2 n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 27, 1917. CHALMERS STOCK CAR IS USED BY DAWSON I RACE Burns Up the Track at Ormond' Daytona Beach, Laying the Vanderbilt Record Away in the Shade. In 1916 t the Ormond-Daytona beach races Willie K. Vanderbilt, with hii Mercedes car, rated at that time at ninety horsepower, did mile in 39 seconds! Joe Dawson in a Chalmers stock car May 4 this year on the Atlan tic beach did the mile in 38.1 sec onds, or nine-tenths of a second (aster than Mr. Vanderbilt accomplished with his Mercedes of the earlier days. Dawson's drive was accomplished in even attempts, the last being his best Five of these attempts were all lower than the time of Mr. Van derbilt in 1906. Dawson had no fa vorable wind and his car was a stock machine,, less only the fan. Great Newa litem. The cat1 of Mr. Vanderbilt was of about 600, cubic inches displacement, while the motor of the Chalmers car (hows but 224 cubic inches. The weight of the Mercedes was more . than 4,000 pounds, white the Chalmers .win weign not over 4,uu pounds. . When Vanderbilt placed the rec ord at 39 seconds before the world officially It was the greatest item of newa of the day and commanded front page positions on papers all over me worm. Europe wouia noi credit the record and insisted that . the Florida air had affected the American watches. Europe positively retused to accept the record and an international controversy, which lasted many years, arose. ' , Excites Great Intereat. Dawson'i drive has excited world wide' interest also and yet the peo ple of the world will hardly be as excited by hit wonderful drive at a speed of nearly ninty-five miles an hour as was the case when Vander bilt did hit mile in 39. At the time of the Vanderbilt drive hnudreds of press men rushed to him and one of the most frequent inquiries was regarding his ability to hold his car to the beach at the speed he made. Dawson with a car of less than half the weight caused no such excitement The drive of Dawson aroosed in the mind of Fred Wag ner, the official starter: Joe Tracy, official representative of the Ameri can Automobile association; Prof. R, A. Leavell of Iowa state college, the official timer, who handled the elec trical instrument, and of ' numerous Jacksonville tradesmen Vwho wit nessed the drivf thoughts of ear-. Her days. . i Kearney to Have Garden In Lincoln Highway Park Kearney, Neb., May 26. A plan to beautify a atretch of the Lincoln Highway approaching Kearney and to garden one of the Lincoln High way parks of the city has been de cided upon by the Nineteenth Century club. An effort will also be made by the women of the club to 'induce Kearney residents to plant trees and encourage future' beautification of th Lincoln Highway m the vicinity. SOUTH SIDE LAD W1N3 NA- j TION-WIDE PRIZE. i HOWARD G. CAMERL. Howard G. Gamer), 15-year old at tendant of South Side High school, won third prize pf $20 offered by the American Humane Educational society, in an essay contest for Boy Scouts, the subject being "Our Dumb Animals Their Sufferings, What We Owe Them and How We may Help Them." Master Gamerl is a son of Mrs, R. F. Bowers of 4213 South Twenty- sixth street, and member of Boy Scout" troup No. 19. He worked nearly three months on the essay be fore he was satisfied with his effort He was in competition with thou sands of Boy Scouts of the country and he bears his honors in a manly way. The Omaha Humane society will give him an additional prize of $20, making the total money considera tion to his credit $4ft . Thousand Flags Fly in and About the Franklin Factory The Franklin Automobile company of Syracuse, N. Y., has held thirty, two patriotic meetings, unfurling one flag at least, made in true "Betsy Ross" fashion, m Evidence of patriotic spirit has been manifest among the 2,599 em ployes of the company, and the idea of "show your colors" has resulted in a big demand for flags from all departments and buildings. The experimental and woodshop delegation had no auccess in attempts to secure the kind of flag planned for its fifty-foot cole. Members our- chased material and had a flag, ten by twelve feet in aize, made in the trim shop of the factory. This was not enough to satisfy the men of this department, ao the woodworkers, who had contributed largely towards the flair, made a special case for the reception of Old Glory after sunset 'It is estimated that fully 1.000 flaas have been placed in conspicuous places inside and , outside of the Franklin works, all the result of con tributions from the workers, fully 50 per' cent of whom are men of foreign Earentage and 25 per cent of foreign irth. ( . Omaha Bank Clearings Mark r Up Gain of Sixty Per Cent Omaha bank clearings for the week show a gain of over 60 per cent. .The total bank clearings for the week were $33,786,251.21, while the clearings for the same week a year ago were $20, 448,775.20, the gain thua being over $13,000,000. Many Improvements Made In the Pullman Motor Car Fourteen years is not a long time, hut it seems like ages when one con tidcrs the improvement made by the Pullman motor car in those years, according to F. E. Miller of the T. G. Nrrthwall company of Omaha, represtntative of the Pullman line. "Although the average motorist would be inclined to laugh were he to see one of the first models of the Pulimam coming down the road, it wasn't a bad car at that, as cars went in those days. "About 1903, the six-wheel trucks for railroad coaches started to come into prominence and the Pullman company .began to adopt them for its sleeping coaches. The idea of the easier riding caused by the six-wheel carrying truck of a Pullman passen ger coach appealed to the designers of this six-wheel automobile, and so they christened the motor car the 'Pullman.' "Eight of these cars were built be fore the uselessness of the extra set of wheels became evident and the same chassis was mounted on four wheels. From that time on the growth of the Pullman company has been slow but steady and regular each year increasing the output of their cars to meet the growing demand and bring ing out a type that was always abreast of leaders in new ideas and designs." Barney Oldfield Out' to Lower Some World's Records New speedway records now depend as much on the efficiency of tire mak ers as on the automobile manufactur ers, according to Barney Oldfield. . During the last five yeara Oldfield has taken part in few contest events, devoting his efforts to time trials and exhibition driving. This year, how ever, he intenda to take an active part in all the- big auto races. He is working out daily on the speedway in Cincinnati in preparation for the Memorial day contest in that city. Oldfield will pilot a new type of racing car thia year. The design is his own and he is of the belief that it will revolutionize the racing game. The new racer has an enclosed body, built like an egg shell. Driver and his mechanician will be protected from injury, by track accidents, while the shape of the body will give the minimum 'A wind resistance, which is one of the greatest causes of power loss in racing. The new car is built of aluminum, its roof being trussed and all joint! reinforced by oxide welding. The engine was built especially for the car, which is ex ceptionally light when compared with the weight of other racjng machines. With bis Firestone equipment and his new machine Oldfield this year ex pects to lower several world's records. Lincoln Highway Work Started in Wyoming Cheyenne, Wyo, May 26. Work for the improvement of the Lincoln Highway across Laramie county was started this spring just as soon as the snow was ott the ground, w. Kicn ardson. consul of the Lincoln . High way association, atates that the sev enty miles of the Lincoln Highway in the county will be the best stretch of dirt road in' the United States when the work is completed, running; from the Nebraska-Wyoming atate line on the east to the Albany county line on the west. . . Convicts have been employed for practically the entire winter in road work tnrougn yranite canyon on tne route of the Lincoln Highway,. This section of tne road has been widened to forty feet and all grade reduced w n minimum. " . A FIVE PEOPLE ; j j Il .' No ' , jl I Saxon "Six" service I "second best" when you can juat aa easily have the best. I I And it ia clearly evident by now that 1L Saxon "Six" it the beat car in its af g price data, Ml So if yoa choose another in the price class of Saxon "Six" you roust make .up your, mind to do without the ad vantage of Saxon "Six." You'll have to content yourself with lei smoothness, less quietness, less flexibility, less acceleration, and pay more in higher upkeep cost. But will you be content? We think not. If for practically the same price you 'can have all that your neighbor enjoys who owns a Saxon "Six," why should you put up with the short comings of some other car? Why take No fine phrases can dispute the cold facts of Saxon "Sixes" abler per-. formance. . A 'scrutiny of the records shows that Saxon "Six" has both publicly in open testa and privately in owners' hands surpassed the best effort of other "Sixes", and "Fours" in it price class. It will win yoU in a tingle road trial. Saxon "Six" is tab. Detroit. - Noyes-Killy Motor Co. Omaha Distributor - 2066-68 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 7461 Icy i. H i V.. ,.,.,,.,. I L, ,IJlHLU'.t0l T-YT,-- .rij. -m, , , JfWil Cushion Tires Work Well When Making Long Trip Although tire and car manufac turers recommend only pneumatic tires on touring cars, not a few mo torists, driving the smaller cars and yearning to eliminate all possibility of punctures, have successfully used cushion tires, particularly on rear wheels. On long tours their use has in many instances proved both com fortable and economical. The latest example of this use of Goodyear Motz cushion equipment comes from Clarence E. Horton, a motorists of Buffalo, N. Y., who is touring from that city to Los Angeles in a Ford, fie writes in part: "I have Goodyear-Motz cushions cn rear end and they are causing a great many inquiries. At each ga rage at which we stop the merits of the tires must be explained. I do not suppose many persons use them on a pleasure car, but reasonable driving doesn't appeal- to make any percep tible difference in comfort, as we are using only the front seat. My line in the past has been freight solicita tion, but really, I am getting to be quite a tire booster." Homer George Makes Record Run Through Southern States Homer George, Atlanta, Ga ama teur cross country champion driver of the south, made a trip from At lanta to Birmingham, 214 miles, in six hours and fifty minutes, over the rough mountain roads of North Caro lina' and Alabama, breaking former records by two hours. He also holds the records from Atlanta to Chatta nooga, Atlanta to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Knoxville. On every one of his record-breaking trips, Mr. George has used a Chalmers car, equipped with United States "Royal Cord" tires. There have been no tire changes on any of these runs. v Gossip Along the Automobile Eow "The Pierce etreet knob, well known to Omaha motorists, holds no terrors for the Dorris," asserts H. H. Cannon, district representative of the Dorris Motor Car company, and straightway he proved it. Starting at the bottom of Eleventh street the Dorris climbed in "low" straight up to Tenth street and then without a murmur continued over the knob. This is a long, hard pull and is a good demonstration of power, particularly when it is done without a hitch, as the Dorris does it. Announcement was made last week of another garage for Omaha, to be called the Capitol garage. Thil garage is located at 1407-21 Capitol avenue and ia owned by Fred Myeri and Charlea E. Klinger, formerly ol the Horseman bar. It will accomj modate 125 cars and will b managed by J. H. Vandiver. We fired the first gun of our new agency, asserts Carl Changstrom, proprietor of the Standard Motor Cat company, in selling a two-ton Indi ana truck to Ed Brainard. Kragicek Ordered to Board Up Store Doorway Partition John Kragicel:. 2203 South Thir teenth street, was sentenced to thirty daya in jail for having intoxicating liquor in his possession in the soft drink parlor over which he lives. He denied ownership of the liquor. His sentence was suspended on condition that he would board up the connect ing doorway between the lower and upper floors. ' THE NOVELTY REPAIR CO. Rokm Rawley, Prop. ' Excelsior Motorcycles Bicycle Accessories and Repair Repair Work Specialty 4MB South 14th St. Phono South 1404 "Good roar Sonics Station" Wenger Bros. 1325 Park Avo. Storage Repairs Accessories Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment Agency Paterson Cars dOODYEAR SERVICE STATION Phone Harney 518 The Tire Shop Successors to Zwiebel Bros. 2SI8 Farnam St, Omaha "Ceodyoar Sorvica Station" DuBijesi Garage Co. (fee) 4tta tMr St. Storing Car Washing Tb Valeanizing WeJwat 3780 We cssy a ftrl steak of Soodyvar Tiros. CootVoer Segrfa. Station'' 3T Goodyear Tires Are Easy to Get in Omaha WE have the friendship of the larger portion of the motoring public in Omaha We want to hold it; to continue to grow and prosper. We want to add new friends, wherever we can. We think the best place for our appeal to new friends, and for our regard for old, is in our part of the exchange between us in the tires we build. For that reason, Goodyear Tires will in themselves express the policy of our whole institution: value given for value received. They have always expressed that, and they always will, so long as sincere purpose and able effort can accomplish it We are selling Goodyear Tires on the basis of the good that is in them, and on nothing else. We employ no lure of delusive discounts, definite mile age guarantees, so-called "free service." Every one of these fictitious inducements has to be paid for we lump the saving and put it back into the tire;1 And the money you pay us for tire value buys tire value, and that alone. If you are a Good year Tire user, you know already what the Goodyear method means to you your tires have computed it for you in extra miles delivered, in extra months of service, in consistent freedom from trouble. if you are not a Goodyear Tire user, you owe it to' yourself to learn what it can mean to you in temper,' time and dollars saved. Any of the Goodyear Service Station Dealers in Omaha- will be glad to furnish the equipment for -your instruction a set of Goodyear Tires. They'll do the restj depend upon it The i Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Akron, Ohio Goodyear Tires, Tubes and "Tire Saver" Accessories and Goodyear Service are eay to get from Goodyear Service Station Dealers everywhere in Omaha. 7U Sign mt Ma GaeeVear 5mfca SllU Dtmltr Authorised Sales and . Service HOLMES-ADKINS COMPANY "... 4911-17 South 24th Street Tel. South 420 . "Goodyur Sarvice Station." REAL SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Goodyear Tires Channel Bar Bumpers. . .$4.95 1-ton jack $1.65 Spotlight with mirror. . ,$2 95 H.Tolin. Oil Boat by Tot The Motor Supply Company 1917 Farnam Strut Douslas 7895 "Goodyear Serine. Station" J s THE "FORD SUPPLY" STORE 2063 Farnam St. B.H.r Ford Repairing G.t Our Price. Fir.t Goodyear Tires Ford Supplies ' Auto Accessory Co. Edwin L. Uh, Manager Douglas 5194 "Goodyear Service Station" RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Best electrical and self-starter courses. No books Easy to learn. Good Pay. Stay six weeks or longer, aa you choose. Abundant repair work on all makes of ears. National Auto Training Association 2814 N. 26th St., Omaha, Nob. 'Goody..r Service Station"