Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Organizations of the State
Elect Officers and Pledge
Support to the Admin- v
For the third successive year, J.
, W. Steinhart of Nebraska City was
yesterday elected president of the Ne
braska State Association of Commer
cial clubs. H. B. Watson of Kearney,
secretaryjtrcasurer, was re-elected.
: Vice presidents, one from each con
gressional district, were fleeted as
First, S. P. Cresap, Nebraska City;
' Second, C. C. George, Omaha; Third,
. Fred D. Wolt, Fremont; Fourth, H.
. A. Hahn, David Citv; Fifth, ft. A.
' Blake, Hastings, and Sixth, E. P. Wal
ters, Broken .Bow.
By a new ruling the district vice
presidents, with the officers, are to
constitute an executive committee,
which will meet four times a year in
the various districts to transact such
business as may come before it. Al-
' liance was chosen as . the meeting
place for next year.
Pledged Support to Administration.
The association pledgedvits support
to President Wilson and Governor
Neville in the present crisis, and
pledged its co-operation in bringing
about the draft registration. The as
sociation recommended to individaul
Big Comfortable
I ; Maple
ri t Rocker :
' with hand-woven double cans
' teat, splendid special value,$2.35
On of two score, equally
Interesting values in depend,
able, enduring porch chairs
: and rockers.
for LAwty Cm a
. Made la This
White Enamel H00SIER Kitchen Tables
Crex Grass Rugs
. . The Meal Rag for Sumner
Known the world over as sat);
Itary, durable floor covering for
porch, sunroom,' bedroom or
. nursery. Made in all sizes: ;'
18x86 inches, at....... .50t
36x72 inches, at,, ... .$1.50
,6x9 feet, at ....84.75
8x28 inches, at... 75
4-6x7-6, at ....83.25
9x12, at ...-88.75
illl 1
W Can Guarantee.
14-inch, 8-blade, special 83.95
16-inch, 8-blade, special 84.95
14-inch Laurel with ball hear
ings and 4 blades. ... .87.35
16-inch Rapid with ball
Ml bear-
ings and 6 blades. .
Commercial clubs that they support
the Red Cross movement.
I'rolcst against the proposed in
crease in express rales will be made
by the organization. M. H. Vaughn,
Nebraska City, was delegated to ap
pear before the Railway commission
ii Lincoln at the hearing.
Resolutions recommend that Com
mercial clubs and individuals, men
and women, help the Liberty loan.
They pledged the support of the or
ganization to the campaign of the
Young Men's Christian association
for $60,000 in Nebraska to help look
after morals of the soldiers in the
camps and at the front They com
mended the active work already done
in Missouri river navigation by the
various organizations, and urged fur
ther activity along this line. They
recommended that the Red Cross be
organized by state units.
Stands By the Congress.
In a resolution addressed to the
policy committee of the Nebraska
Conservation congress, the Commer
cial Club's association said:
"This association does hereby en
dorse the conservation movement in
all particulars, and offer to it our full
and complete co-operation. We offer
and pledge to the officers of Jhe state
association and every officer the re
sources of 100 member organizations.
"We believe that the grand patriotic
work you have undertaken should be
followed up by permanent organiza
tion, to carry out and complete the
work so successfully launched by
the congress now in session.
"If our association can be of assist
ance to you at this time, it is th
unanimous' wish of the' convention,
that we extend to your congress our
assistance and co-ooeration.
Wood River Commencement.
Wood River, Neb., May 25. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Commencement ex
f Baby Comfort, Jr.
is a white enameled bed,
completely encloaed by fine
wire mesh, affording protec
tion from insects ana com
plete safety for baby while
s leaping;. Rubber-tired
wheels makes it easy to move
from room to porch without
noise or jar, price complete
mattress .... $9.50
' 1 Oriole Go-Baskets,- made
of genuine imported reed,
are the logical baby carriage
when you have tl go part
way by car or train, because
they art so easy to handle.
Special prices, $3.50.
A very convenient, modern, sanitary table, with
white porcelain top and roomy bins and drawers,
also bread board, white enamel base, . , J J y 25
See our new Oak Kitchen Cabinet with x
white wood top, price....
Hoosier Oak Kitchen Cabinet, with sliding alumin
um top and roll curtain
Rag Rugs
. Strongly made from
clear bright colored rags,
in useful sizes for the"
, ,
bathroom, etc. ,v
$1.25 kind, 27x43. ..... .99a
$1.65 kind,' 30x48 81.20
:,W vuivi.ui nau nuiiutcuo VI TV Ui
(Patterns both light and dark, suitable
nouse, pncea wun extreme moaerauon ana oougnt oeiore tne Dig
raise in prices. "
20 patterns, per yard. ........ .35 3(1 patterns, per' yard. .... i ... .50s
75 patterns, per yard .65s 85 patterns, per yard 85J
25 patterns, at, per yard, 81.00
Pilet Net In ivory and ecru, 10 patta. to chooae from, 45-in., price, yd. . .40
Curtain Nets, 86 inches wide, at, per yard
Flower Boxes
For Your Window
Strongly constructed from
galvanised iron, painted green
on the outaide. Made with pat
ent drainage arrangement and
easily hung. , .
24x9 In. top measure. .$100
. 32x9 in. top measure. .$1.75
36x9 in, top measure. .82.00
12x12 in. top measure. 82.00
16x16 in. top measure. 82.75
ercises of the Wood River High
school were held at the school audi
torium Thursday evening with a large
attendance. The class consisted of
five girls and three boys. Dr. Ed
ward Moore Furman of Kearney de
livered the address on "The Measure
of a Man." Leo Sanders received the
Wet Grounds Stop Game
Between Omaha and Links
Lincoln, May 25. (Special Tele
gram.) The base ball game between
Omaha and Lincoln, scheduled for
this afternoon, was called off on ac
count of wet grounds.
Tabor Man Dies Suddenly.
Tabor la., May 25. (Special.)
Curtis Rhode died very suddenly at
bis home here Wednesday about 2
a. m. His death resulted from heart
trouble that was brought on some
years ago by heavy lifting and strain
ing in handling big cakes of ice. Mr.
Rhode had been a semi-invalid for
several years. His widow and daugh
ter, Eva. about 15 years of age, sur
vive him. He was 37 years old.
Commencement at Emerson.
Emerson. Neb.. May 25. (Special.)
Exercises for the largest class ever
graduated from the Emerson schools
took place at the opera house last
night. . M. teaton or vmana de
livered the address to the class on
the subject, "When the Tide Comes
Absolutely! Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
As cut, with restful high
back and soft, removable,
spring cushion seat, uphol
' stered in genuine Spanish
leather. A wonderful val
ue, Sat- 5Q 7(f
urday ........ J0. O
, i
A large line of straight
line library tables, now to be
seen on our third floor.
Body Brussels Rugs
rugs is complete to the last de-
room, dining room or library.
, "eice"
27-in. by 51-ln $4 to $4.50
4-6x7-6. . . .. .su.50 to ns.oo
8:::.::u:8S: g?5J
8-8x10.6 $35.00 to $38.00
9x12 $39.00 to $42.50
for "every room in your
IOC. 12 18
rjfV sa rVi ryws.rft sa ..ftiSfftP
Application 1
for Libert aS
Bood. Con bo f
Modo at Th La I
Quartered Oak J
Arm -
; Rocker
f" """VEi. I
Aluminum Kettle I
Lifetime style, 8-qt size, spe- i
cially priced .
$1.95 A
Stepbrother and Stepsister
Are Married at Red Oak
Red Oak. Ia.. May 25. (SocciaU
A marriage license was issued here
yesterday afternoon to Ernest Chaney
and Miss Gladys Gail Sprague ol Vil-
lisca, who are stepbrother and step
sister. Miss Sprague is the daughter
ol C. A. Sprague and the stepdaugh
ter of Mrs. Sprague, while Mr. Chaney
is the son of Mrs. C. A. sprague and
stepson of Mr. Sprague.
An ingenious crank has figured out
that since the marriage Mr. Chaney
is husband and stepbrother of his
wife, son-in-law of hts father and
brother-in-law of himself. His -wife
can also lay claim to a similar dis
tinction of relationship.
Mr. Chanev and Miss SoraRue were
married Wednesday afternoon at 5:30
o'clock at the Christian parsonage,
Rev. I. A. McKenzie performing the
ceremony. They will make their home
on a farm southeast ot villisca.
Prof. Lefler Speaks at Elwood.
Elwood, Neb., May 25. (Special.)
The annual commencement exer
cises of the Elwood High school were
held at the opera house Wednesday
night. Diplomas were given to sue
girls and two boys. Professor Lefler.
Iteawe-aMCe. Hit
I Stop oil MNugn
of Peru gave the address of the eve-
in T-Iiu ci, t,;,. una "Rra.ft Tarlm."
Will Make Improvements
At Tuberculosis Hospital
Kearney, Neb.. May 25. (SpeciaL)
Cia'tman E. O MayfiV'ti a:.,i
Henry Gerdes of the State Board of
Control, spent the past two days in
Kearney on a tour ot inspection of the
state institutions here. The plans for
improvement of the state tuberculosis
hospital include purchase of additional
lands adjoining the present grounds
on the east and cm which ia located a
residence property. v
It is the intention to use the latter
as a residence for the hospital super
intendent if the purchase is made. The
construction of a septic tank, near the
power company tail race, is also as
sured. New boilers are also a need in
the heating plant, but as it is impossi
ble to get them at this time the state
will have to transfer two of the old
boilers from Lincoln , and use them
Overhauling the old administration
buildinsr. so it may be used as quarters
for the hospital help, will also be un
Sturgrs Commencement.
Sturgis. S. D.. May 25. (Special.)
The seniors of the Sturgis High
WEARERS of srood
selves unconsciously
bringing their standards
of manners and general
deportment up to- the
standards of their clothes.
Stein Bloch Smart Clothes set
the highest standards for their
wearers; and thus tend to in
: fluence both bearing, and
Exclusively shown at
.LoWvFare ,
Summer Tourist Tickets
" TO J '.
New York ana Boston
and all Atlantic Coast, New England and other Esten
Points on tale d&uy throughout the Summer
An unsurpassed view from thm train enroatt of
.- .V ... Wonderful Niagara Falls
Stopover prtrtlefre at all points enrootc Five apleadid trains from
Chicago every day. Tourist sleeping cars daily to Bosnia sod
intermediate points on train leaving Chicago &00 p. m.
s. ' i nr 4 ' may be arranged taking fa Niagara
Circle, 1 OUrS Falls, Boston, New York. Atlantic
City, Waabingtoo and all Intermediate points.
Th Kagaim
Apply to tout heat stent for ticket, and
iiuonnatiQO sad suaseation. m to
OMAHA OFFICE, 321-325 City Nafl BankBldg.
. 1. S. WUlebraaxla. OOMral
school gave their class play last night.
"The Betty Wales Girls and Mr.
Kidd " The commencement exercises
take place tonight The class of 1917
consists of the following graduate:
Marjory Le Master, Viva Gibboney,
Jessie Wagner, Glenn Harlocket,
Clara Weber, AlVce Froth. Mary
Kelly,, Gladys Horlocker, Nelle
Wenke, Fae Phillips, Corinne Gotens.
Soldiers' Home Notes
Grand lolmiid. r H. (SpooloU himi
. i . .... ..... ukul . fnr - LMrty-day fur
lough to Ytolt hl children.
M-ur. Henry OorilM and Marflold. mem
bera of the board of confrol of otate In
stitution, vlalted Burkott yoatoroay. Thoy
poko highly of tho ooadltloo they found
Thnoe who havo rocontly asked for fur
loughs are Mr. and Mrs. Rood, for thirty
days; P. M. Krtnn, for four dayo: Jameo
Walton, for thirty-two days; Mra. M. Kep
llnger. for sixty days, and Mm. Randall, for
ten days. Vlotorla Keleer has returned.
Mrs. Martha Huagerferd and William
Henderson are members who havo recently
been admitted to the homo. Mr. and Mrs.
William OouJd recently received their die
charges. Rev. John Orant Snick of Orand Island
will deliver the Memorial eermon at the
homo Chanel on Sunday aiternoon mi . .
o'clock. Soldiers from the York company
.w- xt. . a band from Grand :
Island, a doee quartet mala Ja1;
the dram corps and the Grand Army poet
will stead.
find them
FtHs Rmt."
sleesacar reaerratioo. or rer crannm
dasinbto tnps. call on or addro.
Aareni. r
For the Up-standing
Man at the front,
in the trenches, on the firing
line in any business, the best
food to sustain energy and
strength is Shredded Wheat
Biscuit, the food that sup
plies in a digestible farm the
greatest amount of body
building nutriment at lowest
cost A better-balanced
ration than meat, or eggs,
or potatoes. Two or three
of these Biscuits with milk ,
make a satisfying, nourish
ing breakfast that puts you
in top-notch condition for
the day's work. Delicious
ly wnotesome and nourish
ing for any meal withberries,
or other fresh fruits. Made
at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
naSMa-BkebOa, till
ainaoa, snr
' 4
Don't let skin trouble
spoil your good time
heals sick skins
"1 can't have any fnn I I am such I
ilgAi with this eczema that people avoid
me wherever I go. And the ikkinn
torments me so that I don't get any
peace, anyhow."
Don't be discouraged i Even in se
vere, well-established cases of eciema,
ringworm or similar skin-troubles, Res
inol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap,
usually relieves the Itching at once and
quickly clears the eruption away.
Potlori prescribe tne Resinol treatment AUdrnf
gtsts sell Rctiaol Ointment end Resinol Soap
To Overcome Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and ailed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying a little zeraa
furnished by -any druggist for 25c Ex
tra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins
the moment temo is applied. In a short
timt usually every trace of eczema, tet
ter, pimples, rash, black heads and aim
ilar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
ethers fail It is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
Tne . W. Kose Co.. Cleveland. O.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success