10a A DAY 10ASH WITH OttllKB, Cat Solid (No Display.) v PER WORD. EAC1 INSERTION. If Parafraphad ar Displayed In Larfsr Typat an par Una ona ttma Ta par Una, S or mora conaagutlva Insertions. ,'' SITUATIONS WANTED. Waakly rata 0o par Una CARD Of THANKS. DEATH AND 4 FUNERAL. NOTICES. It. par Una.... aach Inaarllon (Minimum eharfe, 10 centa. MONTHLY KATB POR STANDING ADS. (No enanca of eon. allowed.) Ona lln fl ic Tw. Unaa ar mora ...... 11-00 ALL POREION ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. to par word -Ima Itio par word, two or mora conaaoutlva Inaartlona. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE. On Land, Poultry and Othar Ad .artiste,. THE OMAHA BEE (ovar 00,000 dally). iOTH CENTUBT PARMER (ovar 110,000 waakly.) A aomblned circulation which will raach both tba city and rural raaldant. Special Re,. Rates. Rata. I Inaartlona In Omaha Baa and 1 Inaarllon m loth Century Parmer, par word ,0 Tc f Inaartlona tn Omaha Baa and 1 Insertions In 10th Century Farmer, par word ......IOMjO 12c (Caartraat rntea on application.) MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. PRINCESS. 1311 DOUGLAS MRS, VERNON CASTLE, !n NO 10 OF "PATRIA" . AND OTHER BBBLS North. ALHAMBRA 14TH AND PAItKBR -VKID BENNETT, in "THE LITTLE BROTHER ALAMO, StTH AND FORT ' BABTINA BURKETT, tn "THE FOREST NYMPH' L-KO COMEDY and ANIMATED WEEKLY DIAMOND, ItTH AND LAKE HOLBHOOK BI.INN and DORIS KBNYON, In "THE EMl'RESS" BINNBT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, In "THE LAMB" LOTHROP. HTH AND LOTHROP EDITH STOREY and ' ANTONIO MORENO. In THa. CAPTAIN OF THE ORAY HORSE PARK 0TH AND CALIFORNIA JACK MULH ALL, in -"MR. DOLAN OF NEW YORK" South. APOLLO, 10TH AND LEAVENWORTH LOU TELLEGAN, in "THE BLACK WOLF" BOITLEVARD, 1D AND LEAVENWORTH DOROTHY D ALTON and , CHARLES RAY, In ; "BACK OF A MAN" West. EE. . list 'AND UNDERWOOD ROBERT BDESON, In ' "FATHERS OF MEN" " HEARST'S PATHB NKVVS. South Side. ItTH AND N HERBERT RAWLINSON and NEVA OERBBR, In (, "LIKE WILDFIRE". ORPHBUM, ,4TK AND , JACKIE SANDERS, in , "SUNNY JANE" ll-MJJtLUJL.I. .11 UIIIIIIIWIIWII SI IIU IWIIII I ! Il DEATHS JkWNERALNOTICES BUKNt Michael, Med 8 yoaJ-i, iurvivea, bratdM bis h thr" dvuilit(irs, Mrt. J. H. McCarthy, Jill Ontario St., Mra. Lawla WUllama. iKnvar, Colo.; Mra. Thofnat Lynch, Boone,, .ia.i on on, H on ry Burnt, of Butt, Mont, - ynnaral Tuaaday morntnf from Oantla ttian'a eiiapal at 1:J0 o'clock, InUnpant t Holy 8spolcBra eemBiery, riRnu'ii NViiniond B.. aaed 60 years. VnnaiHi f mm rnle-MrKay Co, M flora, tll ramaiti, Tutaday at 9 p. m. ffritnda waleama. f ' ' ' y FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 3t""L DOUUhlR CO.. Funeral Wreclora. r. B. rro. Mgr., 2d and Cumtnf Bta ' Phana Douglaa S?T, vowm llUlatitS ok R1KPKN, undcrtakera and tu lHJPFlt A JOHNSTON. emDalmcra and naral dtractor. TIT 8 IHtli 81. Tyler laj TisxiTj k nrK'Tt.KMAN. undirUMir mblamer 32 Leavenworth. loug. FLORISTS. tir'iMn . mu..ihr nt thai National Florlata' Talavraph leHvary aaioclatton, wa ara in poaltlon to dal-ver flowara on ahort notloa Inv where In tha U. R or, Canada. Heaa Pwoooa. rmrwu. L? H F.NDERSON. 1519 FARNAM ircntanalla LEE L. LARMON lilt Douglas St, Douglas asta. PARKER rioer ahon, 411 S. lath. D. 1H1. THE FERNERY, HOI 8. 16th St. Doug. 19H1 WtTH. National Elorlat, lc Parnam St. DONAtiHfE. 1:5 Hanif). BIRTHS AND DEATHS. nirth rtnsraa and Margaret Jeeae, 301 m t.i. k n. Tjitti May Wlltlatna. a, aw..h rwntv-au-onl. alrli Samuel and Uraila Manginnell, 1111 Pierce, girl; Saml and Roaa Ore. 101 Pierce, boy: Harvey C. and rioaaio A, Collins. !10 Korcaa. lioy .-ft Anna avhurelc. 10T North Twan tteth. boy; C. E. and Matilda llemburk, 4137 anuth n-wvlthhov: William B. and Fram'aa Woinberger. till Q. girl; Harry and Roaa HalaanooK, wooja. iraj. u a.,ri hnniial. w t i Cliarles F a tv.iL. TAh, iiss North Eighteenth. boy; Wllllsm and Lenore Carman, ill South Twenty-third, girl. Deatha-John Callahan, BO, tall Q; Albert t jail V; Helen o. PltBgerald, It. 1011 Chicago; Larensa fcraraasa. 1, IM7 tlath; T. J. Nolan, Mi P.. 41, hoapltaL William: jicdd aioii. " - MARRIAGE LICENSES, Permits t Sed have been Uuwa to ma following: Name and Residence. Elwood Carey, Lenoa, la........ Ada Ellla. Avoea, la... Henry John Wsen, Omaha.. i.. VoletU M. Jorgenaon, Omaha....'. , Cyrlel Vaya, Omaha Mary Vaneet. Qmaha. ............ Frynk Warcob, Omaha........... Jennie Btedlinaka, Omaha...... Ago. ... 2t ... 34 Albert Cohen. IndUnapolii. Md,,.. l Ruth T. Harrla, Omaha....- " rhariea'W. Stanbrough. Omaha Nina M. Petheram. Omaha t M T. Wark Cheney. Omaha... ,......vr It newer B. Alexander. Omaha ovr 11 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMA4JA k COUNOiTBrUFFS STREW J.AILWAS war"- ndvinv inat Mine article would da well to eat up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left it 1b tha street car. Many articles aach day ara turned In mA tha MiDoinr la amloue ta restore them t he rightful owner. Sr"TOU lose anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover It If found by ea honest person. If you And anything . f v.tua. the honest tvay la to advertise for the owner. LOST A gold fllagrea bracelet between i.i.aau thmtr ind rontenelia Hotel, Fri day afternoon. Reward it returned to total efftc ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordcon Pleating. ACCORDEON, ,lde, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covarad Dvmona, an aisas anu alylaa: hemetltchlna. plcot sdttm, wa ist cut work, buttonholea. pannanta. DEAL BUTTON ANU ri.i!,Ari.u vu4 Opposite Mranaeis more. 100-JOI Ilrown Bids. Dmnlas 1W VAN ARM AN Dress Plestlnt and Button 180-7 raaton mr. uou.iss aim. AccounUnti. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. 131 Remfa Bldg Jhona Pmig. tin. Bakeries. DRTMAM'S KBW'eNOLAND BAKERY. IIS N. 1TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDKN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKKD OOODS." Bath!. MASSEUSE, bathe, manicuring, physical cult. Mlas Walker. 2Z woviua ma. v. EXPERIENCED operator, bath of all kinds Room Z3S, Kevins jpik.. into ana n.nj BITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 110-214 Balra hik., mn at iouaia. CENTRAL Bath Institute. 1504 Harney Douglas 70S?. Eatella Royca, mass., chirp. 1H Neville Bit. 'Brass and Iron Founderie.. Paiton-Mltcheil Co., 17th and Martha Sts. Cleaners and Dyers. PIECE euit ateam cleaned preiaed, fl. preeeed, 35c. llPft Harney, rn. nvu Carpenter! and Contractor!. LEB3ARD (a SON, fnMjiinmjnt. Ty. 1131. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. tfurhorn, itose mag. Palmer School Oradnate. Douglas MM. ChtroDodist. Carrie J. Burford, 080 Paston ,Blk. B. . Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 100 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. mono -tyiar aeiw. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Trier me. D. JOLLY, M3 Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. Engagements wllh working lamlllas. RedlTM RS. H. T. Motlss, til g. i7th. Har. H. TERRY Dresamaklng Co., 30th and Fsmam, Everything: for Women. SWITCHES made from combings, I stranda, 11. Webstar ,1 at; 8, urant pi. Pasta Manufacturers. OMAHA PASTE CO. Douglas 1700, Fixtures and Wiring. TTTTTrTxT Electric waahlng machines, JJ U IVIYllN alectrlo Irons and readlna lamps. till Cuming St. Doug. l. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and rebtocked; la dies' hats .pedal. 1S10 Harney. It. sail, American Hat Cleaners. Hi 8. 10th. D. 3266. Housecleaners. WE'LL elaan yout house from top to hot torn. Prices reasonable. Da Loaa, u. ages. Insurance. , BANKERS' L1KB OP MNCOLN, 1!.14 Clly Nat. Bk. Blitg. Doug. IIU. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed fras With print orders, ona day service, pnoto craft enop, .ltoa rar. Masseures. VRKD C. ALLEN, stlenttflo massauri Swfd' leh masaaga and vapor batna. isit uoago. Ifaeaaga, ohlropody. Mlnnla Nagla, 101-14 ttalrd Blag, lltn nno uoug. v. aiae. Central Bath Inat., 1800 Harney. Doug. 7007. MISS I.II.I.Y, bath, maaaaga. 1323 Farnflm. MI88 manicure, maaaaga, 21" M. 17. OsteoDatha. lyptus batha, 401-1 Roaa Blag. Ty. lass. Painting and Paper Hanging. . TO DRIOHTKN YOUR MOMB BUB FRKD PARKS. Wall Paper, Palnta and Olaas, Plotnra rramlng, fainting and ranar Hanging. eszi b. ittn. rnono a. jvi. Patent Attorneys. BTUROES STUROKS, tl. B. and foreign patents and trademarks. ISO Bea lildg. PATENTS nrocllKd. bounht and sold. Inter. notional Fatent Co., 8l Branqais. v. eaai, Phonoiranh Record Exchange, Omaha Specialty Co., 441 Paxton. D. !!. - Pianos for Rent. It It per mo. A. Hospe Co.. 111! Douglaa Raa-time. Learn to play popular mnslo In 94 lessons. -SSlfl N. Jtth. Phone web. anas attar a p. m Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1911 Parnam, J. J, Derlght sata Co, Shoe Parlors. SWINH, clean, bronae. 1H29 Famsm. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full draaa suits for rent. Id N. 17th. John Feioman. P. am, Towel Suoolies. Omaha Towel Ropply. 20? S. Ulh. p. 191, Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements! and printing. Douglss Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 144. Whara to Eat. eat Home-cooked meals, NEW DELICATESSEN, 1101 FARNAM. RURROIIOH'S CAFE. OMAHA, NE& tSarvlce) LINCOLN, NEB. ll b, iitn. - ill s. itn nu FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. . Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you have seen us first. We offer you a 16.000 BTtlt. e tjr Miun-uria.i'at auiv N1TURB. RHUS. STOVES and COM, PLETE HOMB OUTFITS for practically your own price. ; Wa ar. forced to. vacate our four-story warehouse, and Its entire eontenta muat ho sold at ones. Sale takea place at our aalas room at tha corner of 14th and Dodge atreets. Do not fall to attend. It la an oonortunltr of a lifetime. Hundreda have already taken advan tage of this wonderful opportunity Why don t you 7 STATE FURNITURE CO.. ' D. 1S1T. Cor. Hth and Dodge Sts.. Omaha. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. I iaa novae. It each: U beda. It each I Iceboxes, ruse of alt kinds, tables. chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunka, suitcases, leather Davan pnrla. All kinds of bedding. Full Una of poultry net ting, U30-4T N. 14th ft. Tel. Webster 17. Open till I p. m. FOR SALE Furnltufe for l-room apart. ment No dealers, a. TP. Jotineon, Butte 11, Lafayett Apia., lltn Ave. and Jack- snn. Tyier izbJ. - FUR SALK Furniture from 31 rooms. dreas era. beds, tables. line cotion rut me1 trees, pillows, good rugs, first -cUm springs. Addreaa Boa 4366, Omaha Bee., ICK CREAM tables, oft fur., chairs, refrig. ire coo era. garden noae, porrn lurnuure, Vlctrolaa and planoa, loyal Furn Co., Hi is. 16th. city rum. jo., tui ew. nm. JiOR SAMS Wsshing machine and wringer and Ironing board, exoellent condition. Call Colfax ssi m morning. FOR BALK Household furniture and car penter tools. Sherman Ave. RUSH rlaht down and set your share of a! kinds furniture at saurltlet. b09 N. 16th. FURNITURB uf beautiful Dundet home. W alnut 1311 or Douglaa 4318. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WILL atore piano for uaa of It, no chil dren. WeO, 1337. Lumber and Building" Materials, SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. arose Lumbar and wreck, co. weo. hsi Clothing and Furs. FOR 8ALKV 13 aateemen'a samples, ladl oreceiuis, waicnca, regular price, box 41S5, Bee. WK buy and aell tailor-made spring and summer suits. 1211 Douglaa Doug, Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new earom and pocket, with complete ouiiii, sibot eecona-nana taciee at duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies aaay payments, cigar atore nature specialty. , Send for catalogue. THE BRL'NSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 4U7-a ooutn lotb et. Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES We rant, repair, aelt needles and parts 91. all sewing mac nines. - ' UICKEL'8 ' T NEBRASKA CYCLE bO.. llth and Karney ata Doug. lit. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhardt Ptff Co., 124 a. lata St. FOR SALE Miacellaneous "fypewrfterf ntTSuppliei FOR BALE Rebuilt Remtnton, Monarch and 8ralth-I'rerolr typewriter!. fcaa via and up. Polly fuaranteed. Buy from manufacturer and be proieciea, trmy mente. Remlng-ton Typewriter Co.. Inc l(th and aDoUaflaa. Douglai 1284. TTPEWRITERS aeld, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter s monmp r 16. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1106 REMINGTON, Monarch and Smlth-Pre- mlera for rent; aent anywnere. neminsion Typewriting Company, u. lint. Guaranteed Typewriter HO and up. Write (or Hit Midland Typ. up., h voq4. ADDING machine, Burrough's, (or aata; per (ect condition. Addrete x o. nee. Miscellaneoui. QMAHA PILLOW CO. Feat here eUm Mtiovaiea ana maae up in ircea ucm ui half tha piic of new pillows. Call ua (or am plea of ticking and prlcea. 1907 Ctuu Ing. Douglaa 247. WJE HAVE! moved to new location. Wa buy. e l and make deiki. earee. anowcaaes, ttielvlng. etc. Omaha Fixture and Supply? Co., B. w. cor. Ulh and uougiae ati. Phone Doug. 2734. DRT KIMPLINO BOX COM PANT. WOOD, ACME HARNEY 1837. Cameras and Kodaks. REXD" CAMERAS, every click plc- tvra. Green Pharmacy, lettr and Howard. SWAPPERS' COLUMN COIN collector would like to exchange some of bin coina (or others, or win Duy (or ranh. Dpucrlne your coins luuy. Ad droits Box 3199. Dee. HAVfi Elk stickpin set with small paarla. olid gold tnountingsi vamea azy. What have your Box iz. Bee. FILMS developed free; oneway aervlce. Kase Kodak Btudlo, Seville BOL, 16th and Harney. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PLYMOUTH ROCK laying hans and cocker. ela, setting liena. aggs lor hatohlng ensaa. Harney l3a. EDIOREED Boston terrier, leaving city. nargsin ii isxnn sunn, rngni xiarn7 sins. 639 b. aist Ave. COR SALE Three colli, pupa. 2411 N. 31th t, wenatar zssj. Hortet Live Stock Vehicles ORAY horse, t years old, sound, weighs 1,200 be.: I olacK Horse, 7 years old. 1,100 lbs.: alao two-ton express wagon. 1411 N. 24th It. Webster ZJ. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC Douglaa sJ0. 3047-9 Farnam St. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, BiiiaeDBner, waxweii, roro, vawiana, Mitchell, Binek and Hudson makea. TERMS IF PK8IRED. Prompt attt-ntion given to all tntareated eui-ei-iown ouyers. li DAVIS touring, electric lights, starter, new tires, car in perfect inape. is&o. 1114 studebaker six, eleotrio lights and battery. Delivery and aeven-paasenger way, good running order, ilia. IRUBHTUW Pi UAKAUB, lit B. I!TH. AUTO CUBARINO HOUSE. 110 Farnam. , , Douglaa JSM. uoia. , 1H ataarn. KnlrM. 1,11 Maxwell, 3TI. 1H Empire. oo. C W. FRANCIS AUT6 CO. ' Used Car Dspt. , saif'll Farn.m 8t, Douglaa IS! Almost any make at reasonabla prlcea. FORD OWNERS EVERYWHERE Demon- strata tits 1Q AJ.x ford starter. 30 to 5D weakly, writs qulak for territory to Alas Ford Btarter Co., Keena. f4. H. Wanted for spot cash, ioo used uahb; quiost action: no delay. Auto Kx change Co., 2107 Varnam St. Doug. C036. ' TIRE REPAIRING. rirst-claaa work at ressonabla prices, .THE TIRE SHOP, D. T. Crow, 2611 Farnam. Doug. 4871. TT.ADE your oltbattery In on a, guaran teed Ever-ready atoraga battery. Free ln spaotion rt any battery Ever-ready 8tor aga Battorr Co., uoi Farnam St. WE will Irada you a new Ford for your old INDUSTRIAL OARAQB CO., tOth and Harney, Douglas 6361. CADILLAC, 4 -cylinder model, excellent for apeedster or light delivery, 27e cash. umana unanaier uo a&zuirarnam. (PAHSENOER Studebaker, flrat-claas shspe, at a bargain. Douglaa 14S3.. C, L. Lewis. TB .L A- BINKLEY, " ' ' WE BUY AND SELL USED FORDS, till Harney St. Douk 1640. ROADSTER, best HupmobUe, Saxon other car. Three hundred cash will buy. box Bouoviua, Kan. WE PAY CASH FOR FORDS. AUTO SALVAGE A EXCHANGE, 110 & 17th BARGAINS In used Ford cars Holmea-Ad kins Co.. 4911-17 a. 14th. Phone 8. 171. ERTSCHY "Kan-Flx-U." Southeaet cor- ner 10th and Harney Sts. Douglaa 85SL PULLMAN. 1016 touring car, 175. T. O. Nnrthwall Co., 916 Farnam St. Call Ty. 32. BIGGEST bargain In Omaha, 6 -passenger car. IU5. eon Hamilton. Wal. 1041. 117 CHALMERS 8-39 touring, perfect d. "in w, eoutn (sen. BARGAIN Electric, splendid condition. Tel. Doug. 77 or Web. 773. A BARGAIN Mllburn Electric, In fine con dition. w lBee. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways roady." umana Garage. 3010 Har ney pt, Tywr aetv. , , Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto wa can't repair. yons repairea. wsyadorrer, 310 N. 18th, Tires and Supplies. TIRB PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO I IN 1 TIRE. ' Seoond-hand tires and tubea; expert tiro ana iudo repairing, uouglag 8K73. COMBINATION TtRE FACTORY. 1401 H Jackaon, Agts wanted. Omaha, Neb. Motorcycle and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Rargaina tn tiaed machines. Victor Room, "Tho Motorcycle Man,M 37th and avenwortn. WANTED TO BUY Old False Teeth. Doesn't matter If broken. Pay $16.00 set. uan oeiween ana or aend name and agent will call. Badger, Hen- snaw noti. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Beed, 1307 Farnam. D. 144. WANT to buy good second-hand vault door. Address H. P. Gates, Psxton Hotel the fore part of next week, or the Co-Ope rat tve uo.. uroaen bow, wen. RT.TTMTTMTTJ AT wining to pay wuuiumvAiiau beat rices for men s oiotning ana tnoee, call Red isat. OLD CLOTHING" AND SHOl WB PAT TH HIOHKST PRU-R8. D0IKLA8 01. JENKINS Pays highest price for ' clothes, ahoes. trunks. etc Red 3297. Res., Doug. 8032. . LOYAL FURNITURE CO. will Day special prices far your' house hold goods. Don't tall tu call Doug. ,177. DfifitfQ CASH PAID FOB OLD DUUIVO BOOK3 OF Al.b KINDS. 10 B. KITH. TTI.ER 882. We Will Pay SMffjTiK B. LAYTIN pays highest prices for old clntbes, ahos and hats. Phono Tyler 30, DIAMONDS 40 8. 16th St. SOL BERGMAN tt CO. WANT pool hall oi grocery atoro. 430 Roao Bldg. Phone Tyler TBI. WANTED TwoiHy loads of dirt delivered to 3781 Woolworth. Colfax 3464, evenings. BOOKS Bought. ' Kisser, Loyal Hotel Bldg: MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa security. ft, mix. H. goods, total coat, 13.60. 940, mo., andofsed notes, total coat. $3.80. Smaller, large am'ts. proportionate rata, PROVIDKNT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 433 Roe Bldg.. llth and Farnam, Ty. LEGAL RATE . LOANS 34.04 1340,09 or mora Eaay payments. Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 3391. OMAHA MAV COMPANY. PERSONAL TllE Salvation Army Industrial Home ao. Helta your old clothing, rurnuure, maga slnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 412ft and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. BATHS and massage. Central High Insti tute. 160A Harney fit. iou. 1Q9,. upeo evenings. MISS FISHKR, sulphur, ateam baths and massage, it uran, inea. joiag. v. .m. MAB B RUG MAN. aclentlfla mseseuse and batha. ?oa Ktti-bacn Bin. Ken nn. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 618 Paxton bik. Kea ao. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Beat rare, SfiQR Bristol, wen, asos.- SCIENTIFIC masaaga, 620 Bea Bldg. Phone Douglsa s7Z. Edna WHHama, maasage. bath. 221 Neville. Vanlcurlng and mass. 1821 Farnam. R. 19. BROTT, massaging, 3120 Harney. D. 9626. MEDICAL DR. E. A. TARRY. PILES, FISTULA y CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal dlseaaes without surgical op erations. Cora guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY, 140 Bea Bldg. ' Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Sctentiftal Treatment tor All Diseases. Dr. cnanea Barnes, 611-624 Rosa Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. Ha la curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU f Delaya are dan- gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours 9 a. m. to I p. m.i 7rS0 to 8;30 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE aucceaafullv treated without surgical operation. call or writ ur. Frank H. Wray, 30 Bea BMg. Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W, Q, W. Bldg. P. 6628, DR. KNOLLENBERO." SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 4th and yarnam.D. 726 Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8481. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 336. Dentists. 'Dr. Brsdbury. No pain. 912 W. O. W. Bldg. Tart's DenL Rms., 308 Rosa Bldg. D. 2186. BUSINESS CHANCES GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET ivOC&iea on umana a oumy sireeu inn 1a a vsry desirable location for a man who underatands groceries and meats. Will sell at Invoice price; about $1,800, BIG FOUR REALTY CO. 1016-18 W..O. W. Bldg. D. 8486. IfOIl BALE Garage and dwelling. Good paving business. Selling out on account of other business. Ford contract goes with offer. Writs Box 81 ft, .Rosaline, Neb. ' HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID fos stores and stocks of merchandise, In city or country; quick action, umana salvage Co., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank, D. T. CAN use good, clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel wita state ngnc feature booked solid. References required. Manager, 210 Bromley Biflg. RESTAURANT, town of 1.000; big business; no opposition; ran roaa envision point. a dress Box Y 4364, Bee. ; MOTION picture machines (new and re- oullt), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change. 108 8. 14th St. IF YOU want to aell or buy a business djr , rooming house call on Busrh A Borghoit, 720 World-Herald Bldg. Phone l). a MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makea; supplies. Western up ply Co., 301 Nat. Bld. FOR SALE Auto top shop In county seat town, population 2,100. Must sen quick. Box 814, David City, Neb. fiKt.l. or trade xrocory and shelf hard' wars store. Address box auourn. Neb. Tn riET in or out of business call OANOKBTAD, 4.32 BOO Blag. UOUg. fln I guarantee aale of any business or real es tate, r. V. Kniest, wee mog., umana. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., W, O. W. Bldg. Red 2H6- (COR SALE Pool hall wlth eight tables. Jos. Muck, Harington. nno. A WELL -located grocery store tor sale cheap. Call Douglas aciu, nagee. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20o PER LINE. Businesa ads, regular rates. , Male. WANTED Position In office aa office manager or assistant. Have had several years' sxperlenca In the business world. Held last position over ten years and loat It through dissolution of firm. Possess soma selling ability with plenty of com mon sense; 45 years old, In excellent health. No bad habits and can furnish xcaptlonal references. If you art will Jng to pay a moderate salary until demonstrate my ability, address Box 4362, Bee. MAN. 26. fair education, office experience bookkeeping and correspondence, desires high class otnee position, wouia assume management of small olfloo. Road propo sltlon considered. Best references. Inter view. Box 4367. Bee. SITUATION wanted, havs bad experience aa solicitor and collector; win drive Ford car or will accept any straight business proposition. Address Box X 4768. Omaha Bee. , WANTED To work on farm or ranch: young man of good habits and willing to work; can do carpenter work and etc box Jzoi Bee. Wanted Position as porter or janitor from I to I hours a day, omitting aunaay, by experienced, reliable man; -Web. 2806. HOUSECLEANINO. fancy paint and paper cleaning', all work- guaranteed. Sanitary Cleaning Co.. T)oug. 8054. COLORED chauffeur wanta steady position, underatands machinery: will do own re pairing. Good references. Box 4338, Bee. EXPERIENCE bookkeeper and general ac countant, open for position; good record and references. Box 4326, Bee. YOUNG man wants ; work evenings, from I to 10 p. m. Clerical or stenographies.. Box 4331. Bee. WANTED Local position by man, I years' i experience, wholesale and retail groceries best references furnished. Box 4286, Bee. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs beaten, screens repaired, hung, wai. ib, fORD driver, 3 years' experience, reference. Phone South 3011. M. Ltpsman. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by day. Phone Doug. 8t94. Win. Delaney. Houserlcanlng and day work Tyler 822. Female. LIVE business w&man with wide expert eiice on the road wanta position sailing goods or demonstrating. Box 43, Bee, EXPERIENCED business woman wanta po sition. Hotel, hospital or institution work preferred. Box 4H34. me. WANTED Position as companion, educa- ff-d, renni.a young woman, moaerai pay. hox x i, use. - , . WANTED Practical nursing by middle- aged lady; city references. au weDBter M40. LAUNDRY work. 3 days each week, by Dan leh woman, walnut sais. PRACTICAL nurse dealrea position, no ob jection to going out or city. South 171 T, POSITION as professional nurse. Box 4S3S, Boe, WANTED A place to assist with houaa work or nurse giri. weoater iiti. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing and Ironing; fine clothes a specialty; soft water used. Harney 1904. 3630 Chicago. WASHING to take home by competent wo man: rain water uaea. weoster 7391. WANTED By reliable colored woman, cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6767. DAY work, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. colored lady. Call after . Walnut 3176. DAY work, houaeo leaning, col, lady. D. 431 DAY WORK. Ca'l after 1 p. a Weh. 8991 PAY work by rslla. colored lady. Doug 9488 Curtain 4 wool bankets laundered H.J.130 PAY work, washing or cleaning. Wal. S838 LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 397S CAY WORK by exp. women. V. 666L SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry ind Day Work. ANNA want, day work. Webster 3327. DAT work and houseranlnf. D. 704. WANTEDDay ,-vork. Douglas 4,97. BUNDLE washlni. Call Walnut i26. DAT work wanted Webater 2327. DAT WORK. Webater ldsl. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Name, men and women wishing government positions, I" 6 month. Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 49, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. GROW I NO corporation wants manager for hrannh office. Bmall investment required. Liberal salary. Address Box Hi. Aber deen, a. D. SHIPPING CLERK, muat bo over 31 years old. 17fi-IS0. THE MARTI C.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. CA.. 1317 W. ' A-l future, BOOKKEEPER, X-l future. 75 to 186. Bteno., 185; steno.. f76; srteno., feo. WATTS REF CU., 1st ffat. fltnn iaiag. GENERAL office clerk, 85. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND Add JH. 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER $66 THE CANO AGENCY, BOO HBMflLIAl. Professions and Trades. WANTED 3ood barber at once. $14 guar antee and percent; young man preierrea. R. P. Dlrbrow, yunic, iseo. BARBER WANTED Good, flrat-Class workman; none other need apply, sib, and 60 pcL over $23. Write Y 68 Bee. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE, T CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE COv 1015-18 City National Bank BJdg. WANTED Practical butcher and meat cut ter at once; must be young man, good wages. H. T. AlcQee, wray. wio. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglaa at WANTED A meat cutter at the Waihlng- ton Market. 1407 Douglaa St, WANTED A ' first class barber. hotel. Council Bluffs, la. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesman; only those owning Fords and having some mechanical Know, edge; must furnish beat of references; to the right man good salary will be paid, also a commission on Bales; not necessary that you reside In Omaha. If your present position does not pay you sa.uuu per year, write us. AQuresa box taa, jaee. WANTED High-class experienced stove and furnace salesmen ror Wyoming ter ritory, with headquarters In or near Cas per. State age, experience, reference and salary. Addresa Box Y-60, Omaha Bee. WANTED Salesman to take a line of goods that has been sold over 80 years In Nebraska territory, at salary and ex- pense money. Box 4364. Bee. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 623 S. 18th St. trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be independent; mora tnan make your expenses wnne -learning. Wages or percentage. we don't over charge yon to. begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NOW la the time to act If you are going to enlist in the army or navy. tearn me barber trade first-, jobs waiting. Special summer rates. Catalogues free. Moler Bar ber College, 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. 20th and 2059 Farnam. Boys. CAN always use boys who want to work minimum wage, i.u per aay. uooa chance for advancement Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. BOYS earn good wages while learning trade. Just like belnt Dald to go to school, Must bo 18 years old. Gordon-Lawless Co., 8th and Dodge. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION1, farmers.. If you want help we can supply you. wiurr uity employ ment Bureau, 916 W. BroRdway. P. 431, LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wagee. Apply Sunderland Bros. CO., yard, 42d and Iaard Sta. west LABORERS for Lewlston, Mont. Ship daily. Free fare. Emerald Lab. Agy., szztt e, m. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. NO FILING FEE TO PAY HERE. v Register free. No waiting. See us. Good Dosttlons open today. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. itoom Java u. mug, STENOGRAPHERS, register with us. NO FILING FEB. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED A stenographer, permanent po aition. Washington Market, J407 uougias. STENO and secretary. 3S&-S100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. STENOGRAPHERS, $75, 870, 866. 60. 160. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced cashier. Beaton' Drug Store. . Professions and Trades. Would you like to work tn a clean'modern laundry with fine working conditions? If so, comt down to M, IS. ' Smith. A Co., 9th and Douglss Sts., Jind ask foivMrs. .Dobeck. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladies to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages, aalarv la D&ld while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with tho working conditions or any other details are especially invitea to accom- nanv tha aDDlloants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St, REMBRANDT studio, 30th and Farnam, wanta a airl In nbotosraDhlo stud o: per son out of town considered; experienced help preferred Douglas 3&is, WANTED Olrla for attractive piece-work position. Iten Biscuit Co., ism and cap- ttoi Ave. - FREE lessons In painting and pillow dec orating. Work furnished .with, good pay after pupils learn. Call 3807 a. I3tn, WANTED $ sewing machine girls, piece work, guaranteed, umana auio xop uo. 709 8. 16th. GIRLS wanted for good wages. plain sewing, steady work, 2907 Leavenworth. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodxo St. Household and Domestic WANTED A respectable middle-aged lady as housekeeper on farm xor eiaeriy tann er; good permanent position with good home. Address Box 8125, Be WANTED A good steady white girl for general nouaeworu; no coomng or wann ing; good wages. Call 1338 B. 36th Ave. Phone Harnsy 4573. 1 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework at once; best oe references. Mrs, B. B. Wood, Highland Court, Tel Harney 1089. COMPETENT girl for general housework small family, no i a unary worn, gooa wages. Mra. H. N. Fish, 3311 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Younc white girl to assist with housework. No washing. May go horns nights. Call walnut I6U3. EVERYBODY la doing It. Doing whatT Getting tho piano tuning nsn. Chas. Fish, piano tuner. Web, 1386. WANTED Good foreign firl for light housework, no cooking, no woshtng. Doug las 6203. RKLIABLK white slrl for aeneral house work; references required, iiu uarney St. Tel. Harney 3164. us i vr -r r rsnA ,. fntalrn rlrl light housework; no cooking or waaalng good home. Douglas 62ia. WANTED An experienced second girl .good references required. Mrs. Frank I Hamilton, 310 8. 82d Ava. ' WANTED White alrl to assist with gen oral housework; no washing. Call Har ney 3120. WANTED Lady cook tn cafe; Job year round, rrvia Carroll, Box 338, Nelson, NeB. EXPERIENCED woman cook wanted. Com- merclal hotel. Hay Springs. Neb. MAID for general housework. No laundry. small family. Barney 471. WANTED Oeneral houaa work xtrl. two family. References. Phono Walnut 1878. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing. Call Harney $398. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent nurse matd. Harney !031. -405 N. 411th. EAT willing matd for housework. 114 S. 35th Ave. Harney 49&K. COMPETENT housemaid; city references re- quired. Harney laia. Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted for pleasant home employ' ment: make l& to 915 weeKiy. Apply aai Douglaa St. between I and 1. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course In the fol lowing subjects, taught by professors from the trntvarstty of Nebraska, begins Juno 18: Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A six weeks' summer course for house- keeoers. taught by an experienced teacher of domestlo science, begins Juno llth.', WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any Monday for tho following subjects; Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. Dictaphone. Summer hours 8 to 1a 330 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omahf. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Ever da Is enrollment day. Book' keeping, shorthand, stenotype. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. elal and English branches. Catalogue free. ' BOYLES COLLEGE. . Douglaa 1568. ., 18th and Harney Sts, Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENTBROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 80TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to HOTEL permanent guests. ROOMS, 12 week; apt, with kltchsnatu; steam neatea. ugoen ooiei. uuwi Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I If yon tall to find tho room yon - desire among; mnm w C 1im np ft lAOTM List OlvOS complete description of vacant rooms in ail parts oi xno saw. w every week. iqi hci srth ST. Double and single room, plenty of hot water, oieciric nsn, nu" cooking, mako rates, first door south of new rorn nospuat. uoug. MnnB -iif room, nicely furnished, large library, mahogany oooKcaeeB, mourn southeast exposure, block from Farnam car. Harney sna. VERY large, nicely furnisnea room, wen ventilated, largo nans, large porcae n lawn, walking distance; references. Har- ney 3473, LARGE, cool, very desirable rooms for two. West Farnam district, private ""7. close to car and not far out Harney 138fr. 408 N. 22D ST. Nice large room suitable for two people empioyeo, aiso iwg jui rooms. 22d and Chicago. LARGE oool room In modern home to per sons employed, snaajj yarn ana porua, w otner roomers, weo. ., TWO furnished Bleeping rooms for ono or two persons in pnvaw aome, u uu. Telephone weo. zsze. NEWLY furnished clean rooms for thoso who care. 410 Bweetwooa at rooae Douglaa 7468. ai2m CALIFORNIA J-S furnished rooms, modern, nrst noor, nice 7a.ru. ntmiy ONE room In good home, L75 per weak. 838 8. 2 Zd. EAST FRONT furnished room, all modern; private home, itarnqy ROOM with breakfast, private family, close to car. Harney 2141. DUNOEE Large front room, also room with connecting sleeping porcn. wai. zooa 1611 HOWARD Nicely furn at, 82-SO np. Housekeeping Rooms. mil n A VRNPORT Two-room suite, com fortably furnished, batn noor, lynary privileges, convenient ana reasonable 10 employed. 256S DOUGLAS Large west room, oxoep- plete for housekeeping. Suitable for couplo or one gin, waining uihmw. SUITE of housekeeping roome, very reason able; all modern; launary privileges; warn ing distance. 2627 Harney St. hittte of sooth front rooms, clean, neatly furnished, suitable tor Housekeeping. vvi Dodge St. FARNAM, 28233 nice housekeeping rooms. reasonable, electricity, gas range, nuipp ator. , CLEAN, front housekeeping room kitchenette ana ico oox. ait a 1611 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms : reasonable. M Board and Rooms. BOARD and room in private home, reason able, near two cam. iar. oioa or sue no, 36th St. a Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED, modern semi-basement rooms; clean and reasons Die. rnone jw1 ney 6332. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all slreB and prices, splen did location. Z4tn ana rarnam. u. i-eja FURNISHED 2 rooms, Apt. 24, The Angeles Call Harney 2481. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 366 N. 40TH 8 rms. Hot water ht. Dou-J ble aaraae. ISO. B. H. Ben ner uo. u. 8406. . ' ' ' FOR RENT. Twelve.room brick flats at 816-17 80. 16th St.; Plao 2676-78 Harney St. These buildings are being put in first class re pair. Electrlo HglU will be installed for good tenants. This, location ths beat In tho city for roomers. Rent J46.DO. M20-322 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. N DOUUIjAB ID 1 1. f-ROOlLf modern cottasre. 611 So. 21st Ave. near Howard; largo, oeaumui yarn, rnon Doug. 6077. 128 S. 36TH ST. Eight room, sun parlor. Bleeping porch, Jb&.OO. I. gazi. NEW 6-room bungalow, modern. 617 8. 36th 135. 2633 DAVENPOJIT ST. 4 rooms, 118.00. E. H. Banner Wuim 3167 DAVENPORT ST. 8 rooms, $42.60. E. H. Benner Co. u. mps. , . DUNDEE Strictly modern bungalow. rooms; no chlldo. walnut zatst. North. 7.HnnM-hnu. 2202 Burdetto St.. all mod' ern, good location,, peautliui lot, gooa sur foundings, t ALFRED THOMAS,. " 308 Farnam Bldg. $20 SUMMER, $27.60 winter, two four-room and bath apartments, heated. J 236 Seven rooms, all modem, 820-28 Hawthorne. Inquira 3U Hawthorne. $26.00 7-room modern houaa, newly deco rated ana paparea, viuh SCOTT & HILL CO., McCasue Bldg. Douglas lOOt. !884 KINNEY ST. 6-room bungalow, all modern, $26.00. B, H. Benner Co. ' D. RiTNOATaOW. story and half. 8 rooma, all modern. 226. 1712 N. 28th. Red 1881 NINE rooms, 2220 Charlea SL, suitable for two families. COZY 6-room modern cottage, 1814 N. 28th, $22.60. Call Web. lzas. SIX ROOM, strictly modern nouae. Appiy 8310 Hamilton OU 6-ROOM, modern bungalow; adults; insti tute car una. wainui FOUR clean rooms,, fine shade and yard. 4011 N. 26tB at. v South. e ROOMS, C64 So. 26th Ave,; east front, all modern, poronea ana up w , w.iirin diitaoce: 838 ner month. Doug las 688C. Look this over and see us Tues day morning. TPAVFR RPOTHFRS 81 Firs National Bank Bldg. $12 FLAT I rooms, one story; gas, electric lights, sink, torfat, water paid. Just like new; no ennaren. avi p. jmn. nu 1728 S. 28TB ST. 6 rms., mod. ex1 hL, B. H. Benner Co, D. 14QB. 1301 B. 23D ST. 10 rooms, modern, $46.00. E- H. Benner Co. D. S40B. C-ROOM house, modern but heat; best con dition, $20, 820 & list St Harney 370$, FOR RENT HOUSES Miscoilaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. 505 Plerc. 8 H.M I-R. 13H Capitol Ave 30. 00 6-B. 117 N. 18th 8t M.&0 STRICTLY MODERN. Ii-.R.9B76 Decatur 8t.. 11, .00 -R 1!( N. !7th St U.OO l-R. 21, Park Ave 22.50 1-R. 10JJ 8. JOth Ave 26.00 l-R. 107 N. 23d St 10.00 g.R J90! N. 17th St 20.00 l-R. JS15 Farnam 8t 60.00 ,-R (S3 S. 26th St '. 32.(0 10-R. 3221 Dodse St 0.0o H-R, 101 N. lth St 70.00 APARTMENTS. 4-R- Apt. 10, Stoecker, 823 8,24th St. 1 and 123 PORTER ft SHOTWELL. , 203 8. 17th St. Dow. S0I3. Offices with HOME BUILDERS, WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In ths way of four. flv. or sla-room mod rn. up.to-data apartmentsj I Preference will be given to those In better dlatrlcts off tho city. Want to deal direct with own ers; no agents. TELEPHONE DOUOLAS 1016. FOR RENT, t rooms and garage, Harney St., 136. t rms. and sleeping porch. 38th Ave., f 65. , rooms. West Farnam, 160. ALLEN A .BARRETT, 613 Be. Bldg. Douglas 7768. 2U26 WIRT ST., 6-r.. 112.60. I 3830 No. Silt St.. t-r.. 816.60. RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. HOUSES In all parts of the city. CRE1QH. SONS ctfa eo Be. Mia,. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. ' Central; Interior and ext.rlor oi tha best 4- room apartment. 5- room apartment. 4-room flat. Inquire 220 North 23d. to bulltjlng. ST. CLAIR, 24TH AND HARNEY 3-rooin Apt Call Harney 647. North. FIRST-CLASS apartments near P. O. rent O. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. South. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS, 2217-19 HOWARD. Two rooms and bath and dressing room. Furnished and unfurnished. Unexcelled in the city. 126.60 to 337.(0. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., , (REALTORS) 333 Rose Bldg. Tyler 1686. SUB-LEASE June 1st or later, close In cnolcs 4-room Apt; private porch, all out alde rooms; cool In summer. Call Sunday, Douglas 8207; Monday, Red 1960. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE atore room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, ez-63B so. 16th St.; alza SSxflO; can be subdivided: low rent Conrad Young, 322 Branded Theater Bldg. Douglaa 1571. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24tb and 25th sts. $30 to 60. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. ; FOR RENT Store wtn basement, steam neatea, av s. lata, mquict mm wt north, f ' ; SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young, 82S Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. 1620 CUMING ST., close-In store. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne. Tyler 731. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAft- nam Bldg. First Trust Co. D. liBi. MODERN store room, corner 16th and Chi cago. O. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. RBSTAURANT with fixtures, gas stoves, stools, at 107 South 16th St. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague in v. Co. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. - I have for rent on second floor, cen trally located building, one block from postofftce, assembly room suitable fit lodge or club purposes; composed of sg large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Young, 833 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. WANTED TO RENT , Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. WANTED Rooming house, must be close in, 30 or more rooms, nave xurniture. uox 8273, Bee. ' Miscellaneous. HAVE clients for acres north, south or west Call ns up. INTER-STATS REALTY CO., 29-30 City Nat. Bldg. Douglas 8863. WE havo several good tenants for all mod ern houses and apartments. F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 17th St Doug. 171. MOVING AND STORAGE J. C. REED Express Co.. Moving Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug 6146. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. . i Separate locked rooms for houjehold , goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. s OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGB CO.. 802 S. 16th St.- Douglas 4168. GORDON VAN VO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. .Packing, -storage and moving. 218 N. llth fit Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY RENTAL BEKVICE FREE Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel-. P. 7786. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Maggard Van and two men, $1.26 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 14. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. ( TRUCK GARDEN TRACT. ' 'I have a plot of ground 250x128 feet, four blocks from Benson Car line, be tween Benson and Dundee; lays well; good soil and a splendid truck garden track, whichJI will aell for 11,600. It I- a bargain. f p. 3. ADAMS 828 Wortd-HCrald Bldg. Ph. Doug. 6845. Omaha, Nebraska, Dundee. HOME BARGAIN. REDUCED FROM 87.0OO TO $6,600. IF SOLD BEFORE JUNE 1. Brick and stucco home, six rooms and sleeping porch; thoroughly modern throughout, all floors of oak, oak trim downstairs; white enamel upstairs; tfutlt In buffet, -fireplace, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, etc. ; large lot Owner must sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer di rect. Box 4280. Bee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying bo sure and see GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home sites in Dundee, SHULER A CARY. 204 Keellne. P.J074. 6-ACRE blk., Falracra and Brownell Hall district Snap. C. J. Canan. South Side. 24 ACRES, Just over the line In Sarpy county, away from the high taxes. Rich, level land, first broken In 1918. .Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000. Terms caa be arranged. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC, 4026 South 24th SL Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot yon select; build a home sfter your own plans and have yon pay for It on small monthly payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT ICO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4IC6 a 24th St, Phone South 1247. (