The Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 10 UNO AY THE WEATHER Fair VOL. XL VI NO. 50. OMAHA,' SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1917 SIX SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TORNADOES LEA VE DEA TH AND RUIN IN PA fm. IS 86 UVi TOLL ES MOVE TO OUST JOHHHY LYNCH STARTED HERE Papers Filed in Court Demand ing Removal of the County Commissioner Named in Blackmail Case Fight. . A move to oust County Commis sioner "Johnny" Lynch from office is the latest turn in the fight that Jjas been waging between Lynch and JOHN C LYNCH. Sheriff Clark, with ramifications in the city ball, the police station and tway out in Chadron. - - - Papers were filed in the district court yesterday setting forth an array of alleged misconduct and misdemean ors in office on the part of Lynch and demanding his removal from office as tounty commissioner. Lynch has been a member of the tounty board for nearly nine years, having been twice re-elected. Be fore that he was city, plumbing in spector under the administration of Mavor Moores. "This is an assault on me because I am a friend of Kugel, who closed the Third ward dives, and on me because I refused to allow Clark to plunder the treasury with his jail feeding graft," was all Lynch would say. The suit was filed in court by Attorney Frank S. Howell, who has been representing Clark in the litigation over tne control- ot tne county jail and the appointment of the jail elevator conductor .which marked the beginning of the warfare and which Jias achieved spectacular proportions. ' Clark Files Complaint. The charges in the petition, which covers nineteen typewritten pages and is drawn in tre form of a com plaint by Michael L. Clark, accuser, against John C. Lynch, accused, are enumerated under five specifications. Specification A declares that in the year 1915 Lynch conspired to have a liquor license granted by the county board for a place at Fifty-sixth and Center streets, to be run by Hans Voss for a considcration'of one-third of the profits and under threat that unless such a division were agreed to a license would not be--granted. " It is declared that the application and the petition were prepared and that on refusal of Voss to meet the terms Lynch barred him from pre senting it or appearing before the board and Voss was denied the right to conduct the, place for that year, these acts being denominated as "gross partiality, extortion, corrup tion and maladministration in office." Persecutes Others. .Specification B relates to the simi lar scheme with one Elliot ant, one fage operating a so-cauea roaanouse about three miles north of Omaha on (Continued on Poko Two, Coliiiin One.) The Weather Tat NebrMka Fair. Bourl Temperature! t Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deir. E a. m 60 t a. m 66 7 a. m 6fl S a. m 67 9 a. m E8 10 a. m..., II a. m 69 12 m..... 61 1 p. m 60 z p. m S p. m 69 A p. m B t. m p. m Jfio 7 p. m bi Comparative Local Record. - 1917. 1916. 191E. 1914. Xfffheit yesterday. , .. 63 81 66 91 Lowest yesterday..,, 65 64 62 Mean temperature. . 68 72 69 Freest pi tatloD 01 .00 .12 Temperature and precipitation departures from tne normal at umana yeaieraay: Normal temperature 66 Deficiency for the day Total deficiency since March 1, 1917.. ..lis Normal precipitation 16 Inch nortcleiTtv fnr the day 14 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 8.62 Inches Rvcesa since March 1 60 Inch peflclency for cor. period 1916.... 3. 26 Inches Deficiency for oor. period ISIS.,.. 1.03 inches L. A. WELSH, 'Let No Guilty Man Escape? The fight waged by Commissioner Lynch on Sheriff Clark hag now cul minated in sensational charges and counter charges. The explosion, if it knocks the lid completely off, as it promises, threat ens to involve other public officials as parties to a graft combine thriving on law violation. Whoever has betrayed a public trust or connived with the lawbreak ers should be exposed and brought to account The conditions call for a thorough clearing of the atmosphere and a gen eral cleanup. Let no culprit be shielded, and let no one be made the 'goat" for others who are guilty. TO FILE CHARGES AGAINST SUTTON AND MALONEY Chief Dunn Prepares Complaint So City Commission May Air the Whole Af fair. Chief of Police Dunn has prepared charges against Captain Steve Ma loney of the detcttive department and Detective Paul Sutton, charging them with conduct unbecoming officers. Chief Dunn's charges read: "Paul Sutton from information I have received, has been instrumental in having a charge of blackmail filed against Captain Stephen Maloney without any evidence to substanti ate it ... "Captain Stephen Maloney has been charged in the courts of Chadron, Neb., with having been engaged in a conspiracy to blackmail." The chief's letter, which will ac company the charges to the city coun cil reads: "As there has been so much un savory comment on the affair which took place at Chadron I deem it my duty as chief of police to have this affair threshed out at a public hear ing before the honorable city com missioners and if the charges against either or both 'of them are sustained they should be removed from the po lice force." The charges are in connection with the Chadron case, which resulted in complaints being filed there against a group ot Umana ana madron men, including Maloney. Phil Winckler of the Omaha De tective association had a conference with Chief Dunn. Winckler alleges he was assaulted by Sutton at Chad ron. Sutton Not Back. Sutton has not returned to duty. He was allowed a leave of ten days bv Acting Superintendent of Police Jardine on request of Commissioner Kugel, who is it Burlington, la., re cuperating from a recent illness. Im mediately after i bing granted this leave Sutton appeared in Chadron and figured prominently in the sensa tional deve'opments there a few days a8- ' . Attorney Baker, who represents tne men under charges at Chadron, al- (Conilnufd on Pas. lour. Column Four.) Yankee Inventor Solves v Problem of Submarine London, May 26. The Westmin ster Gazette publishes a message from a correspondent, who says the sub marine menace is being mastered bjq a simple method, which Oie corre spondent indicates is the invention of an American. "It is giving away no secret," the correspondent writes, "to say that the method, which is reputed to be in fallible, requires only a little time to come into full effect and wear the submarines out. It is a model of sim plicity. "The press has been liberal In its announcement of Marconi's device, but, while extending encouragement to Marconi, it must not be overlooked that the genius who perfected one of the most monumental advances in maritime navigation, has devoted his unremitting consideration to the menace, and this resourceful Ameri can,' too, has worked toward the de vice along independent lines.' Wireless Guardian Is Wounded by Prowlers Norfolk, Va., May Frederick Kouch, a guard at the Virginia beach wireless station, was slightly wounded eary today in an exchange of shots with two men, who were apparently attacking the net around the station. I here is doubt whether the men ao cidentally ran against the net in the darkness or attempted to destroy the plant. Chinese of Frisco Are Buying Liberty Bonds ' San Francisco, May 26. Purchase of liberty loan bonds extended to day to San Francisco's Chinese population, when the Canton bank of this city aonunced subscriptions of $10,004, fully paid, with more subscriptions to come. Chinese merchant?, backed by the Chinese Six Companies, propose, it was said,' to duplicate their activities with the liberty loin to meet a record they made in contributing to the Red CroBS. TRAMPY' IOWA OFFICERS LAND IN GUARD HOUSE Come to Town From" CampN Without Leggings and Pro vost Guard Thinks They Look Too Unsoldierly. Fort Snelling, Minn., May 26. (Special Telegram.) Iowa students were doing a good deal of questioning among themselves today as the result of a camp story that a group of lowans were arrested in Minneapolis one night recently by the provost guard tor unsoldierly appearance. Of course, there is never any con firmation to be had to such a report. but here's the story as rumored around camp: Half a dozen lowans, still without their regulation leggings, journeyed to Minneapolis. Among the lot, it is whispered, was a, minister, too. Any way the provost guard thought they looked too "trampy" and pinched them. No Liquor at Bars, The embryo officers had a snap to day. Swarms of Twin City boys and scores trom Minnesota and other states as well, paraded Minneapolis and St. Paul streets on leave of ab sence. They had to be orderly, too, for any man in unform is being re fused liquor in accordance with the recent warsmeasure passed by con gress. At 6 o'clock tonight the acceptance ot northwest guardsmen for training ceased. This was the decision set by Washington on arrivals for the ofh cers' course. Guardsmen Turned Back. National Guard regiments of Ne braska, Iowa, Minnesota and North and South Dakota were instructed to detail about twenty-five men each to rort snelling camp. Iwo hundred of the allotted 295 men are said to have reported. Late comers were told to return to their respective military organizations and await the possible second officers' training camp now being predicted. Star Witness in Baff Murder Case Escapes New Yoik, May 26. Carmine De Paola, one of the star witnesses for the state in the Baff murder case, es caped from the house of detention early today. The poKe believe it is significant that De Paola should flee the day after Jack Rigatta, a suspect in the case, was irrested in Los Angeles. It was Ue Paola who told the po lice how the alleged Baff murder money was paid, his story resulting in the arrest of the five men so far in dicted and awaiting trial. Shenandoah Athletes Go to Fort Snelling Shenandoah, la., May 26. (Spe cial.) Privates Charles Glasgow and Dell S. Blackburn of Company E left this morning for the training camp at Fort Snelling. Minn. Blackburn is a letter foot ball man at Drake univer sity. Glasgow formerly had military training in the Missouri State Military school at the University at Columbia, Mo. Springtime To Give No More Food To California Tramps Sacramento, CaL, May 26. The State Council of Defense is sending . ' out today request to housewives and citizens throughout California to cease feeding beggars. There is plenty of work In the state and no real necessity for an ' able-bodied man to beg food or money, accord ing to the defense organisation, which declares that refusal to feed undeserving persons will aid in solving the labor problems. RICH OMAHA BOY JOINS MOSQUITO FLEET 0FU.S. NAVY Walter Cohn and Four Others Donate Services and $8,500 Boat to Uncle Sam's Coast Defense. Turning his back upon all the com forts incident to the life of. a young merchant prince, Walter Cohn, youngest son of Mrs. Herman Cohn, has answered the call to the colors. Cohn now is one of' five wealthy and . WALTER COHN. socially prominent young men who are braving hardships as members of Uncle Sam's mosquit fleet. Young Cohn, without ostentation, departed a week ago. Only a few of his intimate friends knew of his plan. (Conttnnrd .n Pag. Two, Column One.) Treasury Deposits Liberty Loan Fuitds Washington, May 26. The treas ury today began the practice of re depositing a portion of the proceeds obtained from certificates of in debtedness by placing $128,593,000 among the various banks and trust companies which subscribed to the latest offering of 1200,000,000 in short-term certificates of indebted ness, j SIXTEEN GERMAN AIRPLANES RAID BRITISH COAST Seventy-Six Persons Killed and 174 Injured; Three Planes Shot Down in Fight . Above Sea. BULLETIN. Berlin, May 26. (Via London.) Gertnan air squadrons yesterday dropped bombs on Dover and Folkestone, the War department announced today. London, May 26 Sixteen German airships riidcd southeast England Friday evening, according to an of ficial statement issued today. Seventy- six persons were killed and 174 per sons injured Three German arisiiips were shot down. Nearly all the damage occurred in one town, where somi. bombs fell in the streets, causing considerable casualties among the civilian popula tion. Women and Childrei. Killed. The following report on the air raid was made by Field Marshal Vis count French: "A large squadron of enemy air craft aboiit sixteen attacked south east England between 5:15 and 6:30 o clock last evening. Bombs were dropped at a numbei of places, but nearly all 'he damage occurred in one town where some bombs fells into the streets, causing many casualties among the civil population. Some shops and houses were also seriously damaged. "The casualties reported by the police from all districts are: "Killed: Seventy-six. "Injured: One hundred and seventy four. "Of the killed twenty-seven were women and twenty-three were chil dren. Forty-five women and nineteen children were injured. "Airplanes of the flying corps went in pursuit and the raiding aircraft were engaged by lighting squadrons of the royal naval air scrivce from Dunkirk on their return journey." Fierce Battle in Air. Three hostile, airplanes, returning from last night i. rail! on England, were brought down by British air forces in tre English channel and oft the Belgian coast, the admiralty an nounced Socialists Object to t Lansing's Passport Ordar Stockholm, May 26. (Via London.) Leading members of the socialist international conference expressed surprise at the news that Secretary of State Lansing had refused passports to American delegates. They have decided not to take formal action un til more definite news is received James Eads How, the so-called "millionaire tramp" of America, has sent a message of protest to the State department, in which he was joined by Mayor Karl Kindhagen and Karl Fries, international secretary of the World Church Peace Alliance and in ternational president of the Young Men's Christian association. Word has been received that the moderate Russian socialists will send delegates. Victor Adler, leader of the Austrian- socialists, arrived today. FOURILLINOISTOWNSWRECKED; LOSS OF LIFE MAY REACH 350; RAILROADS SEND RELIEF TRAINS Fifty Persona Die at Mattoon, Followed by Death of Five More at Westervelt and Modesto; Charleston Is Struck; Day Adds Terrible Total to Kansas Horrors of Friday. To Friday's tornado horrors record was added when death carrying away fifty persons. Elwood and Modesta, 111., came more, bringing the death toll to killed in the Kansas tornado of The heaviest loss of life where at least fifty were killed town in the afternoon. Four were killed at Westervelt and one at Modesta, where the heavy winds struck shortly after noon. ' TWO THOUSAND HOMELESS. Mattoon, HI., May 26. About fifty persons were killed and more than 300 injured when a tornado struck Mattoon late to day. The entire business section of the town is wiped out and upwards of 2,000 are homeless. 8 GOVERNORS AT NEBRASKA CELEBRATION Semi-Centennial at Lincoln Will Be Attended by Roose 1 velt and Many Ottier Prominent Men, Nebraskans will have an opportun ity to listen to a great gathering of public men at the Semi-Centennial celebration at Lincoln, June 23, 13 and 14. E-President Theodore Roosevelt will speak and Major General Persh ing will be present if he is not sent to France before that time. Gover nors of eight states have accepted in vitations to attend. Governor Neville has received a let ter from Governor Carl E. Milliken of Maine, stating, "If public duties permit at that time, I shall be very glad to accept. Still Others Are Expected. Especially from the neighboring states have the responces of the chief execcutives been encouraging. Governor Philipp of Wisconsin and Governor Gardner of Missouri, will norin all probability be present. .Gov ernor Philipp has promised to be present if the legislature adjourns be fore that time. Capper Is Coming. Governor Gardner is making plans to be present, but he is facing a ref erendum June 17, that will either make or mar his administration in Missouri. Governor Arthur Capper of Kansas, the Topeka publisher, said to H. T. Cook and W. R. Mellor duringjheir interview with him: I am swamned with work in connection with the gov ernment s program, but 1 will be in Lincoln for Statehood day. It cer tainly would not be proper to remain away from the great celebration of a sister state. I very much appreciate the opportunity of meeting the other visiting governors and the many na tional figures who will be present." The special committees of Lincoln business men are enthusiastic about their receptions at the various Capi tols. Governor Houx of Wyoming ac cepted the invitation without hesita tion. "I .believe that this is an occas ion which will be of great significance to the entire nation. Upon the mid dle west the burden oi feeding the world will fall." Lowden To Be Present. Governor Gunter of Colorado was interviewed by W. S. Whitten and W. R. Mellor. They were very much impressed with his personality and strength of character. "This oppor tunity f meeting the executives of other states is one that I cannot miss. I want to do honor to Nebraska also for Colorado as you know was once a part of Nebraska territry," was the way he phrased his acccptancec. Governor W. L. Harding of Iowa writes: "I take pleasure in accepting the invitation of the Nebraska Semi Centennial celebration committee to attend the fiftieth anniversary exer cises at Lincoln, but can only be there one day. I have selected June 13 as the date of my visit." Governor J. A. A. Burnquist of Minnesota assured A. R. Talbot, head consul of the Modern Woodmen of America, that he would be present on Statehood day and would make every effort to remain and hear Colonel Roosevelt. Governor Lowden of Illinois is ar ranging his affairs so that he will give one day to the celebration. Governor Frank O. Lowden is one of the great leaders of the country. He is a grad uate of Iowa university and grew up on a small Iowa farm. j in Kansas, a still more terrible fell heavily on Mattoon, 111., From Westervelt, Manhattan,) reports of the deaths of five! eighty-six, including the thirty Friday. was reported from Mattoon, 111., in a tornado that struck the I FIFTY DIE AT MATTOON. ChamDalcn. 111.. Mav 2. At least fifty persons are reported dead at Mattoon,' 111. as the result of a tor nado which late today destroyed the northern part of the city. Wires were prostrated. Word of the disaster reached this city when a messenger cams by auto mobile to ask nelp. Me estimated that the dead might total as high as 350. When reports were in from the farm ing regions. A relief train was made up by the Illinois Central as quickly as possible and all available doctors and nurses were sent to the stricken cities. Reported In Chicago. . Chicago, May 26. Reports to the Illinois Central railroad from Mat toon, III., says that fifty or more per sons were killed there late today by a tornado. A special train has been sent from Champaign, III., by the Illinois Central with doctors and nurses to Mattoon. At Westerville, 111. Four persons were kilted. A tornado struck the hamlet and destroyed six or eight houses. About twenty persons were injured. Westervelt is in Shelby county oh the Chicago & Eastern rail road. The dead: MRU. MART CRlKMATf. MIKN MYRTLE rBIHMAX, MRS. BAIIIK JACKSON. DAVID MDONALU. Tornado at Charleston. Terre Haute, Ind, May 26. Tele phone messages received here from Ashntore, 111., asked that all available fhysicians be hurried to Charleston, 11. The information was that scores had been injured in a tornado which struck Charleston and vicinity late this afternoon. Wires to Charleston are down. Storm Strikes Modesto. Alton, 111., May 26. A tornado is reported at Modesto, 111., fifty-six miles northeast of here. Many casu alties are reported. The news was received here over the wires of the Chicago. Peoria & St Louis railway. Railway advices are that the town was practically de molished. Ail wires to Modesto are down. One Reported Killed. East St. Louis, 111., May 26. Re ports received bv the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis railroad indicate that one person was killed and two were fa tally injured in the tornado at Mo desto, 111. The property damage, ac cording to the reports here was not large. . Manhattan, 111, Wrecked. Toliet, 111., v May 26. Manhattan, " 111., ten miles southeast of Toliet, was partly wrecked by a wind storm late today and wreckage strews the road way for two miles out of the village. A call for help reached this city to night, saying that many were injured and possibly some dead. Stores and homes were blown to bits. Elwood, six miles south of Jotiet, was also damaged by the storm. One boy was killed by lightning. -National Guard Ordered Out Springfield, 111, May 26. One com pany of the Fourth infantry, Illinois National Guard were ordered to Ma toon, HI., for patrol duty, it was an nounced tonight by Adjutant General Dickson. The soldiers entrain at Ef-' fingham. Thirty Known Dead. Wichita, Kan.. May 26. Thirty per. (Continued on Fx Two, Column ThrM.) Suffrage to Follow War, Says Mrs. Chapman Catt Portland, Ore, May 26, "Uni versal sufltage is going to rise from out of the world chaos " declared Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, inter national president of the Woman's Suffrage alliance, at a luncheon here today. "However,'' she added, "this is no time for militant suffrage." Mrs. Catt is in Portland helping or ganise a branch of the women's commlttei of the Council of Na tional Detents - v I,