THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKti: MAY 27. 1917. a a CARDINAL POINTS OF REGISTRATION RULES War Department Issues Ab stract of Instructions to Men Who Are Liable to Draft. . Washington, May 26. In its cam paign to stimulate interest in regii tralion, June 5, for the war rmy, the War department today issued a memorandum emphasizing the seven cardinal points to be remembered, particularly by men between the ages of 21 and JO, inclusive, who Will be required to register, The memoran dum follows: 1. There is only one day for regis trationJune 5, 1917. 2. Every male resident of the United States, who has reached his twenty first and has not reached his thirty-first birthday, must register on the day set, June 5, 1917. The Only exceptions are persons in the military or naval service of the United States, which includes all officers and en listed men of the regular army, the regular army reserve, the officers' re serve corps, the enlisted reserve corps, the National Guard and Na tional Guard reserve, recognized by the militia bureau of the War depart ment; the ftavy, the marine corps, the coast guard and the naval militia, the naval reserve foce; the marine corps reserve and the national volunteers, recognized by the Navy department. Registration is Not Draft. 3. Registration is distinct from draft. No matter what just claim you have for exemption you must register. ' 4. Registration is a public duty. For those not responsive to the sense of this duty, the penalty of imprison ment, not fine, is provided in the draft act. 5. Those who through sickness shall be unable to register should cause a representative to apply lo the regis trar of his home district for a regis tration card. The clerk will give in structions as to how this .card should be filled out. The card should then be mailed by the sick person or delivered by his agent, to the registrar of his voting precinct The sick person will enclose a self-addressed stamped en velope : for the ' return to him of his registration certificate. . Absent From Home. 6. Any person' who expects to be absent from his voting precinct on registration day should apply as soon as practicable for a registration card to the county clerk of the county where he may be stopping, or if he lives in a city of over 30,000, to the city clerk. The clerk will record the answers on the card and turn It over to the absentee. The abstntee Should mall this card to the registrar of his home district so that it will teach that official by registration day. A self addressed, atamped envelop ahould be enclosed with the card to insure the return to the absentee of a regis tration certificate. 7. Registration booths will be open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. on registration day, June S, 1917. An Inrnlatlbte Call. Hutda, tha Bwodlah maid, had ra nr mlsirecs faithfully for a year, when ana tlay aha- announces her Intention -ol..lea. '""'Why, Hulda, what U tha matter la tlifl work too hard? Or don't you Hke the wtilfee?" ' ' " "be work he be aJ! tight, an', de YageS he be, toe, but de beau he mooat have me." Minneapolis Tribune. it War Bride" Goes to Fort Snelling Camp With Gallant Young Omaha Guardsman Where to Go Decoration Day Oliver B. Holmes of Omaha, ser geant of Company A, Fourth Ne braska National Guard, was one of the guardsmen appointed to the Fort Snelling training camp for officers. He will take his "war bride" with him. Sergeant Holmes goes to Fort Snelling as a drill sergeant, but he also will take the course of training given- the reservists, and when the period is over will be commissioned. Holmes first heard the call to the colors last June when the Mexican border trouble arose. He was among the first Omahana to enlist in the Ne braska guard when the call for mora men was issued. He served on the border in Captain Harris' regiment. He Was mustered out of service upon the return of the guardsmen, but when the second, call for Volun teer was made -this spring Holmes immediately re-enlisted. He was ap pointed a corporal and shortly after wards promoted' to asefgeancy. Sergeant Holmes was married Abril 8 to Miss Janet RasmuSsen. The original date for the wedding was June IS, but the call to arms resulted in advancement of the date. m 'J M INVESTIGATE LEAK OF U. S. NAVY PLANS Washington Officials at Loss to Know How Germans round Ont About Trip. -Washington, May 26. Official in vestigation was under wajr today to uncover whether the leak on the sailing of American destroyers to the war zone was on this side of the At lantic or whether German spies got it in Enghnd. Admiral Sims has positively re ported that the German admiralty knew of the departure of the ships and their port cf arrival four days ahead of time and had opportunity to mine their path. Some navy officials are inclined to suspect the German spy system in England, despite the statement of Secretary Daniels, that the incident emphasized the fact that the German spy system still is at work in this country. It the info mation was sent from the United States it was made doubly difficult because it had to pass the official censorship. It was stated officially today that only a few officers in the office of Admiral Benson, chief of operations, knew the destination of 'the destroy ers. The commanders themselves were Ignorant of the port until they opened sealed orders probably twelve hours at sea. A Den pirate Cbm, 'T)hT," W the fond mother, "I must puilflh you for disobeying my orders." "Pleas, ma," said the little boy, "may I go t my room first?" ,- . . tronsented the parent, and she rtd ilously followed her ftrst-bojti Upstairs. There Robert was kneeling by his bed, and his mother heard him say: "Dear Lord, if ' You evttr wanted to help a little fellow . la .rotable, now' ,Tour change." $ The Whipping was. IMeflnltely postponed New York Times. ' I, ' , I ' a j '5s f J J COUNCIL BLUFFS LAW INVALID Court Holds Sunday Closing Interferes With Work of Necessity and Dismisses 460 Under Arrest. Police Judge Gapell of Council Bluffs has ruled picture shows, drug stores, ice men and confectioneries are a necessity Jo the people of the present age and to close them on Sunday would be a "slap at civiliza tion." The court dismissed all cases against 400 persons arrested last Sun day fijr alleged violations of the seventy-year-old . Sunday Iowa "blue Judge Capell's ruling means that merchants of Council Bluffs will not be interfered with if they want to keep their places open today and suc ceeding Sundays. In regard to movies Judge Capell said : "The picture shows are highly edu cational, instructive and conductive of good morals. They engender high degree of patriotism, provide for the enlightment, ehtertaiftment and uplift of men and to close them on Sunday would deprive the laboring man and family -of the right to enjoy these privileges. . "It is therefore held that under our present system and standard of civi- Outstanding Savings on Women's Suits $35 and $39.75 Values Credit , to Out-of-Town People. Please Write for Catalog. No better bargains in all of Omaha. This lay Clearance ia a wonder for value-giving. At our low clearance price you can get that extra suit' you were planning on. You don't need all cash pay a little down, and a little each pay-day. Every one is a new style in new fabrics, such as poplins, serges, velour, burella, jersey, in gold, rose and other good shades. , ( , Two Special Coat Values There are coats of straight line Empire styles coats that are full flaring, Nearly all have belts roomy pockets wide col lars. Materials are wool velours, wool poplins, burella, gabar dine, serge and the like. Lot L-$35.0Q Values Lot 2 $24.60 Values $22.50 1 $15.00 REDD lization moving picture shows are a necessity." As to the icejnan, the court ruled that a great deal of food would spoil and damage result if they were kept from their work Sunday. Indue Canell discharaed all of the defendants, holding that the work for which they were arrested was m eacn case "one of necessity." In his ruling the court stated that "the laws enacted in 1855 no longer fit present conditions of modern civi lisation. THE CHEAPER WAY IN THEL0NG RUN Drashar Brothers Da All of th Clean ing Work You Should Not Do, For You Cannot Do It So Economically At Droshora. 1417 DOUGLAS STREET Write for Our Spring and Sumrnor Catalog v l-v . a :rt-o-T mf mm i i j m NAHMS' HHSBtassM ! fMlUlllftl I O H I II I D IU'1 VUttttlUW 1 ioj Credit s,ore The prevailing Idea ot conservation and sensible economy la all right, but there are many Jobs that can be dona mora economically elsewhere than at your home. Take, for instance, in cleaning work: vou cannot begin to do it as cheanly in younhome as can Dresner Brothers in their immense plant at 2211-2217 Farnam atreet. And it'a no secret that vou cannot do the work as well as Dresners; you'll admit that, won't you? No, Sir! No: Madame! You cannot touch a job of the sort yourself and be ahead. Far better stick to your own vocation and let Dreshers clean, press, dye, re-model or re-styla your auita, coats, dreases, etc. Far rather have Dreshera take your old fe't or straw hats and clean, block and re trim them. And when It comes, to rug, carpet, curtain, comfort, .blanket or pillow . 1.. 1 i , u . Cleaning, you are snupiy nuv m m race. It will cost you more to "call in a man" to do this work than to have nre.hera' exnerta and - Dreshera' equipment do it for you. If as far as the calibre of work done, here is proof that you cannot do it so well as Dresn ers your old style "beating" doesn't begin to clean a rug. Just have your dirtiest rue hand beaten j work at it ten hours if you like; keep pounding and pounding; then when you con sider it clean let Dresners clean it over. When Dreshera ret through you will see a pile of dirt, grease, soil, etc., that came out of the rug, to say nothing of germs that one cannot see. Start practicing economy the true way send your work to Dreshera' immense plant at 2211-2217 Farnam atreet. Phone Tvler 34S for a man. or leave work at the plant, at Dresner the Tailors, 1615. Farnam St., or at one of the Dresner branches in the Rureess-Nash or Brandeis Stores. Dreshera pay express or parcel post charges one way On any sized bundle to any point in America. aov. mmVttBS8&3St8F&M NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Signed and sealed bids will be re ceived by W. W. Wyckoff, Secretary of the Board of Education of the School District of York, Nebraska, up till Thursday noon, June 7th, 1917, for the erection and construction of 8 new school buildings at 'York. Ne braska, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Berling hof A Davis,, architects, and on file with the Secretary of the Board. Separate bids will be received for heating, plumbing and electric work, Flans and specifications may be seen at the office of Berlinghof & Davis, architects, 414 Security Mutual Life Building, Lincoln, Nebraska, and at office of Secretary. Contractors de airing plans and specifications for , their individual use may obtain one set from the architect! on making a deposit of twenty-five dollars (2E) which will be returned in case i regular bid is filed, and plans and specifications returned in good condi tion on or before the date of receiv ing bid. Each bid to be considered must be accompanied, as evidence of good faith, by a certified check of five per cent of the amount of the bid, made payable to W. W. Wyckoff, Secre. tary. The Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the Beard of Educa tion. H. S. King, Pres. W. W. Wyckoff, Secretary. Berlinghof & Davis, Arch. o l o uvumiuu BEAUTIFUL n 1 1 ii u Tu Liu IA1 U LX OPENS TODAY FOLLOW THE CROWDS Special Numbers By the Band Today and DECORATION DAY YOU NEED RECREATION After the winter in the city you owe it to yourself to seek recreation. Manawa Park, more beautiful than ever; fitted with up-to-the-minute attrac tions and service that would be a credit to any city of the country, is the ideal outing place for Omaha, Council Bluffs and vicinity. GREEN'S BIG BAND will play every evening, with matinees every Sunday and holiday. Special patriotic numbers are announced for today and Decoration Day the first holi day of the season. TrlE NEW CAFETERIA plan is used in th lake side dining pavilion this year. An expert ia in eharge of the big. new soda fountains. You can get a delightful luncheon or re freshments at a very reasonable cost. NEW MANAGEMENT is In charge of th lake this season. "We will try te see HOW MUCH we can give for the money, not HOW LIT TLE," says Manager C. I. Palm. COURTESY AND SERVICE are assured guests at the park this season. Try it today and see what a splendid time fox'l have. NATURAL BEAUTY Great effort and much money put in flowers ami landscape garden ing, and the new color scheme of green and white make Manawa Fark more beautiful than ever this season. CHILDREN will be the special guests of the part this ; year. Free swing! .slides JJMj ladders ana otner piay devices, wim raruiui um ... OLESON'S ORCHESTRA plays in the big open air dance pavilion. FREE MOTION PICTURES are shown every evening. NEW ATTRACTIONS vie with the old ones, en larged and improved for the biggest season of Manawa Park's history. PLAN A PICNIC in the beautiful grove. New cooking and other facilities have been added. , Telephone 947 to Inquire about picnic ac comodations or other information. GO BOATING OR FISHING. How boats, fishing poles for rent. The Manawa fleet of launches makes regular trips. The lake has a high stage of water this year and is beautiful for boating. The fish are biting fine. Many gooi" catcnes oi pass ana crappie are reporieu. for the children to use. ADMISSION TO PARK, PICNIC GROUNDS, CONCERTS, SHOW, FARE From Omaha, 10 cents. (Get children's 15c round-trip tickets from conductors on Manawa Cars). From Council Bluffs, 5 Cents. ' o Street Car Service to Cemeteries Memorial Day-May 30 FOREST LAWN CEMETERY After 9 A. M.' all Florence cars, in addition to Forest Lawn cars, will run direct to the ceme tery. The service will be every eight minutes. (Passengers to Florence will please transfer at' 30th and Briggs Streets.) PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY To reach this cemetery, take a Harney and North 33d Streetcar. This service will be every five minutes. WEST LAWNAND BOHEMIAN CEMETERIES Take West Leavenworth car and transfer at 48th Street to Center Street line. Ten-minute ser vice on Center line from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. GRACELAND PARK CEMETERY Take crosstown car to southern terminus, 44th and "L". Entrance to cemetery is one block south. Service every ten minutes. HOLY SEPULCHER CEMETERY , To reach this cemetery, take West Leaven worth car. Service every five minutes. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company 6- 0