11 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1917. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. -r, 26118 Chicago St tit. 00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r :f05 Pierce St IS. 00 C-r 8910 Saratoga St 18.00 7- p 1315 Capitol Ave 80.00 C-r., 117 No 18th St 33. SO 8TRICTLT MODERN. (-r.. 8875 Decatur St 11.00 -r., 1824 No. 37th St 31.00 8- r.. Ill Park Ave 33.50 7-r.. 3901 No. 17lh St 30.00 )-r., 669 So. J6th St 33.00 :o-r 2221 Dodge St 40.00 14-r., 101 No. 18th St 70.00 APARTMENTS STOECKER. 323 So. 24th St. 4-r., Apt. 10 118 and 123.00 PORTER SHOTWELL. 203 So. 17th St. Doug. 8018. Ogle, with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVE ,YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five- or six-room modern, up-to-date apartments T Prefer ence will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners; nj agents. TELEPHONE DOUOLAS 1018. 1112-15 NORTH 23D. 5 rooms 120 3510 Seward St, 6 rooms 30 510 South 37th, 8 rooms 85 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 853 Rose Bldg. FOR RENT. 8 rooms and garage, Harney St., $38. 8 rma. and sleeping porch, 38th Ave., 855. 9 rooms. West Farnam, 860. ALLEN A BARRETT, 513 Bee Bldg. Doug, V768. HntTRHa tn all narta of the city. CRKIOH. SONS CO.. 508 Bee Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. TRAVERTON, 84TH AND LANDON COURT. Close In, every convenience, best service completely furnished. Catering only to poople of refined taste. " W. T. GRAHAM, . DOUOLAS 1583. 804 BEE BLDQ. FOR RENT MAT 15TH. Five-room steam heated apartment In the Chula Vista, 80th and Poppleton Ave. Very desirable, 842.50. Conrad Young. 823 Brandele Theoter Bldg. Douglas 1571. ST. CLAIR 24TH AND HARNEY. 3-room Apt Call Harney 647. North. THREE-ROOM modern and heated apart ment, first floor, suitable for small family or four working girls. Adults only. 4768 No. 34th St. ii-7 r.n mi Burt. 4 rooms, new modern apartment. Rlngwalt, Brandels Theater Bldg. FIRST-CLASS apartments near P. O. Low rent. G. P. Stebblns, mm unicago. South. FOR RENT Dewey Apt., two 8-r. and bath Ift-lth two bullt-ln beds; new; rent reason' able; will nunieaao at once, jiar. ,,. oROOM flats, newly papered and cleaned, 13th and Castelar; modern; 316. Doug las 6666. 4-ROOM modern apt., summer, tn .50. 11 corner, steam heated, Maple. Red 1881. Miscellaneous 313.00 6-ROOM with bath. 2226 N. 20th St. 813.00 6-room with bath. 3262 Pierce St. H. A. WOLF, 611 Ware Blk. Tyler 85. CLOSE IN A very good 6-r. brick flat. strictly modern. Call Douslas 3862 or Harney 3714. "pfTtRHS TRUST COMPANY. BBNTAI, HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHj FOR RENT Suburban SUBURBAN HOME FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER 9-room furnished house at the edge of Calhoun. 4 acres ground. Orchard. Nice lawn. Garage. For particulars see ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1636. 333 Rose Bldg. FOR RENT Bu&ineM Prop'ty Stores. DESIR ABLE stora room, modern front, metal ceiling,- steam heat, 624-626 So. iv. i. at Riv 92yA(i. Ctin be sub divided. I,oW rent. Conrad Toung. 322 Brandels -Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571, SMALL modern store room, steam heat. 1B13 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young S2av,Bramiels Theater. Douglas 1671. ' . hi nnnnm ST 22132 ft., two floors and has-mf-nt with elevator. E. H. Benner Co. Douglas S4Ut. MODERN STORES ANO OFFICES IN FAR- nam Blag, first iru.it uo. v. MODERN store room, corner 16th ana em- cago. Q. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. RESTURANT, with fixtures, gas stoves, stools, at ivi pouin imn c STORE and basement. No, 101 So. 14th St Win. sievers, uity na-". Offices and Desk Room. CHOICE office space Batrd Bldg.. 17th and Dougif MCTjarw .nv- w- Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. t h.vR fnr rent on second floor,' cen trally located building, one block from nBinffirA. nanamblv room suitable for lodge or club purposes; composed of one large room for dance or lodge hall; three smaller rooms, and kitchen. For further irnrmtinn. call. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571, H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. bpec.ai.8i In downtown nusmepe proper n. WANTED TO REftT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. Bvi uRi.R v-nune coiiDle desire 4-room apt. or flat in refined private home. Have own furniture. Must be good neighbor hood, wii pay right price. Call Wal. 8677. SAVE car fare, 6-room modern cottage, 816 so. 19 tn. Furnished Houses and Apartments. WANTED TO RENT by Adults 6 to S-room furnished house for summer months. West Farnam district preferred. Address Bo Miscellaneous. WE have several good tenant tor all mod' ern house and apartments. V T. WEAD. 310 S. 17th St. Doug. 17! MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Separate .-ked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 101 So. 16th St. Douglas 416 GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, atorase end .movlnt Jls N. 11th St Phons Dons las S. - FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phons Doug tat 186 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. lth anu Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real jervlce In movtist packing and storing. ca.1 Tyler 230 or Douglas w, I. C. REED Express Co.. Moving Packing and Storage. t20T Farnam St- Web. 2748 3otig Hft METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Export service: prompt attention. Tour moving your packing, your storage. Main Cfflcs Central Furniture Store 16tfa nd Howard. Tel. D. 7786. Maggard- Van and two men. !.!& per hour. Van and tttcraire Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. f REAL ESTATE To Exchange GOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY, and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Barpy county farra land. BOX S642. BEE. 1 HAVE a M&.OOO hardware, doing good business, and 110.000 in miney. Want Western Iowa or Eastern Nebraska farm. S. a and R. E. Montgomery. 0 One. Nat. Bk. Bldg. rniUF! flat. 10 ft. frontase on sood street income 11,000 per year. Price 18.000. Will consider part payment; naiance lerma. in quire Joseph Pick, 2211 Evans St Web star Sft. REAL ESTATE Improved West. NEW BUNOALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In oak: located at 8923 N. 85th St Price 32.150. Terms. Will take small cottage to trade. NORR1S NORR1S. 401) Bee Bldg. Phons Douglas 4378. North. PRICE ONLY $5,750 FOR ONE OF THE FINEST homei on the North Sid. Seven rooms, fireplaces, bookcases, buffet, breakUnt room, the latest in plumbing;, brand new, built by day labor throughout, selected Materials. splendidly arranged. This home is too complete to describe. If you are on the market for a choice home in a splendid location, don't fail to have us show you this harg-atn. OSBORNE REALTT CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Rldtr. Tyler 486. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN HOT WATER HEAT TCirht rooms, oak floors throughout ; large living room and kitchen on the first floor, with good bed rooms on the second and two good rooms on the third. Full ce mented basement, partitioned; has garage and cement driveway. This property is clear and price reduced for quick sale. 1920 Spencer St, GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors.) Douglas 362. 919-20 City National, DANDY NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms with stairway to floored attic; onk finish In living rooms; all modern; furnace; Just completed; exterior frame and stucco; nice east front lot, all sodded and trees growing; permanent walks; one block from Fontenelle Blvd.; located high and sightly, near 47th and Bedford, Price, 18,400; 1200 down, balance terms. Here ts a good buy. C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor), S12 Brandels Theater Bldg. $3,100 BUNGALOW On Pinknev street, near IHth, S rooms. all on one floor, living and dining rooma finished in oak, with oak floors; owner leaving city; immediate possession. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors), Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National FOR sate or lease, on or both lots, each 68x132, at N. W. Cor. of 15th and Daven nort Sta. Make best offer to Mrs. H. L. Hawver, Melrose Hotel. Los Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE 6 -room and bath, bungalow tvpe, stucco, new, strictly modern, fine corner lot, three blocks to car line, close In. Box 41U, Bee. STRICTLY modern bungalow, ft rooms. 22nd and Ames Av. wapsier tzag- South. YOU WILL NEVER BUY FOR LESS mnn nr.ftlrallv new live-room, strict' ly modern home, built by day labor, of selected materials, oak flnlsh, 'Oak floors thrniichniit. full cement basement, brick foundation. Price only 83.660. Located In new Leavenwortn Addition, Terms u i sired. "When ran you see It? Call. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 496, OWNER SAYS SELL THIS WEEK Eight-room modern home and has re duced the price to only $3,100. Choice east front lot, located near 85th and Leavenworth. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 49fi. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Atntrtn tvinat ruction. 6 large llbt rooms, Oak floors, oak and aoamel flnlsh. Price 19,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for 13,660 Call Douglas 1721 days. Walnut 1580 evenings. . nivur 251 h Ave. and Woolworth Seven room house with lawn, mxin leet, ana fruit, very cheap. F. D. Wead. 110 o. 18th St. R. HOME, close in, on 25th Ave.; nice large lawn vlth fruit; very cheap; Z.3Q. F. D. Weart, 810 So. 18th. FOR SALE By owner, new modern 7-room home, oakt nnisn, sleeping porca aim age, at ii bo. sum pi. SIX rooms, modern except heat, ii.ftno. Terms. Sea Owner. 3814 . list bl weo ster 4906. Miscellaneous READY to move into 6-r. and bath, bunga low type, stucco, new, strictly moaern. oa finish, fine lot, 1 block to. car and school. Price $2,950. very easy terms, or lot or auto as first payment. RASP BROS., 210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. 83511 CASH, IS7.60 PER MO. BUYS THIS new, strictly moa. ounsaiow, o-r. mm wn, oak finish, with solid oak floors: full basement; furnace: lot 60x130; one blk. to car and school. Price cut to 82,860. RASP BROS., 810 Keeline Bids;. Ty. 721. R. S. TRUMBULL. 1308 1st Nat. Bk. Bide. O. 1784 WORLD REALTY CO u01I41ni: Sun Theater J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and insur- anee. 443 Bftf Bldg Douglas REAL ESTATE --B'ness Pr'pty LOT, 60x161; trade or cash. Terms, Tele phone evenings. Harney sdtt. REAL ESTATE Investment GOOD INVESTMENT atmoMt new S-storr brick building rented at a good fair Income on $50,000. Located on Farnam near zuin. Harrison & Morton, 916 Omaha Jfa Bank. Douir. 314. HOME BUILDERS 7 SHARES A FEW LEFT nf h 7 nr.t. shares authorized Jan. 1. Vevi- lamia will Drobably bear 6 pet. Yog can order by mail and get 7 pet. shares while they last, unices: a us a. ma oi Omaha. APARTMENT. i7K.nnn income 12 Der cent: one year old; very Pne location; mortgage $26,000 and will accept fzu.uuu in iraae; oai ancs cash or negotiable papers CALKINS & CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nations! Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. tPTER laoklnr at MINNA LUSA 300 dlf- fArnt buvera decided that It wai the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today yon will nnderttand why the ot.iera are ouying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. Tyler 187 Miscellaneous. DANDY LOT. 60x136, two street frontages; easy terms. Call DouglsS 1064 or evenings. Harney 41tfJt z BEAUTIFUL 80foot lots. Price 120. onl; 12 cash and 60 cents ner week. Doug. 2393 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 2 ACRES Just a whisper from Benson very little money will buy It. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., Doug. BS62. Bellevue. PRETTY 6-rOom home, screened porch, city water, electric light, line trees, lawn. Bar- dun. 1 blocK from car, airs, u. vya-mcii. Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Wftll inoatrd lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes Before buvlnj be surs and see GEORGE Si CO S'ACRB b!k.. Falracrs and Brownsl) Hall district. Snan. r,. J. Canan Florence. FOR SALE Will accept highest offer on 40 acres 3 miles north of Florence, set. of Iffl4 Sec. 28. Township 17. Range 18. Ad dress Mrs.. Mary Faulk. 1747 Magnolia Ave.. Los Angeles, Cal. South Side. 34 ACRES, just over the tins In Barpy county, away from the high taxes. Rich, level land, first broker.. la. 1818. Raised 4 crops of alfslfa. 86.000. Terms can b. arranged. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 1828 South 24th St. Phons South 1247. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Ralston. SEE RALSTON TODAY. PAVED ROAD ALL THE WAT. Miscellaneous. HOMESEEKERS. AT I'TENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and have you pay for It on small monthly payments, without sxtrs Interest SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL 35,000. 4926 S. 14th 8 Phone South 134T. 4 ACRE tracts, 1475, 1U flown. ..oi. mo. Close in. nair ""r. J1?JL T' , M M REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINO houses to rent or sell on smsll cash pay menu, nave parues waning. Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. D. KS07 LIST your 5 and 6-room houses wun to ward F. Williams UO.. sin wroaua Bank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your & and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL Trteial. uouniiu fu.nu Co.. Tyler 496J ; ARNDT & TAT LOR can assist you. Laird St Webster auas. FINANCIAL INSURANCE, Fire. Tornsdo. Automobile. C. A. Grtmmei. S4S umani na i nv. lReajEstate. Loans, Mortgages CITI and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, n ana v1 omw..ws - UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. Jit SOUtn mn, umiiw. iigu. City and Farm Loans 6, 6H nd 9 Der cent Al8 tlnt mort gsges on farms and Omaha real estate for sale J. H. Dumont A Co., 416-1 Keeline Bldg.. 17th and Harney, FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 6 pet Interest. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 Frist Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 3fi6t. i I'ER CltlNT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amounts sa.uuw up; farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnai t Bt. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we siso ouy gooa irtmj mi. ttaires. Kloka Inv. Co.. Omaha, $1,000 MTOE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually. securoo Dy properiy v.iuu """" Talmaa-e-Loomis Inr. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BIDDER. Honey on hand for mortgage loana City Nat Bann mag. 5 AND C per eent farm and city first mortgages ior naiK ' 638 Keeline mag- OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. O'KEEFE R. B W.t matr FARM and city loans, 8. 6H and per cent W H. Thomas, Keeline Biag. uoug. i"" NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. SHOPEN ft CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bts. 5V2 CITY ' LOANS GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat. Bk. Bids. 5 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. 818 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldl. LOW RATES. C. O. CARLBERO, 818 Bran dels Theater Bid D. 686. Stocks and Bonds. TO MEET Whs Increased cost of living- you must place your , money where It will yield a ; greater Income. A T per cent participating cumulative pre ferred stock with the highest grade of security means an ex ceptional Investment . This stock will not yield less than 7 per cent and participate In th. profits of the company over that amount, making a very at tractive, secure Investment For particulars regarding this In vestment address Box ..3848, Bes. LISTED and unliated stocks. Investment seeumies. inausiriai utn. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW ti CO., sow vina ii a, iH8j.i. -"" , , Abstracts of Title. yftwM Title, Guarantee and ADstraet uo JVcIT 30E & 17th St., ground door. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and ins, Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In NebrasKa. SUB uranqeis meant. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay insurance com panies. 610 Brandels BldaX. Omaha, Neb. FftRM AND RANCH LAND Minnesota Lands, IMPROVED 100 -acre farm. 15 miles from Minneapolis; eu acrea cuuivmw, unifi8iu meadow and timber: $3,000 worth of buildings. Will sell (or 16,000, easy terms. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Mlo neapo 1 is. Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL. MO. Farm $10 cash and $5 month ly; no interest or taxes: niuniy proauciive land; close to S big markets. Write for photographs and full information. Munger. A-119, N. Y Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo Montana Land 3. IF YOU want a bareain in a good farm in the Judith Besin or Montana, nere n 400-acre ranch; 300 acres hrokir. 40 acree more can be broke; 60 acres In timothy; granaries that hold B.000 bushels; good house and Improvements; good well. Can be bought for $4,2 an acre, and the 300 acres of crop go with the place. Terms reasonable. Write the First State Bank of Buffalo, Mont., for any further Infor mation, as this will not last long at this price. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE. 640 acres, ISO acr8 cultivated, 160 more good farm land, bal. pasture. All im provements nearly new, 8-room house, barn 36x40, three hen houses, hog house, garage, well, windmill, nice grove, other lmprovementa, church and school, mail .route and telephone. Write for terms to BOX 46, HAIULBK, NEB. FOR SALE OR TRXdB. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County. Neb., partly Improved, price $12.&0 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 3410. fKSO Brantleln Bln SMALL Nebranka farms on easy payment 6 acree up we larm me iarm we sen you. The Hungerford Potato Growers" Association, 16th and Howard fits.. Oma ha. Douglas 9871. WET lands made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way of draining tana, no tract too large or too wet Guarantee Drainage Co,. Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE -Best large body hltfh grade, medium priced Jand in . KeDrasna: very little money required. C. Bradley. Wol- hactl. Neb. YOtI want a balanced ranch; correct price and terms: my 860 acres, box ai llance. Neb South Dakota Lands. WIS HAVE) some highly Improved arms In th. vicinity of Watertowti. fl. D. These are corn and alfalfa lands snd o ars making very attractive prices and lib eral terms. ' Dependable agents wanted. ; MIDWEST LAND CO.. 1057 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D 1186, Texas 7,ands. GOOD corn land. Kast Texas, 828 sn acre. (let mv free hook. 1 W. S. FRANK, 20r Neville Block, Omaha. Mysterious Explosion in Republic Steel Works Youngstown, D May 21. A mys'l terious explosion in the power plant of the Republic Iron and Steel com pany at noon today brought instant death to four men and injury to eleven others. Five of the.latter were seri' The roof was blown off the build ing. Heavy pieces of machinery were hurled a quarter of a mile. ' An in vestigation was begun of a suspicion that the explosion may have been caused by war plotters. Women at Poor Farm Are Being Taught How to Knit tor Soldiers In Xml of Yarn The knitting de tachment of the National League for Woman Service, under the leadership of Mrs. K. P. Pock, has begun Its work among the "shut-ins." Mrs. A. C. Troup gve her first lesson Mon day aflernoon to the women at the poor farm, teach ing them how to make the knitted sponges and the eye and chin bandages. There are about twen ty-five women at the farm who will probably become interested In the knitting, as a num ber of them are expert knitters al ready. One pathetio Incident Illustrating not only the necessity of donations for yarn, since tne netacnmeiu win be called upon to furnish the mate rial to groups being rormea, out waste of energy at a time when the cry of the whole world Is "conservation," is as follows: An old woman at the poor farm who is to become a member of Mrs. Troup's division has occupied her time all day long knitting socks and then unraveling the work, only to re knlt them because of the lack of yarn. "When millions of men in the fight ing lines are In desperate need of warm knitted garments It seems the Irony of fate that willing workers are nrevented from do ne tneir on De cause of lack of funds," said one of the workers. Mrs. Troun is also trying to arouse interest among the women at the Deaf and Dumb Institute, who have accom plished such beautiful work making hosoltal sunDlles. Mrs. N. P. Dodge, another member of the committee, will organise a group of Unitarian women at a meet- nsr Wednesday at tne nome or Mrs. Robert Leavens. She also hopes to Interest the Dundee women in the work later on. Other women who are forming similar organisations are Mrs. Richard Carrier, Mrs. Ben Gallagher, Mrs. s. D. Barkalow and Mrs. W. C. Shannon. First Aid Class The Young Women's Christian association, under the Red Cross society, will organise another class in flrBt aid, to begin Wednesday evening at 7:30. Those desiring to enroll in the class should register at once, as the class will be limited. An examination Is given at the completion of the course and those who are successful In passing this are given a certificate by the Na tional Red Cross society. Dr. John Hyde will have charge of this class. Red Cross Film The American Ambulance Field Service film, which has aroused tremendous Interest all over the country, is to be shown at the Boyd theater on the evening of June 9 under the auspices of the Colo nial Dames, the proceeds of the Bale of tickets at $1 apiece to go to help this branch of the service. The pictures were taken by the French government and turned over to the American field service, which has given them wide publicity. A young man who has seen actual service with the field ambulance will also talk at the showing of the film, and the Musicians' Association of Omaha will furnish the music. The American ambulance field serv ice was originated by a small group of Americans in France at the time the war broke out They constructed the first ambulance out of several packing boxes, painted it gray, dec orated It with the Red Cross and be gan work. Now the wealthiest men in the United States nave subscribed to its support, and the film Is considered the most jemarkabe of its kind. C. T. fttpuntze has volunteered his services in, sending out the tickets, which Frank Burkley has printed free of charge. Over 1 Tlilrty-flve Thousunrt Red Cross headquarters at 1219 Farnam street were kept busy Monday count ing the money and receiving new GEORGE REIM HURT IN AUTOACCIDENT Turns Out of Eoad to Avoid Collision and His Car Goes Into Ditch Near ' Albright). George Reim is in the Wise Me morial hospital with several broken ribs, and, according to Dr. H. A. Waggener, who is attending him, his condition is critical. Kr. Reim, accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Wagner, 2215 Leavenworth, was returning from a trip to the country, riding in Mr. Reim's car. Just south of Albright a car driving at a high rate of speed ap peared at a curve in the road, going south. To avoid a collision, Mr. Reim turned to the right and his car went into the ditch, turning over. The man in the car that collided with that of Reirr drove rapidly away. People in the neighborhood saw the collision and hurried to the wreck. Mr. Reim and Mrs. Wagner were lifted from under the car, put into an auto mobile and brought to the city. The injuries of Mrs. Wagner are slight. The condition of Mr. Reim was re ported as greatly improved yesterday. German Plot Found In Costa Mean City San Jose, Costs Rica, May 21. A far reaching plot to overthrow the present government of Costa Rica, of which President Federico Tinoco is the head, has been un covered by the authorities. The former President Alfredo Gonzales, who was deposed last January, at which time Tinoco assumed control, other officials of the former govern ment and German residents here and in the United States are alleged to be implicated. A German firm In New York is declared to have furnished $100,000 for the organization of a revolution ary movement. Three wireless stations have been discovered at Heredia, the home city of Gonzales. Other wireless installations have been found in the .coast regions of San Carlos and Col orado. Recently there has been estab lished not far frou the Panama frontier a lumber camp, where three hundred men now are engaged. It is stated officially that a wealthy German named Karl Freise, who re- cently arrived from Panama, was detained for examination of his pa pers and many important facts were learned through thess documents. memberships of people who had been overlooked In last week's campaign. At noon 135.144.16 had been counted and more was being handed In every mlniit 'Approximately 30,000 mcmoersmps have been turned In already, said w. fi tl-e. F. P. FolBle of Washington, who haloed nrcanlze the Omaha campaign, wired Frank Judson, membership chairman, the following congratula' tlnns: "Heartiest congratulations on your splendid achievement. Surely you can now rest content, ininy-nve mou sand will be forthcoming without an other stroke of effort. National head quarters gratified with your strong campaign. To Raise Funds for Material Mrs. J. T. Ktewart. Sd.. chairman of the committee on supplies for fighting men, has launched a campaign ior ralslnar money for comfort kits, hoe. nital supplies and knitting material. Saturday of this week high sehool girls and newsboys will sell 8.000 copies of the current Issue of the Ladles' Home Journal at booths, which will be placed In downtown buildings. The current Issue of the magaxlne Is special Red Cross number, having a page devoted to the explanation of the work and answers to questions most freauently asked by William Howard Taft. A page illustrating the supplies which are to be put In the comfort kits, a moat attractive cover design of a Red Cross nurse and dog and a naite devoted to Red Cross war dogs. Arrangement has been made with the Curtlss Publishing company to give 7 cents of the 15 to the Red cross luna Elks' Benefit A Red Cross benefit concert will be given under the aus pices of the Omaha Elks in the ro. tunda of the court house Thursday evening. This is the first affair to be given at- the court house since It was built Tickets are on sale ror si There -will be no reserved seats and the spectators will be seated on the first floor and the four different Dal' Green's band composed of thirty musicians has been donated by the Musicians union. A. W. jerreris will give a patriotic address, twenty mem bers of the Armour Glee club, the Omaha Symphony Study orchestra un der the direction of Henry Cox, six. teen girls In white under the direc tion of Miss Millie Ryan will sing and forty members of the Menoma chorus will also give several numbers. Girls dreBsed as Red Cross nurses will take tickets at the door and the Boy Scouts will act as ushers. T. B. Dysart, the exalted ruler, and C. R. Docherty, a leading knight, the committee In charge of the arrange ments, anticipate making over $1,000 for the Red Cross funds. Over 3,000 people can be comfortably accommo dated at the court house. Red Cross Note. Guy Axtell of the Omaha National bank, who has offered his services throughout the campaign, win return to tne banK Tues dey after finishing up the Red Cross ac counts. Authorities feel that though the regu lar campaign Is now over, the educational work has only hegun and that the mem' bership will multiply many times In the nexr few weeks. Enclosed In all the membership cards which are belnng mailed out 1ft literature on the Red cross movement and three ap plication blanks which members are urged u mstriDute among tneir irienas. Frank Judson was kept busy all day answering long distance calls from mayors of small towns and letters from people out in the state who wish to start Red Cross chapters and want Information how to oonduot membership campaigns. 1 A petition has been sent to the School board by the National League for Woman Service asking that the Commercial High school rooms be given to the signaling and telegraphy department of the league during the summer months, c. H. English of the Boy Scouts Is in charge of the signaling de tachment. Letters have been sent to the managers of theaters by the chairman of the Nation League for Woman Service thanking them ror promoting patriotism in umana by nav Ing the "Star Spangled Banner' and other patriotic airs at every performance. The request was made last ' October and has been iuinuea throughout the season. WESTERN GOLFERS ABOLISH STYMIES New Rule. Revolutionary in Character, Does Away With Much Discussed Golf Penalty. Chicago, May 21. Stymies in golf golf play are abolished by a revolu tionary rule promulgated by the Western Golf association today for play in the western amateur cham pionship to be held at the Midlothian Country club, Chicago, July 9 to 14. The new rule, which does away, so far as three-fourths of the United States and all of Canada are con cerned, with one of the most dis cussed penalties of golf, also Vlim inates to a large extent the bother o: lilting balls on the putting green medal nlavs. The new rule upsets one of the cardinal rules of the ancient Scottish eame. bv oroviding that the ball near est the hole shall be played first when both balls are on the putting green. 1 he new rule reads: s "When both balls are on the put ting green, the ball nearest the hole must be played hrst. it a stymie ex ists and the balls lie within a put ter's length of each other, the ball farthest from the hole must be lifted on request until the nearer ball has been played and then replaced in its previous lie. Penalties for violation: Loss of hole in match play: two strokes in medal play. "Under no circumstances, except as above, shall a ball on the putting green be lifted. Players ,in all rounds must observe this rule and ignorance of it will not be accepted as an ex cuse for its breach." Plot to Resist Draft By Arms Is Discovered Dallas, Tex., May 21. The United States grand jurv today was ordered by Judge George Whitfield Jack to in vestigate the alleged conspiracy to make armed resistance to conscrip tion which agents of the Department of Justice claim to have uncovered in northwest Texas. , . Judge Jack spoke of the activities of the Farmers' and Laborers' Pro tective association of America, which, he said, had first been brought to his attention while he was holding his court in San Angclo last week. He said the charges bordered on treason. Six arrests have been made here and two or three in western Texas towns. WHO IS THE "BRIDE 1q MYSTERY?" THOTO 'PlAY OFFERING J FOR-' TOPAY' illllllllllllllllllllllllll nmiHi uiiiiiiiwiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiii i e ic3im jiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiitJii.iiii:iEii:..ti.itiis. nvi ; " " 1 I -4. V f I , - ' - I TODAY i and Remainder of Week i sear vmtmtm'w i mi namiium"' m illlllllllllllMlllllllllllli 10 Cents TODAY and llslllllssaaaaaTnlilillllsillllllllll r ONVfflATMISSIONOFVEM EANCE ISSHE SETTING OUT? HABELTAUAFERRO THE STAR DELIGHTFUL IN Magdalene othe HILLS" A METRO WONDERPLAY, Thursday THEDA BARA , , . . M J SC m George Beban 1 ! in ! "Marcellini I Millions" Wednesday Only f ' Marguerite Clark 1 1 in "Miss George Washing- I : , ton." fiiii'itiiiiiiiiHiil!iliii!liiiliiliiliili,liiliili;iiili CONWAY AND DAY DAE AND NEVILLE BYAL AND EARLY THREE LYRES PffBiry Hyland and Marc Mac Derm mott In "THE SIXTEENTH WIFE." lee Want Ads Produce Results. HllllllllllHllllllllllliu Via, iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; WEDNESDAY Today and Wednesday Louise Lovely "Bobby of the Ballet." LOTHROP ' TODAY ONLY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG : )n th. Robt. W. Chanibera Story "THE COMMON LAW" ADMISSION Adults, ISc; Chitdrsn, 10c. AMUSEMKNTS. BASEBALL OMAHA vs. SIOUX CITY ' Monday, May 21. ROURKE PARK May 21 Ladies' Day Gams Called at 3:15 fna.iQCents 1 l 1 St Ij jiLjf T ..." 'i ? '