6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:" MAY 27,' 1917. UNCLE SAM PAYS SOLDIM HIGHEST Aen Who Go to the Front for United States Oet More Money Than Any Others. By A. R. GROH. Uncle Sam's soldiers, a week or two igo, received a 100 per cent in crease in their pay. They were "raised" from $15 a month, to $30 a month. A private soldier in our army now receives $360 a year. He is, there fore, by far the best paid soldier in the world. Here is '.he pay that a private sol dier gets in other countries: Great Britain, $89 a year; France, $20 a year; Germany, $38 a year; Italy, $70 a year. In Turkey a private soldier gets ill a year; in Austria-nungary and Taoan he sets $8 .a year, and in Russia he gets just $4 for a year's service. A private soldier in our armjr gets a little more pay than a captain in the Russian army, tit gets almost as much as a colonel in the Russian ' army, the colonel's salary being $398 a year, linese figures, oi course, are all reduced from pounds, shillings, francs, lira, roubles and jnarks to dol lars). In addition to the money pay sol diers receive Quarters, clothing, ra tions and medical attendance in all armies. Mounted officers -receive al lowancei for horse and equipment , , Keep Books on Pay. In European armies the allowances ' under different (circumstances are so numerous that books are required to cover mem. in kussu, ior instance, four volumes are required , to deal with the subieft of pay. In England additional pay is given for foreign service, for command, for armament, for fuel, lights, servants, mess, official entertainments, etc. In France additional pay if given according to the number of children the soldier has, for prison duty, for being stationed in Paris (because of the higher cost of living). Pay of officers' varies greatly m the ditterent countries, ine annual sal ary of a colonel in the various coun . tries is as follows: United States, $4,000; Great Britain, $2,098; France, $1,744: Germany, $2,162; Russia, $398; Austria-Hungary,' $1,440;. Japan, $1,470; Italy, $1,520; Spam, $1,450; ,4 max, pi,tfvT. , : Goes With the Pay. Officers' allowances and perquisites are extremely varied in the different countries. The -United' States has the only really democratic army in the world. Here a man of any birth or station may become an officer. In England officers are drawn (in ordinary times, at least) from the upper or wealthier classes. It is not presumed that their salaries are sufficient to support them. In Germany an officer, before being E emitted to marry, must show that e or his wife has sufficient private income to maintain them according to their position." . " A private soldier in our army also receives a fixed increase of pay for ach-re-enustment ud to tne sevemn. ''Aftef thirty years' Service he may rej tire, with S per cent of his pay and : allowances for the rest of his days. Conservation Meet the Best ' Ever, Prof. Condra Says "The conservation meet surpassed 'all our expectations and was the greatest ever," Prof. G. E, Condra, secretary of state conservation and welfare commission said today. "We are greatly obliged to the peo ple of the state tor the interest they took in the affair. The people have been true and loyal." ' Prof. Condra said that the split In the meeting was only a trivial matter after all. "Everybody was working for the common cause and in the cud we all pulled together." , ' Indian Gets Sixty Days and Asks Judge to Make it a Year; He Does i. Omaha War News Joe Tebo, a half-breed Indian, after being sentenced to sixty days in the Douglas county jail by Federal Judge Pollock for introducing liquor on the Indian reservation, tip-toed up to the judge's desk and asked to be sentenced to a year instead. This almost unbelievable thing happened in- federal court. Judge Pollock had- just sentenced William Snow to a year and a day in the fed eral prison at Leavenworth, Kan., for selling liquor to Indians. He told Snow, who is sick, that he would have good care there and, in fact, painted such a pleasitig picture of prison life King Ak Issues a Call for Men Who Will Do the Work A new stunt, a regular hair raiser, is promised by the Ak-Sar-Ben man agement for the big show, the first of fifteen to be given on successive Mon day nights at "the Den," at Twen tieth and Burdette, Monday night, June 4. Gus Renze will not disclose what the stunt Is to be, but declares it to be the best ever. Rehearsal for the show Mondav. May 28, requires forty more volun teers, bright, hustling fellows, for a working crew. It will be a full re hearsal of crew as well as of the chorus. This show is to entertain the Ne braska Dental association. Every man in Omaha who wishes to see the show and those that follow should fet a membership button before June , Members can take as free guests as many visitors who are not Omaha residents as they may wish. Red Cross Campaign Raises $40,000 and 28,000 Members The ' Red Cross membership and educational campaign committee is much gratified with the results of last week's campaign. More than $40,000 was raised and over 28,000 members obtained. Although- the drive for membership is practically at an end, the commit tee urges that every new Red Cross member obtain one . or more addi tional signers. ; The committee reoorts that no sec tion of the country has shown as much patriotism in the great move ment as Omaha. The $40,000 raised Is the same amount as the American Red Cross gave to Omaha at the time of the toronado. Commercial Club Wants Dispensary Continued : Dr. B. W. Christie is made chair man of a social committee of the Commercial club to confer with city authorities as to the best method of financing the free dental dispensary it) Omaha, .in order that this institu tion may be kept' going in the future as it has been during the last year,' Mrs. E. W. Nash made the request of the city health and hospitals commit tee of the Commercial club that some assistance be given, and the appoint ment of Dr. Christie followed. that it aroused a desire in Tebo to go, too. , He exnlained to the judge that he is not in good health. The judge or dered him examined and found that his health is poor. He then consented to send him to Leavenworth for a year instead of to the Douglas county jail. "A year and a day" is the mini mum sentence, under which federal prisoners are admitted to the federal prison. For shorter sentences they are sent to county jails. Men who have served "time" in both usually prefer a year in the federal prison to a few months in the average county jail. A splendid hospital is part of me equipment at ine i-eavenwonn prison. Drive for Comfort Kit Fund Sets the Workers Over $1,000 More than $1,000 has been reported to the "comfort kit" headquarters in the Kennedy building by Saturday evening and more was coming in all the time. Mrs. Henry Doorley; who under Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d, was in charge of the $25 subscriptions, re ceived twenty from the following men: John C. Wharton, Conrad Young, ( N. Dietz, timer Kedick, pin.. rnn. it ri i... a u .uui.i vu, .t;iii iisiriitjr, 11. Richardson, E. H. Scott, S. S. Cald well, G. M. Hitchcock, A. L. Reed, Frank Judson, W. T. Page, C. T. Kountze, I. T. Stewart, 2d, S. B. Johnson, Tyler Belt, C. C. George, J. L. Paxton and Mrs. H. W. Marks. Mrs. Will Zurns, who was at the Omaha National Bank building, re ceived $61; Mrs. E. T. Swobe at the Woodmen of the World building, $58, and Mrs. John Lionberger $49 in Dundee. Little Jane Stewart, who solicited at the Blackstone, received $25, and Sam Carlisle and Louis Metz. two Boy Scouts, received $15 at the Grain Ex change. Bankers Slow to Organize For Finance Production Though the Conservation congress in Omaha last week recommended among other things that the bankers of the state organize to finance pro duction, banks in Omaha have done nothing special along this line. Local bankers say they understood this rec ommendation to have particular refer ence to the bankers out in the state, and these are arranging to extend loans wherever possible to farmers and others who will use the money in a productive way. The Federal Land bank of Omaha comes in for particularly good serv ice along this line, since the law re quires that it make no loans except to actual farmers, for actual produc tion on the farms, or for paying off mortgages on the farms. Women's Clubs of State Are to Meet in Omaha Omaha will entertain the 1917 con vention of the Nebraska Federation of Women s clubs-the last week in Oc tober. Several hundred clubwomen will attend. The time and place for the meeting was set at a meeting of state chairmen and the program com mittee held in Lincoln Saturday. New Carrier System at Beddeo's Is Successful The Beddeo Clothing company, 1417 Douglas street, installed a new cash carrier system which had its tryout yesterday and proved very sue- cesslul. It consists of metal boxes carried on an endless rooe nroDelled by elec tric motor. There are four stations, at the ladies suit department, alter, atnon department, delivery depart ment and cashier's office. "It is a great success," said Mr. Beddeo. "We have been almost swamped with business on Saturdays. We had to carry people up by ele vator to the cashier's office and then down again. Under the new system they make payments on the first floor and inside of ten or fifteen minutes the carrier system has carried the cash to the cashier and come back again." Sues for $5,000 Damages; Jury Awards Him 1 Cent Hyman Friede, who sued the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway c impany for $5,000, was awarded damages of 1 cent by a jury in law court. Judge J. roup presiding. He brought suit as a result of an al leged assault made upon him by a street car conductor on the Cuming street line December 23. 1916. Judge Troup instructed the jury that damages by way ot compensa tion only for injuries sustained are oermissibir. , He said "punitive damages, that is, damages by way of punishment of defendant tor alleged wrongtui acts, ..... -. nl1A...nkl. T XT.U,.,,!,. a.c iivi Bii-iwMit it, ii(uiaM Little Demand for Light Run of Grain in Omaha The Omaha grain market was en tirely without pep and while receipts were fair, there being twenty-seven cars of wheat, fifty-one oi corn and thirteen of oats, there was little de mand for any of the grain. Wheat sold at $2.84(32.85, un changed from Friday, and while there were no sales of corn, prices were down a fraction, the offerings being made at $1.581.59. Oats were a cent off and sold at 64'i65 cents a bushel. A Pair of Pro nil. "Ann. Mid the old man, "I wish you wouldn't wear your hair quite so Ions." "Got to have It Ions, dad. It you wear It brushed hack." I That ! all rii-ht If you keep It bruihed I back. But those two locks that stick out on each side of your forehead make you look like a Rocky mountain sheep." I Louisville Courier Journal. e I Freckles and Blotches Are Easily Peeled Off If you. are bothered with any cutaneous blemish, it's a poor plan to use paint. powder, or anything- else to cover It up. Too often this only emphasises the defect. Besides, It's much easier to remove the I dtsflaurement with ordinary mercollsed wax. Applied nightly, the wax will gradu- lly remove freckles, pimples, moth oatchea. liver spots, sallowness. red blotches or any surface eruption. The affected cuticle Is absorbed, a little each day, until the clear, soft, youthful and beautiful skin beneath Is brought wholly to view. Aek the drurgfst for one ounce of mercollsed wax and use this like you use cold cream. Remove In morning with soap and water. Many who have tried this simple, harmless treatment report astonishing results. If troubled with wrinkles Or furrows. a wash lotion made by dissolving an ounce or powdered saxonta in a nair pine or witch I hassl, will prove wonderfully effective. There Is nothing batter for drawing In a I oaggy SKln ana improving tne racial con Tour. It acts Instantly and will not Irri tate even the most sensitive skin. -Adv. There were no enlistments to the Kebraska- National Guard Friday or Saturday forenoon, and but fifteen for the week. In explaining the reasons for the. lack of enlistments Major Todd said: "The people don't realize the seri ousness of this war. We are too busy, things are going too smoothly for the people to realize the serious ness of what we are up against. It isn't a lack of patriotism, but lack of knowledge. "One reason why we are not get ting as many, recruits as the regular army is that it has many agent trav eling and soliciting for recruits. Post masters are being paid $5 for every recruit th.v inrltirn in Inln "There is an advantage to men en listing in the Guard because they as sociate witn home friends, whereas in the army they are mixed with strangers. Then again, we recruit only for the infantry. The army 'offers applicants a greater varied service to choose from," , Thomas Graham of the United States National bank and Hugh Graham of the M. E. Smith company, brother of Miss Mabel Graham, who is a teacher in the Franklin school, nave enlisted in the navy. Another brother, George Graham, expects to enlist soon. Six navy recruits hive been given temporary employment in Omaha as ,elerks and distributors of advertising, .through the employment agency con ducted by EnsigS) Rayley. There is almost no sickness among guardsmen at Fort Crook, according to Major Birkner. He reports that Companies A, B and C today finished their second innoculation against ty phoid and that the headquarters, the .machine and the supply companies received their third and last innocula tion Friday. Only the first innocula tion caused illness or soreness. Sergeant Knobbs, Company B, -Fort Crook, who was run over by an engine at the Union Pacific bridge six weeks ago, is now riding about the Eost in a wheel chair. Hit la able to obble about somewhat with the use of crutches. - Lieutenant E. L. Wilbur, In charge ef enlisting men-for the quartermast ers' reserve corps, reports that he has signed up fifty-one recruits today. Among the list art thirty-two chauf fers and ten clerks. There is a great demand for teamsters. Lieutenant I Wilbur Stated. , ':;.(.' ... r CspicfiwO'M (J ItSfa&Ml. : Bright Show Windows Stimulate Business Can yon aee your store the center of attraction! Can you see your window display! lighted by powerful concealed Mazda lamps, the rays drawing tie eyes of passers-by like a veritable magnet f Watch how pedestrian, halt, wait, and turn to look at the bright displays their inter est held by the streams of powerful light. Others have won success by clever effects in window lighting, why not you, Mr. Merchant! Call, and we will gladly send our expert to you for consultation. ' DOUGLAS 1062. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO, UNION PACIFIC BUILDING Body of G. W. Guthrie Is To Pass Through Tonight En route to Pittsburgh, Pa., the old home for burial, at midnight to night, the body of George W. Guthrie, late ambassador to Japan, will pass through Omaha on a special train, running as a second section of Union Pacific No. 10. There will be seven teen persons in the funeral party, friends and relatives of the late am bassador. The body reached San Francisco Friday, coming across the Pacific on a Japanese cruiser. Ravenna Bootlegger Pays Fine. Ravenna, Neb, May 26. (Special.)' D. L. Horner pleaded guilty in po lice court yesterday to the charge of selling liquor and was fined $100 and costs, which he paid. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. We Save You Money There Are Reasons Service 17th and Howard i Consolidated With Raymond's 1513-15 HOWARD ST. Values The Dining Room Suite) pictured is a drawing from a William and Mary style, in Jacobean oak, on our floor The Buffet is 66-inch length, for i. .$49.75 The Table is 54-inch and 6-ft. extension $32.50 n The China Cabinet 42 inches wide, trenched plate rail shelving - v , $33.75 - The Side Chair (not shown) each $6.75 The Arm Chair, leather slip seat $9.75 The same style is also, shown In a black walnut suite, com prising serving table EQUALLY LOW PRICED. Buffets, golden oak, 48-inch length. .. .$13.75, $16,75, $19.75 Buffets, fumed oak, 45-inch length $14.75, $17.50, $22.50 A long line of 'Extension Tables to select from, and vary one a money saver FOR YOU. - Because an article of Furniture is costly it does not necessarily follow that it expresses Value. If you pay more do you know the value is there? Durability can only prove long after your pur chase. Then value, like vir tue, becomes its own reward. The values we give are put into "Our Good Furniture" before it is priced, and there fore it is made worthy of our far-reaching guarantee of satisfaction. Our Service, likewise, is of the stamp that follows you to no point short of your un compromised satisfaction. It rests on the basis of your smallest purchase and there by we endeavor to merit your, largest order. Make this a weak ef mind ing up your living room furni ture needs at Blf Savings. You can surely suite yourself to stylo, quality and price at tbo Raymond or our Homo Store every day-thla week. The luxurious chair pic tured above is done in a most handsome English tapestry; it has spring arms, loose cushion spring seat and base springs very roomy and is in all a genuinely comfortable chair; can De nair stunea. Marked to $49.75 Other large overstuffed pieces, ehairs and rockers, velours and tapestries and leathers, an shown at $18.75, $22.75. $26.75. 129.50. S33.75 Every on an astonishing value. Many bit. eair. odd over stuffed chairs and rockers re main from our recent heavy selling in this lection and yet prices made more attractive be cause of broken suites. Fireside Chair and Rocker "Clean-Up" The chair illustrated is exactly as shown and is covered in a soft figured blue velour. . . .$21.00 Rocker to match $22.50 A Walnut Rocker, similar design, auto seat, "Moire" blue velour or tapestry $16.75 A cane seat and back wing chair or rocker, same period, mahogany $12.75 A very smart solid mahogany chair, covered in a mixed rose, tan and green tapestry of antique weave, hand carved front legs $17.25 A mahogany reception chair or rocker, like cut, except the wings, covered in solid stone gray, rose and blue velours; very firmly constructed. Pric $11.75 In this section are more than fifty splendid ex amples in both chain and rockers, in the type of chair illustrated ; all priced sharply under value Davenports velours, tapestries and leath ers. Priced from $46.50, $55.00, $59.75. Some vejry unusual values shown among these. This magnificent Davenport measures 84 inches over all; has three loose spring cush ions filled with silk floss. The arms are very broad. Spring construction. The back is deeply . upholstered in long drawn curled hair. Covered in tapestry and matches the chair shown. Both pieces are shown on the Raymond first floor. Price, only. .. .$84.75 9 . wr ) n w fll SWfe, t - "- - . - - - - -,- -l-i-liirinri.iijui.iu 9x12 Royal Wiltons at $49.75 9x12 Extra Axminstar, (no seam) $23.75 7-6x9 (bedroom size) Brussels $13.75 6x9 Wilton Velvets at $18.75 PORCH RUGS of Herringbone "Crex" heavy and lasting. 6x9 8x10 9x12 $4.60 $8,75 $11.50 Fancy Washable Rag Rugs from 98e up Wood Fibres, 27x54 at B5e Lace Curtains Scrims, Voilet and Marquisettes Nifty Nets, each 25c, 35c, 45c, 85c Elegant Parlor Cur tains in popular pat terns, ivorys and ecru, $2.25, $3.25, $4.50, $6.78, $7.25, $8.50 and up. Si Bedroom Suites and Odd Pieces Cover a Vary Large Section at Both Storm n n I II II T1 The. Suite shown is of select black walnut, designed true to the Queen Anne period. The Dresser is 48-in. base, full width mirror. The Chif fonier is 37-inch base, has portable dressing mirror. 'The Dressing raois is 42-mch base, has triple mirrors. The Bed is full 4x6 width. The Suit. 1278 Rocker and chair to match, also a bench for the dressing table This suite is of the finest work manship through out ana an exceptional value. Oak Dressers, at $9.78. $11.75, $14.75, $16.80 fAA Tl' -1 . I -i , i vuu iiauiui, sua iuanog any Dressers, at $22.50, $26.50, $29.78 Refrigerator Service That Serves h Found In The THERMO-CELL This large family sise, lee capacity 78 pounds, white, enameled. Price, 924.50. No air leaks la the Thertno-Cell absolute dry air circulation, conserving your lea and preserving your foods. Prices on small afses run $9.78, 911-78, 913-78, 91930, 919-79. 59c VeijMMjeasTset aas luaaea, The Acme Ice Cream Freezer 1 It free see cream in fivo m I n uUa. It holds I quarts and you can niece this lit tle fraesor in your refriger ator. Priced ater. Priced at Household Economies Serviceable, Big Values Kitchoit Scale, 85c Chain Seal for 19c Electric Iron, guaranteed. $1.85 6-qt. Alumi num KattU, 65c Aluminum Cereal Cooker, 1-qt. ,65c Skiblue Enameled Ware that wears. Brown Fiber Forth Furniture WEARS. It stands the outside ser vice and it is good enough to use on the inside. This Fibr. Rocke $4.25 : III Sf'Inch Flower Boxes for your porch, made of galvanised iron painted green, price Mc Thii Porrh Run tut A fof IV.. well made 91.65, with chains nd hooki. Fibre Porch Swings in any QBsirca gize.