Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
When Beveridge Was a School Boy
Now He's to Be Superintendent'
" " Y . of All 'Omaha's School "Boy's
...... ' By EDWARD BLACK.
J.-H.. Beveridge almost entered
upon a career as jockey, earned hit
111 SI wages uuhpib v
rowt at 17 centi per day, was born
in the house that was the birthplace .
vot former unnea oiaics atm
J. Beveridge of Indiana, and hold,
the relationship of aecond cousin to
that illustrioua Hoosier ttatesman-
"if Mr. Beveridge had yielded to his
youthful inclinations when he fas 1 5
years of age, it is not probable that
Glidden, la., would point to him with
pride as the man who put the town
on foe educational map; Missouri Val
ley would not have had him during
a period of his progress, nor would
Council Bluffs be sending him across
the river to take the superintendency
of the public school tystem of Greater
Umana s new icnuui w
owned the best horse in Winchester .
m: ,.,i,.r lm lived from '
"oirt 00fehUy.i"anH.0rodeA.oh0.ndI
from the little district school, and
when he taught his first county
i school at the age of 17, he rode home
on Friday afternoon and helped the
folks on the 'farm. At a county , fair
he was Inveigled to enter a ace
which he won. A man from "the big
city" suggested that he would make
a great jockey. ' , ,
"I almost listened to the siren voice,
but' I . suppose the pedagogical in
stinct was so strongly implanted by
my father, who had been a teacher,
that I just followed a natural bent
and entered upon my fe work as
teacher," he said. ,a..a
He hat an intensely human tide and
impresses one as a man who rs sure
of himself. The practical affairs of
- everyday life appeal to him and those
who have been close to him for nine
years in Council Bluffs say he has an
unobtrusive but effective way. of
reaching the heart of a boy or girl.
"Work" has been his motto ever
since he was a boy He knows what
it means to work from "sun to sun,
and jokingly said he found his place
in the aun on his father's farm many
yeare ago. He knows what it is to
take one end of a cross-cut saw. The
dignity of labor was the key-note of
hi paternal advice. His 15-year-old
ton. Wendell, has a newspaper route
it. mm heranse dad does
not earn enough money for the tam
ily, but because the boy hat been
taught the lesson of thrift
Mr. Beveridge was born m High
land county, Ohio, in an old-fashioned
wtih musive fireplace and
large 'stone chimney on the outside.
tu f.rm wai on Brush creek. Al
bert I. Beveridge, who was born in
this house, is first cousin of John
Thomas Beveridge, father of Omaha s
new auperintendent. The fathers of
former Senator Beveridge and John
ti ia..r;,lr were brothers.
x manias wcni'-B- --- . r
When he was 1 year of age Mr.
Beveridge't parents moved to Win
chester, in Adams county, Ohio,
where they atill maintain ineir nums,
the elder Beveridge being 78 years of
age and stilt Keeniy intcicsrcu ... ...v
educational affairs of his counuy.
Before he was 16 years of age you-ig
Beveridge had mastered the higher
branches of mathematics and at 17 he
held a county certificate to teach. At
two months past 17 he took the Eu
gene county school, his first class
. numbering five pupils from one to
lour years older than hnnsclf. His
fisst pay as teacher was $20 a month,
out of which he kept himself and
horse.. , .
"I remember riding home on f ri
day evening from that first country
school and plowing corn for the folks
until late Saturday,", was one of his
reminiscences, , . ... i
Between times as teacher he attend
ed Lebanon university and latef t-
j -A ru; ,,n;vritv. where he was
graduated in 1897. , He was attracted
to the Ohio university because it was
,u. institution to have a definite
course of education. He received de
crees from Columbia university and
. Ohio university.'
c.i.i;nn hia hnvhnnrl recollections,
he told of working for his grandfather
it 17 cents a day. He was 10 years of
ige and saved the money until the
Fourth of July, when he spent some
f u:. Itnarjl nt ua1ttl.
v "I can remember my father advising
tnm n alwavs earn what I got and to
economize. He preached and prac
ticed that advice. He it 78 years of
hge and keept at work," continued
Mr. Beveridge, who holds his mother
.nd father in high esteem.
"Diir home always was a gathering
ulace for the young folks of the neigh
borhood. Even today they go over
and visit mother and father. My
. t..ihr wnulfi rjther attend a school
commencement than go to anything
, . . y - I
JT'TJ 73pi)api A '
GJsSf. tfjEVei lUSfZ
could think of: Mother always took
delight in training the youngsters for
their graduation exercises. Mother
and father kept young by holding
their interest in everv-day affairs, the
young folks, keeping happy by being
Dusy, looking at tnings irom an opw
Comb Honey
Our Uncle Samuel is giving us the
finest demonstration of, pep this coun
try ever hat witnessed. The old man
hat been pictured as an easy-going
person, with chin whiskers and a non
chalant smile. He will have to be
photographed again, with grim deter-
ruination written into the lineaments
of his face.
1 "There s chores to be done," says
Uncle Samuel, and forthwith one hun
dred millions of nephews and nieces
face about and apply themselves to
the taska at hand.
These are davs of ceo. If wc would
know what real pep, meant all we
have to do is to follow Uncle Samuel.
He does not contend that the best
form of pep is marching down the
street, carrying a flag and beating a
drum: or working one's jawa down
at the general merchandise store. He
says a demonstration ot pep can at
shown in the back lot with a hoe and
spade, or in the kitchen, or wherever
one's legitimate work happens to be.
It is to be neo all down the line. It
is a time of speeding up, a time of
a new national forward; movement; of
cutting out superfluities and waste.
The-little flv in the fable showed a
lot of pep by hustling to get out, but
it did not get anywnere; Keal pep
means setting somewhere and do
ing something in the least possible
time and witlt the least possible el
fort. 1
Conservation of natural and manu
factured resources calls for pep with
a purpose. i
1 Don't be a business slacker," is
the caption of a splendid placard be
ing uisiriDuieu. mis means mai
every mother's son and daughter must
show some pep in helping to main
tain the normal channels of business;
to dispel war-time hysteria which for
a while threatened to become epi
demic in form: to economize wisely
but not niggardly; to keep the ship
of business on an even keel.
The commander-in-chief has called
for pep and the word is being passed
long the line. ',
Lioing our ntue oir, in any piace
we happen to be, calls for pep and
more pep. ' j'-
It is a big little word, is 1't.f.
Sowing the Seed.
"Dad" Weaver of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ben walked over to the office
of Charles L. Saunders and, assuming
a confidential manner, said; say,
Charley, I want you to tell me how
to plant radish seed. Ralph Hayward
said vou olant the heads down and
Hob Hayes said you mam tne neaas
up. What do you say?' " ' ,t:-
.: "Why, Dad, I thought that a man
of your intelligence would know that
the way to plant radish feeds is to
lay them on their sides " "replied
Saunders. , ' i
"That t what I thought," rejoined
"Dad." . . - , y
Conservation oi Conversation.
1 While the solons and savants of the
ttate were holding their conservation
assembly in the Auditorium during
ihe week they overlooked one impor
tant matter: the conservation of
words. Talking requires muscular ef
fort which consumes the tissues of the
;.ifta7.raA--f4JZr lav
mistic point of view and trying to
make otnera nappy.
Mr. Beveridge loves his work. In
stinctively the boys and girls are
drawn to him and the unruly boy and
girt is won without realizing, how it
happened. '
"I took up teaching," he continued,
"for the purpose of my own growth
and development, mentally and ..h
ejuvise, and because I liked children.
The teaching germ was well devel
oped in my consciousness through
my father.'
Two boys were brought before him
tor having greased a school pole.
"That was i c grease you used."
ho said to one of the boys, who was
completely subdued. '
Mr. BeVeridge learned that the
boy's father was a manufacturer of
axle grease.
Well, boys, it is up to you to settle
this matter in the right way. I will
leave it to you. Report to me tomor
row, was his rebuke.
The' boys returned the next day
and reported that they had made
amends, after hich they accounted
the superintendent at one of their
best friends. .
Mr, Beveridge is "more than fort
in the journey . life. His advance
ment has been steady from the time
he entered his first school room as
teacher back in Ohio. He has been
superintendent for nine -ears in
Council Bluffs, was superintendent
six years in Missouri Valley and was
in charge of the schools at Glidden,
la., during his early educational work
in Iowa. Now he is to assume lead
ership of 25.000 children in fifty-five
schools of Greater Omaha.
, He has two children, Wendellf-m
junior high school at the Bluffs, and
Lenore, at Grinnell college.
Vdy and thus increases the demand
for food. Liberal talkers need more
food than those who are chary of
their words. Less talk, less food re
quired. Silence is golden; talk is
cheap. It is said that people gen
erally talk more than is necessary.
Words are wasted, effort is wasted.
"Be brief" are the words frequently
seen in the offices of busy men. Ex
cessive talking takes time and time
it money. The Celtic section boss
had the hunch when he sent in his re
port of a wreck to headquarters in
these few words:
."Off again, on again, gone again,
Finncgan." ,
"Weigh your words," is the time
honored advice.
Bv the way. did you ever meet a
person who insists on telling you the
same thing fire or six times just to
make sure that his thought has per
colated into your cerebral, recesses.'
Big City News.
John U Wharton shook hands with
us yesterday. He is not a slacker when
.. Z L.u: i i
11 comes iu nuiuiug nanus.
Belle Ryan has not taken a vaca
tion in three years. Some stayer on
the job, is Arabella.
L, J. TePoel has been appointed
inspector of hoes in the municipal
garden, department. .
Heard En Passant ,
"Did vnu rail me. Acmes?"
"I told my. husband I would get
a divorce if he cultivated a mustache."
"The doctors do funny things, don't
;'We are going to have shortcake
a: our house todav."
"He dances just too lovely for any
An Inauiry:
Why do all of the women go down
town on a windy day f C. r. B,
' We asked the society editor and she
replied that your question is immate
rial, incompetent ana irrelevant
Do You Know -
How many bones in the human
body? , . . j
Information Wanted.
"Omaha U girl in musical comedv,
reads a headline. Will someone please
tell us what relation a U girl is to a
U-bo' ,
; Wld
J own lum$ Jitm toward
the Litis.
Grohs History of Omaha
All the truth and untruth thate lit to know
By A R. GROH. .
Chapter XVI Hospitals, etc.
Public-spirited citizens at an early
day in our city's history began a
movement to build a hospital.
Like all new things this met oppo
sition. Critics said the city did not
need a hospital, because there were
very few sick people..
But those who were pushing it said
this difficulty, would be disposed or,
once the hospital was erected with
nice beds all ready for the sick.
"People just can't help getting sick
when they are sure of a nice hos
pital," they said. They alto pointed
out tnat an large cities nave nospitais.
They challenged their critics to show
them a single city of importance that
didn't have hospitals. -
Thi was an unanswerable argu
ment. They went ahead and built a
hospital. The carping critics looked
on and criticised. But the very day
the first hospital was finished two peo-
pie got -sick, l ney were taken to tne
UtospifaU Were conducive (o jicktiw
hospital and thus the enterprise had
a good and favorable beginning. ,
Accidents soon began to . happen.'
People were run ove by automobiles,
they fell off of high buildings, their
fingers were crushed in machinery.
The hospital was well patronized.
Soon visiters' hours were set and
nobody was allowed to visit patients
except at those honrs. Everything
went along as the builders had pre
dicted. The stream of sick did not
waver. The hopes of the builders
were realized to the fullest limit.
Today we have twelve hospitals
and it is our pride that they are all
well filled all the time.
This success inspired people to go
farther. It was found that there was
a number of deaf and dumb people
in the state. Why not establish an
EVewMylias a HdbfeJ
James E. Davidson, general mana
ger of the Omaha Electric Light and
Power company, has a hobby, but he
does not think of it, as such. His hobby
is outdoor exercise. He does not take
kindly to physical culture a la
solitaire, but enjoys the sociability
which goes with a game of squash or
golf or whatever,it may be. His work
with utility plants has taken'' him
from Vermont to Michigan, thence -to
Oregon and now he is located in
what he declares is the most salubrious
climate in the world. Wherever he
may be, he always keeps up his ex
drcise, which is his hobby. Years ago
he resolved never -to know from per
sonal experience what it means to
be "fat and forty."
"When a man passes 40 there is
more reason why ne should keep up
his interest in outdoor activities, for
they make him more fit for the day's
work," said r. Davidson.
Resurrecting old violins is the
hobby of Omaha's most talented cop,
Sergeant E. Ferris. In the last ten
years while Mr. Ferris has been on
life in a Jna 11
The ear impetus ptfen learning
institution for them? Again the voice
of criticism and pessimism was raised.
"You can't get enough deaf people
to make it pay," they said.
But the boosters went right ahead.
"When we get it started the deaf and
dumb will come," they said. How
we should admire the unquenchable
spirit of these people! Scarcely was
the agitation started when it received
encouragement. The little Callahan
girl was brought forward by her par
ents, who resided in Omaha. The
child, being deaf and dumb, could not
be educated in the public schools.
Therefore it was the duty of the
state to educate her elsewhere. J"r':
With this encouragement the en
terprise' swept forward. The legis
lature finally passed an act for estab
lishing the "school for the deaf and
today that sign is familiar to all of
us on many of the cars that run out
Cuming street and branch off from
the Benson line just this side of Krug
park. Dumb children are taught to
speak there, for it was soon discov
ered that they have vocal chords just
as good as any of us, only they don't
learn to speak because they can't
hear others speak.
The history of 1 hospitals simply
shows that the optimists are the real
builders of cities. Today our dozen
hospitals are all flourishing. No dif
ficulty is experienced in keeping them
filled. It is a fitting answer to those
gloomy pessimists who claimed it
wouldn't be possible to get enough
patients for even one hospital.
Questions on Chapter XVI.
1. Was there any difficulty in sup
plying patients to the first hospital?
2. Are the hospitals of today well
3. What does the history of hospi
tals show? .)
Ik. ,..-.1! furre f,f liat rphllilt more
than 200 instruments and has real
ized a small tortune m tneir sale.
CnT.,111 Pprrie npnrla hrmrs'nf his
time going through second-hand shops
in his quest for old brokyi down
violins. ) At-times ne runs across
very .valuable instruments, once hav
ing secured a Stradivarius model that
was said td be more than a century
Sergeant Ferris is no less than an
muthority on violins and their makers.
A large number of his friends con
sult him 'before they purchase one of
tne stringed -instruments.
While Sergeant Ferris is a master
in rebuilding old violins, he is also an
expert violinist, beside being"able to
play other musical instruments, such
as a mandolin, and ither. Besides he
can play a piano and cornet.
After-dinner speaking might be said'
to have become a hobby with Charley
Black. If it is not a hobby with him,
it has become a hobby with his
friends to vcall upon him for such
speeches.- Charley always makes
good, too. He has made good on so
W ' j 4 ' i
He rode on the back of "Jesse
James" as a youngster, at Red Oak,
la. Once he nearly got his head cut
off while "Jesse James" was gollop
ing around the barnyard with him.
"Jesse James" was a big white
horse owned by the father of Julius
Orkin. Julius when he was a small
boy loved nothing so much as to
mount this brute and charge the fence
posts or the ash heaps in the, alley,
just to see the ashes fly. The tradi
tion was that the Missouri desperado
once held up banks and ran down
express trains from the back of this
white charger hence his name.
Once when Julius had spurred
him dawn the alley too often
"Jesse" got disgusted, took the bit in
his .teeth and charged the open barn
door like a super-six in a delirium.
When Marmion galloped over the
drawbridge at the Douglas castle,
Walter Scott said of him:
"To pass there wis such scanty room
The bars descending grazed his plume. "
Well, Julius Orkin had no plume to
graze,' He ducked to save his head
from the rafter over the door, but he
left part of his scalp and some of his
dark locks dangling from a sliver on
the rafter.
He wanted to be a lawyer, too, but
the instinct for merchandising was too
strong to permit it. Yes, Julius Orkin
had the law craving so strong as a
young marl-that he entered Drake uni
versity in Des Moines and actually
thrust his nose for two years into
thick volumes of torts, contracts and
jurisprudence. ;
"Huh," he grunted one day as he
slammed the covers of his book after
getting letters from his five brothers.
"Huh, these brothers of mine. are
all making good in the merchandising
cime: and here I'm spending a
healthy part of a lifetime to learn toJ
be a lawyer, mere is no guarantee
anywhere that I will get a case when
I get out. There is no guarantee any
where that I would win a case, even if
I should get one." ,
"Huh," he grunted again, and car
ried his books down to a Secondhand
store. He packed his trunk and bade
the school pals goodbye.
He rode the first passenger train to
Sioux City, where four of his brothers,
J. L., M. E., J. B. and P. H were al-
many and never failing occasions that
he has become known to his friends
as "Chauncey Depew." ' In fact,
Chairman Charley Saunders, of the
Ak-Sar-Ben hustling committee fre
quently introduces him at the com
mittee dinners as "the Chauncey De
pew of Omaha."
Has George Anthes a hobby?
George Anthes has a hobby. What is
his hobby? His hobby is horseshoes.
Who is George Anthes? He is the
expert accountant at the court house.
Mr. Anthes' mind runs to figures
during the day's work. He can solve
the most difficult mathematical prob
lems and unravel any accounting
snarl. Once away from work, how
ever, and he should hear of a horse
shoe game, there he will v as fast
as he can move.
, He avers th-t pitching horseshoes
is not to be sneezed at . The game,
he adds, steadies the general nervous
system and improves the optic nerves.
For a case of nerves he recommends
horseshoe pitching. The game also
develops the lungs, he contends.
"L-wish the ancint and honorable
ready flourishing in a dry goods busi
When he got a chance to show,
goods, however, he proved to be sa
fast a salesman that the boys had to
recognize him, and soon he was oh ar
par withthe squad of brothers, though
they were, all older than he.
Then Sioux City was not. big
enough to suit the boys. J. B. went ,
to New York and into the merchan
dising game there. M. E. and P. H.
stuck by Sioux City. Julius, Max
and J. L. swooped down upon Omaha,
and alighted at 1510 Douglas street.
Ladies' apparel was their specialty,
and this line of business they de-s
veloped until J. L. and Max became
infatuated with Sixteenth street and
moved. Julius stuck by Douglas, be
lieving it was the coming street oi
the city. He has been in Omaha
twelve years and has now what he
believes to be the largest exclusively
women's apparel store west of Chi
cago. Next In This Series, "How Omaha Ool
Harry R. Bowen." '
A Bad Predicament
A Westchester countr man took his run
meroufl progeny to a county fair. Ab thty
moved about the groundi, tha father felt
his fifth bora tujffUif at his eoattallt. Ha
turned, and the youngster begged him to
buy soma candy.
1 "Buy H yourself." said the father. "Wherj
la the dime I gave you a little while ago?-
"It's down my neck."
"Well, shake it out!"
"But, dad, I can't It was In my moutl
wheo It went down." New York Times.
On the Road to Thrums.
Robin HcPbairson met David Drummom -on
the road to Thrums.
"Gude morrnln', lad!" said Robin. An
hoo Is your gude wife, an all the weani
at hame?"
"The weans are ne'er at hame , an
swered David, bitterly. "An1 I dlnna blamt
them. My, gude wife is a bletherfn auiq
bellura. an' drives me frae mjealn but an
ben wl' her sour looks an worrds!'
"Heck! I thought she was the applt
yer e'e?"
"Apple 7 Ay, tha crabapple!" 31evslani
Plain Dealer.
Fascinating Story of the Streets:
Conclusion of E. F. Morearty'f
reminiscences of . Farmatt street
begun last Sunday has been de
ferred a week.
i game of pitching horseshoes were
more generally recognizee, it is in
expensive and the results are highly
beneficial," said Mr. Anthes. as he
looked at his watch and noted that
he was nearly due at a game of toss
ing equine jootwear.
If you want a real hobby, buy a
telescope, take it home and mount it
near a window in your home. Oft in
the stilly night train the glass toward
the empyrean vaults and then' see
what you shall see. That ii what W.
J. Broatch will relate if you ask him
what his hobby might be. He has a
telescope at home and avert he has
found many interesting and profitable
moments in the gentle art f atar gaz
ing. He is on speaking terms with
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Sa
turn, Uranus and Neptune. He keeps
posted on the conjunctions 'of the
heavenly bodies and knows the run
ning schedule oi the comets. He con
tends that astronomical phenomena it
more interesting than golf. And he
believer his hobby is the best nerve
tonic on the market , .