THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 27, 1917, What is Going Ou in Society Circles K.nllnned from Po One Mrs. Howell remained in Washington with her mother, Mrs. Chase, but goes, next neck to New York for a week or two. Douglas T'elcrs ami T'aul Shirley leave this week for Worland, Wyo., where they will spend the summer on the M. .'. Peters ranch. Mr. C. C. George and Mrs. L. K Crotoot are spending the week-end witK Mr. and Mrs. George X. Peek at M oli'ne. f. A r: njtnErtti anil hfr Kilter. .MIS. 1. VJ. ,vvav ...... Mrs. Greene of Lincoln, leave today for Boston, New York and Washing ton, to he gone unui juiy. l lc,,h UaMritfe ffoes east day to ftockland, Me., for the summer at her lathers uaiace, v.imoru Lodee." Mr. Baldrige will join her later. Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson and Mi Tv 'jlh..rino I rfiirili it'll Mnent tllC WC at their former home, Washington, la. Mr. Johnson is west on busi ness. M!. H.trn (zr,e unt in ("hi cacjo last week to visit for several weeks. Mrs. Reba Morgan returned Wed nesday from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath are in Waukesha, Wis., where they will remain for about two weeks. Mn. Arthur Keeline plans to go out to the Keeline ranch in Wyoming the first week in June. What Society Hat In Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters will en tertain at dinner at the Country club Decoration day (or Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake. The annual Field day for Brownell Hall pupils will be held Tuesday at .1 o'clock at the hall. The eventi will include running broad jump, running high jump, atanding broad jump, fifty yard dash shot-put, relay races, three-legged races, sack and potato races In case of rain the meet will be held Thursday at the same time. Miss Isabel Milroy will entertain the New B.idge Luncheon club Mon day. ' Mrs. Hirry Driscoll will entertain seventy-live guests at a linen shower at her home June 2 in honor of Miss Avonell Stickley, who is to be a hride of lune 6. Miss Freda Haas will entertain members of the senior class of Brown ell Hall at the Strand next Saturday. Miss Emilv Burke will have the party at her home at tea following the movies. Ferreck-Duncan Wedding. Philadelphia newspapers carry ac counts of the marriage this month of Miss Margaret Ethel Duncan, known to many Omahans by her frequent visits with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Mc Creary, to Mr. John J, Ferreck, finan cier of that city. The bride's mother was Miss Margaret Willtt of Omaha. Her .father was the late Alfred E. Duncan. The ceremony took place in the Church of Our. Lady of Lourdes, Overbrook. Mr. Ferreck haa extensive interests throughout the country and is the founder of the Catholic laymen's re treat at the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, Overbrook. He also is prominently identified with the Cath olic theater movement. The pair were married at a nuptial mass by Rev. James A. Mullin. Mon signor Drumgoole, rector of St. Charles seminary, at Overbrook, as sisted on the altar. H. Eugene Heine, a member of the Philadelphia bar, was best man, Ad Mist Alfreda Duncan, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor, Brady-Rhodes Wedding. A marriage which has been several time runored and several times timet denied took place in St. Jo seph,, Mo., Saturday evening when Mist Cecilia Rhodes and Mr. Hal leck McCord Brady were united in marriage at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Ben jamin Miles. Mr. Brady't parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brady, of thit city, hit sister, Mrs. Thomas Latham Davit, and Mr. Davit, and his cousin, Mrs. G. A. Meyer, and Mr. Meyer went to St. Joseph for the ceremony, which was performed In the presence of only the immediate relatives. Mr. Brady has made his hme in St Joseph for the last year. He came to Omaha recently for a short visit before going to the officers reserve training ctmp at Fort Riley, Kan, He was given leave of absence for a few days,' which time he will spend In Kansas City with hit bride. The new Mrs. BraJy visited here recently, Notet at Random. ' John D. Creighton, who has been in Kentucky for several months, re turned Wednsday. Howard Baldrige returned Friday from Washington, where he was called for a special meeting of the legal committee of the American Bar association. He spent last Sunday at Fort Snelling with his son, Malcolm. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers leave today for Boston, where Mr. Sum mers will attend the Surgical society convention and afterwards will go o New York for the American Medi cal association meeting. They will tlso visit Washington and the Red Cross headquarters before coming home. Mrs. Clement Chase returned Thursday from St. Toseph. Mo., where lhe tpent several days with Mr. Chase. who went to attend tne oanKers convention. Mrs. Royal D. Miller returned Wednesday evening from Mason City, la. She lett Friday evening, accom panied by her husband and sons, for a weeK-en'i -visit, in ues jwoines. Mist Elizabeth B. Keloin is leav ing the city for an. indefinite stay in Montana. Mr. William A. Watson is visiting lis daughter Mrs. Henry Van Dahl nrotite to his home in Brooklyn, N. Y.. from California. Miss Ovilla Squires leaves today lor Kansas City lor a tew days visit. Wedding Announcements. Announcement is made of the mar riage last Thursday evening at Trinity cathedral of Miss Teresa Goodwin and Mr. George L. Campen. Dean fames A. Tancock performed the ceremony at 8 o'clock in the presence of only immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Campen left immediately for a western wedding trip. They will be at home in Omaha after two weeks. A quiet wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride when Mist Nina Petheram, daughter of Mr. and Richard Pethe .. nniiid in marriaarc with Mr. Guests of Mr. and Ti - J. jL t ' , ; i V' it' '' ' t J TTJiS WCSOff AUSTW AJfD Charles W. Stanbrough formerly of Carthage, Mo., now of Omaha. The Rev. C, E. Cohbey performed the ceremony, at which only immediate relatives were present. Mr. and Mrt. Stanbrough will be at home after July 1 in Omaha. Felch-Peterton Wedding. On Friday evening a pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. Charles Sumner Fetch, when her daughter, Miss Katherine Van Hagan became the bride of Mr. Thor wald Buel Peterson. Dr. Alonzo Al vin DeLarme of the First Baptist church performed the double ring ceremony -in the presence of the bride's immediate family and Judge and Mrs. Peterson of Auburn, Neb., parents of the groom. A wedding din ner followed. Mr. ana Mrs. x. it. Peterson will reside in Omaha. Pre-Nuptial Entertaining. Mrs. J. Eisen and Miss C. Lehman entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Sarah Zisslin, who it to be married to Max Weisman of Aurora, III., June i. Twenty couples were present. Prizes were won by Mr. J. KesnicK ana Mr. 5. ukun. A number of friends and relatives surprised Miss Betty Hansen at a shower Wednesday evening. Those present were: MlSSSe- MliMt Brna Hetieen. Mill! Hansen, Anir Rounder Affnes Tender, Martha Tender, Ueoral. Rounder, Resale Tonder, Millie Heneen, Meedamee John Hane.n, Jade tlcUiiIre, 0, C. Jaoobeen, O. J, Newman, Jennie Heneen, Ida Tondar, Alma Hanian, Edith Hanean. William Jacobean, John Larien, Hfnry Hanaen, Charles Jncobeen, Itarrjr Heneen. Fair Graduates' Luncheon. St. John's High school junion will entertain the seniors at luncheon Monday at the school. Mist Helen Foley wilt be toastmistress. Red, white and blue, which the graduating class chose for its colors, and a basket of tweet peat will form the decorattont. commencement It June 11. Coven at the luncheon will be placed for: Mlaaae Mleaee-. Luelle Bchatl, Toreoa Mulvlhlll, Beeale Noon. Vary Bfirley. Marie f'arr, Clara Noullon, Gertrude Maddenf Mar? Burns, Helen Peter, Agnea Mcuerton. Gertrude MoIJermott, Helen Idivelle, Katherine Murphy, Asnee Morton, Anna Murphy. Affair of Last Week. Mrs. Luther Drake was the guest of honor at a luncheon Wednesday Siven by Mrs. Charlea G. George at er home. Covert were laid for Mesdamet Drake, Edgar Mortman, L. F. Crofoot, Arthur Rogert. Os good, Eastman, A, L. Reed, Frank T. Hamilton, F. A. Nash, Arthur C. Smith( Harry Burkley and Mist Jes sie Mdlard. Mitt Blanche Burke of Portland. Ore., who is the guest of her aunt, Mrt. John A. Mcshane, was enter tained at luncheon Wednesday at the Fontenelle by Mrt. E. S. Westbrook with Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, Mrs. W. D. Hosford and Miss Frtncet Wet- tells. The Delta Zeta sorority met Satur. day afternoon with Miss Julia Linn. Twelve membert were present. Benson Social Gossip Misa Bernice Wheeler left last Wednesday to spend some time visit ing in Coin, la, Messrs. Clarence and Fred Stearns are at home, the former from the University of Nebraska, for the sum mer, and the latter for a visit from Harvard before taking a six montnt tour. i Mrs. Georse Iradale entertained at dinner on Wednesday for Rev. J. C. Wilson of Raymond, Neb. Miss Bernice Dunn has arrived home from Bancroft, Neb., to spend the summer at the home of her par ents in Bensonhurst. Mrs. H. Johnson was hostess for the Jolly Times club at her home last Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. Kusk ot Belle flame, la., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. . Stahl. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stafford have teturned from their southern trip and will reside in their home in the south part of town. Mr. George Iradale returned home Monday from Denver, where he was called by the illness of his mother, who underwent an operation, but is now improving slowly. Mrs. Frank Pence went to Clarks, Neb., last Wednesday for a few days' visit. She returned on Saturday, ac companied by Miss Madeline Horton, who will spent the summer vacation here. Mrs. Ed Janke left last week for Pittsburgh, Pa., where she will spend a month visiting her sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Amish enter tained at dinner today in honor of Mrs. Amtshs ' birthday. Covers were hid for four guests. The high school baccalaureate serv ice will be held this evening at the Methodist church at 8 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by Rev. A. J. McClung of the Presbyterian church. A number of affairs are being given in honor of Miss Betty Hansen, who will be a June, bride. Last Monday evening Mist Ethel Printz gave a shower and othert will be given next week. Mrt. J. T. Hough has gone to spend the summer in Cedar Rapids, la. Mrs. S. D. Butler leaves on Mon Mrs. C. F. McGrew day for a couple of weeks' visit in Scribner, Neb. Mrs. W. E. Lamb of Chicago is vis-' iting her sister, Mrs. N. H. Tyson. Mrs. E. J. Whistler was hostess on Wednesday for the Women's F'oreign Missionary society. A Decoration day program will be given next Tuesday in the Rose Hill school, Mrs. George Comstock entertained at a shower in honor of Miss Esther Larsen, who will be a June bride. Miss Bessie Bedell spent the week end last week with relatives in Peru. The eighth grade will hold its com mencement on Wednesday and the seniors will hold theirs on Thursday evening of next week in the Metho dist church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Betty to Mr. Charles Benner of Madison, Wis. The wed ding will take place in June. An ice cream social and program will be given at the city hall on next Friday evening by the mothers' de partment of the Women's Christian Temperance union. Both Omaha and Benson mayors will take part in the program. The election and meeting of the Woman's club was postponed to next Thursday afternoon at the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Huntington of Rutherford N. J., tpent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hodder. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pflug entertained at dinner last Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrt. E. C. Leaders of Minden, la. Mrt. F. L. Bumpus haa been con fined to her home the last week with severe illness. South Side Social Circles Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Markey are spending the week at Keokuk, la. Raymond Sullivan, ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, has enlisted in the navy and has gone to Atlanta, Ga., for training. Mrs. Mathew Hamil and Mrs. John Shepherd of Colby, Kan., have been guests at the P. A. Barrett home this week. Mrs. Barrett accompanied them to Shenadjah, la., where they wilt vi.sjt for tome time. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrt. Bert Miner last week. The ladies' aid of the South Side Congregational church will meet at the church on Thursday. Mesdames IT'S DOLLAR WEEK BRODEGAARD'S Come to Brodegaard'sj Many Choice Item Are Offered Select Your Wedding or Graduation Gift N Dollar Week Here Are a Few of the 10-lneh out-Iaii Bud Vase, beautiful dealt n. T h I e eek 100 Cut-alaea Comport, elt inchea high, v e r r nifty. Thle week SI 00 Cut-jleu Milk Pitcher or Berry Bowl. Thla week for 1 .00 Verjr heavy Sterling eiWer Souvenir Spoon. Thin reek tl.00 Sterling Silver Cheese Knife, nifty design. This week ....1.00 Sterling Silver Cold Meat Fork. T h i e week for only 11.00 Silver-filled Belt and Buckle. Thla week, for tl.00 SOLID OOLD FRONT BROOCHES, THI8 WEEK at TUP cirN C0ME EARLY WHILE THE SELECTION IS ATS Donr.rr.A Aon ' I HWiVllV lflT.llV JLA w. CROWN I8,h ni Doutlae Straeta. Thompson and Isle will be host esses. Memorial day services will be held today at 11 o clock at Trinity Bap tist church. Rev. Holler will deliver the sermon. Adah chapter, Order of the East ern Star, met Saturday evening at the Masonic hall. Past matrons were the guests of honor. Mrs. Henry Murphy entertained the New Century club this week. Mrs. L. Strawhecker will be the next hostess. Mrs. Albert Noe, jr., entertained the Thursday Kensington club. Mrs. Branch Curtiss will entertain two weeks hence. Mrs. S. Nevins, assisted by Mrs. A. Kervalis, entertained in honor of Mrs. D. White on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Nevins. Following a 1 o'clock luncheon the afternoon was spent with fancy work. About fifteen guests were present. Friday evening Miss Georglanna Davis and Miss Helen Root enter tained at a musicale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Root. Mrs. L. E. Knight it reported ill. Miss Katherine Heafey, assisted by Miss Rose Hannon, entertained the Kegina club Thursday evening. The Regina club will give a May dance Monday evening at Rushing's hall. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stryker and Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Cressey enter tained at the Stryker heme Thursday evening in honor of Hiss Jean Lee and Robert Bishop, whose wedding wilt take place in June. Decorations were in yellow and white. Yellow rose and daffodils were used through out the rooms. The evening was spent with games and music, About forty guests were present. The Misse Mae, Anne and Claire Dworak entertained Friday evening at an apron shower in honor of Miss Margaret Parks. The evening was spent playing whist. Decorations were in American flags. Mrs. Arthur Daly will entertain at a breakfast Tuesday in honor of Miss Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus will be at home today in honor of their daughter, Estella, whose confirmation takes place this morning. Mrs. Harry Driscol will entertain Saturday afternoon at a linen shower in honor of Miss Avonell Stickly, who will be a June bride. Miss Anna Backus and David Flem ming were married Monday at St. Agnet church by Father O'Herne, Mist Margaret Hemming and Mr. Frank Mallaley were the attendanti. Mr. and Mrt. Flemming will make their home at 1224 Polk ttreet. Persistent Advertising it the Road to Success. "GOING AWAY HATS For the June Bride We feel certain that June Brides will find In our ttockt just the right hats to wear on their honeymoon. In select ing your traveling outfit be ure to examine our offer ings before buying your hat Our prices, too, will prove highly interesting. F. M. SCHADELL & CO. 1522 DOUGLAS ST. Great Variety of Articles We Are Offering Cut-lleea Jellr Dieh, 7- Inch, beautiful cut. Thla week 1 00 l-lneh e t-t 1 a Bowl, beautiful deeiin. This week, mu Cut-rjeie Bnttor Diet, T inrhea wide, new and niftr. Thla week SI -00 Cut-tlaal Sfajrennatst Bowl, tray, apoon and bowl Thle ireek ....S1.00 One S-ineh eut-flaee Nappr, with or without handle, sunburst deaitn. This week for SI. 00 Cut-tlaaa Fruit Bowl, on foot. 6 ini. hlih, 9tt Ina. wide. Thla week 1.00 Sterlloc ellver Napkin Ring, swell design. This reck tl-00 Sterling tllver T 0 m a to Server. This week for only SI. 00 Cold-filled Vest Chain. This ireek It. 00 Sterling silver Plokle Fork.. Robert Fulton pattern. This week 11.00 Sterling silver Ollva Spoon and Spear. Thla week for Sl-00 Gold-filled Knife, I blades. This week 11.00 Hamilton Belt Chain. Thla week 100 Lingerie Pins, swell pat terns. This week for only 11.00 ASSORTED SETS II 00 SOLID GOLD-FILLED LAVALLIKRE3, MAN HAND SOME DESIGNS. THIS WEEK '-0 OPENS HOME FOR CHURCH BENEFIT SATURDAY. Ski it 1'is MffS. W. W. HOAGLAND iter mrro Campaign for Bananas Being Inaugurated Here Local fruit commission men arc inaugurating a campaign to induce people to eat more bananas. They are out with circulars in which they prove that by eating bananas, a decided crimp can be put into the high cost of living. The fruit men point to the fact that bananas are in market all the year and that prices are comparatively low, they not having gone soaring along witn otner toodstuns. However, wnat they claim for the banana is that its food value is right along side of beef, it carrying 460 calories per pound, wheteas, in a sound of the best beef there are but 1,300 calories. In support of the argument in favor of eating bananas instead of meat, jt is held that the former can be bought for 5 to 6 cents per pound, whereas, the latter costs 28 to 45 cents per pound. Mrs. Overbav Files Suit For Divorce Cruelty Margaret Overbay. whose husband, Leslie Overbav. recently brought suit in district court against James Rus sell, said t be a wealthy Iowa cattle man, alleging that he alienated Ins wife'l affections, hat filed a divorce suit. She alleges cruelty. They were AT Pair eut-tlaes 8utrar and Creamer. Clover bloeeom deeiin. This week.... SI. 00 Gut-flees Celery Dish, nif tr deelf a. This week for SI M Out-glass Bouquet Vase, S Inches high. This week for 11.00 Sterlini silver Sugar Tonga. Thle week for '.00 Sterling silver Mustard Spoon. This week for only tl.00 G o 1 d-filled W a 1 d e m a r Chain, large assortment. Thle week tl-00 Solid fold Signet Searf Pine, IS to IS value. This nek SI.00 COMPLETE jjp THE m golden k' WW STAIRS M I i mm tor-mir married at Council Bluffs, la., March 19, 19U. The alienation suit is pending in district court Overbay alleges that while he was in a hospital recovering from suffered in a taxicab crash, Russell made love to his wile. By the use ot modern sanitarium methods, In cluding the Vlctor-Ber-gonle treatment, Sinu soidal currents and Carlabad Electric Light Baths, this Institution Is obtaining rery grati fying results. For patients conval escing from sickness, for men and women who desire increased health and efficiency, a course of treatment as given at this sanitarium will be most helpful. Miss Gertrude Gilpin, graduate of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, it In charge of the Ladles' Department. Write or call for full Information. CR H, A. WAGGENER 410-118 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas SU9. encMoaHjiiiBl GOINC. GOING-!! GONE!!! HERPICIDE Will SAVE ft HERPICIDE Will SAVE IT TOO IA1 E f OR HERP1CIDC SAVE YOUR HAIR WHILE YOU HAVE HAIR TO SAVE An early appreciation of the value of good hair and the intelligent use of Newbro's Herpicide will save many regrets and the discomforts of total baldness. Hair loss in most cases is due to dandruff. Herpicide eradicates Jhls hair destroying contagion and prevents the hair from coming out. The use of this most popular scalp prophylactic is quickly ap parent in the increased life, luster and luxuriance of the hair. The results sometimes are almost marvelous, as is testified by the expe rience Of thousands. ' Herpicide has a most exquisite, dainty odor which is always as sociated with a system of complete personal cleanliness. The odor appeals to those of the greatest refinement Herpicide stops itching of the scalp almost instantly. It is a most delightful hair dressing. , Send 10c for trial bottle and booklet Guaranteed by The Herpi cide Co., Dept. 153B, Detroit, Mich. Sold Everywhere Application at the better barber shops. rwnii imr VrImIu Suratt ONE lady, in partieulir, of my acauatnt anc constantly Buffered the anibarraii- mnt of having a thick growth of 'down" all over her face. Whenever aht wai to remove theie hairs she wai compelled to remain Indoor a couple of dajri, refuting to lea anyone, because of the terrible red neia and aoreness of her face caused by using the usual "removers" Bold for the purpose. Her face was a sight, red as a lobster, shiny and painful after each appli cation. I told her it was all unnecessary, and suggested she try my way. Next time, she did. The hairs from the entire face were re moved In just a few minutes, and her akin was as smooth and pearly afterward as a rose ptal. The application simply dissolved away the haira Instead of "burning" them off. Yon can do the same. Simply set some sulfo solution from your druggist and moisten the hairs with It. That's all Every hsir will vanish. It can be used even on the tenderest skin and It never fails. e MISS YEARS On the contrary, removing wrinkles Is easy, very easy, astonishingly easy.' And it takes but two or three minutes a day and a few cents' expense. That you can do it surely and positively will be proven to you absolutely in your mirror in a few days. I dare say, nothing has aver been known to produce such results as by the formula which I give you here. From your druggist get two ounces of eptol and mix with one tablespoonful of glycerine in half a pint of water. Mix thoroughly. The cream that results should be used very liberally and every day. Quickly you will notict the little wrinkles, deep wrinkles, crows' feet and heavy lines giving way be fore an ever increasing plumpness of the kin and years seem literally to be taken from the face. e MRS. R. 0. Soap Is alright for any part of the body except the scalp and hair. That's because there'a mora to remove from the scalp than mere dirt. There are fatty scales that form which soap is not made to remove. Besides, soap and ordinary shampoos con tain alkali which dries up hair secretions. There'a one thing, and only one, which af fectively removes the fatty accumulations on the ecalp, and lets the hair "breathe," and that is eggol. A teaspoonful of eggol (n a half eup of water makes a superb sham poo and acalp cteanser. It cannot be excelled. Twelve or more shampoos can be obtained from twenty-five cent package of eggol secured from the drug store. sssssnitT HACARONI rlADt FIOH THE H10HLST CBADE DURUM WHEAT COOKS III ft MINUTES, COOK BOOK FREE SKIHHERHFC.CO OMAHA. US A. UqtW M&c&TQffi TaAary in flmcricty liJtiliiltjiili.liJiilliliiliiliiiliillilliliilaliili.l.iliiliilnlli ! BROWN PARK : 1 MINERAL : SPRING BATHS j i will do wonderi toward building; sj a up your health. They will relieve you of that "tired out" spring . feeling. I Ask the man or woman - who haa tried tham. BROWN PARK MINERAL SPRINGS 25tk and 0 Ste., South Side ? Phone South 879. " Dr. John A. Niemann I Osteopathic Phyalctan la Chart. T tlt?l!lll'!Mlllll!tt!lllTI!1f!ll!llllMUll!ll!!l1ME!l. v. Jimrs.lveijcm "A Curious and RamarkabU Result Without the, Usual 'Burning' Usually Expari enced," Says Valeska Suratt, tho Fashion Beauty of th Stage. DISGUSTED Don't be discouraged. It's terrible to go about for years with black heads, as you have. But listen, yon ean get rid of them in a few moments think of it by sprinkling some neroxin on a wet sponge, then rubbing the blackheads with it. You will marvel at tho result. So cheer up I a MISS MUDDY The most wonderful re suit that anybody can Imagine in beautifying the skin is produced by the following ex tremely simple formula. Even on bad com plexions, such as yon say yon have, I have seen changes almost miraculous in only a few days. You cannot fail to make your skin absolutely spotless and lily-pure, by tha lib eral application of a cream, made at home, by using two tablespoonfuls of glycerin, and one ounce of sintone In a pint of water. Get the tintone at any drug store. You will neither want nor need any other beautify ing cream but this. MISS S. T. N, I cannot promise (nobody can), but this mixture is the best bust de veloper known, without exception. Falluree are few. Mix two ounces of ruetone and half b cup of sugar in half a pint of water, and take two teaspoonfuls three times a day and on retiring. LOOKING Once in a while it does hap pen, but next time if your druggist hasn't the ruetone for making the bust developing mixture. Just send the price, one dollar, to "Secretary to Valeska Suratt. Thompson Bldg., Chicago, HI.," and you will get it by return mail. a BETSY G. I knew your complexion would be quickly transformed by using my formula. Now about your short, thin hair. I will make another prophecy. Inside of a month your hair will be almost an inch longer it will be silky, and your hair will stop falling things which you have never been able to do with anything else. I know I'm right Mix one ounce of beta-quinol in half a pint each of water and alcohol (or use one full pint of bay mm instead of water and alco hol). Your friends will notice the tremendous difference in a short time. With this formula there is no such thing aa failure. PERSPIRING The only thing that will completely control that excessive arm-pit perspiration and remove the odor instantly is hydrol lied talc. Apply it freely to arm-pits. MRS. T. T. It la for that very reason, to avoid the chalk ineas common to ordinary face powders, that I had my own made up. Because of the enormous demand for it, this is now being sold at drug stores, as "Valeska Suratt Face Powder." at fifty eents a box. in flnh. white or brunette. Its fineness is extra ordinary, and as many say, it "stays oa beautifully" and is invisible. Adv.