!2 THE BEtt: tfMAHA. WEDNESDAY. ' MAY 23, 1917. IRE-STOCi MARKET tXDhig Cattle Ten to Fifteen - Lower; Lambs Strong to Thlrty.Pive Centa , . Higher. : Omaha, May JJ,II1T. ) , iteceipta were. cattle, Hon. Ibtw, EloUI Monday..,,,,, 7,00 1,011. f.lM UmaU Tuesday ie.000 11,600 4,500 Two days this weekelMtfl to, on ,rm Came dayg laat week. .14.7M 17,273 11.974 bam day f w'ka afO. 19,790 10,642 9,610 Sara dan Wlcs aco.lMU 19,920 ' J, 626 Kama days 4 Wkl ago 7,248 16,970 18,362 Sana days laat year... 9,804 Z7,4 U.1Q0 Receipt and disposition of lira atMk at ,Tne union atocx yards, Omaha, for twenty. Sour boon ending at I p.-m. yesterday, BECEirTft CARLOADS. r Cattle Bora. Btaeep. W?b. v., n. at, -..,, a . j iWabaah 1 1 Missouri Paclflo SI' I Union Pacific 75 41 C. ft N. W, eaat., 31 ' 11 CAM. W., wait.. 70 56 C, St. P., H. O.. ft . 39 C, B. a, aatt.. 14 8 C,&4Q.. wat.. 71 v M C, R UP,, aaat 31 4 C, R. 1 4 P., wh( .m. Xlllnola Cantral r Chi. Great Watt... la 1 , , Total receipts.. ,.m ' 131 DISPOSITION H BAD f -' ' ' . Cattle, ' Hova. a jaorna m co..,.. lit Swift A Co..... 1,014 Cudefey Packlnc Co. .1,103 Armour Co. ...... ,.1,749 Bchwarti Co.., J. W. llarphy Lincoln Paaklnr Co., 4! B. O. Pack! nf Co...,, ,16 Kohr Packing Co, Cudahy, from K. C. -.81 WiUon 249 W. a Vansant Co.... IS V. B. Lewta ......... 109 J. B. Root A CO i 23 J. H. Bulla 44 X. F Hum 2S Werthelmer A Degon 6ft ,. H. F.- Hamilton. j. SS Sullivan Bros. 81 HlBtloa 39 ..... Huffman IS 3 . Both 41 .... 'Meyers ...A. 33 Glaaabarr 4 Baker, Jones A S..., 64 Banner Broa. 14 ..... John Harvey 264 ,, , Pennle A Francis 10 ,,,, Jensen A Lunarem.. 1 ODay . 19 ..... Other buyers 234 311 1,24 2,183 1,012 2.442 412 z.m 91 Sheep. 112 1,197 1,186 ToUla , 7,411 10,247 4,212 Cattle Receipt wara vary large. In fact, the largest for a Tuesday for a long tlma back, making tha total for the two days n,9 neaa, ma largest er any recent week and 3,000 head larger than for tha tame period a year ago. Most other markata were liberally auppllvd with oattte, with tha re ault that there waa a lower tendency to tha trada everywhere. Tha market at thlt point waa generally 10 4914c lower en ktllari, the decline belni; moit noticeable on the medium grades, stockars and feeders wcra In lightly supply and about sieaay. Quotations on cnttlsi Good to eholoa beeves, fll.l6fpl8.2a; lair to goo it btteves, 111,40(912,26: common to fair beeves, 910.26 ayii. good to oooice heifers, 910.60 11.11; good to choice qowi, fMtQ.gb; fair to good cows, 8.7lf9.76; common to fair cow, $7,000)8.50; prima feeding stenra, $9.74910.90,' good to oholoa feeders, 19.00 910.00: fair to good feeders, fft.BOat.QO; common to fair feeders, I7.0bty9.26; good to cnoice stackers, 9t.K0o10.K0: stock httfers, 8.244910.34; etork cow, 97.00010.00; stock ralvea, 98.004910.10; veal salves 99,0049 13.40; beef bulls, it ass, etc., 7.36010.16. Representative alas: BEEF BTRBBt. No. Av. Pr. At. Pr. did batter bis early bfts, and at noon, when other buyers all had their orders pretty well oiled, was trying to buy boga at 10e lower. Some of the later sales had an easier tone, but no real decline had been' noted and whatever weakness there might have been was oitaet by early strength. What tha last hogs would bring was problematical, but It looked as though all but the beat grades would have (to nil at lower price or be carried over. Of the sale that had been made there waa a good sprinkling all the way fom 911.60 up to 116.05. tha latter price being the top. Representative salest No Av Hh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 73. .214 . 440 14 65 47.. 239 120 14 75 80.. 214 160 13 90 68. .248 20 16 45 tl. .191 ... 1& 90 129.207 440 14 00 19.. 394 ... 16 Oft Bhiwp On the general run of offcHni that la, fed lambs, both of woolad and thnrn varieties ths market waa active at strong to 10c higher prices. On paper some of the aies looaea 10 oe mors than that, but dif ference In quality was responsible tor part "w uuiura in nuinmr or ftaua. Hirii era wanted tha Iambs, and with only mod erats receipta at all points the undertone waa strong, iraotng starting in good season, and pretty much everything being cleaned up "f auvEi mirr me miaaie oe too fort- A new Dish mark of tSO.M w m.H. wooled lambs. A 250 360 advance In anrln 1mh . tha feature of the day's trade. Mate of mm uiuorniaa mat brouvht lie sn Mnn. day reached 919.60, a flat 35a tin turn Nr. tlvos wers scarce, a small package or two eelllng aroond f 19 00. No aged atock waa nere on waicn comparisons could be based. What few buncht bt cllppod ewes were herr wero anything hut good. Wooled went ac ins record ngura of 116,66. UbOtatlons on sheen and ltmh. i..k WOOlfid. tit SAAtC IK- .hnrn t OAu be.' eprlng lambs, 317.604)1M0; yearling, ehorn! ta.uvtuio.nvi winri, mora, fls.BOlf.1'6; ewes, shorn, tll.7fi4914.00; ewes, cull shorn, Kepreaontatlve sales; GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Demand for Wheat is Slow, but Trade in Corn and Oats is Quite Brisk. 3S OQll f.dln. lint.... 203 fed l.mlj. SI n.tlv. .print Umb... IQ4 f"rt Umb. JU fd Iambi 11 ffl limba.., 10 cull lamb. ' I7l dipped lamb. Av. Pr. iS 10 00 , 63 H 76 (6 s II 00 14 II 10 II It II 80 10 00 11 71 t 47 0 .. T0 10 10 II 104 11 10 17 Ill II 70 34 ...1107 ,1 J 00 40. ...... .1121 J U 1 14(1 II 10 111 M 00 l Ill 11 40 II 1111 11 76 4 1131 II 10 II 1111 11 10 II 1121 11 it STEERS AND HEIFER& 00 I 10 II.,.,.... Ill 10 Tl 4 IS! 11 II 10 7SI 11 II 4.. (01 11 to 14 Ill II 00 1.. 1 400 11 00 17 Ill 11 li 10 774 11 II 17........ Ill 11 71 HEIFERS 0. 10 10 HoS Uneven neaa was lha nHivlnal ture of today's hog market, Prlcea were up and down all morning. After making early offers a flat lOo lower, most of tha packers raised their hands and In tbs and bought the bulk of their hogs at about ateady figures. One packer never CHICAGO LIVE HTW 11 MARKET. Cattle S4eady--Boga Mostly S Cents Higher Sheep Higher. . Chicago. May 22. lattt Raenlnt.. ?J fifth ivau, ncaay; Deer cat lift, IB.QOQ 13.64; stockurs snd feeders. I7.60lo as- cows and heifers, I6.40WU.G0; calves, 410.60 Via. vs. t Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head: .market mostly so nigner than Monday'a average; bulk of sales, !16.00W16.&0; light, 116,60 16.36; mlxjd, I1MI016.&O; hctivy, HC.70 14.66; rough. 116.70IH15.S6: tia. UOTKA 14.66. - Sheen anl Lambs Racelota. 7.0AA firi market higher; wethera, 13. 764916.00; awes. fiuvvnti lamoa, fi&.ibWJiU.fO, St. rants Uvo Stock Market. "- - St, Louis. Ma 21. Cattle .RauMlnta a iaa head: market atearfv: natlv h. .iw.. 17.60113.00; yearling steers and heifer. 14.60013.00; cow, $6.0049 11. 00; atockers and fenders, $8,00910. 00; prime tout hern war alters, sd.uuvii.60; beef cows and hoi few, $4.26499.00; prime yearling iteers nnd helfnra, $7.60 10.00; native calve. $6.004914.60. Hogs Receipts. 1,400 head; markot steady? light, $15.90316.40; plgit, $9.7649 H.2ft; mixed and butchers, 916.80flH6.46; good heavy, 2l.404j16.fti; bulk. $19,9049 Bheep and Lambs Receipts, l.iflO head; clipped lambs, $14.004916.76; clipped awe, $9.6014.00; Bering iamba, 119.00,920.00; canners, $6.00498. 00. City Llva Stork Market. , Kansas City, May 23. CaUle fteoelrtls, 9.100 head; market strong; prima fud atoflra, $12.664913.31; dressed beef steers, 10.00 13.60; western steers, $9.25013,16; cans, $7.264911-23; heifers, $9.004912.26; stockers and feeder, 9B.00QlO.76j bulls, $8,000 10.60; calvns, $$.00lVOO. Hogs Recolpts 16,000 head;' markot hither; bulk of aalrs, $I6.S016.W; heavy, $16.30016.46; packers and butchers. $16.00 CH.16; light, $16,600)14.16; pigs, (11.60(9 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4.000 head; mantel nignsr; lamos, 916.004930.26; year linns, $14.00017.00; wethers, $13.00016.00; was, $12.004916.26, St. Joseph Live Stork Market, St Joseph. Mo,. May 22. Cattle Receinta. t.ftoo head; market strong: steers, (9.60O 18,26: oows and heifers. 27.OOIbl2.B0! calva. $10.004914.00. Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head: market alow, top, 110.26; bulk ot sales, $16.69 16.26. v , Sheep and Lambs Receinta. 1.200 head- market strong; clipped lambs. $16.0049 17,26; clipped ewes, $12.004912.s0. London Stock Market. 1 London, May 23. American seourltles were dull, but firm, on the stock exchange today, 1 . Omaha. May 22, T The local cash demand for wheat was. rather alow today, but there was a nrattv active Inquiry for corn and oats. Toe caan trade, however, was very outet on account 01 ngoi oiierings, mere being only seventeen cars of wheat, twenty-seven urs ot corn ana eleven cars or oata re ceived. The sales of canto, wheat wara mt. tremely light and while the market waa nominally several cents lower, there was not enough wheat sold to give a definite Idea of tbo changes in values. The corn market was quoted generally from steady to ftr, lower, but the bulk of the offerings gold acoui "ao unaer yesterday s market. The premium on white corn waa about the n me as on yesterday, the white selling sen- ernlly about IHo to 3c above the yellow and about 2c bove the general run of mixed corn. Sates of the commercial grades of wnite corn were made at 91.66 to 91.6&H while the yellow ranged in price from $1,624 to $1.63 and the mixed brought from ll.tlS tin 11 H4U. ' The oats market ruled from stedi in K lower and most of the offerings were dis posed of at an early hour, the bulk of the samples selling about under the market ot me previous day. ro. 1 wmte sold sen. erslly at 70c, No, 4 whits brought 6o and sample white ranged In price from 67c to (18c, There was no rye orbarley received today and both of these cereals wars Quoted nominally uncnangea. Clearances were; wneat and floor equal .0 233,000 bushels; corn. 40,000 bushels: oats. Primary wheat recelnts were 710.000 hnah. els and shipment 1,286,000 bushels against receipts of 614,000 bushels and shipments of 9i,'vv Duaneis mac year, rnmary corn receipts were B26.D0O hash. els and shipments 486,000 bushels against receipts of 666,000 bushels and shipments of Dow.'tuu ouaneis last year. rrimary oats receipts wers 691.000 bushels ana sniuments 1. 038.000 bushels ssalnat re. colpts of 408.000 bushels and shipments or iui,vvv ousneis isai year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Chicago ,. 76 , 271 280 Minneapolis .......... lJ . , . . - Duluth 172 Omaha LI 27 11 Kansas tjuy as. xa flt. Loiils .66 38 19 Winnipeg ,,12.) ... These sales wero reported today: Wheat Ham pie hard winter: 1 car. $-2.72; car. te.iv. no. a mixes, numim : 1 ap. $3.70. No. 2 spring and durum: 1 oar, $2.68. . corn no. 2 white: I oars, S1.I5U: l-l car, $1.66. Xo. 1 white: 1 oar, 81.66. No. 1 yellow: 1-4 ear, 81.62. No. 2 yel low; oars, fi.ei; 1 cars, si.ea: 1 ear. $1.62U, No, 3 yellow: 2 cars. 21.62: 4 cars, $1.6344. No. 2 mixed: ft oars, $1.62U: car, $1.62. No. I mixed: 1 car' (near nnei, 11. ea; t cars. si. 684: 1 ears. 81.62. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear, $1.62, No, mixed: car (near wnite). 91.62. Oats No.' 1 white: 1 car rshtnoera weights), 70Ho; 6 cars, 70o. No. 4 white: 1 car (snipper a weignts), 700t 2 cars, 690, Sample white: 1 car. 69ci. 2 cars. 8c: J car, 67c. 1 Omaha Cash Pr mm whmf Vn e ,. i.-iuoz.m: no. 2 hard. I2nta aa? n a hard, $3.77492.87. Corn: No. 3 white. 21.66 flfl.BGU; No. 2 white. 21.64Ufil.6fi; Nn. 1 wnite, si.Qitpk-tftft; wo, white. 81.68 H 42 64: No. 6 white. 2t.6301.llu . Nn 1 v.i. low. Jl.v3H491.42; No. 2 yellow, $1.63-a49 L'4i: NO. 4 VellOW. 21.63C) 1.13U Nn 1 yellow, 21.41H491.69j No. 6 yellow, $1.6149 NO. Z mixed. Sl.62tai.62iA: Nn 1 mixed, $1.6tK$1.63!4; No. 4 mixed, I1.61H 491.62; No. & mixed, 41.6101 61 No. 4 mixed, 91.60H491.6t. Oats: No. I white, 70Hfi)71ot standard, 7070c; No. I white, t9H4)70c; No. 4 white, 6&4969HC Barley: uran 93l.00O2l.00. Malting, $1.24981.47; No. 1 feed. $1.1649 Rye: No. 2. 22.20492.22: No. 2. 22.ua 1.30. ! Local range of options: Art. Open. fHlgh. tLow.j .-Close Yes. WhL I P f I I July I 1 40 2 40 2rt f 2 94 32T Sept I 9 06 I I Oft 200 I S 00 III Corn 11 1 I July 1 66 1 86 166 f 1 66 164 Sept. I 2 47 I 1 47 147 I 1 47 146 Oat 11 1 ! July f 64H U 8f H 64H .Sept. 1 631 64 63H 64 ft3H Chicago closing prices, furnished The Baa by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers. mo nouin Biiieentn street, um a na : Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Tea. WhtTT i i p r July I 22 9 24 12T I 22 182 Sep, S 12 111 201 a 06 210 Corn. July 1 65 1 6644 114 1 10 164H 8P. Oata July Rep, Pork. May Juiy Lard. July Sep. Rlba. July Sep. 1-48 1 09 4SU 64 H 28 30 38 SO 23 60 23 70 SO 67 H 20 85 I' 1 464147'i 1 48 147 1 10 104 M 1 08 H 10' 44 06 5S ': 66 66 66 H C5S y M 664a 38 $0 38 20 29 30 38 2f 2$ 50 38 20 38, 16 38 10 22 60 22 42 23 62H 23 25 n.Vi 22 fit 22 67 H 23 62 20 70 10 60 20 67 20 62 20 87H)20 76 20 85 20 77 t lift AGO 4RAIX MARKET. Choking Off of Fntnro Dellvsry Beducca Bualncas, ChlC(l20. M-'tV 33. AutAtnarla rhAI.in. of future delivery trade in wheat tightened t U4.-U h sneni loaay tnat business waa reduced for the most part to scanty deal ings In a single option September. Bear ish crop advices had also a depresulng ef fect on value. The market cloned unsettled e to 6c net lower, with Juiv t- 92 September at 12.06. Corn gained 4c to 1 1 Ho, and oats lost H94ic to c. Pro visions finished lrreicular. ranirfn fi-nm 11 off to (4f To advance. Predictions current that a complete stop of all option buslneus In wheat soon might be witnessed as a result of existing arbi trary rules were not unanimously agreed to. Unlimited short selling l atlll permissible and enough of It has been devoIoDlna- to cause a material constant setback In prices of lato. According to some authorities the extreme tension which has resulted in the present oinerwtse stringent regulations re garding wheat should relax after harvesting won ujiuer way. yn ino otnor nand dif ferent opinions were exoreaaorf fiw in broad sense lha only buying of new wheat mis year wouia do for actum u&ers and would be therefore on a virtual hand to mourn oa bib. VAs far as news had any lnfluem-e nn the wheat market the principal factor today was the confidence which crop advices gave that the government's May figures on the uomestio vie a would Oe axcet1t1 ta a mih. Stan tl I degree. Reports of Increased shin. menu from Australia to the United States also were taken Into account. Corn prices bulged owing to scarcity of uaau uiierinaf ana oecsuse or Continue! COLO weather and lack of sunshine. Bearish es timate or large increases of planted acre age in seven surplus producing states formed only a transient handicap on the nuns. Although at first the oats market avmi pathlsed with the strength of corn, slow ness of shipping demand from the east acted later as a weight on quotations. Sea board exporters were said to be out of the maraei,- Holders of Drovtslons dlanlavad evident willingness to reallxe. Higher prices on Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 and No. 2 red. nominal: Na 2 hard. 82.00: N'n. 9 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.72"4 491-72: No. 3 fellow. 11.71 U 491. 72U : Nn. 4 yellow, 91.7044. Oats: No. 2 white, 7044 71 c: standard, 71H4972& Rye, nominal. Barley, $130491.60. Seeds; Timothy, $6.76 0 .00: clover, $12.004917.00. Provisions: Pork. $32.30; lard, $22.8&22.46; ribs, $2O.12H0 20.67 H. iuiter Hignar; creamery. 22H4939c EffES Hither: receinta. 22.410 fun'. flrsta, 24H036Ho; ordinary first. 82&33c: at mark, caaas Included, 324936c, Potatoes Receipts, 11 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive higher; fowla, 31 He NEW YORK . STOCKS Wall Street, f Encouraged, Shoots V. S. Steel to New Record Trading Covers Wide Scope. Am. Tel. Tol. $00 121 130H Am. Z.. L. A S.... 1,200 234 12 H 23 Anacomla Copper.. 2)2,800 22 81 H $3H Atchison '2,800 102 100 101 H All. 6. as W. I. K.S. 3.900 106 104H 104 Baltimore V Ohio.' ),900 70 69 70 uuue hup. cop. 600 46 1,600 30 Z.VUU 191 Coffee Market. New York. May 23. Coffee futures nutet again today, aales being estimated at only 4,260 bags. The market opened at an ad vance of one point on a little covering. May sold at 9.18c, or five points above last night's close, while December sold at 2.48c. or two points net higher, Trading was not active, enougn to grvo tna market any de cided tons, however, and the close waa Ir regular at net five pofn-U higher to one point lower. May. 8.16c r June. 1.1 Bo: Jul v. -nt- August, 8.26c; September, 8.31c; October, 8.86c: November, 8.40c; December, 8,46c; January, 2.61c; February, 8.67c; March, 2.63c; April, 8.680. Spot dull; Reo 7s, 10c; Santos 4a, 10o. No fresh offers were reported In the cost and freight market fxom Santos, but there waa a small sals of Rio 7s at sttc. Ameri can oredit. Tbs official cable reported an advance of 60 rels In the' Rio market with Santos soot- unchanged snd futures unchanged to 26 rels lower. Rio exchange on London was 182d higher. . ' Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sloax City. la.. May 22. Cattle Recelnts. 500 head: market, stock era atron kiiinm dull and lower; beef steers, tll.OOfjiS.OO; butchars, $9.604911.00: fat cows and heif ers, $8.004911.00; canners, $6.00498.00; atockers and feeders, $7.604910.60; ci.lves, $8.60(912.00; bulla, atags, etc., $8.004910.60; feedlnscowa and heifers, $7.264910.00. Hogs Receipt. 8.000 head: mat-to a ateady to 60 higher; light, $16.404915.66; mixed, 116.70916.00; heavy, 18.9016.20: pigs. I12.000l3.t0j bulk of sale, $16,459 Sheep and Lambs Rerelnta. 1 fine ha. 4. market strong; yearlings, $100916.00; wethers, $12.604916.60; ewos, $12.50913.75; iMniiii(HMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiii f I 111 Mill I HlM 1 I IS . aiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiimnniiiini!iit8!t , - ....... nlllillHIUIUIMIIIjlUlltllillllUIUilfMillllllllllllllri y. : . What yui;xpo:i;"i Hot Water f Jus Summer? Don't miss the Comfort and Convenience of Hot Water these mornings just ,S0Ut ; H0t Water in ean be Can you imagine anything that would ado4 more to the conven ience in your home than a RUUD AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER, which would furnish you all the scalding water you wanted, day or night, for Bath, Shaving, Dishes and Laundry, by. simply turning the faucet - . The RUUD AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER gives you service of exactly that sort. . . ' . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY Two of the Euud Factory experts are herethis week durihtr our special demonstration. Come in and have them explain the merits of this water heater and show you how easily you can obtain scalding water, at any time, by turning on any hot water faucet in your home. Every bit of bother is done away with. No running down stairs to light the heater, nor waiting for It to heat v . (Jome in and see them in operation yoare under no obligation to buy. Omaha Gas Company New York. May -!J. Indeclilon marked to. early coarse of today', antiv. .nrf broailor market. Dot thin oonultlon va. al- oioai wiiony rKimta m the final tour. Wh.n United Htatea Steal led the e-nner.l Hat to new maitmum. for tho current move ment. Trarilnr covered, wider Kope, taklnc Into . greater extent than recently the ran., ineiaia, on. ana apecaltle.. Wall Blroet profeaaed to see favorable portenu in the declalen of the United Biaiee supreme court, wh en postponed re. artumenta of Impending- ''truat" suit, for a year. The (rowing popularity of the liberty k&an was another encouraging Influence. There were Intimation, aluo ot an early an nouncement by the Interstate Commerce commission regarding the plea of tho rail road, for Increased rates. United States Steel, steady advance of 141 point. g the new record of 137,. put that stock within points of Its record. Absorption of steel pa most impressive and .Infused fresh vitality Into the market after an Inter. medate period of lassitude. Other equipments and th. munition, lag ged by comparison, tho, only noteworthy features Of that division belli. Hlrival. 8teel. which roe. IH to 631 am Bethlehem Steel new stock, which failed to hold more than m part of It. nominal advance. AH the copper, and allied share, war. higher til 1 to I points on very large no. cumulation. 43alns in this group ran from 1 to I points. Utah, Inaplratlon and Ara.rl can Smelting were most In favor. The Indulry for oils took in virtually every issue of that description. Texas company registered a gross lain 'of ! point., while Mexican Petroleum, Sinclair' Oil and Cali fornia Petroleum preferred advanced 1 to almost t points. Motor, mad. further re coveries from last yeek', setback and high priced specialties and utilities were again featured by Industrial Alcohol and Gas, those issue, rising 1 to 2 points at their best. All classes of rati were Included in th. 1 to I points advance. z Total Mies, MZI.OOO shares. Bonds were Irregular and tacking in espe cial features. Total sales, par value, 2. 179,00(1. United states bond, ware un changed on call, but counon ss fell u n.. oent on Mica. : . , . . . Sale. High. low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. ; 3.300 2 anu. nu American. Can..-.,. 34,100 41 (i 4Vs , 48 iu. vr rovna. s.avo 71 70 . 707, Am. Locomotive 0.500 704 su' 7 Am. Smelt. 4 Ref.; 11,000 1041, lOli, 101V. no,... out! I1U HO Cal. Petroleum... -"J --V..... ... central leather.... 12,100 89 Chesapeake A Ohio 1,000 CO U 4,500 ; 74V. 1,000 11154 110K 111 42 ChL, M. St. P.. ;o N. W. . Chlcagi C. R. I. a p., ctfs. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron. Corn Prod. Ref.... Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar,. Distiller'. Sec... Erie ; -Oeneral Electric. Q'neral Motors.... Ot Northern pfd., Ot. N'o. Ore., ctfs.. Illinois Central.., 44 4S54 SO Ji 16344 111 S7 II El SI 7H 73 1,100 7H 1.100 'Stu. S8V. lfi.OOO 24 ll,70-7m 1.400 44 2.000 IIS 7,000 :s u 000 16l7i 158 11.800 103 100i 101V, z.avu luefi 1UB lus 1.800 34 4 33 "1 I44 C tl'i lit, 4JH It !4 7H IS 2 70 IS 35 1.-0 200 102 inspiration Copper. 43.300 Int. :i. M. pfd int. racket. ....... Int. Paper Kan. CUty. So Kenliecott Copper. Iulsvllle A Nash. Maxwell Motors... Mexican Petroleum 32,400 Miami Copper 3.400 Missouri Pacific... Montana Power..., Nevada Copper...'.. New Tork Central. N. T.-, N. H. H.. Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific,,. Paclflo Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel. Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal.. 10 81ti 41 31 V. 31 15,100 2,000 400 :,200 17,700 600 121 7,300 00U 40 ,3UU Z7 1,000 100 4.700 26 1.100 10 200 19 1.100 123 !,600 103 200 24 101 101 58 60 79 '40 30 20 44 10 40 31 30 46 !5 156 47 41 93 40 27 88 !4 0 81 1,600 6,600 13 40 26 99 24 31 121 132 101 103 23 33 26 Reading Rep, Iron ft 8teel, Shattuck Ariz. Coo, Southern Paclflo... Southern Railway., Htuaeoaker cor.... 16.200 Texas Co. Union Pacific. 39.300 18,400 1,300 2,100 1.200 62 47 88 86 26 92 53 48U Ray Con. Oopper.. 14,400 30 1 86 26 93 36 -J6 82 79 7,200313 109 113 10.200 137 136 136 u. o. ina. Aiconoi. Hl.suu 127 130 United States Steel.824. 100 13744.1341 12744 U. a Steel pfd.... 1,200 118Tll8 111 Utah Copper...... 11.800 115 IIS 114 Wabash pfd "B"., 1,200 24 1 24. 24 Western Union 600 93 93 93 Westlnghous. Elec 10,100 64 is 68 Total sales for the day, 1,035,000 shares. Sugar Market. New Tork May 22. Sugar--Raw. steadv: centrifugal, 6.02c: molasses,- 6.14c. Refined, Will You Recognize the Wde o Mystery," When You See Her at 1 in, Boys' Suits In Feature Sale THESE suits are very closely priced to provide thor oughly dependable boys' clothes at a popular ex penditure., . They are made ;from carefully selected woolens; they are honestly tailored and the styles are readily recognized as new and correct. rCIose inspection of their quality finds no point over looked to build them as durably as possible. ,' THE SELECTIONS - MODELS Practically everything' that's new including novel pinch and plaited back effects; stitched and loose belts; patch flap and welt pockets. FABRICS A remarkable 'assortment. Pure wools that ,' cover a wide ; range1 of springtime colors and designs. " GREAT SUITS! $6.45 Brinf the boys in todmy and get them a new summer guit. My Liberal Credit Terms makes it easy for you to buy what you want and pay as you go along. ' " ELMER BEDDEO BED DEO 1417 DOUGLAS ST. Vacation Opportunities its - , Via Rock Island Lines FROM OHAHA EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and return S45.45 to' $46.95 ' Asbvury Park, N. J., and return f $55.80 to 859.10 Atlantic City, N. J., and return $57-30 Bangor, Me., and return....... S56.70 to 867.45 Bar Harbor, Me., and return $59.90 to 870.45 Boston, Mass., and return ..S54.60 to $62.10 Buffalo, N. Y., and return ....$42.41 Burlington, Vt, and return ....J. $50.90 to $51.50. Chautauqua Lake points, N. Y., and return .841.10 Toledo, 0., and return ....$35.10 Charlottetown, P. E. I., and return $64.35 to $83.65 Concord, N. H., and return $51.20 to $59.10 Detroit, Mich., and return ;$35.10 Pabyan, N. H., and return $52.25 to $67.25 Halifax N. S and return .$61.60 to $85.10 Lake Placid, .N. Y., and return $49.10 to $50.60 Moncton,'N. B.( and return r.. -.856.00 to $77.95 Montreal, Que., and return $45.20 to 855.51 New York, N. Y. and return v $55.80 to $59.1-0 Old Orchard, Me., and return . $52.90 to $63.11 Portland, Me., and return .$52.90 to $62.45 Portsmouth, N. H., and return ... $52.90 to $59.10 Pictou, N. S., and return .861.35 to $84.15 St. John, N. B and return Sofi.OO to $73.45 Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and return... $49.15 to $51.66 Toronto, Ont., and return. , $40.10 to $42.41 Yarmouth, Me., and return ....$52.90 to $63.15 CIRCUIT TOURS New York City and return.. 858.50 to $62.10 One direction via Buffalo or Niagara Falfe, other direction . via Washington. D. C. x N Yark City and return.. $70.50 to $72.10 i One direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer"; . other direction via Niagara Falls or Buffalot f i o via Washington, D. C. " - Boiton, Mass., and return -$57.80 to $60.20 One direction via Montreal, other direction via Niagara , , v - Falls or Buffalo. Boiton, Mass., and return $57.80 to $69.15 One direction via Niagara Falls or Buffalo, other direc tion via New York and Washington, D. C. Boston, Mast., and return $76.95 Ona direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer, other direc- , tion via Niagara Falls or Buffalo or Montreal. The above is only a partial list of Eait.rn points to which excur ion feres ar. available, and many other attractive Circuit Tours are offered. .(,-.., Tickets carry final return limit of gixty dayg from date of sale, . and vary liberal stop-oven in both direction. Chicago Limited at 6:08 P. M. Daily For further information inquire of - J. S. McNALLY Division Paetenger Agont 14th and Faraam Sts. - W. O. W. Bldg. .steady: fine granulated. .T.SOOI.SOc. fu ture, opened easier and prices at noon were 2 and 6 points lower under continued HquU datlon and selling by leading Cuban laur eate. Later the list eontlnued to decline la gym pathy with the easier feeling In th. .pot market Closed easy and 10 to II point, lower. Sales. 13,400 tons. May, 6.04o; Jury, 5 10c; September, 6.18c. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . Signed and sealed bids will be re ceived by W. W. Wyckoff, Secretary of. the Board of Education of the School District of York.-Tf ebraska, up till Thursday noon, June 7th, 1917, for the erection and construction of 3 new school buildings at York, Ne braska, according to the plana and specifications prepared f by Berling hof & Davis,, architects, and on file with the Secretary of the Board. Separate bids will be received for heating, plumbing and electric work. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Berlinghof & Davis; architects, 414 Security Mutua) Life Building, Lincoln, Nebraska, and at office of Secretary. Contractors de siring plans and specifications for their individual use may obtain one set from the architects on making a deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25), which will be returned in case a regular bid is filed, and plans and specifications returned in good condi tion on or before the date of receiv ing bid. Each bid to be considered must be accompanied, as evidence of good faith, by a certified check of five per' cent of the amount of the bid, made T-1 - a - .Tir tit if . v rt jjayauie iu vv. vy. nycKOii, secre tary. , The Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Educed tion. H. S. King, Pres., ' . , W. W. Wyckoff, Secretary. ' Berlinghof & Davis, 'Arch. The Bell Telephone Policy . V 'a',' We endeavor to conduct our dealings with the public, our employees and our ln- , vestprs along the lines ot this policy: L To furnish courteous, efficient, and dependable telephone service. ' I. To tell the public the , truth about our business. 8. To be conservative and -economical ' In the man agement of our affairs. 4. To pay our ' employees -' good wages. 5. To earn for our secur ity holders a reasonable return on . their . invest ment We believe that such suc cess as we have had Is be cause our business has been conducted along these lines. Are You Going Away forN the Summer? ,If bo, why not itort your tuniM hold goods in our FIREPROOF STORAGE, where yon know they will be absolutely safe. The rates re reasonable. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163 806 South 16th St. The Road to Success Is Good Health Don't negfeet that ailment which now seems trivial. Iswill grow If you don't take means to cheek It. BROWN PARK MINERAL SPRING BATHS will make yon feel like a 2-year-old. Brown Park Mineral Springs 25th and O Sts, South Side Phon. South STS OR. JOHN A. NIEMANN ; OstMsathk Physldsn ta CVsrt V