Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1917, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair '
VOL. XL VI NO. 290.
i .
, imvca ruuui i- iiimiuwcu iu
- Investigate Reports from
Hopharr Station and
Portland, Me., May 22, Persistent
reports current since war was de
clared that a German submarine was
I in New England waters were given
. official recognition today. It was
stated by a naval officer that new re
ports had been received and that an
investigation was under way.
It was reported to the naval sta
tions that after the sighting of a peri
scope a submarine was seen running
awash off Machias rat 6 o'clock , last
night. This report was forwarded to
Boston and New "iforls, but not made
This morning three lobster fisher
men told of having sighted what they
and when their reports were carried"
py newspaper men to the naval om
ccr referred to above he admitted
haying received earlier and similar
reports and said they were being
acted upon.
It was learned later unofficially
that a coast guard at Cross Island
had sighted the supposed submarine
and watched it for five minutes, when
it submerged.
German Sea Raider at Large.
New York, ' May 22. Information
that the British naval officers believe
that a German sea raider escaped
from a German port and was at large
was brought to America today by an
arriving Belgian relief steamship.
The Belgian captain said his vessel
was fired upon by a British cruiser on
May 13 off the north of Scotland. The
reliof ship halted and was examined
by the Briton. I
The latter explained, the Belgian
captain reported, that the relief ves
sel, which carries four masts, was mis
taken for a four-masted raider which
was believed to have left Germany
under the guise of a merchantman.
Count Von Tarnow V
iv Reaches Rotterdam
Rotterdam, May 22. (Via London.)
Count Tarnowski von Tarnow has ar
rived here after an uneventful voyage
from the United States.
Count Tarnowski, whose ambassa
dorship to Washington ended before
it begun, will leave for Vienna on a
special train tomorrow. At the same
time liis fellow passenger, Admiral
Paul von Hs'ntze, dismissed German
minister 'in Pekincr. will entrain for
'Berlin. . '
No submarines were sighted by-the
liner on which the German and Aus
trian diplomats traveled and none of
the party had any complaint to make
in regard to the examination of the
ship by the British authorities at
Poor Pay Keeps Men
From Farms, Says Post
Washington, May 22. Refusal of
farmers to pay better wages despite
the high prices they receive for their
products is held partly responsible in
a statement by Louis F. Post, assis
tant secretary of the labor depart
ment, for the present lack of farm
The demand for farm labor, Mr.
Post says, must be met largely by the
. employment of boys this summer and
by the release for short periods of
factory workers for 'harvesting crops.
The department is completing organ
ization of a boys' working reserve
and is urging manufacturers to -let
their employes go to the farms wher
ever possible.'
Increased acreage has brought an
abnormal demand for farm help, but
the department thinks for the most
part it will he met.
The Weather
Tor Nebraika Fair and warmer.
Temperature! at Omaha, Xefterda?.
GomparattTfl Loral Record.
1917. 1816. lltlS. 1914.
Hlrheit yesterday... 5& 76 73 78
Loweit yesterday..,. 29 55 48 57
Mean temperature... 48 69 60 $8
Precipitation 1.48 .07 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation- departures
from the normal: .
Normal temperature , 64
Deficiency tor the day l
Total deficiency Bine March -4.. 88
Normal precipitation 18 Inch
Excess for the day 1. 35 Inches
Total rainfall since March 1.... 7.97 Inches
Exces since March 1 48 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1918. 2,79 Inches
Deficiency for cor, period, 1916. 1.76 inches
Reports From Stations at 7 F. M.
Station and State Terop. High- Bain-
of Weather. 7 d. i
Cheyenne, part cloady.. 44
Davenport.' clear 60
Denver, cloudy , 46
Des Koines, part cloudy 50
Dodre City, part cloudy 51
Lander, clear 62
North Platte, clear..,. 62
Omaha, clear.. 54
Pueblo, cloudy 5J
Bait Lake City, cloudy. 60
Santa Fa, cloudy 64
Bherldan, cloudy.-. 58
Btoux City, clear 58
Valentine, clear. 5
- L A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
m , 19
m 40
fft a. m...i! 43
a. m 44
10 a. m 46
It a. m 49
3 p. m 54
8 p. m 56
S p. m 58
6 p. in... 67
s p. m 63
Blind Soldiers Mourn
Death of Their Patron
Paris, May 22. Soldier blinded
in the war held memorial services
today for the late Joseph H. Choate .
of New York at the Lighthouse for
the Blind, which was founded by
New York men and women under
the leadership of Mr. Choate. A
resolution of sympathy was adopt
ed and forwarded to Mrs. Choate.
Conspiracy to Blackmail Is
Alleged in Complaint Filed
An Court by County Judge s
- and Prosecutor.
Chadron, Neb., May 22.) Special
Telegram.) County Judge E. M.
Slattery and County Attorney E.i D.
Crites filed in court here today com
plaints charging conspiracy to black
mail against Chief of Detectives Steve
Maloney of Omaha and eight others.
Complaints were filed against the
following ,
Stephen Maloney, chief of detec
tives, Omaha police force.
Harvey Wolfe, president of the
Omaha Detective association.
C. W. P.'pkin, former polite detec
tive, its secretary.
Gus A. Tylee, detective.
Phil Winkler, private' detective.
W. S. Dolan, private detective, Chi
cago. Allen G. Fisher, attorney, Chadron.
Charles I. Day, Chadron.
Louis K. Mote.
ti. n. ...... .t.n. .1.. j.
i A I1C lUllIUIdlllL dllCKUS mat UIC ut
ence of Mrs. R. Hood, young wife of
Robert Hood, an aged and ..wealthy,
Chadron banker, and County Attor
ney Crites in his office at 10 o'clock
the night of May 14, and that part of
the plan (was to have three of the de
fendants, Philip iWnckler, Charles I.
Day and LouiS K. Mote, enter the
office and charge misconduct between
Crites and Mrs. Hood.
' Theeompkunt further "aflfges- that
VVinckler, Day and Mote came to the
office, and found Mrs. Hood there
with 'Criter and with drawn revolvers
attempted to force each of them to
pay $500 and sign written acknowl
edgements of misconduct.
It is further alleged in the com
plaint that the purpose of these
acknowledgements was to prevent
the county attorney from completing
prosecutions of some of the defend
ants and to"stopi him from again be
coming a candidate for public office.
The complaint also charges that
Mrs. Hood's signature was to be used
in an effort to obtain $1,000 from Rob
ert Hood.
Philip Winckter was released on a
$3,000 bond. Bonds, for Stephen
Maloney, chief of Omaha detecrfves
and the other defendants were placed
at $8,000 for their appearance at
Chadron, May 31.
Follows Political Fight.
W. S. Dolan, the Omaha detective
under charges along with eight others
of, being in a blackmail plot at Chad
ron, says the trouble was grounded on
the political fight between "Johnny"
Lynch and Mike Clark.
"We were making an investigation
for Robert Hood, wealthy president
of the Chadron Milling company,
with regard to the conduct of Mrs.
Hood. During our investigation our
men found Mrs. Hood visiting the
office of E. D. Cr'tes, county attorney,
at late hours. In an effort to get the
inside information, we sent up a wom
an operative.
"For this work we engaged Elsie
Phelps of th Central Baths, 1506
Harney street. She was to get a line
on Mrs. Hood by getting in with her
crowd and going to her parties.
"Apparently Elsie Phelps was a
friend of Paul Sutton of the Omaha
police, to whom she confided, and he
told "Johnny" Lynch.
"Lynch was sore on us because we
did. the work for Sheriff Clark that
put the Lake Side resort out of busi
ness. The first thing Lynch did was
to send Sutton up there to slug our
, Charges Against Nine.
Detective Dolan said he received a
long distance' phone yesterday from
Chadron, telling him that he was one
of the nine men against whom com
plaints had been filed by County At
torney Crites.
"We intend to see the thing
through. We haven't got a start on
it yet," Harvey Wolfe, president of
the Omaha Detective association,
"We will set off some stuff that
will make the bunch sit up and take
notice." v
Says It'i a "Frame-Up."
"There's absolutely nothing to the
blackmail charge." Wolfe said. That
was frame i up on us after Sutton got
to Chadron. Sutton first tried to get
us in bad by having Winkler, one of
our operatives, arrested for carrying
a gun. When that fizzled, they
brought the blackmail charge. It was
all Suttdh's work.
Detective Wolfe said the Chadron
millionaire was to pay his men $7
a day and expenses.
Ben Baker, attorney for the de
fendants, telephoned yesterday after
noon that he would leage Chadron
in the evening and arrive here today
at 11 o'clock. ..
"The blackmail charge is a trumped
up affair," he said
French Hold Positions Taken
Sunday Night Despite the
Shell Fire and Several -y'
Infantry Rushes.
(Af.MH-.Utfd Prr War Summary.)
The German armies in France are
slowly yielding under' the terrific
pounding to which they are subjected
day and night. In the belief that
soon the iron German ring must
cither break or crack, the allied com
manders apparently have abandoned
the policy of sudden thrusts and are
relying on a constant hammering over
a wide front.
Last night's actions on the French
front confirmed French possession of
the commanding high ground won in
the previous night near Moronvil
tieres, in the Champagne,
The Germans thoroughly bom
barded these new French positions
and they delivered several infantry at
tacks, but weresunable to shake the
French hold anduffered considerable
losses. The French have enumerated
more than 1,000 unwounded prisoners
taken in the fighting of the last few
hours in this region.
Russian Situation Acute.
Meanwhile the latest vnews from
Russia indicates that the crisis in that
country continues acute and the men
ace that Russia may either withdraw
from the entente or be plunged into
chaos still throws its shadow over
the future. Rumors persist that the
Russian radicals intend to attempt to
force repudiation of Russia's treaties
with the other members of the en
tente. Spain and Sweden Restive.
On the credit side of the account is
the rising tide of indignation against
Germany in Scandinavia and Spain.
The anti-German faction in Sweden
has been powerfully reinforced by the
action of the Germans in sinking three
Swedish gram ships, in violation ot
their own agreement to respect the
safety of the vessels. .
Spain still awaiting t, "reply to
its protest over the sinking of the
Spanish steamer Patricio, also de
stroyed while sailing under a German
guarantee, and .he tone of the Span
ish press is increasingly peremptory
in its demand that Germany be com
pelled to respect Spanish rights.
Tree Blown Across Auto,
, Occupant Uninjured
Shenandoah, Ja., - May 22. (Spe
cial. ) Sliding down between the
seats. Caroline Cooper, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Cooper, saved her life Sunday when a
large tree crashed into the automobile
in which she was sitting alone.
The members of her family, Mr.
and Mrs. . Ed F. Rose, Mrs; j. M.
Rumbaugll of Clarinda arid Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Peplogle were enjoying '
a picnic dinner along the roadside
when a small tornado caused " the
tree to be blown down. It was nec
essary to get an ax to cut the tree
off the car, the top of which was
War Risk Insurance on
Crews' Lives Passes Senate
Washington, May 22. The admin
istration bill appropriating $50,00,000
for the government war risk insurance
bureau and authorizing it to insure
lives of crews of American merchant
vessels was passed today by the sen
ate. A similar measure is pending
in the house.
Rprinrnral rpincursnrA in rn-nn-ra-
tion with the allies in accepting wafl
risks on shins and cargoes also is
provided. The bureau made consider
able profits until January but large
losses nave resulted lrom the Uerman
submarine campaign.
Training Station for
Officers for the Navy
Great Lakes, III., May 22. An
nouncement was made today of the
establishment of a training course for
officers of the line at the United
States naval training station here.
Heretofore only enlisted men have
been trained here. It is expected that
the class will open with about twenty
men, most of them former masters
of lake vessels, well qualified enlisted
men or civilians who have had spe
cial training.
Finns Ask Complete
Separation from Russ
Hclsingfors, Finland, Monday, May
21. (Via Petrograd and London, May
22. ) A congress of the Swedish po
litical party, representing a majority
of Finland's wealthiest and most in
fluential classes, yesterday passed a
resolution favoring a complete separa
tion of the grand duchy of Finland
from Russia.
Omahans Report, Qrder
Of Day at Fort Snelltng
Letters from Paul Burke and
Francis McDermott, both of whom
resigned their positions as instruc
tors at Creighton to ittend the offi
cers' reserve camp at Fort Snelling,
report the order of the day in camp
as follows:
RUr, 5:11). IMII, 1 M to 4-M.
Kevrille, 5:53. Rt.t, 4iM to S:4S,
Mrw. S. Nnu, S.
Drill, 7 to IX- 1 Muily. 7 to 19.
Mna, 13 to 1:31).
Let the Women
l '
All Steam Lines in State Com
bine in Application to State
Railway Commission
lor Boost.
(From i Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb,, May 22. (Special
Telegram.) Railroads of Nebraska
combined in an application to the
state railway commission this after
noon for a 15 per cent raise in freight
This will not effect the raise irref
fect on certain classes of freight from
jobbing points in Nebraska, but will
bring all other rates up to a level with
the last summer rate and put all on
the same footing, although the rail
way commission believes it will ex
ceed the 15 per cent.
Missouri to Observe
"Liberty Bond Day"
Jefferson City, Mo., May 21. A
proclamation calling upon the people
of Missouri to observe May 25 as
"Liberty bond day" and requesting
that mass meetings be held in every
school house in the state was issued
by Governor Gardner today. The gov
ernor urged that the meetings adopt
the slogan "a bond in every home."
Old Suit to Prohibit
Liquor Sales Dismissed
Washington, May 21. Suit to pro
hibit liquor sales in Nebraska was dis
missed today by the supreme court.
Prohibitionists contended a law
passed in 1855 made the state dry, hut
state courts held that subsequent leg
islation had repeated the measure and
permitted liquor sales until a new dry
constitutional amendment became ef
fective May 1, 1917.
President Signs Bill
Increasing Navy Strength
Wilson today signed the bill increas
ing the enlisted war strength of the
navy to lou.miu men- na me marine
corps to 30,000. ' '
Pure Food Inspector Makes
Big Bean Raid in Omaha
Just 'rvtime to provide an inter
esting exhibit for the Conservation
congress, State Food. Inspector E.
C. Kemble Tuesday morning con
fiscated another lot of diseased
The beans were discovered at the
Northwestern freight depot in
Omaha and were part of a consign
ment to the Union Packing com
pany, the balance of which were
confiscated several weeks ago.
"We were glad to get these beans
right now," said the inspector. "We
want to use tnera as an exhibit at
the Conservation congress.
"People have the idea that these
beans have become spoiled because
of defective storage. Such is not
the case. They became infected
in the field while under cultivation.
We can use them as 'horrible' ex
ample to bean producers of Nebraska."
Do the Work
Contend Prohibition Statute is
Unconstitutional in Hear
ing of Contraband Booze
- Case in County Court. '
Counsel for Anton Larson, dairy
man at Sixtieth and Center streets, at
whose place 1,200 cases of beer and
500 gallons of whiskies and other
liquors were seized as contraband by
Sheriff Clark May 9, attacked the con
stitutionality of the prohibition law at
the hearing of the case in county
court, Judge Crawford presiding,
Tuesday morning.
Citations purporting to support
their contention that the law is un
constitutional were introduced by
Larson's attorneys.
After hearing the testimony of one
witness, Chief Deputy Sheriff Foster,
who, with Sheriff Clark and several
deputies, swooped down upon the hid
den wholesale stores of booze at the
dairy farm, Judge Crawford set the
case over till Wednesday morning.
Larson's , lawyers- attacked" that
phase of the law regarding right to
keep a "reasonable amount of liquor
applying to residences alone. Attor
neys for" the dairyman said that the
state had to prove the liquor was be
ing kept for unlawful purposes.
The liquor seized at the Larson
place was found in detached buildings.
The estimated $5,000 worth of con
traband booze is now stored in the
court house pending outcome of Lar
son's trial. Sheriff Clark wants to
sprinkle the streets with it if the
court orders it destroyed.
Leland Liner Lost
Off English Coast
Boston, May 21. The Leland liner
Colonian, 6,440 tons, was wrecked last
night on the south coast of England,
according to a cablegram received by
the agent of the line here today. The
message said that the steamer, which
was carrying a cargo of munitions,
grain, lumber and cotton from this
port, probajily would be a total loss.
The cause of the accident and the
fate of the crew were not mentioned.
The steamer with its cargo was valued
at $2,000,0110.
Newman Elected Captain
Of Aurora Guards
Aurora, Xcb., May 21. (Special
Telegram.) At the election of offi
cers in Company H, Fifth regiment
held Saturday and Sunday, O. M.
Newman was elected captain, W. E.
Dorjand first lieutenant, Clyde Wida
man second lieutenant. Elgie Bute nf
Hampton was defeated by Widaman
by two votes for second lieutenant.
The First National bank of Aurora
has subscribed for $100,000 worth of
the liberty loan.
Strike in Munition
Plants in Budapest
Stockholm, May 22. (Via London.)
According to information received
here from a Hungarian source a strike
has been continuously in progress in
all the Budapest munition factories
since iviay j
Four of thejlussian
v Commission in Country
New York. May 22. Four mem-
bers of the Russian commission to
the United States, coming of which
was announced some time ago, have
Measures 'to This End Will
Be Taken, Is Promise Un
less Dealers Cease
Washington, May 22. Measures to
force down anthracite coal prices will
be taken, the Federal Trade commis
sion announced today, if producers
and dealers do not adhere to their
recent, promise to cease extortionate
practices. The commission issued this
statement on the subject:
"In its interim report of May 4
to the United Slates senate the Fed
eral Trade commission promised that
its utmost efforts would be used to
assure fair distribution and fair prices
of anthracite coal.
"The commission has sent agents
into different parts of the country,
who will observe closely throughout
the anthracite trade the operations of
plans formulated at recent conferences
of the commission with operators, job
bers and representative retailers for
bringing down prices to moderate
levels and keeping them there.
"These field agents will report
promptly to the commission for ap
propriate action any renewal ot the
intolerable abuses that marked the
activities of certain elements of the
trade during recent months.
"The independent operators have
realized that the situation calls for
public-spirited action on their part,
and it is expected that they will re
duce their present prices to moderate
levels- for the season and co-operate
: ........ ,. ,.,;.u .u.
IU Will J rlmJ tthii lit; VUlillMiaSIVIII
McAdoo's Train
Is Late, Denver
Curtails Program
Denver, V Colo., May 21, Rains in
western Nebraska and eastern Colo
rado today delayed the train on
which William G. McAdoo, secretary
of the treasury, is traveling to Den
ver for an address this afternoon in
behalf of the liberty loan. With the
secretary due at 4:15 p. m one hour
and forty-five minutes behind sched
ule', the committee in charge of ar
rangements curtailed the reception
program. Mr. McAdoo will leave at
9:15 o'clock tonight for Kansas City.
Name Meeting Places
For Conservation Committees
Chairman and secretaries of the dif
ferent committes at the conservation
congress, and the places at which
they will meet, were announced as
follows: '
Committe on Conservation Policy
Chairman, E. R, Purcell; secretary,
Frank G. Odell. .
Committees on special' subjects:
Gardening C. W. Pugsley. chair
man; H. B. Fleharty, secretary.
Fruits Erof. Howard, chairman;
E. M. Pollard, secretary.
Potatoes and Beans Lloyd
Thomas, chairman; M, M. Bushnell,
Beet Sugar Edmund Simmons
Grain Crops L. S. Herron, chair
man; W. W. Burr, secretary.
Farm Machinery Frank Haller,
chairman": Li W. Chase, secretary.
Poultry and Eggs M. Scudder,
chairman; M. H. Dickson, secretary.
Meat Supplies Charle3 Graft,
chairman; E. A. Frandscn, secretary.
Transportation-'-Ballard Dun, chair
man; J. W. Shorthill, secretary.
Manufactures C. B. Towle, chair
man; Frank Ringer, secretary.
City and Town Labor on Farm
T. P. Reynolds, chairman; H. C.
Filley, secretary.
Financing Production Dan Morris,
chairman; H. D. Landis, secretary.
Cruiser Chases Diver
Away from Its Victim
Taris, May 22. The French steam
er Colbert, which was torpedoed in
the Mediterranean on April 30, was
on its wav to Saloniki.
The ship was struck by a torpedo
below the water line and its engine
room was immediately flooded. There
was no sign ot a submarine.
The Colbert sank in five minutes
and after it had disappeared the sub
marine emerged and its commander
asked the name, description and des
tination of its victim. Before he
could get his information a French
patrol boat appeared and opened fire.
After tour shots the U-boat sub
merged just as a seaplane appeared
on the horizon.
Denmark's Losses in Ships
Reach Total of Hundred Fifty
London, May 22. A Copenhagen
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
companys, says that since the begin
ning of war, Denmark has lost 150
ships through submarines or mines.
The destruction of the ships has been
accompanied by. the deaths of 210
I Uanisa seamen.
Governor Neville, Assistant
Secretary of Agriculture and
Others . Address Big
. Conference
Governor Neville. Assistant Secre
tary of Agriculture Vrooman and
otner prominent men spoke at the
opening of the Conservation con
gress at the Auditorium lasf night.
Governor Neville was one of the
first NnfaL-ir n,lin,'n tUm
of the call for the convention and
pointing out ine necessity ot a united
effort at conservation.
Assistant heeretary Vrooman ad
dressed the conference on the sub
ject, "What We Are Facing."
W. J. Taylor of Merna, la., and
others also spoke,
Preceding the. opening Governor
Neville, Mayor Dahlman, Assistant'
Secretary Vrooman, Frank Odell of
Smith, a prominent Nebraska farmer,
vcic Kucsis ai a oanquet at ine Hotel
Fontenelle. ,
The conference will last four days.
Bureau of Information.
The frt n T"" -itinn 'tAn--i lm '
bureau of information for the Nc-.
braska branch ' of the National
ueiense league and all tts energies for
the next three days will be turned to
wards the gathering of information
for the defense body, according to E.
R. Purrftl nf R,nt.- n. -u.: .
of the policy committee of the con-
"The object of the congress ?s to
secure information for the defense
league," said Chairman Purcell. "To
that end we have called together at
this meet'ng everybody who knows
anything that might be of help to
the league. We hope to bring out in
formation that' could not be gathered
in months and months by a single
bodv. nn matte tinur har4 :t ..I I
- Ttie congress is 1- sort of sifting
committee. Information of all kinds
will come into the body from all di
rections, and that which is good and
useful -will be sifted out and handed
over to the' defense league, that the
latter body may know just what it has
to combat and the weapons it has in
its hands. , ' .
' Consider Many Subject).
"There are so many subjects for
us to investigate that there will not
be sufficient time for all our commit
tees to make public. reports. v Many
of these committees will simply re
port in writing in private, but the in
formation fo picked up will be handed
to the defense league for its use.
f"The policy committee, which will
direct the congress, is composed of
the heads cf representative organiza
tions -of Nebraska and its members
were selected because they knew,
something 'for sure' about matters
which are of great interest right now.
"Some of them know about the
amount of corn in the elevators and
barns of the state, and others know
something about the amount of corn
planted this year. Another wilt know
something about the prospective
amount of corn next December; To
gether, their information will prove
of material worth, to the defense
league. - . -,
"That is only an instance of the
knowledge we seek. The congress is
going to deal in 'facts,' not 'may-
Canadian Pacific Road -
V Buys Liberty. Bonds ..
New York, May 22. The Canadian
Pacific railway has subscribed for
$1,000,000 of the liberty loan bonds it
was announced today. Another million-dollar
subscription came from the
American Brass company.
John D. Rockefeller also has sub
scribed for another $5,000,000 of the
bonds, it was announced today. His
total subscription of $10,000,000 is the ,
largest recorded from a single indi
vidual. Germans Reach Agreement .
i With Austria on Poland "
Berlin (Via Dondon), May 22. It 1
is learned on good authority that a
complete agreement has been reached
between Germany and Austria on the
Polish question, as the result of the
conference at great headquarters be
tween Chancellor von Bethmann Holl
weg and Count Czernin, the Austro
Hungarian foreign minister.
OH. YES! -Twenty
Daysin May!
Advertising In The Bee y
. (Wtrtiild Asener Meaiurtmentf) '
Twenty Days in May, 1917:
Display ...... '.,.19,540
Classified . 6,140 :
Total i 25,681
Twenty Days in jkayv 1916:
Display ....17,274
Classified ....... 6,736 . y y
: Total.. .24,010
Keep Your Eye On The Bee.