THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1917. 11 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. BRAND NEW. "PLYMOUTH APARTMENTS." S2S7A FARNAM ST. Two and thrw-mom avarunenta, with til bath and ilurphy-ln-a-door beds; r ady Jun lit I, Sn tit (or reiervatlaji NOW. 9 , PAYNE & SLATER CO., 160mh Nat'l Bid. Phous Uour 191 VOH KENT 11 Av l&TH. ft F1v-room tti7Ti' heated apartment t the Chula viita, 80th and Poppleton va ry deatrtbie, m.60. Conrad Young, SSI . tjranj(ia Theater Bag. uouiiae 167 -Sr. CLAIR i!4TH AND HAJINEV. 3-room Vpt. Call Harney 647 North. Tilt HUE It MAX. , S-room apartment, very complete, entire ruuu rue. I'nvate earn re. v. eiuier .t., SS"! 8hrnian Ave. -10R BENT Apt. 4r. and bath, S cloieta and large porch on second floor. $10; 34th ana Ainei avo.; to couple witnoui caua Tn. Tel. Colfax 93 or Colfax 1737. , 4 ROOM modern apt., comer, steam heated, lummer, 2;.50. 1813 Maple. Red lBSl. ..JTIItST-CLASS tartmeiits near P. 0. Low rent, o, P. Stebblne. li cuieago, South. -ROOM flats, newly papered and cleaned. 13th and Castelar; modern; tie. Doug as 6B6fl. Miscellaneous '..LOSE IN A very good e-r. brick flaU strictly modern. Call Douglas I61 or Harney 3744. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. tE8IR ABLE store room, modern front, motal celling, steam heat, 824020 Bo. ICth St. Slse 83x0. Can be sub divided. Lew rent Conrad Young, iZi Brands! Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571. STORE room for rent, 715 S. 34th, central location, CrosBtown and 'Leavenworth transfer corner; reasonable rent. Calkins ... Co. Douglas 1313. A LOT mud new smalt store building In : splendid district A splendid opportunity for one desiring to go Into business. Clan son Bros., Ktron, la. SMALL modern store room, steam heat, 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Toung SSI Brandels Theater, pougias IB7I. U413 DODGE ST. 42x133 ft., two floors and basement with elevator. B. H. Beoner . . Co. Dourlas 8406. JiODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR' nam Bide. First Trust Co. D. 1161. .MODERN store room, corner 16th and Chi- cago. O. P. Stebbins, 1810 Chicago. RESTURANT, with fixtures, gas stoves, stools, at 107 Bout ft 15th St. y Offices tnd Desk Room. -CHOICE office spues Balrd Bids lftn and uougna weeajrne inv. iso. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. X have for rent on second floor, een trait y located building, one block from poetofflce, assembly room suitable for lodge or club purposes; composed of one large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further information, call. Conrad Toung, 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. WS want more houses and apartments to rant. The fact that we have practically cleared up our Dig list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental servloce. If - you want to keep your place rented see Payne A Slater Co., Omaha's Rental - Men. 616 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Dong. 1016. LIST your houses with us for rent. The - demand Is good and we have waiting : list. X It PUMONT A CO., (Realtors). 416 Keellnd Bldg. Phone P. W. Furnished Houses and Apartments, "WANTED TO RENT by Adults 6 to S-room ' furnished house for summer ntontna, west '" Farnam district preferred. Address Box , Boe. Miscellaneous. WE have several good tenants for all mod ern house and apartments. ' F. D. WE AD. 810 S, 17th St Doug. 171 MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. - Separate locked rooms for household goods and. pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOB CO., f02 So. 16th St. Douglas 4161 GORDON VAN CO. "7 -.. FIREPROOF WABBHOCBa u Packing, atorage and moving !1 N. 11th St. Pbon. Doug las sai. FIDELITY MRVIC&- FREE Pbon Douglas 168 for complete list ot vacant houaei and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th ana Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE COH Expert service; prompt attention. Tour moving your packing, your storage. Main Cfflcs Central Furniture Store. 16th d Howard. Tel. D. 7785. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service re movlig. packing and storing, ca.l Tyler 380 or Douglas 4331- Jn DTTTCP'n Expt-ess Co.. Moving J, SXLiLiU Packing and 8 ton.. 1"fl7 Fsrnam St Web. 1748 Doug 6146 Maergard Van and two men. 11.26 per hour. Van and Storsps Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WE have some highly improved farms in . the vicinity of Watertown, 8. D. These ars corn and alfalfa lands. Will consider exchange In part. MIDWEST LAND CO., 10ST Omaha Nat. Bk. Phnne P. 1166. GOOD OMAHA IN COMIC PROPERTY, and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Sarpy county farm land. BOX 8643. BEB. i HAVE a $26,000 hardware, doing good business, and S10.000 In money. Want Western Iowa or Eastern Nebraska farm. S. S. and R. S. Montgomery. 606 Om Nat. Bk. Bldr. .(KRAMB flat, 70 ft. frontage on good street; " Income $1,600 per year. Price $9,000. Will - consider part payment; balance terms. In qulrs Joseph Pick, 321 Evans St Web ster 4HB6. ; FINE mod. home at 4-d and Grand to exchange for acrws.- INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 92-0 City Nat Doug. 8862. REAL ESTATE Improved West. N ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IN, NOT TO r RENT. , BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DECORATED IN THE VERY BEST RESI DENCE DISTRICT. This (a one of the beat built homes In Omaha. Stone foundation and tenement, solid brick above; slats roof. The coal bin and fruit cellar of tile. Practically jio cost for painting or repairing. Library with built-in bookcases, solid rherry: halls snd staircase? of oak; dining room is paneled In Venetian oak. All j floors are hardwood. Large double storm - windowed and screened sun porch, con nected with both the library and dining room by French doors. The walls of the c first floor and upper hall are covered with g hand-decorated burlap, except the music room; three bath rooms. Large clostts ' with outside windows, wardrobes snd chest of drawers. There Is a laundry fruit cellar, furnace room and specs which fan be finished for a billiard room In the basement, which Is cemented throughout Large soft water cistern, gas, hot water heater for summer use. So well built that lb tons of coal will heat It throughout and with solid brick Walls. H Is wonderfully cool in summer. At the very crept of the hill, there Is always a breess there If any whore. It Is convenient to, the car line and In the cholr-ejt residence section of Omaha. The lrp Is very reasonable and terms will be made to suit the buyer's convenience. 0"ncr leaving the city. Addrcamox .its;, Bit. REAL ESTATE Improved West. WEST FARNAM $5,350 Never been occupied, seven room, with fireplace and built-in bookcases: oak fin ish on the firm floor; oak floors through, out; white enamel and birch mahogany on the recond floor. This Is a bargain and can make terms. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors'), lie. 51) City Kat, Bk. Bid,. P. . WEST FARNAM. Nine rooms, strictly modern, full two' story home, Just north of the Black' stme, large lot paved street pavtn, paid, east front, ror s quick mis give you a bargain figure f PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 337 Omaha Vat'l Bank. HI,. D. 171 NEW BL'NJALUW. FIt. roomi, itrlctli modera, tlnlabwl In oak: locat.4 at N. Slth St Prle. 13,160. Tarnw. Will tak. amati eottai. to traoa. Konms ft NORRIS, 409 Ba Bldf. Phona Douilaa 37l. "Price Only $4,350 Eight-Room Brick Home Strictly modern throughout: built by owner for home, choice lot 60x140, all specials paid. Near Sth and Charles St Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 101 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg Tyler 466. $150 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH. Burs this 6 -room houso, good as new: two blocks from west Park car; large lot Let us snow you this today, BIG 4 REALTY CO.. 101B-16 W. O. VT. Bldg. D. $4, T TWO FINE HOMES. Cathedral district, new 7-r., sleeping porch, oalt and birch finish, up-to-date throughout. Bargain price. Florence boulevard, nearly new 6r., oak and birch finish, fireplace, east front, cor per lot a dandy home. Call Douglas 16$. North. PRICE ONLY $5,750 FOR ONE OF THE FINEST homes on the North Side Seven rooms, fireplaces, bookcases, buffet, breakfast room, the latest in plumbing, brand new. built by day labor throughout, detected materials, splendidly arranged. This home Is too. complete to describe. If you are on the market for a choice home In a splendid location, don't fall to Have i show you this bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO., T01 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW. . 6 rooms with stairway to floored attlo oak finish In living rooms; all modern furnace; Just completed; exterior frame and stucco; nice east front lot all sodded and trees growing) permanent walks; one Mock from Fon tensile Blvd.; located high and sightly, near 47th and Bedford, Price, $3,400; $200 down, balance terms. Here Is a good buy. . C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), 312 Brandels Theater. Bldg. FINE room, stucco bungalow, joak finish, with oak floors, built-in buffet, and cup boards, in fact everything one could wish for; flue lot; 1 blk. to' car and Miller Park sohoot. - Price $2,150, . $260 cash, bnlance Ilka rent. . RASP BROS., ilft Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721, FOR ssie or Issee, one or both lots, each 66x132, at N. W. Cor. of Uth and Daven port Sts. Hake best offer to Mrs. H. L. Hawver. Melrose Hotel. Lot angeiea, uai STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms 23nd and Ames Ave. wensier zza South. YOU WILL NEVER BUY FOR LESS . money a practically new five-room, strict ly modern home, built by day labor, of elected materials, oak finish, oak floors throughout? full cement basement brick foundation. Price only 93,660. Located In new Leavenworth Addition. Terms ll as sired. When can you see It? Call. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-5 Omaha Nat Bank. Tyler 466. OWNER SAYS SELL THIS WEEK ! Elrht-room modarn ltomfl and has re duced - the prtca to only $3,100. Choice ast front lot. located near Stth and Leavenworth. OSBORNB REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Wat. Bank Bldt, Tylr M. IIONTCLAIR BUNUALOW. tueeo oonatructtoo. lam light rooma. Oak floora. oak and iamel flnlab. Prie. I2.S0O. Eaay term a. Another new build- tnf (or ll.60. Call Domla. 17U daya walnut 16o arminra. NEAR Zfith Ave. and Woolworth Seven. room houaa with lawn. 76x127 Mat, ana fruit, very cheap, r. D. weaa. no a. lth St K. HOMB. rloae In. on 26th Ave.; nice large lawn vlth fruit; very cheap; ,z.avu. P. D. Wead, S10 So. llth. FOR SALE 'By owner,, new modern 7-room home, oak omen, aleeping porcu ana gar age, at lsu so. zstn l SIX rooma, modem except heat, fl.BOft. Terms. Sea Owner. 2114 N. list Bt. wt- star 0. Miscellaneous B. S. TRUHBULI. 10S 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. mnct null TV m un Thealei vj.xw ivwvi-i Building. B. ROBINSON, Real Uatate and Inaur .no. , 40 Bee Bldg. , bougie, toi-7. REAL ESTATE investment DOUGLAS STREET 66x168 South front Just west of SOth St. $460 per front foot; cheapest prop erty on jjougias between jsutn ana ztn, HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 10. 245 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT' Almost new 8-story brick building rented at a good fair Income on $60,000. Located on Farnam near J Oth. Harrison & Morton, 15 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 3t4. HOME BUILDERS 7 SHARES A FEW LEFT of the 7 pet. shares authorised Jan. Next Issue will probably bear 6 pet. You can order by mall and get 7 pet. shares while they last Offices: 203 & 17th St oma ha. APARTMENT. 176.000 Income 12 per cent; on year old; very Pne location; mortgage $36,000 and will' sccept $20,000 In trsds; twU aces cash or negotlsbls papers CALKINS CO.. Douglas 1318. City Nat Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY A SON. REALTORS, 680 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. FTER looking it MINNA LUSA 300 dlf- ferenl buy 4 is Cecined tnat It was to Best proposition on the msrket and they backed their Judgment by buying lota IF YOU will corns out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 14$ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 7 Miscellaneous. 1 DANDY LOT. 60xt86, two street frontages; easy terms. Call Douglas 1004 or evenings Harney 410 BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price 121:0. only 12 cash end f0 rents per week Doug lail REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST I NO houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting weatern Rest Berate, 413 Karhach Blk. D. X607 LIST your 6 and 6 room houses with Ed ward F. Williams Co.. 801 Omaha Nat. Dank BMg. P. 420, LIST your t and 0-room houses with us. WI BELL TH KM. OSBORNB RSALTT Co.. Tyler M ARN'DT A TAYLOR can osMst you. Laird St. Webster S030 REAL ESTATE B'net Pr'pty LOT, 60x161; trade or cash- Terms. Tele phone evenings. Harney $164. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. TWO ACRES IN ALFALFA Only a short dletance from Benson, on one of the highest sites In the country. Has half acre In smalt fruit. Price $1,300; $t0 cash, $16 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. Office open svsn lngs, 7 till . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1I4 Harnfy St. Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES Wall located lota on aaay term. Mod. ro. attractive homoa. B,ror. hurloi b. euro and aee GEORGE & CO. 6-ACRB blk. Falracrs and Brownell Hal) district Brian, C J. Canan. South Side. 24 ACRES, Just over ths litis In Sarpy county, away from the high taxea Rich, level lana. xirst broken la me. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa. , $6,006, Terms can be arranged. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 4S.5 South 34th St Phone South 3347. Miscellaneous. HOUESKEKKRS. ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select build a boms after your own plans and have you pay for It on mall monthly payment without extra Interest SOUTH Old AH A WVEflTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $36,000. 4136 a 34th S Phone South 1147. ACRE tracts, $476. $10 down, $7.$0 It. Close In, near car rtous'as 6074 FINANCIAL INSURANCE, Fire, Tornsdo. Automobile; C. A. Orlmmel, 84t Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6. tH and e par cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 21; gouth 17th. Omaha. Neb. "FARM MORftfAQES. Wea-secured, bearing. pet Interest. HARLEY 3. HOOKER. -$40 Frfst Nat Bk. Btdg. Tel. Tyler 1668. i l'ER CENT to per cent on best class city residences tn amounts $2,000 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1S22 Farna. St MONEY to loan on improved farm and ranch, ws also buy good farm mort gages. Kloks In v. CoL. Omaha. $1,000 MTOE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by property' valued at $2, 6 00. Taltnage-ixomia in. uo., w. o. w. mag. H. W BIDDER Money on hand for mortgage loan City Nat. Bsnk Bldg PRIVATE money to loan on Omaha rft- dence property. Keellno Bldg. E. H. Lougee, Incy 634 OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E CO.. 1016 Omaha Nsfl. FARM and city tosna, 6, and 6 per cent w h. Thomas, K.eHne Bldg. ooug. itnu. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Oraham. 604 Bee Bldg. SHOPEN CO.. PRIVATE) MONEY. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. 5V CITY GARVIN BROS, LOANS , Om, Nst. Bk. Bldg. 5 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. $16 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg. LOW RATES. C. 43. CARLUKRO. 812 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D 686 - Stocks and Bonds. TO MEET the Increased cost of living you must place your money where It will yield a greater Income. A 7 par cent participating cumulative pre- ' ferred stock with the highest grade of security means an ex ceptional Investment. This stock will not yield lest than 7 per cent and participate In the profits of ths company over that amount, making a very at- tractive, secure investment For particulars regarding this In vestment : address Box $848, Uee. ' A LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment BucurittoS, Industrial stnckn. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., Buy umana Kat 1 Bank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title. Guarantee nd Abatract Co.. 105 & 17th St. ground Boor. Bonded by Maaa. Bonding and ina. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abatract of fice In Nehraaka. 306 Brandeta Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 610 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LAND Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 100-aor. farm. IS mllea from Mlnneapolla; .40 aerea cultivated, balance meadow and timber; 13,000 worth of bulldtnga. will aell for IS.0O0: eaair terma. Schwab Broa., 1011 Plymouth Bldg., Uln neapolla. Minn. . Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm 110 caah and SI month ly; no Intereat or taxea; highly pfoductlve land; cloae to 3 big mnrkete.- Writ, for photographa and full Information. Munger. A-ua, w. r. Lire umg... Kanaaa city, afo Montana Lands. IF YOU want a bargain In a good farm In tne judltu Basin or -Montana, here It la 400-acre ranch; 300 aerea broke, to acrea more can-be broker .0 aorea m-tlmothy granarlea that hold 5.000 buahela; good house and lmprovementa: good welt. Can be bought for 141 an acre, -And the 200 acrea of crop go -with the .place. Terma reaaonabie. write tne r lret- mate bruk of Buffalo. Mont., for any .further Infor mation, aa thta will not laat long at thla price. Nebraska Lands. ' FOR BALE. 140 acrea; 160 acrea cultivated, 150 more good farm land, baL '.pasture. All lm provementa nearly new. s-room house,, barn 16x40, three hen houses, hog house, garage, well, windmill, nlco grove, other lmprovementa, church and school, mall route and telephone. Write for terma to BOX 46. HAIOI.ER, NEE FOR SALS OR TRADE!. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomaa County. Neb., partly Improved, price 112.50 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY. Dooglaa 2410. 580 Brandels Bldg SMALL, Nebraska farma on easy paymenla 5 aorea up we farm the farm w. aell you. Th. Rungerford Potato Growera Association, llth and Howard Sta.. Oma ha. Douglaa 1171. WET landa mads dry enough fov crops ot no pay la our way or draining land. No tract too large or too wat. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland. Neb. YOU want a balanced ranch; correct prlco Ana terms; my seu acrea, box J3vi, Al liance. Neb, Texas ,ands. GOOD corn land. East Toxaa, 1:6 an acre. fiet ray free book. W. S. FRANK. 20t Wevllle Block. Omaha. ACRES, Trancltas. Tex.; rich solt and an oil field prospeot; value 1500. Might trade. Box 4110. Bee. REATSTATiTTRANSFERS Maud 8. Butler. aiJmlntstrix, to the National Land company 11.960 William H. Anderson, guardian, to Krlegler. Fifteenth street, 330 feet south of Castelar, west side. 66x 140, undivided 4 48ft William H. Anderson to ,Mlk Krtefr. ler, Fifteenth etreet. 330 feet south of Castelar street, west side, 1x 140, undivided , 1 Bsrker company to John B. Hankell, Brown street, feet east of Twen tieth street, north side. 41102.4. s 1 Frsnk E. Kurts and wife to Cyrus R. McCotter t al. northwest corner Thirtieth and Indiana streets. 471. xM.fl ... , 4,000 Continental Realty company to John W. Browd, Forty-second etreet, 10O feet north of Frances street, went aide, 160x120 0 INDIAN CHANGES ANSWERIN COURT Tells Exactly Opposite Story from the One He Told to the Federal Grand Jury. Twice on Tuesday morning the fed. eral court machinery was started to grind out justice to offenders against the criminal laws. And twice the machinery was clogged. The case of the United States against Charles Beacon, charged with selling liquor to Indians, was first. George Phillips, an Indian, was the government's pricipal witness. II had made affidavit and had testified before the grand jury that Beacon naa sold nun liquor. Assistant Uni ted states Attorney Saxon placed him on the witness stand and started out with the usual preliminary ques tion, "Do you know the defendant in this case? He could scarcely believe his ears when rmilips answered stolidly, "No." "Did he ever sell you any liquor?" asicea tne attorney. "No," said the witness. He stuck to this testimony, a I though it is in direct contradiction of what he testified before the grand jury. He may have to answer charge of perjury later. To Jail for Contempt. The jury was dismissed and an other jury was impaneled to try the case ot the United states against YVil liam Snow, an Indian. William wai charged with "introducing liquor on the Indian reservation." But, alas I William had introduced liquor into himself' very recently. No evidence of that was needed. It was too apparent. William was in no condition to be in the1 aunust tribuna of the federal court. Judge Woodrough sentenced him torthwitn to thirty days in the Doug las county iail 'or contempt of court, No further effort was made to so on with criminal cases. ' Wednesday ludze Woodroueh will start hearing a murder case in the lederal court in Leavenworth, Kan Federal Judge Pollock of Toneka Kan., will be here to proceed with criminal cases in the local court. Uncle Sam Finds Way to Relieve the Car Shortage While tht railway sub-committee of the National Council of Defense has not gone so far as to take over the management of the railroad, it is demonstrating what can be accom plished by operating them as a unit. The government has taken up some of the freight traffic problems and it is said the methods applied have quiuKiy siraigmenca out a tangle. In Omaha, for instance. 100 car loads of wheat had been bought for export to the allies. Itfwas necessary iu muvc una train 10 cw xoric in Quick time in order to catch an out. going vessel. The shipping order was placed with the Northwestern. It so happened this road did not have on hand sufficient cars to handle the ship ment immediately. The Union Pacific had 200 empty cars on sidings in Omaha, This was called to the at tention of the government officials and in less than three hours notice came to the Union Pacific to turn over to the Northwestern immediate. ly a sufficient number of cars to transport the wheat. Registrars for Draft Day Are Sworn In by Moorhead Volunteer registrars for conscrip tion flocked to the election commis sioner's office at the court house in laree numbers Tuesday morninsr. re ported to Election Commissioner Moorhead, received their instructions were sworn in and assigned to vari ous precincts. The election commissioner wants all volunteer registrars to report by Wednesday evening at the latest. He can still use the services of about thirty volunteers for registration du ties. There are 124 voting precincts in Douelas countv. From two to three registrars will serve in each voting place. With three exceptions owners of all store rooms and other privately owner buildings used as election places !iave Offered their properties to the election commissioner for reg istration day June 5. The majority of rooms used as voting placed are owned by private individuals, the rest being school houses ana tire stations, Torrents Fail to Block , Rehearsal of Den Actors Rain Monday night failed to stop the weekly rehearsal of Den song birds who are tuning up for the open ing of the summer's festivities June 4. The big turnout tickled Artificer Gus Renze mightily, for Gus reasons if his players show up when torrents are pouring into the streets they will be on th Job at all other times, too. Oscar Lieben directed the rehearsal of "The Queen of Hair Island," a mu sical burlesque which winds' up the big show this year, with Stage Man ager Charley Docherty assisting. The principal parts are taken by Dr. Glad stone Derby, Jack Alvord, Harry Watts, Kid Bunce and Charley Doch erty. The board of governors reviewed the rehearsal Monday night and were well pleased, ' Rehearsals are to be held Wednesday and Friday nights this week, too. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Barker company to Margaret Fill en worth. Barker avenue, 90 feet went of Forty -seoond street, south side, 4;xl08 1 Albert O. Jensen and wife to Carl Jensen, Martha street, 79 feet eunt of Twenty-third street, south side 43a7fi : WllUsm G. Dickey and wife to Ucorge C. Johnson, Cuming street, S3 teet east of Forty-ntnth street, south side. 4.1x93 , 4,000 J. Alf-xandr Jenkins and wife to Laura A. Qranvelle, Thirty-third Street, 44 feet north of Mason etreet, wrt side, 44x124 1,8.0 Peter Peter(nn and wife to Knorh Car oler, Twenty-fourth street, KB feet north of Kansas avenue, 44x120 ... 225 Kathrlne C. Norrls to Ktlen M. Nlch. ols, Lnrtinore avenue, 200 feet eant of Thirty-third street, south side, BOxl28 1 Henry A. Hobbs and wife to fWena K. Rohan, northeast comer Nine teenth nd Lake streets. I.x02 2 Silas A. Harris, guardian, to Earl L. Felton, Wright street. HO feet east of Fortieth street, north side. 60x120 1,000 Maud 8. Butler, guardian, to J. O. Rfrhards, Twenty-third street, 160 feet south of Sab. lor etreet, went aide, 30x124 2,400 ANOTHER BEE MAN JOINS U. S. COLORS. RALPH CAMPBELL. Ralph Campbell, the fourth mem ber ol The Bee family to be accepted by the War department to attend one ot the orhcers reserve training camps, received orders Monday night to pro ceed at once to Fort Louan A. Root, Arkansas, Ark. Mr. Campbell was connected with the advertising de partment of The Bee. Enumerators Selected To Take School Census Enumerators who will take school census next month; Bancroft Florence A. L.ks. Beala Mra. Howard 8. Miller. Brown Park Mra. Francea Zpevak. Caas J. B. Brunsr. Castslar Mra. Jessie Christie. C.ntral Mr,, Grac. Anderson. .( Central Park Mrs. J. A. Metcslf. ' Clifton Hill -Mra. Carolina Chrlatenaon. Columbian O. C. DeBolt. Cotnenlus Mrs. Ella Mi'Cullough. Corrlgan Mra. Kmery Welle. Druid Hill Mrs. Edith Johnson, Dundee Dorothy Jllll. Dupont Ethel M. Popper. Edward Roaewater Mra. William Hart, nett. Farnam Mrs. Jamea C. Carter, Franklin Mildred K. Banker. Garfield Mrs. William H. Hancock. Hawthorne Ethel M. Recae. Highland May .Learh. Howard Kennedy Mrs. Gertrude Biting. wood. Jungmann Mrs. James Ryan. Kelloin Florence Mead. Lake Mra. J. K. Hassard. Lincoln Mrs. R. P. l.umpkln. Long Norman J. Haverly. Lothrop Caroline R. Brooks. Lowell Golril. B. Johnson. Madison Mary G. Moore, Mason Emma Feennn. Miller Park Bertha M. Rood. Monmouth Park allien A. Llndberg. Pacific Mrs. Lorena McQraw. Park Phllomena Gorman. Karatogu Olga K. Anderson, Maunders Krdlce Baumgsrdner. Shermsn Lucille Kendall. South Central Sarah L. Ash. South Franklin Mrs. T). P. Houser. South Lincoln Martha H. Adama, Train B. J. Ferguson. Vinton Mary Brown. Walnut Hill Mrs. May B. Horn. Webster Laura E. Kuinpf. West Side Ines Msngan. Windsor Katie D. Scott. Cast Selected for the , Central Senior Play Nearly all the cast for the play to be given by the graduating class of Central High school has been chosen. The play will be given at the Bran- deis theater Saturday night. The following girls have been chos en to act as ladies-in-waiting, novices, maids, peasants, dancers and servants: Arline Abbott, Esther Boggs, Ruth Cassidy, Eva Dahlquist. Ruthine Douglas, Thelma Ehrhardt, Kathleen German, Virginia Hoppero, Jeannette Harsh, Minerva Heine, Marie Hop kins, Anna Jensen, Irene Mason, Helen Miller, Helen Nieman, Helen Puis, Mary Redgwick, Gertrude Sell ner, Winnifred Shackell, Helen Rob inson, Ruby Swenson, Ruth Swenson, Mane Ihompson, Jean Wallace, H.-len Waymuiler and Inez Westfall. Th following bovs will act as men- at-arms, knights, servants and hunt ers: Warren Best, Robert Booth, rred Bowser, frank Campbell, Owen Comp, Guy Goodrich. Law.ence Hogue, Bernie Holmquist. Tack Lan- dale, 'Donald Lyle, Lawrence Ort man. Harold Pearson. Hilbert Peter son, George Peterson, Clarence Pfeif- fer, Eugene Kussum, fierce Rogers, Donald shepherd, Jack hpencer, Stan ley Wallin. and James Williamson. Eleven Methodist Nurses To Receive Diplomas May 28 Commencement exercises for the graduating nurses of the Nebraska Methodist Episcopal hospital win take place Monday evenina. Mav 28. at 8 o'clock at the Walnut Hill Meth odist church. Rev. J. F. Boeye will deliver the principal address ana diplomas to the eleven graduating nurses will be presented by C. W. De- L,amatre, one ot tne trustees, ine followinir will srraduate: Ora Ham ilton, Lily B. Munro, Edith Brannian, Emma Holmgren, Carolyn Ulam meier. Florence Wildish, Elizabeth Oldenberg. Mary Marshall, Harriett Brenenstall, tlfneda Seeck and uetn Jamison. St. Louis Red Cross Worker To Aid in Omaha Campaign Herbert Morean. vice president of the American Trust company of St. Louis and one of the best known Red Cross speakers in the country, is due to arrive in (Jmaha today, according to a wire received by Gould Dieu from J. J. O'Connor, director of the central division, with headquarters in Chicago. He has offered his services to the Omaha chapter for two days and it is exnected arrangements will be made as soon as he arrives to have him speak at some big meeting. The Test of Time. Sav what vou will, time tries all thinns. onlv the best survive. Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy has been in use for more than forty years. Many millions ot Bot tles have been sold and used during this time. It has stood the test of time because it can always be depended upon. Advertisement. AMUNEMENTS. BASEBALL OMAHA . SIOUX CITY Monday, May 21. ROURKE PARK May 21 Ladies' Day ' Game Called at 3:15 OMAHA SUPPLIED WELL WITH LINKS Golfers Here Znjoy Pastime Over Some of the finest Courses in United States, By A. R. CROH. A golf foursome, arriving at number 6 green one day, observed a farmer looking over the club grounds fence. One of the four conceived the pleas ant idea of letting the unsophiiticated country man take i drive. The u. c., being invited, accepted. "1 don't cal'c'late I'm much good at it, though,1 he apologized. He was shown the flag, 250 yards away on the next green, tie looked at it, swung once or twice, and then let drive. The ball soared through the air, landed and bounced onto the green, where it rolled to within three inches of the hole, an astounding drive where par was 6. the tour gazed at the farmer in amazement. But he only looked dejected. "Missed it. hv gum." he said. With that oft our mind we will pro ceed to divulge some information about golf tn and around Omaha. Six Courses Here, There are four eighteen-hole and two nine-hole courses in Omaha. The former are the Country club, Happy Hollow club, Field club and tumwood park courses, tne latter is municipal. The nine-hole courses are at Miller park, (municipal) and at Seymour Lake Country club. Plans are under way to make the latter an eighteen hole course. It will have a total length of 6,700 yards and will be the longest golf course west of Chicago, as well as the "sportiest." A golf course is "sporty" when there are plenty of hazards like long grass, water, bunkers, trees and sand traps to contend with. The Field Club course is considered the "sportiest" around Omaha now. It is 6,312 yards oni. with a par of 74. I he Country club course is 6,142 yards long and its par is 72. tne n.imwood oou ciur, Miner Park Golf club, Prettiest Mile Golf club and Women's Prettiest Mile Golf club sre some of the clubs outside the regular country club organizations. Women are verv actively in the game and the Omaha Women's Golf association play tournaments every year and holds competitions monthly. Golfers Grow in Number. TShere are about 7.000 golfing fans in Omaha, and it is said that 5,000 of these have taken up the game and learned the language ot tees and greens and brassies and drivers and inidirons and mashies and putters and cleeks and niblicks and midmashies and approaching cleeks and spoons and spoon brassies in the last four t here are anout lorty goit chips in Nebraska. Lincoln has the only eighteen-hole course in the state out side of Omaha, i-ike tne umana courses, this has also a "nineteenth" hole." . . Some golfers are great story tell ers. One ot the species met a man at his club and started telling of his prowess. "I made eighty-three today, some thing I never hod to do," he said. "Good," said the other. "You know ti.liA 1 am tlnn. vntl T'm th. T).1V member of the handicap committee." The man with the wonderful score was nonplussed; also taken aback. But he had presence of mind. "Well, you know who I am, don't you?" he replied. "Why, I'm the biggest liar in this club. PHOTOPLAYS. In use inaHHiiiiHiiiiniiiia TODAY ONLY ' miiiniiiHH Return Engagement By Popular Demand I Marguerite akl I war "Miss George Washington" The story of a girl who could not tall the truth ItmttW SSI MI! Official ! IHt If AH Mad. Pictur.. Third Installment l'!fl!flllllll1lllllll'l!llltll1llll!lIIIMItll'llt1li;il!l!ttl TODAY t 1 And remainder of week nilllllllllllllillllllllHllll'll'imMlll!l)Mltl,li:hl Mt,m Ij LAST TIMES TODAY I LOUISE LOVELY in f "BOBBY OF THE BALLET" nilStlllMIKlllllllltlHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllll'WIIIIlT CONWAY AND DAY DAE AND NEVILLE . BYAL AND EARLY THREE LYRES Peggy Hyland and Marc Mac Perm molt In "THE S1XTEKNTH WIFE." Name Policy Committee" ' Of Conservation Congress Here are the names of ths men who are running the. State Conservation congress, which opens tonight in the Auditorium. Officially these men sre known as the "policy committee" and they have charge of alt departments of the big congress: i Chairman, E. R. Purcell, Broken Bow. Secretary, Frank G. Odell, Omaha, Federal farm Loan bank. Clark Perkins, Aurora, president Nebraska State Press association, O. G. Smith, Kearney, president State Farmers' congress. Chsrles Graff, Bancroft, president Live Stock Breeders' association. J. A. Ollis, Ord, president Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. C. H. Gustafson, Mead, president Farmers' union. C. W. Pugsley. Lincoln), director agricultural extension. J. W. Shorthill. York, secretary Fsrmers' Co-operative Elevator asso ciation. T. P. Reynolds, Omaha, president Nebraska Federation of Labor. , E. V. Parrish, Omaha, bureau of publicity. ' Dan Morris, Kearney, president State Bankers' association. George N. Coupland, Elgin, state council of defense. Ballard Dunn, Omaha, representa tive Western Association of .Rail roads. ' : C. ' J. W. Steinharr, Nebraska City, president Stale Association; of Com mercial Clubs. Frank I. Ringer, Lincoln, secretary Nebraska Manufacturers' association. W. F. Baxter, Omaha, retail inter ests. -Mrs. A. E. Davisson, Lincoln, home economics department, University of Nebraska. , Mrs. J. N. Paul, St Paul, president State Federation of Woman's Clubs. Building Jobs Stopped ' By, Strike of Teamsters Whether it is a lockout of: team sters, as the teamsters' union holds, or fear of violence by building ma terial men that prevents team deliv eries to be made, the result, is the same, and Omaha building; . contrac tors are either idle on the job or are in in ir un what material they had on hand when the teamsters' strike was called. At the same time some deliveries are being made by auto trucks. Team sters make no objection' to this method Of delivery, as they are not at filiated with the auto drivers. Adams & Kelly are delivering sashes and doors as usual with the auto trucks. While the building material men fear violence to their teams and driv ers if they send them on the streets, the transfer companies, van com panies, breweries and grocery people are out with their teams daily and no appreciable effort 'is being made to molest them. . . Commissioners to Choose7 Comfort Station Locations Mayor Dahlman will appoint a committee of city commissioner to i determine three locations for public comfort stations which will be es tablished according to recent legisla tive enactment. ut """ , On or after July 25 the city may sell $50,000 comfort station bonds. The mayor expects to have information ready by July 15. Good Fortune for You Lies In the Path of the "Bride o' Mystery." Watch .- Close. PHOTOPLAYS. Government X2 -; V. in 'THE SIXTEENTH WIFE" Big Fiva-Act ViUgraph Futuro Also Vaud.vill. Admission Only 20c an J lOe . LAST TIMES TODAY Mabel Taliaferro ' I" "A Magdalene of the Hills" THURS. THEDABARA ' Vr 'vl I J . BMtA.j hi if y -! " s S - r -v I . , i hh till ' I Times I Today J Peggy Hyland spsat's s