Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
Aero Club Commissioned by
Government to Train Thou
sands of Aviators for
Foreign Service.
New York, 'May 26. Conclusion
tlil the 'United States must "strike
Germany through the air" has been
reached by ihe government's aircraft
production board and the Aero club
of America, as a result of a meeting
atttndtd by officials of the two or
ganizations in Washington, it was an
nounced here roday by A. R. Ilawlcy,
president of the Aero club.
Entente and American military au
thorities who have studied the subject,
Mr. Hawley said, are agreed "that the
addition of 10,000 aviators today to
tht allies present aerial frocts would
insure blinding German batteries and
preventing German airmen from con
ducting operations over or near the
allies lines."
Having reached this understand the
Aero club announced it would tiiakt
efforts to get and train thousands of
aviators and planned to effect the
manufacture of tent of thousands of
airplanes of different types, for train
ing, bomb dropping, artillery spotting,
sighting and submarine destroying.
ffatlnu4 fiwa i.t One)
the river bank and Lynch is accused
of harrast'ng and persecuting these
parties by arrest and other annoyance
to force them to sell out to himself
and Tom Dennison, Billy Nesselhouse
and Jack Haskell It nit associate,
and that they did obtain control of
tha roadhouse and operated it from
the summer of 1914 till January, 1917.
It declarei that the tale of liquor at
this roadhouse was without a license
until license was procured through
, Lynch in the name of Jack Haskell,
running from May, 1915, to May 1,
1916, The profits of the place art de
clared to have been not less than
$7,000 a year, divided into (our equal
parti, going to etch of the four asso
ciated tn it,. and that all of these prof
it were arising from the operation of
gambling devices and salt of liquors
after 8 o'clock at night and in viola
tion of law., t-.
About tht Owl Club.
Specification C describe! the or
i gannatiou and, the activities of the
i society known as the Owl club, with
' headquarter! upstairs at the corner
of Sixteenth atreet and Capitol ave-
nue. for which, it it charged, Lynch
' in association with Pete Loch en
joyed the concession to tell liquort
,i and- operate gambling devices, the
profits mining in excess of $1,000 a
I month, the profits divided equally
: among them and arisin- from illegal
salea of, liquors after 8 o'clock at
night in defiance of law. -It
is. tet out that when the Owl
club, dissatisfied with the operation
, of the bar, undertook to run it itself
Lynch and his associates arranged
to have the club raided and pulled
during hit absence from the city, thus
successfully destroying the opposi
V tion and securing restoration to him
self of the concession.
Lake Side Road House. 1
Specification D relates to the al
leged interest of Lynch in what is
. known a the Lakeside roadhouse in
East Omaha, originally operated by
one Scheschy, Lynch is charged with
manipulating the ' license of this
place ao that it should be applied for
by on John Leonard, by whom it
wat to be rented back by Scheschy,
and after the- license was to issued
associated himself and IVte Loch and
John Ford with Leonard to operate
the club for selling liquor and as a
gambling house during the entire
time from May 1, 1916, to January,
1917, the profits amounting to more
than $1,000 a month, being divided
equally among , the three principals.
All these acts are (declared to be will
ful maladministration of hit office.. ,
' Harasses Clark.
Specification E relates tht election
, and installation of Sheriff Clark, fol
lowed by the sheriff'! public an
nouncement that he intended to close
all criminal places, places of illegal
sales of liquor and gambling in Doug-
, lat county, and that Lynch entered
into a scheme to coerce the sheriff to
desist. Part of his scheme wai to
take the sheriff, so It it alleged, on
tript at the expense of the county
and upon failure to harass him in tht
operation of the jail and its eleva
tor and withhold the money due for
feeding pritonert.
.- 'Aik Lynch't Removal. V '
Lynch it charged with offering to
delist on. all his opposition to the
sheriff in consideration of a promise
by the sheriff to' lei him and his as
sociates continue to operate the Lake
, feide place. When Clark raided the
Lake; Side resort. Lynch, so it is
, charged, caused four separate tuits
for $10,000 damage! each to be in
stituted against him by attaches of
the place lor the purpose of continu
ing hit policy of embarassing and to-
. ercing the sheriff to comply with hit
. demands. .-..!.
Tht petition concludes with a
. prayer for a finding on the facts and
an order removing Lynch from , the
' office, of county commissioner,
1 CMtlmw4 from r. Oa"
With four other young men he
bought a high-power boat costing $8,
500 and donated the craft and their
services at a crtw to the United
Statei government,
Cobn it a University of Michigan
graduate and the others are all grad
uate! of the University of Pennsyl
vania. Harold Mayer of Lincoln,
Neb. ton. pi a wealthy family there,
was the originator of tht idea and U
alio a member of the crew. The oth
Cannot Collect for
Smashing Bar Fixtures
Seattle, Wash., May 26. Suit of
the Hotel Cecil company against the
city of Seattle and its officials to re
cover 123,000 for destruction of
property by tht police dry tqutd
was decided against the plaintiff to
day in superior court. Fixturei and
equipment of the hotel cafe were
demolished with axes after police
men had purchased liquor In the
f dace. The court held that the po
ke were acting in a governmental,
capacity and hence could not be
held responsible for damages to
ers are Louil Gerstlcy, jr., hit cousin
Samuel Gersiley, and Lester Koskam,
all of Philadelphia.
The boys arc now at the University
of Pennsylvania taking a course of
naval training. In three weeks they
will put to sea as a unit of the coast
i Boy Shows Speed.
At the Completion- of hit college
career young Conn returned to
Omaha to "begin at the bottom. He
started to master the intricacies of
the vast business interests of which
he will some tlay inherit a large part.
But the venturesome mint in him
often cropped, out. Last summer,
Willi nts cousin, J. L. fcrvine urandeis,
he created a sensation by accompany
ing Eddie Kickenbacher, the famous
automobile daredevil, in a hair-rais
ing speed test round the Omaha bowl
just before the big national auto meet
When America called for the youth
of the nation to help in the present
crisis, life in the big Brandeis store
became irksome to young Colin and
hit enlistment soon followed. He has
already had tome military experience
as a cadet at Culver academy and had
passed through a training . course
aboard the United Statet steamship
The bov'l mother. Mrt. Herman
Cohn, who ia a daughter of the late
J. L. Brandeis, founder of the J. L.
Brandeit a sons interests, received a
letter from him yesterday.
Ready for War. '
"The boat is bought, passed by the
government and is now awaiting in
stallation of the regulation equip
ment," he wrote. We paid $8,500 for
it. It certainly it a beauty. The gov
ernment Will mount it with big guns
and then paint it a battleship gray,
and when they finish it will look like
a miniature battleship itself,
"At present it it a pleasure boat,
with awnings and other luxuries, all
of which will be discarded by the au
thorities. The boat makes. about fif
teen knot! an hour and is a sturdy
one. Our duties will consist in tlvm
lid to battleihipt and chtsing U-boatt,
1 tuppose.
"The more t find out tbout thines.
the better it looks. I am very anxious
to get on the boat. It it fixed up
great, and I hope the government
won't change It much. I met Howard
Baldrige on the train and he told me
that he withtd hit ton had taken-uo
the same line if duty. It certainly
seems to be theright thing, as Secre
tary McAdoo'a ton alto hat gone into
tnis Drancn ot service. ,
Another Son Ready.
Mrt. Cohn srws. thouhi the tliouuht
of her ton facing danger it trying, she
It glad to give his services- to his
country. "Hit brother Loyal will do
his bit, too, later on, the added.
Lova Cohn wanted to sro to Fort
Snelling to take up the training for
Dr. Bradbury,
Don't Give
28 Years In Omaha.
921-21 Woodmta of tha World Building. Phone D. 1754.
14th and Farnam Sit., Omaha, Hours la Sundays, 10 to 11,
Summer Excursion Fares
To Practically All Point East
Following Ratfe Apply to Some Principal Points:
New York City, standard routes. . . . . . .$59.10
' Other routes $55.80
Boston, Mass., standard routes $59.10
Other routes $54.60
Atlantic City $57.30
, Montreal , .$45.20
Water trip i.. $49.70
Detroit ." $35.10
Quebec, Q. C $50.10
Toronto $40.10
Buffalo "..$42.41
Portland, Me $52.90
Niagara Falls ....$42.41"
Rates to Other Points in Proportion .. '
, : Attractive variable tours to New York City and
Boston at slightly higher fares.
Tickets on sale daily, commencing June 1st. Return
limit 60 days.
Information and attractive literature at City Ticket
Offfice, 407 South 16th street.
S. NORTH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT. Doaglae 164. , , Omaha, N.bnuka.
reservie officeri, but the fact that he
weara glasses counted againtt him.
He says this will not prevent him
from joining the ambulance corps or
entering tome other branch of the
Four Illinois
Towns Wrecked;
Deaths May Be 350
(CafitlnaiMl from Pftte One)
tons are known to hav been killed,
more than fifty have received injuries
from which it is said several will die
and property worth thousands Of dol
lars upon which no valuation yet has
been tet was destroyed late today
when a tornado swept up through
Sedgwick and Harvey counties in the
south central part of the state.
Andale, a village of less than 300
inhabitants, bore the brunt of the
twister's rage, eighteen lives being
the toll before the storm, which, ac
companied by a blinding rain, bore on
to the northwest.
The country southeast of Newton
furnished the remaining fatalities,
three lives being lost five miles from
that city.
Wreaks Fearful Havoc.
The country between Andale and
Newton was pierced by a path from
a quarter to t half mile wide, where
the twister ground everything in its
path either to death or to inanimate
destruction. Sedgwick, the largest
town between Andale and Newton,
barely escaped from the storm's fury,
a few houses in one corner of the city
limits being the only loss.
The Identified Dead.
AftWK R At 8(11. tM 23.
IK K.N I! K( HMIDT, l-d t.
DHKV nick roRtir.t.u td is.
aftsr reaohtnt honptul Here.
Nine person! were killed neat Sedg
wick. Tha dead:
TANNKR, t-mohth-olrt Infskt
FINN, IS yr old, adopltd dtntk
ter of Wllllim Klnn.
HIRED MAN on TrowbMdf. (am,
Those whose - condition appeared
hopeless are: I '
John HelfMr III hit atrod tnolhori tn
runt ton ot Al.t Schmidt, Miry Hotter, John
Butcher and Ml.. J, A. Fischer,
Storm Burltt Suddenly.
The storm bunt tuddenty on the
town, which but a few minuets before
had been enjoying the tunihint, with
a terrific torrent of rain. Coming
from the southwest, it dropped to the
ground two miles before reaching An
dale, levelling houses, trees and fields
in itt path.
A warning cry Of a man who had
heard the ominous roar prompted the
occupanti of the little country general
ttore to null into the batement just at
the cyclone struck the building, cut
Ing it in half and settling tht roof
upon the floor. A doten lives were
saved in the store by the prompt dive
into tht cellar.
Hail accompanied the wind and rain
and hastily gathered reports from the
devested section extending to Sedg
wick, told of complete destruction of
standing grain and fruit.
Bee Want-Ads Produce Results.
Saf Dtntltt
Your Body
A chance to absorb poitont from bad Teatk or
Gum Disease!,
I am aura that anything from a headache to
tht moat strious Illness may result from tuch
condition! of the mouth.
Pyorrhea It not painful and ona It apt to let
it pass unheeded, watch for Bleeding Guma
it It a warning of tha dittatt and ahould ba .
looked into.
Stamp out deeay of tht teeth aa another
detriment to your appearance and health.
Contult mi for Treatment, Filllngt, Crowni,
or Bridgework.
Platet of All Description.
Straightening of Crooked Teeth
Painleaa Extraction. -Radiograph
Pictures for Hidden Trouble.
The Following White Silks
For the Summer Season
Satin de Chine, excellent
weight, 36 inches, $1.50.
Rich, lustrous finished Duch
ess, 36 inches, $2.
Beautiful Satin Meteor, a
fabric much favored for
bridesmaids' costumes, 40
inches, $2.50, $3, $3.50.
Summer Wash Cottons
In Exceptional Assortments
Interesting moments are those spent in looking
over these delightful summer fabrics. Women
are choosing them now while selections are at
New effects lit Woven, embroid
ered and printed Voiles, organdies
and crepes.
Fast colored embroidered voiles,
75c to $3.
Woven designs in voiles, 75c, 85e
and f 1.
Silk and cotton crepes, 40-inch,
special, at 50c.
Lily of Prance CORSETS
Aims are one thing, ac
complishment a n 6 1 h er.
We determined long ago
to make this store the Cor
setry - headquarters 0 f
Omaha. We have succeed
ed with Lily of France
Nineteen years of serving
the critical have made the
Lily )f France the Corset
Beautiful models and ma
terials, ranging in price,
from ( ,
$3.50 to $ 1 8
Our three Creameries and two Condensed Milk factories, with a
third one building, mean a permanent market for your milk at
the highest market price.
If you market your milk to us you get 35 more for your prod
uct than to sell cream.
You may ship direct or if 300 gallons or more per day can be -obtained
ih one. locality, we yill track it from your premises.
Extraordinary demand for Evaporated Milk makes it necessary
for us to open up new supply where conditions will permit.
We will pay a high price for it.
We want information regarding milk supply.
Omaha, Nebraska
' ' ' .
Manufacturers of Elkhorn Evaporated Milk
hehompson Leiden Store
Exquisite White Silks
In a Special Showing
Thompson-Belden Quality Silks fa
mous for more than thirty years, have
a prestige that is founded on fact
not merely words.
Crepe de Chine, 40-inch,
specially priced, $1.39,
$1.50, $1.75, $2.
White Crepe Taffeta, 40
inch, $2 a yard.
Fine Wash Satins. ,6 to
40-inch, $2 to $2.50.
Heavy Jap Sifts, 36-inch,
75c, '85c, $1, $1.35.
Novelty wash skirtings in fig
ures and stripes; values to SI,
36 inches wide, Monday, 59c.
Pink and flesh colored nainsook
for slips, undergarmente and
the like; 40 inches, 50c.
Opposite Ih Silks
de mm
An Admirable
Display of Laces
Whether you seek staple
laces or novelties, such is
our selection that your
wishes can be easily grati
fied. ' 1 .
Staple Valenciennes, Torchons,
Venise and Filets. A Wide va
riety of patterns. . .
Beautiful Filet Motifs.
Novelty Net Top Flouncing!,
shown in all widths.
Chantilly Laces and Wide Filet
Laces and Bands.
Gold and Silver Bands and
Laces art strongly featured.
It's to your advantage
to view this display
and our pleasure to ,
show you.
The Dust Problem
l,s Now No More
The solution being the Howard
dustless dusters and floor Mops
that pick op and" hold alt dust
and dirt.
They will not scratch ebhtain
no oil to soil furniture and fur
nishings, but still can be steril
ised and washed In hot Watef
and Soap Without Injury.
Standard House Dusters, 30c
x Small Office Dusters 15c
Round Dust Mop - - 85c
Floor Mop complete
with 4-foot handle - $1.T5
Sold la th Llnln Section
v ,
Headquarters for
Dix Dresses
Nationally known as the
most desirable from every
point of view. Models for
the Summer season are,
$1.65 to $5.
Washable Leather
Slip-On Gloves
An attractive one-clasp
style,' suitable for street
and motor wear, to be had
in white, gray, ivory, New
port and Smyrna; $1.75,
$2.25, $3.25 a pair.
e 11
Attractive, well made, beau
tifully styled gowns, skirts,
combinations, ' envelope
chemise, corset covers and
drawers. '
Short Skirts, plain or trimmed, $1
to $2.
Long Skirts, lace and embroidery
trimmed, $1.75 upwards.
High Neck Gowns, long or short
sleeves, at various prices.
Combinations and envelope chem
ise, $1.66 to $S.
Third Floor
Dress Ginghams
Imported and Domestic
Full assortments of David and
John Anderson's Scotch ging
hams and Park Hill, the best
domestic make. Plaids, checks
and stripes in great variety, of
fering many new ideas for sum
mer wear' of distinction; 32
inches wide, 35c and 60c a yard.
For Graduation
A Parasol to
Pleats tha Miss
The most attractive styles and
coverings are shown in great
variety. The Oriental note is
featured. No two art alike.
Sport effects with short han
dles ahd straps are favorites,
To tha Left As You Ent.r