Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 17

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hhkOOKING for 4 moment at
IV I the musical season of 1915-
I E f I 1917, one findj that, in ipite
ljnnpJ of unsettled conditions, it
f ij has been a very busy time
.. for the ardent music lover.
We have had concerts and
recitals, orchestras and operas, almost
as if nothing unusual was going on in
the business life of the country, and
no one had .reason to complain for
- any lack of them. During the season
the musical editor attended and re
viewed forty-seven musical events,
wnicn were tor tne most part well
worth the hearing. There were fewer
orchestral programs and more oper
atic productions than last year, with
concerts holding about an even bal
ance. Owing to the great dearth
of things dramatic the public has
perforce had recourse more to
things musical, and record audiences
have turned out for some of them.
This was notably so in the case of
John McCormack, who waa listened
to by the largest audience ever gath
ered together in Omaha for a similar
event, and in the case of the Ellis
Opera company, which, with a galaxy
of stars and with the Omaha Retail
ers' association in back of them, also
brought an immense audience to the
Auditorium. The first appearance of
the phenomenal Galli-Curci at the
Boyd theater brought a sold-out
house at that place, with many seats
upon the stage, in back of the prima
donna, besides.
A noticeable fact about the musical
events has been that those which
have been backed and promoted by
organizations, such as the Omaha Re
tailers' association and the Tuesday'
Morning Musical club, have always
been well attended, while others, un
less there was some other working
organization behind them, have drawn
but poor houses in spite of the
excellence of the attractions. An ex
ception to this was the San Carlo
Opera company, which, under the lo
cal management of Lucius Prvor. suc
ceeded in drawing excellent houses to
its four different performances.
Among the bright particular re
citals of the season, besides those
mentioned above, were those of
Kreisler. Godowsky and Oscar Sea
gle, who was allowed to slip in and
out again with but a small portion of
our music lovers making use ot the
opportunity to hear him.
- This season brought the first ap
pearance of Mrs. Edward MacDowell
and the subsequent organization of an
Omaha MacDowell club. It gave us
our first taste of community singing,
which we can't bear to think is going
to be allowed to pass by with no
definite'and favorable results. Surely,
the value of it is so apparent and it
needs but the enthusiasm of a few of
our leading citizens to get together
and make it a possibility, that it
seems strange we nave not been able
to have it before. Perhaps some or
ganization which takes an interest in
things musical might give the people
not only a chance to attend and lis
ten to music, but a chance to take
part in it as well. It would not re
quire nearly as much of a guarantee
to finance it that it does to pay for
some or ine attractions wmtii mc
brought hereand besides, the money
would remain in Omaha.
But coming back to a discussion of
the musical season, it also brought us
the first sonata recital given here, a
return visit of the Flonzaley quartet,
of the Damrosch orchestra and the
wonderful Boston Opera company (of
which poor patronage could not dim
the luster), many visiting musicians
and a few local ones in concert work.
This year the Mendelssohn choir and
Minneapolis orchestra joined forces
Omaha Musical Notes
The West Sisters' .trine quartet will (o I
e p.. Neb., to slay at the .eventa an-
nu.l mttlc.l festival, held ther under the
direction of the department of musie of the
Rf.t. Norm.1 ichool. June ana o. ue
r-.Hv.l will .In! the "StabM Mater,"
ty Rossini, and the strioa ouartet will ac
company. The Weit Bisters will play tn
Peru in of the Zoellner quartet, which
cancelled Its engagement. They will be to
v-m f.nm FrMav until tne XOUOWina iuea-
day, during- which time they will alia- take
part in an outdoor fete, and be heard to
much eolo work a. well aa accompaniment!.
The Peru festival h.l gradually become
anon and mora widely known during it.
even year, ot activity, and people from
many of the surrounding town, in the state
go to Pern for una occasion.
Mrs. E. R. Zobricki. present, her ad
vanced pupil, in a violin recital, assisted
by Hiss Ethel Parson, pupil of Mrs.
Louisa Jansen.Wylie, at Bchmoller 4 Muel
ler', auditorium, Monday, June 14, at 8:15
o'clock. Those taking part will be Miss
Marion Miller of Lyons, Neb.; Mis. Gert
rude Koeper, Miss Flora Shukert, Mrs.
Grace Leidy Burger, Lewi. Schnauber,
and violin quartet composed of Mrs.
Grace Leidy Burger, Flora Shukert, Gert
rude Koeper and Myrtle Cloud. Mrs. Za
briskia and Miss Olive Seymour will ac
company. The publie is cordially invited.
A note haa been received from the P. F.
Volland company, which recently conducted a
contest for the musical setting of Wllbuer
D. Nesbif. poem, "Your Fl.g and My Flag,"
stating that "by unanimoua decision , the
judge, in the contest awarded the prixe to
manuscript No. 655. "This wu found to be
by Frederick L. Ryder. Neeriy 700
manuscript, were submitted, m.ny of them
worthy of publication. The judge, were:
Karleton Hacket, Dr. FelU Borowski and
Dr. P. jC. Lutkin.
A recital given by the pupil, of Frenees
Baetena, pianist; Frank Mach, violinist, and
Walter B. Graham, vocalist, will take place
Tuesday evening. May 2B. at the Schmoller
A Mueller auditorium, 1818 Farnam etreet
Those taking part will be: Dora Rich, Ivy
Kohn, Archie Baley, Rosalie Goldenberg.
Solomon Wintroub, Geraldine Wycoff, Sam
Rosenblatt, Dan Becman, Dorothy Parsons,
Alexander Rohrbough, Elisabeth Stephen,
Ernest Stilling, Estelle Lapidus, Wilma
Stern, Blanche Robertson, Leon Connell,
Arthur Ziebarth, Joe Stern, Clara Schneider,
Wilhelmina Friedman. Accompanists will be:
Mary Noll, Anna Wintroub, Anna Klllian,
Mrs. Althea Fuller, Esther Fricke and Mrs.
Charles Ziebarth.
Mr.. Geil White McMolne. of Tekamah
aend. a neat booklet concerning the 'atudy
of piano under the "Progressive Series of
Piano Lessons' in general, and about her
teaching a. well. There i. also a program
of opera .election, given a. the annual re.
cital of her piano pupil., in the Baptist
church of Tekamab, the evening of May
18. Those taking part were:. Margaret
Willert, May Adelaide McMoinee, Velna Me
Guire, Ruth Kelly, Haael Morrow, Nettle
Barker, Margaret Canfleld, Mildred Pratt,
Alice Robinson, Basel Show, Arlene and
Beatrice Harney, Gladys McCann of Blair,
Morgan, Bertha Rhodes, Pauline
under the auspices of the Omaha Re
tailers' association, giving instead of
two tingle concerts one joint pro-
The installment of the magmheent
new organ in the new first fresby-
terian church .is also an important
musical event of this season, and
brings with it a possibility of severa
interesting organ recitals when the
tun majesty of the instrument may
be heard in all its impressiveness, and
tnnning grandeur.
An appeal for musical patriotism
has been issued by the Civic Music
association of Chicago, and takes the
form of a letter signed -by Fannie
Bloomfield Zeisler and John Alden
Carpenter. It suggests that the "in
ability of the American people to sing
on public occasions has been due in
the past to a lack of patriotic ardor
on the part of the people m general
and to the lack of interest in these
songs on the part of musicians. The
war has stirred our emotions and we
are now seeking utterance snatching
at fragments of half learned, half for
gotten songs. It now remains tor the
loval musicians to consecrate them
selves to the right singing of this
material. Let us Team the words with
all our oatriotic fervor, and the music
with all our muscianship." The letter
asks helo in training community
choruses in all parts of Chicago in the
correct singing from memory of
"America," "Star Spangled Banner,"
"Rattle Hvmn of the Republic."
"Columbia the Gem of the Ocean,"
"Dixie," "Illinois" and the "Old
Folks at Home."
By the way, I wonder how many
musical people ot umana Know tne
words and music ot even three or lour
of these from memorv? How many,
should the occasion arise, would be
able without previous notice, to play
and sing, or even to play or
them through? Whether we approve
of them or not as either music or
poetry has nothing to do with it. The
point is tnat tney are, witn me ex
ception of "Illinois." national songs
which have won their place in the
nation, and which hold for its people
a certain patriotic ana emoiionai
sionificanc. and for this reason, the
musically agile should each and every
one have them securely in mina ana
be ready at a moment s notice to use
The Musical Leader appears this
week in a handsome special spring
issue, celebrating its seventeenth an
niversary. Reviews of the Chicago
Grand Opera Association season, the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the
concert season are given prominent
places in this issue, interspersed With
editorial and educational articles, musi
cal notes from different parts of the
country and cuts and stories of vari
ous professional artists. Among ine
editorials is one upon the "Abuse of
the Red Cross," which says in part:
"A cardinal imposition is the current
'Red Cross Fund' concert now spring,
ing up over night like labeled drag
on s teeth, ine ODjectionaoie rcq
Cross concert we have in mind is
given by obscure musicians who, parasite-like,
have seized upon this noble
war-charity as a means of gaining for
themselves desirable publicity. A
graver side to the unofficial Red Cross
concert is that in many cases there
is room for legitimate doubt whether
the Red Cross tund Denents trom tne
money spent at the box office, so easy
it is tor unscrupulous amateurs to pau
the incidental expenses statement. In
Rncrlanrt the British authorities rigor
ously interdicted Red Cross fund con
certs witnout an omciai permit nu
an official auditor, for it was found
these concerts had been given by ir
responsible persons whose integrity
is bv no means like unto that
of Caesar's wife."
Cooper of Arthur tatte. Melville
Hooewell. Ruth Robinson, Arlene Goll
Dorothy White, Helen Martin ot Craig,
Evelyn Nelson and Marion Harding of Oak
land, Rachel Crowe, Janet Sehroeder, GeU
McGrew, Dorothea Thomas and Lillian
Morgan. A .ong,l"Nebraska," words by H.
M. Hopewell of Tekamah, with music by
Abble W. Jamison, was .ung by th. ela,
and "America," by all present.
Pupil, of Mis. Ida M. Horse will give
a piano recital Saturday, June 1 at S o'clock
at the Schmoller Mueller Piano company
building, 1818 Farnam street. Pupil, tak
ing part are Misses Larson, Ruth Wieck,
Sarah Wolhner, Beulah Phillip., May Hum-
berd, Emma Elizabeth Smith, Lena Krasne,
Minnie Wolhner. Mary Stejshal, Sophia
Perrin. Ruth Jaeobaon, Ethel Carey, Eme
Sawerbray. Alvera Anderson, LaVeta Lowe,
Janetto Levinson, Helen Levinson, Mildred
Hembloom. Vivian Curkiby. Eunice Nelson,
AlveRa Trlem, Mary Houck and Anna
Pannuaka. Friende are invited.
Mis. Jessie McDonald ha. taken director
hip of the Castelar Presbyterian choir.
Mr. Forrest Painter, baritone, sang in
concert at O'Neill last week,
The following pupils of Walter B. Gra
ham will give a concert for the Calvary
Baptist church Monday evening. May 28
Mrs. Willard Slabaufh ; Mines Marie
French, Jeia McDonald, Margaret Spalding,
Elizabeth Stephan, Grace Thorn, and Mesiri.
Lawrence Dodda, Peter Fisher and Lynn
Sackett Miss Esther Fricke, accompanist.
The harp is growing rapidly in popularity,
judging from the many calls for harp playing
and instruction, and Omaha will soon be
the Mecca for all those interested In the
classic instrument. The harp lectures given
by Lorette De Lone as a prelude to the
harp recitals have done much towards en
lightening the publie and dispelling many
erroneous Ideas prevalent in the minds even
of musical people. The harp concert given
by Miss De Lone on April 1 at the Fon
tenelle hotel was auch a success that
she wu engaged to appear on the special
program this evening. One of the features
of the evening will be initial presentation
of the new war song, "To Arms," words
composed by J. F. BUby, and music by
Miss De Lone, and will be sung by Lynn
Sackett with orchestra accompaniment Miss
De Lone will play several concert dates In
Nebraska this week.
The Apollo Lyrics club will give the first
of a series of concerts the evening of May
29 at the People's church. The Kurta or
chestra will give the Sylvester overture, M.
Mamestek will give a cornet solo, J. Hawk
a trombone solo, H. J. Kurts a violin solo
and Mrs. Bessie Middle ton and the follow
ing pupils will give several vocal solos, as
sisted by Frank and Lloyd Kriis and Lloyd
Kramer Ferris on the planot Vivian Karls,
Gladys Olmstead, Inea-HulT, Catherine Sav
idge, Amelia Waagy, Ethel fiteinard and
Florence Smith.
Readings will be given by the Misses
Mary Hayes, Crawford and Edith Vernon.
Miss Ethel Corey and Mr. Walter Deets
are members of the double quartet .at the
First Presbyterian churcr
Very Good, Eddie Coming to Boyd Theater;
Vaudeville at
HE belated season brings to
Omaha, at the Boyd theater,
an unexpected treat in
"Very Good Eddie," the
musical comedy that has
been the talk of the countrv
for the past two seasons, and which is
coming here direct from its long run
at the Garrick theater, Chicago, with
the original New York cast. Previous
to the Chicago run the piece was for
a whole year in New York, five
months in Boston and four months in
Philadelphia, establishing a new
record for musical comedy for the
past ten years. And best of all, "Very
Good Eddie" is coming here with the
original cast, Omaha being only one
of the two cities that will see this big
success between Chicago and San
"Very Good Eddie" is not only the
funniest farce that was ever staged,
the book being by Philip Bartholmae
and Guy Bolton, but it possesses a
score by Jerome Krn which Is easily
the most tuneful in many years. It
contains a dozen of the biggest song
hits of the decade, such as "Babes in
the Woods." "If I Find the Girl,"
Love Them All." "On the Bench at
Le Lei Wei, "Isn't It Great to Be
"i11 .waniwi , wj uuj neu
tral,'' "Some Sort of Somebody," and
many others.
songs, dances, laughter and a vision
of lovely girlhood follow each other
in rapid succession in the performance
of "Very Good Eddie," which has been
characterized by the leading critics of
the principal cities as the smartest
and brightest musical show that has
ever been offered to an American
audience. 'The engagement is for two
davs only Monday and Tuesday
June 4 and 5, at the Boyd.
Two really big musical comedy num
bers are booked for the Empress
this coming week. It is seldom that
such extravagant companies are en
gaged for appearance in vaudeville
in this section of the country. "The
Explorers" is the title of a miniature
musical comedy employing ten people.
They come to the Empress today and
stav tor the entire first halt. two
men and eight women present in this
number a catchy conglomeration ot
comedy talking, solo and ensemble j
singing. On the last half of the week i
Loneliness Cuts
Figure in Life of
Woman, Says Ruth
In "'This Nenlected Wife." which
shows at the Muse theater the first
four days of this week, Mabel Her
bert Urner's story of domestic dis
cord, stress is laid upon the loneli
ness of Margaret Warner, "the other
woman" in the case. Ruth Roland,
who plays Margaret in the serial pre
pared by Pathe from the novel, thinks
this is one ot tne dettest toucnes in
the piece. ,
"In the picture." she said recently,
"it had to be shown that Margaret
was driven reluctantly to accept the
husband's attention. She is an essen
tially pure, well-principled woman
a writer bound up in her art, utterly
unavaricious, ascetic rather than
sensuous. How could such a woman
stray from the path?
"Why, simply through loneliness.
Everv woman is in terror of being
alone. Every woman demands a little
affection, a little warmth, from some
one. If Margaret had had a home,
family, friends well, there wouldn't
have been any picture. But there was
no one. until Kennedy, the husband,
came. She didn't feel especially drawn
to him, she didn t love him as sne
later came to love Norwood. But he
did stand out in the dark world that
encircled her as the one human being
who cared whether she dropped off
the dock or not, and so she turned to
"In workine in this oicture. I have
studied Mrs. Urner's books carefully.
and the deeper I have delved the more
I have marvelled at their insight. The
instance I have given is only one of
many which prove that she is a re
markably kt-en student of human na
ture. "The Neglected Wife" is so far
out of the usual run of pictures, so
akin to life itself, that I have en
joyed working in it more than in any
other part 1 have played.
Mary Pickford in Great Drama
Will Shine at the Strand
"A Poor Little Rich Girl" wilt dis
close Mary Pickford in a picture
which, although of typical Pickford
charm, presents the famous girl star in
a character quite ditterent trom any
thing in which she has appeared here
tofore. For instance, who ever heard
of Mary Pickford being a regular
little bob-cat when It comes to fight'
ing? Yet this is iust wi at pi.
be the case in ."Little Mary's" new
him when a gang ot street urchins at
tack her at her nalatial home.
In the luxurious conservatory, with
its lily pond and gigantic palms, she
battles with a half dozen sturdy
youngsters and finally sets them to
rout at the cost of much expensive
furnishings as well as her own im
maculate appearance. Bespattered
from head to foot with mud from the
erstwhile lily pond and severely
scratched, she stands triumphant as
the remains of the gang are set to
night, the urchins used in these
scenes were instructed to give real
battle and in fighting them off the
popular little star has her hands full
in every sense of the expression as
well as her teeth and feet. After this
tight Miss Pickford's activities for the
day at the studio ceased right then
and there and those who will witness
the affair on the screen of the Strand
theater commencing Tuesday and for
the balance of the week will easily un
derstand why this was the case.
Derelict Flivver Looms Up
Big in a Vitagraph Drama
"Few people stop to realize the tre
mendous development of the automo
bile," says Rudolph Cameron, who
plays a leading role in support of
Anita Stewart in the Greater Vita
graph's "Clover's Rebellion." "Like
the motion picture drama, the automo
bile has grown to success within the
last twenty years.
"A whole lot of the development of
the plot in my latest motion picture
drama, 'Clover's Rebellion,' revolves
around the motor car's development. I
play a young physician, poor but
happy-go-lucky, the owner of a dere
lict 'flivver.' Indeed, it is this 'flivver'
that first attracts the attention of the
heroine, Clover, by arousing her
"Clover's Rebellion," which was
Empress; Yiddish
the program calls for the "Winter
Garden Revue," which is also a big
musical number featurinn a lot ol
pretty clever girls in songs and dances.
Thiessen's Pets, a canine novelty.
will hold forth on the bill starting to
day. Fred and Alleen Vance present
"Hello Red' a comedy singing and
talking act. On the photoplay bill
Anita Stewart will be seen in "C!o-
s Rebellion." Mildred Havwood.
known as vaudeville's "Tomboy,"
presents a character change act. ,
"Robin Hood," which will be pro
duced at the Brandeis theater. Friday
evening, June 8, is acknowledged to
be the greatest masterpiece of comic
opera ever Written by Americans. The
charm of Reginald de Koven's music
is as fresh as when it was first en
joyed twenty-five years ago, and the
dialogue of Henry B. Smith is as
sparkling now as it was then. It has
stood the old test of time because it
is a real work of art, and the genius
written by James Oliver Curwood,
comes to the Empress theater today,
-until Wednesday, Anita Stewart is
starred in the drama, while the sup
porting company numbers, besides
Mr, Cameron, Brinsley Shaw, Eulalie
Jensen, Charles Stevenson, Julia
awayne Gordon and William JJunn,
Simple Plot With Homely
Details Here Worked Out
Lynn F, Reynolds, who has become
known as Bluebird's "nature atudy"
director, has the rare faculty of mak
ing excellent photoplay entertain
ment out of the simplest of plots.
Reynolds never brings the heavy vil
lain into focus in his film stories
there are never any serious crimes in
volvedbut when it comes to unfold
ing the simple and logical stories of
every day life, this is one director
who seems to have close toucn witn
the appealing side of humanity.
"Southern Tustice." to be displayed
in Bluebird photoplays at the Hipp
theater today and Monday, will cer
tify the foregoing claims in interest
ing and attractive detail, ine pre
senting company will be led by George
Hernandez and Myrtle Uonzalez ana
a story of real life in a small Ken-
tuck town will be unfolded in simple
and homely details, set in nature's
scenery, without undue artifice or il
lusion. Petrova Shows Her Own
Wonderful Jewels in "Flame"
In speaking of her first Lasky
Paramount picture, "The Undying
Flame," Mme. Petrova said: "This is
one of the most unique productions I
ever played in and, as far as costumes
and settings are concerned, by far the
most gorgeous and costly. My own
costume alone, in the first part as the
Egyptian princess, was worth many
thousands of dollars, as nearly all the
jewels I wore were from my own
collection, and included some of the
rarest gems in the world. The head-
"Red Star" Workers Are Active;
Relief for Horses in War Time
Albany, N. Y., May 26. Theodore
Roosevelt and General Leonard Wood
are among the prominent men who
have given their support to the Amer
ican Red Star Animal Relief. Theo
dore Roosevelt has just written the
director general, with headquarters in
Albany, N. Y.: "I most heartily ap
prove of the proposed organization of
the American Red' Star Animal Re
lief. It seems to me an abhorrent
thing not to do everything we can
do for the horses and other animals
used in war." General Wood like
wise appreciates the importance of
such an organization and writes:
"Your undertaking is an admirable
ione and, if effectively carried out in
time of war, its influence will be felt
not only from the humanitarian stand
point, but from the standpoint of ef
ficiency." Intense activity marks the efforts of
the officers of the American Red Star
Animal Relief to secure the needed
equipment for veterinary hospitals,
which must soon be placed at the dis
posal of the army, in its army animal
relief work. There has come an un
official request from a high army of
ficer for fifteen horse-drawn horse
ambulances' which may be placed at
the disposal of different training
camps that have been planned. Funds
for the purchase of these are being
collected. In some instances, branches
of the Red Star or groups of patriotic
citizens are agreeing to present one
or more such ambulances to the Red
Veterinary hospitals will be erected
at the various concentration camps,
built similarly to those used in all
the armies of the allies. They will
have a capacity varying from 100 to
1,000 animals. Sheds ODened on three
sides, with a runway down the cen
ter, will house 100 horses each. They
win De bunt ot wood and corrugated
iron, fcach hospital must be supplied
with an ambulance, a supply wagon,
a feed cart; besides brooms, rakes,
forks, shovels, buckets, currvcombs
and brushes. Great quantities of sur-
?ical equiprent necessary to success
ully handle this large number of
animals must also be provided. Such
Play at Brandeis
two eTWAHJif
which inspired it should gratify the
pride of every American.
"The Serenade" will be given at
the Brandeis theater Saturday mati
nee and evening, June 9, by the Wal
ker and Stevens company. The cast is
the (imp as that which presented
Kobin Mood, witn several addi
tions; and includes among its mem
bers James Stevens, ivy acott, Cora
Tracy, Herbert Waterous, Ralph
Brainard. lJhil Branson. David An
drada, Edward Andrews and Tillie
The attraction at the Brandeis
theater Wednesday, May 30, will he
Madame Dannie Keinhart and an an-
star Yiddish cast in the latest success,
"For the Sins of the Parents." Madme
Reinhart is well knowp to the Omaha
Yiddish theater goers. There are
four comedians in the cast, of which
Mr. Shenholtz, star of the Empire
theater, Chicago, is the principal fun
maker. The sale of seats for Madame
Reinhart opens Monday at 10 a. nv
dress was made of filigree gold set
with matched pearls and rubies. The
necklaces were of sapphires, diamonds
and many rare stones, while my
bracelets, which were obtained for the
picture from one of the best known
lewelers of the country, were ex
quisite affairs of wrought silver set
with strange gems. I certainty ten
like some barbaric princess, with all
those ornaments jingling around me,
but the effect was just what Mr. Tour-
neur. the director, wanted. Where'
upon the great star smilingly excused
herself and resumed a Cleopatra-like
nose before the camera. "The
Undying Flame" is coming to the
Muse tneater inursaay, rriaay ana
"Maternity," a Brady-Made,
Comes to the Sun This Week
Based upon a theme that is of tre
mendous interest to every woman
"Maternity" will come to the Sun
theater lhursdav. hriday and Satur
day, with Alice Brady as the star. The
story has consistent continuity and
sustained force. As the fear-stricken
young wife, as the courageous woman
who rescues a little child from a burn
ing hospital and as the proud and
happy mother, Miss Brady rises to
neigius 01 aramauc an. inis uic
scene in which Miss Brady makes the
thrilling rescue is said to be one of
the most wonderful fires ever screened
for a motion picture. A big structure
was erected by the World film cor
poration for the purpose of being
burned and it was set on fire and the
picture taken about 2 o'clock in the
morning. An idea of just how realis
tically this part of the pieture was
staged may be gained when it is
realized 'that Miss Brady sustained
bruises and burns which laid her up
for a week. Little Madge Evans ap
pears in this tire scene and, even
though it waa so very exciting, ane
Was fast asleep two minutes after her
part of the work was over. Matern
ity" is the newest World Picture
equipment will be furnished through
the American Red Star Animal Re
lief as fast as funds become avail
able. At least $250,000 .will be needed
to carry out the work already out
lined for it by army officers.
The government has likewise made
it known that the aid of the Red Star
will be gretly appreciated in recruit
ing 1,000 veterinarians for the Veterin
ary reserve corps, - It is anticipated
that the mobilization of an army of
1,600,000 men, even though not a sin
gle cavalry regiment is recruited, will
require at least 600,000 animals. The
government at this time has only 70,
000 animals on hand. The staff of
100 veterinarians in the regular army
has all it can do to care for the ani
mals now in regular service. The
purchase of 00,000 additional ani
mals will require a large staff of
veterinarians to safeguard them from
disease and give them such attention
as may be needed in case of accident
or surgical treatment.
The work in Europe has demon
strated that army animal relief is of
a very practical nature. The Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals has already expended
$600,000 in its special campaign and
the government has requisitioned sup
plies from it to the extent of $500,
000 more. The work has been car
ried on so efficiently that it has won
the approval of the highest English
officials. Sir Douglas Haig has given
the work of this Erfglish society his
stamp of approval in the following
terms: "I take this opportunity of
tendering my best appreciation and
thanks' for the very valuable assist
ance which the society has rendered
to the army veterinary service m al
leviating animal suffering and pre
venting wastage of animal life."
A Hint.
Pat MurDhr'. laundry woman didn't at
tend to hi. buttons, and this annoyd him.
finally he decided that he would give h.r
A sentle hint, llefore tn.Klna up ni. next
bundle he took the metal oap of a beer
tcttle, punched two holea In It and sewed
It on the neckband of the flannel shirt that
was to be washed.
When his laundry name back Pat found
that she had taken the hint or part of It.
flhe had made a buttonhole to fit hie Im
provised button. Boston Transcript.
Filmland Favorites
Pauline Frederick was born in Bos
Ion, Mass., and was educated in a
private school there. Her stage career
began with the Roger Brothers' suc
cesses. "Princess of the Kensington."
"It Happened in Nordland," "Little
Gray Lady, the Girl in White,
"Toddles," "When Knights Were
Bold;" "Samson," with Gillette, "Jo
seph and His Brethren," and starred
in "Innocent." Her screen career has
always been with the Famous Play
ers company, wnose product is re
leased on the Paramount program
and she has appeared in "Ashes of
Embers," "Nanette of the Wilds,"
"The Slave Market," "Sapho," "Sleep
ing Fires,' and is now appearing in
her latest success, "Her Better Self."
She takes much delight in her recrea
tion, which Includes driving, walking
and is also an able shot and fully able
to take care of herself. Her height is
five feet four inches, she has brown
hair and blue eves. Home address, 449
Park avenue. New York City, studio
address, Famous Players, New York
Rohlff Will Reopen on
Wednesday With Fine Film
The Rohlff theater will again open
its doort to the public Wednesday
afternoon under the personal manage
ment of Mr. Oscar Rohlff, who is
making many changes in this show
shoo, and the attractioni which have
been already arranged for are the best
that can be obtained anywnere. ine
theater is being thoroughly renovated
throughout. A new coat of paint and
many additional lights will make this
one of the brightest fronts in Omaha.
New decorations are being made in
side and flowers will be practically on
every hand.
The photoplays, which has been ar
ranged for, are Selznick, Triangle,
fox, Metro, K, &. s, c. ana oiners,
Empress Garden Holds Its
Own as Amusement Center
The entertainment at the Empress
garden continues to please the pat
rons in gratifying manner. Artistic
singing ana aancing, ranging iioiii
the classic to the latest popular num
bers will appeal to the taste and fancy
of all classes. Little ineima woita
and Toney Bonney are making many
new friends during the. dinner hours
with their clever songs and dances.
DU I 1 Men, Tue... June 4,
Th Smariut and Brlghta.1 of All
Musical Comedy Hits.
''Very Good Eddie"
Willi th mtir original cast from
a yaar in New York and aia
months in Chicago.
Musical Comady
8 CUtt Popl 9
Fred and Alleen Vance
Comedy Singing and Talking
Mildred Haywood
Vaudavlll.'a Tom Boy
Thiessen's Pets
Canln NoToltjr
Anita Stewart
The Most Appropriate Gift for the
The Steinway is easily the peer of any Piano on earth.
The Steinway is good enough for you. Call and in
spect our complete line of Steinway Pianos before you
select your . ,,
550 $825
Exclusive representative of Steinway; also Weber, Hard
man, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Schmoller &'
Mueller, Aeolian Pianola and Duo-Art Pianos.
Established 1869
1311-13 Farnam St
Perhaps the star attraction of th
coming week wilt be the ensemble
singing and dance review in which
Patsy Murphy, Mary Hallahan,
Harold Williams and assistant will
appear. The popular dance is becom
ing a notable feature, the interest
growing nightly.
I Entertainment Program
" Wk Commtncinf
1 12 to 2, 6 to 8 and 9 to 12 P. M. -
I and Assistants
In Grand Mu.ical Danca Review
i Empress Singing Staff
Classic, Popular and Late Song -&
San.ationa "
Popular Dancing from 9 to 12 p. m. -I
i LadieV Marino Ta Dane r.
From SiSO to Si30 s
1 Mu.le by Adams' Saxaphon Orch- ;
oatra and Crand Orchestral
f Organ.
f Served Sunday from 12 to P. M. s
$1.00 . :
' ml m T.l I ml II
FRIDAY R.fUiala' D. Koven'a
Vleter Herbert'. Masterpiece
Sam. IncentBarabl. seat ni chn
th.t appeared here last season -
Nlahts, SOc to $1.50 1 Mat. 25c t $1.00
AM.raeea and
With v
Th Mis cl ept
DINE ta Omaha for
808 Karbaeh Block
101 South nth St . Phoa Bed 111.
Assistant to Henry Cos
Patterson Block.
Studios Booms 4 and (, Baldrli. Blfc,
, . SOth and farnaa Bta.
Residence Telephone, Harney ITIi.
Conceit Organist, Pianist and
i ' Teacher
486-437-438 Ron Bid.,
Sixteenth and Farnam St.
Tyler 2467-J.
Summer Harp School
Turn Opens Mar IS
Harp. Furnished to PnpU
! Lyric Bide. Dona. ITS.
. Effie Steen Kittelson
TeehnlQue ot th Speeklnr Voiea,
Physical Culture, pantomlw.
Drama U Art
IIS Balrd Bldr, not Donjlae Street
Phon Trio lU , , .
Given by pupils of Franc. Baet
ena, Pianist; Frank Mach, Violinist;
Walter B. Graham, Vocalist; Tun
day Evening, May S, HIT, at th
Schmoller 4 Mueller Auditorium,
1R11 Farnam Street. Your.aU and
Friende Cordially Invited.
The Steinway is the
world's best Piano, not a
musical experiment, but a
perfect musical instru-,
ment that is honored by
music lovers the world
Omaha, Neb.