"-rTHE 6EE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MAY 23. I91T.T- - - r- AGED MINISTER IS STRDCKBY AH ADTO Rev. T. 0. Webster, Pastor of Methodist Church at Flor ence, in Hospital In a Serious Condition,. I BISHOP MAKES PLEA FOOKDWKELL HAIL Appeals to Episcopal Women to Saisa Last $60,000 of $200,000 Tond Jor the New School In a voice broken with emotion, Biahop Arthur L. William Tuesday morning appealed to Episcopal women oi the Omaha diocese at their annual convention at Trinity parish house to raise the last $60,000 for the $200,000 Brownell Hall fund. "After fifty-three years in the Epis copal service I could not hold up my bead, I would be so shamed and hu miliated, if this money for Christian education should not be raised. I am disappointed and discouraged with the lack of response from out-of-town church people. Brownell Hall is not simnlv an Omaha institution. The school determines the character of more outside girls than Omaha girls, in proportion to its enrollment," said . the bishop. Three More Months. September 1 is the expiration date for the offer of ground made by George & Co, provided $200,000 for hnilriinn were raised. A $30,000 gift from Joy Morton of Chicago is con ditional on raising $250,000. To make this gift possible one trustee Mas offered to give $5,000; another said he would raise a like amount, and a third said he would double hjs sub itcrintion. the bishoD told the women. The trustees will meet next week, to. plan raising the rest ot tne money. Mrs. Eleanor Butler, a Cayuga In dian from New York, who is now liv ing with the iWinnebagos at Winne bago, Neb, is one of the forty out-of- town delegates, one prougrn wiin her a little Indian girl, Ruth Xemere, j j . . Nearo Burned to Death" By Mob Near.Msrjipbis, " Memphis, May 22. Eli Persons, a negro, confessed murderer of Antoi nette Rappal several weeks ago, was burned to death near the scene of the crime at 9 o'clock today. A mob es timated at from 2,000 to 3,000 saw the tie f ftlaa. tiaam V. - a . 111. Hi V II I Bivf v . . . J . In preparation forjurniijg the loTy. was soaked in oil and attrrwriiis- pended in midair from thtlmif'pf a tree, A torch was then applied' and the body burned fiercely until it fell to the ground. Persons is said to havfr-tepeated tiis confession that he killed the chifd and implicated two others negroes.' Members of the mob immediately .set out in pursuit of them. When all was in readiness Mrs. Rappal, mother of the dead girl, was taken to the bridge where the prisoner was held, and identified .him.- In I short speech to the mob she declared she wished Persons to suffer the tor tures he dealt to his victim: ' y Rev. T. C. Webster, pastor of the Methodist church at Florence and one of the oldest Methodist min isters in Omaha, was seriously and perhaps fatally injured Monday night when he was struck and knocked down by a speeding automobile, pi' loted bv an unidentified driver. -' ' Mr. Webster, who is 66 years of age, was returning afoot from making a parochial call, the motor car, it is said, was traveling at sucn rapw rate the minister was unabreld escape its path and was hurled several feet by the force ot the blow. Unheeding the damage it had done, the machine continued on its way. leaving the unconscious form'of the minister in the street. It was three hours before Mr. Webster regained consciousness. His shoulder was dislocated and several rih viptf hrnlrn in arirlittnn in in ternal injuries. Three doctors ana" two nurses worked over: the minister Monday night and it was not until Tuesday morning that they were able to remove him to the Nicholas Senn-i hospital, where'-his daughter is I nurse. . ' v :-., , Before he wis assigned to the Flor ence church Mrfc Webster for several years was pastor of the Oak Street MethotliStxharca'of Omaha. , Croos Greatlv Benefited By the Rain Monday Night Following a rain of more than six hours', duration, general over all Ne braska, -the- weather has cleared and warm sunshine is the rule all through the west. ' ' "v 'every where, most of the water soaking inee-wegreMind and going, tar below the roots of the grass and grain. The opinion of railroad men who have to do with croo conditions is that the ground was never' in better shape for growing .vegetation than . now. .,v, Omaha had a rainfall of 1.57 inches in .the twenty-four hours; ending at ' ' J- uesnay. . . Mrs. McCord Now Out of - Danger, Says Physician Mrs. W. II. McCord. wife of W. H. McCord of McGord-Bradv :comoanv. .whjo. havpeen dangerously ill at the Hotel Fontcncl e. Was oronouriced but of danger-last night by Dr. F,- M. There Will Be a Key to the Secret of The Bride o' Mystery" 4n a Coming Issue of The Omaha Bee. . -SS:t , Wit - GRAF0N0LA , DEPARTMENT - Has Everything farth B . . i, ., Columbia una " " V Any style of esse, fe any ood mahogany, black' walnut, oak. Priced from--. $15 to $200 Tie soft flutelfte ton ftnallty oJ the Grafonoja Is recognised all over the world by Judges and lov Ita of music, as snperler. to all UlUnf mchtaes There la no metallo twang to a OrafondlaV Dot a, It possesses the mel lowness ot .tona thaf Bakes it so adaptable t voice reproduction. It takes the harshness out of the heaVy brass band, and con serve the softest ' melody ot the flute or violin. r '' ' I r I, ;V - JiSsffLJ II I 1 I. ! Savw'TAu WaM mm of tht 1U neordit tm dram nuala It now twin irfeflte4 and rtw produced through Columbia RaooMs. ePrtoen, doubl dlc, up from,. wC i . , . . ' !,'.'. . - , - i 1 . . , . ' , '. s , ', - - V . - -" -' i'- , . ' ' ' , :'-1 - . 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The Alamito Dairy Company , Tht Taylor r c oains HOTEL MARTINIQUE Broadway, 32d St, Nw York . One Block from PanasylTania Statlea 1 Equally Conmaieat for Amasonoata, Shopping or Busiaoss 1ST pleasant rooms. With private bath $2.50 PER DAY 257 oxeolloat rooms with prints bath, ' facing stroot, southern oaposuro, - i 9S-w rue UAT y Also Attractive Rooms from $1.80. The ResUarut Pricas Aro Most Moderate. printed on genuine India paper If you really want one of these very lost sets, you simply must be quick. You must order at once V v Putting it off even for one day may lose you this splendid opportunity and when it is gone (when you see the last door in the above picture closed) it will be gone forever 1 This is a short advertisement because we haven't any story to tell except this : ? '::flti$NO W or ' neper -4j lyou want to buy this i wonderful Library of Knowledge ! The few ; sets still unsold are all there are printed on genuine India paper ' ? , ' If you don't get one of these last India paper sets, you will never have another oppor tunity to buV one. Because these are the very last India paper sets in the world. And , no more India paper can be made for printing the Britannica. ' secures yon a complete set (29 Volumes ) of the Britannica. You have the use of the hooks, and can profit hy all this knowledge, while paying , the balance in a limited number of monthly amounts, as low as $3 a month for the cloth binding. You certainly know NOW whether or not 7 , you wantthe Britannica. jf you do. ordtr it X C at once JHOW, TO-DAY, IMMEDIATELY! j ' This is not the time to wonder if the Britannica would really be useful to you as it Is to the 185,000 men and women who have already invested in it. r jmlme time only to decide to inpesl in it. If you' don't know which -binding you prefer or if there is any point about the, Britannica that you want settled before ordering then go and see the books at J. L. Brandeis & Sons '16th St, Southwest Corner Douglas v You can compare the various bindings, learn about the Convenient terms of payment and leave your order. If you cant visit the store, send in this "Reserve Order" with your first payment of only $1.00. BxAdoitNOWl ' Remember this is the eUventh hour of the sale of these last sets of the Wtannica printed on the' famous India paper. There are no more 1 There will never be any more because n more India paper can be had I , .. ' '.:' An Unsolicited Letter 705 freeman Street, Valparaiso, Ind. Hay 1, 1917. Dear Sir s I can assure you that I would set sell the set for two or three times what I paid .for . . it If I coald not get another on like it t I x , Tours Tory truly, A . " (Signed) RKUBIH E. SWANSOH SmJtnt u tht Vnlvtnity). " Watch the doors in the above picture! Only 3 more open! A Wonderful New Volume THE publiibars of the Encyclopaedia Britasnica announco that they have mad arrangements for the issao, as soon after the and of the war as possible, of a new Tolumo. containing a foil and authoritatiTO history of the war. The now Tohuna will ba written by scholars and expert of the same high character as those who wrote for the Britannica itself, and by many of its own contributors, it will bo absohiuly impartial, ascladint all partisan feeling and prejudice. It will contain t. A judicial account of the real ransne of the war, the progress of the struggle, and the molts Ul oyer the world; with maps, as necessary, to show changes in bouadariea. 2. The Utob of the new loaders, whether crril, military or naval, in the belligerent countries. 3. The results of the war outside the sphere - of fighting, the progress of surgery, the preven tion of contagious disease, the new scientific , discoveries, etc. The new volume will bridge the gap between the days of peace before and after the war. It will bo printed and bound to match the Britannica and the publishers guarantee that no matter how diffi cult and costly the supplementary volume may be from the editorial point of view, the price of it to all who purchase the Britannica during the present sale will not bo more than that of a corresponding volume of the Britannica. PrMident Taoao wae-caaaet b- so Mm etore may aoe Oalo "nerve Order" Form la reserve one oct toryosulsjot tee name no II yon ordered II la person. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO.. Chicago, III. Please reserve me a set of the Handy Volume" Encyclopaedia Britannica, printed on genuine India paper. I enclose St.oo as first payment Send me an order form which I agree to sign and return immediately. n Street and Number. 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