n m II m I m I M is 1 I V' h i THE T?F,R: OMATTA, THURSDAY. MAY 17, 191T. TO OUR MEHD mi TIM FlIEMiS EVERY DAY you see some of Omaha's soldiers on the streets, ready For whatever orders may come to them Every night in your home your children tell of this hoy or that boy who has enlisted. You think of the lad you saw going to school last year and can scarcely believe that he is now "somewhere in the United States" on duty In your defense, and you ask yourself what you can do. Join the Red Goss and do something for that boy! De - pend upon it your membership In the Red Cross will directly ; Kelp some one of your family or some friend of yours. That boy may be wounded; he may be sick in a military hospital, or he may be just lonesome. Whatever his need, be it nurs ing or just the little touch of home comfort and home remem brance, the Red Cross will supply it and your membership will help do the work. You do not need to lift your finger, . ' personally the Red Goss organization is prepared to carry oulyour part after, you join. Wherever there is human need the Red Cross flag goes to the front and stays there. Each one of us knows that the de mands on the Red Cross are going to grow greater every day , from now on until the end of the war. Not only must the Red Cross continue its work at the front and in the hospital, but it must be kept prepared to meet emergencies other than those of conflict. i" New York has 125,000 members. Omaha must have 20,000 members. Let's move right away NOW and show the world what the Omaha spirit is and what it does by rolling up 20,000 members for Omaha Chapter of the American Red Cross. Remember that the work of the American Red Cross is particularly for American soldiers. The president of the United States is at its head. Its accounts are audited by the War Department. Its flag is recognized on every battlefield. The big thought is that by joining the Red Cross we can do something, and do it now, and do it for the benefit of your countrymen. x, Fill out the coupon and send it to Omaha Headquarters, 310 South 16th Street, with your check and you'll be helping to put Omaha where she deserves to be at the very front in Red Goss membership. This advertisement inserted for the American Red Cross, Omaha Chapter, by J. E. Davidson of the OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. 1 AMERICAN J RED CROSS I I Omaha Headquarters jf 310 South 16th St. I I Date . S Please enroll my name as a member of the American Red Cross. I inclose the sum of . . therefor. .$ 2.00 'Subscribing member, per year, . , 'Contributing member, per year. . 'Sustaining member, per year... n 'Life member 'Patron member 5.00 . 10.00 . 25.00 100.00 Annual number 100 Includes subscription to American Red Cross Msgaiine, issued monthly. Mr. Mrs. - Miss Home address City and State M.ke all check, payabla to Omaha Chaptar American R.J Croaa. Phona Douglas 5095 i 0 ! M m 'A