THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1917. "It is not an army that we must shape and train for war; It is a nation. To this end our people must draw close in one compact front against a common foe". -WOODROW WILSON. wo BILLION LOAN DOLLARS The Secretary of the Treasury invites subscriptions from the people to the tvo billion dollar issue of gold bonds, bearing interest at three and one-half per cent t.-.t :t- t , DENOMINATIONS Coupon Bonds - $50.00 - $100.00 - $500.00 - $1,000.00 Registered Bonds - $100.00 - $500.00. - $1,000.00 - $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 $50,000.00; - $100,000.00- Bonds will be dated June 15th, 1&L7, bearing interest from date at 3 per cent, payable semi-annually, December 15th arid June 15th of each year : PAYMENTS Bonds must be paid for in installments as follows: 2 on application; 18 on June 28th, 1917; 20 on June 30th, 1917; 30 on August 15th, 1917; 30 on August 30th, 1917. Principal and interest of bonds will be payable in United States gold coin. - The bonds will be exempt both as to principal and interest from all taxation except inheritance taxes. 'i -..... . ,.- '-' If any subsequent series of bonds is issued by the United States at a higher rate than 3 J per annum before the termination of the war, holders of these bonds will have the privilege of converting them into an equal amount of bonds bearing such higher rate of interest. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK The undersigned member banks of the Omaha Clearing House As sociation offer to receive and transmit applications for the LIBERTY LOAN without expense to the government, without charge to the ap plicants, and without profit to themselves. Application blanks can be secured by applying to any of the un dersigned institutions. , , We respectfully urge our depositors and clients and the good men and women of the great and prosperous west to join us in performing our patriotic duty by investing in these bonds. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK PACKERS NATIONAL BANK LIVE STOCK NATIONAL BANK