Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917.
.Good Bun of Beef Cattle rinds
Broad Demand, Although
, Prices Are Somewhat
f . Lower.
Omaha, May 17, KIT.
Cattla. Hoaa, ghe.p.
Heeelpti wert
Official Monday ....
Cfflclal ...
Official Wsdneaaay.
Eatlmata Thursday.
7.j:i 7, 4.
6, 00
7. SIS
Four daya thla waek.37.H2l
Kama days lait waelc. .20,907
flame day 2 wka. ago.37,6.7
Same daya I wka. aso.17,441
Same daya 4 wki. aso.2S,32S
Bama daya laat year. .18,511
Reeelpta and dlipoaltlon of live .tork at
the Union Stock yard, for twenty-four hour.
ending at S ociock yeiterday afternoon:
Cattle. Hon. Sheep. H'fa
C. M. Bt P
Wanaeh 4
Mleaonri Pacific..., 1
Union Pactflo 38
C. N. W., .ant... I
CAN. W , west... t
C, St. P., M. O.. 37
(.'., B. A Q., eaet... n
C, B. & weet... 44
"., K. L P., eaat. 6
C B. t ft P , weet 6
Illinois Central 2
Chicago at. West.. 4
!.! 17,7(9
J,Jb 22.040
47,7il H.03S
5I.3T8 .:2
E!,l 32,11
(1.014 S0.1S4
1 t
3 1 1
t, 1 .
21 'i '
1 !.' i
si it :
Total! .
Vorrla ft Co
Swift ft Co
Cudahy Packing Co,
. 370
. 52
421 13
1,(01 l(
1,729 1.25
1,615 1,107
203 ....
': ....
.... 1,237
Armour ft Co
Hchwartc A Co
J. W. Murphy ..
Lincoln Packing Co....
So. Omaha Packing Co.
Kohr Packing Co
Cudahy of Kaneaa City.
Wllaon of Kanaaa City.
Benton, Vanaant ft Luah
Nagla Packing Co
T. B. Lewie
J. B. Root ft Co........
L. P. Hues
Kills ft Co
Hulllvan Bros.....
Huffman , .....
Mayan ,,,.......
Baker, Jonas ft Smith..
Banner Bros..,
John Harvey ,
Dennis ft Francis.,...,
Pat O'Day
Other buyers..
Totals MS MI4 4,038
Cattle Receipt wera of liberal p.-opor.
(Ions for a Thursday and made up largely
ef beef. In most respects the trade was a
repetition of Wednesday's market In thdt
buyers started out ratbor slow, but later
demonstrated that demand was broad, and
for tha most part the offerings changed
hands at right around steady figures. On
papsr values may look ft little lower, but
taking tha antra fill Into consideration,
values wora just about as good as on Wed
nesday. Compared with ft week ego, the
best heavy cattle selling up around 112.789
13.18 are not over lOOlto higher, while the
advance on the yearlings and medium
weight steers has bes 180260.
Cows and belfers war. alio rather slow
sla today, although at prices that were
quotably steady and Dot far from tbs blgh
point of tha year.
In Blockers and feeders there w-l not
snucn doing. Fresh rscelpts wers meager
and the press of farm work has so grestly
reduced the country demand that business
was of very small volume and prices showed
a lower tendency on all .but the best grsdes.
Quotations on cattle; Good t ankles
besves, 91S.2S01g.SI; lQtr to good beeves.
311. 60913. 38; common to fair beeves, 110.36
Oil. 26; good to ahotca heifers, 910.609
'11.36; good, to choice oows, 99.36010.96: good cows, 98.7609.761 common to
fair cows, 97.0008.60; prims feeding steers.
9 76010.90; good to choice feeders. 99.00
10.00: fsir to good feeders, 91.60 0 9.00;
common to fair feeders, 17. 0OO8.26; good to
choice etockers. 39.60010.60; stock heifers,
98.25010.26; stock cows, 17.00 0 10.00; stock
calvrs, ,8h. 00010.60; veal calves, 99.000
13.60: beef bulls, stags, etc, 17.26910.26.
Representative salee:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
t 538 88 60 4 1011 10 Oil
3 1210 10 76
ID 938 II 60
26 1022 11 90
18 ,1202 IS IS
81 '. 981 12 26
S3 1261 12 (IT
41 ,.1234 13 (0
20 1373 13 10
31 928 11 40
16 1161 It 10
10 1019 12 10
28 1003 11 30
S3 11(4 13 35
14.., 1160 12 50
28 ,.1263 13 80
17 834 10 80 30 .,. I7 10 10
II 8(0 11
MA 11 en
12. s. 083 11 00,
tl 739 11 60
13 80S 11 89
1 80( 11 86
11 1084 11 95
11 1(2 11 10
.. 793 11 110
, 998 II HO
... 767 tl 80
... 818 11
22.,, 899 II 10
31 ...101 J 11 It
101 10 26 , 920 10 35
T 25 .,
1 110
1 920
1 1310
3 1010
: 1 860
... BIS
... U9
8 00
I 00
t n
1 1 0
8 60 S.
I 00 30.
60 10...,
BO 11..,,
sue 10 on - a....
JIM 10 o
,.3.18 10 H 10 00 . .
- i a,Q 10 .26 13.,..,
s tss t 00 , 1,.,,
1., .kh jo 00
1. 160 7 00 1.,.,
7........ U0 S 60 13...,
1 410 9 60 12...,
1. ....... 470 10 00 1...,
3 mo 11 69 l..(l
7........ 263 18 00 . , !..
.123! 10 It,
.1100 10 DO
, Un g is
, 431 26
, 480 t 16
, NO 11 76
, ISO IS 00
, 1TB .. 36
1. ....... 169 H 16 .
Horn 8KI ppn, In anticipation of a high
er tendency all around tha circuit, bought
a few hogi on ths opening that vara aa
much a 6$10e hlfhar. But whon opening
wire cama from ether market a their tone
aa wak and, deaplte tha fact that local
1 cfferlnne were moderate, packera atarted
cut bidding a dim lower.
Tha market remained at pretty much of
fc. atandatlll until towarda 11 o'clock. (toiler
were out tor etaady prlcee, while buyera
would not better their early dime lower
bid, and thlnga were elm ply deadlocked.
In the end concession were made on both
idea moat of tha oflerlnga dually aelllng a
nickel lower.
Movement waa not active at any atage
ef the game, tha market dragline' along
van after a. trading baala bad been estab
lished. The reeult waa that U waa well
along towarda noon before any kind of a
clearance waa made, and even at midday
several oara wera attll In the pea, late
rounds being dull and weak.
Tha general market waa nearly a nickel
lower. The bulk aold at 16.oJl(.06. and
event loada ware bought as high aa f 16.10
by boh ahlppera and packera.
Representative tales:
JSo Av, Bh. Pr, No. Av.
8h. Pr.
... 16 70
160 16 80
120 16 90
... 16 00
... If 10
14. .207
10.. 13
is..: hi
16.. 233
80 16 65
72. .240
280 16 75
200 16 85
160 16 6
360 16 0$
St. .168... 1 09 108.151 36 II
Sheep The sheep and larab run, while
larger than yeaterday'. waa smaller than
tdr mot recent daya, fourteen cars, or some
1,400 head, being J1 that were reported It.
Offerings for the week so far amount to
IT. 7 68 head, being more than 4,000 smaller
than a week ago, slightly Itghter than two
week ago, a falling off of about 2,800 aa
frortjparea wun , year ago, and lighter thao
(or any similar nerhkBl since June. 1916.
. Lambs secured an advance very similar
to the one put In force yesterday. It was
in same oia story or good demand, light
receipt and eager buyer, a Here having
pretty much their own way when It came
to price making. In s good many spots
the trad was as much aa lOo higher, though
It waa another aneven affair, and- other
a tea dm not enow over S6c advance. In
fact, with such light run coming it la Itn
poasioi to quote a market except In -en
oral term. Following this rut It could
Be emia tnat today market waa active,
.uneven and sharply higher, most ef the
VBcrings-Muing seoeuo aoove yeiterday.
Two cars of very light MexeVan lamb.
which constituted practically the entire
. wooled supply, brought $20.10, another r
ord, while a ehorn lamb top of $14.11 was
paid. Good shorn ewes, the first tfcit faav
been bare in a week, brought $18.36, the
highest mark tn history, and spring lamb,
also of a desirable class, aot a new record
sor tun point oi i..
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs.
woo led, $19.26020.10; Iambi, shorn. $16.74
' 14.80; sprint lambs. $I7.0'rf(lB .16: ver-llnaa.
horn, $13.00016.26: wethers, shorn, $12.60
' qii4,m; ewes, snorn. il.76013.4O; ewe.
cum snorn. sb.iioii.zs.
Representative sale.
No. '
260 dipped lambe
86 Mexican lambs ...
390 Mexican lamb ..
18 40
20 10
30 10
30 10
228 Mexican lamba 69
143 clipped lamba ....;$)
1$ 40
Cattle, Weak Hogs, Strong Sheep
Chicago, May 17. Cattle Receipt, 5,000
heed; mark firm; native oeer cane, .oh
13.70; atocltera and federa, $7.010.40;
cowh and heifer, I6.4&&11.60; calvea, $10.00
H oge Receipt, 16,000 head; market
weak, 5o under yeaterday' average; bulk
of atlas, li.noi6.:fc; light. fU.loei6.26;
mixed. 116.60 16.36; heavy. 116.60 16.40;
rough, IU.S0ei5.75; plga, 10.60014.&0.
Sheep anl Lamb Receipts, 0,000 head;
market etrong; wot here, 112.75016.76; ewee,
$12.36016.86; lamba, $16.60Qi20.25,
St. Louie Lira Stock Market.
St. Louie, May 17. Cattle Receipt, 1.900
head; market etrong; native beef aters,
$7.609 13.00; yearling atecr and helfere,
$8.60612.00, cowe, $6.00011.00; a toe here
and feeden, $6.00010.00; prime aouthern
beef sneers, is.00BU.60; beef cow and heir-
era, 14. JS. 00; prime yearling a tee re and
helfere, $7. 60 4? 10.00; native calvea, $6,000
Hog Receipts. 8,200 head : market
higher; light, $16.80016.20; ptgs. $.754i
14.26; mixed and butchere, $16.80016.46;
good heavy, $16.40016.46; bulk of aalea,
Rheep and Lambs Receipts, 150 head ;
market higher; ewes, $11,60013,60; year
ling, flS.OO016.fQ; clipped lamb. $14,000
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kama City, May 17. Receipts, 6,000
head; market higher; prime fed steers,
$13.60013.26; dressed beef steers, $10,000
13.26; western steers, ffl. 60013.00; cows,
$7.00011.26: heifers. $$.O0&12.26: Blockers
and feeders. $8.2&0lO.7fi; bulls, $8.0O10.0;
calves, $8.0012.60.
Hoge Receipts, 8,600 head; market
steady; bulk of sales, $18.40 016.80; heavy.
$16.26016.40; packers and butchers, $16.90
016.30; light, $16.60Ol$'0(; pig". $13,730
16. 00.
Sheep and Lambe Receipt, 8,000 head;
market higher; Iambs, $16.00010,00; year
lings, $14.00017.00: wethers. $13.00016.60:
ewes, $12.00016.00.
Mori i City Live stock Market.
Sioux City. la.. May 17. Cattle RecelDt.
90u head; market steady: beef steers, $11.00
12.76; butchers. 81I.60O1L00: fat cows and
helfen, $8.0011.00; cunners, $6.5007-76;
toe Hers and ieeders. 6T.6Uu10.b6: calves.
$10.00012-60; bulla, stags, etc., $8.00012.26;
feeding cows and belfers, $7.00010.00.
Hoge Receipts, 4,000 head: market
steady, 6o higher; lights, $16.60016.76;
mtxed, $16.80018. 00; heavy, $16.96016.00:
plan, $13.60013.60; bulk, f 16.76016.00.
Uheep and Lamb Receipts, 1,600 head;
market, 35o higher; yearllngi, $14.60016.00;
wethere, f 13.26016.00; awes, fl2.60Ol3.7fr;
lambs, fl8.6O02O.OO,
St Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., May 17. Cattle Re
ceipt!, 2,800 head; market steady to 10c
higher; steers, $0.60013.00; cows and heif
ers, 6, 50018.00; calves. $9.000 18.60.
Hog Receipt. 6,600 head; market
steady to fic higher; top, $ltf,36; bulk of
lea, I16.fl001fl.15,
Sheep and Lambs Recelnta. 1.100 head:
market 6o higher; lambs, $16.00 16.36;
ewe, $14.50016.00.
Quotation of the Day on Staple and Fancy
Egg 'Fresh, case Included, oer case.
WhO'teai price of beef out: Mo. 1
ribs, 23tta; No. 3 ribs, SSfta; No. S rib,
16 "Ac No, 1 loin. 28c: No. II loin. 2ttta:
No. S lotni, 204o. No. 1 chuoks, 17a; No.
1 chucks, 16 o; No. S obucke, 16 o. No.
1 round. ISHoi No. I rounda, lflcj No. 8
round. 17a No. 1 plate, 16c; No. 2
plate, 14 He; No. I plates, Ho.
Cheese No, 1 fancy, domestic, 46o; No. 1
domestic, 40o; jlovk Swiss, 33o; twins, 27a;
triplets, 37tto: daisies. 27Uo: youna Amir.
lea, !7ttc; New York, white, 29c; Blue Lake,
brlok. 26o ; Ltmburger. 10a; French Boa
tort, C6c
Butter Freah. no to 1.000 lbs., ner lb..
uuinea Baon, any alse, 26c.
Live Poultry Sor In a. smooth lera. 23ft-
hen. 80qi stags, under 6 lbs., each. Inn:
old cox and heavy stags, 14c; turkeys, fat,
22c; turkeys, old toma, 20o.
Bquabs Homer. 14 on. each. nr Anm
14.00; Homers, 12 oi. each, per do,, $3.00,
Vegetables Potatoes aatlnr. 83.2S hit
new. No. 1, $3,60 hemp: new, No, 2, $3.00
hamp. Sweet potatoes, f 2.76 hamp, Cry wax
$2.60 crate. Bermudas, f3.86 crate. Cab
bage, California, 80 lb. Lettuce, leaf, I don.,
82.86 basket; head, $8.60 per crat. To
matoei. fanoy, $4.60 crate; Chicago, choice,
$4.00 orate. Cukes, extra fancy, $1.60 dos;
fancy, fl,26 dot, CauJINower, $2.7$ era I a.
Asparagus, l, 0 76c dos.
Honey, 241, $3.25 case.
Prices furnlibed by tha Glllnsky Fruit
Fruits Oranaes. 360a. 3SS. Xitm attn.
$2,76 box; 200s, 216a, $3.26 box; 80s, 96s,
100a, 112s. 160s. 17 Si. $3.60 box.
O. B 800s, 860. $6.60 box; g, C. 80fls. 960a,
f&.uu box; Awards, 300s. tflfls, $6.00 box
O re pe fruit, 86s, $4.60 boa; 46a, $4.71. box;
64s, $8.60 box; 4, 80s, I6n. $s,0O box.
Pineapples, $8.60 crate. Cherrlee, California,
$3.76 box. Strawberries. Manriv. Tn.u
and Wednesdsy, pints. $3.26 cae; Monday.
untraajr na vveaneauay, quart. 14.00 case.
Bananas, 4io lb.
reanuia, o, 1, raw, 10c lb.; Jumbo, raw,
12a lb.
Fresh Fteh Halibut. lKUn Mtfuh
Black Cod-Sa blS. lln: sslmnn r.ri in-!
ptnk, 16o; trout, any slie, 17c; whlteflah, 22c;
yellow pike, any also, HOu; pickerel, dressed.
round, Bo; black baa. O. 8.. 26o; large
or medium, 20c; croppies, O. B large, 18Hc; yum'" ,vrtil ioo, ojuo piKO, ir any,
16c; buffalo. 12o: Una cod. ion: HH.niuh
mackerel, 16c; red anapper. western.
He; ITU If. 18c: earn, run 91 ml iin m. .h.i
each, 66c; bwk ahad, each, 40c; frosen cat-
nsn, tec; rrosen blueflsh, 14c; frosen tile
fish for steaks, 13c; baracuda, 14c; froien
black baas, lfio; froien whltifleh, round.
BmoHea wniung, ten-ID. Basket, per lb.,
lc: kippered cod or grayflsh, ten-lb. basket,
18c; frogs. Jumbo. 33.60: madlnm. 19 ea
small, 11.75.
' Coffee Market.
New Tork. May 1 7. Coffee Oof f f.
turea were even len'actlve today than yea
terday and fluctuation were correspond
ingly alight. The more optimistic feeling
noted tn Wall Street and cotton trade circles
evidently fajled to Inspire any freeh buying
, vwiie-j, ooHinraa aeemea to ne restricted
Dy the uncertainties of war taxation. First
price were unchanaed ta a nninta hi-i...
and the market closed net 1 point higher to
points mwer. auiy contract fluctuated
between 8.18c and 8.80o, while December
aold around 8.40o and 8.41c. Sales, S 760
nags; May, 8.OO0; June. 8,08c; July. 8.IT0;
Auguit. 8.33c: Sent ember. R.a7v rvw
8.8I0; November, 8,36c; December, 8.40o;
January, 8.46o; February. 8. 61c; March,
1.67c; April, 8.83c.
Spot, dull: Rio 7. lOUo: Santna 4a. 1AU
No freih offerea were reported la tho cost
ana treigni market.
Urnclal cablea ahowed an advane nf UA
In Rio exchange on London with the primary
ii8rn,t uncnannea, except Ban toe Tu turea.
" "" uiii.uaueu v ou re ib nigner.
Omaha Hit Mpkali.
Omaha, May 17. Receipts good: market
.r on noil, prairie nay ana alfalfa; de
mand continues fair to! good.
Choice upland pralrte hay. $S3.fl09H3.0fl
No. t, $21. 00032.00; N0. 2, $18.00019.00;
No. 3, $18.00014.00.
No. 1 midland prairie bay, fIl.00O33.00;
No. 1 lowland prairie hay, $15.00016.00
No. 2. $11. 00O12.00; No. 8, $8.0009.00.
Alfalfa Choice, $35.00036.00; No. t,
$24.00026.00; standard, $21.00022.00; No
3. $18.00019.00; No, 3, $13.00016.00.
Straw Oat. $70007.60; wheat, ff.000
Sugar Market.
New Tork, May 17. Sugar Raw, steadv
centrifugal. 8.02c: molsesee. 6.14c. 14HnH
steady; fine granulated. 7,6008.50c Futures
were only moderately active early, but the
undertone waa unsettled and prlcee were
about 8 to 8 point lower at noon under
scattered commission house selling, prompted
by tho continued liberal offerings in the
spot marast.
Futures closed easy and 408 point lower
sales, 16,700 tons: May, 4.89o July, 4.95o
Metal MuksL
Nw Tork, May IT. Metals Lead. Arm:
May, $1.6O01O.87H. Spelter, dull; May,
caav oi. ujug9j no iivery, sjv.ll'it VV.i,l. COP'
per, Arm; electrolytic, spot and tecond ouar.
tr. $31.00033.00; third quarters and later
esiiveriee, j,uoty jju.ou. iron, nrm and w
enange. -rm. steady; spot, ifi6.60Oee.60,
At London Con oar: Soot. USD: futures
113$ 10a; electrolytic, il43 Tin: Spot. 1262
. ivjisres, idffA (if. aveaa, tu iue, opei
ter. to.
Dry Oeoda Market.
New Tork, May IT. Dry Good Cotton
good xor printing, converting and govern
pient purpose wer etrong and active, but
1 ner a 1 vision or tn market wera stimu
lated by thla demand. The burlap market
wer steady te firm with lightweights for
prompt delivery ana odd construction
scarce. Raw silk unchanged, Jobber wera
not busy although advance ordere were
very satisfactory,
Hank ClfwriDgi.
Omaha, May 17. Bunk Heart n ire far
Omaha today wer l.tS4, and for the
Mrreipondlnff day lat year $3,70e,138.n.
Traders Are Recovering from
Shock Caused by Sensa
tional Decline in Wheat
and Benew Activity.
Omaha, May 17, 1817.
The trade In cash wheat waa a trifle more
active tod a v. and while the market auffered
another heavy dec ine. tne traaer goi to
gether more readily and quite a few aale
were reported at a comparatively early hour.
Tne wneac marUM generally waa moui
17c to lie lower, and while tne demand was
moderately active and the receipts fairly
heavy, there was some disposition on the
part of tha sellers to hold out for better
The early aales of No. 2 hard wheat were
made around 12.81 to 82.83, wnim tne no.
3 hard brought about $3.80, and No. 4 bard
ranged from $2.68 to 12.70.
The trade in corn was somewnac slower
today, although the market was strong at
an advance of l'o to 2, and receipts
were fairly heavy. Tne demana ror corn,
however, waa very good, but the traders
did not get together very gooa on prices.
The nremium on white corn waa about the
same as yesterday, the better grade of
white selling generally snout oo anove tne
mixed, while the No. 8 grade of yellow
corn aold Ho tn advance of the mixed of
the eama quality. The commercial grades
of white corn brought from $1.63 to $1.64,
while the yellow ranged from $1.68 to
fl.&e, and the mixed aold around f 1.57 H
to $1.68 H,
There was a very gooa traae in obis at
steady prlcea and seller reported a good
Inquiry for all grades of this cereal. These
recelDta of oats graded No. white gen
erally and brought from 68 He to 69c, while
tho No. 4 wnite sola arouna use to obc.
Rye and barley continued dull, with ugnt
offerings, and these articles were quoted
nomlnallly steady.
C earancea were: wneat ana nour equal
to 636.000 bunhela; corn, 134,000 buahels;
oats, 466,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,804,000
bunTiels and shipments 1.191,000 bushels
against receipts of 729,000 bushels and ship
ments of $27,000 bunhela last year.
Primary corn receipts were 677,000 oueneis
and shipments 475,000 bushels against re
ceipts of 308,000 bushel and shipment of
473.000 bushels last' year. '
Primary oata receipts were 787,000 Dusneis
and shipments 1,422,000 bushels against re
ceipts of 1.068,000 bushel ii and shipments of
1,319,000 bushel last year.
Corn. Oati,
85 116
'ss '21
23 24
6h 5G
Chicago 42
Minneapolis 274
Duluth t a
Omaha 60
KaniRK City 6
Hl. Louis 86
Winnipeg 818 ... ...
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 3 hard winter, fi cars, $2.83;
cars, 92.82; 1 car, f2.81. No. 3 hard
winter, 1 car, f2.81; 8 cars, $2.80. No. 4
hard winter, 4 car, $2.70; t curs, $2.68.
Sample hard winter, 1 car, $2.72; 1 car,
K.iiB; i car,; l car. z.rj. mo. miaou,
1 car, $2.76.
corn ivo. a wnite, t cars, i.ot, no. c
,-htte, 1 car, $1.63. No. 2 yellow, 8 cars.
31.69. No. 3 yellow. 2 cars, $1.68 No. 4
yellow, 1 car, $1.68. No. 2 mixed, i car,
$1.58 . No. 3 mixed, 1 car fnear fvhlte),
$1.61; 8 cars, fl.BSH; 1 car, $1.67. No. 4
mixed, 2 cars, $1.68.
Oats Standard, 1 ear, 69c; No. 8 white,
care, 68o; 2 car, 68c; 2 cars, 6 8 He. No.
white. 1 car. 68Uc: S Cars. 68 Uc: 1 car,
68c. Sample white, 2 cars, $7tc; 1 car, 67c;
cars, 62 Ho.
Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat no. z nara,
$3.8002.88; No. 3 hard, $2.7702.81. Corn
No. 2 White, $1,63101.64; No. 3 white,
$1.8301.63 ; No. 4 white, $1.6201.68;
No. 6 White, $1.6201.62; No. white,
$1.8101-62; No. 2 yellow, $1.58A01.59; No.
S yellow, $1.6stt01.68Hi No 4 yeow, $1,68
01.68tt: No. 6 yellow, KWl.bK; no. h
yellow. ll.671.67H; No. 2 mixed, $1.680
1.69; No. S mixed, $1.68tt0L58H: No. 4
mtxed, 81.5801. 6JH; No. 6 mixed, $1.670
1.68; No. 6 mixed, Jl.S7ffI.67H. Oate
No, 2 white, 69060H?; standard, 684 069c;
No. 8 white, 08H09c; No. 4 white, 68
fiHHc. Barley Malting, $1.3601.60; No. 1
feed, fl.2301.S3.
Local range of options
Art."" Open. High. Low.j Close. JTes'y
July 3 20 2 32 220 3 22 236
Sep. 1 85 1 99 196 1 98 20$
July 1 60U 1 60H 149 1 494, 150
Sep. 1 42 I 48 W 142 ft I 43 ii H3Vi
July 62 62 Oft
Sep. I 62 62H 62 .....
Chicago closing prlcee, furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker,
315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
" Art 6pen."j High.' Low. Close. Yes.
wht. I i
July I 23 3 33 314 9 19 330
Sept. 1 7 2 01 19$ 1 99 307
July 1 84 1 64 148 1 60 1K3H
Sept. 1 4i.H 1 46U 143 1 43 144H
July U 66 8$H 5
Sept, 65 55 55',, U bt
May 88 00 38 80
July 38 66 28 66 38 10 38 10 38 66
July 33 70 23 72H 33 60 33 60 22 T6
Sept. 22 77H 33 80 22 67 23 67 22 86
July 20 67H 20 ?3tt 20 66 20 88 30 77
Sept. f 20 86 80 90 30 70 20 70 120 92
July Wheat Sixteen Cent Oft oil Rumors
Allies Are felling.
Chicago, May 17. Wheat slid rapidly
downward In value today, hurried by re
ports that the government had requested
Great Britain and her allies to relinquish
1m men Be holdings of board of trade future
delivery Wheat contracts purchased' here
and In other leading domestic grain center.
At the furthest point of the br.eak prices
were off as much as 16 cents, but something
oi a reaction followed and the close, al
though unsettled was at 8o to 11c net de
cline, with July at $2.19 and September
81.99. Other leading staples all shared In
the setback, corn flnlihlna lo to tio down.
oat lower o to c, and provlilori 13o
io one.
Bearleh response of the wheat market
to aseerUons of contemplated hoae re-selllna
on the part of foreigners waa Instantaneous.
opening saiea ran an tne way from J to
16 cents under yeiterday' latest figure
and it waa not until the last hour of the
eislon that even slightly better prlcea
could be obtained than were current at th
Additional report that the entente allies
would be required to cease or at least abate
to a large degree their vast wheat buying
operations In the United States tended to
keep ths market depressed. On the other
hand, the circumstances that the American
government would be expected to guarantee
tnat ine jruisn ana otner allied govern
ment would when needed receive an ade
quate supply from tht side of the Atlantic
aotea as an orrset m part.
Announcement of a renewed embargo on
wheat by Argentina seemed to count a little
In helping prices to recover somewhat Crop
conditions, however, were decidedly In favor
of the boars. Besides, the arbitrary curtail
ment of trading privileges was still a notable
depressing factor and operated to keep the
total amount of buetneu within limits that
ordinarily would not occupy the pit a good
quarter or an nour.
Corn and oats, although much more active
than wheat governed mainly by their neces
sary relation to that cereal end by favor-
aoie crop conditions. Big recent export
purchases of oate, estimated at 1,600.000
bushels, acted rs a prop though to some
extent for both of the feed grains.
Houses with foreign connections were
conspicuous on the selling side of provisions.
mj ueennee wmcn ensuea Drought out
fairly liberal buying for packers.
Cash Prices Wheat: No. 5 red, $2,880
2.86; No. 3 red, $2.65; No. 2 hard, nominal
No. 8 hard. $2.8002.85. Corn; No, 3 yel
low, fl.6.01-7; No- 3 yellow, $1,660
186; No. 4 yellow, fl.86. Data: No. S
white, 7071c; standard, 70O70i;o. Rye:
No. 2, $2.30. Barley; $1.2601.60. Seeds:
Timothy, $6.7608.00; clover, 313.00017.00.
Provisions: Pork, $38.04); lard, $22.35531.4$:
rlba, $20.10020.65.
Butter Higher; creamery, 33037c.
Kggs Receipts, 3 5,2 30 cases; market un
ohanged. Potatoes Higher; receipt, 10 cars;
Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington,
$3.1003.25; Wisconsin and Michigan. $2.83
Poultry Alive, lower: fowl. 22c.
' Minneapolis Grata Market.
Minneapolis. May 17. Flour Fanev rt.
nts, 86c lower, quoted at $t6,J6; first clear.
26c, lower, quoted at $13.26; other gradea
Barley $1.150160.
Rye $3.3103.8$.
Bran 833.0034.00.
Wheat May, $3.88; July, $!.40; Septem
ber, 31.83. Cash: No. 1 hard, $2.9002.96;
No. 1 northern. $2.7603.85; No. 3 northern,
Corn No. 3 yellow, tl.BSOl.fiJ.
Oats No. 3 white, 67fi68c.
Flaxseed 33.3403.28.
St. Lonle Grain aMrkt.
8t. lutR, May 17. Wheat No. I red and
no. nara, nominal; JUiy, 3.16; Septem
ber. 12. DO t4.
Corn No. 1. I1.3H01.; No, J white.
$1.8401-65; July, $1.61; September, $1.48.
Oats No. 3. 69o; No. 2 white, nominal.
quotations of the Pay on the Various Lead
ing Commodities.
New Tork, May 17. Flour Kaeler; spring
patent, $14.90015.16; winter patents. $14.40
0-4.65; winter straights, (13. 10014. 15; Kan
sas straight, $14.40016.16.
Wheat Spot, nominal.
Corn Spot, easier; No. t yellow, $1.76,
0. t f.. New York.
Oats Spot, steady; standard, 77c.
Hay Steady; No. 1, fl.20; No. 2, $1.16;
No. 3, $1.06; shipping. 0&96c.
HopsQuiet; state medium to choice,
1910, 30036c; 1915; 608c; Pacific coast,
191. fOllc; 1915, 708c ,
Hide Steady; Bogota. 4 J He; Central
America. 66c.
Leather Firm: hemlock first. 67c; sec
onds, 66c.
Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $41.50;
family, $42.00044.00; short clears, $42,500
44.60. Lard, dull; middle west, $22.60
Butter Easier. receipts, $,888 tuba;
creamery, higher than extras, 40O40c;
creamery extras 92 score), 39 Ho; firsts,
38 39c; seconds, 36037c.
Eggs Barely steady; receipts, 35,096
cases; fresh gathered extras, 3744.028c;
fresh gathered storage-packed flrata, 36 HO
47c; freeh gathered first a, 353Hc.
Cheese Steady; receipts, 7,663 boxes;
state freeh special, 27o; state, average run,
30 26c.
Poultry Dressed, dull and weak; chick
ens, 2430c; fowls, 20O26c; turkey, 180
Poultry Alive, weak; fowli, 24c; turkeys.
18c; broilers, 41043c.
Kansas City General Market.
Kama City, May 17. Wheat No. 3 hard,
$2.8602.98; No. 2 red, $2.882.95; May,
$2.76; July, $2.1H.
Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.67 01,68- No. 3
white, fl. 641.5; No. 2 yellow, 1.681. 69;
May, l.t7; July, 11.1s.
Oata No. 3 white, 71 0 72lic.
New York Money Market.
New York. May 17. Prime Mercantile
Paper 4 06 per cent.
sterling jsxenange sixty-aay nuts,
$4.72; commercial sixty-day bills on bank,
14.71 M.: commercial lxty-day bills, f 4.71 ;
demand, $4.76 9-16; cables, $4,764-
Silver Bar, 74c; Mexican dollar, 68c.
Bonds Government and railroad, ateady
and Irregular.
Tfme Loans Steady: sixty day. 4 4
4 per cent; ninety daya, 4 4 per cent;
six months, 4H4 per cent.
can Money Steady: mghest, per
cent; lowest, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2
per cent; last loan, zfe per cent; closing
bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent.
17. S. 2. rag.. 87411. Cen. r. 4s.... 86
do coupon .. 97ftlnt. M. M, tts.. vi
U. S. 3s reg... 99 K. CT S. r. 6s.. 86
fin rnunnn ... 99 T,. A N. un. 4a.. IV,
If. 8. 4s reg. ...105 M. K. & T. 1st 4 69
do coupon .103 Mo, Pac, g. 4s.. 60
"Panama 3s .... 91 Mont. Power 6 96
Am. For. Sec. 6s 95N. Y. C. d. 6., 104
A. T. A T. o. 6 No. Pactflo 4s.. 88
Anglo-French 6s. 93 do 2 62
Arm. & Co. 4 81 O. o. u r. 4.. st
Atchlion gen. 4a 89Pac. T. & T. 6a. 101
& O 4a .... 87'Penn. con. 4a 9b
Cen. Leather 6.100 do gen. 4.. 91
Central Pac. leL 86 S. L. ft S. F. a. 6s 66
& O. c. 6.. 85So. Pacific c 5a 97
C. B. A Q. j. 4 90 do ref. 4s 96
tC.M.&S.P. g4 97'Tex. & Pac. st..98
aw. P.r. 4b 9Union Pacific 4s 93
Col. St 8. r. 4a 79 do cv, 4e 89
V. & ft. O. r. 6a 63 V, a Rubber fie 86
Dom. of Can. 5 95 U. 8. Steel 6a.. 105
Erie. gen. 4s.... 61Wabah 1st ...100
Gen. El. 6s. ...101 Went. Un. 4 91
Gt. No. 1st 4 94 Bld. tOffered.
OU and Bosin,
Savannah. Oa.. MT 17. Turpentine-
firm. 46c; aalea, 261 bbls.; receipts, 377;
shipments, none; stock, 10,12 .
Rosin Firm: sales i,.'m oris.: receipt.
836; shipment!, none; stock, 70,892. Quote:
A, B, $6.96; C, D, B, $.00; F, G, H. $6.06;
I, K, $6.10; M, $6.15; N, $6.20; WO, $6.25;
WW, $6.30.
London Stocks and Bond.
London. Mar 17. American securities
wer marked up with Wall street, but they
were only occasionally dealt In on the stock
exchange today.
silver Bar ana per ounce.
Money 3 04 per cent; discount rates,
ehort bills, 4 11-16 per cent; three-month
bills, 4 per cent.
Increased Potato Production
Topic for Conservation Talk
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Neb.. Mav 17. (Special.)
Increased production of potatoes
and beans, in order to make every
acre of Nebraska land produce to its
capacity, will be one of the important
topics for discussion at the State Food
conservation conierence in umana
next week. The western part of the
state, especially wilt be considered in
this regard, as hundreds of thousands
of acres of fertile lands there have
never been planted to any kind of
A committee to collect statistics on
potato and bean yields in different
parts oi tne state, and report at tne
Omaha conference, has been appoint
ed, to work at the expense of them
selves. Lloyd C. Thomas of Alliance
is chairman, and John E. Jacobsen
of Lexington has been made his as
sistant. They will report especially
upon the condition of the non-irrigated
lands of the northwest.
Unusual Cash Price
Reductions Friday
arid Saturday
First Big Cash Sale of Our $67,500 Stock
of Jewelry, Silverware Leather Goods
Jewelry, Leather
Goods, Ivory Goods
ON ALL SILVERWARE (Except Rogers 1847 and Community Silver)
YES! 25 REDUCTION ON OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES. All the original price tickets
will remain on merchandise, you pay i less than the regular price. Don't miss this opportunity.
All Other Articles Marked at Equal Reductions
We Illustrate a Few of the Articles to Show the Working of Discount
$15 Elgin Watch, less 25 . 811.25
$1.00 Novelty Necklace, less 25. . . .T.75
$5.00 Solid Gold Bins;, less 25 . . . . . . 3.75
$15.00 Gold Mesh Bags, less 25... $11.25
$12.00 Gold Filled Watch Bracelet,
less 25 S9.00
In fact,
Market Supplements for Most
Fart Its Gains of Previous
Session by Dealings of
Over Million.
New Tork, May 17. On transactions
slightly In excess of 1,000,000 shares, today's
market supplemented for the most part
Its gains of the previous session. Renewal of
some of the uncertainties In the foreign
situation and further Indications of the as
sured success of the government's bond of
fering constituted the chief moving factors.
Speculative interest with a sprinkling of
public Inquiry aentered largely around steel
and Iron Industries, especially those Issues
related to the equipment and munition
groups. United States Steel's high quotation
of the day, 122, represented a new record
for the year. Part ot this gain waa can
celled In the more Insistent selling for
profits of the last hour.
Foremost among the other strong Indus
trials and specialties were Lackawanna, Su
perlor and Gulf States Steels at gross ad
vances of 3 to 6 points. New Tork Airbrake
added 6 polnta to yesterday's substantial
rise at 148, Harvester Corporation, Westing
house nd Colorado Fuel were higher by 2
to 8 point at beet quotations, but fell
back with the general list.
' Copper wero apathetic until the final
hour, when they came Into brisk action on
reports of the consummation of a large gov
ernment contract Shippings were among
the most prominent shares, their strength
probably resulting from the arrival of an
American naval force in British, waters.
Ralls failed to recover more than mod
erate advance, though more active than
recently. Advices from middle western and
northwestern points which reported prom
ising crop conditions, accounted for the bet
ter tendency shown by grangers.
Heaviness which at times verged ' upon
weakness was denoted by the motors, sugars
and minor rails. Lake Erie A Western pre
ferred lost 6 points at 30, and Cuban
American Sugar S at 190.
Russian exchange reacted moderately from
yesterday's recovery, a similar trend being
shown by the bonds of that country. The
genoral bond market was Irregular on light
er offering. Total sales, par value, 2,870,
000. United States government Issues were
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and range of price of
leading stocks:
Open. High. Low, Close.
Am. Beet Sugar..., 6,600 80 88 89 "4
American Can 12,600 46 46 4 45
Am. Car & Fdry.. 4,900 68 67 7
Am. Locomotive., 10,000- 69 68 68
Am. Smelt. & Rfg. 20,500 ,103i 100 102
Am. Sugar Rfg..., 300 110 110 110
Am. Tel. & Tel.... 1,500 121 119 120
Am. Zinc, Lead A S 600 S3 31 31
Ansc-nda Copper 3,000 81 78 80
Atchison 700 100 99 100
At). a. A W.I.S.S.L. 6,300 105 103 104
Baltimore & Ohio 6,000 69 68 68
Butte A Sup. Cop.. 1,100 44 43 44
Cal. Petroleum..,, a GOO 19 1ft 19
Canadian Pacific. 15,300 160 159 159
Central Leather... 8,300 87 80 86
Chesapeake & Ohio 1,000 &7 57 67
C, M. A St. P..... 7,200 74 72 73
C. & N. W..., 1,000 110 110 110
C , R. I. A P., otfs
Chlno Copper 6,700 65 64 64
Colo. Fuel & Iron 11.600 62 u
Corn Prod. Rfg... 10,800 25 24 26
Crucible Steel...., 23,800 69 67 67
Cuba Cane Sugar 7,900 43 42 43
Pis. Securities 1,700 16 15 16
Erie 6,100 24 24 24
Gen. Electric 1,100 158 166 157
General Motors.... 6,800 107 103 104
Or. Northern, pfd.. 1,90 105 104 105
fir. North. Ore, ctfs 23,100 34 32 33
lllnols Central.... 400 102 ,101 101
inspir. uopper rr.Bou ts oi
Int. M. M. pfd 29.400 83 81
Inter. Nickel 6,300- 40 39 40
Inter. Paper..,.,.. 6,900 38 S7 36
K. C. Southern ... 1,200 20 20 20
Kennecott Copper., 10,600 46 45 45
Louis. A Nashville 121
Maxwell Motors... 1,500 51 60 60
Mex. Petroleum.... 15,400 92 90 91
Miami Copper..
. 8,300 40 39 40
Missouri Pacific. . ..
Montana Power...
Nevada Copper..,.
N. Y. Central
N. T., N. H. & H.,.
Norfolk A Western
Northern Pacific...
Pacific Mall
Paclfio Tel. A Tel.
PittsburKh Coal ..
,. 4,200 . 2tt
26 -25
' "96
2,100 21 24 24
2,900 89 89 89
1,200 39 38. 38
1,700 101 100 100
400 32 .22 22
1,100 63 52 62
8,700 46 45 46
Ray Con. Copper.. 11.700 29 28 29
Reading 15,200 87 ft
Rep. Iron A Steel.. 29,300 86 83 84
60c Gold Filled Jewelry, less 25 38t
$1.50 Novelty Earrings, less 25 $1.13
$11.00 Mantel Clock, less 25, 8.25
$10.00 Vanity Cases, less 25 $7.50
$3.50 Leather Hand Bag, less 25 . . . .82.63
$2.50 Pearl Necklace, less 25 $1.88
any piece in our entire Jewelry.
R hit tuck Arts. Cop. 1,300 26 25 26
Southern Pacific. . 1,600 93 91 92
Southern Railway- 7,700 25 24 25
Studebaker Corp. 11.900 89 87 88
Texas Co 1.900 207 206 206
Union Pacific 6,600 185 14 134
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 18,200 127 126 125
U. 8. Steel 265,100 122 120 121
U. ft Steel, pfd.... 1,600 118 117 118
Utah Copper 14.600 114 113 114
Wabash pfd. "B".. 900 24 23 24
West. Union 600 13 92 92
Westinghouse Elec. 27,700 62 49 51
Total aalea for the day 1,000,000 shares.
Tubercular Cattle Found
In Insane Asylum Herd
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., May IT. (Special.)
Sixteen tubercular cattle out of a
herd of fifty-five have been suppyling
milk for the patients of the state hos
pital for the insane at Lincoln, and
three more cattle are under suspicion
as having tuberculosis, according to
tests made by the state veterinarian.
The Board of Control ordered the ex
amination, not suspecting almost one
third of the cattle were affected.
- Unsanitary and poorly equipped
dairy buildings at the hospital, mak
ing proper sanitation and ventilation
impossible, are thought to be largely
responsible for the spread of the
Several years ago 50 per cent of
the dairy cows at the state tubercu
losis hospital at Kearney were found
suffering from the disease. The milk
had been fed to patients at the in
stitution. -
Lincoln Traction Affairs
Before Rail Board
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., May 17. (Special.)
Lincoln citizens have filed with the
State Railway commission complaint
of the service of the Lincoln Traction
company, declaring that the latter is
conducting its affairs in a high-handed
and ruthless manner, so that "mur
der has been committed, the peace
and quietude of the community have
bien disturbed and assaults have been
The complaint will be part of the
record of the hearing of the commis
sion of the demand by striking em
ployes for a return to serve. The
company says that the state body has
no power to interefer in its affairs,
asserting that the attempted supervis
ion is unconstitutional.
Seventy Kearney Men
Leave to Join Guard
Kearney, Neb. May 17. (Special
Telegram.) Seventeen recruits to the
ranks of "Company L, Fourth regi
ment, Nebraska Guards, have left for
Ashland to join the other eighty
eight men of that company already
stationed there. With the men guard
ing bridges, this makes a total of 139
men enlisted in the Kearney company;
Recruiting-lias not been brisk here
during the last week. But one man
was enlisted in that time, but the of
fice is still maintained, two officers
and a private being left in charge of
the work.
State Defense Council
Asking for Speakers
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., May 17. (Special.)
Speakers are needed by the Ne
braska State Council of Defense, to
deliver patriotic addresses in every
section of the state. Chairman Joyce
and Secretary Richmond-of the coun
1 B S
aa 9Saa
Silverware and Leather Goods
cil are asking for volunteers. No
salary is paid, but the speakers' will
be given their actual expenses. 1
Live Stock Exchanges
Meet at Louisville, Ky.
Louisville, Ky., May 17. With
delegates present from practically
every important live stock market in
the country, the NationaL Live Stock
exchange begins a three'days' meet
ing here today.
Plans and methods of increasing
the production of fooJ animals will oc
cupy a prominent place in all the
discussions and addresses at the va
rious sessions. -
Iowa Boy Wants Second
Chance at Submarines
Washington, May 17. Seaman
Frank M. Lasher of Elgin, 111., and
George T. Wilson of Missouri Valley,
la., survivors of the gun crew of the
torpedoed steamer Vacuum, have ap
plied to be assigned to another armed
merchant ship and it is possible the
Navy department will meet their
wishes. The two bluejackets are eag
er for a chance to avenge their lost
Are you continually coughing, sneez
ing, or blotVing your noe?
Thii was the caie with Mti. Indi
ana woman who found relief in NACOR
natural builder." Read what ike aya:
"I took a severe cold which settled in
my throat and bronchial tubes. I tried
medicine from the doctor hot It did very
little food. I could not reit at nizht,, nefYOui and run down fenet
lly. AftertakineNACORafewweeks,
the couth gradually letseoed until now
it hat entirely disappeared, end I are
feeling better in every wav." (Signed)
Mra. U. ft. oucnanaii,
Send today for "Health and
Happiness," vitally Inter-
tilting, tnitructive ana val
uable book and let us ten
you howNACOK la helv
ing aozena ot otner peo
ple ana wan 11 auuuta
4o tor yon.
lilt! tui Brag,
riUniMlta. Ine,
Tha uti-.i9i nf tint thk1.
efinl are Included tree oli
charge whije
Choose From
Our Entire Stock
In This Sale
Watches, Clocks,
Mesh Bags
$18.00 19Jewel Hampden Movement,
less 25 $13.50
$2.00 Men's Watch Chain, less 25 ... $1 50
$2.00 Ingersoll Watch, less 25 $1 50
$6.50 Sterling Tea Spoons, less 25 . . .$4 88
$7.50 Sheffield Gravy Boat, less 25, $5 63