Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle Strong to Ten Higher
and Active; Lambs Quarter
Higher; Hogs Around
Ten Cents Lower.
Ttpcfluti were:
Official Monday .
Estimate Tuesday
Omaha, May IS, 1 PIT.
Cattlo. Hogs. Shep.
7.521 7.148
.... 6,000 11,000
4,6 1'.9
Two dya thla veek.. 13,331 1ft. 149 1 0 , 6
Same days lant w-;k..i0,70 20.642 11.60
Same daya a weeks agol&.2l3 lH.Pl'O S.Bl'6
Same di.fl 3 weeks ago 7.245 H.970 K,3!,2
Same liny 4 wtths agolM31 2 I SI
5a me day lait year.. 10,010 22.29 7.s
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Lnion Mock Tarda, umaha. for twfnty
four hours end In it at 2 p. m. yesterday:
Cat Up. lloge. Sheep. Horses.
C. M. St. P 2 3 1
Wabash 6 1
MliBOurl Pnriflc 11 1 t
Union Pacific 7ft 33 30
C. & N. V east...... 20 4 .. 5
C. A N. west 47 38
C, St. P., M. it O. . . . 27 6
C. B. A Q, east 10
C, B. A; Q west AS 45 6
O., H. I. & P., east,... 18 3 .. '..
i.. II. I. & P.i wt... 4
Illinois Ontrnl 3
Chicago Great Weat... 8 1
Totals 200 133 27 2
Cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
Morrla ft Co 1.131 1.H79 301
Swift Company 1.3HH 2.H93 l,flU
Cudahy Parking Co.. 1, SOS 1..H 41&
Armour A Co 1,192 SM 1,112
Sen war U A Co 309 ....
J. W. Murphy 1,763
Morrell 3
Lincoln Packing Co.. 1M
Wileon lt
Cudahy, from Denver....
Kenton, annaiu A I.
V. II. iwis.
J, B. Rout A Co.,...
I F. 'Hub
K. O. Kellogg
WrlhMmr A Degen.
Hulllvan Bros 44
Hlgglna 14
Huffman i
Meyers 21
Hannr Bros
John Harvy
JJsnnls A Francis
Jensen A Lutigren
Other buyers
TotaX 7.46) TO, 246 7,471
Cattle Thers wert 371 frsab csrs of
rattle this morning, making thai total II,
811 bead for tha two days thin week, a
gain over last week, but a falling off ai
compared with two weak ago. There, waa
an active demand and everything In sight
old at an early hour In tha morning.
Prlcea were generally atrong to 10c or mora
higher, the advance being the moat notice
able on the medium and light gratlca.
However, beat beeves aold up to til. 16,
which U Bo higher than yesterday's top,
and tha highest ever paid on thla market.
It la ssfs to aay that prices on all kinds
of cattle are the highest they evef were.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, $13.350 13.1b; fair to good beeves.
11.2tJ2,iS; common to fair beevea. 19.(1)
j! 11. 26; good to choice heifers, 110.004 11.2fi;
good to choice cow, $9.7 &U 10.76; fair to
good cowa. 8.759.7S; common to fair rows,
$l.aotpSJh; prime feeding, 39,75
30.90; good to choice f rod era. C. 00 10.00;
fair to good feeder. M.P04c9,O0; tyitninon to
fair feeders, 17.0008.60; good to cholm
alockera, IS.SOiyiO.BO; atock botfnra. .2fi
30.26; atork cowa, $7.00(10.00; stock calve,
S.OO$10.6O; veal rstve, I9.OOQi13.26; boef
bulla, stags, etc.. 8.00I0.00.
Representative salea:
Ho. A v. Pr. No,
it 816 10 40
, 4fl0 K SO l...
1000 10 76
.ion it oo
1001 11 40
144 11 6
1174 13 00
1333 13 16
1 .1631 13 SO 30.,
Av. Pr.
. 120 9 90
. 926 10 A3
. 931 10 K0
.0M 11 26
.1136 11 60
.1177 11 90
.1301 12 10
.1304 13 3fi
.1470 18 lb
Hogs Measured by eipectatlona the hog
run waa of fairly liberal proportion. Est!
mates called for 14ft cara, or 11,000 head,
making tha total for tha two daya 1K.149
head. Thla la 3,600 amaller than laat week,
nearly 8,000 abort, of two week a ago and
4,000 lighter than for the corresponding
daya of last year,
FrrBh rorelpta In Chicago were) not bur
densome, but there waa a big carryover
from yesterday and tha market waa a con
tinuation of yesterday's late trade when
prices were considerably weaker than eiirly.
Locally, with a pretty decent run and buy
era in a bearish mood, prices rul
lower right from the outneL
Shipper purchases were very uneven
Borne of the best lights sold right t the
opening fully steady with the beat time
yesterday, but aa av general thing hogn
bought on shipping orders ware a elms
lower. Outlet was hardly as broad aa yes
terday. The packer market waa yery slow In get
ting started, sellers being unwilling to cut
loneo at the 160 declines which were pro
Stowed early. Aa vtvas the caae yesterday,
bide improved as the day went along on
thfl better kimla, but even then the buik of
the offerings Ilnally changed hands at prices
llijit were around loo lower.
Aa wan tho cane yesterday, values were
very irregular. Some of the best heavies
nmi buii-tMTt wrre not over Sft'lOo lower
at thn wi-i4i, hut generally lOo lower prices
Iwmiiht ihf bulk uf the medium kinds, while
fair to puin gmdes, especially where they
wre htKliiy mixed, were again hard to
II. Hurh MflW-ra aa were able to cash
(howfd thu grvateat decllnea of thar day
and a complete clearance had not been
mnde at a rather late hour, bids being
lacking on a number of loads.
A good share of the aales Aral made at
a spread of $16.t616.oo, but there waa
quite a eprlnkllng on down. Several loads
of the best heavies reached $11.16, within
nickel of yesterday's top. The general
u-aae wag a rouna a dtma lower.
Representative aales:
No. At. So. Pr. No. Av.
66. .177
Bh. Pr.
SO 16 66
0 16 76
... 16 90
80 16 00
... IS 10
40. .164 ... 16 60
S3. .194 80 16 70 33. .337
34..21I 40 16 86 73. .233
67.. 341 240 16 95 63. .300
U. .396 ... 16 06 17. .331
4..3V3 80 16 16
fiheep From most angles today's lamb
market waa a repetition of Monday s. Good
handy fed lambs were wanted and bulk of
the Offerlnaa of this rlawi hA nmaaurl th
scales by abort ly after mldforenoon. Prices
were more or leaa uneven, but were fully
a quarter higher as a general thing and in
note looked even more. Mexicans that
could have been better finished, but were
of desirable light weights, established a new
high mark of $19.46, while other Mexicans
went at $1$.60P1I.0 and westerns reached
111.60. The beat clipped lambs offered set
a new record of $16.86, with decent stuff
arouna iib.uui6.7&.
There was about the same proportion of
mixea spring ismus ana ewes in tne offer
tugs aa on Monday. Nona of the aurlna
lamba were very good and they were rather
slow sale, moat of them finally moving
around 817.00017.60, The latter prluo
poutrni iwo cara or. uaniorniaa.
Old aheep were not here in any treat
numbers an", they looked to be about as
much higher as lamba. A new record of
$13.76 was made on shorn owes and there
were waa nothing real choice hero at that.
Pending the arrival of aomethlng on which
to base the market quotations of year
ling! and wethers are purely guesswork.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamba,
wooled, Irt .00019.66; lambs, shorn, 116.000
15.86; lambs, spring, $16.00Cplft.OO; year
lings, shorn, l.60(14.60; wethers, shorn,
111.604113.36: ewea, good to choice, iM.nt)
16.00; ewes, fair to good. 112.S0O13.7&;
awes, plain to culls, - $.60lt.36; owes,
Shorn, Ill.eOfi 13.00.
Representative sales;
No, Av.
208 clipped ewes ,103
91 clipped ewea 103
130 Mexican lambs hS
1S9 native spring lambs U
147 fed lambs 70
41 clipped ewes ..107
lower; bulk of sale 81 6.46ft 14. 56: havy
IU. 20 16. 3o; pakT and lutrhrB.
ij.16.2i; light, 116. iut 1S.1-; pigs, lU.-ufc
bhfpp and Lanibo Receipts, 3,600 head,
market hlghr; lamhe. $16.00 19 Hi: year
lings, $14.00grl7.0o; wethers, I13.003H.S0,
uwta, $12.00& 16.00,
Cattle, Steady to Wrong; tloga, I-ower;
Hheep, htrong.
Chicago, May lj. Cattle Rfccolpta, 4.500
head; market steady to irons; native
IS60I).;o, atork era and feeders. $7.tyf
10.40; cowa and liclfers, $.6u&11.60; calves,
89.7G9 14.26.
IIoks IliH-elpla, 13,000 bend: mark! Kt
I'.n: h'loiv Mnduy's uvrrasjf; Itutk of nulfit.
I J6.0i 61 IC.j; llKhl, (I&.l'lilC.i. mlk-d
if.:o'a Hi. sr.; rough; $it.7ito lC.s i; pigs.
$10 40 '4 10.60.
Khpfp and Lambs Receipts 11,000 hftd;
mnrltet alrung to 25c hlglirr; w-thers. 112.25
ill!, 10; ewes, $11.7615.10; Iftmbs, $14,764
Closing of Futures Market De
moralizes Cash Trade in
Spite of Fair Run
of Wheat.
Nloux City Uve Htock Market.
flloux City. Ia., May 15. Caul Receipts,
I.OuO liAad; market for killers steady, stock-
era airung: beef stf-ers. $l(i.h'il2.iij;
butchers, $9.00 ifr 10.60 ft cows mid hlf'!ra,
$7.00 ife 1 1.00 can n era, $6.6up7.20; stock t-rs
and feeders, $7.0(10.60; calves, $H.o"
12.60; bulla, alalia, etc, $7.60(10.20: fcudl.ig
cons and heifers, 7.00&)10.0O.
1 1 ogn Receipts, 6i" i markot
10W He lower; light, $12.60(16.76; mixed,
Ilfi.SOWlfi.OO; hottvy, tlb.itotolGM; pigB,
$13.00iU14.00; bulk of sales, $16,76ffp 14.0(1,
fiheep and LurnoH Hect-ipts, fuu nctn ;
market (AlOc higher: yearllrijiB, $14.5f"V
14.60; wethwrs. $13.7616.00; ewes, $12,60 (i
14.76; lambs, $17. 6019.00.
Ht. Joseph Hie Ntork Market,
fit. ,7oaph. Mo. May 16. Cattle Receipt a.
000 head: market. 10c higher; Diners, $9 60
it 12.76; in! and heifers. $6.6011.76:
calvea, IS 00 ir 16 26.
Hogs KecfclpiK, 6.000 head: maritei. lOffl
16c lower; top, 116.36; hulk. I15.76wH.Z6.
Sheep and Lambs Reremts n00 head :
innrket. H Hc higher; lambs, $U. 0019. 60;
oWt'l, $13.0014.60.
Live Mtork In Sight.
Cat lie. Hogs.
Omaha 1,000
McHgo 4,600
Kansas City a.Qoo
Louis 1,600
Sioux City 4,000
Totals 34,000 63,360 32.D00
Quotations of the Iay on Staple and Fancy
Who'otate prices of beef cuts: No. 1
ribs, 834c; No. I ribs, Sli'.ic; No. t ribs,
UWa No. 1 loins, Zc; No. 3 loins. WJ.c:
No. I loins, 30c. No. 1 chucks, 17c; No
3 chucks. 164a. No. 8 chucka, 16 c. No.
rounds. If) 4c; No. I rounds. UUo; No. 3
rounds, 17'a No. 1 plates, 16c; No. 2
plates 144c; No. I plates. 14c
(jnoese iso. 1 fancy, domeatlc, 46c; no. I
domestic, 40c; jlock Bwlas, 83c; twins, 27c;
triplets, 27c; dalales, 27c; young Amer
ica, 27 'ic; New York white. 29c; Blue Lake,
brick, 24c; LI m burger, 30c; French Uoq
fort, ;Sc.
Hutter Delivered. Omaha, refrigerator.
freight or expresa, fresh, up to 2,000 lbs.,'
per in., aic.
rouitry iive. no ivered in Omaha:
Springs, smooth legs, 22c; hens, 20c; atuga,
under 6 lbs each, 14c: old cocks ami heavy
Htaga, 12c; turkeys, fat, 22c; turkeys, old
toms, 20c.
Uulneas Kach, any size, 26c.
Squabs Homers, 14 ox. each, per dos,.
14.00; Homers, 12 oz. each, por doz., $3.00.
Pigeons Por do $1.20. ,
Vegetables Potutns eating, $1.25 bw. ;
now. No. I, $Lt.50 hump: now. No. 2, $;t.(itl
lmmp. Sweet polalnt-s, $2.76 hump. Cry wx
1.40 rrale. Honnudus, $2 36 urate. Cab
bage, California, lie lb. Lettuce, leaf, 6 d"-,
$2.36 biisket; hnd, $3.60 per crulc. To
inatoea, ftnicy. $4.60 or a to:- Chicago, cholci-.
t.00 cratf. Cukes, extra famy, $1.60 dor.;
fancy, $1.26 do a. Cauliflower, $2.7$ cratu.
Asparagus, It. O., 76o los.
Honey, 24s, $1.36 caae.
New York Money Market.
New York, May 16, Mercantile Taper 6
per cent.
sterling Exchange 40-day bills. $4.72;
commercial h'0-day bills 011 hanks, $4.71 ;
commercial 60-day hills, $4.71 ',; demand,
$4.76 7-16; cables $4.74 ?-!.
flllver Bar, 74T4o; Mexican dollara, 68r;. .
Bonds Government and railroad, steady
to weak.
rimo Loans Firm; 60 days, 4Hfl)4 ipr
cent; 00 daya, 4,4(tf9i per cent; six months,
4i OT" per cent.
call Money steady; high, I per cent: low.
ik per cent; ruling rate, 2 Mi per cent; last
loim, 1 per cent; closing bid, 2 por cent;
offered at 3 per cent.
U. o. 2a. reg... 974jlnf. M. M. s... l
do CoUDOii 97U.K. C. 8. ref. 6a KH
V. M. 8s, reg.... 99 L. A N. unl. 4s.. 91 u
do counon 00 M K A T 1st i 70
U. 8. 4s, rng..,10D M1- Iac. gen. 4s. 69 tt
do counon. ..tilR Mont. Power G. sr,i;
Pan. 3s coupon. 91 Y. C. db. Gs.104
A. For. Hec. 6e. 96iNo. Puclfio 4a.. KU
A. T. A T. . tn, 98 4 d" 3 44
Anglo-French 6s 9.1 O. 8. L. ref. 4a. 9.7 U
Armour ft Cn$4a 90P. T. A T. 6s.. 97
ALcuisun son. IS 10 rnnn, con. te, jua
alU A O. 4a.. 8741 'do gen. 4Vts.. MU
Cen, Leather 6s. 99 Reading gen. 4s. 91 S
Cent. Pacific 1st 86l,S. L. ft B. F ad tls 6HI4
Ches, A O. cv. 6s 86 So. Pacific cv, 6s 90 i
C, B. ft Q., J. 4s 96 do ref. 4s...,, 8fi
C M ft 8 P g 4 97 K Fo. Railway 6s. . 94 y,
C. R. I. A P r r 4s 49 "Tex, A Par. 1st 90
Colo, ft 8. r. 44s T4 Union PacKlo 4s 94
D. A R O ref 6s 64 "do cv, 4 89
Tom. of Can. 6a 45 IT. S. Rubber 6s. U
Rrle gen. 6s.,,. 61 V. 8. Stdl 6s, .106
den, Klec, 6s. . .1004 Wabnsh 1st 100
(It, No. 1st 4 'is 9.1 W. Union 44s. 91
III. Cent. ref. 4s 86
ma. '"uircreu.
Coffee Market,
New York. May 16. Coffee There waa
a further falling off In the volume of
business In the market for coffee futures
today and prices worked lower under a
renewal of scattering liquidation. Possibly
the reports of unsettled conditions In Rus
ala were partly responsible for the selling
and there were comparatively fow buyers
around the ring.
The market opened $ to 10 points lower
with July selling off to 8.IO0 and Decem
ber to 8.48c, during the morning. There
was enough covering to check the decline
around this levol, howover, and the market
closed quiet at a net loss of 6 to 9 points.
Ssles, 98.000 bags. May, 8.01c; June, 8.09c;
July, 8.17c; August, 9.33c; September, 8.28c;
October, 8.88c; November, 8,38c; December.
8.43c; January, 8.44c; February, 6. 6 tic;
March 8.69c; April, 8.46c.
Spot, dull; Rln 7a, lOr; Santos 4s, 10c.
The cost and freight market waa reported
a shade easier with Santos 8s offered hero
at 10.40c. London credits.
The official cables reported a decline nf
300 rets at Rio, while Santos spots were
unchanged and futures unchanged to 35
rcls lower, Rio exchange on London was
6-16d lower. A correction made In the
domestic statistics showed a reduction of
333,964 bn.gR In the visible supply, owing to
the subtraction of stocks discharged at
unlicensed docks or warehouses.
Wh-al. Corn. Outs.
, 111 237 263
! lrt:" '."
, 61 39 1&
, 4H 33 12
. 67 7' 34
Omaha, Msy 16. 1917.
Th c) of 1 1. of rho loud futures market
bud lh'.- 1 f1 1 o( practically detnorn luing
1 ho ciif-h 1 rnd'-, and while the when t run
was fn!r. tli r- lvas hardly enounh Bluff sold
to gls' a l" lull" I'l'a of valufs. although
Horn-; of flu traders wire offering th"ir
n iiU'I-h at a 61: due i in c from yt-blenlav'a
Corn wac. ww-r, pretty active, ronsld
orlng tin; rui.ditiun of l he heal market,
and this rf.T'ul ttold at steady prices nd
qtilte a nurnlx r of aaka were made at a
talrly good lidvam-
'J'hert: was. Lowe v cr, a pood demand for
corn, ntid a p od t'rt of tlm offfrlfigs wre
dtflpfi.d of hf fnrc thu clone of 1 he cash
Hessloti. Th' pri rnluiii 011 whlto corn ad
w.iicfd today, tnlua of the comiii.-rclu I grades
of tills ar.Uy b-UK iiinile at SI r to
ll.fiii. nhilf the yllow sob) at 91.61 to
$1.61'. and tt; mixed brnuitht from $1.69 "i
to $I.60Vj, 'id a few cars of high color
mixed corn o!d u to $1.Q6.
(mia wcrtj In good demand, hut sold at
somewhat lower prices on the No. 2 white,
but No. 3 wl.l e oats aold at practically un
changed prl
Thr was a fairly active trade In rye,
with urtciiH foverhig a wide range, inmo
of the saiiiil.'t. selling at $2.20, and a few
hltm hh 12 2.
Barb-y wna rather quiet, with liRht of-
forlpgs ami prices wcro quoted un-
h.'l fitted.
(,'eii ranees were; Wheat and flour equal
to MO.O'iO bushels; corn, 66,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts wery ni,0Mn
bush-is and shipments N94.000 busht-ls,
against receipts of 692,000 bushels and ship
ments of 39M.OU0 bushtils laut year.
Primary corn recetpLtt were 729.000
huMieh and shipments 372.000 bushels,
against met Ipts of 6 Mi;. 000 bUMhls and shlp
mentH of lOl.O'iO bushels Inst year.
Primary oat receipts wi?ro b'lft.'juu
bushels and shipments 1.123.000 bunhet.
against receipts of 1.U76.OO0 bushels and
hipincnt.i of 1.04i1.000 busheiH IhhI year.
.Mhiiicapolltf , .
Kansas City...
Winnipeg 1,643
These. Hales were reported today.
Whent No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $3.17.
No. 4 hard winter:' 2 cars, $3.10.
mixed durum: 3-6 car. $3.01; 1 car,
No. 3 sprang: 8-6 car, $3.06.
Hye No. 4 spring; 2-5 car, $2.90. No. 1:
2-5 car. $2.20. No. 4; 1 car."$2.26; 4H
cara, $2.20.
Barley Rejected: , car, $1.26. Sample:
1 car, $1.34.
Corn No. ! white: I ear, $1.66. No. 2
white: :t cars, $1.66; 4 cars, 81.6EH ; 3
cars, $l.ii6, No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.06.
No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, 2 care.
$1.61 U; 6 cara, $l.fil. No. 3 yellow: 6
cara. $1.41; 3 cars, St.SOS- No- - mixed:
1 car (near white), $1.G2?; 1 car, $1.C0;
I car, $1.40. No. 3 mixed; 1 car (near
white), $ .if; 1 car (near white), $1.62;
1 cur (ner yulluw), $1.41; 1 car, $1.00; Z
Cars. $1.69 '11.
Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 71 c; 3 cars,
71 Mi. ttlanititrd: 4 cars, 71 r. No. a
white: 10 cars, 71c. No. 4 while: 1 car,
704;-l car. 70ijc. Sample white; t car,
70c; 1 rnr, (JOc; 2 cara, 4c; 2 vara, 67',jc;
2 ears. liTe.
(Uriaha Cuh Prices Corn: No. 2 white,
$1.6r.Pl.K6; No. 3 while, $1.64 M, f(( 1 .ti.'. ; No.
4 white, $l.ti4i 1-61; No. 6 white, $l.G3'i
iii l.tit: No. fi white, $1.63 jj.1.13 '& ; No. 2 yel
low, $1.61 1. 6l'.ii ; No. 3 yellow, $!.o '4y
1.61; No. 4 yellow, $l.r.01.60Mi ; No. 6 yel
low $1. tyil.40; No. yellow. $1.l9&l
J.50 ; No. 2 mixed, $1.601. 60; No. 3
mixed. 11.69'fltfrl.fi0; No. 4 mixed, $1.53
1.69'; No. 6 mixed, $l.684i1.69; N-
mixed, $1.64 Sfl. 6. Oats: No. 2 white,
70S a 7 lc; Btatidard, 7171 'ic; No. Z
Omaha May Mantel,
neeelpta continue light on both prnlrte
hay and alfalfa and thu mrknt la higher
on nil grades and demand good.
HayCholco upland prairie, $2.1 00 ( 34.00;
No. 1, $22. (Ml 23.00; No. 2. 819.0020.00;
No. 3, $13,00116.00: No. 1 midland, $32.01) (ft)
23.00; No. 2, $16.004ji19.00; No. 1 lowland,
$).O0(ff 17.00; No, ". $12,000)13.00; No. 3,
Alfalfa Choice, a-'n.uwmai.vo: jo. 1,
$2R.o(i2ti.OO; standard. $22. OOffn 23.00; No.
Jiu.ouifii 20. uu; iso. it, a h.oupii it.uu.
Hlraw Oat, $7.00(317,60; wheat, ril.00
white, 70flSMlc.; No. 4 white, 70H70ic
Barley: Malting, $1.361.61; No. 1 feed,
$1. 24(1, 3li.
Chicago closing priees. rurnisnod J ne jee
by IiOgan A Hryan. stock and grain brokers,
316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Cotton Market
New York, May 15. Cotton Futures
opened steady; May, none; July, 19 86c;
October, 19.28c; December, 19.40c; January.
Cotton futures closed steady; May
f iv.soc; Juiy, iv.voc; (jcioner, iv.uc; Ue
cemher, 19.27c; January, 19,54c. Spot quiet;
middling, 30.10c.
The cotton market closed steady at a
net loss of 9 to 14 points.
Liverpool, May lb. cotton Snot, firm:
good middling. 13.11c; middling, 12,97c; low
middling, 12.76c; sales, 10,000 bales.
13 50
12 60
19 16
18 00
16 86
13 75
flt. Louis Live Slock Market.
St. LoulF, May 15. Cattle Receipts. 1,
$00 head; market higher: native beef itaera,
$7.60913.00; yearling steers and heifers,
$8.6O12.O0; cowa. $6.QOffll.O0; Blocker
tnd feeders, $6.00010.00; Texas quarantine
steers, $$.509 9.60; prime southern beef
steers, $8.00t ll.SO; beef cows and heifers,
$4,3599.00; prime yearling steers and heif
era, $7.60010.00; native calves, .04f 14.00.
Hogs Receipts, 11,860 bead; market
lower; light, $15.70016.30; pig, 9.7(tJ
14.3$; mixed aud Butchers, $16.71016.40;
good heavy. $l$.36ei6.59i bulk at sales,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.400 head;
market higher; lambs, $1B.00419.00; ewea
$10.00914.60; yearling, $13.25 14.26; tUp
ped lambs, $14. 00016. 2&.
1 City Lira Stock Market.
Kansas City, May 16. Cattle Receipts,
8.000 head; market higher; prime fed steers
$12.4012.16: dreased beef eteers. $9.76tl
12.28; western steers, $9.00 12.60; cows.
6&0ffll.J&; heifers. $9.00012.00; alockera
and feeders. $.:5Q11.00; bulls, S.O0til0.2:
calves, $ft.OQ4t)3.60.
Hogs Receipts. 13,000 head;, market
Sugar Market.
New York, May 15. Sugar Raw barely
staarty: centrifugal. 6.0c: molasses. R.aOe.
Refined ateady: fine granulated. 7.&(ifi.60e.
Uncertainty over the proposed new taxes
aim tne agitation against speculation, com
blued with the nervousness vr affairs In
Russia, led to further selling In futures
and at noon prlcea were to 10 points lower.
Market closed easy and $ to 12 points lower;
sales, 18.800 tons. Msy, 5.00c; July, 6.09c;
September, 6.16c,
Art. I Open. Ullth. Low. Close. Ye.
July 2 BR 2 66 340 2 42 269
Hep. 2 26 2 26 216 2 20 228
July 1 S 1 64 163 1 15614
Sep. 1 50 7 60 145 1 464 l&Otf
July 48 68Vi 6B4 64 6S
Sep. CO CO 66 U 57 'i 60
May 65 38 65 38 66 38 65 3S 90
July 39 15 39 16 38 76 38 86 39 10
July 22 90 22 90. 23 70 23 77H 23 92
Hep. 23 00 22 00 22 82 22 87Va 22 95
July 21 00 21 00 20 82 20 85 21 00
Hp. 21 12 21 12Uj 20 92 20 97 ' 2-1 15
July Wheat Drops Eleven Cents on Three
Small Sales.
Chlcngo, May 16. Heavy shrinkage In tho
value of wheat, at 0110 time as much aa
19 cents a bushel, took place today, owing
the prospect which hi last became a
fixed fact that established limits on high
prices would continue Indefinitely and that
nmaiiwhilc all new buying of wheat, futures
as at an end. Tho market closed unset
tled. 717 net lower, with July at $2.42
and September at $2.202.21. Other lending
staples, too. showed a decided setback
corn 2W(ff3ic, oats 2tj3Vc antl provi
sions ?4f25c.
Downward slides in quotations on wneni
ni-t with even l-s resistance than 'on the
previous duy. when the ban on new buying
had more than the aspect of a temporary
makeshift. Under ihe restrictions in force
buyers wcro so scarce that one break of 6c
resulted wholly from the sale of three small
lot of 5,o0 bushels each. Bearish effects of
the restrain Ik on purchasers were supple
mented l-ter by Increased pressure from
holders of July and Sept-mb.r options, who
took note of reports that millers were only
buying cath wheat when thty could s!!
Hour again t It a a a financial counterbal
ance. Besides, som Interior millers who
had whf-at bought at terminal markets were
&aid to bo trying to resell at heavy loueed.
j;e!1itlle announce men t Jua"t before the
close that Iho conference here of repreben
iiitlves of leading grain exchanges had de
tided to probing beyond any aet boutidti the
Mip;,ressluJi ol unrctriited tracing waa fol
lowed by th: grvaUht weakness shown yet
In w heat prlci s since the collapao which
btarted yciterday morning began. Some
thing of a rally that ensued in th last few
minutes appi-arefl too spasmodic to be wide
ly taken us MKntliwint.
dent; rl apathy which characterized the
wheat, pit spread "-over tho entire exchange
floor today, Euab-tins In corn, oals and pro
visions waK by ta r the Btnalleat Fince thu
011 1 break of the war. Dealers were In a
quandary pending the outcome of the con
ference with board of trade men here from
other cllt'in. No decision aa to maximum
prlcea for other commodities than wheat
had been reached by the conference up to
tho time the market closed. Accordingly thf
tone of feed grains and also of pork, lard
and ribs was one of almost unrelieved de
pression throughout.
Entire List, Save for Few
Noteworthy Exceptions, Un
der Restraint Because
of Liquidation.
York. Ma;
r'a f w
((uolations of the Bay on Various
New York. May 15. Flour Unsettled.
Wbeat Hpot, nominal.
Corn Spot, weak; No, 2 yellow, $1.80, c. 1.
f., New York.
Oats Spot, easier; standard, 77 78c.
liny Firm; No, 1, $1.26; No. 2. $1.16;
No. 3, $1.06; fhlpping, BOttoc.
Hops tjulet; state medium to choice,
1 l J 6. 3036c; 1915, 6&j8c; Pacific? count,
1016. 9'tfllc; 1915, 7 (fir Sc.
Hides Steady ; Bogota, 43 '&c; Central
America, 6.
Leather Firm; hemlock first, 57c; sec
onds, 56c.
Pro visions Pork, strong; mess, $41.50;
family, $42.00-14.00; short Clears, $42.50
44.50. Lard, easy, middle west. $22.8 5 j
Tallow Strong; city special, loose, 17!$c.
Butter Firmer; receipts, 14.2R7 tubs;
creamery, higher than extras, 39(??394c;
creamery extras (9a score), 38c; first, 87
Zii:; seconds, 35360.
Hggs Finn; receipts, 88,145 cases; fresh
gathered extras. 37Vc; fresh gatherttl, stor
age packed first, 36 37c; fresh gathered
flrttts, 34v3c.
Cheese Firm; receipts, 12,528 boxes; state
fresh Hpeclals, 26&27c; aveargo run 26Hc.
Poultry Live, unsettled; no prices quoted.
Dressod, quint; chicken, 24tfp30c; fowls,
204&2tic; turkeys, 18ifi35c.
Minneapolis Grain Market,
Minneapolis, May 16. 4Flonr Fancy pat
ents declined 86c; quoted at $16.25; other
grades of flour unchanged.
Barley $1.20 W 1. 57.
Ilye $2.40tf!2.45.
Bran $32. 0033. 00.
Wheat May, $2.90: July. $2.5Cli; Sep
tember, $2.04. Cash: No. 1 hard, $3.01'
3.0b 4: No, 1 northern, S2.i6 41
2 northern, $2. 76 ft2.31ii.
Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.551.
Oats No. 3 white, 68'7yc.
Flax Seed $3.37iJ.3.2.
OH ami Kosln.
Savannah. Oh., May 1 5 Turpentine
Firm, 43 34 M4-! sales, 232 bbln.; receipts,
53i bids., bhlpuunta, 15 bbls. ; stock, 10,121
hi 3.
Hosln Firm : snip?, 8!f5 bbls. ; receipts,
1.70 bbls.; shipments. 852 bbln; stock. 71,
921 bbls. Qtiotatlotib: A, B, $6.825.95;
C. It, $6,8615.96; K. $5.87 '4 5.96: F.
$6.90r..5; O, $6.90ra6.flft: 11, 1, K. $6.95511
$6.00; M. $6.00; N, $6.006. U5; VVU, $tj.00tl'
6.15; WW, $C,004f6.35.
Kansas City Grain Market.
Kansas City, MaV 15. Wheal No. 2
hard, $3.2S4c 3.32; No. 2 red, $3.2a&3.3U;
May, $3.17!i; July. $2.47.
Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.60?.40; No. 2
white, $1.67 1,69; No. 2 yellow, $1.51
1.51 1; May, $1.57; July. $1.52.
Oals No. 2 white, 7 3 7 a 'i u No. 2 mixed,
Rye $2.25,
Nt. I.011U (train Market,
Louis, May 16, Wheat No.
3 red,
nominal; July, $2. 3s;
$3.40; No, 2 hard,
September, $2,1B.
Corn No. 2. $1.65S; No. 2 white, $1.69
1.70; July, $1.54; September, $1.40)4.
Oats No. 2, 701,0; No. 2 white, nominal.
Bank Clearings.
Omnha, May 14. Bank clearings for
Omaha tndny were $6,734,001.78 and for the
corresponding day last year $3,930,239.17.
save ror'a f w noteworthy exceptions, was
under restraint today b-.-ccuss of further
liquidation rai3 Uid tract lens and In
creased concern respecting the Kursian slt
L'alion. lit il.u main ( he lendciicy seemed
up . 1, but the fateady offeringa of trana
portation lureii aud the acute weakness of
rtilujee more than offset operations on the
construct I vo nuh
At their barest levels St Paul. Pacifies,
CoaUra and omt of the ea.-tern lines regis
tered losses of 1 to 2 points, with slight re
iovtry In tho later dealings, Among trac
tions Iiitcrborouuli preferred made an ex
treme decline of Pfc points to ut 's; Brook
n Tranyll 1-11 2 4 to 66, and Third Ave
1 ue 1 Ts to 7 the adjustment bonds of the
latter compaiy breaking 6 points to 38, a
r.ew mlniinuin,
DepresAon it the local issues was Intensi
fied by overnight statements of operating
officials In which attention was directed to
Ih'j dltiudvunUiges under whb h those cor
porations tiuw are laboring, especially the
greater cost c1 labor and material.
United States Steel and kindred indus
trials were temporarily affected by 1 t 2
poiuia, mun. lions and equipments making
like reverHa'u. J ti pari, tho looses here re
trieved toward the close. Shippings also
were under moderate pi ssurv with Motors
and some of tho inactive specialties. Seara
Itoebuck lost 3 ti points and General Chemi
cal 15 points B. 2o5 011 a single sale.
Industrial Alcohol was the outstanding
feature on Its net rise of 2 points to 126 V
the stock b jing In process of utoudy ac
cumulation rtnd ranking second In activity
to United States Steel. Affiliated stocks
like Distiller' Securities and American
M ailing, preferred, were belter by I to 2
points. Oil., Superior Steel. Sloss-Shef field
Steel and Cri'clblo Steel, preferred, were In
cluded umoig the oihT firm to strong spe
cialise. To Lai sales 435,000 shares.
New low prices for Russian government
bonds 011 tho "curb," or outside market,
caused a reaction In exchange rates on Pet
rograd, other European remittances showing
alight Irregularity.
In tho bond division International Issues
were unchanged, but domestic rates and
utilities were variably lower. Total sales
$2,840,000, United States bonds were un
chnnged on call.
Number of sales and range of prlcea of
leading stocks:
Sales. High. low. Close.
Montana Power 94
Nevada Copper. . .. 900 33 1, 23H 23
N. Y. Central 1,000 87 86- 57
N. Y.. N. H. A II.. 1.100 3S 36 37'.
Norfolk 4 West.. 1,300 119 119 119'a
Northern Pacific... 3,90O 100 9s"i 99
Pacific Mall 600 22, 21 22i
Pennsylvania 1 9o0 61 T l'i SIN
Pittsburgh Coal . ... 43
Ray Con. Copper.. 7.600 2Hi 2S ' 2s ln
Beading 6.000 86 1 85 5'5
Kep. Iron & Steel. 4,900 814 ,,L9
Nhat. Arlr. Copper 25
Southern Pacific... 2.900 91 B9 90 U
Southern Hallway,. 2.800 24 j 23 7
Siudebaker Corp... 3,000 87 87 '8 87
Texas Co 1.700 206 2044 204
Am. Beet Sugar..
American Can-
2 100
1,900 C9
Car A Fndry.
S. & Refng...
Sugar Refng.
Tel. ft Tel...
',.. Lead & S.
Anaconda Copper.. 11,900
A. G. & V. I. S. S.
Baltimore & Ohlu.
Butte & Sup. Cop..
Cal. Petroleum , . , ,
Canadian Pacific. .
Central Leather. . .
Chesapeake- & Ohio.
C. M. & St. Paul.
Chicago & N. W. . .
C R. I. & P. ctfs.
Chlno Copper
Colo. Fuel & Iron.
Corn Prod. Refng.
Crucible, Steel
Cuba Cane Sugar,
I'btlHera" Security,
General Kb-ctrlc. .
General Motors. . . ,
tit. Northern pfd..
tit. No. Ore ctfs. ..
Illinois Central
Inspiration Copper.
Int. M. M. pfd...,
Inter. Mckel
Inter. Paper
K. C. Southern....
Kennceott Copper..
Louts. & Nash
Maxwell Motors
Mox. Petroleum.. 12,600
Miami Copper 1,200
Missouri Pacific.
42 4
66 66 !4
97 ft 97 'i
76H 76
1,600 100 994 99
3,400 118'i 117
3,000 102 100i 101
400 18"i 17 17 '1
2,300 1594 L'S . 15,
2,900 S44 8S4
, 2.600 105
, .1,300 105
. 2,400 21
'. ' 2.SO0 65
12,61)0 SO'ri
65 V
70 4
103 103
103 103'.
30 30
... 100 4
64 514
200 44 44
- - -
Make Your Money
I Earn Money
I Liberal Interest Rate
90 SX-i 89
39 3X 3S4
800 26 25 26
The millions of money invested with the Omaha Loan and
Building Association is secured by first mortgages on high
grade, improved real estate, whose actual value is three times
the amount of aggregate loans placed upon it absolute
Money may be withdrawn on short notice. Assets $10,500,000.
Thirty-fourth year. Thousands of home owners are investing
with the
Omaha Loan and Building Association
Fifteenth and Dodge Sti.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits,
New York. May 15, Evaporated Apples
quiet, but firm; fancy, 13 4$ 13c; choice,
114c: prime, lOH&llc.
Dried Fruitsprunes, quiet, but firm ;
Callfornlas. ltVH34r; Oregona, HUtJ
13 4c. Apricots active and firm; fancy, 22c.
Peaches, active and firm; standard, 104c;
choice, lOlfcc; fancy, lie. Retains, ateady;
loose Muscatel, 8lloo; choice to fancy seed
ed, SfcflOHci seedless, lOtitflla; London
layers, $1.80.
Metal Market.
New Tork. May IB. Metals Lead strong,
10o bid; spelter quiet; spot easy; St. Louis
delivery, spot 8 49'c. Copper firm:
electrolytic spot and second quarter. $31.00
4JJ1.00; third quarter and later delivery,
$38.004910.00. Iron firm and unchanged.
Tin strong; apot, $66.78066.75.
At lon don Copper 8ot. 180; futures.
139, 10s; electrolytic. 142. Tin. spot 233:
futures, 363. Lead, 30, lOs: speller, 4.
London Stock Market.
London, May 16. American
closed undecided ou the stuck
Hilver Bar, 38d per ounce.
Money 34 4 p-r cent: discount rates,
short bills,. 4 11-16 per cent; three-month
bills 4 per cent. ... v .
Sustained even speed uphill
and down comfort and
road dominance at all speeds
mark the
as the car of all cars finally answering
the question of motoring satisfaction.
See it today.
1314 Firum St, Omik., N.b. Phon, Dcuila, 321ft
Union Pacific
U. li. Ind. Alcohol.
I". B. Steel
L. S. Steel pfd....
iUtah Copper
I Wabash pfd. "B"..
Western Union
Wealing. Electric. .
3,100 133 133 132
33.400 K6 121 i 126 4
95,100 1174 116 116
1 900 117 116 116
31400 113 1124 1124
4"0 23 4 23 U 23 U
200 914 91 St 4
2.900 48 47 47
Dry Goods Market.
New Tork, May 15. Dry Goods The cot
ton goods business continued to be largely
dominated by government requirements. The
wool g.mdH tr.ide Is 4n the same position.
The general civilian Bemand for goods Is
light but th'1 movement on old orders con
tinues very large.
All orders for '
Being Paid Monthly
At $1.25 Per Share
The subscription price will positively be
advanced to $1.50 per share commenc
ing: tomorrow.
Do Not Delay, but telegraph your reservation AT ONCE
at our expense, letting remittance follow through the mail.
Your order mutt be postmarked or sent before 12 o'clock
tonight to secure $1.25 price. After midnight purchasers must pay
$1.50 per share, or higher, when trading commences on the New
York Curb.
Prospectus sent on receipt of subscription or on request.
Make mil checks, drafts or money orders payable to
E. M. FULLER & Co.
Specialists in Oil Securities
50 Broad Street. New York.
Via Rock Island Lines
S 15.45
to $46.95
to $59.10
..$57 30
to S67.45
to S70.45
to $62.10
to $51.50
to $83.65
to S59.10
to $67.25
to $85.10
to $50.60
to $77.95
to $55.51
to $59.10
to S63.ll
to S62.45
to S59.10
to $84.15
to S73.45
to $51.66
to S42.41
to $63.15
Alexandria Bay. N. Y and return...
Asbury Park, N. J., and return
Atlantic Citv. N. J., and return
Bangor, Me., and return $56.70
Bar" Harbor, Me., and return $59.90
Boston, Mass., and return -.$54.ti0
Buffalo, N. Y., and return '. ...
Burlington, Vt., and return $50.90
Chautauqua Lake points, N. Y., and return
Toledo, 0., and return
Charlottetown, P. E. I., and return $64.35
Concord, N. H., and return $51.20
Detroit, Mich., and return
Kabyan, N. II., and return $52.25
Halifax, N. S., and return S61.60
Lake Placid,. N. Y, and return $49.10
Moncton, N. B., and return 856.00
Montreal, Que., and return $15.20
New York, N. Y., and return $55.80
Old Orchard, Me., and return 852.90
Portland, Me., and return .852.90
Portsmouth, N. H., and return 852.90
Pictou, N. S., and return $61.35
St. John, N. B., and return 856.00
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and return $49.15
Toronto, Ont., and return 840.10
Yarmouth, Me., and return $52,90
New York City and return $58.50 to $62.10
One direction via Buffalo or Niagara Falls, other direction
v . via Washington, D. C.
New York Cilr and return $70.50 to $72.10
One direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer;
other direction via Niagara Falls or Buffalo;
or via Washington, D. C.
Bo.ton, Mass., and return $57.80 to $60.20
One direction via Montreal, other direction via Niagara
Falls or Buffalo.
Bo.ton, Mass., and return $57.80 to $69.15
One direction via Niagara Falls or Buffalo, other direc
tion via New York and Washington, D. C.
Boston, Mass., and return $76.95
One direction via Savannah, Ga. and steamer, other direc
tion via Niagara Falls or Buffalo or Montreal. '
The above ii only a partial lilt of Ea.tern point, to which excur.
ion fares are available, and many other attractive Circuit Tours are
Tickets carry final return limit of sixty days from date of sale,
and very liberal stop-overs in both directions.
Chicago Limited at 6:08 P. M. Daily
For further information inquire of
Division Passenger Agent
14th and Farnam Sts. W. O. W. Bldg.
Ss (Ma
I !
a a i 1 1 I I
Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more.
Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
tNtbrsaaa) V