. .. maha Sunday Bee PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE 70 EIGHT PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLVI NO. 50. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. News of the Week, in Social Circles : Activities in Women's Realm The Conservation of Food and Clothing Problems and Sale of Liberty Bonds Are of Interest to Society CONSERVATION his been the I 1 great theme of the week. Omaha home keepers attended the meetings at the Auditorium Faithfully and earnestly ever since Tuesday evening. They were visibly impressed and went away resolved to economize more than ever before. The feature of. the congress which was most interesting to society peo ple was-the address given on Thurs day afternoon by Secretary W. G. McAdoo concerning the Liberty bonds. There many prominent maids and matrons were -to be seen listen ingintently and when the call came for volunteers to buy bonds Omaha's society girls were the first to raise their hands high in air, saying, "I will buy a bond." ' Brides in seasons past have re ceived all kinds of interesting and valuable gifts. Stocks and bonds have figured with huge checks and real es tate as acceptable bridal gifts. Now comes the time to see who will be the first June bride to receive the pa triotic and valuable gift of a Liberty loan bond. The Omaha woman who first invests in one of these bonds, be she bride or no, will be a person of great importance m our midst. Another meeting which drew many society women was the talk on cloth ing problems Friday morning. One womau suggests a "clothes exchange" where, people of less means may come to buy at reduced rates the clothes which well-to-do people have taken from their store rooms for the pur pose. A field of possibilities lies in the suggestion. It might prove high ly interesting to establish such an ex change. Fashion magazines usually carry advertisements of firms who buy partially used party gowns or sell renovated clothing. Here wc might have a glorified rummage sale. Since "the gift without the giver is bare," each donor would be expected to put the clothing which she gave in rea sonable order. It would then be con veyed to a store room fitted for the purpose and arranged as nearly as possible like new clothes. Here shifts of society girls might sell their sec ond hand pumps, party dresses, old furs, suits and so on with economic gam to llie buyers. TXyffiS, utviep F ROM a strategic point of vantage on the his toric old cannon wlncn guards tne main en trance of the fine school on the lull, the nrtttv hiizh school lassies watch their sol dier bovs in blue training to serve Uncle Sam. The lire photographer snapped this lovely group as they perched about the cannon captured at Morro Castle' in Cuba during the Spanish-American war. There's a wee bit of wistfulness in the smiles the lassies lavish on the youthful soldier boys. They are patriotic and are thrilled at the sight of their uni formed school hoy friends coached in the necessary drill regulations, but thy don't like to think of the possibility of their being called out in a few years, just the same. For youth is youth and school might proe a boresome place, you know, without the boy across tit aisle, and someone to carry your books and some one with whom to dance at cadet officers' hops and and you know the rest I Visitors Enliven 1 Social Atmosphere M.-s. Wilson Austin plans to return to Pelham Manor Wednesday after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew. - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest of Lin coln spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kushton. Mrs. G. W. C. Whiting arrived Sat urday from Del Rio, Tex., to spend-I two weeKS witn ner parents, ir. ana Mrs. C. A, Sweet, before going to Fort bnelling, where her husband, Captain Whiting, has been ordered with the Thirty-sixth infantry. Mrs. E. L. Loinax arrived Tuesday from San Franfisco and is the guest of her cousins, the Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay, for some time. This is Mrs. Lomax' first visit in several years to Omaha, which was her former home. Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh of New York arrived Monday to spend the week with her mother, Mrs. C. B. Rustin, who has been jll at Clarkson hospital. Mrs. Mcintosh returns east to attend the graduation of her daughter, Mar- crrv. from Vassar. Fred W. Clarke, jr., is here from Wyoming visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke. Mr. Clarke had expected to return to Douglas before this, but has been having trou ble with his eyes and is under the I doctor's care. Mrs. I. J. Baker of Coshocton, O., a classmate of Dr. Gertrude Cusca- den at Ohio Wesleyan university, spent the weck-ehir with Dr. Cusca den and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby. She leaves Monday for Portland, Ore. Mrs. A. A, Keyser and children from Dover, 0., are visting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Treitschke. Mrs. David . Simpson and Mrs. Teftjme Kemnfon of St. Joseph. Mo.. formerly of Omaha, arrived Friday to spend some time with old friends here. Miss Margeruite Loman of Lincoln will be the guest of Miss Gertrude Donovan at the Maderian club party at the Field club Friday evening. Residence Changes. I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rugg are giving np tneir apartment in ine iormanaie to spend the summer on the ranch of their son, C. C. Rugg, in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker and family move Monday from the Black stone to the L. G. Doup house. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gailey left Thursday for New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gailey expect to be at a Hotel until thev find summer Quarters, prob ably outside of the city. Miss Mayme Hutchinson has moved to the home of her brother, Mr. Charles E. . Hutchinson, 123 North Forty-second street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selbv moved last week to their new home at 1300 FHty-second avenue. End of School Year Brings Younger Set Home; Fair Graduates Abound SCHOOL girls are being gradu ated from eastern schools and are flitting away, to visit school mates or coming quickly home 1 for the summer. Some will bring vis itors home, with them and then after i short stay will go elsewhere for va cation visits. Miss Dorothy Belt will 'come home a week from Saturday. She may bring friends with her for a i short visit. Each summer she and her parents spend some time at Pryor Lake, Minn., and this year will be no exception. Miss Flora Buck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Buck, graduates this year from Vassar. The Misses Ger trude Thompson aTid' Bess Heaton will leave in about ten days to attend the graduating exercises, which will take place about June 12. The three will travel for some time in the east before returning to Omaha. Miss Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of Mrs. E. L. Robertson, returns from Principia school in St.' Louis, June 3. Her sister, Miss Gladys, leaves shoTt ly to attend her first reunion at Brad ford academy, Bradford, Mass. She will spend a week en route with Mrs. G. E. Hamlin, formerly Miss Helen Streight, in Chicago. After the re 'union she will spend some time with her former roommate in Wooster, Mass., and will return in about two months. x Miss Ruth Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carter, graduates this year from St. Mary's at Notre Dame, ind., about June 12. Her plans for coming home are not yet definite. Miss Marjorie Cavers is expected from Glen-Eden at Poughkeepsie. N. iY., about the first week in June. Her father, Mr. J. A. Cavers, plans to go east to join her. Miss Helen Anderson left Wednes day for Kansas City to be the guest of former school friends, with whom she will motor to Central college, Lex ington, Mo., for the class reunion. Miss , Emma Elzabeth Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Wright, who is attending Sweet 'Briar cojlege in Virginia, is looking forward to a visit to Norfolk, Va., as the guest of Lieutenant and Mrs. James D. Maloney, U. S. N., and also her aunt, Mrs. Charles M. Cald well, at Newport News, Va., before coming home early in June. Miss Esther Connolly, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Connolly will re turn from St. Mary's-In-thc-Woods about June 14 by way of Chicago. She may stop in that city for a short visit with school friends. 1 Miss Virginia Crofoot will return from Miss Maderia's school in Wash ington about June 8 to spend the sum mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, F. Crofoot. j r Miss Helen Curtis finishes her sec ond year at Rockford college, June 15. She may return to Omaha or may go directly to Minnesota where her mother, Mrs. W. S. Curtis, expects to go about July 1. ' Mrs. S. V. Fullaway went east this week to attend the graduation of her daughter, Emma. from Miss Whcclock's school in Boston. They will go from there to Philadelphia to remain until July 1. Miss Callie Faddis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Faddis and Miss Bcu- lah Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Clark, who graduated last year from Brownell Hall and this year attended the National School of Do mestic Science and Art in Washing ton, reached home a week ago Friday. Before they left school some of the girls gave a tea for the benefit of the Red Cross which netted about $75. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClanahan left Saturday evening for White Sulphur Springs. W. Va.; Richmond and Old Point Comfort, where they will take the boat for New York. There they will be joined by their niece, Miss Margaret Gamble, who attends Miss Dow's school at Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. School will close June 2. Miss Myrne Gilchrist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist, and Miss Gertrude Langdon, daughter of Mrs. Don Lee, who attend Hamilton col lege, Lexington, Ky., will leave-"for home about June & Field, Happy Hollow and Council Bluffs Rowing Clubs Open Season OUNTRY club openings last even- Umg temporarily broke the spell which has been hovering over our fair city. A country club patroness said the other day: "Oh, really, you ought not to say so much about the absence of people from the clubs. If they are to be kept up at all people will have to go, and if you say that people don't go then others will stay away." Truth to tell, this cool "spell" of weather cast a chill over outdoor festivity which not all the attractiveness of these pleasant places of amusement has been able to counteract. Last night, though to begin again really was a marked change, just as at the opening of the Country club a month ago, all the members gathered fgr a really delightful reunion. The similarity to the Country club opening was carried out in the weather of the day before, for rain threatened to spoil all the handsome new frocks which were worn for the first time on these occasions. Despite war talk, these really are new dresses, for all the popular modistes have been entirely too busy making them in the last few weeks to accept any more humble work. American flags furnished the chief decoration for the clubs. Their pres enceyn all nooks and corners and on every wall space lent a patriotic as pect to the parties. Many hostesses tound nags appropriate lavors lor their dinner tables, so that' although gayety reigned it shared honors with patriotism. The Fickl club, the Haonv Hollow club and the Council Bluffs Rowing association were the three scenes of opening parties. The Field club opened with a lajjlc d'hote dinner and dance for which over 200 reservations were made. Among those who entertained were Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell. whose guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stur levant, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kvcnild and Mrs.. Alfred Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale had with them Mr. and Mrs. Rightcr Wood, Mrs. Sidney L. Smith, Miss Martha Dale and Mr. Alexander Loomis. , The largest party at the Field club was entertained by Mr. Albert Krug, -who had twenty-six guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kilcy had a party of ten at the Field club dinner dance. Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Schwager had seven guests. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parmer enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donahue. Mr. Harley Conant entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mrs. Har wood of New York and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Slater. With Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gam ble were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windheim and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wilder.. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farnsworth and Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradbury dined together. Mr. and Mrs. Lynne f. Uphani, Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Will Herdman, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers and Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Steel were together. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McCarthy en tertained at the dinner dance for Mrs. Harry Hebner of Chicago. The other guests were Miss Irene McKnight and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schifferle. Dining together were Messrs. and Mesdanies Robert Manley, George Laie, William R. Wood, Jack Sharp, Harry Nicholson, Claire Baird, Ed Baird, Paul Burleigh, Ed P. Boycr. Dr. and Mrs. II. A. Wahl had as their dinner guests Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Foote and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fradenburg. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. F Anson enter tained Dr and Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. W. Anderson. Mr. W. L. Randall, jr., entertained a party of six. Dr. C. E. Griffey, G. A. Seabnry and J. H. Osborne each had parties of five. J. C. Hartnett, J. B. Blanchard. E. I.. Kemper, Arthur F. Mullen, Wilbur Brandt and K. W. Powell had four somes; J. H. McDonald. E. M. Reyn olds had three each; C. R. Jewell, P. A. Wells, C. L. Modesaatt, Howard H. Smart, Dr. John Mack, Dr. C. E. Hunter, Dr. E. Carson Abbott, Arthur A. Mullen, J. B. Blanchard and E. F. Riley had reservations for two. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McDonald had as their guests at the opening dinner-dance at Happy Hollow club Messrs. and Mcsilames Archie W. Carpenter, Thomas Fell. John Har vey, h. L. Guuther and Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tlussie had twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Luikhart enter tained Messrs. and Mesdamcs J. C. Buffington, J, W. Welch. J. S. Wood, C. C. Ryan and J. C. McXish. With ' Mr. and Mrs. George Ras musscn were Dr. and Mrs. J. B. I'ul ver and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Henske. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorcc H. Kushton and Mr. and Mrs. William Locke were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burton. Dining together were Mr. and Mrs, H. N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wel ler and Mr. and Mrs. W. McAdams. Parties of four each were enter tained by C. L. Deuel, Chester Nie man, M. M. Robertson, George W. Carter Edwin R. Perfect, L. M. Holli day, George F. Engler, Dr. A. D. Cloyd, C. S. Hayward, W. R. McFar. Social Calendar Monday Omaha Woman's Golf association, play at Field club. May dancing partj given by Re- gina club. New Bridge Ljmcheon club, Miss Isabel Milroy, hostess. Tuesday' Brownell Hall field day, 3 p. m. Thimble club. Ms. J. W. Nichol son, hostess. Breakfast for Miss Margaret Parks, Mrs. Arthur Daly, hostess. Odix Dancing party at Field club. Happy Hollow club, dinner-dance. dinner-dance at Carter Lake club. Midweek dinner-dance at Country and Field clubs. Dinner at Country club for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake, given by Mr, and Mrs. M. C. Peters. Mile Woman's Golf tour nament. Comus club, Mrs. E. B. Ferris, hos tes.'' Mitchell-Charles wedding. Friday1 Opening dinner-dance of Seymour Lake Country club. Opening golf play for women of Field club. Madorian dancing parly at Field club. for Miss Flodcll Higgins, Misses Maude Pierce and Thelma Carlylc, hostesses. All Saints' .Sunday school felc at home of Mrs. W. W. Hoagland. Allison-Maloy wedding. Week-end diiincr-dance at Country, Field and Happy Hollow flubs. Linen shower for Miss Avoncll Sticklcy, Mrs. Harry Driscoll, hostess. Goodrich, A. J. ' Jackson, J. P. O'Kccfc, E. S. Folsom and Lec Huff. Groups of three were with Mrs. J. A. Spcncc, II. K. Burket, .Franklin Mann, L. II. Flitton, G. L. Bradley, Guy Liggett and George F. Gilmorc. Many twosomes were among the reservations at trappy Hollow cluli tast evening. Messrs. ii'l Mcst'-'n""-M. D. Cameron, 'A. J. Jackson, L. C. Gibson, C. G. Urinime, i ..i. vcu man, Howard Goodrich. H. O. Wil helm, George B. Darr, J. J. Minnick, Yale Holland, J. M. Gillan, L. V. Nicholas, A. W. Bowman, W. R. Wat son, K. C. Scott, A. W. Friend. A. H. Hewsher, A. C. . Munger, John T. Yates, Dr. Ewine Brown. G. M. Dur- kee, A. J. Cole, C. G. Gamble, T. Balbach, C. II. Marley, Dr. R. W. Bliss, James C. Morton and C. C. Sad ler were amo,ng the diners. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord entertained a party of eight; Mr. and Mrs. W. K, Craig, ten; Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roberts entertained five, and Ej G. Guinter had a party of eleven at Happy Hollow. Many prominent Omaha people have taken advantage of the recent readjustment in membership lists at the Council Bluffs Rowing association by becoming members of that club. Repairs have been made in the club house and grounds during the winter and with the water better than ever the season promises to be a pleasant one for Omaha, as well as Council Bluffs people, to enjoy. The opening dinner-dance held last evtning was well attended by Omahans. Some of the names on the member ship list are: C. N. Dietz, Gould Diet, Dr. Felix J. Despecher, J. E. Davidson, Victor Dietz, R. C. Edens, George A. Flack, R. O. Haskins, H. A. Holdrcge, C. W. Hull, General George H. Harries, Dr, F. S. Owen, V. R. Owen, H. K. Owen, W. E. Reed, Byron J. Reed, Amos Thomas, feed, Byron J, . S. White, Vi. ictor White, W. F. Wil son and Lloyd B. Willis. All Flock to Northern Lakes. Summer cottages about Minneapo lis and St. Paul are much in demand by women folk of 'the men at the Fort Suelling training camp. Mrs. Harold Pritchett with Mrs. John L. Kennedy went to Minnctonka Friday to look for a cottage for Mrs. Eritch elt, whose husband is at the camp. They return thiis evening. If suc cessful in their quest Mrs. Pritchett will go back the first of July and ex pects to take Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss Mcliora Davis, Miss Daphne Peters and Miss Betty Bruce with her. Mrs. Victor Caldwell and Mrs. John Caldwell are going to Christmas Lake July 1, and probably Mrs. Hen Gallagher, Mrs. Yost and her daughter, Mrs. Offutt, have engaged rooms at the hotel at Christinas Lake. Mrs. Charles Kountze is con gratulating herself upon having en gaged a cottage last year at Minne tonka for this season, not knowing then that her brother, Robert Hums, would be in camp there. Mrs. Howard Baldrige. while not making any plans to take a cottage, expects to go up to St. Paul in a week or two to see her son, Mal colm. Social Gossip. A. P. Guiou left Wednesday for Hollywood, Cal., to sec his father, C. H. Guiou Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell, with their daughter, Mrs. E. A. Creighton, and children, leave next week for At lantic City, where the former have taken a cottage for the summer at Ventnor. E. M. Morsman and his niece, Miss Mabel Harper, arrived home Wednes day from a winter in California. Mr. Morsnjan was quite ill while there, but is much improved. Mrs. Lloyd Holsapple returned Wednesday from several weeks' visit K Patrick. VV. M. leffcrs. C. W. IJmlike. 1 at Hudson. N. Y. land, Albert Edholm, R. C. Hoyt, J. E. H. G. Streight, Williams, C. E. Mrs. Paul Gallagher and little June Fete Saturday , For Church Benefit A varied program on the lawn atv 2:30 o'clock, refreshments served On small tables set in the rose garden and a matinee dance in they house at the close will be the three forms of entertainment at the June fete at the home of Mrs. W. W. Hoagland Sat- " urday afternoon. The children of All ' Saints' Sunday school, under the di rection of Mrs. Franklin A, Shotwell, have charge of the affair and will take part in the program with many of their friends. The program includes a Boy Scout drill by Troup No. 9 with Morley Young, scoutmaster; "America," sung by Mrs. A. I. Root; a suite of three dances, including "Night," by Miss Grace Smith; "Firefly," by Miss Esther Smith, and "Nightingale," by i Miss Eleanor-Smith; a solo dance, "To a Wild Rose," by Miss Virginia Uphani. Miss Mary Coll will present her pupils in the dances, which form the last part of the program. Miss Ade laide Fogg will give Brahm's Fifth Hungarian dance. Six little girls, Misses Harriet Rosewater, Josephine Thomas, Maxine Reichenberg, Ger trude Marsh, Kathryn Elgutter and Margaret Shotwell, will give the pret ty dance, "Little Fairy Snowflakes," and Tourdion. One of the most attractive numbers will be the Japanese love song by Miss Alice Duval, followed by a geisha drill in costume by Misses Jane Horton, Helen Krug, Verna MacCaulay, Emma Hoagland, Gretch en Goulding, Kathryn Alleman, Mar garet Scott, Virginia Upham, Margery.' ' Clary, Eleanor MacCaulay and Mary Jane Lemere. Miss Marie Neville and Miss Adelaide Fogg will appear in the "Pastoral"; little Katherine Carton will give the "Gipsy Beggar," and Margaret Shotwell and Dorothy Higgins will dance "Tarantella." The concluding number will be "Pompeian Flower Girls," which in troduces Misses EJeanor Scott, Ruth Griinmel, Marie Neville, Virginia Car- . lisle, Dorothy Norton, Adelaide Fogg, Helen Noon, lone Fogg, Yda Geerdts and Lcona Hunter as the dancers. The money raised from this fete will be applied on the church debt, wbich all the organizations of All Saints' 'church are striving to wipe out. Ad mission price for adults is 50 cents, for children 25 cents. Tickets may be purchased from any of the children or at the door. " One of the pretty sights of the aft ernoon will bt little Miss Gertrude Kountze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Kountze, in her fncy cos-, tume animal dress, selling animal cookie's donated by merchants. Saturday is also the birthday of the hostess, Mrs. Hqagland, which lends additional interest to thejarge June fete. , eral weeks' visit with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Kincaid, in Kansas City. Miss Hilda Hammer is at Pough keepsie to attend her class reunion at Vassar. Afterward she will visit a former college friend at Norwalk, Conn. Mrs. Miriam Patterson Boyce ar rived home Saturday, accompanied by her little daughter, Jane, who has been in Chicago with her graiidpaiH cns, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, during her mother's stay in New York. Miss Elizabeth Carr, who has been spending a month at Kingston, N. J, with her aunt Mrs. Joseph' Garneau, ?,",d, Mr- -panieati. returned home Wednesday Mr, Garneau is still seri ously ill. ' R. Beecher Howell returned Wfd. cesday from three weeks in the east. (Continued on Pace Tyro, Column One.) . t