The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XLVI. NO. 284. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1917. TWELVE PAGES. 'AZuZAiS? SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HOLLWEG OFFERS PEACE TO RUSSIA; BIG SLU KJS U-BOAT TOLL Do Your Bit NOW Join mm the Red Cj3 Cross THE WEATHER ' j Fair If MP U a 7 TT TP MM H iH 1VJLJL VV 1U1U FEWER SHIPS FALL PREY TO PIRATE CRAFT Admiralty Statement Shows; Less Tonnage Sunk by Sub marines and More Vessels Escaping From Divers. LOXDON. May IS. The report of Ihe week's losses through submarines to be issued tomorrow will be the most favorable in several weeks. The number o: ships torpedoed is well below the average, while the number of ships escaping attacks is very large. Those in touch with the anti-sub-rnarine campaign also are very cReer ful over the results of actual attacks on submarines, which have been pushed with the utmost vigor during the tine weather of the last fortnight. This has been particularly favor able to airplane activity. According to one report more sub marines have been sunk in the last Tveek than :n the month previous. U-Boat Flotilla Taken. Portsmouth, N. H., May 15. In Shipping circles today a report was current that the British had captured 3 flotilla ot German submarines hound on a hostile mission to American Shores. The seizure was said to have taken place early in April, but the place of the capture or means by which it was . (rfiected were not revealed. The report was said to have come from an officer of a transatlantic ship, who was said to have heard of it from Sources m '.ouch with the British ad miralty. Ninety Lives Lost. NTcw Yo'lc, May 15. Shipping cir tlcs had aa unconfirmed report today that ninety lives were lost on April 24 in the torpedoing of the British liner Abo'ssi, about thiity miles south Of Fastnet. The survivors were picked up orty-five mh.utcs later and landed at Liverpool. Kurty-six f tiie passengers perished and forty-four of She crew. , A dispatch from London recently quoted the London Chronicle as de manding to know why the British ad miralty ha.t failed to publish the loss of "a certain big ship" with "a loss of more than seventy lives." Control Labor Exchange To Get Help for Farmers A movement to get laborers from the smaller cities and towns to the turroundin? farms is starting. Sev eral men from the State College of Agriculture will .organize the coun ties to this end. Professots H. C. Bradford, R. TC. f-panord. Kenneth Warner, H. C. Fil ley and Jc.'2 Hendricks are already av work. Others will be sent out. f "We will organize the counties as clearing houses for the labor in each county." said Mr. Filley. "Where possible the county agent will be placed in charge of the county. Then in each town there will he someone to head the work, preferably an offi cial of the Commercial club. Then will make p canvass of all possible la bor and tiie farms where help is need ed. In many cases clerks in stores can be recanted d'iring the greatest press of farm work to work on the farms. This plan will obviate the necessity of bringing labor from a distance." Army Bill is Again Ready for Congress Washington, May 15. Senate and house conferees on the army bill to day agreed to report the measure with' provision authorizing the presi dent to raise the volunteer division Colonel Roosevelt desires to lead to France. No other changes in the bill were made by the conferees. The Weather FiT Nebraska Fair Temptrntiirei nt nt continued warm. Hilin Yestenlny. ileir. r, a. 6 a. 7 a. a. 9 a. i 57 1 61 1 64 I.... 67 i 71 75 73 7 77 70 1 li 2 I' 1 p. in Comparative .or-l 1917. nighcKl yeuleritay. , . . 7:1 T,fwest ynter.lay ... 61 Sloan trmiierutute ., ;; Itfronl. 191'!. 1U1S. 44 precipH.utt.n DO T .01) .00 TompeiaUir' mid piTclnilutiou departures from Hie Iioriniil: Normal t.'liii.uiiituro tj:: Uxi'tes for lhj day 4 Total (IcfUlonry elnre Mareli 1 Normal proclpltntiuti Deficiency for Hie day Total rainfall since Mutvli 1 i in 10 in, C..1: ini-llea I T'eflcieney rlnce March 1 .if. incli Deficiency for cor period, 1 i-l li . .2.7H Indies Deficiency for cor. period, I'M;, .. inclieii 'Kporli from Mutton at 7 1. M. Station and blalo. Tcni Itnlti- of Weather CM. 7t Cheyenne, cloudy... Davenport, , P ar. Denver, cloudy .... Pes Moines, clear.., Dodno City, clear.., Lander, cloudy r , , to, . ,, "" j ,T( j Chi. etui Omaha, Pueblo, part cloudy..,, rupid Oily, cloudy Salt L:iKc City, cloudy. Santa Fe, cloudy Kinsaa r;i(y. clear Sioux City, clear Vale nine, cle, T Indi alis trace of precipitation, L. A. W12LS1J, .Meteorologist. -tarns Ban on Grain Trades Will Be Continued Chicago, May 15. Representa tives of the leading grain ex changes of the country at a meet ing here today recommended to their respective exchanges that they continue until further notice the restrictive regulations which were put into effect yesterday. KELLY'S LAWYER SAYS SOMEONE IS BEING SHIELDED Judge Sutton, for Accused for Accused Minister, De clares Effort Being Made to Railroad His Client. By EOWARD BLACK. Staff Correspondent of The Bee. Red Oak, la., May 15. (Special Telegram.) "The plan to take Kelly to Des Moines and put him in an asylum for the Villisca a. murders is concocted to shield someone whose t ame has not been mentioned." This was the statement tonight of Judge A. L. Sutton, attorney for Rev. Lynn (jorge J. Kellv. itineran preacher, who was today held for trial in Montgomery county on waiving examination over the request of At torney General Uavner of Des Moines. The court refused to permit; the ministers removal to Des Moines and he will be taken to Logan for im prisonment m the Harrison county jail t 'morrow. Asks Contempt Proceedings. Judge Sutton, who had won a point in favor of the accused man. further declared he would, as soon as oppor tunity offered, apply fur an orrfrr cit ing both Attorney General llavncr and County Attorney Westrand for contempt tor allowing the evidence disclosed in secret proceedings o( the grand jury room to be published in the papers. "The ind'ctment against Kelly was returned April ,10." declared Judge Sutton, "and J, as his attorney, went to Illinois and brought liim back be fore the authorities here would accept mm as meir prisoner. The defendant himself tonight re iterated his statement of the day that he was "most certainly not guilty." t "Innocent and Sane." "He is innocent," said Judge Sutton, "and sane.'' These statements reviewing de velopments of a day of sensations in this city that has already often been stirred with following and atrocious crime of five years ago, reveal that the trial of the accused minister, when it does come, will be one of the hard est fought criminal cases in Iowa criminal history. Under the surface there is much comment, whatever sen timent being voiced in the defendant's favor coming lartrclv from wliat is known as the "anti-Jones" faction. . Mrs. Ross Moore, wife of a brother of the murdered man, today at Vil lisca smiled when she was asked her opinion as to the guilt of Kelly. Her husband, also laughed when the same question was put to him. "I'm afraid that cell at Red Oak won't hold him," lie said. On the other hand County Attorney Westrand declared: "We have a mass ot evidence.",. Judge Woodruff in response to a request for an early trial, declared to fix a date, saying he was too busy at present to handle the case. As to Contempt. ' In stating the defense would at tempt to start contempt proceedings agaiust the counsel for the prosecu tion, A. L. Sutton, former district judge of Omaha, who, together with Attorney W. E. Mitchell of Council Bluffs, la., is representing Kelly, said that "grand jury evidence" appearing in morning papers today could have been obtained from only two sources. He cited these sources as the countv attorney or the attorney general, anil said he. did not hold the former re sponsible. He declared the action would be attempted as soon as the judge would grant a hcarinir. Attorney General Havner. though not present at the hearing this morn ing when Kelly waived reading of the indictment and entered a plea of not guilty, arrived in time to appear at the afternoon session. O. O. Rock, special agent from the attorney gen eral's office, also was present. Big Crowd Present. Surrounded by scores of Kcd Oak townspeople and many Villisca citi zens, who packed the court room. Kelly this afternoon showed signs of nervousness. He had lost a part of the calmness which he exhibited earlier in the day, when in talking to newspaper men he issued an.emphatic denial of connection with the murders. "Certainly, certainly, I am not guilty." he declared to the reporters. "I couldn't be guilty of such a terrible crime as that. I couldn't be guilty of killing people 1 never saw and did not U.,, I am a law-abiding citizen, 1 11 let the law take its course. Kelly's wife accompanied him to the court room irom the jail, where she has been staying with him in his cell since his arrest yesterday. Kelly is about 40 years old and has been known in this section since 1912, when he was assigned to various charges as a theological student at an Omaha seminary. Kelly Arrested Before. The career oi Rev. Kelly, as traced by authorities I, ere, appears to De eccentric, to ss i;.t ini. In Omaha it we. ta-j that Kelly (ttinltniirtl on I'ngc Ttvn, Column Three.) :w x-ii rcitva r-7r.-: oa - .. f MADOO ACCEPTS INVITATIONTO COME JO OMAHA Telegram to Victor Rosewater Says Cabinet Member Will Arrive Here Morning of May 24. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo will be in Omaha May 24, according to a telegram received last night by Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee, from Congressman Lobeck at Wash ington. A similar telegram was re ceived by Robert H. Manley, secre tary of the Omaha Commercial club. The message to Mr. Rosewater says: "Secretary McAdoo will be in Omaha May 24, arriving at 6:40 in the morning and leaving at 4:3U in the afternoon. Suggest co-operation for his entertainment."' A similar telegram signed by Sec retary McAdoo was received by Mayor Dahhnan last night. Will Probably Speak. While the telegrams did not say so, it is presumed that the cabinet mem ber will sneak before the Nebraska Conference on Conservation of Food stuffs the afternoon he is in Omaha. The conference will be held at the Auditorium from May 22 to 25. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Vroonian had already accepted an in vitation to speak before the confer ence on the opening night. Invitations to visit Omaha were sent to Secretary McAdoo last week by Governor Neville and the Com mercial club. Luncheon Is Planned. Secretary Manley of the Commer cial club said that the cabinet member would be asked to attend a luncheon at the club the day he is in Omaha. This proposed luncheon was originally set for Wednesday. May 25, but the date will probably be changed to the day Secretary McAdoo visits Omaha. Luther Drake, president of the Omaha Clearing House association, said that bankers would provide ample entertainment for the cabinet member. Financial men will attend the luncheon at the Commercial club in a body, Mr. Drake said. Officials of the conservation confer ence and Omaha organizations will make further plans today for Secre tary McAdoo's visit. Italians Begin Offensive Moves In Two Sectors Rome. May 15. (Via London.) ,The Italians took the offensive today. The war office announces that con siderable progress was made in the 1 1'lava area on the slopes of Monte i Cucco and on the hills east of Gorizia laud Vertoibizza. They also made a thrust in the northern sector of Carso, reached the wrecked lines of the ene 'tny east of ossofaiti and took pris- uneia. The statement says the infantry ac tion continues, supported by artillery. Numbers of. prisoners are being brcHight in. Making and Growing Ammunition One as Important as the Other. All Appropriation Records Are Broken --- Washington, May 15. All p-' propriatlon records ot congress were broken today when the sen ate appropriations committee re ported the war, army and navy deficiency bill, carrying a total of $3,390,946,000, including $400,000, 000 for construction and purchase of an American merchant marine. The committee added $563, 392,000 to the house bill. Among the senate increases were $500,000 for the council of national de fense, $1,000,000 for detention of interned Germans, $26,000,000 for army machine guns and $35,000, 000 for heavy army ordnance. BUSINESS MEN SAY PICKETING NOT OBJECTED TO Lawyers Finish Arguments in Injunction Suit Against Elec trical Workers in Dis trict Court. Final arguments were made by law yers yesterday afternoon before, Judge Leslie, sitting in equity court, against and in support of application of twelve Omaha contractors for a permanent court ordc to enjoin union elec tricians from alleged intimidation, property damage, acts of violence and other unlawful proceedings. Judge Leslie took the case under advisement and announced he would hand down a decision in a few days. F. A. Brcgan, who together with F. H. Gaines is handling the case for the contractors, told the court the em ployers were not seeking to eniom the electricians from their right to strike, but were asking that they1 be 'estrained permanently from commit ting allegej acts of violence, destruc tion of property and intimidation of non-union men. Object to Intimidation. Mr. Gaiius brought out the point that the contractors did not obicct to day picketing, providing it was done peaceably. He said that it was the intimidation of men his clients sought to stop. J. E. Dorr.ii, attorney for the union, said the suit "was an effort to brand union men ?s outlaws." Raymond Geary, a national organi zer, on the witness stand, said that he (Continued on I'mte Two, Column Two,) Iowa Guardsman Is Arrested in Wyoming Shenandoah, la., May 15. (Spe c;al.) Henry was arrested while on petard duty at a tunnel in Wyoming and brought back to Shen andoah, charged with being compli cated in the theft of Al Lund's auto about a yen ago. Henry disappeared soon after the car was stolen and had enlisted in the army. Lee Rowe, an other youni man, was implicated in the car robbery, indicted, pleaded guilty ant! paroled. He has given bond for the sum of $S00 to appear in court. 5:3 OMAHA TO BEAR BRUNT OF WORK PACKING FOOD Geographic Location of This City Expected to Be Import ant Factor in Organizing Food Resources. Wtien government control of food producing industries comes, which probability is conceded by packers here, Omaha plants expect to bear the brunt of feeding the nation. Methods of adapting themselves to war-time conditions, and preparations for producing foodstuffs on a war time footing, are now occupying the attention of executives at the various big South Side plants. Omaha's geographical location and strategic position in the producing part of the country will be an import ant factor in the war, it is thought, and steps are now being made to take advantage of this to the utmost. Work on remodeling and enlarging the Cudahy canning plant is progress ing rapidly. General Manager Murphy expects to have the new addition running by July 1, in spite of the delay in getting necessary machinery. The capacity will be increased 25 per cent and the plant will give employ ment to about 200 more persons, mostly women. J lie canning depart ment will then have a capacity of 60,000 cans of corned beef daily. Mr. Murphy declared this is one ot the preparedness moves of his com pany. If the war continues any length of time there will be a heavy demand for corned beef. The Cudahy plant will be ready to do its part towards keeping the fighting force well fed. No Changes at Cudahy's. "We have had a few men leave us to join the army," said Mr. Murphy. "There was quite a number in the militia when the trouble on the border broke out. We held their places open and paid the difference between their soldier pay and what they earned here. That rule is still in eflfect. When they returned from Texas we put them back to work, but they stayed only a little while until they were called again. Men who were members of the militia before (Continued on Pmr Three, Column Four.) Governor Sets Aside Week For Y. M. War Work Campaign Governor Neville issued a proc lamation designating the week of May 20 as "Young Men's Christian associ ation war week." During the week the associations of the state will endeavor to raise $60,000, its share of a $3,000,000 fund to carry on special work among Amer ican soldiers. Ministers arc requested by the proc lamation to urge the members of their congregations to help the Voting Mens Christian association. Nebraska work will be in chartre of C, A. Mussclman. state secretary. I More than fifty rallies will be held throughout the state during the cam-i paign. j CHANCELLOR READY TO TREAT IF SLAVS GIVE OP AIM OF CONQUEST; TEUTON SOCIALISTS PLAN REPUBLIC Prime Minister Tells Reichstag Germany Will Not Prevent Permanent Friendship With Mus ' covite Nation by Making Impossible De ' mands No Statement of Terms Made. 4 REFUSES TO DECLARE George Ledebour, Radical Leader in Parliament, Sayi Party Will Propose Constitutional Committee to Take Steps in the Direction of a Popular Government EXPRESSES CONVICTION BULLETIN. Berlin (Via London), May IS. Th locialitl leader Gaorfa Lade hour, declared in tha Reichitag today that it wat impoaaibl for Gar many to win a war of subjugation, and expressed tha conviction that a revolution mutt happen in Germany aa it had happened in Russia. "We shall propose a constitutional committee," he said, "to take preparatory steps in the direction of introducing a republic in Germany." Amsterdam, May IS. Chancellor Ton Bethmann-Hollwek, today in tha Reichctag, made a virtually offer of peace to Russia. He declared that if Rutiia renounces its aims of cooquest. Germany would not prevent a permanent peace by making impossible demands. WON'T STATE PROCRAM. The German chancellor declared that he would not nail down the Ger. man empire in all directions by a one-sided formula which renounced tho successes won by the German troops and left all other matters in suspense. RUSS MINISTRY IS DETERMINED TO STICKTO TASK Provisional Government Will Continue Effort to Amalga mate Diverse Interests; Outlook is Better. Petrogiad (Via London), May 15. The executive committee of the council of workmens' and sol diers' delegates, after discussing yesterday the international situa tion in Russia, decided by 41 votes against 19, to favor the par ticipation of representatives of socialist parties in the provisional government. (Kr AtnorlatFil PrM.) Although beset with innumerable difficulties, the provisional govern ment of Russia is determined to stick to its task. The government will make an at ttcnipt to amalgamate the diverse in terests which by their conflicts have made an ordered and efficient gov ernment in Russia impossible, it an nounces in a proclamation today. It expresses confidence that unity will be re-established and the coun try saved if the various representa tives of the new democracy take their proper part in the responsible task of government. Socialists Less Radical. The council of soldiers' and work men's delegates comprising mainly the socialist and extreme radical ele ments, apparently is becoming in creasingly willing to consider parti cipation in the formation of a coali tion government. It has appointed a commission to negotiate with the pro visional government and is formulat ing a program of conditions which would permit socialist entry upon representation in the ministry. This follows the council's urging upon the army at the front the neces sity of ceasing to fraternize with the Germans and an appeal to it to re sume the offensive against them and thus best serve the cause of general peace. Manifesto of Council. Pelrugrad (Via London), May 15. The following is the text of the manitesto to tiie Kussian army is sued by the Council of Soldiers' and Workmen's delegates, urging the con tinuance of the war and declaring that a separate peace is impossible: "Soldiers and comrades at the front: We speak to you ill the name of the Russian revolutionary democracy. The people do not wish the war, which was bfgun IrV the emperors and capi- (Contlnitrd on Pave Two, Column One) Wilson's Mind Still "To Let" On Suffrage by U. S. Law Washington, May 15. President Wil son pleased a committee of woman suffrage advocates who .ailed on him at the White House today Ly saying that his mind still was "to let on the question of universal suffrage by federal constitutional amendment, and that the "question was constantly pressing on is mind for reconsideration." PROGRAM OF CONDITIONS REVOLUTION TO COME Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg de clined to set forth any program of conquest. Chancelolr ,von Bethmann-Hol-weg, according to a Berlin dispatch, today, in reply to the interpellations in the Reichstag regarding Germany's war aims, said: These interpellations demand from me a definite statement on the ques tion of our war aims. To make such a statement at the present moment would not serve the country's' inter ests. , I must, therefore, decline to make it. PrOsed Long for Declaration. 'Since the winter of 1914-15 I have been pressed, now from one side and now form the other, publicly to tsate our war aims, if possible, details. (Loud shouts from the right 'No. no.') They were every day demanded from me. (Renewed shouts 'but not details.') To force me to speak an at tempt was made to construe my silence regarding the program of war aims of individual parties as agree ments. "Against that I must again resalute- ly rpotest. On giving the liberty for a free discussion of war aims I had ex pressly declared that the government could not and would not participate in the conflict of views. I also protested against any positive conclusions what ever regarding the government's atti tude being drawn from the govern ments' silence.' Berlin, May 15. (Via London.) Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg answered the peace interpellation in the Reichstag today by saying, that it would not serve the interests of the country to make a declaration and therefore lie declined to do so. The chancellor said that in dis cussing war aims the only guiding line for him was an early and satis factory conclusion of the war. Understands Peace Passion. "I thoroughly and fully understand the passionate interest of the people in war aims and peace conditions," said the chancellor. "I understand the call for clearness which today is addressed to me from the right and the left. But in discus sion of war aims the only guiding line for me is an early and satisfactory conclusion of the war. Beyond that I cannot do or say'anythuig. Ex-President Taft Makes Three Speeches in Iowa Cedar Rapids, la., May 15. Wil liam Howard Taft, former president of the United States, has consented t) give the high school commence ment address here, according to an announcement by Superintendent I. J. McConnell. It was at first planned to have the exercises on June 15, but the date was advanced to June 9 to meet the convenience of Mr. Taft. He will speak also at Ames on June 6 and at Mason City on June 7. As Usual The Bee Leads All in Automobile Advertising i lor The Month of April Hen iatthe Record in Inchest (Warfleld Agency MuurmflDt8) Auto Display Advertising1 in The Bee April, 1916. .3008 Auto Display Advertising in The Bee April, 1917..516Sft GAIN 2155 H INCHES Keep Your Eye On The Bee.