Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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    IMh Bfctt: OMAHA, W&UMUSDAY., MAY 23, 1917.
rnnn nnunnrco
Demonstrations by Experts to
Show How Great Savings
Can Be Made in the
Seeing, hearing nd tasting, the
three ways by which women learn, to
cook, will be employed at the food ex
hibits set up on the stage of the
.Auditorium tor the big food conserva
tion congress. Two thousand recipes
will be given out. The exhibit will
be open from 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.
each day". Miss Alice Loomis, of the
state university, who is in charge of
the women's end) having arranged
for the exhibit to be open evenings
for the benefit of housewives who
could not come during the day.
Demonstrations of canning meats
and vegetables will De neia weanw
day and Thursday afternoons, begin
ning at 1 :30 p. m.
: Conferences Wednesday. .7
tThe conferences of delegates "who'
have been named from different wo
men' organizations opens at the
Ijtome hotel Wednesday morning.
Booths at the exhibit have been i .t
up as follows: Information; available
foods; planning the grocery order;
meat and meat equivalents; corn, Ne
braska's standby; Nebraska's gar
dens; variety in breads; clothing, our
next problem; dishes prepared from
corn products; eggs and milk exhib
its showing the comparative food
values and uses; and one on raw
products, popcornt corn flour, eorn
'meat, mozala, hominy and cornstarch.
Menu for Five,
The grocery booth, in charge of
Miss Alma A. Jackson of Bellevue
college, promises to be most interest
ing. An adequate menu for a family
of five for one day will be compared
with an excessive menu. Only $1,15 is
necessary for the one, the other costs
"Buying foods out of season, foods
cooked outside the home or by ex
travagant cooks," makes the differ
ence,'7 said Miss Jackson. "Season
able food, borne cooking and home
canning are the remedies? ...
Fremont Business Men I; :
Subscribe to War Work Fund
Fremont, Neb, May 22. (Special
Telegram.) -Thirteen Fremont busi
ness men each subscribed $100 to the
fund for the war work the Young
Men's Christian association will carry
on at the 'raining camps of the coun
try. This amount was raised the first
half day the committee was- out. The
campaign vUI be continued for two
days. The East-Central Nebraska
War Work council has undertaken to
raise $4,000". .
In order better to direct the work
of the organizations engaged in war
preparations, officers of the various
with Ray Nye president and Joseph
T. Smith secretary. The committee
"UmI1 Aird-t nth.r Arffanizationf SO
tthat no efforts are duplicated. One
iobieot will be to "see that" nobody
shirks any responsibilities. ; I ,
A member of the committee said:
"This is everybody's war and no one
person or company of citizens can
stand back while others are doing
their work."
Fremont High school girls have
volunteered their services for stenog
raphic work in the office of the Dodge
county branch of the Nebraska De
fense council. Superintendent A. H.
Waterhouse gave the girls time off
from their studies to do the work.
They will work in shifts.
Trying to Save School
Funds From Bank Wreck
' (From a sue Oorreepoadent)
'Si Lincoln, Msy - 22. (Special.) The
joint committee authorized by the last
legislature to 'investigate and bring
'Isuit against' the old stockholders of
,th defunct Capital National bank- if
they discovered there was a chance
to get back the more than $200,000
belonging to the school fund, lost
when it tatted, met last night and to
day organized with the selection of
Senator Doty as chairman and Repre
sentative Taylor as-eeeretery.
Catching the prevailing air of cen
sorship which permeates the atmos
phere, tne committee reiusea to di
vulge any of the proceedings except
that a .committee consisting of Sena
tors Sandall and Neal and Represen
tative Fultz, who compose the lawyers
of the committee, were appointed to
'dig in, and' dig up, ;f possible,' suffi
cient evidence to warrant proceeding
Against the stockholders and report
:to another meeting which will be held
June li.
! Asks Foreign W. C. T. U.
To Shield American. Boys
Chicago. May 21. Miss" Anna-A.
jsiuraon oi cvansioii, m., picsiucni ui
he National Women's Christian Tem
perance union, sent a cable message
o the Countess of Carlisle, London,
England, asking on behalf of the
Women's Christian Temperance union
of the United States that she appeal
to the governments of Great Britain
and France to Drotect from drink and
vice, our soldiers soon to be sent to
h ranee. Many or the soldiers, she
.points out, will go from prohibition
United States Protests ,
' Germany Holding Citizens
Washington, May 22. Protest to
Germany against the detention ol
American citizens was made by the
State department today through, the
.panisn government. J lie depart
, ment has received positive informs'
tion that Americans are held in Ger
many and has asked for a full and
"definite statement of the imperial
government's attitude . concerning
their departure. , 1 ;
It is pointed out this government
always has acted promptly on appli
cation of German subjects to leave
the United Mates..
Armour Puts Million ,
In "Liberty" Bonds
Chicago. May 22. J. " Osden Ar.
mour today subscribed for $1,000,000
i worth ot the Liberty loan bonds.
it was said by Mr. Armour's asso
ciates that the subscription was on his
personal account wholly, and had no
i connection with the hrm of which he
is the head.
Exhibits at Food Congress
Teach Practical Lessons On
Nation's War Crisis Needs
One of the interesting features of
the conservation congress is the long
line of exhibits on the second floor.
First at the head of the stairs comes
the Boy Scouts.
Why should the Boy scouts take
Dart in a conservation coneress?" was
asked of Scout Master English.
See our banner; answered the
scout master. "Every scout feeds a
"But how? Soldiers can t eat Bov
Scouts, can theyr"
"Right down to brass tacks the 700
Boy Scouts of Omaha-have planted
250 back yard gardens, one six-acre
garden, half a dozen two-acre tracts
and are working a number of gardens
for-others. We are going to show
the delegates from out in the state
what scout work will do tor the boys
and get them to give the system a
try-out .in their own towns and in
their own gardens."
the next booth is occupied bv the
department of agronomy of the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
What s it for and what Is it? was
asked the official spieler. "Why all
the dirt? What's agronomy, any
how?" 'The dirt, mv son. is srood Nebras
ka soil. Every county in the state is
represented by a' little box of dirt.
And there's a man with the exhibit
that will tell you, from the dirt, just
what grains any particular county
should grow. He will tell you not
only the grain, but the particular va
riety of grain that will grow best in
that county. By following his direc
tions, deducted trom chemical analy
sis of the soil the farmers can pro
duce their largest crops,' make the
most money ana rurnisn me most
foodstuffs to the people in other
lines of business."
Ttiii nnt ethihit i that ni the
medical department of the University
of Nebraska, under Dr. Cutter.
There's the doctor himself. He will
show you lust how the chemical an
alysis of the dirt was made and why
certain soils produce certain- grains.
He knows more about dirt in general-"
The pure food and pure seed ex
Head of Farm Congress Says High
School Boys Are
Omaha High school bovs. after all.'
are to have their inning on Nebraska
farms. Contrary to the statement
made last week that high school boys
were not wanted on the farms this
year because their muscles were soft,
they are badly needed and will be the
salvation of the farmers, according to
O, G, Smith of Kearney.
Mr. Smith is president of the Ne
braska Farmers' congress and is
chairman of the executive committee
of the big conservation congress
which opens at the Auditorium this
evening. He is also k member of
the "policy" .committee, which is in
control of the big meeting.
"It was an awful mistake to say
that high school boys cannot be used
on the farms," said Mr. Smith. 'The
boys will prove the salvation of the
corn crop. Farmers do not want boys
th world will on hit tm
per if yon piuh him too
hard. An' tvtn good Bur
hy tobacco low a lot of
iUfnm'htmtif you
hibit It is in charge of a woman'
who knows her business, she evill
teach you what foods to purchase and
what are expensive, regardless of the
prices you pay. And she will tell
you about some clovcrseed that is so
badly adulterated that while the
farmer thinks he is paying $17.50 a
bushel, he is really paying $54.
There's a lot of canned goods that
have gone to the bad. She will tell
you how it was done and why it
"Here's an exhibit of packing house
products. It's not an advertisement
of the particular packer that furnished
the goods. It's an educational exhibit.
"Here's the dairy exhibit. Do you
know that three-fourths of the milk
is thrown away? And the milk men
are getting ready to raise the prices
again. They feed good corn and good
alfalfa hay to their cattle and then
throw away more than half of the
"One of the questions, this country
will have to meet is the shortage in
the milk supply. This little exhibit
will teach you now every drop of the
milk, including the water, can be put
to use., Study it and you can sell milk
a whole lot cheaper and make a whole
lot more money than you can under
the present wasteful system.
"And here's the co-operative em
ployment bureau's booth. It's a mix
ture of frderal, state, county and city
affairs. , It takes orders from farmers
for help and it finds jobs for those
who want to go to the farms. But
when you attempt to register for a
"job" you've got to show that you are
realty competent. You can't get a job
as a milkman unless you can really
milk a cow. No sluffers can get by.
; "The next is the Nebraska univer.
sitv corn bulletins. It show how the
information for the bulletins is gath
ered and how they prove themselves
of most use to the farmers and others
who will make use of them.
'The Red Cross is the last in the
line. Everybody knows the Red
Cross. It's wonderful.
" "Enough said. So much for the ex
hibits." Needed On Farms
who will have to be conscripted, but
they do want those who will come
"By the way, there has never been
a time in Nebraska when the soil was
in better condition than now nor
when corn prospects were so good.
Wheat (what little there is left), oats
and the small grain plants are up
high enough to shade the ground and
prevent 'the rapid evaporation of the
rain that has just fallen.
"Now for the '. igh school boys
again. Just as soon as the sun shines
on this wet ground the weeds are
going to simply jump. And some
body s got to keep them down. .,
."Organize the high school boys Of
the state into one great weed brigade
and every mother's son of them will
make hia weight thousand times
over in corn this year."
Father Time and Mother Nature grew
the tobacco, I guess they cure it oest."
A PIPE load of VELVET eives you
Jl every last bit of enjoyment that
there is in a pipe.
VELVET'S two years' ageing in wooden hogs
heads brines out the last bit of mildness, mellowness
and taste that is naturally in Kentucky's best Burley
tobacco. That two years' ageing is Nature's own
method. No shortcut processes can even touch it
And VELVET will prove this to you. ,
Norfolk Commercial Club Be
gards Hir" as Link Be
tween Field and
The Norfolk (Neb.) Commercial
club thinks it has solved the i':iru la
bor problem, so far as Madison coun
ty is concerned, according to S. H.
McClary, secretary of the club, who is
in Omaha to explain the Norfolk plan
to the State Conservation congress.
Madison county supports a ;ounty
agent, who is in close touch with the
farmers and their labor wants. The
county agent lists the labor needs of
the farmers and turns the list to the
Commercial club. The Commercial
club, in turn, lists all transient and
resident labor in the town. In this
way the farmer and laborers are
brought together. The Commercial
club of Norfolk is supplying laborers
to many farmers in Madison county.
"We anticipate no labor shortage in
Madison county until harvest," said
Secretary McClary. "The farmers re
alize the labor situation and are mak
ing their plans accordingly."
Each merchant and clerk in Norfolk
has volunteered to give two days' work
each week during harvest. The names
and ability of these men have been
listed with the Commercial club.
When a farmer 'phones the Commer
cial club that he wants two farm hands
the club sends five merchants or
The plan considers that five mer
chants and clerks are equal to two
farm hands. Of these five persons,
one at least is a retired farmer. In
this way the farmer loses no time in
structing the men from town as to
how to do the work. The five men
operate' in a crew under the direction
of the retired farmer.
Forty men in Norfolk have volun
teered the use of their autos to take
these town laborers to the farm. They
are notified by the club and take the
men to work, returning for them in
the evening. The city clerks are paid
at regular rates. '
"We do not expect to serve all of
Madison county in this way," said Mr.
McClary. "We are operating within
a ten-mile radius of town." ,
The plan is to be presented to the
committee on labor problems of the
state conference for discusssion.
Six Million British ' '
Women Will Be Given Vote
London, May 22. (4:52 P. M.)
In moving the second reading of the
franchise reform bill today in the
House of Commons, Sir George Cave,
the home secretary, said he estimated
the number of men voters that would
be added by the bill to the present
8.357.000 was about 2.000.000. while
the extension of the franchise to
women would add to the register
about 6,000,000 voters of whom 5,000,
000 would- acquire the franchise as
married women. !
Sir George explained that a wom
an voter must be entitled to register
as a local government elector or her
husband must be entitled to vote or
she must be a university voter.
- Other reforms, he stated, included
the payment by the government of
the returning officers' expenses, a re
duction of the scale of expenses, per
mitted to candidates and the prohibi
tion of expenditures by unauthorized
bodies to secure the return of a can
didate. . '
House Committee Agrees to a
Compromise Based on the
Zone System; Debate
is Continued.
Washington, lty 22. A x com
promise on the proposed second class
mail tax so as to make it from 1J4
cents per pound in the first parcels
post zone to 8 cents in the eighth zone
was agreed upon today by the house
ways and means committee.
Receipts from educational enter
tainments were excluded by the house
from the proposed 10 per cent amuse
ment tax by a vote of 114 to 1, Repre
sentative Moore of Pennsylvania op
posing. He insisted that it was unfair that
William J. Bryan should receive from
$200 to $750 a night for "educational"
entertainments while the government
got nothing from them.
No other changes were made in the
amusement tax situation. All amuse
ment places will pay a 10 per cent tax
on their cash receipts and each person
-dmitted free must pay 5 cents. A tax
I cent on each ticket sold to a child
under 12 years, unless the maximum
admission . fee . is 5 cents, would be
charred. .
Club members would , pay JO per
cent of their club dues, tntertain
n,nla far thi, hrhelit of relicious or
charitable organizations would be ex
empt trom taxation. N
The war stamp tax section, eonsiu
rrtA next, was amended so as to ex
empt building and loan associations
operated for the sole benefit of their
Ways and Means Committee
More Friendly to Newspapers
(From a Staff .Correspondent.)
Washington, May 21. (Special Tel
eaTam. Reoresentative Sloan is ex
ceedingly. hopeful that the. second
class postage matter, as it applies to
newspapers, win De adjusted in a man'
ner fairlv satisfactory to the publish'
ers. During the conference of the
wavs and means committee yesterday
and on Saturday Chairman Kitchin in
timated he might accept Sloan's prop
osition to make the first zone
cents, the second and third zones 2
cents, the fourth zone 3 cents, the re
maining zones 4 cents, which is a de
cided concession to the disseminators
of news.
Chairman Moon of the committee
on postoffices and postroads has also
sutreested concessions which might be
acceptable to the owners of newspa
His nrooosition is to charge as now
I cent to transport newspapers and
periodicals entitled to the pound rate,
but charging- on the advertising con
tained in said newspapers and period
icals the! rate now charged by parcel
post, dividing the country into adver
tising zones the same as parcel post
zones. v
In any event it is apparent that con
gress is getting a knowledge of the
second class postage matter that it
has not possessed heretofore, and a
more friendly feeling is being shown
toward one of the great industries of
the country.
Introduce Antl.Lie.uor BIU.
Washlnfton. May S3. Secretary Dantels'
Mil to prohibit aale to or possession ot liquor
by sailors or marine in uniform and to bar
place of vice near naval posts waa Intro
duced today by Chairman Padgett of the
house naval committee. It will conform
with the army liquor legislation.
. . 1
This is Indeed
a Lace Season
Entire frocks and airy dresses
are to be of lace, and such va
riety as one is offered here. ,
Dainty Valencienes in all widths
Beautiful Filet and Venise.
Net Top Lace Flonncjngs and
Seventy-two-inch Nets of fine
quality, to be trimmed with lace
for the graduation gown.
To Thompson-Beldens
for All Your Laces.
Children's Underwear
Fine ribbed gauze Vests
all sizes, 15c
Ribbed cotton Pants,
knee or ankle length,1
35c; large sizes, 50c
Main Floor
Perfectly lubricated, the'
I - - I I V i
a' I
! Moron 3 y&
Q j
eats up the mile without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more, 1 .
Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
(Nabraaka) .
NO toiling in a stuffy hot kitchen when you have
a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. No coal no
wood to carry no smoke no ashes. Just clean, odor
less heat that goes where it belongs into the cooking.
Look for the reversible glass reservoir a New Per
fection feature.
'For leal results, use Perfection Kerosene.
Omaha g
eiw'Moute Star?
-Are Coming
The Question
of Which Corset
Women so often consider this
problem from the standpoint of
style, wearing qualities and
price, and ask for a satisfactory
The most expensive corset does
not always give the best results.
A new W. B. Model will
solve the difficult problem
for many.
Ask for No. C-923
The Price Is $2. i
Corset Section
Main Floor
' Out Size Hose
Lisle Hose, black with
garter tops and double
soles, 50c a pair.
Silk Lisle, in black or white,
with garter tops and double
soles, 75c pair.
motor spinning smoothly on
r i
i 2!..Fp:.'?