3 Prepare for Summer Right Now THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 20. 1917. Towels The Best Sale of the Year It Will Pay You to Invest Well Just at this season of the year it will pay you to stock up well with the offerings we are making in these Towels. The Linen Department has made special effort for this Sale, and the prices are certainly enticing. Hundreds of Towels in the Turkish, Huck and Bamask kind. 7 c Huck Towels, 5c These are the Huck kind, with fancy colored borders, hemmed ends (not more than six to each customer), each 5c 12ic Huck Towels, lc About 200 dozen of a nice quality, bleached Huck Towels, hemmed jlids, fancy colored borders, 17x32 inches, each 7)4 15c Towels, 12c Full bleached Turkish Towels, hemmed ends, soft and fluffy, size 20x40 inches, each 12c 25c Towels, 18c Full bleacheH Turkish Towels, also hemstitched Huck Towels, large size, soft finish (not more than one dozen to each customer), special, each 18c 39c Towels, 25c , This lot consists of full bleached, extra heavy quality Turkish Tow 3ls, also fine linen Huck Towels, a big value (not more than one iozen to each customer), choice, each 25c 50c Towels, 39c Full bleached Turkish Towels, with pretty colored borders, heavy quality, large size, very special, each 39c EXTRA! EXTRA! 5c Dish Cloths, 2c Ihese are the close woven mesh quality (not more than six to each :ustomer), very special, each 2c Main Floor, Front Our May Sale of Lingerie Offers Many Exceptional Values A VERY DECIDED SUCCESS has attended each day's sale, and now we offer fresh lots of this snowy white, crisp, new Underwear for Monday's selling. Gowns cut full and long, trimmed with dainty lace and embroidery yokes. Envelope Chemises, correctly sized and trimmed with fine lace and embroidery inser tions. Skirts cut full and made of good quality Lingerie Cloth, with lace or embroidery TElounces. Dozens of styles to select from. Special, at $1.35vand $1.95 Grouped together are a lot of Gowns, Skirts, Envelope Chemises, in styles too numerous to mention; fl1 AA beautifully trimmed and neatly made, at pl . UU Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Gowns, Skirts and Envelope Chemises, trimmed with fine laces and insertions; offset with ribbons; many styles to select irom; u , qs ynitu special, at. Second Floor The Charm Of the New Summer Frocks THERE is plain evidence of the tailored influence even in the dresses for Summer wear and truly Fashion never chose a more smart or fascinating type. This style adapts itself to most any fancy and is ultra-fashionable at all times. The Tailored Style Frocks feature Shantung and Khaki-Kool Silks, and the introduction of the Smart New Ginghams lends a note that is extremely pleasing. Linens, too, vie for attention. For dressier occasions lovely moils in Chiffons, Georgettes, Voiles and Nets are shown; beautified with laces, braiding, embroi lories and beading. The laces are lovely patterns of Venise, Filet and Macrame ; effectively pleated or draped, fluffy tunic styles in skirts, with blouses featuring attractive collars, smart sleeves ana dainty trimmings. 'The Silks, $25, $35 to $50 Linens and Ginghams, $10, $15 and $25 Voiles and Nets, $25, $35 to $50 Coats to Accompany These Dresses Shown here in Khaki-Kool, Taffeta Silk; Jersey and Marabout trimmed Satins, at $35.00, $59.00 to $85.00. Brussels Rugs A Beautiful Line At Prices That Are Exceedingly Interesting WE are making a most wonderful display of these beautiful Rugs, suitable for any room in the house, but particularly bright and cheery just now for the living and dining rooms. Now Consider This Fact Carefully These Rugs are 9x12 feet, and if bought in today's wholesale market we should have to sell them for $22.50, but (tf n nr because we were foresighted we offer them at. $10. I D In another group we have assembled such well known Rugs as Smiths, Yonkers and Carltons and Sanford's Beauvais and Fervac's. These Rugs aro seamless, all in good patterns and if bought in the present wholesale market would have to retail at $40.00 Monday's 'price here is the lowest we have ever known them to be sold ferr 9x12 feet $97 FA size $6 Seamless Velvets, 9x12 size, in Tournia, Teher ans and Wilvertons; Rugs that if bought in today's wholesale market would have to bring $37.50 at retail but we say for qqa no Monday ..tP.VO Porch Rugs In Large Variety Rattan ias, Herringbone and Crex 41.X71?, feet Crex. 9x12 feet Crex $9.50 8x10 feet Crex $8.50 6x9 feet Crex $6.00 Third Floor 36x72 inch Crex. 27x54 inch Crex. .$4.50 .$2.00 .$1.25 NEMO Corsets--Correct in Every Way Summer Corsets for slender figures, extremely light weight and comfortable. $3.00 and Upward. NEMO. Nemo Sport Corsets, with elastic inserts at side to permit ease and comfort when dancing, on horseback, or practicing any kind of sport. AND ABOUT SERVICE SUPERIOR SERVICE. We have expert corsetiers here at all times, to chooso the correct model for you and fit it perfectly. You will experi ence the greatest amount of cumfort and obtain the greatest satisfaction from every model you purchase here. Second Floor V Prepare for Summer-Now Curtains, Hangings, Porch Shades, Hammocks Everything for your summer comfort and conveni ence at prices that are very, very moderate. . Cretonnes Most complete line ever shown. Just the proper thing for your porch. Large range patterns and colorings. A price for every purse. Porch Shades Large and complete line Porch Shades, in 4 fect wide, 8 feet wide, 8 fect wide, etc. Hammocks "' Just received beautiful line Hammocks. Enjoy your lawn or porch. In price from $10.00 to $1.98. Hangings Scrims, Voiles and Marquisettes, large range in 1 A White, Ivory and Beige; extra special, per yard. .. ,J.7L Window Shades Window Shades (water color), 32 inches by 6 feet, QQ complete, ready to hang; special, each LiVL Voile Curtains Beautiful new line Voile Curtains, lace trim- (JQ - AO med; extra special, a pair pt0 Third Floor Wall Paper Wo niintp snmp. rpmavk- . able values for Monday which will ne 01 interest to those wishing to redec orate during this month of House Cleaning. All our 9c and 10c papers, with borders and ceilings to match; special, roll 6'c A large variety of good-looking papers in light and dark colors; suitable for Dining and Living Rooms and Kitchens, cut bor ders to match, tomorrow, roll 9c New effects for Downstairs Rooms, positively the newest designs and colors, every one worth 30c and 35c; Monday, a very large selection, roll . . 17c Bed Room papers, every one suggestive of the newest, you will be pleased with our dis play, special, only 12?4c Washable varnished papers for Kitchens and Bath Rooms, sold daily for 25c and 80c, Monday, special 16c Third Floor Extraordinary Sale of BLOUSES Handsome $12.50 to $22.50 Dress Blouses $10.00 And let us say right here that your Ten Dollars never bought more in the way of Dress Blouses. Filet Lace -Trimmed Models, Irish Lace -Trimmed Models, Hand-Embroidered Blouses, Russian Blouses ' ah i 3 i ; i Ji . i aii orana new mercnanaise, in a ciearaway saje 10 in a kg room for new fixtures which we are about to install. Colors are: White, Flesh, Rose, Peach, Nile, Emerald Green, Primrose, Blue, Navy, Green, All Suit Shades. Second Floor Y M WW rm Buy Munsing Underwear And You XWJ11 Have Lasting Satisfaction No other underwear that we know of fits so well, wears so well, or gives such great satisfac tion. We are showing complete stocks right now better get your Summer outfitting. Munsing Union Suits for wo men; particularly fine for fit and wear-regular sizes are 75o Same garment in out sizes, at 90c Munsing Union Suits, tight or open knee, regular sizes, at $1.00 Out sizes, at.. $1.25 and $1.50 Munsing Union Suits, fine lisle, tight knee, a splendid out size garment, at $2.25. Main Floor White Goods in Great Array The Season and the Sale Is Here No daintier or prettier White Goods and certainly no other prices so moderate. You will want these every day better buy them when you may save. White Gabardine, good, firm Twill, Wool Finish, for Suits, Skirts, Middies, etc., 36 inches wide, per yard 50c Sheer, Crisp Organdies, Voiles, Embroidery Novelties, pretty pat terns for Dresses and Waists, 38 inches wide, per yard 35c 45-inch White, Sheer, Crisp Transparent Organdy, 60c value, much in demand for Presses and Waists, per yard tv 29c 36 and 40-inch White Dress Fabrics in Cords, Checks, Satin Stripes and Plain Gabardine, per yard 15c 40-inch Imperial English Nainsook, snow white, soft, silky finish, excellent for fine Undermuslins, 12-yard bolts, per bolt $2.69 3 more cases of Imperial Long Cloth, Chamois finish, 36 inches wide, free from starch and fine white, 12-yard bolts, per bolt. .$1.49 Splendid quality fine, Crisp White India Linon, 28 inches wide, spe cial, per yard 15c Basement. , Domestics Down in Price Get Full Share of These A 40-inch finest Printed Voiles, all the wanted Neat Printings and Black and White Stripes, per yard 15c 36 in. Best Grade Tissue Voile, made from Finest Egyptian Yarn, Fast Worn Colors, per yard 25c Beautiful "L'eno" and "Tropical" Suiting in all the new sport shades, for street and outing Skirts, Golf and Tennis, Suits, Coats and Skirts, per yard.. 25c 27 in. Dress Zephyrs, Best Grade, Hundreds of Pretty Plaids and Checks and Fast Worn Stripes, per yard 15c 36 in. Dress Percales, Light and Dark Grounds, neat Dots and Fig ures, Best Grade, per yard 12Kc The Genuine "Claremont" Dress Batiste, sheer crisp Fabric, the old Reliable Wash Material, per yard 10Jc Beautiful 36 in. Woven Madras, in all the neat woven Checks and Stripes. Beautiful Color Combinations, per yard ;15c Fine Sheer Dress Voile, 27 in. wide. Neatly Printed, Fancy Checks and Figures, l'i'ie value, per yard ...9t$c Basement A Splendid Sale of Beautiful Silks One of the Most Notable Offerings for Monday THESE ARE ALL beautiful. RELIABLE Silks, and the prices we quote are really sensational. This has always been the Silk Center of Omaha and this Silk Aisle never offered better values than those we quote for Monday. Silks, Worth $3.00 to $4.00, 1 at $1.95 The newest and most wanted silk fabrics at ABOUT HALF PRICE think of it! Plain and novelty Khaki Kool, Rookie and Printed Radium, in the new hand blocked designs,' in a beautiful range of colorings. $2.25 40-In. Taffeta, $1.50 Yd. 40-inch Imported Chiffon Taffeta, in plain and changeable effects; extra good weight; soft fin ish; a splendid value at this price. $1.00 White Wash Corduroy, 59c Yard 32-inch White Corduroy, for sport wear; will launder perfectly. ' ' Satin Messaline and Chiffon Taffetas, $1.00 36-inch, in a splendid range of new street shades. Godd weight and soft finish. 40-Inch Plain and Novelty Silks, 98q Crepes, Chiffons, Marquisettes and Grena dines, including the new printed and gold and sil ver embroidered effects; values $1.75 to $2.50, at 98c a yard. Satin Stripe Shantung, $1 Yard 32 and 36-inch, in beautiful range of color combinations; will wash and wear perfectly; well worth $1.50. Main Floor, Aiile of Silk i ; milllllillUli, mm SETS THE PACE i ' n Lam FOR CROWING OMAHA Wonderful Art Embroidery Offer Hand - Embroidered Show Pieces Half Price THE SUPERB PIECES that we have used as models are now priced just half. Every woman 'will appreciate the remarkable significance of this offer-, ing. In every instance the work has been acdora plished with the greatest care and the most beautiful pieces shown anywhere are now offered to you at 50c on the dollar. Scarfs, Center Pieces, Pillows, Lingerie, Chil dren's Dresses, Rompers, Boudoir Caps, Dress ing Sacques and a good assortment of Fancy Goods HALF PRICE. Hand embroidered Centers, trimmed with Cluny Lace, 36-inch edge, $10.00 value, at Hand embroidered Scarfs, trimmed with Cluny Lace, $10.00 value . Hand embroidered Waists on Voile and Batiste, value $10.00, at Hand embroidered Night Gowns, with hand crocheted yokes and medallions, $10 value, a! Other Pieces Priced This Way: $6.00 Scarfs, for.. $3.00 $5.00 Children's Dresses.. $2.50 $1.50 Madeira Towels 75c Third Floor 5