Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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State Official Says Prosperity
Visible on Every Hand in
That Section of
I (From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln,- May 23. (Special.) Sec
retary of State Pool has returned
. from a week's trip in the northwest
ern part of the state,
lie says the towns up in that cfmn
, try are improving rapidly and at the
present rate every one of them will
be entitled to a new government
building when he gets to congress.
SeottshiufT is having a building boom.
Bayard lias grown to a city of the
second class, while Gering is simply
expanding to beat the band. The
sugar mills in these towns will do an
immense amount of business this fall
and will make approximately 125,000,-
j WU pounds ot sugar, enough to give
i every mam woman and child in the
t sraie eigniy-nvc pounasr Aaaca 10
i this the sugar factory at Grand Island
will add 25,000,000 pounds more to
uie amounr.
Then he tells a fish story. The gang
which, beside Mr Pool, consisted of
iiu Digneu. dod vjranam, nerman
Smith and R. F. Scott, discovered a
'new fish. As this all happened since
i inc nrsi 01 Aiay, unm proved to me
! contrary, the story may be considered
authentic. They called the new fish
a "vJater puppy." It looked just like
j a catfish, but had four legs like a bull
J pup. '
! Court Cuts Down Judgment
! Given in Real "Estate Deal
f (From a Staff Correspondent)
j Lincoln, May 23. (Special.)
, Henry Mohring exchanged with J.
Licber eight acres of land in the
' northwest part of Omaha for a half
section of land in Colorado. The
Douglas county district court gave
Mohring. a judgment for $6,000. The
district court required him to file a
remittitur in ,the sum of $1,500 so
that plaintiff retained his land in
Omaha and secured a inUgment for
The court commission finds that as
the plaintiff had set. a price of $4,500
on the Omaha land and the defendant
had sold the Colorado land for $3,200
the judgment is "grossly excessive"
and that plaintiff should be required
to file an additional remittitur in
the sum of $2,000.
Burkett to Address
Beaver Crossing Class
Beaver Crossing, Neb., May 23.
(Special.) Commencement exercises
of the Beaver Crossing High school
are being held-this week and the larg
est class in the history of the school
will receive diplomas, May 25. Sun
day Rev. Mr. Hagemeir gave the
baccalaureate address, "Utilizing
Life's Forces," Wednesday evening
the seniors gave the play, "Prof.
Pepp," Friday evening Hon. E. J.
Burkett 'will give the address, "The
New Glories of Old Glory." The
graduates are: Ella M. Miller
Itosa C. Blltor Ethel Mas Miller
Jule F. Corey Wilfred O. Pettjr
Esther M. Eisenbartn S. Olenn Porter ,
Clee W. Foster- Rn'h Pratt
Gladys I. Gentry Arohlo C. Bfl ,.
-Verne M. Hansen Vera Roland
Paul C. Houohen George Roil :;
Beatrice High Has
Class of Seventy-One
Beatrice, Neb., May 23. (Special.)
The Board of Education held a
meeting yesterday and passed on the
list of graduates of the Beatrice High
school, which number -seventy-one
this year. The baccalaureate address
will be given next Sunday evening by
P R Paviriffht. TllMrlflV. MaV
29, there will be If n operatta, "Rip Van
Winkle," at the Paddock theater;
Thursday evening, May 31, class play,
"The Blossoming of Mary Anne,
and Friday evening, June 1, gradua
tion exercises. Rev. H. H. Harmon
of Lincoln will address the class.
Omaha Man's Car Smashes
Window of Drug Store
Beatrice, Neb., May 23. (Special.)
R. A. Cool, a paving contractor
from Omaha, drove an automobile
into the front of Penners' drug store
on South Sixth street last evening,
i smashing the plate glass and damag
I ing the building to the extent of $300.
. The car was' also damaged $100 or
. more. Mr. Cool escaped unhurt. He
had left the machine in front of the
1 store and when he went to start it he
. threw it into low and. touched the
acelleration, which caused the car to
plunge into the iront ot the building.
Falls City Guardsmen
Enlist in the Navy
Falls City, Neb., May 23. (Spe
cial.) Otis Elam and Joseph Gagnon,
both members of Company D, Fifth
Nebraska Natidnal Guards, decided
that they could not wait until July 15
to get into the firing line, so both
jouied the navy as apprentice seamen
on Monday and left for Omaha Tues
day. Gagnon will take up the electri
cal branch of the service and Elam
intends studying medicine.
Calvin's Widow Sues-
, Ex-Saloon Keeper
Beatrice, Neb., May" 23. (Special.)
Mrs. Ethel Calvin, widow ot Harley
Calvin, who was killed in an automo
bile accident four miles north of the
city on the evening of March 31 while
returning home from Pickrcll, yester
day instituted a $5,000 damage suit
against Fred Schroeder, who wis at
that time operating a saloon at Pick
Three Physicians Named
, On Gjiard Medical Staff
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 23. (Special.) Gov
ernor Neville today appointed the fol
lowing physicians to the medical staff
of the Nebraska guard with, the rank
of first lieutenants:
C O. Reed of Ewing, R. D. Bryson
of Callaway and Earl Erskine of
Prisoner Breaks Jail.
' Beatrice, Neb., May 23.- (Special
Telegram.) H.'A. Pendergfaft, who
was recently brought back here from
Kearney, Neb., on the charge of
robbing Drews saloon here in 1915
of $306. broke jail this evening by
prying off the lock on the door lead
ing to the jail corridor from the east.
klc of the building. ,
. - '
Judge W. C. Walton of Blair and
Attorney W. C. Walton of Blair.
aged 73 years, died yesterday at the
Clarkson hospital, Omaha, from a
complication ot diseases. Mr. VVal
ton came to Blair in 1869, the year the
town was started. Jlis home was in
Niles, Mich., where he was graduated
trom alaw school. He was a mem
ber of the state legislature, served a
term as district judge and has been
mayor of Blair, county attorney and
also several terms as city attorney.
Mr. Walton leaves one daughter, Mrs.
Charles Farnam, and grandchild.
Kuth. , lie was a staunch republican
all his lite.
Twenty-Five Hundred '
Pints of Beer Seized
Falls City, May 23. (Special.)
Twenty-five hundred pint bottles of
beer, stacked like cordwood, in the
cellar of Paul Hemple were seized
by sheriff Katekin Monday evening.
The beer, it is alleged, is the prop
erty ot a local organization that had
been warned by the, mayor that it
must not keep intoxicants on its
The bottles were placed in gunny
sacks and taken to the court house,
where it will be used as evidence.
Paul Hemple, who is in the emplov
of a meat market, had his preliminary
neanng octore . i'once Magistrate
Spragins Tuesday afternoon. He was
bound over to the -district court to
answer charge of illegally having
liquor in his possession.
Water District Must Pay
For Injuries to Thiessen
(FromV Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, May 23. (Special.) The
supreme court commission today af
firmed a judgment of the Douglas
county district court secured by
Henry Thiessen against the Metro
politan Water district of Omaha in
the sum of $1,800.
Thiessen received injuries from slip
ping on a steel plate in front of a
door and alleged" that it was negli
gence on the part of the water board
company to have removed the ashes
which usually covered it to permit a
smooth service from being danger
ous. The; lower court lVheld f ot ttfe
plaintiff, .,. '
Annual Commencement of
. The Fairbury High School
Fairbury, Neb.. May 23. (Special
Telegram.) The annual commence
ment efercises-otnhe fairbury High
schoorwill be held tonight, A mu
sical program will be given, with an
address by E. J. Burkett. Mrs. Olive
W. True, president of the Board of
Education, will present the dmlomas.
The baccalaurete sermon was by Rev.
Mr. Unll at the Metuodist church
Sunday night. The class play, "The
Lost Paradise," was given at the
opera house Tuesday night.
There arc forty-three girls and
twenty-nine boys in this year's class.
Nebraska City Gives
$1,500 for 'T'.Work
Nebraska City, Neb., May 22.
(Special Telegram.) In a singlfe eve
ning Nebraska City raised $1,314 for
aiding the work the Young Men's
Christian association will do in the
training camps and in the actual
American military camps in Europe.
Following a meeting at the Audi
torium here this sum was raised with
in a very few minutes. Nine contri
butions of $100 each were received.
A total of $200 has been raised since
the meeting.
German Radicals May
Face Treason Charge
Amsterdam (Via London),' May 23.
Proceedings against some of the
most prominent German radicals on
the charge of high treason is con
templated, the Vossische Zeitung of
Berlin says. An investigation is
under way of the participation in the
meetings in Berlin in connection with
the munitions strikes of George
Ledebour, Herr Voxrthern, HCrr
Buchner and Herr Wittman, inde
pendent socialists.
Bill Gives Commission ;
Power in Car Shortage
Washington, May 22. A bill de
signed to cxtsid the Interstate Com
merce commission's power to deal
with the freight car shortage situa
tion was passed today by the senate
without debate. It provides that the
commission mav Drescribe its own car
kservice rules for those of the rail
roads. The Bill now goes to confer
cnoe with the house, which has passed
a similar measure.
McCarthy Defeats Sainton.
Mlnneaiwlls. Minn., May 22. John Mc
Carthy of. Ban Francisco easily defeated
John fialvatore of St. Paul In a ten-round,
no-decision contest hero tonight-
Cities of More Than Thirty
Thousand Population to
Take Care of Them
selves, From a Staff Correspondent.) ...
Lincoln, May 23. (Special.) A
county having within its borders a
city 30,000 or more inhabitants shall
have jurisdiction over the registration
of names under the military census in
the county with the exception of such
city, which shall be under the super
vision of the mayor or the officer cor
responding to the mayor, according
to instructions received by Adjutant
General Hall today from Washington.
Registration shall be by the cus
tomary voting precincts and any po
lice officer of any grade an,d all of
ficers of the federal government are
required to assist in keeping order and
see that the registrations are carried
on without any disturbance. The
sheriff of each county must provide
the booths.
Slight Frost In West.
Smith Center, Kan.. May 23. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Following a two and
half inch ram trost was on the
ground throughout northwest Kansas
this morning, but it was not heavy
enough to do any damage.
General Pershing
Wires Unable to Come
To Commencement
Lincoln, Neb, May 23. (Special
Telegram.) Chancellor - Avery to
day received a telegram from Gen
eral John J. Pershing, who will lead
the first American troops on the
battlefields of Europe, saying it
would bJmpossible for him to at-
"tend the commencement exercises
of the University of Nebraska. Gen
eral Pershing had been selected to
' deliver the commencement address.
"Circumstances have so shaped
themselves that I shall be unable to
take part in the commencement ex
ercises June 14," General Pershing
wired Dr. Avery.
General Pershing was once com
mandant of the University of Ne
braska cadets.
Big Bean Canning
. , Plant is Destroyed
Norfolk, Neb., April 23. The plant
ot the Norfolk racking company with
a stock of canned beans valued at
more than $100,000 was destroyed by
nre late today. , . ,
The total loss is estimated at 1250.
000. The origin of the fire is un.
Diseased Skin
Freedofn at onre frsm the aony ftf akin
diMsue. Theioottimr wash of oils. Try D.D.U,
-it's different, ttc, 6oc tvud $1.00.
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
MHEN this Company
VI makes an Investment
it is scrutinized and approved
by our Directors, men o(wide
experience in investment
matters. .
Give your heirs the safely
and profit of such judicious
investment . Make this Com
pany your Executor or Trustee. :
f"" sw
Stop at the Red Crown
sign for clean, powerful.
uniform gasoline. Makes theengine
eager, full of life., Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Polarine Oil prevent scored cHnders;
lessens engine wear, j
(N.brasks) Omaha
11 V
Clark near Jackson Boulevard
The Hotel Success
of Chicago
'The hotel's excellent service,
its convenience for the quick
transaction of business, its
proximity to 'theatres, shops
and public buildings make it
tbe ideal headquarters for a
crowded day.,
, 450 Rooms
$1.50 up .
With Bath
$2.00 up
Kodaks and
Main Floor
frrandeis Stores
Billiken Shoes
for the '
Main Floor
Two Remarkable
- Offerings
Untrimmed Hats and Motoring Caps
BOTH the most desirable for wear right now
Japanese Panama Sailor Shapes
600 of this season's newest w'ide brim sailor shapes, made
of fine Japanese Panamas, extra fine bleach and every hat
perfect; as a matter of fact, they are shown here for the first
time on Thursday. A very wonderful offering at this time of
the year, as it is a Hat that can be Worn all Summer.
Values $2.00 to $2.50,
At $1.19 Each
Motoring Cap and Veil 29c
Yes, 29c for the Cap and Veil combined did you ever hear of such a thingl
We offer 300 New Pongee and Linen Auto Caps, with veils attached ; they come
with Green, Blue, Brown, Tan, Gold, Rose and Cherry Veils; would be good values
at $1.00 we say, complete, 29c
Second Floor, Millinarjr Daparlmant
At Wonderfully Low Prices
Stock Up Now For the Season
' Drugs
Sayman's Vegetable Soap, per cake. 6
Kirk's Jap Rose Soap, per cake..r 6
Bocebella Castile Soap, special, per cake 7e
Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap, per cake 6
Pure Castile Soap, 25c bar, at
White Ivory Dressing Coiabs, regular $1 . . . .40
Travelers' Rubber Lined Case, special, at. . .29
Java Rice Pfcwder, per box 25C
Lustrite Nail Enamel, regular 25c value, at. .14
Black Ebony Manicure Buffer, special, at. . .24
Mary Garden Talcum Powder, per can 38t
Danderine, special, at 29tt
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Sloan's Liniment, regular 50c value, bottle . .27 it
' Beef, Iron and Wine, per bottle 39
Pluto Water, S5e bottle for T. .24t
Lysol Antiseptic, 60c regular value, at 29
Listerine,' $1.00 size bottle, at 55
Lydia Pinkham's Compound, $1.00 size bottle 67
8. 8. S. Blood Purifier, $1.00 size bottle, at. .59
Mentholatum, 50c size, at.., 29
Broiho Seltzer, 60c size, at..... 29
Sal Hepatica, $1.00 size, at 67
Pure Witch Hazel, full quart 38t
Colorite, for straw hats, per bottle 19
Horlick's Malted Milk, hospital, at S2.H9
Fletcher's Castoria, 35c size, per bottle . . 19
Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c size, per bottle. . . lft
Beecham's Pills, 25c size, per box
Cascarets, 60c size, per box. . .-. 34t
Seidlitz Powders. 10 in a box. at 166
Soaps and Powders
Graves' Tooth Powder, 50c size, per can. . . .29t$
Pond's Cold Cream, 60c size, per jar -29r
Roger & Gallet's Rice Powder, per box 24V
Pononi's Face Powder, 60c size, per box. .29
Williams' Talcum Powder, per can ...10
Lazell's Field Voilet Talcum, per can 10
Packer's Tar Soap, per cake v 16
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, per cake.
Williams' Shaving Cream, special, per cake. 19
Bathasweet, special, at 19
Palmer's Almond Meal, per can .19
Toilet Articles ; 1 1
Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, small size, at. . .' . . .39
Ricksecker's Edgewood Voilet Toilet Water,
per bottl 39
Ricksecker's Gold Queen Toilet Water, spe
cial, per bottle v 59
Mavis Toilet Water, per bottle 69
4711 Toilet Water, small size, at 21
Spiehler's Smile Toilet Water, per bottle.... A9
Vadia Forel Toilet Water, per bottl 69
Mary Garden Perfume, per ounce 81.59
Jardin Lilac Perfume, per ounce........ $1.49
Djer Kiss Perfume, per ounce. i. .81.19
Pinaud's Vegetal special, at 49
Pompeian Massag Cream, 50c size, at 29
Kirk's Jap Rose Cream, per jar 1.9
Cream de Meridor, 60c size, per jar 29
Madam Isabelle's Cold Cream, 50c-elze, per
jar 29
Melrose Natural Rouge, 50c size, per jar.. 29'
Freeman's Face Powder, per box. ....... . .19
Rubber Goods
2-quart Fountain Syringe, 3 hard rubber pipes,
rapid flow tubing, special 49
8-quart rapid flow Fountain Syringe, made
of the best red rubber, S pipes, guaranteed,
at 98
2-quart Hot Water Bottle, best white rubber,
special, at ; 66
Rubber Gloves, all sizes, regular 75c value,
per pair 29
Rubber Sheeting, 86 Inches wide, per yard. .28
Hosptal Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. rolls, each. .29 .
White enamel steel Douche can, special, at. .69
Extra tubing lengths for Syringes, regular 5-
footj special, at v. 21
Graduated Medicine Glass, at. 5
v Main Floor
White Kid
9-Inch Lace Boots
These are very beau
tiful Shoes, and we are
showing them in excel
lent styles. The price is
moderate, too.
Plain Vamps, perfor
ated foxings, wood Louis
heels, leather covered;
lightweight soles, spe
cial for Thursday,
$8.00 a pair.
Just arrived in time
for Decoration Day,
Main Floor, roar
Handkerchiefs, 1 Ar a
For Women and Children
Here is an offering that you should positively
take Immediate advantage of every woman knows
the present high cost of the fabrics that go into the
making, of these Handkerchiefs,, and every woman
will immediately appreciate the remarkable quali
ties of this offering. , .
' Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs, in solid
colors, white with fancy embroidered corners and
Swiss embroidered borders Also Handkerchiefs
with your first name embroidered on pure linen.
Your Choice, Thursday 10c Each
Main Floor
Here Are Frames
' At $1.00 Each
That are very exception
al values.
Take some of the pic
tures you prize, but have
never quite made up your
mind to frame, and DO IT
One Dollar buys-Frames
here on Thursday that
would easily cost you
$1.75 to $3.00 ordinarily.
STANDARDS. Frames in'
all sizes and styles.
$1.00 each
Thursday , Third Floor
Sewing The Right Kind of Sewing Is a
Thing Every-Woman Is Proud Of
-t BUT if you have'nt if f2nr-M;!-U?!E!Tn
the right kind of a Ma-
chine to do it with, youH ri.Tii I1! !i tt
are expending many1
times the energy you
Bhould and not getting
the right returns for
your labor. DO YOU
KNOW that sopie of the
best physicians in the
United States have so
The "FREE"
l ElOI 144
that hundreds of women who could not operate the old style
machines with safety, work with the "Free" attain the maxi
mum of results, and experience practically no fatigue whatever.
can give your wife a Sewing Machine that runs so light that she
works it without any strain upon her physical power. DON'T
Come in and look at the
1917 Model "T RE FREE" Y
(Bait Sowing Machine in tha World) '
and the verdict will be MY WIFE WILL HAVE ONE OF
THESE. ' ' ,-
i Two Specials for Thursday
$1.00 Hemstltohing Attachments,' fit all makes of Sewing Ma
chines, Thursday only, each, O C
at . ...;.40C
Brandeis Special, $35.00 Sewing Machine; modern and com
plete with all latest attachments, a very wonder- (r) i QC
ful value, at Pa40
N. B. Let us demonstrate for you. ,
Third Floor i
The May Towel Sale Continues Main Floor