Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    THK BttKi OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 26. 1917.
BrieJ City Mewb
Bin loot Prist It Naw Baa con Praia,
Platinum Wedding Rings Edohlm.
Eight-Inch Electrlo Fad, 17.50
Burgess-Granaen Co.
John Smith Freed John Smith was
(reed from Mollis Smith In divorce
court, Judge Leslie presiding.
Dansants at the Henshaw The
Hensh&w hotel will Inaucurate after
noon and evening dansanta with a real
Jazz orchestra.
May Dancing Party The Bohe
mian Bachelors' club will hold a May
dancing party at Tel Jed Sokol hall
Saturday evening.
' Tr the noonday 35-cent luncheon
at the Empress Garden, amidst pleas
ant surroundings, music and entertain
ment. Advertisement.
Sli-Thousand-Milo Trip Hora W.
Moore, traveler and wanderer, arrived
In Omaha Wednesday rrom a o.uuu
mile water trip to Chile.
Divorce for Nonsiinnort Alice P.
Flltcroft was granted a decree from
Byron D. Flltcroft by Judge' Redick,
sitting in divorce court. She alleges
Freight Offices Close Frelcht of
fices of all railroads entering Omaha
will close Memorial day. It is ex
pected that the headquarters also will
close during the afternoon.
Divorce Is Granted Luclle D. Dud
ley was freed from Harry A, Dudley
by Judge Leslie, sitting in divorce
court, They were married August 21,
1811. She alleged nonsupport
Mr. Rains Alleges Cruelty Edward
E. Rains is suing Kathryn L. Rains
for divorce In district court on grounds
of alleged cruelty. They were mar
ried at Nashville, Tenn., October 27,
Thirty-day Sentence Suspended
The thirty-day sentence given August
Arbin for violation of the liquor law
were suspended, as It was shown that
he did not have any liquor in his pos
session. Prof. Dwyer to Speak Prof.
Augustine Dwyer of Philadelphia will
speak at the Latter Day Saints' church,
Twenty-fourth and Ohio streets, at
8:15 tonight on how to become a pub
lio speaker.
Chinee Man Fined Ah Sam. pro
prietor of a Chinese restaurant at 1520
Webster, was found guilty of having
liquor in his place of business in vio
lation of the prohibition law. He was
lined $100 and costs.
' Kittle Burtch Wants Divorce Kit
tie Burtch, suing Harry 8. Burtch for
divorce in district court, says that he
failed to support her. They were mar
ried at Des Moines, la., September 2,
1S99. They have four children.
Mother of Five Wants Divorce
Mary Jane Hanson, suing Anthony
Hanson, Union Pacific bollermaker, for
divorce in district court, alleges ex
treme cruelty. They have five chil
dren and were married November 9,
Tiiree Are Granted Divorces Judge
luy, Hitting !n divorce court, freed
Certrude Preston from George W.
Preston, granted a decree to Christ
Nielsen from Frankle Nielsen and di-
itrced Clarice Barrett from Lyman E.
South Side Lad Missing Franklin
Kingsley, a 13-year-old lad from the
.'.outh Side, is missing from his home,
and his father is offering $50 reward
lor any information which will lead
to .the discovery of his whereabouts,
lie is large for his age and looks as
though he was 16 years old.
Rosenbloom Not Guilty Henry Ro
Hcnbloom, former saloonkeeper at 701
North Sixteenth street, was found not
guilty in police court of violating the
prohibition law by having liquor in
his possession. Wilbur Wood, an em
ploye, admitted the liquor confiscated
was his and that he had It for his
personal use. He was fined $100 and
Metal dies, pressw'h. Jubilee Mfg. Co.
Nebraska Expected to
Win Valley Track Meet
Ames, la., May 2$. (Special.)
Ames prophets of track matters, since
the Cornhuskcrs' overwhelming de
feat of the University of Kansas in
a dual meet, though they tt first
picked Missouri as the easy winner
of first place, are now thinking that
the University of Nebraska may hit
Missouri so hard in points as to take
the Missouri Valley conference meet
here Saturday. While Ames defeated
Nebraska in a muddy dual here by a
rather close score, Nebraska is given
credit by the Ames track experts as
having the best balanced team in the
valley, confederacy.
Prof. Winship Still Waits
For Call to the Colors
Prof. Fred C. Winship, 2020" Har
ney street, who resigned recently
from the department of English in
Bellevue college, expecting to be
called to Fort Snelling, has not been
called, but is reporting for an Omaha
newspaper. He graduated from the
South Omaha High school twenty
vcars ago, when his father, Rev. D.
"C. Winship, M. D., Ph. D., was pas
tor of the Methodist church here.
Prof. Winship taught English in the
Kansas State Agricultural college
three years. His wife has been for
the last six weeks in the Methodist
hospital in Omaha.
Lonesome Sailors Want
Some "Nice" Girls to Write
. Lonesome sailors are asking that
some "real nice girls" write to them.
Charles F. Dickson, R. C. Frazee,
Verne E. Easton. A. D. Hinton, Leon
ard Bctz, H. H. Johnson. Angelo Ma
nella, G. A. Oldham, J. M. Fay, Wil
liam Willougliby and David W.
Maune, most of them from Omaha
and vicinity, invite correspondence.
- Address Barracks A, Tent A, U. S.
in. i. a., Newport, K. t.
This information came from the
interested sailors to Ensign Raylcy at
the recruiting office in Umaha.
Bank Robber Shot
To Death at Tuskahoma
Ardmorc, Okl., May 24. As the re-
bult' of an attempt by three bandits
to rob the First State bank at Tuska
homa, Okl., today one of the robbers
was ,shot to death in the bank by a
possee ana two other bandits are dy
ing from wounds.
A. H. Palmer, cashier of the bank,
had been warned that a holduo micht
be attempted and prepared a trap, as
the result of which the bandits were
shot down by citizens as they fled
irom the bank alter obtaining
Omaha Man Married
To Chicago Young Woman
Chicago, May 25. (Special Tele
. gram.) Ralph B. Riley, 2806 South
Thirty-third street, Omaha, obtained
license here this afternoon to wed
Miss iheodosia Dick, Chicago.
Friday, May 25, 1917-
-Phone Douglas 137
Burgess-Nash Opens the Straw Hat Season Saturday
The Newest Trimmed Hats,
Specially Priced, at
$5.00 to $7.50
WHITE, black, black
and white, large
dressy milan, faced
with Georgette crepes
and trimmed with
beautiful flowers,
others with white
wings, f white ostrich,
Banded White Milan
Sailors, $2.95, $3,95
and $5.00
Double brims, two-
tone effects in about ten different styles, every one
a very special value at the price.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. tcond Floor.
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, Subject
to Slight Imperfections, 75c
IT'S seldom, if ever before, have we been able to offer you such
extreme values as these silk hose are at 75c. Pure silk, in
black or colors, full fashioned, regular made foot; a sample line
and subject to slight imperfections, but very slight in every in
stance; Saturday, at 75c a pair,
Women's Fiber Hose, at 59c
Full seamless, with double garter tops, black and colors, spe
cial, at 59c a pair.
Misses' Lisle Hose, at 29c
Black, full seamless, fine ribbed, very special, at 29c,
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
The Sale of Smocks
At $1.50, $2.00, $2.95
Up to $6.00
THE materials are the most de
sirable, including: "Jeans,"
"Trouville," Organdie and "Won-der-lin,"
a non-creasing cotton
fabric with the weave and ap
pearance of Ramie linen, an ex
clusive fabric which can be ob
tained only in the make of
Smocks sold by Burgess-Nash.
Hand smocked in varigated,
spring shades. You may choose
from white with assorted floral
patterns and colored smocking;
lalso rose, Copenhagen, green and
gold, with assorted trimings.
Just the sort of garment that will appeal to discriminating
women; simple, stylish useful, inexpensive, presented in models
as practical as they are charming, for "sports," for the garden,
street and home wear; the prices are remarkably low.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Special Values in
Coats, Suits
and Dresses
For Misses and Girls
rr&E young Miss is well
X provided for here, and in
every instance the value is
quite unusual.
Misses' Serge Coats, sizes
14 to 20, at $14.00.
Misses' Scotch Homespun
Suits, 14 to 20, at $14.75.
Misses' Colored Stripe Voile
Dresses, 16 to 20 at $10.00.
Misses' Colored Taffeta Dresses,
14 to 20, at $19.50.
Misses, White Net and Organdie
Dresses, 14 to 20, at $14.50.
Children's Colored Silk Poplin
Coats, 6 to 14, at $12.50.
Children's Velour, Tweed and
Serge Coats, 6 to 16, at $5.95.
Children's Checked and Plain
Colored Gingham Dresses, 6 to 14,
at $2.50.
Children's White Organdie Dresses,
6 to 14, at $3.95.
Special Saturday
Women' Tailored Silk Suits,
$29.75 and $39.75
Several smart styles, in finest silk taffetas and
poplins. Every one specially priced.
Women's Wool Jersey Sport Suits,
Several smart new models, the fabric is the most
favored of the season ; many shadings.
Women's and Misses' Wool Tailored Suits,
A charming selection, taken from our regular
stock and reduced for immediate selling; sizes for
women and misses.
Women's and Misses' Dress and Motor Coats
$16.50, $19.50, $22.50
Variety of styles, made up in serges, gabardines
and velours. Splendid range of selection. Every one
specially priced. ,
Sale of Sport Skirts
at $5.00 and $6.75
Many models for choice. Fancy silk taffetas and
men's w.ear woolens. Exceptionally priced.
Burgaas-Nash Co. Sacond Floor i
Fresh Cut
Roses at 3c
FRESH cut roses, long stems,
assorted shades, specially
priced for Saturday, at 3c each.
Carnations, at 3c
Long stems, assorted shades,
fresh cut, special, Saturday, at 3c
Burfaia-Naih Co. Main Floor
Candy Day at
FRESH, wholesome candies,
mado of the very best ingre
dients, the kind that "tastes like
Fruit fudge, assorted flavors,
special for Saturday, at 29c lb.
Nut caramels, assorted, fresh
made, very delicious and special,
Saturday, at 29c lb.
Bursaaa.Naah Co. Main Floor
On the Big Fourth Floor
THIS year there is a straw hat here for everybody, whatever his ideas
may be; you can be different without being conspicuous original
weird. You can say something as to the sort of man you are through
without "talking" through your hat.
Everything that is new
and snappy is represented
in the very newest blocks,
sailors, Fedoras, Tele
scopes, the flat top with
pencil curl or the Tun
Down brim in the Equa
torians, South Amcricat
Panama, Bangkok, Leg
horn, Mackinaw and
Porto Ricos, with pJain
black or puggree bands,
price range, $2.00 to $7.50,
Sennetts, split braids and milan straws, $1.00 to $5.00.
- Buraiaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor.
of head dress
without being
your headgear
" "" I r, .
Saturday's Silk Glove
Special, 65c
WOMEN'S tworclasp dou
ble finger tipped silk
gloves, with attractive em
broidered backs, in gray,
pongee, black and white,
special, at, 65c a pair.
Burgess-Nash Special and
Kayser Silk Gloves
With double finger tips, in white,
black, gray, pongee, navy, green,
brown and mastic; embroidered,
plain or contrasting. Big variety
of styles for selection and every
pair a splendid value, at 60c, 85c,
$1.00, $1.15 and $1.50.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
WE develop your films free
when order is left for prints.
Ono-day service.
No. 0 Brownie Camera, $1.25.
No. 2 Brownie Camera, $2.00.
No. 2-A Brownie Camera, $3.00.
No. 2 Cartridge Prcmo, at $4.39.
No. 2-A Cartridge Premo, $5.49.
No. 3-A Folding Brownie, $XO.
Genuine leather kodak album, spe
cial, 25c.
M. Q. Developer, 5c tube.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Women's Union
Suits at 50c
FINE white cotton, knee
length, bodice tops, ex
treme values, at, 50c.
Union Suits 59c
Women's white cotton un
ion suits, ' low neck an"d
sleeveless, mercerized fin
ish, cuff knee, regular and
extra sizes, special, at, 59c.
Union Suits, 50c
Boys' union suits, Poros
Knit, white or ecru, high
neck, short sleeves, knee
length, special, at, 50c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
MEN'S Hosiery
Special, at 25c
An accumulation of broken lines
and lots which wo are discontin
uing, including sample hose, such
as fibers, lisle and fine gauze cot
ton. A big assortment of colors,
mostly 10 V size, price, 25c pair.
Men's Neckwear, 50c
The short ends not in sets, but
extreme values, light and dark col"
ors, large flowing end 4-in-hands,
price, 50e.
Union Suits
Men's union suits, both athletic
and knitted, long or short sleeves,
knee and ankle length, well
made, specially reduced to $1.15
and 79c.
Burfeaa-Naah Xo. Main Floor
A Man Has Only to Decide What
He Will Pay for a Suit; Then Come to
Burgess-Nash and Wear One Away
WHICH, in every point of style, quality and tail
oring, gives complete satisfaction and is to the
tiniest detail correct. ,
The correctness of a Burgess
Nash suit does not depend upon its '
price.' No matter which of the sev
eral standard prices you pay, cor
rectness of style is assured.
Every Burgess-Nash suit is strict
ly Hand Tailored throughout
made according to our ow,n speci
fications, the
"Burgess-Nash Standard"
and reflecting the smartest creations of the
best designers.
For Saturday we feature
Men's Suits
Featuring the best in fabrics, patterns,
styles and colorings, styles that appeal t.
the young men who give a great deal of at
tention to their dress as well as the mors
Men's Suits, Priced at
$20, $22.50, $25 to $40 ,
Suits that are designed and tailored by
the best artists possible to secure styles
in a variety that will appeal to you, no
matter what your ideas may be, correct in
model, best and most favored materials, all
sizes for regulars, stubs, slims and stouts.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
New White Trimmed Hats, Specially
Priced for Saturday, at
EVERY woman will want a
white hat for summer, be
cause fashion has decreed white
to be correct for wear during the
heated period. These hats are 'in the
very best of milan and milan hemp,
trimmed with flowers, fancy feathers
and ribbons. The values are really
irresistible, at $3.98.
Untrimmed Hats, 69c
Untrimmed shapes in favorite straws, black, white and colors.
Big range of selections, very special, at 69c. ,
Burteia-Naah Co. Down Stalri Stora
Men's Night Shirts,
at 50c
A SPECIAL group of men's
night shirts transferred
from the main section, togeth
er with some soiled ones and
a few that are slightly imper
fect. Trimmed in colors, made
with or without collars, all
sizes to 18, every one a rare
value, at 50c.
Men's Pants
MEN'S all worsted pants, full
cut, belt loops, reinforced
at every scam and tailored to
fit. The patterns are of dark
stripe and mixtures. Very spe
cial, at $1.75.
Another lot similar in de
scription to the above lot, but
better colors, at $2.95.
Women's Wash Dresses
$2.95 and $6.50
L AWN, organdies, poplins, light and dark stripe ef
fects, belted sport styles and belted styles, fancy
collars, and pockets, lace and
embroidery trimmed, Satur
day special, in two groups at,
$2.95 and $6.50.,
Sport Skirts, $1.50 and $2.95
Gabardines, pique, cords, fancy but
tons, pockets and belts, at, $1.50 and
Child's White Dresses, $2.50
Sizes 6 to 14 years, organdies and
lawns, trimmid in val lace and dainty em
broidery. These dresses are well made
to sell for more, special, for $2.50.
Child's Gingham Dresses, 95c
Plaids, checks, stripes and combina
tions, dresses, Anderson ginghams and
chambray, full pleated skirts, middy and
combination dresses, long waisted dress
es, fancy collars, some have pockets, spe
cial, 95c.
Burseaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
House, Lawn and Garden
Refrigerators, three-door side icing style, eight walls of ice saving insula
tion, white enameled food chamber, a perfect dry cold air circulation, solid
bronze hardware.
75-lb. ice capacity, at $31.50.
75-lb. ice capacity, with built-in watc
ooler, $35.00.
Three-door side icing refrigerator;
made of ash, golden oak finish, has soli
bronze hardware, white enameled fooi
chamber, with three retinned shelves.
75-lb. ice capacity, special, $19.50.
Illinois top icing type rcfrigeiato
vhite enameled food chamber:
Ice capacity, 75 lbs., special, $13.95.
Ice capacity, 90 lbs., special, $16.50.
Burreaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Storo
y ,Vci
Needs Underpriced
Lawn Mowers
Philadelphia made lawn mowers, new brand, 8-inch
wheel, 14-inch size, three-blade, special, $2.75.
Roller bearing lawn mowers, Philadelphia make, four
blade, easy running:
14-inch size, special, $4.95.
lb-inch size, special, $5.95.
Garden Hose
Goodyear make, elm
nnd,., guaranteed
eh, 6-ply, 60-foot
ngth, $4.45.
Ash brand, 6-ply
irden guaranteed
ch size. 50-foot
lgth, $5.95.
Molded garden hose, best for wear, guaranteed:
J-inch size, per foot, 10c.
-inch size, per foot, 12c.
Hardwood hose reel, holds 100 feet of hose, 75c. , '
Steel frame hose reel, full galvanized iron reel, special,
s-Ita GotiB