Want Ad Rates USB THB TELEPHONE If you vanitot con veniently bring or ind In your ads. Ask for ft Want Ad Taker and you will re ceive the earn goud service at when de livering your ad at this office. PHOM TVI.E1: lOOO. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVEN I NO EDITIONS 12:00 M MORNING EDITIONS le:00 P. M. NO AD TAKR KOK I.BHS THAN If. I ONE TIME, OH LESS THAN 10. 1AVAI 1ANH WITH ORDER, it Solid (No Display.) VPER WORD, EAd INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed la Larger Type: so per line one time 40 par lint, I or mora consecutive Insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata I0o par Una 1 CARD Or THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 10e par line ...esch insertion (Minimum charge, 0 cents.) MONTHLY RATS FOR STAND I NO ADS. (No change of cop" allowed.) one line ft " Two line or mora ...$1.10 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDEn HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. Se per word one time 14o per word, two or mora consecutive tmertlona. . SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. Oa lADd. Poultry and Other Advert Ulna; . THB OMAHA BEE (over 10,000 dally). 20TH CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 weekly.) A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. Rataa. Rata. 2 Inaertlona in Omaha Bee and 1, Insertion In 30th Century Farmer, per word..... ...fa Tc T tnaertlona In Omaha Dea and 1 tnaertlona In 30th Century Farmer, par word lQtte , lie MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. PRINCESS 1117 DOVOLAS I-KO COMEDY. "BEACH NUTS" .nil KATZKNJAMMKR CARTOOW. -THB CAPTAIN Ontl A KLIWEHINO" North. ALHAMBRA 2ITH AND PARKER MOLI.T KINO IN SIXTH -CHAPTER. "THS IITSTKRT OF THE DOUBLE CROSS" "IS MARRIAGE SACRED." v "A FILM EXPOSURE." ALAMO J4TH AND FORT MRS. VERNON CASTLE , IN CHAPTER NO. 10 OF "PATRIA." "JERRY SHIPS THB CIRCUS." DIAMOND IITH AND LAKE MIONON ANDERSON, HOLLY MALONB AND HATWARD MACK. In 'THB PHANTOM'S SECRET." ANOTHER BUTTERFLY PICTURE. GRAND , 1CTH AND iilNNEY CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "BETTY'S BURGLAR. LOTHROP 24TH AND LOTHROP HAROLD LOCKVVOOD and MAS ALLISON In "THB RIVER OF ROMANCE." park 7" Tirn and California , LITTLE JOE RAE In v "THE GRUDGE." ' ' South. 28TH 4LEAVENW0RTH APOLLO PAULINE FREDERICK la PARAMOUNT PICTURE. "A MOMENT BEFORE." BOULEVARD :. 1ID LEAVENWORTH "THE PRIMITIVE CALL," FEATURING : OT.ADVN COBURN. West -f- DUNDEE ? 51ST UNDERWOOD NOTHING TO BB SHOWN HERB TODAY. THURSDAY WILL SHOW CONSTANCE TAI.MAUOB IB "BETTY'S BURGLAR . South Side. 0IO , 84TH AND N .' THEOABARA In "HER GREATEST LOVE." DRPHEUll ...... JtTH AND M , MRS. VERNON" CASTLE In . FOURIEEN OF "PATRIA" AND "TI1I0 yUlI. rT yAHTI. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Dlreotora. F. B. F.ro, Mgr., 33d and Cuming SU. Phon. Douglaa 377. Auto ambulance. HULSB RIEPEN. undertaker, .nil m palmare, 701 S. Hth. Douglaa 1J26. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, embalmors and fu aeral directors. 717 S llth St. Tyler 1,7,. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and emblamor, 2624 Leavenworth. Doug, 1,69. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery aaeoclatlon, we are In position ta deliver flowera en short notice anyfnere tn the U. 8. or Canada. Ueaa eVwoboda, Florists. LARGEST assortment of freah flow ere. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. Fontenelle Florist, LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglas St, Douglas 1344. PARKER Flower shop. 411 S. lath. r. 8103. THE FERNERY, 601 B. 14lh St. Dottg. 2986. HATH. National Florlet. 1804 Famam St. A. PONAOHUK. 1823 Harney. Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Harry H. and Mabel Smith, 4113 North Twentieth, gtrlt Vaclav and France K rend re. 1911 South Fifteenth, hoy: Dr. Paul P. and Edna Taylor, 1411 South Twenty-eighth, boy; Harvey and Sophia Hoff man, ltli North Twenty-sixth, boy; Robert W. and Mary McCaslln. ssso North Seven teenth, boy 5 Henry T. and Marj J. St Pit en berg, Florence, boy; George and Nellie Bur km an, hospital, boy; Louis 8, and Lucy If. P hares, 4474 Bvani, boy. Death Wellington C Walton, 71. hos pltal; Anton Roehrlg, IS. 107 Boutft Thirty fifth avenue; Adam Reed, 44, hoepltal: Joale Blmlrll, 84, hoepltal; Myron W. Long. 1, hoepltal; Arthur R. Johneon, 1, $444 Brown; Benalah Everett, 77. hoepltal; Oraea Brat ton, 33, 310 North Twenty-seventh avenue; Oren N. Dibble, 73, 1017 North Thirty fourth: Louvellen Beecham, 43, tit Pacific; Mra. Nellie O' Donovan. 70, 4407 South Twen tieth; Maria Layton. IS, 4041 8. MARRIAGE LICENSES. permits to wed have been laaucd to the following: . Name and Rcetdence. Age. Leo J. Brennan, Garner, ta. ............ 31 Evelyn 8. Flerp, Gamer, la... 'Ik Lawrence A. Batea. pmeha.... 13 Ruth.V. Gentleman, Omaha,. 31 R. Allen Jamet, Sheffield, III....,.....-!! Kellle Houghton, Omaha.,,, I 14 Jitv C Tortv. Lincoln. -Neb 11 Effle E. Rltcnour, North Platte. Neb,. It Frank M. Dragoun, Omaha............. 10 Emma M achat, pmaba ... ai Ora. W. Bruce. Omaha ...t.. 2J Mary Nemecek, Omaha. ...-.. le Harry Boyd. Omaha 97 Gtadya Schemer, Omaha...., II tVlllUni E. Dougherty. Omaha ... 37 Clarence A. Power, Omaha 33 BUILDING PERMITS. Duildlng permlte havo been laaued to the xoiutwing: Omaha Cereal company, Inuthweat cor ner Twenty-eUth and Center. 014.000; W it. "en I iik. S324 R, frame dwelling, 11.000; Oould Dleti. J 10t Farnam, addition, tl.000; 'Clilcago Great Weatern Railroad company, tt:t to toio South Twenty -eighth, fireproof Horace tanka and dryer building. Illo.ooo Hlntt company. 1314-0-1 Douglai, itone and office bulMIng, I30.0AO. Hlatt company, frame dweltlnga, fotlowi: 4001 North 'i'wenly-aevanth, IJ.&00; 4107 North Twen-h-aeventh. I000: 4111 North Twenty-eev. enth, 13.000; 4011 North Twenty -seventh, '13.100: 4t North Twenty-eeventh, 13.100: 03 Hoath Forty-Ant. I3.SG0: 103 South Forty-nrat. IS.OU; 413 South Forty-flrat,i LOST-FOUNDREWARDS r OMAHA A COTNCltTfiLUr-KS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT Peraone having loet eome article would : de wall to call up the office of the Omaha v- A Council Bluff e Street Railway Company - to aaceruln whether they left It tn .the atreat oar, r Many articles each !day Are turned In l and the company to anxlouo to restore them to the rightful owner. IF YOU lose anything ar4 will advertise It j here you will urly recover It If found s tar an hunevt remon. If you find anythfnc of value, the honest way to to advertise Cor the owner, . . w LOST-FOUND-REWARDS FOUND Soda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY. lth and Howard LOST By worklngman, la&.oo, tteaara. Douf lasMHe. ANNOUNCEMENTS AcwrdeonPleting ACCORDEON, ,lde knife, lunburat, box pl.ttlng, covurea oui.una, u p.o. bmu trie.: hematltchlng, Hoot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholee, pennsnte. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., Oppoelt, Braiidel. 8tore. a .A. I DM. rinil.ll. 11.1. VAN ARMANDreea Pleating" and Button Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. !l Rarng. Bldg Phon. Doug. 1 OKTMAN'S mnt -Mlt , I UllLKV ,1, M 1 ,TI1 BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND Ol'R MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OOOD8 Bath,. BATH AND MA8SAUB Eicelelor Bath In- atltUU. H.n ana women nitenaanie. ... Koa. Bldg. Douglaa oil. .ASSEUSB. batha, manicuring, phyalral rult. Mlsa walker. wevuie ma. u. EXPERIENCED operator, "bath of all klnda Room III, Nevlll. Blk.. Itn ana narney RITTENHOUSE SanlUrlum: all klnda batna. 21V-314 Haira mm., iin CENTRAL Batll Initltutfc ItM Harnay Douglaa 701. Ettell. RoyMjj nua. rtpJj3JjyIIJfBUj; Bras and Iron Founderies. Paaton-MltcHell Co., 37111 and Martha Bta. Cloneri snd Dytrt.' .rjKtJB. Bull aieam oi.a n.u .cheu, . A ... ,.!. U.nu Ph XtmA 171. Carpenters and Contractors. LBHSARD SON, 31111 Cuming. Tr. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Kose iJiag. palmer Srhool Oraduate. Douglaa 6317, Chiropodist. Carrl. . Burford, I0 Paaton Blk. It. T. Dancina Academy. KEEP DANCING 2424 Farnam; aumm.r claaaea now forming. Phon. u. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 let Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phon. Tyler 3610. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evfdeno. egcured In all caaea. -ryier ii.e. S. D. JOLLY, H3 Pallon. Bed 7481. Dresimaking. ENOAOEMENTS with working famllle.. Rnl 17,4. 1 MRS. H. T. Mottal. SSI S. 7th. liar. 6332. TERRY Dreaimaklng Co., 30th and Farnam. Everything for Women. SWITCHES made from combtnga, 3 .trand., 31. W.bater 41H. 3411 Grant St. Paste Manufacturers. OMAHA PABT10 CO. Douglaa 376(1. Fixtures and Wiring, TTTPTfTM Eleotrlo waahlng machine., U J JAIVlll eleetrlo Iron, and reading lampa. 3223 Cuming St. ' Doug. 3C19. Hat Cleaners. ALL kind, hate oleaned and rebtocked: la dlea hata apeclal. 120 Harney. B. 473. American Hat Cleaner,, 6H 8. Utl). D. 1265, Housecleaners: WE'LL .lean your houee from top to bot tom. Price, reaaonable. D. Lux.. D. 32,2. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN, t , Ht-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, ml. - Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed free with print tordera, on. day aervlce. Photo Craft Shop, 1401 Far. Maiseures. FRED C. ALLEN, aclentiflo maaaeurt Bwed- lah maaaage and vapor bathe. 1.17 poflga. Maaaaga, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, . 203-14 Batrd Bldg, nth ana ioug. u. e.pb. Central Bath Inat, H04 Harney. Doug. 7007. MISS LII.I.T, bath, maaaage. 1353 Farnam. Miaa WEST, manicure, mai.age, 310 N. 17. Osteopaths. Mra. S. K. Vualck, aulphur, ateam and auca- lyptua. hatha, 401-3 Hoae iog. xy. zaee. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME 8KB FRED PARKS. Watt Paper, Paint, and Glaal, Plotura framing. Pointing and Paper Hanging. 4,33 8. 34th. Phone 8. 101. Patent Attorneys. STUROES STURGEd U. . and foreign patenta and trademark.. 380 Bee Bldg. PATJBNT8 procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., MS Brandeta. p. b,i. Phonograph Record Exchange. Omaha Specialty Co.. 441 Paxton. D. ,333. Pianos or Rent. 13.33 par mo. A. Ho.p. Co.. Hit Douglaa. Printing and Office Supplies. V OS BUSINESS CARDS, 31.00. Rellabl. Prlntery, 1621 H Farnam. Roaa Bldg. Ragtime. Learn to play popular mualo tn 31 lfraaon.. 331, N. 24th. Phone Web. tut after p. m Safes. . (3 A FFQ ' BARGAINS, 1113 Farnam. I. 1. Dertght Sato Co. Shoe Parlors. SHINE, clean, bronae. 1.22 Farnam. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gown., full droaa aulta for rent. 20, N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 3131. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 307 8. llth. P. III. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announoemanta and printing. Uiouglaa Printing Co., Tel, Douglaa 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1106 FARNAM. nURROUGH'S CAFE, OMAHA, NEB. (Sarvlc.) LINCOLN, NEB. 316 S.llh. 121 8. 12th 81. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE.' IS ROOMS OF FURNITURE. THE LA NOB HOTEL AT 60I-604.608 AND . 113 S. 13TH STREET. MAIN t . ENTRANCE, 604. WILL. BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ONE BOOM AT A TIME. THURSDAY, MAT 14. SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK IN THB FORENOON. Comuatlng of 77 brda, aprlng. and mattreaa,., about SO roont-eised ruga, av aral hundred yarda hall carpet 72 dreaa ara, 41 Individual writing deaka and tablea, 34 wardrobea, 33 chlffonlera. 1 up right grand piano. 2 cash register that 4Vt 1360, I Iron aafea, 1, dining tablea and about 10, 4ak dining chain, large buffet, 3 larg. offlc. rhalra, about 0 rocking cnatra, alectrle and arc lampa, 30 bran, cu.pldora, larg. clock, eleetrlo hotef algn, Bl window .wntnga, 3 office deek. and ohalra. Inlaid linoleum and rubber flooring, countera. counter atoola. Sr. extlngulahere, 3 penny match ma chine,, clvar caa. and about 1,000 elgara, . lot of ptcturea, about 100 hedapreada, bout 300 aheeta. 160 plllowa, 300 blanketa and bod qullla. coffee urn, kltrhan furni ture and cooking uten.Ua, duhea. towela. lace eurtalna and hundreda of artlclea too numeroua to mention. Thla i one of th. largest furniture aalea .ver conducted tn Omaha and will li. aold regardlea. of value. The moat of mia rurnitur. u goo.. Don't fall to at tend thla aalo. . ' Thuraday, May H, at 10 a. m. Jama. L. Dowd, Auctioneer, ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy ny furniture, ruga or atovea until you have aeen ua ftrat. We offer you u e.e.vvu djav.-. ur HIUH.UHADIS FUR NITURE. RUGS. STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS tor practically your owa price. W. are forced t. vacata our four-atory warahouaa. and ita antlr. contenu muat b. aold at onoa. Sale take, pl.ee at aur aalea room at th. corner of 14th and Dodg. atreeta. Do not fatl to attend. It u, an opportunity or a lifetime. Hundreda hav. already taken advert. tag. of thla wonderful opportunity. Why don't you? STATE FURNITURE CO., D. HIT. Cor. 14th and Dodge Bts., Omaha. BAROAlNH IN FURNITURE; t gaa stoves, 18 earh; 14 beds, 1 each; 6 Iceboxes, ruga of all hinds, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, huffets. , ilremers, trunks, ffnttcaeee, leather D&von- norta. All ktntis of- beildtng. Full line of rouitry netting. 1,30-47 34th Bt, Tel Webster 1007. Opsn till I p.. m THE BEE: FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and HousenoM Goods. ouae no A fur., . ICE CKBAM ubles, off fur., chairs, refrlg.. Ice coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Vtctrolts and pianos. Loyal Furn Co., 323 N. Ifith. City Furn. Co.. 107 Bo. 14th. SNAP If taken at onca. square oak dining table, I0; sewing machine, Ift; combina tion kitchen table, 2. Box 3200, Bee, HUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. b09 ft, I Bin. FURNITURE of beautiful Dundee borne. Walnut 3311 or Douglaa 4318. GO-CABT, In good condition, cheap If taken t once. J'hone Colfax 3791, Pianos and Musical Instruments. For Sale Cheap One upright piano, practi cally ncw Phone Uoug, 0313 o? 0430 Lumber and Building Materials. HAVE HALF on beams, columns, brtebj. H. Oross Lumber snd Wreck. Co. Web. 38 Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 41 AO; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy tiayments. Cigar atore fixtures a aperlalty. Send for catalogue. THE. BKUNHWICK-BALKE-COLL.SNDER CO., 407-t South 10th St. Clothing and Furs. WE buy and sell tailorVmade aprlng and summer suits. Friedman, 1211 Douglaa. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhardt Pig." Co., 624 B.12th St, Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parte Of an sewing mac nines. NEBRASKA CTCLB CO,, Uth and Harney tits. Dong. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR SALE Rebuilt Remington, Monarch and Smith-Premier typewriters. Prices $lt and up. Fully guaranteed. Buy from manufacturer and be protected. Pay ments, Remington Typewriter Co., Inc., ltth and Douglas. Douglaa 12B4. TVPlSWRITKRS'aold. rented and repaired, Rent an Oliver typewriter Z months for It. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1I0S Farnam. REMINGTON, Monarch and Smith-Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. RemlngU .1 Typewriting Company. D. 1284. Guaranteed Typewriters, $10 and up. Write for list. Midland Typ. Co!T 0 P& ADbTNO machine; Burrough's, for sale; per fect condition. Addreaa T 45, Bee. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Miscellaneous, nearly new W. W. wAtrhmakura' lathe and1 attachments: also Cult men chuck and lnverto staking tool Victor engraving block ana attacn ments; also small tools. Box 4182, Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and made up In fresh ticks cost hi f the Drlce of new DM lows, call us lor samples of ticking and prices. 1807 Cum ing. Douglas WB HAVE moved to new location. We buy, sell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., S. W. Cor. llth and Douglaa Bts. Phone Doug. J724. TWBNTY-FIVJ) yarda rubber matting, one yard wide; 61 feet brass stair nosing. 2610 Farnam Bt. Harney lot. FOR SAti One Santo Vacuum cleaner. complete; cheap If taken at once; leaving city. Tyter. mil. . . .. DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME BOX COMPANY., HARNEY 1S37. SWAPPERS' COLIJMN HAVE Elk stickpin set with small pearls, solid gold mountings; valued at f0. Whathaya you? Box B6, Bee. FILMS developed free; one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. fftoo PIANO for Ford or high power motor cycle. Box 4165, Bee. OAS stove, electric Iron, tennis racket. reading lamp, lawn mower, win sell or exchange for tamps, Colfax Hi. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful Persian kittens, 1611 Orant St. Webster 6881. K1TTHNS Angora, Persian, smoke color, black and white. Walnut S397. Horses Live StocC -Vehicles FOR SALE Two thoroughbred saddle) horses; galted. R. B. Tubbs, M D., Coun cll Bluffs, la. A HORSE, wagon and harness for sale cheap. Call 4611 8. 24th St. Tel. So. 205 1. FOUR work horses fur sate. A, J. Anderson, ifith and Center Bts. Call Douglas 2378 AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 1280. 1047-8 Farnam St. Touring care and roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes, TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. 1816 DAVld touring, electric lights, starter, new tires, car In perfect shape, l2Mk 1814 Studebaker alx, eleetrlo lights and battery. Delivery and aeven-passenger body, gnod running order? $17S. CROS8TOWN OARAQB, 816 8. 14TH. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. t08 Farnam. Douglaa 3510, ' JSlt Cole. 181 Stearns Knight. ., 1811 Maxwell, IKS. 1814 Empire, HOfr. 1815 MOL1NE Dreadnought touring car, ex cellent condition; good tires, eleetrlo lights and starter, new storage battery. A dindy looking car and a bargain. Will trade for smaller car Tell a. Blnkley, 2918 Harney St. Doug. 1540. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 9S1I-1I Furnam St. Douglaa tfiS, Almost any make at reasonable prices. TIRE REPAIRING. . First-class work at reaaonable prices. THE TIRE SHOP, D, T. Crow, 2618 Farnam. Doug. 4871. FOR SALE 1817 Overland Roadster at a reasonable price; brand new. Call Black 1831. Address 111 East Fierce St., Coun cil Bluffs, la ' TRADE your old battery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage battery. Free In spection cf any battery Ever-ready Stor age Battery Co., 12or Farnam eBt. WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Douglas 5361. TELL A BINKLEY. WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 2318 Harney St. Doug 1640. ROADSTER, best Hupmoblle, Saxon or other car. Three hundred cash will buy. Box 412, Bellevue, Kan. BARGAINS In used Ford cars Holmes-Ad-hlna Co.. 4811-17 8. 24th. Phon S. 271. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS, AUTO EXCHANGE. 3105 FARNAM. D. 6035 BKRTSCHY "Kan-Flx-It." Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Bts. Douglas So 6 2. pay caah for Fortla. Auto 8alvag. and Exchange, II. 8. 17th. 1,17 CHALMERS t-30 touring, perfect, 4301 8. 14trt- St. Tel. South 4360. A BARGAIN Mllburn Electric, Is fine con dition. W 31, Bee. Auto Livery and Garagss. EXPERT auto repairing. "Sonic, car al waya ready." Omaha Qarage. 3019 Har ney sti Tyler 336. Auto Repairing; and Painting. 4100 reward for magneto wa can't repair. uolla repaired. Haysgorrcr, zip n. latn. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO 3 IN 1 TIKE, f 20x2.. J. 50 30i3.. 3.(0 32x3Uj. .110.33 13x4.. 13.00 34x4 .. 13.00 1SHH-. 13.73 Second-hand tire, and tubea; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglaa 8B73. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORT. 14011, Jackeon. Agfa wanted. Omaha,. Neb. Motorcycle and Bicyclet H A R L E T-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna in uaed machtnea. Victor H. Rooa, "Th. Motoroycl. Man 31th and Leavenworth. Imm mimul m m muu WANTED TO BUY A QUANTITY of second -hand rubber floor mala or slightly uaed rubber runners; reg. alar aisle slit In width. These must be la good condition and reasonable tn price. l'hone Mr. Koiier. lMUgiasise. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed, F-i07 Farnam. D. 8148. WANTED To buy for cash, 4 or 6 acres. With Improvement; possession immedlate-lr- Price and description In first letter. F. Woliner. 41U N. ltUk SU Omaha. OMAHA, MAY WANTED TO BUY BLUMENTHAL ZlZWr men's clothing and shoes. Call Red 1261. OLD CLOTHING 2U? HIGHEST PRICES. P0UOLA8 ,0.1. TE'lMlVTMS! f hlgheat price for JlNJUNO clothe,, ahoea, trunk. etc. Red 32T. Re,.. Doug. 3032. T A V A T FURNITURE CO. will pay LiJ 1 AU apeclal prlcee for your bouae- hold gooda. Don't fall to call Doug. 4ii7. WeWill Pay Sff JgV.'t B. LAYT1N pays highest prices for old ctothe. shoes and hate, rnone uyier jq. T Inri-nh-um navi Btiftclal DliCeB for hOUSS hold goods and men's clothesWeb. 74t. mxMONDsyElbN Tco. WANT pool hall or grocery atore. 4Z0 Koee mag. rnon. inc. hi. ACT QUICK. MUST HAVE 10 CARS FUR- N1TURH at ONCE WEBSTER 12l. BOOKS Bought. Kleeer, LojaJJHotel Bldg. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so. llVits your old clothing, furniture, ma ga ll nes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug.' 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. BATHS and massage. Central High Insti tute, 1606 Harney Bt. Doug. 7087. Open evenings, t PRIVATE home for sick ladles, beet care; very ress. ZB05 itrutoi m. wen, aims. MISS FISHER, sulphur, stesm baths and massage, siw pnn. inea, diui. u. MAE BRJUOMAN, aclentiflo masseuse and i. ... a. .A. -... T3 1 1 1 f ejT ) 7 LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- ii, r Tail. i .4 oiiaa SCIENTIFIC massage,, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Do u ales 0872. Edna Williams, maassge, bath. 228 Neville. MISS LILLY, bath, massage, 1322 Farnam. Manicuring and mass 1622 Farnam. R. 18. IE. BROTT, massaging, .120 Harney. D. 8528. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRT. PILES, FISTULA ' CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curea pile., flatul. and other rectal dlaeaaea without aurglcal op eration,. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ, for book 0D rec ta! dlaeaaea with teatlraonlala. DR. E. R. TARRT.' 140 Be. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. A- JVHY BUFFER T Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 611-624 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 308 Bee Bhdg. Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 8528. DR. KNOLLENBERG, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 7285. Dr. C. J, Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 84(1. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 2366. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 812 W. O.WBIdg. Taft's Dent. Rms., 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa security. 40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, 83.60. 140, 8 mo., endorsed nates, total coet, f2.0. Smaller, large am'ts, proportionate rate. . PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men 432 Rose Bldg., 14th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LEGAL RATE LOANS 124.00 9240.00 . or more Easy payments. . Utmost privacy. ,240 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug, 2285. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. BUSINESS CHANCES MY entire business Is for sale. X conduct a barber shop, cream and eggs station, shoe and harness repairing and also candy, elgara and three pool tables, all In one ' building, 30x60, and a 8 -room house and 6 bedrooms, besides eloseta and I lots, I have to get out In open air on account of my health. All what belongs with It stays. If Interested come and Investigate for yourself, for $4,000. Y 48, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY You can obtain city or county agency for accident Insur ance Icles and registration; specific forms; annual premium 81 to 6.60. Large proflta to suitable agents.' New York Registry Co., Dept. B, 1181 Broadway, New York City. FOR BALE Good paying aaloon In St Joe. Mo, Location near Union station. Has been running In the same place for thirty years. Must sell at once on account of ill health. Address A. 8., 1324 Bouth 6th St., St Joe, Mo. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Only restaurant In town of i 500, located on main street, for sale ehVap. Proprietor la sick and must sell. Will sell for lump sum, or will Invoice. Mrs. Smma Beagle, Fairfax, B. D. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cash general mer chandise and grocery atock in good Ne braska town of 600. All gooda clean and fresh. Average sales more than 11,000 per week. Ill health. In family makes change necessary. Box T 40. Omaha Bee. WANTED At Lexington, Neb., eteam laundry, first class plumber, up-to-date editor, with plant to run a good county paper, republican or Independent pre ferred. Box T 47, Bee. FOR SALE Garage and dwelling. Good paying business. Selling out on account of other business. Ford contract goes with offer. Write Box J16, Rosaline. Neb. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise. In city or country; quick action. Omaha Salvage Co., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank, D. 759. CAN uae good, clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel witn atate rignt feature booked solid. References required. Manager. 210 Bromley BIrtg. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house 'call on Busch & Borghoff, 720 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3310 MOTION picture machines (new and re Dullt), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change, 108 S. 14th St. f MOVING PICTURE machines,' new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Bup- ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. FOR BALK First-class pool hall and full equipment and soft drink parlor. 2411 Cuming. Red 6669. SELL or trade grocery and a he If hard ware atore. Address Box 166, Auburn, Neb. TO GET In or out of business call on OANQESTAD, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8477. I guarantee sale of any business or real es tate. F. V. Kntest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DOWD PALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W. O. W, Bldg. Red 3286. LUMBER yard tn good town eastern Ne braska. Box Y 41. Bee. YOU NO man 32, wants opportunity to go to California. T. Sarrls. Clalrmont Inn. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE.' 20c PER LINE. Business ads. regular rates. Male. MR. BUSINESS MAN OR OFFICE MANAGER. , Can you uae the services of a manT 48 years old, ,ln excellent health, who has a good education, wide experience and pleas ing disposition end will use them to your advantage. A ma'n who haa general working knowledge or ordinary bookkeep ing and office routine. One who has sUyed ta hia'Uat position (or over 10 years, but though employed tn the liquor business has yet t take hta first drink. Plenty of excellent references furnished. Ii yo are willing to pay moderate alary until I demonstrate my ability to fit tnto your organisation, addreaa Bos 3412, Bee. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general ac countant open for position. Will take en tire charge of smsll office. Oood refer ences. Box 3742, Bee. UOU9EOLEAN1XU, fancy paint and paper cleaning: all work guaranteed. Sanitary neenlttg Co., Doug. 3064. mi. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. MAN and wife with family. I grown chil dren, want work on farm. Call South 1841, or write Mra. J. Stedak, 1324 Drexel St. I DO painting, wax floors, wash windows, oes. au-arouD- una) muu. .- nut 1160. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs beaten, acreena repaired, huffy. Wal. 1808. EXPERIENCED houseman want work by the day. Jos. Baker. Douglas 6484. FIRStf -CLASS baker, married and steady. w 111 go anywhere. Pox 3896. Bee. GEORGE moves ashes. Call Webster 6026. Houiec leaning and day-work. Tyler 822. Female. AMERICAN lady wants position as house -keeper for widower or bachelor, or will take care of home for parties going away for summer. Care Box Y 4, Bee. REFINED young lady with one little "boy wishes position as housekeeper In small town or country. Mrs. Edna Btlllnghain. Om aha. Gen. D"l. WANTED Position as companion, educa ted, reflmd young woman, moderate pay. Box Y 37, Bee. SEWING WANTED TeL Doug. 8611. Bouth 26th Ave. WIDOW with two children, wants position sas housekeeper. References .exchanged. Box Y 38. Bee. WANTED Employment In private family by white woman. Box 4206, Bee. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work or housecleanlng Doug. 4.78. Ask for Esther Emmls. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing and Ironing; fine clothes a specialty; soft water used. Hamey 1604. 2630 Chicago. LAUNDRY work, 8 days each week, by Danish woman Walnut 234 1 DAY work or chambermaid work. Compe tent colored lady.. Call Webster 4646 WANTED Day work. Douglas 4387. DAY WORK. CaM after 7 p. m. Web. 6904. DAY work by raj la. colored lady. Doug 9466. Curtain A wooi iankets laundered H. 1130. CLEANING, day or hr. Mra. Scott. Web. 3746 DAY work, washing or cleaning. Wal. 2638. CURTAINS done 26c a pair. Web. 4T28 BLANKETS done, 26c a pair. Web. 4727?" DAY WORK by exp. women, Dg. 66 61. ANNA wants day work, ebste'r 2327. DAY work wanted Webster 2327. DAY work and housecleanlng. D. 7084. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973 DAY WORK. Webster 1621. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CREDIT man, 3126-1150; bkkpr., $76; bk kpr, 185; steno., 86; steno., 175; steno,, $60; office clerk, 76; office clerk, $60; typist, $43.60; office clerk $40; office boys, $28-$30-$85-$40. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat'I Bk. WANTED An office clerk, rapid and ac curate at figures. Apply Cudafcy Packing Co., 14th and Jones. 5 fe. R. CLERKS. $60, $75. Ep. time keeper, railroad office, $76, THB- CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. CORRESPONDENT and clerk $100 WESTERN REF. & BOND ABS'N. " 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - Professions and Trades. MACHINISTS and laborers, tool'hands pre ferred, for Milwaukee factory. No labor trouble. Steady work. Machinists 46c per hour. Laborers 27 fcc per hour. Apply Worthlngton Pump and Machinery Cor poratlon. 1007 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Practical butcher and meat cut ter at once; must bo young man, good wages. H. T. McQee, Wray, Colo, FIRST-CLASS painter and paper hanger waniea; steady worn u satisiactory. j. f. Poeckes, Lamar, la. WANTED Experienced candy maker. Olympian Candy Co., 6th and Pierce Bts., Sioux City, la. BARBER wanted; good wages; no boozers need apply. J. O. Horn, Beile Fourche, 8. D. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call on write Barber College, 1124 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED Hoffman pressing machine operator; apply In person. 21$ N. 16th St. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Excellent permanent posi tion; open .una i; capame salesman in Nebraska. Staple line for general retail trade; liberal commission, $36.00 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ids, 46-20 Williams Bldg.. Detroit. WANTED Salesman to sell preferred stock in well established local concern. Address Box $337, Bee. WE CAN USE a few good solicitors for In dustrial me insurance, salary ana com mission contract. National Life Insurance Co., U. fi. A., 690 Brandela Theater Bldg. FOLWELL made $63' last week selling Len nox Perfection Hog Oilers. If you can sell necessity to farmers, write T, Lennox, Marshalltown, la. FIVE salesmen -In Nebraska. E. G. Hert- ert. Orange, California. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 29 8. 16th St. Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make your expenses wnue learning. Wages or percentage. We don't' over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge St. TRT-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NOW la the time to act If you are going to enlist In the army or navy. Learn the barber trade first; jobs waiting. Special summer rates. Catalogues free. Moler Bar- ber College, 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 8. 30th and 2059 Farnam. Boys. CAN always use boys who want to work; minimum wage, i.4Q per a ay. uooa chance for advancement Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. BOYS earn good wages while - learning trade, dust like being paia to go 10 school Must be IS Veers old. Gordon-Lawless Co., 8th and Dodge WANTED Office boy; good chance for ad vancement. 103 Bee matt. Miscellaneous. RAILROAD LABORERS We ship daily to ooints in Colo rado, Nebraska and Wyoming; free shipmeu. free fare. J. J. Gricr Board $ 50 a week. Star Employ- ni ent Agency, 1U1S Harney M. LABORERS wanted for U. P. roundhouse construction work at Grand Island; long job, 30c per house; pay every Saturday. Jas. E. Neleon Sons. WANT freight handlers. Union Paclfle R. R. Co. freight house, 9th and Jackson 8ts.; good wages, steady work and chance for advancement. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 916Vs W. uroaaway. r. i-ii LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wages. Apply uno.r.ena rru. ww yard, 42d and Ixard Sts. WANTED Two men for house cleaning; will pay 25 cents an hour. Bouquet Ho tel. Call. Doug. 1829. COLORED laborflra wanted for long paving Job at Marenalltown, la, western con struction Company Carpenters and laborers for Wasatch. Utah. Free fare. Emerald lao. Agy. a- imn WANTED HOUSE MAN at once. Apply Clarkaon Hospital. WE CAN place you in any kind of position. 319 So. llth. KELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. NO FILING FEE TO PAT HERE We -have a- position for you. Drop in and see as today. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N.. Room 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. , WOMAN wants cultured woman as city manager; capital required; also courage and ambition; business established and pays 60 psr cent Call 111 Balrd Bldg., eer 10. . STENOGRAPHERS! Register with us. NO FILING FEE. THB MARTI CO.. HIT W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $75. $66, $50, $40; typist, $43.50; typist. ,$35. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Stenographer; Intelligent be ginner; chance for advancement., Call Web. 6934 after T:30 p. m. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Opera tlve Reference Co. BOOKKEEPER, out of town $76 WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N. HELP W.ANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. THE Nebrsska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wage. A salary la nald while learning. Parent desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are especially Invited to accom psny the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. WANTED Girls for attractive piece-wurk position. Iten Biscuit Co., 43th and Cap itol Ave. WANTED Woman to help In repair work. Inquire 1908 Harney St. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodgo St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A reopectable middle-agtd lady as housekeeper on farm for elderly fann er; good permanent position with good home. Address Cox 3136, Bee. WANTED Girl i fnr general houBework, small family; no laundry work: good wages; references required. Walnut -24. r.001 Capitol Ave. WANTED A good steady girl for general housework; ho cooking or washing; good wages. Call 1336 S. 26th Ave, Phone Hamey 457?. ' ' WANTED A girl for second work; good wages; references required. Call Mrs. Joseph Barker, Black-tone Hotel, Harney 4S. WANTED Competent girl for houeework at once; best of references. Mrs. B. B. Wood, Highland Court. Tel. Harney 1098. Vi gin wa.ni lor iiva. nounewurK. Please call for particulars. Address 709 WANTED Lady cook In cafe; Job year round. Irvln Carroll, Box 326, Nelson, Neb. - WANTED A good girl or woman In private family for general housework; good wages. Call Florence 490. WANTED Young white girl tq assist with housework. No washing. May go home nigtits. Call walnut UOJ. COME to 114 N. 30th SU, at once. If you are m good white girl. Small house, two in family. WANTED A good girl for general house work, $36 a month. No laundry work. 710 N. 3Sth St. ' WANTED An experienced second girl; small family; highest wages paid. 106 8. 38th St WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. W. W. Richardson, flOOJ YOUNG girl to help with housework; no cooking; I In family. Harney 6131. 2960 Harris. COMPETENT girl for general housework; references required; good wages and no washing. Tel. Colfax 462. RELIABLE white girl for general house work; references required. 3910 Harney 8t. Tel. Harney 2164. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing. Call Harney 3398. WANTED Man and wife for general house work. Phone Harney 4229. WANTED A competent nurse maid. Phone Harney 2031. 406 N. 40th. WANTED General house work girl, two In family. References. Phone Walnut 1878. WANTED A girl for light housework. Small family. Oood pay. Harney 4448. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no. Washing. 3316 Burt St. WANTED Second glrL Apply at once. Clarkson Hospital.. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young lady with some experi ence on telephone to take orders, muat have good education and pleasant voice. Address Box 4182, Bee. LADIES wanted for pleasant home employ ment; make $5 to $15 weekly. Apply 5219 Douglas St. between 9 and 6. TANTED Two women for housecleanlng; will pay 26 cents an hour. Bouquet Hotel. Call Doug. 1629. HELP WANTED Male and Female THOUSANDS government war positions open ' $100 month. Examination every where. Liet free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 237 F, Rochester, N. Y. MAN and wife, man to work In garden and general outside work, wife In serving room. Salary $56 per month and main tenance. State Hospital. Kearney, Neb. WANTED 'Immediately, names of men. women,, wlshjjeg to become government clerks, $75 month. Address Box Y 977. Bee theater; nights only. Apply 2060 N. 18th EDUCATIONAL VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course in the fol lowing subjects, taught by professors from the University of Nebraska, begins June 18: Business Administration. Advertising. Finance and Investments. Banking. A six weeks' summer course for house keepers, taught by an experienced teacher of domestlo science,' begins June 16th. . WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any Monday for the tallowing subjects: Shorthand. Bookkeeping. - Tyifewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. Dictaphone. Summer hours 9 to 1. 820 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg., Omaha. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1666. istfc and Hamey Sta. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Music, Art and Language. SPECIAL SUMMER TERM OPEN Harp lessons, use of harp, early application fa vored Harp Studio, 308 Lyric Big. D. 8704. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL THE BRANSFORD HOTEL, HOUSE OF TAYLOR. LUXURIOUS SO CIAL ROOMS; EXCELLENT CUISINE; MURPHY BEDS IN ALL ROOMS; CA TERINO ONLY TO THE DISCRIMI NATE; ON 33D ST., BETWEEN DODGE AND FARNAM. ROOMS, $2 week; apts. with kitchenette; steam heated. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fait to find the room yoa desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete descrlnllon of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists issued every- weex. 131 SO. 36TH Large, pleasant room, with sleeping porch, suitable for three or four; large room for three, plenty of hot water, electric lights, make rates, home cooking; first door south flew Ford hospital, uougias &up., FRONT room In modern brick, private fam ily, in good location, on car line, awnings and yard, exceptional opportunity for any one desiring a quiet, refined home; meals w 1 1 h home cooking nwit door. Web. 900. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, large wln ' dows white onamel finish, oak -floors, well ventilated, large halls, large porches and lawn; close tn; reference required. Harney ana. NICE front room, furnished for gentleman. In beautiful neighborhood, for summer; very homelike, in private family; rent reasonable: on 24th car line; 2416 Camden Ave. uoiiax Jjair. LARGE front room, beautifully furnished with cretonne, also back room, with bal cony porch; board If desired. 829 Park Ave. Harney mm. VLRY large room with six large windows; modem, private home; private bath; suit 1 able for 4. Board optional. 118 S. 16th Ave . COOL attractive rooms, newly furnished very pleasant; new management; refer ences exchanged. Harney 2920. 8004 Far- nnm. LARGE, cool, very desirable rooms for two. Wests Farnam district, private family, close to car and not far out. HarneyJjHj. STcELY furnished large room, adjoining bath, suitable for ene or two persons. $3 po- Mtrw-lklng distance, Call D. 8672. iVELTwrnlehed rooms; nice and cool; everything modern and convenient; one or Jgj " preferred. Call Web. 4056 408ir tSBMBT. Nice large room suitable for two people employed, also two single rootna. 32d and Chicago. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms suitable for two; also light housekeeping room, 1S1T vapiroi ve i"1".'" 46U4 FLORENCE BLVD 2 complete fur- i nisnea rooms, wun or wiiuv- -- P cedent surronn dings, uii -oi. s-i. EAST front t irnished room for one or two. Largs closer, bath floor; ail moaern, prc vate horn a. Harney 3973. 114 B .9th Bt. THE AONEW, 2923 LEAVENWORTH. HARNEY 8280. Modern furnished apart- ments of one and two rooms. $ NICELY furnished modern front rooms, private family. 32.60 and $3 per week. ryier mi. Dia -.qavriiwunu. NEWLY furnished room, electric lights, hot and cold water: In walking distance. L'OUfflai 9423. NICELY furnished south room, on car line, in West Farnam district. Call Harney f.479. 311$ CALIFORNIA BT. Nicely ventilated sleeptug room, rent reasonable. Call Red d:i. ATTRACTIVE room in fine new hunie. beau tifully located, lady preferred. Walnut 607. S. 16TH ST., 6104 Strictly modorn; rea sonable. Phone Tyler S493. ill N. 1STH ST. Two very pleasant sleep ing rooms, modern home. Douglas 8823. BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment, front exposure, walking distance, Har. 806. 218 8. 25TH ST. Large, cool, sunny parlor, strictl modern, very reasonable for t. SOUTH 28TH-Cozy, cool rooms for two" or three gentlemen. H. 4B10. WANTED Four working girls to room. 3306 Howard. Douglaa 9021. ONE cool large room, 83S So, 22d BL; walk ing distance. , 1915 CAPITOL AVE., front rooms, $2 and $ per week. 1611 HOWARD Nice! v furn -rr.. $2.50 up. Housekeeping Rooms. 114 N. 24TII ST. Large furnished house keeping rooms, "private family; modern home; also sleeping rooms, . reasonable close tn. Red 4531. N. 31ST ST., 222 Suite of three rooms, third floor, furnlshd for housekeeping; bath, kitchen and closets, $14 per month, Webster 6fi20. 2610 DAVENPORT Five housekeeping rooms, modern, walking distance, 1 and 8-room suites: rates by month. 2215 HOWARD Large, cool, clean house- Keeping rooms, close in, cheap rent; every thing furnished. ST. MARY'S Ave., 2663 Two nicely fur nished modern front rooms, gas range. Douglas 4432. BEAUTIFUL furnished front suite for housekeeping; walking distance. Phono Harney 806. SUITE of south front rooms, clean, neatly furnished, suitable for housekeeping. 2902 Dodge St. ' '. S. 26TH Two modern housekeeping rooms, su amer rates, laundry privileges, telephone. BURT, 2001 Elegant suite, modern, front, housekeeping rooms; absolutely clean. 1921 DOUGLAS Clean, neat, light house keeping rooms; right downtown. 1611 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms; reasonable. Board and Room. ELEGANT, well furnished modern front room suite, board or housekeeping; also nicely furnished single room; large bay window; private, refined home;- block from 24th car line. Reasonable. Web eter 2229. 302 N. 20TH ST. First class board and room. Grey Gables. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE attractive newly decorated; large uius-i. ; uu mou. ; wen ngruea ; private home, 1st claaa neighborhood; shady. Col fax 689. ' TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for house keeping; walking distance; near car line. 2629 California St Oouglas, 9033. Rooms Wanted. PLEASANT room, with breakfast and sup Der. by mldtlle-aeed aentleman; within walking distance of gag works; Hanacom WANTED Board and room, private family, for 3 persons, Hanscom park district pre ferred. References exchanged. Box 3211, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location, 3itn and farnam. s. 1471. FOR RENTHOUSES West. , FOR RENT Very desirable St. Louis flat, 40 So. 26th Ave.r$30,00; will be vacant about June 1st. Call today or phone Red 3366. Walnut 260. evenings. BRICK residence, with lawn and shade, 117 No. 40th St., $50;-garage $5 extra. JOHN W. BOBBINS, ,808 FARNAM ST. v North. 7-ROM house, 2202 Burdetta St all mod ern, good location, beautiful lot, good aur roundlngs. ALFRED THOMAS, S08 Farnam Bldg-, $20 SUMMJEH, $37.60 winter, two four-rooia and bath apartments, heated. $25 Seven rooms, all modern, 8620-23-Hawthorne. Inquire 3624 Hawthorne.' Phone Walnut 2342. $25.00 7-room modern house, newly dcu rated and papered. 2615 Caldwell St. SCOTT & HILL CO.. McCapue Bldg. Douglas 1009. FOR RENT 7-room, alt modern houue. 2306 Shprman Ave. Webster 3743. BUNGALOW, story and half. 8 rooms, all modern, $25. 1712 N. 28th. Red 18S1. SIX rooms, all modern; walking distance; adults only. Tel. Harney 2049. 7XOOM modern house. '.'436 Parker.' South. 6 ROOMS, 664 So. 26th Ave.; east front, all modern, porches and up to the minute; walking distance; $3fir per month. Doug las 6S86. Look this over and sea ue Tues day morning. TRAVER BROTHERS. 819 Flret National Bank Bldg. 6.ROOM and sun room, all modern house, . almoat new, with garage, -330. 1587 S. 26th St. Red 1811. -ROOM modern cottage, 611 So. 31s( Ave., near Howard; large, beautiful yard. Pbon. Doug 60T7. 2717 POPPLETON AVE., strktly modern room houae Price. 227.60. Colfax' 471. 1301 SO. 33D ST. 10 rnifl., mod., 315. E. JL Benner Co. Douglaa 80ti. ' St. 4-ROOM houae, partly modern, 2429 South 17th Web. 071,. NEW 5-room bungalow, modern. 317 S. 35th St. 35.0C FIVE-ROOM house, 2020 Castel.tr. Red 8090. Miscellaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4- r 2505 Pierce St 313.00 7- r 1316 Capitol Ave SO.OO 6-r 817 N. 18th St 22.60 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- r 3876 Decatur St 18.00 6- r ISM N. 27th St 21.00 9-r 21, Park Ave 22.60 8- r 207 N. 23d St 30.00 8-r 2901 N 17th St 80.00 7- r 1033 S. 80th Ave 26.00 ,-r 669S& 26th St A.... 82.60 10-r 2221 Dodge St 4D.00 14-r 101 N. Uth St 70.00 APARTMENTS STOECKER, 823 8. 24th St., 4-r Apt. 10 118.00 and 823.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 5013. Offlcea with HOME BUILDERS. 1113-15 NORTH 23D, S room. 320 2510 Seward St., 3 rooma 30 10 So'uth 27th, 8 rooma 3a ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Roee Bldg. FOR RENT. 8 room, and garage, Harney St., 835. 8 rma. and sleeping porch, 38th Ave., 885, 8 rooms. West Farnam. $60. ALLEN t BARRETT. 813 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 7768. EiTinsMa In all narta of the cttv CREIGH, SONS A CO., (08 Bee. Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. . FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. TRAVERTON, - 24TH AND LANDON COURT. Close In. .very convenience, heat service completely furhlahed. Catering only to peopl. of redned taata. VT. T. ORAHAM. DOUGLAS 1333. 804 BEE) BLDO.