Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    4 B
The Omaha Bee
Enter si Omaha aos toffies aa second-clans msttar,
Br Camtr. Br sua
esitr mt enadat m bs-u. sw on w. s se
Dsllj vitnoot Sunday..... ' 5a s.w
Errata Bed Soadar 12 . f-?f
trains wlttoul Suadar " J3 in
Cd0Mln M lasnsw'add'lBsl'sr'hTSalllsrlU ' OBllfarT It Osnss
CiicalsUoB Dtwrunwt.
Ibfntl V drift. SBjrsSB at BO.I order. Onlr
psnnaat at mil aoooanu. lvronJ at, aiaspt oo tMMU, and
eastern Mfea. aet accepts.
tatM-fX " il". il"lcT.''"0.ri't,4'K'i"'
mu oiM-aii t n tw-jm rmn die.
Unosin-UUIS BalMlM. Wasnlntlon -lt HIS SB. M. W,
IMna eiransilflra rsiMiss U Bass and Sdltsrlal BjsSMS
Onutis Baa, Kditertal Ptpatwasl. '
56,260 Daily Sunday, 51,144
mm auciiiaiion for me aiontas sunseriBsa sad " DwiiM
inuiiM, cirenitim maassr.
Satocrib Isartai "IF k,T,,'-,W
that. Address shsnssai s ' ' " nam "
Some officious people overwork the notion that
the way to do their bit is to nag those who are
doing their best.
A miss of martial poetry circulates in print,
but the poem sounding the soulnote of democ
racy in battle array Is yet to come.
Army men will inspect Omaha today to deter
mine its suitability as s cantonment camp site.
All we can say is: "Look about you I"
Reports from Nebraskt fields indicate that
Old King Corn Is doing some pretty lively shoot
ing himself these days. Watch him growl s ,
Senators who think gambling In grain and
other foodstuffs should be perpetuated will have
a delightful shock when they hear from the home
folks. . ' ' .
The Liberty loan subscription of Omaha banks
knocks a fair-siied hole In Nebraska's proportion,
but it will still bear widening for Individual ac
count, "i '' '
One would almost think that the Omaha police
Is not so large but the chief could tell when a
detective had been absent from his post two weeks
without leave.
Here and there silent hammers knock on Lib
erty bond subscriptions. The knockers love lib- !.. h rUliffht in hsmmerino'
ciijr aw wwi turn mi " o
bt their affection, , , "
Council Bluffs will not be so restrained today
at it was a week ago, thanks to a police judge
Who knows his business. The decision will have
S depressing effect on the bridge tolls. ,
War's whirligig puts Uncle Sam In the unique
position of borrowing from his family to loan
to allies who In turn exchange it for home-raised
necessaries. The circle would be t joyrlde if the
tax gatherer would lose himself. , .
The lack of effective laws hertofore is largely
responsible for the activities of spies anil plot
ters m the United States. Out of the country's
surprising experiences wilt come a law which
will punish treachery as it deserves.
Even the odoriferous onion was not allowed
to escape the clutches of the food manipulators,
but' Uncle Sam bad tittle difficulty in tracking
them to their holes. The potato jugglers fared
better, for they didn't leave so easy a trail,
many minds send to women messages on con
servation at home. The advice is good as far as
it goes, but is months behind the times. Moons
ago tha grocer and butcher delivered the hunch
direct to the housekeeper.
Official records upset current notions regard
ing the most dangerous service at the front Mor
tality in the flying corps is appalling, but is sur
passed by trench sappers and miners. In propor
tion to numbers these services far outclass the
risks of infantrymen.
Another former Kebraskan, Charles G. Dawes,
now of Chicago, banker and financier, will give
over his private business, to "do his bit" as direc
tor of the work of rebuilding the French rail
roads. This Is an example of the spirit with
which real Americana approach the war. .
The old populist slogan: "Keep in the middle
of the road," expresses the policy Sir Horace
Plunkett deems the safe and sure one for Ireland
to follow in the coming national conference. The
vast majority of the people are like Sir Horace
broadminded, unselfish and profoundly eager for
self-government. That spirit Is bound to control,
regardless of the vaporing of selfish extremists.
Opportunity knocks for another Joe Folk in
Missouri Graft stretches its greased palm from
St Louts to Jefferson City as It did a score of
yeare ago and brought to the fore a prosecutor
with courage to prosecute. Less hesitancy is
shown now in bringing into court crooked party
leaders accused of giving and taking bribes, and
two grand juries are grinding out indictments
growing out of the collection and distribution of
the slush fund of the St Louis police. The state
of Gumshoe Bill sorely needs a moral and politi
cal cleanup. - '
The Motor Truck on the Farm,
One of the possibilities of the development
of the motor truck industry in the United States
lies in the direction of the farms. The latest cen
sus discloses the fact that we have 4,100,000 farms
of fifty acres or more, each of which is capable
of using at least one motor truck to good ad
vantage. This is not necessarily to supplant the
lorse, but to, supplement him. Some things about
Jie farm can be done so much better by the self
propelled vehicle that it is real economy to use
?ne for the work. Hauling to and from market
-I .1 a I t J
a vuo ui Micsc uyciauuua, whh uic wining w uuu
roads it wilt be sheer waste of time and effort for
a farmer to transport his goods in either direction
by horse-drawn vehicles. But this question of
. the economic application, of the truck wilt be
solved by the farmers themselves, who are fast
learning that their prosperity depends on their
tbility to keep up with the procession. New
nethods shorten processes and time saved Is
noney earned; moreover, in these days of close
lalculation time saved is the difference between
profit and loss. ', The motor truck goes with the
tractor and its uses are unlimited.
Memorial Day: Now and Hereafter.
This Sunday, by common consent, has been
set apart as Memorial Sunday, It next preceding
Decoration day. As such it has a significance of
uncommon Import and In view of the business
we are engaged in It takes on' a deeper and
grander meaning. We wilt honor this year the
dead of our own wars for freedom, with the
thought In mind that before another year has
passed the list will be greatly extended. Our
boys are soon to march away to join their com
rades in foreign fields, there to spend their blood
in the same holy cause for which the soldiers of
the republic ever and only have made the sacri
fice. White we are doing this may we not re
member that countless thousands of soldiers of
our allies have given their lives for the ideals rep
resented in the cause to which we are devoted?
Are not the soldiers of Belgium, France, Russia,
Serbia, Great Britain, Canada, Australia all that
glorious company who have joined to make the
world free or die in the effort entitled to be re
membered with our own dead? Let us give valor
and good faith full recognition on this Memorial
day, without looking at the uniform or the name
of the man who wore It, Those who die in
Freedom's name deserve the tribute freemen alone
can pay.
King Corn to the Rescue Again.
No food shortage, real or Imaginary, can exist
In this country while we have the corn crop to
fait back upon. Wheat may turn out short of
requirements, potatoes may disappear from the
table, meat may be served only on special occa
sions, but always we may have cornbread in any
one of a number of appetizing forms and be
sure of nutritious as well as palatable food. A
consulting chemist of Baltimore, who has re
cently made a thorough study of the food problem,
says the food value of a pound of cornmeal, hom
iny or grits, costing 3 cents, is equal to the food
value of any of these commonly used articles:
One pound of wheat flour, costing..., '....$0.06
One pound of rice, costing 0.09
One and one-half pounds of cheese, cost-
ing 0.60
Two and three-fourths pounds of round
steak, costing' ...... 0.80
Two doien eggs, costing 0.90
One-half peck of potatoes, costing 0.45
Six pints of milk, costing 0.30
From any standpoint the argument is in favor
of corn as a famine dispeller and a counter to the
high cost of living. The rest of the problem is
up to the people themselves. , -
Employment of Allen Workers. '
Large employers of labor have been cautioned
by the government against dismissing aliens for
the reason that it might set up the appearance
of discrimination and a possible division Into
classes, a course that it is desirable to avoid. The
action of the government in dealing with this
aencate question so far is notable for its humanity.
We have as a people no disposition to work hard
ship on anr alien. Not all those whn am di
rectly involved in the matter are to be classed
as anen enemies. Many have been careless or
negligent as to naturalisation, a fact shown ti
the great numbers of those eligible to citizenship
securing their final papers since the United States
entered the war. This is not an essential mint
For many years aliena have been emnlnvert in
the United States with no thought of their ever
becoming citizens. Thousands of then
within our borders and are working steadily in
tne great mills and factories of the country, in
the mines, on the railroads and elsewhere, rinin
just as they have done for a long time, The
cause of liberty would In no way be now served
ny disturbing them, while the course of produc
tion, immediately vital to liberty, would be inter
fered with seriously.
Alien enemies who have been inmxrWr U k.
United States for years are in a different position.
They are subject to internment, if ni1 t, ami
already have been placed under certain restric
tions as to movement, to the end that they may
not be deprived of ordinary freedom and at the
same time be held within control. Some of these
have lately sought naturalization, that they may
enjoy all the privileges of a citizen, but this has
properly been denied them while the war is on.
' Diffusing Civilization's Blessings.
A company has been formed to reit hale
ball grandstand at Caracas.' Now that simple
statement contains another proof of how Ameri
can influence is permeating the far quarters of
the world, diffusing the great blessings of civi
lization among the outtandera and doing good
for all. Young men from Venezuela came to
this country for education and took the game
home with them; it's seed fell on fertile soil and
now it is the national game. The humble citi
zen, who not so many years ago found his amuse
ment as well as his occupation in trying to keep
track of who was president and dodging the
icinai missues promiscuously loosed by the eon
tending factions of the perpetual revolution, gets'
his joy in listening; to the crack nf th hnm.
run or the smack of the swiftly-driven ball into
me giove oi tne newer. The technical language
of the game is purely American, but what ia said
to the umpire is usually couched in nnarfnlt.mi.j
Venezuelan, a tongue unsurpassed for its ob
jurgatory potentiality. If we can keep them play
ing base ball we will probably not have to defend
them soon from irate European creditors, as we
have had to do several times in the past.
Getting Back to First Principles.
Home economy professors are pressing home
their propaganda in most energetic fashion these
days. While they alt urge the practice of certain
of the neglected arts of feminine occupation, they
are not unduly stressing these to the exclusion
of other opportunities for saving. For example,
girls are told the value of being able to sew and
to make and mend their own garments neatly,
but are almost at the same time admonished that
the purchase of tailored coata, waists and skirts
will prove true economy because of the better
wearing qualities of the goods. This Is a happy
combination of the desirable and the practical.- A
girl who is at work may have spare time sufficient
to produce her, own clothing, and yet find some
opportunity for the recreation that is needful. But
generally speaking, she will serve herself better
by careful purchase of such clothing as she' needs
from the shops, being particular to buy with an
eye to wear as well as to appearance, and then
exercise normal prudence in its use so as to get
full value from it No better advice has been
given to any class at the food congress than that
offered the women and girls. They are asked to
get back to first principles and then to :onnect
these up intelligently with modern ways, with cor
responding benefit to all
" ttf Vlrlw Raw-ater
NOTHING GIVES such a good bird's-eye
view of war conditions in Great Britain as
looking over some of the London newspa
pers as they come in. Of course, we all know that
everything printed by them is subject to censor
ship and yet one cannot but be struck wi ii '.!ie
fact that the censorship there must be very spar
ingly and judiciously exercised. The papers dis
cuss editorially all the phases of the war and
freely criticise the conduct of officials charged
with different branches of the work. The London
Times, for example, is .extremely outspoken as
to what has been done, or rather as to what has
not been done, with reference to the regulation
and control of the food supply. The attitude of
the 'food controller is denounced as "weak and
half-hearted business." It complains because he
is not pushing forward a scheme of compulsory
training with energy and resolution. "That is
what he ought to be doing," it persists. "He ought
to have done it months ago, but he has gone on
procrastinating and waiting on hope and it seems
to have become a habit. We .take no pleasure
in criticizing Lord Devonport. He reluctantly
accepted a most difficult and thankless task and
he has undoubtedly worked hard at it. He has
had a breakdown of health since he assumed of
fice and he must have been flooded by conflict
ing advice and opinions. We have done our best
to support his efforts, but we do beg of him not
to dally with this business or to rely on elusory
hopes. The food topic Is naturally almost all
absorbing and the London Chronicle calls upon
the government to set a good example by dis
couraging public dinners, its ire being specially
aroused by the fact that an exhibition of allied
war photographs "is made the occasion or the ex
cuse for a dinner at public expense," which it ex
coriates as "an abuse of government hospitality."
The correspondence columns are also full of let
ters pointing out alleged mistakes and weaknesses
of the government and telling what must be done
to be saved.
When it comes to news from the war arena
the British papers, judging from these specimens,
are permitted to keep their readers well informed.
They have their own correspondents in the field,
who narrate what is happening with great de
tail, and the official announcements occupy col
umns. Telling even more than volumes of de
scription art the daily lists of names on the
"Roll of Honor," being the killed and wounded
and the missing and also the reported prisoners
of war. The officers are given by their titles and
military commands and the private soldiers by
their names and enlistment numbers arranged
under division headings. There are also "cor
rections" of mistakes in previous lists, indicating
mistakes of identity, killed instead of wounded,
or vice versa, and later discoveries of men re
ported missing. ,
It fs worth noting, too, how well the British
newspaper readers are being kept posted as to
war activities here in the United States. Special
cable dispatches tell of plans and progress and
particularly follow the movements of the Brit
ish mission. The speech of Mr. Balfour before
our house of representatives was presumably
printed word for word in full in London almost
as soon as it came off the presses in Washington
or New York. (
Likewise noticeable and interesting is the num
ber and variety of appeals in the advertising col
umns for "war charities." Here are the names of
some of them with their own statements of their
objects and special reasons for public support:
Ada Leigh Homea in Fans Suffering gen
tlewomen from the war zone relieved.
Army Horses Fund For relief of sick and
wounded horses.
Ba'rnardo's Homes Four thousand children
admitted since the war broke out, a large pro
portion being soldiers' and sailors' children.
Bulldog Club For sailors and soldiers and
discharged men,
Church-Army Recreation Huts At home and
at the fighting fronts.
French Red Cross London Committee To
help the French wounded.
Jewish Victims' Relief Fund To'help Jew
ish refugees in Russia.
Ladies' Emergency Committee of the Navy
League To continue weekly parcels to royal
navy prisoners of war in Germany.
Metropolitan Hospital Two hundred and
ninety-six beds for sick and wounded soldiers
in addition to usual accommodations for civil
Mine Sweepers' Fund Supplies woolen
clothes and comforts to men employed in mine
sweeping and auxiliary naval service.
Orphan Working School Appeals for help
to maintain children of warrant and noncom
missioned officers falling in the war.
Polish Victims' Relief Fund Is exactly what
its name implies.
Royal Society of Musicians' Samaritan Fund
To assist distressed musicians suffering in
consequence of the war.
Russian Prisoners of War Fund To sup
ply food, clothing and comforts.
Saint Dunstan's Caring for and training
soldiers and sailors who have been blinded in
the war. '
Shipwrecked Mariners' Society For reliev-
ing victims of the enemy's submarines.
Urgency Cases Hospital for France Main
tained and staffed by British people.
Syria and Palestine Relief Fund To help
the starving Christian, Jew and Moslem.
t War Zone Chaplains Fund To help main
tain chaplains in tne war zone.
Incidentally the May 7 number of the Lon
don Times contains the reminder that "two
years ago today, on May 7. 1915, the world
was shocked by the destruction of the Cunard
passenger liner the Lusitania by a German
submarine off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ire
land, with a loss of 1,198 of the passengers and
crew." Its war chronicle is also for that day
under this subheading, "The War: Third Year:
277th Day." , . . , -
People and Events
Doctors leaving for service in Europe must
shed crops of hair on the face and clip the top
knot to a limit of one inch.
Eighty-two per cent of the gasoline measuring
devices in Illinois are inaccurate, according to the
Chicago Post. Taken in connection with auto
thieving and stripping the sum total spells much
worry for motordom. '
During the summer and fall Californians may
vary the regular task-of entertaining tourists by
posting themselves on two proposed constitution
al amendments of 8,000 and 5,000 words. The vol
ume promises to diversify the conversation.
The figure shark of the Brooklyn Eagle puts
it this way: "The grain that goes into booze would
feed 16.000,000 hens and produce 2.000,000,000
eggs," and then innocently asks, "What sort of
eggnog would that grain make done up in that
way?" Ask dad. N
Sunshine and fresh air constitute a big asset
In California's resources. Local lawmakers em
phasize the fact and insist on giving visitors the
best in stock. Accordingly the last legislature
solemnly passed an act which the governor ap
proved, providing that all rooms in hotel shall
face outside.
Patriotic vendors of booze, fearing the marines
at Chicago naval training station might grow
weary of plain lake water, installed a litter of
blind pigs and invited the boys to visit the red
eyed zoo. The invitation was accepted in force,
and the reception that followed was a caution.
Thirty piggeries were demolished when the cap
tain halted the job and called it a good evening's
i tc . j- jr
Proverb for the Day.
Be aure to know what you are talk
ing about. '
One Vear Ago Today in the War.
Austrlans indicted fresh defeat on
Italians In Astlco region.
' Germans pushed back by the French
west of the Meuse river at Verdun.
Strained relations between Greece
and the entente powers resulted in
resignation of the Greek cabinet.
In Omaha Thirty Yeare Ago Today.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Her gave a birthday party to
her little friends at the home of her
parents, 1921 Dodge. The following
guests were present: Clara and Ida
Van Camp, Bell, Max and Leo Gold
smith, Georgia McDonald, Beetle Bar
ber, Beulah Sharp, Annie Cunningham,
Olive, Beetle and Daisy Mills, Belle
Adler, Laura and Florence Morse,
Grace, Allan and Bessie Hewlett, Bes
sie Hulbert, May Mount, Kate and
Kdlth Preston, Fannie and Edith Dav
"enport, Harry Akin, Howard Tiiden,
Blanche Parker, Harry Shears, Dwlght
Her, Russell Wilbur, Gertie Tates, May
Cowln, Lulu Smith, Bessie Wilson, Ed
and Dwlght Swobe, Mattie Pollack,
Maude Kimball and Nellie Nails.
The calico ball held at Germanla
hall was a very successful affair, the
arrangements being carried out by
the following officers: Mrs. William
Segelke, president: Mrs. Louis Helm
rod, vice president; Miss Augusta
Fomy and Miss Tina Reichard.
Mrs. Rustln entertained a few of
her friends at her residence by a ren
dition of the charming little farce,
"The Obstinate Family." The follow
ing toox part In the play; Mr. Hor
bach, Arthur Wakeley, Will Hamilton,
Miss Balcombe, Mr. Rustln and Miss
The alumni of Hanover college, In
diana, talked over old times at .the
office of B. H. Robinson in the Omaha
National bank building. Rev. George
C. Hickman, ex-presldent of the col
lege, presided at the meeting.
Hon. J. M. Thurston and wife have
returned from a visit to the old home
of the former near Madison, Wis.
This Day in History.
1748 General Nathaniel Greene,
who saved the American army at
Brandywlne, born at 'Warwick, R. I.
Died at Savannah, Ga., June IS, 1786.
1818 Fort George, near the Niag
ara river, was taken from the British
by the Americans under General Dear
born. 1817 George W. Johnson, confed
erate governor of Kentucky, born near
Georgetown, Ky. Killed at Battle of
Shiloh, April 9, 18S2.
1861 Occupation oftT-fewport News
by the federals.
1863 General Banks, investing the
confederate works at Port Hudson,
assaulted them without success.
1871 Tuilerles Palace, in Paris,
burned by communists.
1875 Many lives were lost in the
burning of the French Catholic church
at Holyoke, Mass.
1892 Chicago's first elevated rail
road was opened.
1902 United States Naval Medical
school established at Washington, D. C.
1905 Battle of the Sea of japan,
in which the Japanese, under Ad
miral Togo, destroyed the Russian
Baltic fleet
1911 Rev. Edmund F. Prendergast
named to succeed Archbishop Ryan of
The Day We Celebrate.
A. D.. (Brlx) Klein was born in
Baltimore Just forty-four years ago.
The brlok department of Sunderland
Bros, is under his direct supervision.
Joseph Clark Grew, secretary of the
United States embassy in Vienna, be
fore the recent severance of diplomatic
relations, born in Boston thirty-seven
years ago today.
John Kendrlck Bangs, celebrated
author and humorist, born at Yonkers,
N. Y., flfty-flve years ago today.
Dr. William, Wistar Comfort, the
new president of Haverford college,
born at Germantown, Pa., forty-three
years ago today.
Dustin Farnum, popular actor and
photoplay star, born at Hampton
Beach, N. H., forty-one years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Whit Sunday is to be observed in
England today as a day of united
prayer for the success of the war.
A call has been Issued for a peace
demonstration to be held' in Chicago
tonight under theausplces of members
of the socialist party and other peace
advocates. -. ,
Storyette of the Day.
Timothy O'Brien, while passing
down Main street one morning, was
hit on the head by a brick which fell
from a building in process of con
struction. He was taken to the hos
pital in an unconscious condition, but
was soon revived sufficiently to send
for a lawyer. Some days later he re
ceived a call from his lawyer who In
formed him that he had settled the
case, whereupon he peeled of seyen
crisp $100 bills.. "How much did you
get?" questioned Tim, feebly.
'Twenty-live hundreds dollars," re
plied the lawyer, complacently.
"Twlnty-flve hundred dollars an'
you give me sivln hundred ?" screamed
Tim. "Say, who got hit by that brick,
you or me?" Philadelphia Star.
- Mors than SOO.OOO parsons in tha Unitad
States wear giaaa eras.
' A foot-power ean opaner for reataurantt
silts the antir top from a ean at a pedal la
Guatemala's demand for small toola Baa
been inpplied by tha Unitad States ainee the
beginning of the war. '
A colored man and hla wife, former slaves,
90 rears old, of Columbua, O.. recently gave
$600 to tha Yonng Men'a Christian associa
tion bnilding fund.
Tha lata Andrew Lang, when in the mood,
had mora than onca written 6,000 wordi of
a nook between breakfast and a lata lunch
eon. An Alaskan woman visiting New York
said that more fura are worn by women on
Fifth avenue in the summer than are worn
all winter in Alaska. I
A recaption In tha ballroom of their man
sion was given by a Boston millionaire and
hia wife' sa a compliment to their head
coachman on his retirement after forty-two
years of aervlee.
About 20.600 English sehool teachers have
answered the call to the Sag since tha war
began, according to a atatement made at tha
annual conference of the National Union of
Teachers. Of these 60S have been killed or
have died while on active service.
Emperor William has given to the Hohen
sollcrn museum at Berlin, to be kept in a
room devoted to war relics, the gold pen
with which he signed the mobilisation order
of July, 1S14. Americans, according to the
Exchange Telegraph eompany, offered large
Bums of money for the historic pen, which
tha emperor considers one of hla most valued
The United States navy had no aubmarine
boats in the war with Spain. '
A United States army regimental band
consists of twenty-eight musicians.
Massaehssetts was tha first state to es
tablish a naval militia organisation.
A total of nearly E.OOO cadets have grad
uated from the United States Naval academy
since Its establishment in 1845.
The largest naval hospital in the United
States la that St Norfolk. Va., which was
ftret established ninety years ago.
The modern torpedoes, such aa used by
the submarines, cost from $5,000 to SS.O00
each and require several months to build.
So-called torpedo boats were used m the
American civil war, hut tha first torpedo
boat of the modern type was built In Nor
way in the early '70a.
The E-9 of the British nary, which sank
the German cruiser Hcls In Heligoland har
bor on September IS, lilt, was the flrtt
submarine in history to sink a hostile war
ship without alao ainklng Itself.
More then one hundred years ago Robert
Fulton built a submarine boat, which carried
a crew of four men, waa able to dive quickly
snd stsy submerged for a period of alx hours
and could also cruise tor many miles on the
' The first victim of snbmsrine navigation,
so far aa history records, was an Engtish
mechanic named. Day, who perished while
experimenting with an undersea craft of his
own Invention in the harbor of Plymouth,
England, In 1774.
The first submarine torpedo of tha modern
type, aelf-propelling and capable of being
steered with a fair degree of accuracy, was
invented by Mr. Whitehead, manager of an
English firm of engine manufaeturera, and
tried out in 1866.
The flrat submarine eraft to sink a hostile
warship was the ill-fated "Hundley" of the
confederate service, which sank the United
States steamship Housatonie in Charleston
harbor the night of February 17, 1864, snd
waa itself destroyed In the venture.
One of the first to suggest the idea of a
submarine boat was William Bonnie, an Eng
lishman, who, in a book published in the
latter part of the aixtccnth century, spoke
of the milMary value of a boat that could
be sailed below the aurfaee of the water,
with a hollow mast to serve aa a ventilator.
It coats $100 per to do the bottlcgglng
stunt In Salt Lake City.
Supply snd demand in Sioux City op
erates m favor of the man who atieks to
the' job. Scarcity of hands is boosting
A political cleanup with judicial trlm
mingB ia talked of at St. Louis. Public of
ficials and newspaper stories agree that there
is an abundance of tha material to work on.
Flatbush takes the confection as the fight
ing auburb of Brooklyn. Typical of the gen.
era) apirit ia 'the Evans family. Two Bons
of Mrs, Evans and five male relatives have
enlisted for the war.
The a.cent loaf has vanished from the
bread counters ' of St. Paul I and the tag
marked up to 16 cents. The loaves are
alike in general appearance, the chief dif
ference being observed at the cash register.
Owing to the press of more absorbing
eventa the yellow peril made a aucceasful
drive on the lawns of Minneapolis, In former
years reslstsnce wss general. This year
unconditional surrender to dandelions is the
A thoughtless person in St. Joe drove a
horse attached to a buggy on a public high
way in daylight and waa promptly run down
and ditched by an auto. The idea upper
most among St. Joe speeders Is that back
number vehieiea Bhould stick to side streets.
A court will paas on the ides.
Minneapolis ia one of the very few cities
which planned and carried out a Liberty loan
campaign. The forces of publicity, public
push snd individual hustle did effective team
work and in alx days run the subscription
score close to $8,000,000, the smount sliotted
to the bustling big Twin.
'Mr husband Is a brute. He wouldn'i"
give me $too fora spring suit. I was wring
Ing my hands."
Is he suggested that I might as wall
wring a tew i-loihes. too. Inasmuch as I wi
going through the motion." Loolsvin.
The Boy I shall be s glad when I aa
old enough to do aa I please.
The Man Ami about that time you II gt
and get married, so It won't do much goo
alter all. Chicago Herald.
Joaquin Miller.
The braveat battle that aver waa fought!
Shall I tell you where and when?
On the mapa of the world you will find it
'Twaa fought by the mothers of men.
Nay, not with cannon or battle ehot,
With sword or nobla pen;
Nay, not with eloquent words or' thought
Prom mouths of wonderful men! '
Oh, ye with banners and battle allot,
And soldiers to shout snd praise r
1 tell you the klngliest victories fought
Ware fought in those silent ways.
O spotless woman in a world of ahamc.
With splendid and silent scorn.
Go back to God as white aa you came
' The kinglteat warrior born!
But deep in a wallsd-up woman'a heart
Of a woman that would not yield.
But bravely, allently bore her part
So, there la that battle field!
No marahallng troopa, no bivouac song,
No banner to gleam and wave:
But on, those battlers, they last so long
From babyhood to tha grave
Our Fire Proof
Ware House
waa built especially for the
purpose of caring for fine
household furnishings,
pianos, etc., in the best man
ner at the lowest possible
coat Separate locked rooms,
silver vaults, etc.
Omaha Van
& Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163
806 South 16th St, ,
"It Is mean tha way the neighbors talk
about Jima." '
"In what way?''
"Because they ate htm out' with the lawn
mower In the morning and with the baby
carriage in the afternoon, they say he ha
no push about him." Baltimore American.
Miss Van (of tha effete Beat) Don't you
just admire Fielding, Mr. Von?
Mr. Van who comes out of the bound
ing M CBW , . -
unlesa the batting la swift. Browning s
For Your Stocking Money
Beautiful Instruments at
Reasonable Prices.
This means your savings invest
ed in one of these specially fine,
nearly new, but used Pianos at the
prices we cut them down to
will enable you to invest, say $1.50
to $2.00 per week in an instru
ment which can be insured at the
full price you buy it at, thereby
saving the money which would
otherwise be placed in receptacles
not insurable.
Pay a Little Down nd a Little
Every Week and
Either a Kimball Piano, Vose
Piano, Emerson Piano, Cable-Nelson
Piano, Hallet & Davis Piano,
Lakeside Piano) Wagner Piano or
your choice of twenty other nearly
new pianos
at Prices of
$75, $125, $150, $175, $200, $225
Each on Payments of
$1.50 PER WEEK
Then You Can Secure
At $250, $300, $375 and Up.
Knabe, Angelus, Milton, Boudoir,
Edward Healy and many others.
These are guaranteed in fine
tune and working order.
Buy Now
1513-15 DOUGLAS ST.
i I" II
gissisasisars- in I I immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJi
Real Life Insurance!
Do You Expect Some Other Fellow To
Protect Your Family, Or
Must, They Hustle For Themselves?
If You're Not a Slacker
Ring Douglas 1117. x
Woodmen of the World
Will Help Solve The Problem.
No Charge For Explanation.
J. T. Yatea, W. A. Fraaer,
Sovereign Clerk. Sovereign Commander.
i ,, ' iiai" 1"H , 1 1 M ' ' a, j i'atr" ' pi '"iisapf "I'iBBail'" 1 W Tnalf nTi
' SnSgfc.gSaS...SSB-WSSB.-SSi -.gBg';gSBW:JjBaB Ai.-.WS.dPW-!.
Washington, D. C.
' Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which yon will please send me,
entirely free, a copy of the pamphlet, "Preparing Vegetables."
Street Address.. '. a
City. State