Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
' Brie) City News
Hit. Root Print It N. Bicon Prtu
Platinum Wcdillns: nines Edohlm,
Efttht-lnch Elrctrlc Fan. 17.50
Try the noonday SA-opnt luncheon
t at the Empress uarden, amidst pleas-
ant surroundings, music and entertain
ment Advertisement.
Postpone Trip to Triangle The city
' commissioners postponed for one week
a trip to squatter settlements. The
Wlnspear "triangle.'- along; the river
bottoms, will be Investigated by the
officials, wno nave received many com-
. piamta against tnis tract.
Says She Was Deserted Mathilda
Hagdahl, who is suing August Hag-
dahl for divorce in district court, was
married to him in 8weden February
10, 1900. 8he says he deserted her
. May 15, 1913. She asks the court to
restore her maiden name of Mathilda
Heavy Fine for Bootlegging Strode
, jnicois, a liveryman at Kosalle, Neb.,
waa found guilty by a jury In federal
court of selling liquor to Indians. He
waa sentenced by Federal .Turize Pol
lock to six months In the Hall county
Jail and to pay a flne of 1300. Nicole
refused to plead guilty to.Tne of the
three counts on which he waa Indicted
t and Insisted on standing trial. -
"Red" Martin Fined John "Red'
Martin, an employs of the Martin
mployment agency, waa lined 1100
ana costs lor violation ot the prohibl
tlon law. While bringing forty-one
men from Kansas City to be used
as strikebreakers In the boilermak
ersVstrlke he gave the men whisky
ana naa it in his possession. A suit
case said to belong to him tilled with
whisky waa confiscated. He filed bonds
lor an appeal.
1 Commission Man Rued Minerva
Brown, Sill I street, suing Earl
- Brown, South Side commission man
and member of the Live Block ex
change, for dlorvce In district court,
allege! cruelty. They were married
at- Guthrie Center, la., February ,
3 90S, and have one (on, Donald D.
Brown. On application of Mrs. Brown
the court Issued an order restraining
him from molesting her, drawing any
funds from the bank or selling his
inemDershlp In the Live Stock ex.
.change during the pendancy jot the
uiven Another t nance E. H. Mer
rineld, living at 241 Chart street
meaaea mniiv to in. irpnv n, srn.
ceries from the store of Hayden Bros.
valued at $8.33. He was employed
as a driver. The M. C. of U proved
stronger than his will. power and the
oaae with which, he could carry out
groceries- fed to his downfall, He
was sentenced to thirty daya In Jall
but upon his promise never to err
i ngaia ana ins iaci mat ne was mar
ried and the father of four -children
the sentence was suspended. He has
made arrangements to pay for the
groceries, taken in small Installments.
Metal dies, presnw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co.
1 Abbott, Wanted in Omaha
' Coming From, Utah Prison
Salt Lake. Citv. ITtah.'-Vsv
(Special Telegram.) Au Omaha. po-
iite uinccr is expected in salt Lake
uiy tomorrow to take J. H. Abbott,
alias- Arnold Holland, recently re
leased from the Utah penitentiary,
and who is wanted in the Nebraska
-city" on a charge of forgery. .
Last Sunday Abbott completed a
term of three years in the Utah
piisun, convicted ot passing a num
ber of fictitious checks, aggregating
approximately i,uuu, drawn on seven
bait Lake banks in 1914. at whirh
, time Detective Cleveland, now jailer
at ine county jail, Drought him back
here from Seattle, Wash.
When Cleveland learned that Ab
bott was about tp be released, he ad-
vised the prison authorities , that he
was probably wanted in Omaha.
Abbott was sentenced here on con
viction on a specific charge of the
. Continental National bank. , ," .
Fremont Reports Effort
To Hamper Sale of Bonds
Fremont, Neb., May 26. (Special
TelcgranO A well informed Dodge
county official is of the opinion that a
determined ' effort is being made
throughout Dodge and surrounding
counties to hamper the sale of the
Liberty loan bonds, ,
A banker from 'one town where
. foreign-born citizens . constitute a
Urge part of the population was in
rremnnt. ind urh.n a.lr1 -
.. progress of the sale of the bonds, re
plied with a laugh: "There is but
little demand for the bonds. In fact,
if we should make any large subscrip
, tions to the fund we would probably
lose large number of patrons."
It Is known that the same sentiment
prevails in other parts of the county.
, Bankers have been notified by some of
their depositors not to invest in the
bondi under penalty of loss of de
posit! and other business, it is said.
Te.rry of Fremont Becomes
iwner uijnuiana noiei
Cincinnati, VQ., f May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Telegraphic dispatches
received by locaf men today announce
the completion of a deal involving
the Delaware, one of the largest of
Indiana hotels, at Muncie, Ind. F. C.
Terry, Fremont, Neb., became the
owner. The price named as considV
eration Is $100,000 cash. ) '
The, Delaware has been. Muncie's
most fashionable hostelry and it is
stated that the Ncbraskan proposes
to expend large sum of money in
making modern improvements.
Border Army Division
- Climbs on Water Wagon
Fort Bliss, Tex, May 26. The bor
der army district went on the water
wagon today when Assistant United
States Attorney Crawford announced
the provision of thenew army law
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating
liquors to soldiers and officers in
uniform would be strictly enforced.
The 1 Paso Country club bar will
dose because It is near a hospital
unit. The officers' clubs here and. in
the different camps will also close.
Bond Applications to'
t Be Given Boy Scouts
New York, May 26. Distribution of
10,000,000 government printed Liberty
loan applications among the thou
sand of Boy Scouts of America, for
the scout bond purchasing campaign
from June 11 to 14, will be made soon,
it was announced tonight at scout na
tional headquarters here.
Presbyterians Favor
Suffrage for Women
Dallas, Tex., May 26. By a large
majority the Presbyterian church in
the United States of America (north)
today adopted a resolution declaring
fSr woman suffrage. ;.
Englishmen Who Held Council
With American Leaders Have
Cemented Friendship of
'Two Countries.
Washington, May 26. The British
war niission left American soil' and
crossed into Canada todaylfter six
weeks of conferences which have
reached into every phase of American
life and are expected vitally to affect
the future of this country, if not of
the world.
Confidence and sympathy born of
persona) contact fct British and Amer
ican officials carfiot be measured in
words. Uncertainty has been removed
and an efficient co-operation made
possible by an exact definition of the
resources and needs of the two na
This country knows the allies' needs
in detail and in the order of their im
portance, the allies know America's
resources and the degree of their
availability. Thus it is possible for
the United States to enter into co
operation with the grand alliance in
tne way most calculated to bring suc
cess, i
Much that has been tentatively
agreed upon can not finally be put
into effect until legislation has been
passed by congress. The great bene
fit of the mission's visit.Tiowever, has
been the decisive advice of men who
have actually been in the fire of this
war and who liave made desirable
policies obvious by merely relating
their experiences.
' '' Close Friendship.
Great Britain and the United States
have ytm placed on a closer basis
of friendship than at any time since
the separation a century and a quarter
ago. . The controversies during two
and a half years of neutrality have
dissolved in a fuller understanding by
American officials of the difficulties of
belligerency. '
llie British showed a tact and a
consideration of American - feeling
most gratifying to officials. Their
constant effort was to describe Eng
land's experience for whatever sug-
:estion it might give this country.
dr. Balfour diffused . this snirit
throughout the whole mission.
Ihe immediate diplomatic result
hai been to lengthen the British view
from a near sighted absorption in the
immHiat war nerl in- a hrnader
consideratiin of world reconstruction
afterwards. .Similarly the American
viewpoint has been fore-shortened
from absorption in the future to the
immediate "pressing emergency. Both
sides feel they have gained a truer
Joint Buying Commission.
A loint allied buying commission
It expected to result from the con
ferences and to sit here regularly in
conjunction with separate bodies -in
London. - 1 his will assure uniform
prices for all the allies, prevent ex
tortion because of competition and
distribute supplies scientifically and
The United States will co-operate
ts far as possible in maintaining the
British blockade. America will par
ticipate through consuls in the ra
tioning of Holland and Scandinavian
countries, but probably will replace
the present system of "British let
ters" of assurance by a system of ex
port licenses. As far as possible the
enormous system built up by the
British will be maintained and means
will be taken to prevent American
pcoducti from reaching firms doling
egularly with the enemy.
The shipping problem has been the
mosKserious of all. The British left
no doubt that the April rate of de
struction of tonnage by submarines
approached the point of fatality. The
American building program has been
correspondingly expedited and one of
fcnglands greatest shipping experts.
summoned across the water to supply
greater details than the, departed mis
sion possessed.
aaau.i:aM a VVV '
' - - . v
v That's the reason the SLUMBERON rests so comfortably. Every tiny coil
of curled hair is like a separate spring, acting individually to give the perfect
conformation to every curve and move of the body. Sleep on a Slumberon is
more restful and comfortable than on a mattress made from any other materials.
A Quality Hair Mattress at a Price for All
The Slumberon win not mat down and will last s
lifetime. It is covered with an extra heavy dust
proof ticking that prevents the hair from coming
through. Finished in the popular French Roll Edge.
The Slumberon is really suited to Outdoor Sleep.
( Ask your dealer to show you a Slumberon. If h does not handle them, write'us and we will send you the
name of a Slumberon dealer neac your borne, together; with our interesting booklet "Correct Sleeping.",
. GENERAL OlTICESi HI Wwt Mam Stmt. CUn - FACTORYi. East Calcssv, Indiana
Find German "Baron"
Only Army Deserter
San Francisco, May 26. Baron
Friedrich Fels, alias Lieutenant
Frank Wolf, arrested May 10 ai a
German ipy, is nothing more than
a deserter from the United States
aviation corps at San Diego, federal
officials declared here today when
they turned him over to the mili
tary authorities for prosecution as a
deserter, i
Military Students at Fort Snell
ing Mailing Cards for Draft;
Men Are Learning Many
Fort Snelling, Minn., May '26.
(Special Telegram.) The 2,500
would-be officers in Uncle Sam's new
army played "Hamlet" without the
ghoat at Fort Snelling today when
the manual of the saber was taken up
without sabers. The students were
given primary instruction , in the
lunges, slashes and defense. Later
they went to company drill and con
ferences. Beginning tonight every man in the
camp with the exception of about 200
excused by reason of already holding
commissions or fixed positions with
organized military units will start the
work of registering for the draft. The
work will be under the direction of
Colonel Berkeley Evarly and after
registering the men- will mail their
cards to the draft officials of their
home counties. .
Many of the men in camp now are
teaming for the first time something
about "housekeeping," , for each in
turn takes two days as the commis
sary sergeant of his company. Then
it is (hat he must, assisted by an ex
perienced "regular," figure out the
day's meals, so that the federal allow
ance of 75 cents a day be not exceed
ed, if the menu can, be kept under
that sum tne post quartermaster,
from whence supplies are drawn,
gives credit for the sum unused.
which later can be employed in the
purchase of things not on the daily
Company 2 now has something over
$80 to its credit. One of the rookie
mess men has figured that it costs
Uncle Sam about $1,500 a day to feed
the students, or about $175,000 for the
three months. Each man's clothing
represents an outlay of $13.50, which,
with about $15 added for equipment,
represents about $61.25 to get the
student's ready for work. The entire
expenses of the camp, including pay
of the regular army officers and in
structors, will exceed $J50,000 for the
three months.
United States Navy
Seeking Physicians
Washington, May 26. The navy is
seeking 2,000 additional doctors to
furnish proper medical care for the
250,000 men who will be in the naval
establishment when it reaches full
war strength.
In addition 2,000 additional hospital
apprentice recruits will be needed
within two months. ' About that num
ber already are under training.
Asks That U. S. Demand
Freedom for Bohemians
Washington, May 26. Senator
Kenyon of Iowa introduced a resolu
tion today providing that when peace
terms are made the United States
shall insist upon independence of the
Bohemian slovak races. Discussion
was postponed.
Italians Give Bust of
Wilson to President
New York, May 26. A bronze bust
of President Wilson, the gift of some
of hit. Italian admirers in this city,
was sent to the White House tonight.
Ing, for the aelf-ventflating properties of the hair
prevent the retention of moisture and make the
mattress more healthful and comfortable. The
Slumberon is a full width, all new hair mat
tress weight 40 pounds, Trice $25.00.
Secretary of War is Bitter in
Denunciation of Those Who
Circulate False Rumors
Concerning Ships,
Washington, May 26. A categori
cal denial that any American naval
vessels have been sunk in the war was
issued tonight by Secretary Daniels
to counteract a "campaign of vicious
rumors that is being carried on so in
dustriously by persons unknown."
It was the first official notice to be
taken of a flood of reports of naval
disasters that started almost as soon
as it was known that American de
stroyers were in the war zone.
"It is with deep regret," said the
secretary in a formal statement, "that
I note the daily stream of false re
ports with regard to the sinking of
American ships.
Wires Carry Rumors.
"Brokerage wires are a particular
source for those baseless rumors that
cannot but be the cause of needless
distress to every true American as
well as to the mothers and fathers of
the nation who have sons at sea.
"The department has given repeated
assurances that its policy is to be
one of absolute frankness with respect
to disaster. If it should be that ships
are sunk full information will be given
out officially.
"The reason for these false reports
cannot be ascertained. The one hope
is that the press wilt refuse to aid
this campaign of vicious rumor that
is being carried on so,industriously by
persons unknown."
Jap Citizenship Case
Goes to Supreme Court
San Francisco. May 26. The first
appeal for citizenship by a Japanese
ever to reach an upper federal court,
according to officials, was filed here
yesterday in the United States cir
cuit court of appeals by Ozawa, a
merchant of Honolulu.
Ozawa sets forth that he came to
the United States in 1902 and since
has been refused citizenship both in
Alameda county. Oakland, Cat., and
in Honolulu. His point on appeal is
that an act of congress passed June
22, 1906, and relating to naturaliza
tions, does not refer to races or colors
and in its nature supersedes other
acts which do. '
May Allow Importing
Of Chinese Laborers
San Francisco. May 26. The gov
ernment is seriously considering the
recent oner of the Chinese Six Lorn
panics of San Francisco to import
Chinese laborers up to the number of
500,000 for farm work in this country
during the war, according to a tele
gram to officers of the Chinese or
ganization received .today from Wal
ter S. Gifford, director of the Coun
cil of National Defense.
Ulster Unionists Will
Take Part in Counci
Belfast. Mav 26. A committee of
the Ulster Unionist council, after a
three-hour session, today unanimous
ly decided to convene a meeting of
tne tun council to consider the gov
ernment's proposal for a convention
to draw up a constitution for Ireland
as soon as the promised information
relating to the composition of the
convention has been received.
Vegetables Relieving
v German Food Problem
Washington, May 26. Americans
lately i arrived m Switzerland from
Germany, report the food situation
improved because spring vegetables
now are available. To the American
minister at Berne the Americans ex
pressed belief that Germany will be
able to hold out until relief is brought
by the next harvest.
Goethals Turns to Steel
For Needed Merchantmen
New York, May 26. Major Gen
eral George W. Goethals, speaking
informally tonight at the annual
dinner here of the Iron and Steel
institute, declared that the proposal
to build one thousand 3,000-ton
wooden shipi in eighteen months
"is simply hopeless;" for that rea
son, he said, it had become neces
sary to turn to steel as -well as
"Mr. Farrell of the United States
Steel corporation, has promised to
turn out 3,000,000 tons of steel ships
in eighteen months." .
C. C. Quiggle Tells Conserva
tion Congress Men at Front
Depend on Workers
for Lives,
"War is the highest expression of
the struggle for existence among na
t'ons," said Charles C, Quiggle, ad
dressing the men'v section of the Ne
braska Conservation congress. "The
United States is now at war with a
nation hatched in a cannon ball and
thoroughly organized for war. This
means to the American manufacturer
that service should be looked upon
as an opportunity, not as a burden.
"The manufacturer has become a
dominating factor in war. No matter
how well fed an army may be, it can
not be an effective hghtine force if it
lacks the products of the factory.
"The cause for which we are fight
ing the perpetuation of government
tor and by the people is worthy of
the best efforts of our whole people.
Luxury, can well afford to wait on
rtility. Therefore, a change in the
character of the output of our fac
tories should be made.
"Another problem is elimination of I
.A,k;,.n, Will tUm A .-I-, .M
manufacturers for the duration of the
war voluntarily restrict themselves to
a reasonable profit, or must this be
done by governmental compulsion?
"By demonstrating his capacity and
willingness to co-operate with the
forces of production and distribution,
to resist the impulse of the usurer, the
American manufacturer can erect a
standard of citizenship no less en
nobling to him than inspiring to
others. He can teach the world that
he can be stimulated by patriotism, as
well as by profits."
Rebels in Chihuahua ,
Are Seeking Amnesty
Washington, May 26. Bandits and
rebels in the state of Chihuahua have
abandoned military activities and are
seeking amnesty, according to a re
port from American Consul Edwards
at Juarez.
Noxatod Iron io Mako Hew
Age of Beautiful Wbmon
anil "Vigorous j Iron Men
Say Physicians Quickly Puts Rosea Into the Cheeks of Women and Most Astonishing
' Youthful Vitality Into the Veins of Men It Often Increases the Strength
and Endurance of Delicate, Nervous "Run-Down" Folks
' ' 100 Per Cent in Two Weeks' Time.
Opinion of Dr. Schiyler C. Jaquea,
James, lata of the Manhattan Stata Hospital of New York, and formerly Assistant Physician Brooklyn
State Hospital, and Wm. R. Kerr, Former Health Commissioner. City of Chicago.
NEW YORK. N. Y. Since the remsrfcabl
discovery of oresRie Iron, Nuxmicd Iron or
"Fer Nuxste." ss the French call it. has
taken the country by storm, it is conserv
atively estimated that over three million
people annually are taking it in this country
alone. Most astonishing: results are reported
from its use by both physicians and Inymen.
So much so that doctors predict that--we
shall soon have a new axe of far more beau
tiful, rosy-cheeked women and vigorous iron
Dr. Ferdinand Kins, a New York Physician '
and Medical Author, when interviewed on
this subject said: "There can be no vigor
ous iron men without iron. Pallor means
anaemia. Anaemia means iron deficiency. The
skin ot anaemic men and women is pale;
the flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone:
the brain fags and the memory fails and
often they become weak, nervous, irritable,
despondent and'melancho'y. When the iron
goes from v4 bo4 of women, the roses
go from their cheeks.
In the most common foods of America.
the starches, sugar), table syrups, candies,
polished rice, white bread, soda crackers,
biscuits, macaroni, patrhettf, tapioca, sago,
farina, degerminated corntneal, no longer is
iron to be found. Refiitfn processes have
removed the iron ot Mother Earth from
these impoverished foods and xilly methods
of home cookery, by throwing down the
waste pipe the water in which our vege
tables are cooked are responsible for an
other grave iron loss.
Therefore, if you wish to preserve your
youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old age,
you must supply the iron deficiency in your
food by using some form of organic iron,
Just as you would use salt when your icod
oas not enougn salt. ,
'Former Health Commissioner Wm. R.
Kerr, of the City of Chicago, says; "I have
taken Nuxated Iron myself and experienced
its health giving, strength-building effect
and in the interest of public welfare, I feel
it my duty to make known the results of its
use. I am well past three score years and
want to say that I believe my own great
physical activity is largely due today to my
personal use of Nuxated Iron. From my own
experience with Nuxated Iron, I feel it is
such a valuable remedy that it ought to be
used in every hospital and prescribed hy
every physician in this country."
Dr. S. Bauer, a Boston physician who has
studied both in thW eountry and in great
European medical institutions, said: "As I
have said a hundred times over, organic ,
iron is tht createit of all strength build
sVNot long iko a man came to me who 1
was nearly hnif a century old and aked i
me to give him a preliminary examination :
for life Insurance. I was astonished to find j
aim with the blood pressure of a boy of
went? ana as run ot vigor, vim ana vitality
as a youmc man: in fant, a young man he
uy was, notwithstanding his in. The
secret, he said, was taking Iron Nuxated
Iron had filled him with renewed life. At
30 ho was in bad health; al 46 he was
careworn and nearly all in. Now at SO after
taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality
and his face beaming with the buoyancy of
youth. Iron is absolutely necessary to en
able your blood to change food into Hving
tissue. Without it, no matter how much !
or what yo est, your food merely ales
through you without doing you any good.
You ion t get tne strength out oi it, ana as
onssquencs ou become weak, pal and
Russia's Withdrawal and Con
tinued Subsea Activities
Would Throw Brunt of
War on Uncle Sam.
Philadelphia, May 26. "If Russia
stacks arms and German submarines
continue to litter the ocean with
corpses of the merchant marine, Uncle
Sam will have to bear the brunt of
the great battle practically alone," de
Free Bench Free Scarf Free Music
$2.50 pr week sends one of the beautiful Flayer Pianos to your
home. Call at once and get first choice. Full value allowed for your
old piano in part payment.
Usej Player Pianos, fully guaranteed, at $165, $255, $290 and up.
Player Music Rolls to fit all Players, 15c and up.
1311-13 Farnam St.
Headquarters for the Genuine Pianola and Duo-Art Pianos.
Catarrh of Stomach
Did Dot Know It
Mrs. Selena Tanner, Athens, Ohio,
writes: "I cannot find words to ex
press my thanks for your kind ad
vice. I never once thought I had ca
tarrh of the stomach. I commenced
taking Peruna, as you directed. My
stomach continued to hurt me for
about two weeks after I began the
medicine, and then it stopped. I now
have a good appetite, while before I
was nearly starved."
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can now procure Peruna Tab
lets. !
Viaiting Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. New York City; Dr. Howard
MskSw , iihMiMiasaiiaa.w
sickly looking, just like a plsnt trying to
grow in a soil deficient In iron. If you sre
not strong or well, you owe it to vourself to
make the following test: See how long you
can work or how far you can walk without
becoming tired. Next take two five-grain
tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times
per day after meals for two weeks. Then
tent your strength again and see how much
you have giind. I have seen dosens of nerv
ous, tundovn people ho were ailing all the
while double their strength and endurance
and entirely rid themselve of all symptoms
of -iyspepfiia, liver and other troubles In
from ten to fourteen days' time simply by
taking iron in the proper form. And this,
after tbey had in some cases been c'octoring
for months without obtaining any benefit,"
Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon
of St. Elisabeth's Hospital, New York City,
said: "I have never before given out any
medical information or advice for publication,
as I ordinarily do not believe In It. But in
the ease of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be
remiss in my duty not to mention it, I have i
taken it myself and given it to my patients j
with most surprising and satisfactory re
sults. And those who wish to increase their
strength, power and endurance will find it !
a most remarkable and wonderfully effective j
Dr. Howard James, late of the Manhattan
State Hospital of New York, and formerly
Assistant Physician Brooklyn State Hospital,
said: "Nuxated Iron is a most surprising
remedy. A patient of mine remarked to me
(after having been on a six weeks' course of
IS LIKE MAGIC Previous to using Nuxated
Iron I had been prescribing the various min
era! salts of iron for years, only to meet
clared James W. Gerard, former am
bassador to Germany, who was the
principal speaker at a meeting Jiere
tonight under the auspices of the
southeastern Pennsylvania chapter of
the Red Cross.
Mr. Gerard said he had witnessed
nearly alt the atrocities, which have
been charged against the Germans.
"While we need many things in this
war, we need the Red Cross more
than anything else," he said.
Mr. Gerard said the impression had
prevailed m Germany that Americans
were "tango lizrards and male mani
cures," that they were a "lot of fat
people all for money," but who would
not fight.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success?
Buys your choice of seven
88-Note Player Pianos.
Latest Models. Just as
shown, containing best
known Player action, fully
Made Me Well
complaints of discolored teeth, disturbed di
gestion, tied-up, hardened secretions, etc.,
when I came across Nuxated Iron, an ele
gant ingenious preparation containing or
ganie iron, which has no destructive action
on the teeth no corrosive effect on the
stomach, and which is readily assimilated
into the blood and quickly makes its presence
felt in increased vigor, snap arid staying
power. It enriches the blood, brings roses
to the cheeks of women end is an unfailing
source of renewed vitality, endurance and
power to men who burn up too rapidly their
nervous energy in the strenuous strain of the
great business competition of the day."
NOTE Nuxated Iron, which Is prescribed
and recommended above by physicians in
such a great variety of cases, is not a -patent
medicine nor secret remedy, but one
which is well known to druggists and whose
iron constituents are widely prescribed by"
eminent physicians, both in Europe and in
America. Unlike the older Inorganic iron
products it is easily assimilated, does not
injure the teeth, make them black, nor up
set the stomach; on the contrary, it is a
most potent remedy In nearly all forms of
indigestion as well as for nervous, run-down
conditions. The manufacturers have such
great confidence in nuxated iron that, they
offer to forfeit $100 to any charitable in
stitution if they cannot take any man or
woman under 60 who lacks iron and increase
their strength 100 per cent or over in four
weeks' time, provided they have no serious
organic trouble. They also offer to refunds
your money if it does not at least double
your strength and endurance in ten days'
time. It is dispensed in this city by Sherman
A McConnell Drug Stores and all good drug-;
gists. Advertisement.