Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sunday, May 27, 1917-
-Phone Douglai 137
Burgess-Nash Standards Are Never Lowered
is about the same these
days in seamen, land-lubbers
and business.
With courage in the right,
with initiative in every
plan and action,
with confidence in the
with faith in the future,
this store is exerting every
energy to be a worthy unit
of the great Army of Serv
ice, steering straight in its
course to be helpful to its
patrons, each individually,
all collectively.
To keep the pulse of the na
tion's business normal, every
thing must go on normally.
The nation's industries and the
business subsidiaries of industry
are vital arteries of the nation's
prosperity. .
Already the country is prov
ing that it can stand the shock,
easily by perserving our affairs
as usual buying what we need
saving as we always have by
eliminating waste by keeping
business going as usual.
The Very Silks You Want
Most Are Underpriced Here Monday
THE weaves, patterns and colorings that are in
greatest demand this season are included in this
offering for Monday,
Pretty New Silk Poplin, $1.19
36 inches wide, in a complete line of pretty street shades for
dresses and suits, such as green, old rose, Copenhagen blue, nut
brown, nickel gray, wistaria, gold, navy, black and white. This
is not a slimpsy light weight quality, but a nice weight, firm, with
a high silk lustre. Specially priced for Monday, at (1.19 a yard.
Imported Pongee Silks, at, $1.25
in the natural color, all pure silk with smart sport figures and
stripes, with the very newest color combination so much in de
mand for sport skirts and jackets, 32 inches wide, special, $1.25
a yard.
English Corduroy, Special, at, 79c
New welt cord in all the wanted shades for snort skirts and
suits, including white, sale price less than cost of manufacture,
27 inches wide, 79c a yard.
Clearaway of Fancy Silks, at, $1.49
A large bargain square of 86-inch stripe check, plaid silk,
in taffeta and satin for smart skirts and suits. This lot contains
wonderful values, on special sale Monday, at $1.49 a yard.
Special Value in Black Silkt
36-inch black chiffon taffeta, special, $1.19 a yard.
36-inch black chiffon taffeta, special, $1.4S a yard.
36-inch black chiffon taffeta, special, $1.89 a yard.
40-inch black silk falleur for suits, $1.95 a yard.
40-inch black silk crepe de chine, $1.45 a yard. Co. Main Floor
Bleached Union Linen Table
Damask, Underpriced at $1 Yd.
HERE'S a good serviceable damask, especially desirable for
everyday use, full bleached, union linen of good weight and
fine quality, pretty range of design selection. Very special Mon
day, at, $1.00 a yard.
Glass Crash, at, 12Vac Yard
New 'Crash towels will brighten the gUssware and make you
proud of your pantry. For Monday we offer fine bleached glass
crash, with neat fast colored stripe, at 12He yard.
I Burftu-Nuh Co. Mala Floor
A Clearaway of Books
Of More Than Ordinary Importance
AN opportune time to make choice selections for
your library, as well as for graduation gifts.
Leather Bound Edition of Myrtle
"(Td Rose and Silver," "Lavender and
Old Lace" and nearly all the rest, some
slightly hurt, others in perfect condi
tion, special, at, 98c a copy.
Illustrated Gift Books, at, 50c
Beautiful edition of illustrated gift
books, drawings by Henry Hutt and
well known artists, 50c.
The House Keepers' Scrap Book, 50c
Each one boxed, appropriate gift for a bride,
cloth edition, 50c, full morocco, 75c.
Van Dyke "Unknown Quantity," 50c
A beautiful graduation gift.
The Commencement Book, 25c
This onenumber, for the girl or boy graduate, 25c.
Other Splendid Book Specials
We have gone through our stock and picked here and there
a book that was a trifle worn and put it in this sale, including
1916 edition, automobile, blue book, 98c.
Mark Twain's "The American Claimant," 75c.
Cranford, half leather, 50c.
Lowell's complete poems, leather, 75c.
Marden's inspiration books, 50c.
Mark Twain's "A Horse's Tale," 25e.
Riley's "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," and other books of
Riley's, full morXjcco, 98c. '
"The Bells" and other poems, handsome edition, illustrated
by Edmund Dulac, $1.98. ....
"My Country," a handsome illuminated book, 60c.
Whittier's "Snow Bound," gift edition, at, 50c.
Gift edition of "Hiawatha," 60c.
Stoke's Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 50e.
Little gift book, each one wrapped ready to mail, 25e.
Burfeoi'Naih Co. Fourth Floor
Do You Own a
Liberty Bond?
WILL be the question the peo
ple soon will be asking each
Everyone who can save at least
$50, will want to answer YES.
We will be pleased to accept
your subscription.
Full Particulars at Liberty Bond
Booth Third Floor.
Red Cross Work
OUR Art Department is showing
special exhibit of comfort gar
ments, officially endorsed by the
Red Cross.
We have engaged a special
teacher who will instruct you to
make these garments. -
The instructions are absolutely
free. Here's you chance to "do
your bit."
Complete assortment of yarns,
needles, knitting cotton and other
Buraa-NanCo. Third Floor
- Bed Spreads
Priced at $1.50
AN item that will appeal
to every woman who is
placing her house in order for the
coming season. Heavy crochet bed
spreads, large double bed size,
hemmed; very specially priced for
Monday, at $1.50 each.
Buri..-Naah Co. Main Floor
Make Your Home a Real Delight
A Place of Comfort, Rest and Pleasure
HOME is a haven where the weary and the worried are at peace, at least it ought to
be, and it would be if the home-builder realized how much well made and well de
signed furniture tends to that end. '
Beautiful New Reed Furniture
Grace and beauty, "strength and comfortableness are the attributes of the fashion
able reed furniture which everybody now-a-days buys for porch, lawn" or indoor use.
There's an infinite variety of patterns and colors and all of them are lovely.
Ivory Enamel Reed or
Fiber Rockers
with cretonne upholstery; prices range $10.00 to
Fiber 3 -Piece Suites, '
at $42.50 to $60.00
In the popular frosted brown finish and cretonne
upholstering to match.
Jap Cane and Grass
Porch Furniture
Rockers, chairs, settees, etc.; big range of se
lection, priced at $5.00 to $12.00.
Lawn or Porch Swings,
$2.50 to $21.50
Consisting of canvas, fibre or wood; a very com
plete and well selected line.
This Oak Porch Swing,
for Monday, $1.75
Similar to illustration, made of solid oak, complete
with chains and hooks, special, at $1.75.
BurM-Naah Co. Third Floor' ' ,
Special Sale Reductions
Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits
$19.50, $24.50, $29.50 and $39.50
OUR own inimitable suits, models typical of Burgess-Nash, mannish suits, made of triootines, serges, gabar
dines, Scotch mixtures, tweeds, silk taffetas and silk poplins, in a large variety of styles and colors, espe
cially blacks and navys. Every suit most exclusive and out of the ordiriary at the price Monday.
Silk and Wool
$19.50, $22.50, $24.50 and $29.50
ADAPTATIONS of only really imported models for evening,
sport or afternoon wear, not one model, but many for
choice, every one of which you'll find most moderately priced.
Silk Jersey Sports Coats
$12.00, $14.00 and $17.50
SPECIAL values, smart, just receiyed ; models in light
and dark shadings that are the rage in New York.
They fill the desired wants of so many occasions and at
the lowness in prices, nothing that one can offer so ef
fectively fills the place as one of our silk jersey sports
ATI Unusual Collection of
. Evening Gowns
EXCLUSIVE styles, beautifully developed in , brocades and
silks, as well as chiffons and nets and laces. Just the kind
of frocks you will need for your summer sojourn. A most
comprehensive selection of models for your approval. Never
have we been able to offer such values; they are wonder
ful, at only f 29.75.
Summer House and Porch bresses
$10.00, $12.50, $14.50, $16.50
COTTON voiles, Imported Anderson ginghams, simply wonderful, the ma
terials, the combinations, the styles, the kind that any woman or miss
feel correctly dressed when wearing. i i
Exclusive Burgess-Nash Coats
Adapted for Storm Protection, Motor
Traveling or Street Wear
$10.00, $12.50, $22.50 and $25.00
SILK texture, mannish covert, cravenette, English tweeds and
mixtures coats, convertible collars, tailored pockets, belted,
loose and semi-ntted coats that are absolutely correct.
High Art Novelty Show Pieces
Reduced 50 Per Cent-
THIS includes our entire stock of the higher quality gar
ments, including: . ..
Gowns Dresses Wraps Coats
Individual, distinctive pieces that will appeal to any wo
man who enjoys wearing a dress, or wrap, that is "different"
from her neighbors.
An opportune time to make selection for the many Sum
mer functions.
BuriMl'Naak C. S.m4 FImt
Wash Goods,
Pattern Lengths, at $1.45
A FULL dress pattern, 6
yards in length, of pret
ty flowered, stripe and fig
ured voiles, in a large assort
ment of colors; special, at
$1.45 a pattern.
Wash Goods Dress Pattern,
Full dress pattern, six-yard
lengths, of voile, 40 inches wide, in
white and colored grounds of all
the new figures, flowers, plaid and
stripe in all wanted shades.
Dress Patterns, at $1.69 and
Full skirt pattern, 3 -inch
length, of gabardine and beach
cloth, with the very smartest fig
ures, stripe and plain shade, for
the much wanted sport skirts; all
36 inches wide.
Burfaao-Naah Co. Main Floor
Clarke Rotary
Sewing Machine
FOR Monday the Sewing
Machine D e p a rtment
otters an
buying op
portunity to
the woman
who wants
a well made,
fully equip
p e d and
sewing machine at a small
The Clarke Rotary is a
sewing machine that we can
recommend to our patrons,
and Monday we offer it at
the special price of $24.75.
$1.00 Down, $1.00 Weekly
Another special is a new
Drophead Sewing Machine,
at $12.75
with all attachments; a very spe
cial value. We have needles and
parts for all makes of machines.
We also rent sewing machines at
a reasonable charge.
Burf...-N..h Co. Fourth Floor
Great End-of-the-Month Sale
Monday and Tuesday
A SENSATIONAL two-days' selling event of fare importance an outpouring of ex
treme values in seasonable and trustworthy merchandise that's wanted and
needed in every home, affording saving possibilities of the most unusual sort. No
mail or phone orders accepted. Here is but an idea: , r r
Mina Taylor house dresses (seconds) , at . . . 89c ( , .
Women's white sport skirts, gabardine or linen $1.00
Children's gingham wash dresses, special, at '., .59c
. Women's sport coats, plaids, stripes and checks.. . . . .$3.95
Embroidered Swiss dress flouncings, 27-inch.. . . '. . . . . . ,39c;
Swiss and nainsook embroideries, widths to 6 inches. ... 4 5c
Shadow lace flouncings, 18 inches wide, at, yard. . . . .15c
. Pink coutil corsets, fancy embroidery trimmed ...... .79c
Pink basket weave bust conf iners, 34 to 38 size 39c
Fancy trimming buttons, big range for selection, dozen, 5c .
Machine silk thread, in all new shades, at, a spool 3c
Moire ribbons, 3 inches wide, staple shades, at, a yard, ,8c
Glazed earthen yellow mixing bowls, 8 to 12-inch, 5c to 29c
Men's work shirts, several styles, very special, at . . 50c
Men's athletic union suits, of nainsook, knee length. . !59c
Men's knitted union suits, J sleeves, f inseams 50c
Men's Rockf ord style -hose, white heels and toes 5c
Solid gold shell rings, assorted styles, very special, at. . 10c
Hand bags of walrus or seal pressings, 12-inch size .... 59c
Solid gold top hat pins, engraved patterns, pair . .10c
Embroidered table centers, size 30x30-inch, at 25c
Embroidered scarfs for dresser, buffet or library table, 29c
Bleached bath towels, size 18x42-inch, good weight,.. . 12Jc
Felt table padding, 52-inch, for dining table, yard. . . .23c
Bleached pillow tubing, 42 or 45-inch, good quality. . . .21c
Children's white cotton sox, with colored tops, at, pair, 10c
Women's lisle thread hose, black or white, at, pair 15c
Women's fiber silk boot hose, seamless, in colors. . .29c -Women's
white cotton union suits, Monday, special. . .39c
Wash goods, in skirt pattern lengths, 3 J yards, for $1.00
Women's sample gloves, silk, chamoisette, lisle thread, 29c
Women's muslin underwear, gowns, drawers, etc., at. .45c
' Women's inuslin underwear, corset covers, drawers, etc., 19c
Crepe tissue toilet paper, good size roll, at, 10 for.. ... .50c
Big Wonder triangle oil mops, ready for use, at . : . 19c
Big Wonder cedar oil polish, quart can, special .25c;
s-Sta G