Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 17, Image 17

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Globe Van and Storage Co,
For wI wrvica in moving, pekinji im
torlng, call Tyler S.O r Domlw jSM
J V n and two men,
UiaggaiU"- , $1.25 p oour.
V.. mw.A Itnraffl ffl. MovlfigT. PlCktllE.
Bterua and Shipping Phon Doug. HM.
Plx room modern houae. true Duntte
tyle; rae; urge lot. rnce,
Seven-room, first ciose, DeHuiui.y
lBhed In fair Dundee; gttri.g. Price C
rooms, ijo. wioi.
i Dun
dee and other parts ot the city. Call
to m mown,
1615-H W. O. W. Bldf. Dong. 3416.
m... - .t-i-Hv mnilara hllTirftlnH
oak finish and oak floors, paved street,
.,n nnmbnt hnsoment. furn
ace heat, large lot. If looklnpr for a nifty
bungalow at the right price, don t fan
sea this. v
537 Omaha Nat' Bank Bid. Doug. 17.
"WEST FARNAM, $5,250
A 7 -room, atrlotly modern house at 33d
and Dodga Sts; oak finish; four bedrooms.
Never been occupied. This price is leas
than actual cost an? can be handled otra
$500 cash payment
GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors),
Douglas t6. 819-2(1 City National.
Five rooms, atrlctly modern, finished In
oak; located at S3S N. 26th St. Price
IS, 160. Term. Will take small cottage
tn trade.
400 Sea Bldg. Phone Douglas 4279.
On Grand Ave., No. 2121, between the
Prettiest Mile boulevard and 24th St. car
line, not far from the now north side
high school site, paved street, corner lot,
60-ft. front on Grand, room for a ga
rage. The bungalow hafl large living
,1.. ftnlnVinri tn fink and
with fireplace in one end. There are
Z Dea rooms ana oainruuni ui " in
enamel, stair to attic, good basement with
and clean home. Price only $2,700. It Is
a Bargain in price anu n is juai -un.
to a, simple life of thrift and .comfort.
If you can pay S or 4 hundred cash on
this am! then a fair rent of $26 or $30
per month you will soon have it paid for
and be a lot better satisfied while you
are doing It. Don't miss thla only $2,700.
Ready to mtove into.
- 116 Dm. Nwt. Bk. Bldgv
8-room a"trlctly modern home. South
front lot 40x14ft. Oak finish. Garage.
House not new, but in fine repair. Close
to 1 good car lines. A nice homelike
place for $4,000.00.
J45-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. BMg. Tylrr 60,
$22.60 PER MONTH 6-r., all modern house,
newly decorated, very desirable. 1807
Locust St.
Douglas K342. Sun Theater Bldg.
tit a sacrifice ; 5 rooms, close to car, fine
condition, less than coat, on easy pay
ments. ALLEN A BARRETT. 613 Bee. Doug. 7768.
Nine rooms with bath, hot watlr heat,
all oak finish on first floor, large lot; built
by owner for a HOME. Owner, 1316 Main
St., Florence, Neb. Flor. 29?.
FOR sane or lease, one or both lots, each
66x132, at N. W. Cor. of 16th and Daven
port St. Make best offer to Mrs. H. L.
Hawver. jnetroae oiei. una nnnwig.
BTR'iCTLT modern bungalow, 6 rtion, 22nd
and Ames Ave. Webster 4228.
One block from Hanscom park, the
General Manderson estate has-, ix Bplen
dld houses- of 6 and 7 room; built care
fully about 6 years ago. To clone the
estate these must be sold. They are full
2 stories, hardwood floors throughout,
light and dry basements, with separate
vegetable room, laundry, extra closet,
ample furnace and an outside cellarway.
Room for garage, streelB all paved and
paid In full and large maple trees In
yard. The houses have been well rented
to good tenants at $35 to $40 per month
and they are up In good condition npw,
with atorm windows and- screens com
plete. We have gotten possession ef four
of the houses. They are reniy to move
into without a cent of expenditure. They
are 3002, 3004. 3006 and 3008 Poppleton
Ave. Prices $3,60(1 to $3,700. About one-
tenth cash, balance like rent. No tnnrty
family can afford to pay rent if one
of these will house the family. Prices
are 11,009 under cost of building,
916 Omaha f Nat. Bk.
Stucco construction. 6 large light rooms.
Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price
$3,800. Easy terms. Another new tunn
ing for $8,650. Call Douglas 1722 daya.
Walnut 1680 evenings.
NEAR 25th Ave. and. Woolworth Seven
room house with lawn, 76x127 feet, and
fruit, very, cheap. F. D. Wead, 310 8.
18th St.
SR. HOME, close In, on 26th Ave.; -nice
large lawn with fruit; very cheap; $2,300.
F. D. Weed, 310 So. 18th.
FOR SALEJ By owner, new modern 7-room
home, oak finish, sleeping porch and gar-
age, at wi ao, zatn
SIX rooms, modern except heat, $1,600.
Terms. See Owner. 2814 N. Slat St Web
ster 4906.
. Miscellaneous
..READY to move into, 6-r, and bath, bunga
low type, stucco, new, strictly modern,
oak finish, fine lot, 1 block to car and
school. Price $2,950, very easy terms, or
lot or auto as first paynftnt.
RASP BROS., 510 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721.
1SSS 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734
Sun Theater
J. B. ROBINSON. Real Eatate and Inaur
.dc. 441 Be Bids. Douglas 9097.
$1,760 S. W.- Cor. 53d Ave. and Harney,
In E'anston. High and alghtly, i 70
$1,850 East front on 60th Ave. 75 feet
north of Far nam. Paving paid,- 60
$2.260 South front on Dodire, a few lots
east of 49th. No restrictions. 60x136.
$4,400 Double corner, 49th and Daven
port, See these lots. They are really cheap.
Armstrong-Walsh Company
Tyler lf.38. 333 Rose Bldg.
REDUCED FROM $7,000 TO 6,J00,
Brick and stucco home, six rooms and
sleeping porch; thoroughly ' modern
throughout, all floors of enk, oak trim
downstairs; white enamel upstairs; built
in buffet fireplaoe, hookcaseB, kitchen
cabinets, etc; large lot. Owner must
sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer di
'Well located lota on easy terms. Mod
ern, attractive homes.' Before buying
be aura and aee
I-ACRF3 blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall
diatrlct Snap. C. J. Caiian.
South Side.
14 ACRES, Just over the line in Sarpy
county, away from th high faxea. Rich,
level land, flrat broken in 1910. Raleed 4
cropa of alfalfa, 16,000. Term, can be
arranged. I
ICt Eoutb. 341b 5t. Phon, Bouth 1241.
All klnda of young fmlt, close to car
and school and paved road, $10 cash, $10
per month, can Tyier u ana aK ior .air.
Lowrey. uniee open even in tea m w-
1614 Harney St
On a small cash payment we will buy
the lot you select, build a home after your
own plans and have you pay for It on
small monthly payments, without extra
416 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247,
ft ACRE tracts, $47fi. $10 down. $7.60 m
Close in. near car. iougias mn.
REAL ESTATE Investment
Almost new 3-story brick building
' rented at a good fair Income on $60,000,
Located On Farnam neaf XOth.
Harrison & Morton,
1 15 Omaha NatBank. Doug. 314.
of the 7 pet. shares authorized Jan. 1.
Next Issue will probably bear 6 pet Tou
can 'order by mall and get 7 pet. shares
while they last. Offices: 20S S. 17th St,
$15,000 Income 12 per cent; one yedr
old; very Pna location; mortgage $26,000
and will accept $20,000 in trade; bal
ance caah or negotiable papers
CALKINS A CO 1313. City Nat. Rank Bldg.
620 First National Bank Bldg.
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
AFTER looking at MINNA LUSA 300 dif
ferent buytra decided that It was the beat
proposition on the market and they
backed their judgment by baying iota.
IF TOU will come out today you will
understand why the otaera are buying. .
742 Omaha Nat Bank Bid,. Tyler IDT.
60x135, two atreet frontages: eaay
terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings.
Harney 416
BEAUTIFUL 60-toot lota. Price $220, only
S3 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug. 1391.
WE have some highly Improved farms In
the vicinity or watertown, a. D. These
are corn and alfalfa lands. Will consider
exchange In part.
1067 Omaha Nat. -Bank. Phone D. H
and part cash, to exchange for Douglaa or
Sarpy county farm land.
BOX 3542, BEE.
I HAVE a $26,000 hardware, doing good
business, ana iiu.ovu in money, want
western lows, or eastern Nebraska farm.
S. S. end R. JS. Montgomery, 806 Omaha
National Bank Blag.
FRAME flat, 70 ft frontage on good street
Income $1,000 per year. Price $9,000. Will
consider part payment, balance terms. In
quire Joseph Pick, 2219 Evans St. Web
ster 4856.
IF YOU have land or city property that you
want to trade, write A. N. Kane, Kndl
cott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn,
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty
H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist
. in downtown business property.
LOT, 40x161 j- trade or aab. Terms. Tele
Phone evenmga. Harney 1364.
LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash
payments, nave parties waiting. Western
Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607.
LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with Ed
ward F. Williams Co., 301 Omaha Nat
Banl Bldg. P. -120.
LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us.
Co.. Tyler 406.
ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1826
jjaira oc, weoster zuiis.
INSURANCE, Fire, Tornado, Automobile,
c. A. tirimmol, 8P Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.
Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages.
City and Farm Loans
I. 6 and 6 per cent. Also first mort
gages on farms and Omaha real estate for
sale. J. H.TJumoot & Co., 416-418 Keoline
Bldg., 17th and Barney.
CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates
st. syt nq 6 pet. Reasonable commission.
21 H South 17th, Omnha. Neb.
Well secured, bearing '6 pet. Interest.
Ji5Jnr?Ljji!g1ll:Bldg- Ty'pr 2668.
PER CENT to b per cent on best class
city residences Hn amounts $2,000 up; also
farm loans. Reasonable nmimlmtnn.
PKTBRH TRUST CO., J 822 Farnam fit,
MONEY to loan on improved farms and
rnncnes. ve also buy good farm mort
gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha.
$1,000 MTOE..bcaring 6 pet. aemi-annUHlly
buk-uivu uy jjruperiy vaiueu at iz.fton.
Talmagn-Loomia Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg.
Money on hand for mortgage loans.
City' National Bank Bldg.
PRIVATE money to loan on Omaha resl-
aenco property. JS. H,.Lougee, Inc., 638
Keoline Bldg. ' 1
U KEEHi H. a. CO., lOH Omaha Nat'l.
FARM and city loans, 5, 6' and per cent.
v. it. inomas, Keenns Bldg. Doug. 164s,
W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
weaa mag., mn and Farnam Sts.
Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
dPls Theater Bldg. P. 686.
Stocks and Bonds.
TO MEET the Increased cost of
living you must place yur
money where it will yield a
greater, ineo'me A 7 per cent
, participating cumulative pre
ferred stork with the hlghost
grade of security means an ex
ceptional investment. This
stock will not yield less than
7 per cent and participate In
the profits of the company
over that amount, making a
fVvery attractive, secure invest
ment. For particulars regard
ing this Investment address
Box 3S.43, Bee.
LISTED and unlit tod stocks, investment
securities, industrial stocks.
860 Omaha National HanK Bldg.
WANTED to sell or trade B.OOO shares
Uncle Sam Oil stock, $1 par value. What
have you? Address Box 4537, Bee.
Abstracts of Title.
300 H. 17th St., ground floor.
Bonded hy Mann. Bonding and Ins. Co.
RKED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. 20 Brandela Theater.
GATXA Gli i! R & N E LS ON
RpprcBPrrt prompt py insurance com
panies. 10 Brandeis Bldg., Omsha. Neb.
Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success, '
Colorado Lands.
WEEKLY excursions to Washington County,
Colorado. The best wheat, oata, barley
and alfalfa land in- the west, write,
telephone or oall en John L. alaurer, 3101
Bristol Ht., Omaha. fet.
Michigan Land.
N Inquire about my easy way to get a
farm home In Michigan's fruit and clover
beltt pay only $36 to $200 down; $T to 3.0
monthly for forty acres Lower terms for
smaller tracts; $16 to $26 an acre. Ask
about life feature. All klnda of
farming nay well here. For instance, Mich
igan leada tn production of beans and la
second In production of potatoes. Good
schools, churches and towns. Booklet with
full Information free. Owner, George W.
Swlgart, D-Ub. First National Bank Bldg.,
Chicago, III.
Minnesota Lands.
IMPROVED I00cr farm, 1$ mllea from
Minneapolis; 40 acre cultivated, balance
meadow and timber; $3,000 worth of
eulldlaga. Will sell for $6,000; easy terms.
Schwab Bros.. 1023 Plymouth Bldg.. Ula
oeapolla, Minn.
Montana Lantte.
IF YOU want a bargain Id a good fnrm4n
the jucutn Basin of Montana, nera it
400-acre ranch: 300 acres broke. 40 acres
more can be broke; 60 acrea In timothy;
granaries that hold 6.000 - bushels; good
house and improvements; goosj well. Can
be bought for $42 an acre, and the 300
acres of crop go with the place. Terms
reasonable. Write the First State Bank
of Buffalo, Mont, for any further Infor
mation, aa this will not last long at this
Nebraska Lands.
WILL thla opportunity Interest you? If so,
jvrlte for' existing facts: 640-acre im
proved farm In middle Nebraska. Thomas
Co., 12 miles from Seneca and mala line
of B. & M. Ry.. $11 do acre, on the fol
lowing terms: $1,200 cash, $1,000 In Ave
years at 6 ner cent, all the time you want
en b1,; Would consider clear income, or
a nrst class mdse. business clear with a
reputation bark of It. Being a combina
tion stock and farming land, all good
graxlng and hay land, plenty of first class
plow lana : irame nouse, cattle sheds,
corner lb, cellar, cave, well, windmill, five
mllea of fence. Will welcome investiga
tion. Mr. Renter, here la your chance to
believe an opportunity when presented.
See government crop reports. C. J. Ca
natn, 310 McCagus Bldg., Omaha.
450 ACRES north of Valentine for sale or
320 acres, north of Tllden, Neb., for sale
or trade. Improved, fenced, rye and corn
160 acres In Holt county for sale, very
highly improved. Thla Is an excellent
farm. A
P. H. BELL, Silver Creak, Neb.
1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas
County, Neb., partly Improved, price $12.60
per acre.
Douglaa 2410. 630 Brandela Bldg.
SMALL Nebraska farma on eaay payments
6 acrea up we farm the farm we sell
you. The Bungerford Potato Growers'
Association, 16th and Howard Sta.. Oma
ha. Douglaa 9871.
WET lands mads dry enough for cropa or
no pay la our way of draining land. No
tract too large or too wet. Qua ran ted
Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb.
YOU want a balanced ranch; correct prloe
ana terms; my sbu acrea. Boa 1311, Al
liance, Neb.
New Mexico Lanch.
Excellent fifty-acre fruit and alfalfa
farm for sale adjoining town of Arteala,
N. M Great climate; artesian well on
place furniahlng water for irrigation and
general purposes; 20 acres In alfalfa; TOO
earing ixuit trees: good six-room noose,
barn and outbulldlntrs. A home rood
enough for anyone, located In the great
artesian belt or the Pecos River Valley,
the most healthful reaion In America.
Trice, $12,600 or will exchange for mar-
vimuuiB ur una ta eastern Aansav, Mis
souri or Iowa. W. Ed, Jameson, Tultou,
Texas Tands.
GOOD corn land. East Toxas, $26 an acre.
uet my ires book.
W. 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha.
uii ubiu piuapeuLj vaiue tow, xl is; at iraua.
Tin 4i nn n r
Edward Cackley to Nellie A. Boyer,
sou in west corner Fortieth ana Grand
evenue. 100x127 1 1
Edward Cackley to Nellie A. Boyer, .
rwenty-nitn street, 40 feat north
of Grand avenue. 80x120 1
Mattls M. ,Mackey and husband to
Anna M. Smith, southwest corner
Thirty-sixth and Soraxue. 80x129.. . 436
Barker company to Edward W. North,
Aiarcy street, ia& teet east ot Forty
fourth street, north side. 46x108... t
Martin A. Gibson and wife; to F. V.
j-iawnon. no rin west corner nopmns
Lynn, Benson, 60x128... I
Iwood J. Rothohild and wife to J.
H. Brooklns, northwest corner Thirty-sixth
and Jaynea streets, 122x
148,6 ', 1,10$
George Harm and wife to Josef Mlo-
downki and wife, southwest corner -
Thirty-second and I streets, &0x
110 r 1,87$
Ferdinand Vaca and wife to Fred W.
Kaderelt et 111., Martha street, 73
feet west ot Fifth street, north side,
73x127 1
Frances Mumaugh to Benjamin Phelps,
Tmrtictn street, ib reet soutn or, k
street, east side. 26x60 126
Mary A. Fletcher to Inez W. Gould
et a)., corner Tnirty-seventn ana N
Crown Point avenue, 118x278; Crown
Point avenue, 130 feet west of Thirty-seventh
st rent, south side, 90x
130; Fort Omaha avenue, 130 feet
west of Thirty-seventh street, north
'side, -OOxlISO t 1
John E. Gfforge and wife to John W.
A gnew, northeast corner Flny-see-
ond and California streets, 100x126. 3,600
Helon J. Stockev and husband to Allen
County Investment company, Twen-ty-eiRhth
street, 64 feet south of '
Sahler. eat side, 27x126.4 1
Ersiitus A. Benson and wife to El-
slnore Place company, northeast
corner Forty-eighth and Douglas '
streets. 9fxl28,5 1
CeH a Rocheford et al. to Belle Hatch,
Eighteenth street, 167 reet soutn Ot
Castelar. east side. 76x109.07 2,600
Payne & Slater Co. to John W. Hill,
jr., southwest corner rnirty-sixm
and Dode streets. 08x127.$ 1
James P. Sheeran and wife to Fred
Haxthausen and wife, Twenty-ninth
street, 149 4 feet south of Pratt
street, eaat side. 4841x120 1,600
Arthur R. Thatcher and wife to Char
lotte H. Manchester, southeast cor- i
ner Thirty-fifth and Walnut streets,
66.7x133.81 1
Kama City Live Stock Market. .
Kansas clN. Mo.. May . Cattle Re
ceipts. 1,700 head; market lower; prime fed
steers, $12.86018.86; dressed beef steers,
$1 0,00 12. BO; western steers, ih.uutpib.zb;
cows, $7. 269111. 25; lyjlfere. $9. 00 12. 60;
stackers and feeders, $8.00 iff 10.76; bulls,
$8.00(10.50; calves, $9.0014.25.
Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; market
lower; bulk of sales, $15.1616.00; heavy,
$16.06010.10; packers and butchers, 016.60
016,00; light, $14.80016.60; pigs, $13,000
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head;
market strong; lambs, $16.00020.66; year
lings, $14.00016.70; wOthers, $13.00010.00;
ewes, $12.5016.60.
Sioux City Live Ntock Market.
Sioux City. la., May 26. Cattle Receipts,
400 head: market killers steady and weak.
storkers strong; bee ateera, $11.00013.00;
butchers, 19.6011.00; fat cows and nen
ers. 88.0011.00: camiors,' $5.7607.7$;
lockers and feeder, $7,60010.26; calves,
$0.00013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.60010.60;
feeding qows and heifers, $7.2509.60.
Ho gs Receipts, 7,000 head; market 100
16c lower; light, $15.00(g15.26; mixed, $16.30
015.60; heavy, $16,60815.80; pigs, $12,000
13.00; bulk of sales. $15.26016.60.
Sheep and Lambs Keceplts, ion need;
market strong; yearlings, $14.60010.00;
wethers, $13. 50 1 5.50; ewes, $12.6013.G0;
lambs, $10.00020.00.
C hire go Live Stock Market.
Chicago, ill.. May 26. Cattle Receipts,
2,500 head; market weak; native beef cat
tle, $9.40013.00; stockers and feeders, $7.40
10.30; cows and hellers, se.bu 011.40;
calves, $10.60015.50.
Hogs Receipts, 1 8. BOO pesd ; - market
weak, 16o lower ihan yesterday's average;
bulk of sales, $15on&)ft.00; light, $14,750
15.90; mixed, $15.40n.l0; heavy, $16,300
16.15; rough, 3l30ll5.60; pigs, $10,600
Hheep and Lambs Rerelpts. 0.000 head;
market firm; wethers, $12.25014.76; ewes,
$11.60014.16; lambs, $13.00017.26; springs,
$14.5043-21.00. '
Bank Clearings,
Omaha, May 26. Rsnk clearings for
Omaha today were $5,fiS,M8.15, and for
t he corresponding day last year, $3,640,-6:6,90.
Cattle of All Kinds Are About
.Steady; Sheep and Lambs
Steady to Lower; Hogs
- Steady to Five Off.
Omaha, May tS, 1117
Off I rial Mnnday T.stO t.Olt 4,108
Official Tuesday $.781 12.643 $.046
OfTlelal Wednesday.... 0,117 )3.R03 fi.Ste
Official Thursday .... $,000 12,013 4.t
Estimate Friday 200 7.100 1,100
Five days this week.ST.6M $2. 460 11,230
Same days last week,. 20,226 $6,781 SS.tlT
Same two weeks ago., 33, 473 41,39 26,8(6
Same three weeks ago. 2R.SS4 68,8.16 21,962
Same four weeks ajo.,18,060 48.16$ 30.640
Same daya last year. .10,034 44.18 10,803
Receipts and disposition, ef live stock
the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb.,
twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p
May 26.
Cattle, flogs. Sheep. H'i
C. M. St. P... 1 S
Missouri Pacifle .4
Union Parlfle ... 3 1 $
CAN, W., east. 3 4
C N. W., west, t 20
C, St.' P., M, A O. 1 0 4
C, B, A Q., east . . 3
C, B. A Q, west. 1 18
C R I A P east ..
C R I A P west 1
Illinois Central ..1 1
Total receipts, .IS 03 10 1
Cattle, Hogs. Sheep.
Morris A Co 6fi 8fi "
Swift A Co 101 1.030 1.03S
Cudahy Packing Co 08 1.430
Armour A Co 4 1,641
Schwarts A Co ttt
J. W. Murphy ; .. 370
Lincoln Pack. Co . . 0 . , , ,
W. B. Vanaant Co. 12 ....
F. B. Lewis 16 ....
J. B. Root A, Co... 2
J. H. Bulla.. 13 ....
Sullivan Bros 3 ....
Roth If ....
John Harvey 33 .... ,
Pat O'Day 7 v ....
Other buyers 102 ....
Totals 400 1, 6 SO 1.683
Cattle Receipts ef cattle numbered enly
300 head, which was not enough to really
test out the market. Tha feeling, however,
waa good and the market generally steady.
There waa nothing choice In sight to make
a top. Practically everything waa disposed
ot at an esriy hour.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, li:.36B13.26; fair to good beeves.
$11.60913.36; common to fair beeves, $10.26
Vii. 16; good to belters, no.&nv
11.36: good to choice cows, $0,16010.86;
fair to good cows, $8.T6O0.76; common to
fair cows, $7.00498.60; prime feeding steers.
$1,76410.00; good to choice feeders. $0.00
lO.eo: fair to good feeders, Ift.604JI.00
common to fair feeders, $7.0008.26: good to
cnoioe stocKera, , atocg nsirera.
08. 20010.28; stock cows, $7.00010.00: stock
caivea, sr.od019.oo; veal calves. o.noo
u.oo: aeer bums, stags, etc, 7. 16010,26.
Representative sales:
No. Av, Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 300 $0 OA 4 707 $8 60
....... 680 8 0 7., 700 0 00
37 826 10 26 1 170 10 10
3 1230 10 76 6 830 11 0
4 863 It 26 $ 1084 11 80
3 1010 11 36 3 1.160 11 70
I .1430 12 00 3 043 12 3i
21 1300 12 bb
Hogs Today's hog receipts were the
Hghtest of the week to date, and were Just
lair for a Friday, ninety-six oars, or about
7,100 head being reported in. The week's
total of 62.060 head la 17,000 larger than
a week ago, 0,600 heavier than two weeks
ago and an lncreaaa of nearly 0,000 over
the corresponding daya last year.
Prices again showed a lower tendency and
the undertone waa weak, though on the big
end of the offerings there was no such de
cline, as that registered yesterday and the
day before. On opening rounds shippers,
anticipating that light recslpta would have
a strengthening tendency, paid prices that'
were fully steady to, If anything, a little
d is ner.
Packers, howsver, after making a few
steady purchases, slipped on their early bids
and later on when vuik of the offerings
was casnea it was at naurea that aa a
general thing were steady to a nlokel lower.
Despite the moderate also of sudd lies of
ferings seemed to be larger than require
ments and the close was alow at the day'a
lowest prices. At noon there were atl 11
around a dosea loads unsold. The best bids
sellers could get on these were fully 10c
lower than yesterday's aversge trade.
. up 10 ine oiose tnt meraet waa steady to
Be lower. Earlier sales were largely made
at $16.40016.7$, and a top of $16.80 was
made on good heavies. These figures are
not far from a Quarter lower than the close
of last week. '
Representative talcs:
No Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
H..176 ... 1$ 16 30..208 $0 16 40
81, .10 ... 16 43 28. .10 ... 1$ 60
47. .161 $80 16 86 70..240 40 16 HI
42. .10$ 140 IS 06 . 41. .387 ...16 70
$6. .200 80 16 7$ T1..208 80 1180
Sheen The course ef the lamb market nn
early founds was much like Thursday's.
Packers started out bidding quite a little
lower on all kinds, but made their first
purchases generally steady, buying two
loads of clipped weatern lamb at $10.86 and
(It. 19.
unable te get bids on spring lambs. wlch
made up a big part of the run. up to yes-
israaya levels, sellers nung on. but instead
of raising their early offers packers later
lowered them, and up tn midday four cars
of California spring lambs remained In the
pens under sharply lower offers. In fact
aoma of them that were offered to packers
a flat quarter lower than yesterday were
refused. Packers said tha weakness waa
mainly due to the fact it hat prices have been
so much higher than eastern mutton trade
conditions warrant, but that the break to
dsy would not have been ao severe had
sellers not held onto their atuff ao long that
nuyers were forced to let their killing
gangs go.
No old sheep of any kind were here. Com
pared with a week ago closing sales of both
wooled and clipped lambs are strong to if
anything a little hiaher. Tons show aulte
a little higher. Tops show quite a little, -advance,
but most of this is due to improved
quality. Up to yesterday spring lambs were
tuny nan a aonar a Dove last week's close,
but the way buyers were acting today It
looked as though most if not all this ad
vance might be lost. Old sheep have been
too scarce to really make a market, but are
nominally quotable fully steady.
uuntations on sneeo and iambs: Lambs.
wooled, $18.60020.36; shorn. $18.26017.20:
eprlng Iambi, $18.00220.00; yearlings, shorn.
tix.oo-vie.boi wetners, shorn,;
ewes, shorn, $11.76014.00; ewes, cull shorn,
St. Louie Live stock Market.
St. Louis. Mar 35. Cattle Receipts. 7.400
head: market steady; native beef steers,
$7.50018.00; yearling steers and heifers,
$8.50018.00; cows, $6.00011.26; stockers
and feeders, $0.00010.00; prime aoathern
oeer steers, iB.ooqpii.6o; neer cows and
heifers, $4.3600.00; prime yearling steers
and heifers, $7.60010.00; native oalvea,
Hogs Receipts. 8.T0O head: market lower:
lights, $10.06016.001 pigs, $10.00014.60;
mixed and butchers, $10.60016.16; good
heavy, $18.10010.16; bulk of sales, $15,600
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,800 head
market steady; clipped ewes, $14.00017.00:
spring lambs, j$l 6. 00 020.00; can ner. $6,000
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Josenh. Mar 16. Cattle Recetnts.
I, 200 head; market ateady; steers, $0,000
II. 25; cows and heifsra. $7.00013.60:
calves, $10.00016.00.
Hogs Receipts, 4,200 head: market 60
10c lower; top, $10,10; bulk of sales, $15.00
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head :
market 10c higher; wooled Iambs sold for
$20.65; clipped lambs, $16.00017.25; ewes,
Metal Market.
New York, May 25. Metals Lead strong:
spot, 1114c 4)ld; spelter steady; spot, East
St, Louts delivery, OKO'ttc. Copper firm:
oleetrolytlo spot and second quarter, $31,00
H 33.00: third Quarter and later. 82 1. 00 O
$30.00. Iron firm and unchanged. Metal
exchange quotes tin easy, $64.75066.26.
At jjonaon: uopper, spot, E130: futures.
120 10s; electrolytic, 142. Tin, spot, 253
16s; futures, 252. Lead, apot. 30 10s; fu
tures, 20 108. Spelter, spot, 54; futures,
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits.
New Tork, May 26. Evaporated Annies
Dull, but firm, 1244013c; choice, HHo;
prime, 10" 011c.
Dried Fruits Prunes, firm but quiet;
California, 11 14 0 13 c ; Oregon s, 1 1 14 0
lZtto, Apricots, firm; fancy, 21'c. Peaches,
firm; standard, 10 Vic; choice, lQVfrc; fancy,
11c, Raisins, quiet: loose muscatel. 8010c;
choice to fancy, seeded, 809c; seedleee,
luutfuc; London layers, 11. o.
New Tork Dry (Joods Market.
New Tork, May 26. Dry Goods Cotton
goods were firm today and rising steadily.
The demand ta chiefly for sheetings, drills.
duck, print cloth and coarse fancies, Bur
Imps were very firm and cotton yarna higher,
Pres goods were higher with moderate
KstrmHte of Heavy Muring Wheat Yield Has
Bearish Kffet en Wheat Tradls.
Chicago, HI., May 15. Ultimate that the
combined domestic end spring crup yield of
wheat this season would bs 700,000,000 bush
els, and thus surpass the 110 total, had a
bearish effect on the market today. Prices
closed unsettled 4fce to 6U,o net lower with
July at and September at $1.88.
Other staples, too, suffered losses corn, He
to 4o, oata to llio and provisions
1IUC to 40C.
Downward swings In wheat values began
soon after the market opened. During tha
initial trading prices ahowed a temporary
disposition to rally from the decline which
had resulted from false rumors of a naval
victory, but the existing restrictions on new
buying oulrkly proved to be more than off'
set. Attention then turned mora and more
to tha excellent crop outlook, and specially
to advices showing improvement la the win
ter wheat region. The Kansas stale report
was bullish, but did not agree with private
reporla and was generally ignored.
Interest continued keen In regard to har
vest conditions for the new wheat crop. Ac
cording to the beat information at hand,
cutting In Texas will start in earnest wtlhlti
ten days and be general In two weeks. Aa
a rule the harvest there will be a little late.
The first wheat out was In an extremely
vy innt aim was something or an excep
tion, although there are numerous other dry
places on which early cutting will be don.
Corn prices broke sharply under the
weigm to general liquidating ssies by hold
era, who were discouraged aa a result of in
creased rural offerings. Crop reports from
the chief jiroductng atatea were In general
very bearish.
Oata duplicated the a e iron of corn. The
market seemed to have an support except
from profit-Inking shorts. I.owr quotation
on noga and grain weakened provisions, m-
aides, thre was complaint of the slowness
of cash demand.
Commercial Agency Kay That Despite Ex
treme Keonomy Country Is Still Prosperous.
New Tork, May 36. Bra da tree ta will say
Distributive trade lags under checV reins
imposed by inordinately high prices of food,
unseasonably cool weather and Ihe practice
of eronomy, but the country's leaning In
d us tries, confronted aa they ara by demands
that seem insatiable, proceeded to new high
ground, while the crop situation has taken
on a belter color and the stock market
reflects more confident optimism. More
over tsvldenre developing from day to day
indicates that the Industries Insteady of
getting a respite from overwhelming activity
win untie no runner straining to care for
Ihe needs of war. Tha Iron, stsel, textiles,
fuel, lumber, ship building and machinery
trades loom larga In point of activity, with
the signs pointing to even greater pressure.
Car shortages still cause complaint, the
lumber, flour milling, and coal Industries
being especially hampered, Bank clearings
16.611. sss.nno. an increase of 20 per cent
over last year.
Eggs Fresh, per case, I0.OO.
Butter Fresh, per lb.. 32 Uc.
Poultry Alive, broilers, Ht3lb,, each
170; hens, llo per lb, ; stags, under 6 lbs.
eerh 16c; old cooks, and heavy stags, 14c
turkeys, fat, 32c; turkeys, old tnm, 20c,
Fruits Oranges: 260s, 188s, 324s, $3.00
box; 200s, 216s, $3.00 box; IOO, 16, 160,
170, $3.76 box. Lemons: Fancy. 300s. 3H0.
$6.60 box; choice, OOfts, ItiOs, 16.00 box.
Grapfrult: 16s, $4,60 box; 46s, $4.06 box: 64s,
$6,36 box;-64 s. 00s. IBs, $0.71 box. Pln
apples, $3.(0 crate, Bananas, 4 V40 lb. :
cherries, California, $3,00 box.
Vegetables Potatoes: old, $3.36 bu.; naw,
OVjC lb. Sweet potatoes, $2.76 hamper.
Cabbage, orate lots. 7c lb.; cabbage plants.
$1.60 box; tomato plants, $1,50 box;
tomatoes, orate; tomatoes, cnoics,
$3.60 crate; rucumbers X, fancy, $1.60 dos.:
cucumbers, fancy, $1.10 dos.; lettuce, crate
head, $3.60 crate; lettuce dozen head, 90n;
asparagus, 76c doe. Onions, Texas, $2.60
orate; onions, wax, 01.76 orate.
Honey, I4s, $3.50 case.
Fish Fresh halibut, lHo fresh catfish.
zoc niactc coa-aaoie, nuo rresn salmon,
1602Oo; fresh trout, any alze, 17c; fresh
trout, ateelhead, 16c; fresh whltaflsh, 22c;
fresh yellow pike, tic: fresh pickerel,
dressed, 14c; round, 12o; fresh white perch,
10c; fresh buffalo, 12c; fresh ling cod, lOVic;
fresh Spanish mackerel, 10o: freshj red snap
per, llc018c; fresh carp, lie; fresh roe
abad, eao 1, T5C fresh bucg shade, each, 40c;
rrosen catfish, ion; frozen baraouda, 10
frozen blusfiah. 14c; frozan black bass, 16c
frosea tlleflsh for steaks, lie: frozen white-
fish, round, 11c; smoked whiting. 10-pound
baskets, per pound, 16o; kippered cod or
grayllah, IB-pound baskets, 16c. Delicacies-
Frogs, Jumbo, par dozen, $$,50; large, per
dozen, $1.60; medium, par onsen. $1.75;
shrimp, psaled, per gallon, $1.00; heartless,
$1.26; ccab meat, lump, per gallon, $3.26;
shad roe, per pair. 6O0 turtle meat, 10c;
looarers, green, 11c; noiien, zoc.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts: Ribs No,
1. Z4c: rto. 2, zsc: no. 1, itua. Loins no.
1. 38c; No. 1, 26tc; No. 3, 21e. Chucks
jvo. i, ire no, 1. 17c: No. I, lBUr. Roundi
No. 1. lKc; No. 2, 104c; No. 1. I80.
nates no. 1, itcj NO. 1, 14c; No. I,
New Tork Money Market.
New Tork, May 26. Mercantile Paper
tttus per cent. ,
Sterling Exchange 60-dar bills. '$4.72:
commercial 60-day bills on banks. $4.71Vj;
commercial o-aey bins, 04.11; demand,
$4.76 0-16; cables, $4.70 T-16.
Silver Bar, 74c; Mexican dollars, 68ic.
Bonds Government and railroad, ateady.
Tims Loans Firmer; 60 dsys. 4U044t
per cent: 00 days, 4 H 044 ptr cent; six
montns, ff 1 per cent.
Call Money Firm; high, t per cent;
low, 24 per cent; ruling rste, 1 per cent;
last loan, 1 per cent: closing bid. 24 ner
cent: offered at 8 per cent.
U. S. 2a, re.... 064 K. City So. r. 6s. 864
do coupon..., 64L, A N, un. 4s. 91
U, 8. 3s, reg . . . , 08 4 M K. T. 1st 4a 68
do coupon..., Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 60 U
U. S. 4s, reg. ...105 Mont. Power 6s.. fttfc
do coupon. .. .108 ' N. W. Con. d. Os.lOSH
Pan. Ss roupon. 0 No. Paclflo 4s.,, 884
Am. For. flees. 5s 064 do Is 62U
Am. T. A T. 0. 6s O. I. L. ref. 4s.. 874
Anglo-French 6s. ISfcPao. T. AT. 6a. 7t
"Amour a co.o 11 renn. cop. 4s.Iei4
Aichison gen. 4s. ,00 04 do gen. 44.. , OS "4
Bait. A Ohio 4s.. 87 Reading gen. 4s. 14
Cen. Leather 6.s.l004 8.L. A S.F.a.6s. 664
Con. Pacifio 1st., 8480. Pacific ov. 6s98
C. & O. cv. 6s,.. 87 ft do ref. 4a 66
(?., It. A Q., J. 4s. 96 So. Railway 6s.. 98
C.M.8.P.g.4tts 90'Tex. A Pac. 1st. 98
C..R.I. A P. r. 4s 70Vj Union Pacific 4s. 9
C. & So. ref. 4 Vi s 7044 do cv. 4s 89
n, A R. G. ref. 5a 664U. H. Rubber 6s. 87
r. or u. 6s. 1931. 06 '4 u. h. steel 6a... io&u
Erie gen. in 014Wabaah 1st.... 1004
Onn. Electric 6s, 10I4 Wast. Union 4 t 0E 4
tit. No. 1st 44a. 044 Hld.
Ill Central ref. 4s 87 Offered.
Int. M. M. 6a... 0$
New Tork 43offe Market.
New Tork. May IB. Coffee The markit
for coffee futurea waa very quiet again to
day, with prices holding fairly ateady in
sympathy with the ruling of Brazil. There
was some talk that the proposed plan of
war taxation might be modified, but noth
ing defnite enough developed in that con
nection to inspire fresh ventures, and sales
for the day amounted only to 7,000 bags.
The opening was unchanged to 8 points
lower under a little scattering liquidation.
but the offerings were soon abaorbed and
rallies of 1 or 1 points followed, December
advancing from 8.43c to 8,46c The close
waa 1 point net lower. May ,1.10c; June,
8,16c; July, 1.22c; August, 8.27c; Septem
ber, 8. lie; October, 8.36c; November, 8.39c;
December, ,43c; January, o.4lc; February,
8.55c; March, 8.01c; April, 8. 67c.
spot, dull: it 10 7c, lOftot Santos 4i. littc.
No fresh offers were renorted here from
Santos. Rio 7s were said to be offered here
at.B, America credits, following a small
sals of ISo yesterday.
The official cabiea reported no mange
In the Brazilian markets, except Santos
futures which were unchanged to 36 rela
lower, Santos cleared 28,000 bags for New
Omaha Hay Market.
Recelotft continue aood. demand fair,
market lower on both prairie hay and al
falfa. Choice Upland Prairlo Hay $21.00022.00;
No. 1, $20.00021.00; No. 2, $17.00018.00;
No. 3, $11.00013.00.
Midland Prairie Hay No. 1, 320.00021.00;
No. I. $14.00017.00.
Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1, 014.000
11.00; No. 2, $10.00011.00; No. 3, $8,0001,60.
Alfalfa Choice. 8Z4.ooZ5.o" no, i.
$23.00024.00. Standard, $20.00021.00; No,
3, $17.00018.00; No. 3. $12.00014.00.
Bt raw Oat, $0,000 stu: wheat, a;. guv
U0. - .
Oils and Rosin.'
Savannah, May 26. Turpentine Frfm;
lU&41bc: sales. 318 bblff.; receipts, 323
bbls. ; shipments, 414 bbls. ; stock, 9,887
Rosin Firm: 1.402 bbls - receipts. I
bbls.; shipments, 1,9:1 bbls.; stock. 66,600
Quote: A. B, $5.7506.00; C D, E, F, $6.86
R6,Of: G. S5.H2M0-no: H, Z&.Vbcni.eci I,
$6.07liM.05; K. $6.00; M, $O.OO0C.O5;.N,
I6.OA06.1O; WG, $6.0006.22; WW, $6,000
Kn gar Market.
Now Tork. May 26. Sugar Raw. firm;
centrifugal, 6.96c; molasses, 5,08c. Refined,
steady; fine granulated, $7, 6008. 50c. Fu
tures were firmer on scattered covering and
buying by outside Interests, with prices at
midday 7 to 0 points hlghnr.
Closed stesdy. 5 to 7 points nigner; saies,
17.600. tons: May. 6.0.1c; July. $.09c; St p.
tern, 4,11c
Receipts Are Fairly Heavy, but
Trade is Dull and Market
Suffers a General
Omaha, May 16. 117.
Receipts ef grain were fairly heavy to
day, but the trade was rather dull and the
market suffered a general decline.
The demand for wheat and oata re
mained very dull throughout the session,
but the corn trade, while it started 1 nut
rather slow, later picked up ronstrierahly
and quit a number of sales were reported
before closing time.
The heaviest decline was In wheat, this
cereal being quoted from 4n 1o $0 lower,
but the corn and oals markets were com
paratively weak, corn being quoted from
2e t $He lower, while oata sold from
3tte to IS under yesterday's price. Rye
waa Quoted nominally unchanged and bar
lay waa quoted about So lower. ,
Sales of No. 1 hard wheat ware mads
at li.Bbi No, 1 hard sold generally at
$3.14; No. 4 hard ranged from $I,"8 l
$2.80 and part of a oar of sample grade
wheat brought $3.83,
Hales of white corn were made At $.61,
Tha better grades of yellow ranged In
price from $1.60 to It 61 and the better
grades of mixed sold around $1.00.
Oats price covered a rather wide range,
aom of tha No, I whit samples selling as
low aa t4406lc.' but ihe bulk sold at
00c, Standard tata wsre quoted at 06t
and en eel of sample whit waa marked
at 66c. ,
There were no sales of ry reported and
only 2 cars of barley, which brought $2.36.
Clearances were; Wheat and fleur squat
to 496.000 bu.; oats, 331.000 bu.
Primary wheat receipts were 781,000 bu.
and shipments 084.000 bu.. against rerelpls
or 965,000 bu. and shipments of 8.448,000 bu.
last year.
Primary corn receipts wsre 826.000 bu.
and shipments 458.000 bu., against receipts
of 604,000 bu. and shipments of 48,000 bu.
last year.
Primary cats receipts wer 478. Ooo bu.
and shipments 871,000 bu., against receipts
of 804.000 bu. and shipments of 714,000 bu.
last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oals
Chicago 41 60 132
Minneapolis 9K .. ,.
nuiuth 66
Omaha 36 , Tl 13
Kansas City 58 '
St. Lonls 1 43 34
Winnipeg 1098
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 0 1-1 ears.
12.85. No, 8 hard winter, 3 cars, $1.64. No. 4
hard winter, 1-8 car. $1.80; 1 car Mi lb ),
$i.78. Sample hard winter, t-5 ear. $2.81.
No. 3 spring. 1-0 car, $2.5Hi. No. 1 mixed
durum, 4-0 car, $2.67V, No. 4 mixed durum,
1 1-6 cars, $2,676. 1
Barley No.. -4, 3 cars, $1.36.
Corn No. white, 0 cars, tl 01; No. I
white, 1 care, $1.61. No, 1 yellow, 1 car,
11.0014. No. 1 yellow. 1 car, $1.61; 8
cars, $1.604; I cars, $1.60. No, I yellow, 1
car (shipper's weights), $k60H; 4urs,
$1.60. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.00. No. I miked,
f. 2-8 cars, $1,60. No, 3 mtxed, 4 ears. $1.60.
No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, t.64; 1 ear, $1.6.
ilt fttanriard. 9 cars. 6Ke. No. I whlti.
6 cars, 06c; 1 car, 06c; 1 car, 644. Sample
white, 1 car, 06c.
Omaha Caah Prices: Wheat No. I hard,
$2.8402.66; No. 8 hard. $:.8202.84: No. 4
hard, $2.7602,80. Corn No. 2 white, $1-40
01.61; No. 3 white, $l.OO0l.OOH; No. 4
white, $1.SO'401-6O; No. 6 white, $1.00
1.69U; No. 0 white, $1.6801.10; No. 2
yellow. $1.6001.61; No. 1 yellow,. $l.$tt 0
1.60; No. 4 yellow, $1.6001.60; No. $ yellow.
31.63 01.5914: No. 0 yellow, 01. 00400. 68
No. 2 mixed, $1.801.66; No. $ mixed,
$1.601.00; NO. 4 mixed, $1.601.OH; No.
0 mtxed, $l.5S01.6t; no. t mixea, ii.irq
1 68M,. Oats No. 1 white, 164066Vo;
standard, 66066c; No.' 1 white, O4 0 66c;
No. 4 while, 64066c, Barley Malting,
$1.3601.45; No. 1 feed, $ tiy
No. 2, $2.2003.30; No. 3, $1.1803.8.
Loral range ef options:
Art. I Open. I High, Low.l Cioa. j Tea,
I 20
1 01
1 61
1 41
1 00
t u
x i 1
t 84 4
1 424
1 00
I It
1 80
1 1814
1 86
60 W
Cnicagu closing- prices, lurnlshd The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, atook and grain broker,
310 South Sixteenth street, umana
Art. Open. High. I Low. Close. Tea.
Wht i 1
July 1 28 1 28 316 I 1TH US'
I Sep. 1 03 I 33U 180 1 II 113
July 1 81 1 I1H 14614 I I l"ti
Sep, 1 414 1 434 186 I 17 143
Dec. 1 0m 1 02 4 97 H I l"
July 62 62U 68 t
Sep. 64 64 S 634 61 13
Pork. '
May 87 60 37 80 37 60 ST 10 87 6
July 17 16 17 IB 37 36 If 00 88 00
July-- 21 334i 22 824 23 15 II J 22 37
Rep. 22 46 22 60 22 30 11 171 22 60
Ribs. "t-
July 20 80 10 60 20 40 10 46 20 66
Sep. 20 70 20 72 lj 20 67 20 00 20 75
New York General Market.
New Tork, May 24. Flour Uneet tied ;
smlnr patents. 114.40014.86; winter wa tents.
$13.30013.60; winter straight, $13,10013.15;
Kansas straights, $13.66014.16.
Cornmeal Firm; fine white and yellow,
$3.70; coaras, $3.87 kiln dried, $8.00, nomi
Wheat Spot, nominal. -
Corn Spot, weak; No. 1 yellow, 11.71 0. t.
f New Tork.
Oata Spot, weak; atandard, 7114 He.
Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.1501.30; No. I,
$1.10; No, 1, $1.00; shipping, 900150.
Hops Quiet; state, common to choice,
1916, 30036c; 116, 608c; FaclflO ooast,
110, 0011c; 1916, 708c.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 4RMe; Central
Amerlr-a, 4MI4c,
Leather Firm; hemlock first, ITc; sec
onds., 66c.
Provisions Pork, steady- mess, 941. $0;
family, $44.00; short, clear, $42.60044.60.
Lard, weak; middle west, $28.26013.85.
Tallow Strong; city special, loose. 18e.
Wool Firm; domestlo fleece Ohio and
Pennsylvania, 64068c.
Butter Firm; receipts, 8,610 tub: cream
ery higher than extras, 42042fcc; extras,
92 score, ilo; firsts, 40041c; seconds, 21
0 39 0.
Erks Irrevular: receipts. ' 10,110 esses;
fresh gathered firsts, S8H039c: fresh gath
red firsts, storage packed, 87088c; fresh
lathered firsts, 36037c; seconds and lower
grades, 82A 0360.
uneese unsexiiea; receipts, js.uiv coxes.
Including 640 In transit for export; atat
fresh specials, 36 026ftc; do., Average run,
poultry Live steady cnicaens, Droiiers,
41043c: fowls. 21022c; turkey, 18020c,
dressnd dull; chlckena, 240.0c; fowls, 19 "4 0
36c; turksys, 18036c.
' Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, May II. Flour Fancy pat
enta and firsts clears declined 16c; quoted
at $14.76 and $12.71 respectively. Other
grades unchanged.
Barley $1.0601.11,
Rye $2.3202.36.
Bran $31.00032.00.
Wheat Mav. 12. SOU: July. $2.33: Sen-
tember, $1.84. Cash: No. 1 herd, $2,880
8.11; No. 1 northern, $2.7808.13; No. 2
northern, $2.6802.76.
Corn No. 8 yellow, 0I.629T1.64.
Oata No. 3 white, 01063.
Flag Seed 38.3a08.38.
Cotton Market.
New Tork. May IB. Futurea opened
firm; July, 21.26c; October, 20.8c; Decem
ber, 21.07c; January, 21.09c; March, 21.26c.
The cotton market today closed steady at
net advance of 28 to" 261 point.
Futures closed firm: July, 31.04e: October,
21.27c: December. . 21. 37c: January. 21.40c;
March, 21.58c. Spot, steady; middling,
Liverpool. May 20. Cotton spot m good
demand; good middling, 14,06d; middling.
13.90d; low middling, lS.O&d; built 01 sales,
11,000 bales. 0
Kansas City General Market.
Kansas City. May 25. Wheat No. 2 hard.
82.8202.00; No. 1 red, $2.83 2.86 May.
$2.80; July, $2.21.
Corn No. 1 mixed, $1.6101.02; No. 1
white, $1.6401.64; No. 8 yellow, $1.030
1.04; May, $1.60; July, $1.60.
Oats No. 2 white. 72 073c; no. I mixed.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis. May 26. Wheat No. I rod,
82.08: No. 2 hard. $2.9002.90; July, $2.14:
September, $1.92.
Corn Nfl z, ii.otti.BA; io. 1 wmie,
nominal; July, $1.63. September, $1.364.
Oats No. 3 and no. 2 wnitt, nominal.
London Stocks and Bond.
T.nnrtnn. Mav 26. American securities
were quietly steady and higher on the
stock exchange today.
Silver Bar, 27Td per ounce.
Money 304 per cent.
Dlacount Rates Short bills, 4 11-16 per
ent; thre months' bills, 44 per cent.
. vaaaMMM m
Once Mere U, S. Steel &!
loons; Carrying in Its Wake
All Kindred Stocks.
Now Tork. May . ladualrlal itorkl
n-ar. again tha atrlktua featurr. of tnday'. artlva markat. L'nltad BtatW
Stacl b.lm lha vlvot arcunil which trarlln,
moat oftan rnvolvul. 8lal raporrlad (ha naw
maalmum of 134 at an citrama adranva ol
1 Dolnta. and under cloaca at a. vary
lillht racaaalon from top.
Almoat tha rnttra Hat of anulnm.nta,
munltlona, mrtala. .hlrrltiRs. oil. and many
unrlaaalrltd laaut'a followed In tha waka of
ataol. That atoik waa dralt In to lha ex
tant of 41(1.00, aharaa, or aDOUt X, par
cant of the day'a d.allnK.
Thar, were freouent fiauae. and irrefuiar
recaealone. hut almoat every ,elba,'k Itav.
way 10 a froah huylim whk-h aent quotation,
hlaher than heforl.. Profit taklll. or ranlla-
tli. exerted Utile, effeot until tha final hour,
when aoma of tha mora apeculatlv. laatie,
yielded I to polnta. rubier, participation
waa a. lector or no ainai, imp.,,..,
leading oommlaalon houaea bad ,m.ry over
nleht older,.
Tha heavlnaa of ralla ronatltuted altnoal
the anl. drawoark to tha day'a bulllah npnr
atlona llelawara & Hudaon had a re
current apell of weaknea. falling owl I
polnla. hut making up half of Ita lona. other
afrka of that dlvlalon auffered Irregular de
cllnea with roalera.
High priced aDeclalllea were In fair de
mand. Scare. Roebuck advancing almoat I
polnta. lfnlon Bag and Taper, polnta. and trial Alcohol. IS polnla. Motor, oe.
notMl ahort covering and Rugara alar, im
proved for the eame technical rrMon. Total
aalea. 1.100,000 aharaa.
Paymenta hy thla government of IISO.
009,000 to arcat Britain and Italy rapreaent
od credit, already granted to both countrlca
and effected no alteration tn exchange rate.
to london or noma. France were . intra
higher and ruble, reacted eilghtly.
Tha activity of Lackawanna Hteel bonrla
at an 'advance of a polnta waa tha chief
tocldent In the ateady bond markat. Total- '
aalea, par value, It. 1,0,009.
United Statea and Tanam. bonda rule, H
to I point lower on call.
gala. ,Hlgh. Low. Cloaa.
Am. Beet Sugar.. o.ion (i :, II U
American Can '.( II i aot,
Am, Car round. I.loo TH "'a H
Am. Locomotive... lo.09 13 1, III 1
Am. Smelt, ft Ref. 17.100 lot lot lOlli
Am. Sugar Rer... l.DOO 111 not, 11"'.
Am. Tel. ft Tel.., , 1.000 1124 l!1 , lllHj
Am. K., L. ft S.,,, 1.SO0 lilt !, I3H
Aanacond. Copper. 11.100 Hot 13 10
Atchlaon 1,,0 101 101 1(11 H
Atl. O. ft W. IKS. 17.100 10la 100 10H
Baltimore ft Ohio. 1.000 71', 701, -70
Butte ft Sup. Cop.. 1,400 4H 46(4 it
Cel. Petroleum ... 700 lit, 11 U 11
Canadian Paclflo.. I.loo lotVj 11H 11 '
Central Leather... ll.too 90(4 tJH ti
Cheaapeaka ft Ohio 1.K0D not, (, 19
C, M. ft St. P.... 1.100 74K II 11H
Chicago ft N. W.. 100 11114 11114 HI',
... R. I. ft P., clfa 41 H
Chin. Copper ll.noo 8t, I7U 09
Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 11,100 It 14 14V,
Com Prod. Ret.... 11.309 14 17 VI 11
Crucible Steel 11,000 77(4 7441 7t
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 11,100 41 (. 41 44
Dlallller't Sec 400 114, 17VI 11 Vi
Erl. 1,700 11(4 144 14
Oener.1 Electric... 1.199 11144 H0V4 HIV,
General Hotora ... 19.000 loav, 10444 lot .
St. Nothern pfd... I.loo 101 107 101
fit. No. Ore . clfa.. 11,100 II UVi 10 I
llllnala Central. ... 1,100 101 Vi lOIVi 101 '4
ln.plr.llon Copper. 14,100 ! (
Int. If. M. pfd 10,100 11 llVi H'i
Int. Nickel.,.,..., 14.400 41 41 41
lot. Paper 1.990 19 11
Kan. City. Souther. loo 21 11 11
Kanneoott Copper.. 4S.I90 HI 47 49
Maxwell Motor..:,. 1.0O9 41 49 40
Meg. Petroleum.... 14,104 ,7 11 IS
Miami Copper MOO 11 40 10
Mlaaourl Paclflo... 4.10, 17 IT fl
Montana Power.,,,. .... .. ... 11
Nevada Copper.... 1,900 11 15 11
N. T. Central Mee 11 10 10 ,
14. T N. H. ft H. 1,000 11 14 IS
Norfolk ft Weatern 100 114 111 114
Northern Pacific. 1,100 101 101 111
Paclflo Mall , 1,400 ItVt t 14
Pacific Tel. ft Tel 10
Panaavlvanla 1.000 II 11(4 11(4
Plttaburgh Coal... 17.109 10 49 11
Ray Con. Copper,, I4.U0 US 10 II
Reading 14,100 94 91 II
Rep. Iron ft Steel. 41.40(1 91 91 91
Shattuck Aria. , Cop. 1.109 17 II 17
Southern Paclflo... 1,400 94 94 14
Southern Railway. 4.900 14 11 10
Studobaker Cor..,. 11.100 11 II kl
Texan, Co.,......,. 1.109 111 114 11T
Union Paclflo..... 1.100 197 131 130
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 11,000 131 1SI 134
U. S. Steal .4,1,00,114 111 131
V. S. Steel pfd..... 111
Utah Copper 14,100 11J44 111 111
Wabaeh pfd "B". .. 101 11 It It
Weatern Union KIO 91 93 12
Weetlnghouee dec, 11,149 II 11 (4
Total aalei for the day, 1,700,10, lhare,.
Modified Censorship .
Section is Drafted
Washington, May 25. Conferees
cn the espionage bill have drawn a
so-called modified newspaper censor
ship lection, which will be brought
before congress with the influence of
the administration for inclusion in the
pending bill. It must be accepted hy
both house, to become part of the
biM. ... r
The wording r of the new section
confines prohibited publication! ex
clusively to military information and
retain, the provision that a jury shall
decide whether published information
is useful to the enemy. It is consid
ered a much .more liberal section than
other, previously proposed by the ad
ministration. - .
The conferees also agreed on the
senate amendment lo empower the
president to declare export embar
goes. It is designed to prevent ship
ment, of auppltes to Germany
through neutrals. The agreements
will be formally presented (omorrow.
Rev. T. C. Webster
Is Considerably Improved
Rev. T. C. Webster, pastor of 'the'
Florence Methodist church, is ihow
ing improvement at the Nicholas Senn
hospital. Rev. Mr. Webster was seri
ously injured Monday night when .
hit by an automobile while on his
way home after delivering t sermon
at his church. Because of his ad
vanced age it was thought at the
time of the accident that his injuries
would be fatal.
Presbyterians Favor
Suffrage for Women
Dallas, Tex. May 25. By a large
majority the Presbyterian church in
the United States of America (north)
today adopted a resolution declaring
for woman suffrage.
Omaha War News
Sergeant Hansen of the army re
cruiting office left Omaha last even
ing to establish a recruiting station
at Mason City, la. He will probably
return Saturday.
Men who can drive four mules are
wanted at the recruiting office of the'
reserve corps; also men who can sling
a pack on a mule. Such men are
greatly in demand to fill the wagon
company the pack train company now
being enlisted by Lieutenant Wilbur.
The pay for such recruits is from $30
to $33 per month.
Fifty new recruits fertile regular
army were sent from Omaha Thurs
day. - '
Swift & Company
Union 8tock Yanh. Chicago, j j,, lt
Dividend No. 124
THvlcfend of - WO DOLLARS per thin
on the capital atook of 8wiftA Company, will hi
yald on July J. 1917, to .tockboktera of record
un. 9, 1117, aa ebown on the loot, nf tea
, txwnpany, 1 ,
r.S.HATWA.D. .,