THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1917. U if V "J, t.. i t r 1 . J - 1 !- -V4 -fa 'vA U A P 11 ersonal Appal FROM E. A. CUDAHY, President of the Cudahy Packing Company I employ this means to reach the greatest number of people in .,the shortest possible time to urge their support to . The American Red Gross An organization too well known to need any explanation of the character of i its assistance in time of local or national need. ' Every heart which beats true is concerned with the NATION'S PERIL, and its varied possibilities, and the stupendous operations necessary to conserve the identity and the ideals of a peace loving nation. Each loyal citizen is anxious to do something to as sist in gaining the desired result, but many there are who are perplexed as to the character of service they can give. Here is the answer: JOIN THE AMERICAN RED GROSS You ate not required to give ACTIVE service- sim ply enroll as a member and your subscription will be used most efficiently by this organization to give comfort, aid and "cheer from home" to a lonesome or sick or wounded boy or friend maybe YOUR boy or YOUR friend. While the present urgency is a "war need," the American Red Cross is not a "war organization," but gives its help to all communities, evidences of which were seen at the time of the San Francisco earthquake, Omaha cyclone, Ohio floods, etc. I earnestly hope that this advertisement may be the means of adding a large membership to this worthy organ ization, and I only regret that I cannot make it more per sonal. The need is extensive and exists RIGHT NOW! Fill out the coupon before other things encroach up on your time. EDWARD A. CUDAHY. Omaha,Mayl4,1917. AMERICAN J , RED CROSS Omaha Headquarter 310 Sooth 16th Su Date w! Please enroll my name as a member of the American Red Cross. I inclose the sum of. therefor. 'Subscribing member, per year. . . .$ 2.00 ll Contribi tinsr member, per year... 5.00 'Sustaining member, per year...... 10.00 I Life member y... 25.00 I D 'Patron member ..v. ...... .-... 100 00 Annual member ...... . .... ...... 100 i Include subscription to American Red Cross Magazine, issued monthly. ft Mr. iviro. ... '.', r. . ... . ; ;.' Miss Home address. ... ,t. .t. .v..-.-. .v. City and State Maka all caecki payable to Omaka Coaster Amrtcan Rea Craaa. Phone Douflaa S09S Red Croat mambara ara not expected to go to the war front; nor do they atiume any obligation other than the payment of amall annual duet- 4 r 1 i 1? H m i P I i . n v w4 w irt aU J u