Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Cattle Generally Slow to Ten
or More Lower; Sheep Are
Breaking Sharply
Hogs Lower.
Omaha, Hay fl. J 917.
Recetat were:
Cat t la. Hon. Sheen,
Eft I mate Monday .,
1.800 5,200 MOO
Same day I tut week... 7,fi8ti
Bum day t wka. ago.. T.3H1
Bam day vki, afo 4,811
Came day wit. 7(71
Bam day laat year... 5.9 II
Receipts and disposition of live stork at
the Union Stork Tarda, Omaha, fortwenty-
iour noura enaing ai o'ciock p. xn., Aion
Cattle. I logs. Sheep. HVi.
C.. M. A SL J
Missouri Pacific ... 11 ... ..
Union Pacific 71 14 1'
CAN. W., east... 6
CAN W . weet... XI 20
C St, PH.0... 39 8
C, B. A Q., eatt ... 2 ,
C, B. Q., weat... S3 16 1
C R. I. A P., aast. 1 ... ...
C, R. I. A P., weat J
Illinois Central .... 1
Chicago OU Weat... 1
Tola! receipts ..11 67 1!
Cnltlo. Hon.
Morris ft Co :o
Hwift A Co 1,1K
Cudahy Packing Co... SIS
Armour A Co ttt
Hchwaxti A Co........ ...
J. W. Murphy ...
Morrell 1
Lincoln Pack In Co... 42
Mouth Omaha Pkg. Co, 2
Wllwn Packing Co... 238
Kohr Parking Co...., ...
Cudahy, Fort Worth.. i3
Hwift. Denver ....... ...
F. B. Lewi Si
3. B. Root A Co 32
J. H. Bulla 63
K F. Hubs 1
ftoaeoetork Bros. .... 33
P. 1. Kellogg Ids
Sullivan Bros. 1
TIlKKlne 77
Huffman .... 4
Keith .... 17
Meyers 4
Maker, Jonea A Smith. 102
Banner Bros, 4
John Harvey ... IS
DtBflfT A Prancl 20
Jensen A Lungres..
O'Day , S
Other buy era 333
Total I.S0 M 4.371
Cattle Receipt were moderate at this
point, 301 cars being reported In. the email'
est since three weeks ago, but larger than
a year ago by a few hundred head. Other
market were generally wall supplied, with
the result that there was a weaker feeling
all along the line. Prices here ranged all the
way from weak to 10o lower, and the trade
was slow at the decline. There were, how
ever, a law beef steers good snough to bring
Cows and hlfers were weik to 10o or
more lower, whll feeders, whlqh wer scarce,
wer weak.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
baeves, 812.l0O13.3ni fair to good beeves,
111. 604)13.60; common to fair beeves. 110.26
911.10; good to choice yearlings, 111.760
18.60: good U fair yearlings, 110.760 11.76;
rotnmon to fair yea rl Ins 110.00010.76;
good to eholee heifers, 110. 40 011.40; good
t eholee cows. fM6G10.l6; fair to good
cows, 18.76 1.86; common to fair cows,
I7.OO0S.T6; prim fetding steers. 13760
.11.26: good to choice feeders, f 8.7603.76;
fair to good feeders, 1 6008.76; common to
fair feeders, I7.00O8.60; good to choice
Mtockera, 39.60010.60; stork heifers, tH.360
10.26; stock cows, l7.OO01O.Ofi; stock calves.
3d. 00 0 10. 60; veal calves, 13.00013.60; beef
bulls, starrs. etc., 37.36010.36.
Representative sales; j
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. I
33.,...,.. 727 31 60 . 1. ....... 424 8 30
, tS 10 40
63 ,
80 ,
13 ,
.,1000 10 60
.. 084 11 00
..1203 11 60
..1160 11 70
..1097 11 90
..13K IS 36
2P 64 10 39
14 110 11 40
40 1160 11 6
44 .., 744 11 80
66 1220 13 10
1347 13 40
.1031 13 60
f j 1410 IS 36
ir m is oo
II 1263 II 76
i Ho Offerings of hog wer moderate,
even for Monday, being considerably lighter
than for the opening day of most recent
week. Arrivals were estimated at seventy
tare, or 6,8O0 head, which Is 1,800. smaller
than a week ago, 3,000 short of two weeks
go and S.400 smaller than for the corr.
ponding day a year ago.
With provisions breaking sharply packers
wer able to continue their bearish pro
gram of last week, though outsld Chi
cago moderat supplies were the rule. Lo
cally the trad was very uneven. Shippers
whit baying a few hogs nearly steady
at th outset soon lowered their bids and
filled later orders at around lOo lower
Early packer bidding vldenoed just as
much uneven eie as did the later selling.
Som early offer were nearly a quarter
lower, whll other wer no more than 6c
off. though these latter wer withdrawn
before many sale wer made. When act
ual selling started It wss at figures that
wer anywhere from a nickel to mostly 100
16o lower generally, or a big lOo down,
and mors than half th packer hogs were
bought that way.
It was net until th close that packers
got eomplet control of th market. With
twenty or twenty-flv cars unsold and he
more urgent order all filled, buyers who
wer etlll In th field reduced their bids
to th lowest levels of the day. By noon
' a number of sales had been made that
wer as much a 30c lower, and buyers
wer talking SOo to as much as a quarter
lower on a doien of trieen oars that wer
still In first hands.
Representative sales:
- No. At. Sh. Pr. No. Av.
88.. 184 3 16 30 70..186
88. .183' ... 16 36 66, .303
' 61,. 374 40 1$ 46 77. .207
el. .197 ... 16 66 . 61. .284
80, .194 ... 16 6 69.. 213
48. .871 ... 16 80
16 80
190 IS 40
160 16 60
... 16 0
... IS 70
Sheep Predictions msde at last week'
. close that this week's trade would show a
decidedly Tower trend were abundantly ful
viied this morning. packers took no
cognisance of th fact that receipts were
only moderat all around the loop, but pro
ceeded to Inaugurate their annual early
summer drive on lamb prices, making their
opening bids all the way from 60c to a
dollar or more below th figures In force on
last week' close. .
By midday pretty nearly all the native
offerings had been cashed, more sales hav
ing been mad 60076c lower than any ether
way. But all r seven ear of California
(print lambs (hat remained la first hands
wer not awlabl except at a price reduc
tion of more than $1.00, th highest offer
; hat had been mad on the best her being
Wooled atock of all descriptions was en
; I rely lacking, and It looks ss though the
woo led season was defnltely closed.
. Quotations on sheep and lambst Lambs,
horn, $lt.6O0tf.66; spring lamb. $17,600
'1.60: yearlings, shorn, $13.00018.00; wet fa
re, shorn, $12.00013.75 ewes, shorn, $11.00
13.26; ewes, cull, shorn, $8.00010.76.
Representative salesi
5 No. At. Tr.
129 fed lambs ................. 69 $19 50
241 fed lambs 63 16 63
119 fed ewes Ill 1$ 26
SktttX City Ur Stock Market.
Won City, I . May I". Cattle Receipt a
1.20 neaa; meraet, si iters, eteaay; etoca
rs trona: beef steer. $11.00013.00; butch
er. $9.60011.90; fat cows and heifers, $6.00
011.00; canners. $6.6008.60; stockers and
feeders. $7.600 10.00; calves, $9.00011.00;
feeding cows and heifers, $6.7609 60.
Mogs Receipts. 1,009 head; market Ro
lower; light. $15.00016.30; mixed, $16,360
16.60; heavy, $16.66016.70; pigs, $13,600
18.00: bulk of sale. $16.80015.60.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100) head:
market steady ; yearlings, $1 1.00'0 18. 00 ;
ewe. 11x.ftve11.Ti: wethers, sii.eutfistv
lambs, $19.00026.00. .
1 City Liv Stock Market.
Kansas City, Mo., May 28. Cattle Re
ceipts, 16,000 head; market lower; prim fed
steers, $12.76018.60) dressed beef steers.
$10.76013.60: western steer. $9.00013.35
cows, $7.00 0 13.26; heifers, $8.00013.80;
stocfeer and feeders, $7,76010.60; bulls.
I8.fd019.25: calves. $9.00014.50.
Hog Receipts. 10,000 head : market
lower: bulk of sale. $16.10016.80: heavy,
$15.76016.90: oackers and butcher. $16,400
11.00: light, $16.00015.56: pigs, $15.26014.60.
ebeep and Lambs Receipts, t.eos neaa
market lower; lambs, $16.00 016.90: year
lings, $18.00 016.00; wethers, $11.60 0 16.00;
was, hi.uqoi.w).
St. Joseph liv stock Market. -
St. Joseph, Mo.. May 38. Cattle Receipts,
2,300 head; market steady; steers, $9,500
13.16; cows and heifers, $8.60013.25; calves.
Hog Receipts. .009 head: market. $0
ivr lower; up.; ouia,
Sheen and Lambe ReceltXa. 1.500 head
market, 16025c lower; lambs, $16.00017.00;
ewes, fu.ootf 16.00.
What Automobile - will the
"Bride of Mystery" select?.
Eggs Fresh, per cat, 89.00.
Butter Freah, per pound, 33c.
Llv Poultry Broilers, H to 2 pounds
each, 80c; bens, l&c; stags, under
pounds each, 14c; old cocks and heavy
stags, lie; luraeyt, zc; luracya, om toms,
zoc. .
FRUITS Or. nges, 28Se. 824s. IS. 25 box:
126s, 160a, 76s, 200s, $4.00 box; 100s( 216s.
360sj 13.76 box, Leinona, fancy, 360s, 300s,
n.frs cox: choice, auus. 300s. 15.00 box.
Grapefruit, 36s, 64.60 box; 46k, 84.76 box; 64s,
oox; Ota, sua, ves, at.7& pox. Pine
apples, Cuban, 13.60 crate. Cherries, Call
fornlans, 12.75 box, Bananas, 40 lb.
Vevetablee Potatoes, old, $3.60 bu. ;
6 fie lb. Cttbtiaxe, crato lots, 60 lb.
paragus, 60c dozen, JLettuce, head, 3,&0
orate; doxen, vuo ooxen. Lukes, extra fancy,
11.26 doxen; fancy, $1.00 docen. Tomatoes.
I baskets, $3.76 crate; choice, $3.25 crate.
Onions, Bermudas, $2.26 crate; wax. 32.60
Honey, $3.26 on bo.
Fish Freah halibut. 16e lb.: freah cat.
nun, ice 10.; birch coa sable nh. llHo lb,
fresh salmon, 16019c lb.; fresh trout. No.
17c lb.: fresh whlleflah. 2 tie lb.: fr-ah
yeuow piKe, isc in,; rresb pickerel. 12c lb.
froBh herring, dressed, lie lb.; freah white
perch, 10c lb.; fresh buffalo, dressed, 13c
rrenti ling cod. 10 He lb.: fresh tiDanlnh
macKnrei, itc id,: rreen rea ana d dot. west.
ern, lie lb.: gulf. 18o lb.! fresh earn, dreannd
lie lb.; fresh ro shad. 76c each; freh aDilt
shad. 40c each: frosen catfish. 16c lb
frosen baracuda, 14c lb.; frozen blueflsh, 14 gJ
m., ivbi mum ustaa, ivc 10.; iroxen lliensn,
for steaks, 13c lb.: frosen whlteflah. round.
lie lb.; kippered salmon. 10-lb. baskets, lb..
Mimrnti; aipperea coa or gray nan, lo-io.
oaKKsia, marK-i,
Wholeeale Prices of Beef Cuts Rib: No.
ijci ivo. 2, azc; no. 3. 17c. Lrfilna: No. 1.
27Uc; No, 2, 36c; No. 3, 2014c, Chucks:
No. 1, 16c; No. 2, 16c; No. 2, 16c, Rounds:
1. Jc; no. a. isc: No. 8. 17 a.
Platen: No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 14c; No. 3. 14c.
Delicacies Froga: Jumbo, doa., $3.60;
large, dox.. $2.60: mndluin. dox.. $1.76.
Shrimp: Peeled, gal,, $2.00; headless. 8126:
crag meat, tump, gni.,; anaa roe, pair,
avo; turiie moat iuc; iuosiers green, iio;
boiled, 3c.
Celery Largs green top. Florida, elegant
stora, uos; crates, containing 8 or 4
oox., per crate, .i.t.
toffe Market.
New York, May 2. 'J'hare was hardlv
enougn ouflinfls in ine market rtir coffee iu-
turex to suggest any fresh featuro today and
fluctuations wer narrow. The market
cloned at a decline of 4 to 0 nnlnta uniler
scattering liquidation, nut steamed around
ine initial naures and after selling at 8. a 6c,
December contracts rallied to 8.40a on cov
erings. The close wss 3 to 6 points net low-
Bales baas. May and June. 8.10c:
July, 8.16c; August, 8.20c; September, 8.2Gc;
October, 8.29c: November, 8.33c; December,
ito : January, 8. tic: Kteuruary. s.&Oc:
Hsrcn, h.bhc ; April, n.ose.
Hpot nun: kio 7a, iuc: Hantos 4s. louc.
Some of the cost and frulght offers received
today were reported a ahade luwnr, but still
too high to attract buyers. Offers from
Santos InvlU'Ifd 8s at l.60ij American
credits, and highly described 2u and 3s kt
11,000 to 11.15c, London credits.
The offlrlal cables reported a decline of
76 rels In the Rio market. Santos spots
wer unchanged and futures unchanged to
so rets wwor.
At. Louis Llv Stock Market.
St. Louis. May 28. Cnl tie Receipts. 9,600
neaa; msraei eiesay; native ueer steers,
87.60013.00: yearling steers and heifers,
18.6110 11.00; cows, $8.00 11.26; stockers
and feeders, $6.00010.00; Texas quarantine
steers, $6,6009.60; prime southern beef
itteerx, $8.00011.60; beef cows and heifers.
$4.2601,00; prim yearling steers and heif
ers. $7.60010.00; native calves, $6.00014,60.
tiore Receipts, 7.300 neaa; marKot htgh
; light, $16.60016.90: pigs, $10.00014.60;
mixed and butchers, $16.60016.16; good
heavy, $16.10016.16; bulk, $16.60016.60.
Sheep Receipts, 4,400 head; market low
's clipped lambs, $14.00016.36; clipped
ewes, $9.60018.60; spring lambs, $16,000
13.00; canners, $6.0008.00.
' Omaha Hay Market,
HsyRceipts continue steady and de
mand fain market Is quiet and drag-ay.
which hits caused prices to go lower on all
grade of prairie hay.
cnoic upland prairie. 120.00021.00: No.
, $19.00030.00; No. 2, $14.00016.00; No. 3.
$8.00011.00, No. 1 midland, $I9.OO02O.;O;
No. a, 313.OO0I6.DO. No. 1 lowland, $18. 00
014.00; No. I, $9.00010.00; No. 3, 17.000
Choice Alfalfa $24.00025.00; No. 1.
$33.00034.00. Standard, $20.00021.00; No.
$17.00018.00; No. 3, $12.00014.00.
Straw Oat. $8.0008.60: wheat. t7.OO0
7.60. V
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, May 3. Flour Fancy pat
ents and first clears declined 26c; quoted
at $14 36 and $13.26, respectively. .
war ley ii.ooffl.46. v-
Rye $3.3802.36.
Bran $30.00031.00. ,
Wheat July. $8.1744: September, I1.78U;
cash, No. 1 hard. $2.67 0 3,72 U: No. 1
northern, 11.67 H 0 1,86 ; No. J -northern,
jorn jvo, s yeuow, $1.4001-60.
Oats No, 8 white, 61062c
Flaxseed. $3.1803.19.
Chicago Lire Stock Market." '
Chicago, May 28. Cattle Recelnts. 20.000
head; market weak; native beef, $9,400
18.70: stockers and feeders. $7.36010.36:
cows and heifers, 6,$6014.6o; calves, $10.00
nog Receipts. 17.000 neaa: market weak.
mostly 36c under Saturday's average; bulk
of sales, $16.80016.76: light. $14.40016.60;
mixed, $15.15015.80; heavy, $16.00018.80;
rough, $18.00016.18; pigs, $10.60014.40.
eneep ana Lambs Receipts, 10,000 neaa;
market weak; wethers, $13.00014.26; ewes,
111.00011.80; lambs. $1&6O016.6O,j
i ....... r
Sugar Market.
New York. May 88. SugarRaw, steady;
centrifugal, 5.96c; molasses, 6.08c; refined
steady; cut loaf, 9. 00c; crushed, 8.76c;
moid A. B.ooe: cubes. 1 sso: xxxx now
dered, 7.70c; eagle five-pound baws, pow
dered, 8.S0C1 powdered, 7.65o; fine granu
lated, 7.60o; diamond A, T.SOci confection
ers' A, T.40o; No. 1, 7.36c. Futures firmer,
5 to 7 points higher at noon. Cuban offer
ing were not pressed and th spot market
was steadier early in th day.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit.
New York. May BH. Annies Firm: fanev.
12H013o; choice, llc; prim, lOc.
Prunes Firm: California, U01Sc;
Oregons, llHOlfHo.
Apnoots firm; fancy, im.
Peaches tFirm: standard, lOUa: cholc.
lOo; fancy, lie ,
Haisins Firm; loos Muscatel, soioe:
choice to fancy seeded, 808c; seedless.
1(10 Lonaon layers,
St. Louis Oraln Market.
8L Louis. May 88. Wheat No. red
and No. 3 hard, nominal; July, $3.04; Sep
tember, $1.85.
Corn No I, $1.60! No, I whit. 31.800
1.4014; July, $1,43; September. $1.284.
Oats No. S and No. S white, nominal.'
Cotton Market.
New York, May 38. Cotton Futures
opened steady; July, 21.60c; October, 31.36c;
ueceraoer, 11,40a; January, 11.44c; March,
Monday the "Bride of Mv$
tery" gave her attention to the
selecting? of sarden and flower
seeds and equipment After a,
search she decided she would
buy everything in that line
from the Nebraska Seed Co.
Table D-Hote
$1 a Plate
Decoration Day
,ine Distinctive
Boston Houne
Th. Puritan to oiw at ant
homelike hotels tntlie world.
Receipts Light and the Cash
Market Suffers a General
Decline in Values in
Omaha, May 23, 1917,
The receipts of all grains continued light
today and the cash market suffered a gen.
oral decline.
The wheat market was xtremely dull,
but th demand for corn and oat was
fairly active, with prices on corn quoted
from 4 V4j 0 to 6c lower, whll oats ruled from
steady to threefourths of a cent lower.
The trad In corn and oats started off
rather slow, but shortly before the close
the sellers began to let go and most of the
offerings were disposed of before the close.
The sales of wheat were very Urht.there
imiug urn m itw cars 01 txvw. m anu 1 nira
reported sold up to noon, and these sales
were mad at a decline of 10014c under
Saturday' quotations.
Today's sales of No. 8 hard wheat were
made at $3.7002.74. while the No, 4 bard
sold at 82.6002.70.
The demand for all grades or corn was
equally active, but some or th better sam
ples of yellow sold at a very small pre
mium over in wnit ana rmxea.
Practically all the better samoles of
white com were disposed of at 62c, while
the yellow ranged from $1.5101.63 and the
mixed sola around $1.6101.52.
The demand for oats was good and
large part of the offerings sold at steady
prices, while a few off the poorer sam
plea sold about a half cent lower.
Rye and barley were very dull, with light
receipts, rye being quoted about 40 60 un
der Saturday' nominal quotation, whll
barley declined from 80 to 6c.
Clearances were; Wheat and flour equal
to 1,679,000 bushels; oats, 718.000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,319.000
bushels and shipments 998,000 bushels,
against receipts of 1,818,000 bushels and
shipments of 477,000 bushels laat year.
Primary corn receipts were 664,000 bush
els snd shipments 426,000 bushels, against
receipts of 867,000 bushels and shipments
01 607,000 pueneis last year.
Primary oats receipts wer 851,000 bush
els and shipments 880,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,093,009 bushels and shipments
01 9ii,wv ousneis last year.
Wheat Comsat.
Duluth .....
. 91
Kansas City
Louis . . ,
Winnipeg ...
These sale were reported today:
Wheat No. hard winter: 1 car, $2.76;
cars. 2.Jf. no, s nara winter: 1 car,
$2.74; 1 car. $2.73: 3 cars. $2.73: 1 car.
$2.70, No. 4 hard winter: 1 4-6 cars, $3.70:
1 car, $2.G5: 1 car, $2.62; car, $2.60; 3-5
car, $2.60. No. 3 mixed: $-5 car, $2 46. No.
mixed durum: 1-u car, $2.40. Sample
mixed: 1 cur, 32.00.
Ryo No. 8: 1-6 car. $3.26: 8-6 car. IMS.
No. 4: 8-5 car, $2.20.
Barley No. 4: I car, $1.80.
Corn No 1 white: 1 car, $1.62. No. 2
white: 1 car, 1.E2.4; 7 car. $1.62. No. $
wnite: 1 cars, ii.&a. no. s wnite: 1 car,
$1.61, No, 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.62 ; 1 car,
$1.62. No, 2 yellow: 8 cars, $1.63; 1 car.
$1.52tt; 1 car, $1.52; 18 cars, $162; 2
cars, $1.51. No. $ yellow: 1 car, $1.62H; 1
car, $1.68. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white),
$1 52; 12 cars, $1.52; 2 cars, $1.61; 3 care.
.61, No. 2 mixed: 2 cars. $1.62: 8 cars.
11.61; 2 cars, $1.61; 1 car, $1.46. No.
mixed; 1 car, 11,01. Hampie mixed: 1
oar (wheat mixed), $1.61.
Uate Htandard: 1 car, 85c. No. 8 white:
car, 65Ho; cars, 66c; 1 car, 64 o. No.
white: 2 cars. 64c: 2 oars. 64c No. 4
white; 2 cars, 64c; 2 cars, 64c Sample
white: 1 car, 63r
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard.
$3.7302.75: No. 2 hard. 22.7002.74: No. 4
hard. $2.6003.70. Corn: No. 2 white, $1.61
wi.m; no. s wnite,; no, wnite,
i.uini.eitt; no, 0 wnite,
No. 6 white, $1.6001.60; No. 2 yellow.
$1.5101.62: No. 2 yellow. 21.5101.53: No. 4
yellow, $1.6O01.61; No, 6 yellow, $1.50
01.61: no. a yellow. 9i.sotvi.eo 1 nix 1
mixed, $1.6101.62; No. f mixed, $1,610
.62; No. 4 mixed. $1.50O1.61: No. .6
mixed, $1.6O01.61t No. 6 mixed, $1,600
ou. uata: wii. 1 wnite, sen woec ; atana-
ard, 66066c; No. 2 white, 64 066o; No.
white, 64064c Barley: Malting, fl.300
40; No. 1 feed, $1.2001,25. Rye: No. 2,
3.2402.26; No. 2, $2.2302.25.
Omaha Future.
Th future market opened easier on
everything with the exception of September
oats, wnicn openea nominally uncnangea.
The whole list continued bearisn through
out the session, wheat closing about 8c
lower on th July and lo off on th Septem
ber article, while July corn closed about 4o
lower and the September about 60 off, but
the December artlcl advanced 8o during
the latter part of th session, Favorable
weather condition were the ruling bearish
factors In today' market, and whll th
recent cold spell would prevent the steady
growth of corn, warmer weather following
tne recent wt weather will probably make
up th loss.
Local rang of options
Art Open. I High. Low. Close." Sat'y.
July I lo I 10 304 I 04 811
Sep, 1 80 1 80 179 I 79 181
July 1 47 1 47 141 1 4S 147
Sep. 1 83 1 23 187 1 27 133
Dec 10 92 90 23 92
July 66 , 67 60 67 26
Sep. 49 49 49 49 49
Cntcago closing prices, furnished The Uev
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker.
315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha
Art. I Open. High. tow. cTo. I Sat
July 9 09 9 10 301 2 06 211
Sept 1 22 19$ 160 82 184
July 1 46 1 47 1S9 1 46 148
Sept 1 834 1 22 196 1 38 133
Deo, 84 25 91 $4
July B8 59 61 69 68
8ept 62 63 61 62 63
Deo. 44 " 64 $3 84 (4
May 37 10 ST 10 37 00 27 04) 27 26
July 27 10 87 12 38 60 ST OOV 37 26
July 21 67 21 6T 11 15 21 22 21 87
Sept ' 21 20 21 20 1 21 27 21 40 21 22
July 20 SO 20 20 19 87 20 10 20 15
Sept I 80 40 I 20 40 20 02 20 20120 26
Th nA consiatanl profraai balnf mad. bj th
of Kentucky
operating extensively in the famon, Irvine Field is clearly indicated
by the following telegram just received.
The Crown Oil Company now owns leases on upwards of 55,000
acres of oil territory in the productive sections of Kentucky, and is
fast moving towards the 1,000 barrel daily output, which is the
chief aim of the management at this time.
Production now is sufficient to cover the 2 monthly dividend
requirements about four times over and it is expected that in addi
tion to the regular disbursements, substantial extra payments will
be made from time to time. Action along this line is probable in
Wt an .(ferine: tar a limit! time eahr. '
-. $1.50 Per Share
A aeUn market m tke Nr Yerk Cart end a material aahneannt la vain, h
beM far at aa aarlr ata. la (act, a arte. .1 S3.00 aw abar la aatklsatae;
Praapactua aeat m receipt af aabacrlptlaa) or aa nnwet.
Make all check,, draft or money order, payable to
Speclallit la
50 Broad Street
Prospect of Record Breaking Corn Yield
f orces vow rne or ureal la ML
Chicago. May 28. Llkllhood of a record-
breaking big corn yield this season had
much to do with sharp declines In prices
of corn and wheat today. Th market closed
neavy tor wneat, with valuee 10 to 60 nei
lower at $2,06 for July and $1.84 for Sep
tember. Corn finished 14 o to 6o down
oat unchanged to o higher and provisions
Oil BO O 20C.
General rushes to sell on th part both
of longs and shorts brought down corn prices
in a hurry, to greatest smash of values
was In the July delivery, which made an
extreme descent of 74e. Aggressiveness on
the bear side was accompanied by wide
spread assertions that with a continuance of
existing favorable weather conditions the
1817 crop would surpass all known totals,
From every direction came report of In
creased acreage and It was said planting
nad been largely completed under most
promising conditions. Besides, a prospective
Increase of arrivals from the country owing
to Improved supply of cars added to the
handicap on the bulls. Reactions which
ensued from the lowest price level reached
wer attributed almost wholly to profit tak
ing by shorts.
Wheat showed a little more activity than
is been the rule of late, but the amount
was puny alongside the hug volume of
pusinees in corn. Foreigners appeared to be
th chief sellers of July wheat. The fact
was noted that world shipments were larger,
especially from Australia, Moreover British
advices reported less apprehension regarding
supplies. In addition there was decided op
timum nere concerning tne outlook for the
growing domestic crop. A big decrease In
tne united states visible supply figures,
however led temporarily to some firmness.
but the general tendency in the ud was
again down grade.
indications pointed to good export demand
for oats. Options on July delivery seemed
also to be In request for European account
on th other hand crop reports were ex
cellent. Provisions fell with corn and hog.
Lard In partlcularl was weak.
cash Prices wheat: No t and No. 1
red and No. 2 and No. 2 hard. ' nominal
Corn: No. 2 yellow. $1.6901.64: No. 8 yel
low, 9i.awi.4; no. yeuow, $1.68.
Uate: NO. 8 Whits, 68064c; standard,
63 065c. Rye: Nominal. Barley: $1,300
166. Seeds; Timothy, $6.7608.00; clover.
siz.uunji.uv. rrovisions: Fork. 837.00:
iara, nominal; nos, s 1s.esvjzo.1t1.
Butter Higher; creamery, 87 048c.
Eggs Higher; receipts. 21.182 cases
firsts, 22384c; ordinary firsts, 810
jsc; at marK cases incjuaea, lsc.
Potatoes unsettled : new. rereiDts. 100
cars; Texas and Alabama, bu., 18.8003.40;
iouiaiana, ou., t?,it; Florida, bbl.,
$10.60010.75. Old, receipts. 2!t cars: Ida
ho. Colorsdo, Oregon and Washington, $8.10
02.20; Wisconsin and Michigan, $2,900
Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 20c,
New York General Market.
New York. May 28. Flour Easier: sorin
patents, $18.40012.66; winter patents, $13.06
013.30; winter straights. 212.40012.90: Kan-
aas straignis, siz.suvis.tu.
corn ieai Kasy; line wnite and yellow,
$3.60: coarse. 23.28: kiln dried. $8.70. nomi
Wheat Spot nominal.
Corn Spot weak: No. 2 yellow. $1.70. o. 1
f., New York.
uata spot quiet; standard, 7O07io.
Hops Quiet; state, common to choice
(1016), 30036c; (1916), 08c; Pacific coat
(116, 0lic; 1115), 7478c.
Hides Quiet : Bogota. 43 0 : Central
America, 42 c.
Leather Firm t Hemlock firsts. 67c: sec
onds, 65c,
Pork Steady: - mess, $41.50; family,
$44.00; short, clear, $42.50044 60.
Lard weaK; middle west, $21.26081.86.
Tallow Quiet; city special loose, 18c.
Wool Firm: domestic fleece XXX Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 64066c.
Rice Steady; fancy head, 8Otc; blue
rose, 8o.
Butter Firm; receipts, t.oso tubs; cream
ery, higher than extras, 444944o; extra
(83 score), 48o asked; firsts. 43 43c 1 sec-
and. 4O04lc
Eggs Firm: receipts. 16.731 cases: fresh
gathered extras, 88 089c; fresh gathered
firsts, storage packed, 37035c; fresh gath
ered firsts, 86&37o; seconds and lower
grades, 32036c.
Cheese unsettled: receipts, 6,294 boxes.
Including 266 In transit for export; state,
fresh specials, 23 024c; state, average run.
Poultry Alive, easyt no prices estab
lished. Dressed, autet: chickens. 2402Oo:
fowls, 19026c; turkeys, 28036c.
K.w Yftrfc Money Mwrfcet.
N.w York. Hay SS. Money On call.
flrrat hlBb, S pr cnt; low, 3tt per flent;
rullnf rat., S per cent; laat loan, 1 per
cent! oloeln, bid, S1 par cant; offered at
p.r cent.
Tim. Lo.n Firm: ality day.. U0,U
per cent; ninety day., 4H9H per cent; alx
montha. .Vic?,, per oent
mme Mercantile Paper Per cent.
Sterllnr Eiohenn Slaty-day bill.. S4.7S:
eommerolal alxty-day bill, on banks,
K.71H: commercial alxty-day bill., IMfet;
demand, U.7S9-H; cable., S4.71 7-11.
fillv.r Bar. 7Hci Heilcan dollar.. 5854c.
Bond. Government, atsady: railroad. Ir
u. a. si. re,.... sK. c. 8. r. sa.. S614
do coupon ... WKli. A N. un, 4... .2U
V. 8. Se. ret... IlkM K f lit 4. 87
do coupon .. S9 Mo. Pad. ten . 4a SU-
U. 8. 4a re... IDS Mont. Power Se.. H
do coupon ..ICS N. T. C. d. ea..loAU
Pan. Sa coup.. SS No. Paclflo 4a.. 88
r. Seo Sa.. SSUNo. Paclflo Sa.. e!U
A. T ST. a. Sa.. 88 14 Or. S. U r 4... 87 T4
Anglo-French Sa SSKP. T. T. Sa., S7H
Arm. Co. 4H SlliPenn. o. 4H...10JH
Atchlaon fen. 4a IS ft do ten. 4He . .
B. At O. 4. 88 Reading gen. 4. 11 H
Cen. Laatb. Sa.,100 8 L 4 I r 1 1, left
C. 4 O. c. S... 88 14 So. Pac. cr. Sa 9
C. B. 4 Q. ). 4. S5ft do ref. 4a .... 8U
tCM8Jg4HS S8 So. Ry S. ...,7H
CBISPlll 7SfttTex, P.O. l.t S8
Colo. S. r. 4Ha SO Union Paclllo 4. SS
D B. O. r. Sa SSft do cr. 4a .... 89 S
Dbm. of Can Sa SS L. 8. Rubber Sa., 87V
Brl. gen. 4a.... 6S 17. 8. Steel Sa. .1044
Gen. Elec Sa. .loaftWabaeh lat ...1001,.
at No. let 414s S4 'Weat. Un. 4!4.a S3U
III. Cen. r. 4a.. 8H 'Bid. tottered.
Int. M. M. 4a... SS
Kansas City General Market
Kansas City, May 28. Wheat No. 3
hard, 22.7003.80; No. 2 red, 23.88A2.78:
May, 13.88, July, 82 10.
Corn No. 2 mixed, 216301.54; No. 2
white, 81-6301.64;'No. 2 yellow, 31-660
1.66; July, 31.41: September, fl.2&.
Oats No. 2 white, 70Q70o; No. .2
mixed, 69070c.
Butter Creamery, 44a; first, 42c; seo
onds, 40c; packing, 23c
Egg First, ISC.
Poultry Roostsrs, 15c; bans, 17c; tur
keys, 22o; broilers, 30c.
a iraaeury attcK, at
08 j
I Sjurittee
New York
Bulls and Bears in Big Battle
With Shorts, Forcing Quo
tations Down to Slight
Z Degree,
Now Tork, May 28. Higher quotations at
the outset of today's active and dlversl-
ttmA rlndlnn ..l.t. . s... ni
for profits and renewed operations by the
shorts. In consequence few, If any, of the
more Important gains In Industrials and
sues finishing at moderate net losses.
juv "i; saiga turnover oi ine lorenoon
again derived much of Its power and In
fluence from out-of-town centers, albeit
amvisiciu uini?uncu 10 proceea wiin
caution, pending an adjustment of federal
VV a. p- v Maa.iiM r. u ......hLi a .
- MiirJMcnina no I ia ay
also Induced closing out of long lines by
IT. B Rrpt atiki mn . .k. -
... iui 1.110 IKCts ajn
the rise and decline advances, advancing to
the new record of 136 from which It re-
" w ana cioseu at 132, a net
IflM nf ISt. nnlnl. L- I
1 . " -uiei iotrwia were
registered by most equipment, munitions
Much Af ths iinHrlvInt '
furniahed by rails. Important Irsucs of
mac aesnriptlon, especially Pacific, St.
Pfttll. filiBlaira mnA wmanu at.- i .
-- ""V vi. nm iuw araae ,
western and southwestern shares were In
demand at extreme advances of 1 to 8 I
nolntJI Imnnvitnan) I. ..11 1 IJ.J
the publication of a number of April re-
uiuitii vi m
cnaracter. Southern Pacific made an
especially good showing, gaining almost
11.600,000 In net.
Shipping alio helped to sustain the list
In the final hour when the average level
was loweat of the tension. Marines rose
hrUlrlv .Ilk. lil.,i. j n,.. ...
"'mm"., vuii hru tai jnaiee
snd Paclflo Mall and United Fruit also held
Metal were under pressure moat of the
timA. Utah ntklH. .1 a .....
2 points, others of that class falling A to 2.
Central Leather, American woolen, motors
snd oils ranked among the backward fea-
'Z a. xne ianer made
forfeited much of Its 6 point gain, frregu-
" l" ciose, loiai sales
foreign Issues showing no definite trend.'
-wins nitPii, y,r VBlUe, 9i,BVV,)lV. J. &
bonds were unchanged on call.
of the leading stocks:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
AlTIAP. RAt atuvatw 11 IDA 11 Alt'
American Can ... 17!s0O 53 60 60
Amer. Locomotive. 10,00 74 73 73
o. ot n 7,600 106 104 104
Amer. Sugar Ref., 2,700 112 110 112
Amur TAT ann issu nn,
Amer. Z. L. A S... 1,600 26 34 36
Anaconda Copper .. 82,200 86 84 84
Atchison 5,400 103 101 102
A. O. As W, I 8. L. 8,600 108 J07 108 i
Butte A Superior.. Moo 47(4 H 46 I
CftL pAtfllullTM 1 BrtA in' Am aa i
Canadian Pacific.. 4,200 164 162 163
Central Leather ... 14,900 35 0344 83
Ches. A Ohio 4,600 01 69 60
C A N. W..... ....
C. R- I. A P. tlf .
...... .... .... 112
6.700 69 67 67
China r!iiDnr . .
Colo. V. A T
D.UUV D&H 63 63
Corn Products Ref. 70,600 33 31 33
iruci0ie oieei 47,200 81 78 79
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 2$, 000 46 44 46
Distillers' Secur. 600 17 16 18
ErlO fi.99 2fiU'5fiU 9ft -
General Electric
General Motor .
Great No. nM
300 164 163 162
12,100 113 109 110
1,800 107 107 107
7,300" 36 34 35
Gt. No. Or otfs..
Inspiration Copper! 18.800 6?E Kiu sa
Illinois Central
000 102 102 102
Int. M. M. pfd.... 41,300 86 82 84
Inter. Nickel 7,400 42 41 42
Inter. Paper 6,400 4139 40
K. C. Bout hern .... 1,600 32 21 22
Kennecott Copper.. 2,6200 60 48 48
Louis A Ma villa 1 ono lid imu bii.
Maxwell Motor ... 4)00 bS 60 61
Mexican Petroleum 13,000 99 97 27
imaim upuor .... j.bub ajlj
uiiHuuii ratiiio .. S,1VU 2S -17 ZTTj
Montana Power
aoo loo
100 100
Nevada Copper
3,20-0 26
25 25
New York Central. 6,600 92 91 92
N. T., N. H, AM.. 3.200 36 25 86
SVrtrmilr Jb Wa.t.rn 1 7nn 147 11HL tut
Northern Paclflo .. 11,100 104 - 103 103
Pacific Mall 1,300 2& 25
racino i. e T,.a.
Pennsylvania. 1 1ft
62 63
Pittsburgh Coal .. 8,300 61 49 49
Kay uon. uoppcr., 10.40 81 30 80
Reading 58,600 96 93 95
Republic L A S.. .218,000 93 89 80
Hhntriiclr Art Cnn 9 ma 9tu tau ,
Southern Paolflc.H 8.10Q 96 94 M
aoutfiern Ky. 18,600 26 27 27
Studebaker Corp. .. 7,800 89 86 86.
Texas Co. 4,000 224 221 222
Union Paclflo .... 18,600 139 137 138
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 10.000 136 136 136
TJ. 8 Steel 349,300 136 132 132
rt a a.. -ci baa i,i , ,n.7
u. a sun lu,,, . iioyg lf H
Utah Copper 12,900. 118 114 114
Wabash pfd "8".. .1,400 ,25 26 26
West Electric !!!! 23700 56 54 54
Total Bales for the day, 1,330,000 shares.
Holiday at London.
London. May 28. Today Is a holiday on
ths London and i t-'rpool financial and
commercial exchange.
The little "Bride of Mviterv"
announces that' she will open
her personal checking account
at the American State bank.
She says the name sounds patri
otic and besides the bank is so
conveniently located.
Why not a Salt
Vacation at one
Shore Resorts
Low Round
Trip Fare
Daily to Sept 30th.
I How About a I
CircleTour? I
' 1
NewYorkMial Railroad
The Water-Level
Sotf attten m to deriraple trip, with lafWroatkici remnling fare and rrmtes
gladly mven. Apply to your focal aent for ticket and sleeping car reerv
tKM., or it comDiet bifcroiation, call oo or address our
' Cash Buying
0 If DODGE sw
But For the Accommodation of Customers
Specially Attractive Offerings In AH Department
For Tuesday
I Highlands
Jnst North of Toronto and
, nay muanok-a Utkea,
Algonquin fark, wmagaml, etc.
Canada's natural art gallery. Thoasanda of the most beautiful land
scapes Imaginable. Every view a picture. Unspoiled forests and deep
green woods set In a network of crystal lakes and streams, many arched
by spreading boughs and carpeted with lilies and wild lice.
Falls, rapids, portages, trails. Indian and woodsman-trapper guides.
Complete camping and fishing outfits; or life in big hotels or rustic camps
with all modern conveniences. Long, balmy, sunshiny days, lingering
twilight, cool evenings, Northern Lights. Quiet, freedom, exhilaration,
complete cnange. nerves sootned; whole beings made new.
Donf MIssThla Season's Grand Trunk Hallway
Guide Books of This Incomparable Region
Send for a set FREE- Then will year eyes be evened to the polbllltlea
of Canada for thia aummer'a vacation, luataddresa
J. D. McDONALD. Aaeletent General Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk
Railway, 1U West Adams Street, Chicago, 111.
It's making
v seal i si
Can be sold without a U. S. government license or with
out conflicting with the prohibition laws of any state.
Wherever Wholesome and Refreshing Drinks Are Served.
STORZ BEVERAGE & ICE CO., Omaha, Nebraska.
of the
Atlantic Coast, New England, Adirondacks,
White and Green Mountains, Eastern
Canada and Thousand Islands.
Jle Jours include Niagara Falls, Boston, New York, At-
"ULU - V'" vveauiiiKiuuauiuiudny
cuiu jjiuviuc rou, iiver, ia&e ana oce
Route" You Can Sleep
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters
Means Big Savings a
of Ontario
East of Georgian
Lake ot Bays,
a great hit
uiner interesting points,
er. jaw -.!,: :r:r-ex
ocean travel, if desired.