THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. 1917. A A V Bnej City News Hat Bool Prlollt N.w fJcon Prm Platinum Wedding Ring Edohlm, Jeweler, i Eight-Inch Electric fan, $7.60 Eurgess-Grenden Co. United Improvers Meet The United Improvement Clubs will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in the of flo of Commissioner Hummel at the city hall. Membership Committee Meets Ak-Sar-Ben hustlers' committee' will meet at the Rome hotel Thurs day at 12:16 for. lunch. June 4 the big show at the "den" start. Entertain Children Harmony Council, Knights and ladles of Se curity, will give an entertainment for the children Saturday evening at the Ancient Order of United Workmen hall. - - Alleges Nonsnpport Hllma Danlel son Johnson, suing Lee Hoy Johnson for .divorce in district court, alleges that he falls to support her. - They were married In Lincoln, Neb.. April 14 of this year.. Pass Paving Ordinances The city council passed ordinances for repay ing streets as follows: Eleventh, Nich olas to Avenue H; ;Fifteenth, Howard to Leavenworth; Twelfth, Jackson to Leavenworth. To Do Red Cross Work Garfield circle. Ladles of the Orand Army of the. Republic, will meet with the pres ident, Mrs. Frank L. Carmony, 2719 Decatur street, Wednesday at 2 o'clock to do Red Cross work. Harry Collins Bound Over Harry Collins, colored, was bound over to the federal grand Jury after a hearing before United States Commissioner McLaughlin on a charge of having opium In his possession. Bakers Attend Convention Over the Missouri Pacific last night twenty of the master bakers of Omana, went to Kansas City, where today they take part In the national convention of the Master Bakers' association. gays Fireman Deserted Her Ruth Greene is suing Harry Greene, a mem ber of the city Are department, for divorce in district oourt on grounds of alleged desertion. She says he left her April 12. They wpere married in Omaha February 14, 1915. School Children Kxhlult The public Is Invited all of this week to the city hall to view an exhibit of art work of the school children. This collection recently won honors at a meeting of western art teachers at Lincoln. Su pervisor Hitte Is in charge. Patriotic Name "Joffr George" Is the name of a baby boy born to Mr. and iMrs. Lloyd Longnecker, 4428 South Twelfth stret. Mr. Longneck er, who is a private detective, had in mind Lloyd George of England and loffre, the famous French general. Had Four Half Pints Leo Haney, who gives his address as 1317 South Eighth street, was arrested at Thir teenth and Douglas streets last night, and four half-pint bottles of whisky were found on his person when searched. He was charged with hav. Ing liquor illegally In his possession. Appoint Delegates Letter Carriers' auxiliary No. 78 appointed the follow ing delegates to attend the state food conference at the Auditorium: Mes dames F. Oolden. M. C. Bartley, James Clark, Fred MoCormlck, Chris Rose, R. U. Powers, Frank flones, Glen Musgrave, Charles Gowe and Clay Bank. . . ... Den Rehearsals Rehearsal for all the singers of Ak-8ar-Ben's big show this year are to hold a rehearsal Wednesday evening at the den. The general crew held a rehearsal Afon day night. Singers are still in demand, but those who have thus far filled up the ranks are to get together to work out their voices, ' . ' Returns to Omaha Howard C. Gib son for the last year in the advertis ing business in Kansas City, has re turned to Omaha to Join his father in the tea and coffee business. H. C. Gibson Is very optimistic and plans in aggressive campaign to further In crease the patronage' o( the Frank H. Gibson company. I High School Girls to Sell Central High school girls will sell Red Cross buttons Saturday on the downtown. corners. The proceeds will be used to purchase material to make com fort kits for the soldiers. The kits will oe made by the girls during the week the cadets are at camp, beginning Monday, June 4. Mrs. Stewart spoke to the high school girls yesterday, tell ing them the best way to aid the country. Rock Island Crop Report Carries Optimistic Tone Freight department officials o the Rock Island have compiled a crop re ' port showing conditions in 'the terri tory through which the lines operate. The data was obtained through agents who made personal observations and gathered opinions of farmers, millers and elevator men along the lines. The Nebraska winter wheat crop is reported at 35- to 45 per cent of the normal and making good growth. Spring wheat is reported in excellent condition with an unusually large acreage. There is a big increase in the acreage sown to oats and every thing points to a large yield. Millionless Millionaire Is Freed by Jury's Verdict "Not guilty" was the verdict of a jury in criminal court in the case of Verne Oescher, so-called "millionless millionaire," on trial on a charge of forgery. He was charged with hav ing passed a worthless check on the Omaha National bank. The jury de liberated all night and returned a ver dict Tuesday mlrningy j . Jy Fined for Selling Liquor On the Streets of Omaha William E. Smith accosted L. J. Franklin on the street and proposed the sale of a half pint of whisky at the regulation $1.50 per pint. When Franklin was picked up by the police for being drunk he picked out Smith as the man from whom the purchase was made. Smith was fined $100 and costs. Obituary Notes ANTON ROKHRIG, 58 years old, a resident of Omaha for thirtyMHe years, died yesterday afternoon at his home, 807 Soflth Thtrty-ftfth avenue. Mr. Roehrtg" was encaged In the shoe business and opened one of the first retail shoe stores in Omaha. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and active In church work. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Fran cisco Roehrig and four children Leonard, Francis, Clara and Mrs. An tonetta Mooney. Funeral services will be held Wednesday mornift at 8:30 from the family homo to St Mary Magdalene church at 9 o clock. Burial will be in the German Catholic cemetery. JOSEPH SENERAD, 22, died Mon day night at the home of hls'mother, Mrs. Marie Sejiwad, 1404 Elm street. He is survived by his mother, two brothers and four sisters. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the residence, with interment in Bohemian ceretery. - School Children M S.WWW A W They just toddled on and on. Yet little did the 3-year-old, blue eyed twins of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kaiman, 2520 South Eleventh street, dream that because of their toddling away from home a public school in the vicinity had all but been dismissed so that the children could turn out and take up the hunt, that the whole neighborhood had been aroused and that the police department of greater Omaha was on the lookout for them. The children were playing in the front yard Monday until an hour be fore noon and when the mother went to call them for dinner they were missing. Mrs. --Kaiman immediately went to the Lincoln school, where the told the principal, Miss Pearl Mc Cumber, that her twins were missing. Miss McCumber immediately dis patched a large number of her older pupils to search for them. Three of the pupils found Martin, one of the lost twins, near Twenty fourth and Vinton, more than a mile away from his home. The little twin was all tired out and had cried him self to sleep by a curbing. Not so with Percy, Percy toddled on and on. He was picked up by a woman just this side of Albright after 9 o clock, apparently not a bit tired. The woman took him to the South Side police station, from where his mother was advised. This morning when the two twins posed for a picture they were so tired and sleepy that they could hardly stand up. Mrs. Kaiman has five children, all under 9 years of age. Electrical Union Enjoined by Court From Interfering Omaha electrical contractors won their suit against Electical Workers' union No: 22. 'judge Leslie, sitting in district court, granted a temporary restraining order enjoining union elec tricians from alleged intimidation, property damage, acts of violence and other unlawful proceedings. At the hearing for injunction May 15 wrecking of lobs and intimidation of workmen was charged by contrac tors in affidavits presented as evi dence. The court waited until this morning before handing down a de cision. The American Electric company and eleven other contractors brought the suit against the officers and mem bers of the union a month ago. At that time Judge Leslie issued a tem- orary order restraining the union rom molesting men on jobs. nm mnlestinor men on tons. According to Judge Leslie's decis- ion, union men nave no right to go upon the premises of any "job" where men are employed and attempt to talk to them or influence them in any way. "The evidence in this cast ist in some respects, quite meager," said Judge Leslie, "and if the purpose of this proceeding were to determine rights of property between the par ties, or if iy were sought to tempo rarily enjoin the defendants from per forming some act that they had a legal right to perform, the evidence might not be considered sufficient." Lutheran Confirmation Classes Hold Reunion Confirmation classes from the class of 1874 to the current year were rep resented at a reunion at the Im manuel Lutheran church Monday evening. - Mrs. Jonas Holmgren was the one representative of the class of 1874. Rev. E. G. Chinlund, speaking on "Confirmation and the Church," told of the conditions that would exist if there was no religion or churches, and the influence the church has on the people. i A letter from Prof. Adolph Hult, farmer pastor, was read,' and GeVrge J. S. Collins and Mrs. Edith Soder berg provided the music. Another reunion of the confirma tion classes will be held next year, when the church holds its fiftieth an niversary. High School Alumni Plans Annual Reunion The Omaha High School Alumni association board of directors will hold a meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 at room 417 Omaha National Bank building to plan the annual reunion. One of the summer clubs will be chosen and the date set and further arrangements made. The members of the board of directors for this year are Marion Carpenter, William Ran dall, Tom Whitlock, Alfred C. Ken nedy, Porter Allen, Frank Hixen baugh, Fannie Pratt, Beulah Byrd, Otto Bauman, Stuart Gould, Helen Sorenson, Henrietta McCague, Ada Klopp and Will Noble. Applications Pour In for Omaha Ambulance Company Applications for membership in the new ambulance company which is to be sponsored by the Omaha chapter continue to pour in. Additional appli cations are as follows: E. M. Owen, Frank R. Wolf, Roy Miller, Ed Zarp, Harold Miller, George Inkstcr, G. E. Newcomer, Guy S. Fitch, Hubert K. Owen, CyP. Hayes and Frank Hurd. Pave Ames Avenue, 36th to 48th St., With Brick Blocks Brick block paving for Ames ave nue, Thirty-sixth to Forty-eighth streets, has been definitely selected by the city council. The work will be done this season. Coffee Drinkers find relief from coffee troubles When they change to A Instant Postiw '' mm I P0ST0M Cir l!1 OCERIAl1 j Take Up Hunt When co Turin HnnAtr Amnv fmm HnmP Si ff WW MW W MARTIN AND Nebraska Boy Makes Place On .West Point Sword Team ( Alfred M. Bergman, a, Lincoln boy at West Point, has made the fencing team, for which only four members are selected from each class. He is a brother of Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum, 27 Roland apartments, Omaha. Tuesday, May 22, 1917. (1 rimAw I hi' V' V -4 j ; r-- jr F rj i if ,- i 1 ' 4hy P Announcing for Wednesday ' ' A Most Important Sale of SUMMER SMOCKS At $1.50, $2.00, $2.95, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Plans were laid months ago, which enables us to offer you this sale of "Smocks" at prices remarkably low for garments of such high character. Several large tables given over to the dis play and sale. OMOCKS" new, O' this season, just models as practical as We ' rHE materials are the most desirable, including "Jeans," "Trou- HTIOO much stress cannot be brought ville." Oreandie and "Wonder-lin." a non-crfiasinir rottnn I valnp imnnrtnnpp of fViia X ville," Organdie and "Wonder-lin," a non-creasing cotton fabric with the weave and appearance of Ramie linen,' an ex clusive fabric which can be obtained only in the make of Smocks sold by Burgess-Nash. Hand smocked in varigated spring shades. You may choose from white with assorted floral patterns and col ored smocking; also rose, Copenhagen, green and gold with as sorted trimmings. . ' . -- PERCY KAIMAN. South Siders Complain Of Squatter Settlement South Side citizens complained to city council of a squatter settlement west of railroad tracks, H to J streets. On Saturday morning the city commissioners will make a survey of all squatter districts of Omaha. Burgess-Wash tow smart and becoming one of the cleverest entries in the fields of "sports", for the garden, street and home wear the sort of garment that will appeal to discriminating women, simple stylish useful inexpensive presented in they are charming. Illustrate But Six of the Many Charming Models Represented In This Uncommon Of ferine Wednesdav I GOVERNMENT TAKES UF MORGAN'S WORK Federal Commission Will Su pervise Purchasing Tormerlj Done by Morgan Bank for the Allies. Washington. May 22 The long standing business agreement between J. P. Morgan & Co. and the govern ments of Great Britain and France, under which (he Morgan firm handled the bulk of the hundreds of millions of dollars of purchases made for the allies in this country, soon is to he rcplaceHn part, if not wholly, by the new international agreement, now in process of formulation, under which all purchases for the allies will be made through a commission under governmental supervision. The machinery through which the Morgan firm transacted its huge vol ume of American purchases, will stand, in part, however, and probably will be utilized by the American gov ernment. Valuable information ob tained by the Morgan firm as purchas ing agents for Great Britain and France already has been placed at the disposal of the government and will he used by the new commission. J. P. Morgan spent several hours to day discussing the situation with For eign Minister Balfour of the British delegation and afterwards with As sistant Secretary of the Treasury Crosby. Made Heavy Purchases.' As the result of these discussions It developed that the Morgan firm hat not only purchased supplies run ning to many hundreds of millions for Great Britain and France, but has also purchased many millions worth for the governments of Italy and Russia. The amount of these purchases, the commissions and other details of the agreement have never been disclosed. Whatever commissions have been paid by the allies in the past will be saved to them in the future as the govern ment's plan it to charge no commis sion for the services of the purchas ing agency, but to place the commis sion at the allies disposal without further cost than its operating ex penses. Bill for Dry Referendum In Wisconsin is Vetoed Madison, Wis., May 22. Governor Philipp vetoed the Evjue bill for a statewide referendum for the liquor question for next April, today. Will You Recognize the "Bride o' Mystery," When You See Her at ? 'EVERYBODY?? STORE" STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY Burfoaa-Naah Co. Saeond Floor Dr, firdlnina Kins, a Nw York Cllv PKytlclin mi M.dlt.l Author, ka bIpahb. ilnraua. Irnn mm Mr hMUllful. hit thv. ratV-ehkS Nuuttd Iran ukn Mum tlmti pr d.j, ........ .1 ..L v.,nna,M fn!L.a aUnctl. AvoUl th Ut form ( moUlllc iron, which may Inlura tho tooth an4 eorrocW tho stomoch, and thoroby do moro harm than food. Tako only orsanie Iron-rNusatod Iron." It It dlaponaod in this ity by Shannon McConnoll Dru Storoo and all ood drufslota. Amazing Power of Bon-Opto To Make Weak Eyes Strong Doctor Says It Strengthens Eyesight 50 per cent in One Weeks Time in Many Instances A Vrr rrMwrlpttoB You C Ht mird and Ute at llomt. Vlcttma of y ttrtln and ether y weakneM and thoia who wear glaaai, will b glad to know that acuordlnf to Dr. Lawla there la real hope and help for them. Many whoie eyee were filling uy they have bad their eyea reitored by this remarkable preearlptlon and many who otuie ware glaeaei lay they have throws they away. One man aaya. after uilng It: "I waa almnat blind. Could not aee to read at all. Now I can read every thing without my glaeeea, and my eyea do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now thoy fuel fine all the time. It waa like a miracle to me." A lady who ud It aaya: "The atmoa phere teemed hay with or without glaaeu, but after uilng thla prescription for fifteen dttya everything aeeme clear. I can read even fine print without glaaitee." Another who uaed It aaya: "I waa bothered with eye atraln catiiM by overworked, tired eyea, which Induced fleroe headeonea. I have worn glaeuea for aeveral yaara, both for dis tance and work, and without them I eouia not mad my own name on an envelope or the typo writing on the machine before me. 1 can do both now and have dlacarded my long dletanoe glaeiea altogether. 1 oan count the fluttering leavea on the treea acroae the atreet now, wjilch for aeveral vara have looked like a dim green blur te me. I cannot expreaa my Joy at what It baa dona for me." it la believed that thoueanda who wear glaaaea can now dlarard them In a reaaon able time and multitude more will be able to atrengthert their eyea ao aa to be apared JL value importance of this announcement, because there ia every evidence that "Smocks" are to be in unprecedented demand, not alone for their practicability, but their simplicity, stylishness and satisfying comfort. And then this offering affords you the op portunity of making your selection while the range of styles is greatly varied and most complete. Sale starts Wednesday, at 8 :30 A.M. - . ' hvii "Thirt can raulllul, hullhy, roiy-ehMkaa womo without trail alur himIi will ImmM lh trwiltk aa4 to inn nar ran In l-n ! m In VJWJir ln- the trouble and expenae of aver getting glaaeee. Wye troublea of many dekorlptlone may be wonderfully benefited by the uae of thta preaurlption at home, Oo to any aotlve drug Btor and get a battle of Bon-Opto table ta. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In ft fourth of a glaaa of water and let It dle aolve. With thla liquid bathe the eyea two to four tlmoa dally. You ahoutd notice your eyea clear up perceptibly right from the aiart, and Inflammation and redneaa win quickly tilHHppear. If your eyea bother you even a little It la your duty to take atepa to aavo them now before It la too late. Many hopeiensly blind might hav gaved thrtr eight If they had oared for their eyia In time. Note: Another prominent Phyetelan. to whom the above article waa aubmltted, aalrt : "Ya, the Bon-Opto preacrlptlon la truly a wonderful aye remedy. Itg oonatlt uant Ingredient are well known to eminent eye apecialiata and widely preaorlbed by them. 1 have need It very auooeaafully In my own practice om patlenta wboae eyea were attained through overwork or mtaftt glaaaea. I oan highly reoommond It tn ca of weak, watery, aohlng, atnarttng, Itching, burning eyea. red Uda, blurred virion or for eyea Inflamed from eapoaura to amok, aun, duat or wind. It la one of the very few preparation X feel ahould be kapt on hand for regular uae In almoat every family." Bon-Opto. referred to above, la not a patent medicine or a aeoret remedy. It la an ethical preparation, the formula be ing printed on the paokage. The menu fee turera guarantee It to atrengthen oyeelght 60 per cent In one week'a time In many In atancea or refund the money. It oan bo obtained from any good drugglat and la aold In thla elty by Sherman A MoConnell, C. A Matcher and otheri. Adv. Phone Douglas 137. Plenty of salesladies Id help you with your se lection if desired, 1 to bear on the real true