THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY1, MAY 26. J917.- BACKING HOUSE MAGNATES are among the thousand of young men who are now at the officer' training camp at Fort Sheridan, near Chicago. When graduated they will be com missioned and put in command of division of the army raited by conscription. The four shown are well known in Omaha. Left to risrht! Michael Cudahv. Ed Morris. Louis 1. Swift and E. A. Cudahy. i&f iff .fc- te-74&A r. l IMlCHAEtTCUDAW . E07MBRHIK. tUl&S..-&&!5i&-. "Eddie" Cudahy is best known in Omaha. With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, he resided here many years. The family removed to Chicago five years ago. i , Eddie Cudahy was first brought into prominence the night of Decem ber 18, 1900, when he was IS years o!d. He started to go to the home of a neighbor and just outside the house was kidnaped by Pat Crowe. Search was made, but no trace of the boy could be found. The fol lowing night a messenger left a letter at the Cudahy home informing E. A. Cudahy, sr., that if he deposited $25, 000 in gold at a certain place out on the Center street road, his son would be returned, but if not the boy would be put to death. The money was deposited as indi cated and at 1 :30 o'clock the morning of December 20 the boy was returned, uninjured. January 1, 1901, PaCrowe was ar rested on a kidnaping charge and after a trial in district court, April 28 of the same year was acquitted. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., May 25. (Special.) -William Henning and Miss -Naomi Slierrill, both of this city, were mar ried yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Christian parsonage. Many contributions for the Young Men's Christian association work iund are coining in from various parts of thj county and it is thought the Beatrice district will have no trouble in raising the $4,000 of its share of the $60,000 in the state. At a meeting of the local aerie of Eagles last evening it was voted to purchase $2,000 worth of Liberty bonds. Five members of Company C belong to the lodge, which voted to keep upvtheir dues- while they arc in military service. Bootlegger is Fined Hundred Dollars in Crawford Court Crawford, Neb., May 25.--(Specia1.) --H. G. Newcomb, a former saloon keeper, pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor in Justice Gooch's court Wednesday, and was fined $100, which he paid. A quantity of liquor, which was seized when his place was searched Saturday, will be destroyed. Asks Ten Thousand Dollars For Injury to His Leg Aurora, Neb., May 25. (Special.) James S. Stuart has brought suit against Ed R. Williams nd Arthur Best for $10,000 damages because of an injury which he received in Janu ary, 1916, while attending a sale in their sale barn. In his petition, Mr. Stuart alleges that he was kicked on the left leg while in one of the seats of the amphitheater. Both bones of the lower leg were broken. The horse which did the kicking belonged to Charles Medaris. Open a Charge Account Here Pay Us $1 or So a Week-Take 3 to 6 Months to Pay ,.r I We're showing the newest ideas in good clothes for men. Men willHbe interested in this initial show-. Tng of Spring Apparel. We're certain it's the most comprehensive collection of models and fabrics you'll see this season. From every point of style, tailoring and cloth quality these clothes represent the foremost ge nius of the clothes-making , industry. ' ' ; , 4 V brrllli Straws Mill Frat Clothes Will prove notably inter esting to young, fellows who are keen for a generous dash of style in ttieir clothes. They'll likte the vigorous swagger of the Belters the extreme development of the English idea in sacks. No evidence of war prices' in these wonder suits-at Service Vindicated 3y Actual Comparison ' Beddco's is of universal service. Jur great credit plan is meant to serve jverybody more satisfactorily than any other charge-account system now in vogue. No matter how little or how much you can afford to pay on your account, Beddeo will dresa you and your entire family fashion ably and comfortably on terms which will cause you no inconvenience whatever. (A m Aurora Will Have Rally To Recruit Guardsmen Aurora, Neb., May 25. (Special.) The call is. out for a rousing patriotic meeting at the court house Saturday evening for the purpose of recruiting Company H of the Fifth regimnt up to war strength. The company now has 102 members and it is desired to have fifty more recruits from Hamil ton county. The company has been mustered in and has elected its offi cers. Drill is being held twice a week and the boys will be ready to go as soon as the call conies. O. M. New man is captain; V. E. Dorian, first lieutenant; Clyde Widaman, second lieutenant. Returned Traveler Says 1 , Danes Have Little Food Fremont, Neb., May 25. (Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs, Tinus Petersen, who spent the winter at the old home in Denmark, have returned. The boat on which they made the trip was the first to leave Copen-1 hagen since last January, Twice it was stopped off the coast of Norway and searched by officers of a German submarine. The food situation in Denmark is pitiful, Mr. Petersen said. First Hall County Man Registers for Service Grand Island, Neb., May 25. (Special.) The first citizen of Hall county to register for military serv ice, under the recent conscription law was Forrest William Cain, who sent in a card from Elwood, Neb., where he is employed on a farm. He gave his residence, including the number of the street in this city, and indicated that he was single, white, and had previously served five weeks in Com pany M. A committee of sixty, with Mavor J. L. Cleary at the head, has been ap pointed to make arrangements for a patriotic demonstration on registra tion day in this city including a big parade at A o'clock. The young men's section of the Commercial club is or ganizing for a line-up of 250 automo biles for this parade. It is expected that Company M of York, and the re cruiting officers in other divisions in the citjr will head the parade, led by the Third City, Municipal band. The Red Cross association has now a membership of over 1,500, with good prospects that the original goal of 2,000 members for the Grand Island chapter will be reached. A list of eighty more members was sent in from Wood River with the assurance by the committee from that city of as many more. TAMJETSi cketB 1 P. Bottle of 24 ad Bottle of 100 'CAPSULES! Sealed Box of Hand 24 i' in! !" " Beware of Substitutes When you buy Aspirin you want genuine Aspirin nothing else. As additional protection against substitu tion, every package and every tablet bears "77 Bayr Crow Yoar Gttarant. of Purity , BayorTablets Aspirin TU oWfk"AtrWn" f Rf . U. S. Pi Off .)U m 4WtM (Ut tht iMMrabracxUtar of mWIkmm W ihM toblctt and capniUs it U iba nliabU Bay roaavJactuw, BERa SUITS MS Greater Values Than Ever Superior Qualities. Styles and Valnes made this popular store the largest retailers of flue clotalng In Omaha, and bom our NEW STORE, 14)5 FARNAM ST.'?'; 1 ' We offer the tame old reliable and world's best clothe at better Inducements than Ter. "Ktrppenheimer" and "Society Brand" Creations Models and sfiei for Ken and Toting Ken $18oo $2000 $2250 $2500 IV $40 The Terr newest axclc ire model for Yonn Men, Mlaah pockets, oiL rooml doable bdtwto be worn ornr or uder front. - Oleflu, PlnldiT Striim, Flannel nd Blue for-. Straight and Imm back model' tor middle at md older men Reg, lar and patoh pocket trie. One-quarter or fall Uned. America's Best Styles and Qualities At 15s A great collection of dashing mod. ela tor young men produced ex preaaly for those who want to lead Instead of follow. All round belted, half belt, pleated, tlnoh-back, high cut mil itary effects, single 'and doable breasted; one-quarter and full lined styles; slit, -patch and Tertl eal pockets. S"ancy Knubby cloths, piping rock flannels and aerges. m 811k Shirts Glove and tub' silk. S4.00 to SS.50 SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR $1.00, $1:50 J2.00T, $2.50 Hosiery .... 25c, 35c, 50c Neckwear, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Vow Straw Hats Sailors and Soft Shapes 81.00 to 85.00 ' IS 15 Farnorh Street I I I I I M II 1 1 I J Ml iTTTwrPTi nu in It's Making a Great Hit! (fes! i . : fc Yy- ' A t ' - .'. I All Who Have Tried It Pronounce Storz Beverage THE BEST ON THE MARKET Palatable Healthful Nourishing Refreshing A Snappy, Zestful Flavor "That Hits the Spot" PALE OR DARK SOLD ON DRAUGHT PALE ONLY SOLD IN BOTTLES At all Leading Hotels, Cafes, Drug Stores, Restaurants, Pleasure Resorts, pr places where refreshing drinks are server TRY IT TODAY Storz Beverage can be sold without a U. S. Government License or without xconf licting with the Prohibition Laws 6fr any state v WE GUARANTEE IT .. . ? Storz Beverage . Ice Co., Omaha U '4 ! , 1417 DOUGLAS STREET II W, V . .1 4 , ,, , ffiiiiiitiilil