Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1917, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLVI NO. 282.
KJSa.r.n. single copy two cents.
Asst. Secretary Carl Vrooman
and Chancellor Avery Among
Speakers; School Children
Urged to Assist. v
Problems of food production, trans
portation and conservation were dis
cussed Saturday at a meeting of (lie
Nebraska Conservation and Welfare
commission at the Rome hotel.
The meeting was called to arrange
the program for the convention to be
hcldin the Auditorium, Slay 22 to 25.
Carl Vrooman, United States as
sistant secretary of agriculture, tele
graphed that he will be here the open
ing night, Tuesday. Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo, has been invited,
but may not be able to come. Chan
cellor Avery of the state university,
Governor Neville and Mayor Dahl-
nian will speak that evening.
Co-ordinatcfhieetings for men and
for women will be held Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons, programs
for which are not complete. Friday
morning will be the closing session
at which it is planned to call together
the school children and teach them
the necessity of their aid in increas
ing food production this summer.
'Children's Training Camp.
One speaker suggested a training
camp for children intending to work
on the farms. Chairman 0. G. Smith
pointed out that the best training
camp is right on the farm,
"1 will take the pink faced, soft
handed boy and make him contented
on the farm," he said. "And I will
ahow him the best way to do the
work to yield the greatest results.
Well-to-do parents should encourage
their sons to go to the farms. Moth
ers also should send their daughters
out to help with farm work."
Conservation of farm machinery,
relief for freight congestion by using
motive power of some competing pas
senger trains to pull freight, financ
ing farmers to buy wneat for next
fall's sowing, will be some of the
otherj problems discussed.
Steinhart Is Chairman.
J. W. Steinhart of Nebraska City
was appointed chairman of the ex
hibit committee.
The following were present: O. G.
Smith, Kearney;' E. R. Danielson,
Lincoln; T. P. Reynolds, Omaha; J.
W. Shorthill, York; C. I. Filley, Lin
coln; Charles Gaddes, Lincoln; Cliff
Croolss, FairbuTy; Miss Alice Loom
is. Lincoln; G. E. Condra, Lincoln;
Mayor Dahlman, Omana; Charles
C'raff, Bancroft; Emerson Furcell,
Broken Bow; H. Jacob-orger, Oma
ha; F. I. Ringer, Lincoln; E. V. Par
rish, Omaha; F. J. Odell. Omaha; J.
A. Ollis, Ord; B. I. McArdle, Omaha;
State Superintendent of Schools
Clemmons; Ballard Dunn, Omaha;
W. B. Tagg, Omaha; J. W. Steinhart,
Mebraska City; Mrs. J. M. Paul, St.
lJaul; Mrs. F. H. Cole, Omaha; W.
F. Baxter, Omaha, Frank Quick,
Nmety-Nine-Year Lease 1
On Fortieth and Farnam Lot
Porter & Shotwell have closed o'n
a nuieiy-ninc-year Iea.e of Highland
Terrace, owned by Lola Vincent, at
southwest corner of Fortieth and Far
nam streets. The tract has a frontage
of 1.13 feet i n Farnam street and the
same on Harney street. ' It is an
nounced that the Beaton Realty com
pany, lessee, intends to make sub
stantial improvements. The lease
carries an option of purchase. This is
the farthest point west on Farnam
street that a lease of this kind has
been made.
Exposure Kills More ul U.'S.
U-Boat Victims Than Shells
Washington, May 12. To reduce
submarine risk, American steam ves
sels entering the war zone were or
dered to carry enough lifeboats to ac
commodate every person aboard and
1 i fcrafts for 25 per cent. Reports show
only two Americans aboard torpedoed
ships have lost their lives by gunfire
or torpedo explosions and all others
were drrvned or died of exposure.
The Weather
Nebraska Ooudy.
Temperatures atOmaha Yesterday,
Hour. Deit.
k (li J TJ a. m 47
Vld " 8 a. m 63
vnCL31 . a. m fi
-tM tr?r -TV 1ft n m fifl
12 m !.!.".". ti6
1 p. ni K7
2 S: S:::::::::::: ?!
p. m 70
7 p. in 69
Comparative Loral Temperature.
1D17. 1916. 19ir. IBM.
Tlltht yentpniny. ..70 f. th 60
Tannest yesterday . ... 47 47 17 41
Mjiii tftup'rature.,. tit Ci3 HI :1
I'retlpttattuit DO 1.13 .00 .(H)
T'-mitcraiur" nnil yrrrlpltatlrm departure
from tli'i minimi at Omaha ji'Hlcrday:
Normal ti.'nipTHture 62
i.rfiifmy f-T thf .(ny,. 4
Total deficiency since March 1 116
Normal precipitation f, 1 turn
IirflcU-ncy for the day 16 Inch
Tutu! rainfall whico March 1.... 6. 'iZ Inches
KxrcHj- plni " March 1 IT Inch
hi'fieli'iicy for cor. period, 19HS. 3 . Jn trulim
'Mtfkiciicy for cor.perlod, 191 & 3.S7tnchei
Hollweg Will Make
His Speech Upon War
Aims Next Tuesday
Amsterdam (Via London), May
12. Chancellor von Bethmann
Hollweg will deliver his speech in
the Reichstag on Germany's war
aims on Tuesday next, according
to semi-official advices from Ber
lin today.
Berlin (Vis Amsterdam and
London), May 13. Dr. von Beth-mann-Hollweg.
the German im
perial chancellor, left Berlin last
night for Vienna to confer with
the Austro-Hungarian foreign
Two Children Burned to Death
in Kerosene Explosion Are
Buried Together Sun
day Afternoon.
Kosie Orlando, aged 7 years, and
her sister, Annie, aged 5 years, were
buried yesterday afternoon from their
cottage home at 2225 Pacific street,
where they were burned to death
Saturday. ,
The second child, Annie, died Sun
day morning.
More than 150 neighbors and rela
tives of the little girls made up the
funeral- cortege that followed the
twin white caskets from their late
home to St. Philoinena's church, to
St. Joseph's hospital and then the
Holy Sepulchcr cemetery.
Mrs. Carmeiia Orlando, mother of
the twoc hildren, who was badly
burned in a heroic effort to save the
little tots, was not able to attend the
funeral. The bodies of Rosie and
Annie were borne by the pallbearers
through the mother's room in the
hospital. Mrs. Orlando wept hysteri
cally at the sfght of her babies.
Joseph Orlando, father of the girls,
attended the funerU swathed in band
ages. His hands, had been burned
severely in an effort to save his yife.
He is still nursing two broken ribs
as the result of a runaway accident
on the South Side two weeks ago.
Rev. J. W. Stenson, pastor of St.
Philomena's church, spoke for forty
minutes during the requiem services
held there. There was not a dry eye
in the church when he concluded.
Kaiser Still Employes American
Dentist to Attend to His Teeth
Copenhagen, May 13. Emperor
William recognizes no state of war
with the United States so far as his
personal comfort is concerned. He
lias summoned his American dentist,
Arthur Newton Davis of Piqua, O.,
to visit him at great headquarters this
week and attend to the necessary re
pairs to the imperial teeth. '
The war in general has proved
toothache to be no respecter of per
sons and international relations and
throughout the long months of ten
sion between Germany and the United
States the imperial and royal family
and the highest officials of the state
have continued to patronize their re
spective American dentists. Each new
crisis was marked by an almost
ludicrous rush of members of the
royal families, foreign office officials
and other dignitaries to get their
teeth attended to before the possible
departure of the Americans. Some of
the most rabid vituperators of the
United States have been mild doves in
American dental chairs.
The emperor's personal view of the
relations with the United States ap
parently is the official interpretation
of his government, which in a com
munication regarding the continuance
of the Belgian relief works, speaks
not of war, but of the "abandonment
of neutrality by the United States.
Along the same lines is a declaration
m the Reichstag committee hy Major
eneral rriednch, who said there was
no intention to,, in tern Americans.
-Nine Red Oak Boys
Join National Guard
Red Oak, la., May 11 (Special.)
Four recruits have joined Company
M withi lithe last week, and the of
ficers and privates nqw total 108 in
number. The newly recruited men
are Roscoe Crawford of Emerson,
Llovd lohnson of Atlantic. Robert
H. Reed and Lester L. Roof of Red
Five Red Oak boys have volun
tccrcd their services in the commis
sary department. of the Iowa National
Guard and will go to Dcs Moines as
soon as the call comes to serve under
Captain Ray Logan, a former Red
Oak boy. They are DeVere Horton,
Tom Kirby, Altis Clements, Harry
Shaffer and Byron Schwinn.
Bugler Lewis B. Fisher, who served
with Company M on the Mexican
border, went to Omaha this week and
eotistcd in the hospital corps of the
regular army. He was sent from
there to Denver, Colo.
Five Russian Officers
Lose Lives During Flight
Petrograd. May 13. (Via London.)
"Five Russian officers and one priv
ate lost their lives yesterday when a
big Russian airplane, in which they
were flying, fell to the ground at
Monastir. northeast of Stanislau in
Galica from a height of 9,000 feet,
says an official statement today.
Band Robs Fifty Cars of tires,
Wheels and Other Accesso
ries on Streets and in
Garages in Month.
An organized gang of automobile
accessory thieves have stripped cars
of thousands of dollars' worth of
tires, inner tubes and other equipment
in the last month.
The work of the gang reached its
climax last week, when twenty thefts
aggregating approximately $1,500
were reported by automobile owners
to the police. Fifty thefts have taken
place in a month. ,
While the gang apparently seems to
be confining its work to cars that
have been parked on downtown
streets, many automobile owners re
port that their garages have been
broken into and their cars completely
The method employed by the
thieves, police say, is to carry jacks
and pry up the wheels so that the
tires can be removed.
Cars Stripped on Streets.
That the thieves do not stop here
is shown from the fact that many
owners have reported that even their
carburetors, clocks and steering gears
have been removed in broad daylight
on principal downtown streets. The
commonest thefts, according to police
records, are tires, wheels and tools.
One of the theories of the police Is
that the same gang formerly stole its
automobiles instead of stripping
them, but because of the plan recent
ly adooted for tracing stolen ma
chines have found it more practicable
to strip them, tins theory, police
say, is borne out by the fact that
many cars reported stolen are found
abandoned in a short time, stripped of
all accessories and equipment.
So far police have been unable to
find any trace of the stolen goods, de
spite strenuous etforts made. It is
believed that it is being sent out of
the cits'. ' - i- y.,
Taken From High-Priced Cars.
Reports at central station show that
the thefts are principally from high-
priced touring cars.
the following twenty persons nave
reported losses from their cars the
last week: R. S. Hart, 1743 Park ave
nue; Dr. F. M. Halm, 3027 Farnam
street; Harry Kubby, 2119 California
street; Dr. Z. D. Clark, 310 Ramge
block; Edward Bradley, 636 Paxton
block; R. W. Daniels, 229 Graham
avenue, Council Bluffs; G. E. Scates,
2026 Farnam street; George Aucrback,
110 North Fifteenth street; George
GifTord, 625 South Twenty-ninth
street; Mrs. E. K. Wallace, Fairacrcs;
Mr. Strahl, Benson; Joseph Peterson,
2406 Leavenworth; Mrs. T. F. Stroud,
5100 Florence boulevard; A. S. Bill
ings, 437 South Thirty-eighflr street;
S. I. Good, 324 North Thirty-fifth
street; Walter Gowin, 1114 Douglas
street, and Louis Frohardt, 2862 New
port avenue.
U. S. Plea Saves Russian
Government From Radicals
Paris, May 12. A Havas dispatch
from Milan today saysf
"The Petrograd correspondent of
the Corriere Dc La Sera wires that
a secret dispatch read at the historic
night conference between the mem
bers of the Russian provisional gov
ernment and the workmen and sol
diers came from the American gov
ernment and dealt with the conditions
required by the American government
for the granting of a loan. '
"The reading of this dispatch, says
the correspondent, decided the repre
sentatives of the workmen's and sol
diers' committee to accept the views
of the provisional government."
Three Omaha Wanderers
Return Home to Stay
Wander as far as they will from
youth's romping ground, the ties of
home are rarely severed by Omaha's
sons and daughters. Dr. J. Frederick
Langdon, a son of Omaha and grad
uate of Creighton medical school, put
off the return trip three whole years,
and then surendered. In 1914 Dr.
Langdon joined the surgical staff of
St. Ann's hospital at Butte, Mont.
Later his mother and sister joined
him and made their home in the
copper city. Next month the family
will return to Omaha to stay.
Inventor Admits He Has
Solved U-Boat Menace
San Francisco, May 13. Leon
F. Douglass, millionaire grapho
phone inventor, of San Rafael,
admitted today that he had dis
covered a mechanical device which
he believed would solve the sub
marine problem.
Douglass' home and laboratory
on the outskirts of San Rafael
have been placed under guard.
Whether the invention is the one
referred to a few days ago by
the chairman of the Naval Advia- ,
ory board in Washington is not
known. Speaking of his invention,
Douglass said:
"A practical means has been
found to overcome the U-boat. I
have turned the patent over to
the Navy department. I have
nothing more to do with it. It
is simplicity itself; something
anybody could have thought of."
TUESDAY Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg to give Ger
many' war aims in the Reichstag.
Upper House Votes , to Bar
Manufacture of Liquor From
Cereals After Defeating Cen
sor Clause of Spy Bill.
Washington, May 13. The senate
last night apporved, 38 to 3J, an am
endment to the administration espion
age bill forbidding during the war the
use ofccrcals or grain in the manu
facture of intoxicating Hcuor.
By a vote of 39 to .18 the senate also
threw out of the hill the administra
tion's press censorship section, as was
done in the house. This action is ex
pected to throw the censorship fight
into conference, where influence can
be brought to bear more directly.
What will be the outcome no senator
would predict with confidence to
night. The senate previously voted down.
47 to 25, a proposal to forbid sale of
intoxicants during the war.
Kffectivc September 1, the amend
ment is calculated to confine sale and
consumption t" whisky and other
Krain linuurs already in stock and to
wines, brandies or other drinks that I
depend upon other materials for their I
main constituents. v .
Another opportunity to vote upon il
will be offered when the senate takes !
the bill with the amendment from the
committee of the whole, but oppon
ents of the prohibitory provision are
not confident that they will be able
to overturn today's action.
Estimates during the debate were
that at least $2,0011,0(10 in annual in
ternal revenue would be lost if the
amendment stands.
Fairbury Patriots Hold
Big Demonstration in City
Fairbury, Neb., May 12. (Special
Telegram.) Fairbury had a great
patriotic demonstration in the opera
house, directed and planned by Father
J. .1. Carey of this city. A patriotic ad
dress was given by John llcasly, for
mer state senator from this district.
Mrs. C. II. Lutz RirVe a tableau eij
titled "Goddess of Liberty." A play
entitled "Nine Ninety-Nine" was also
staged and this was followed hy a
tableau with a junior drill by members
of the Ked Cross.
Boy Scouts, under direction of Clif
ford Harhoritch', Rave a performance.
John lliggins, Jack Fitton and John
tlartigan, dressed in colonial costume,
gave various drills.
C. II. Coyle, formerly of Omaha,
led the singing. The local orchestra
took part.
Colby Elected Chairman
Of Gage, Defense League
Ifeatrice, Neb., May 13. (Special
Telegram.) Residents of Beatrice
and Gage county held a patriotic
meeting Saturday and organized a
county defense league to act in con
junction with the state council.
Oncral I.. W. Colby was elected
rhairman: H. E. Sarkctt. vice chair
man; J. C. Fmery, secretary; V. K.
Jubnson, treasurer.
Cnmniiltees fmni the cily and
cuunly were named to assist in the
Pedersen in Hospital, Suffering
From Injuries That Are
Likely to Prove Fatal
Clarke Painfully Injured.
One man in the hospital dying, two
hurt and half a dozen motorcycles
sent to the junk heap were the thrills
for the small crowd that witnessed the
card provided by the Omaha Motor
cycle club yesterday afternoon at the
The ten-mile' events were replete,
with thrills, but in the twenty-iive-mile
race on the half-mile dirt track,
Carl Pedersen, 3511 Center street,
coming out ot the stretch (urn, rode
over Clarke, who had spilled and was
hidden in a cloud of dust. Clarke was
painfully hurt. Pedersen received a
compound fracture of his left collar
bone, a smashed hip and internal in
juries. Ik' was taken to inunanuel
hospital, where late in the evening it
was reported he was resting easily
and had a fair chance for recovery,
ihounh it is nrobablc that he will he
crippled for lite. "Hirdie" L11U was
thrown from his machine and slightly
One Race on Board Track.
Kxcept for one ten-mile event, all
the other feature of the program
were run off. The half-mite proved
too small for fast lime, the riders be
ing compelled to slow down for the
turns, or skid the rear wheels. Most
of the riders preferred the risk lo the
delay and in taking ihe skid half a
dozen spilled, and most of them
wrecked their machines and were out
of the race. In the big event lrrcd
Kruger, Omaha, spilled on the twenty
first lap and junked bis wheel, but
was unhurt.
The one-mile motorwbeel proved of
interest, though the time was alow.
6nf-ml!e inntnrwtiPi'I rare on flirt: Hft
Ilnynotilp. flrt; .luck Ffttn. neorfl; J-irk
UflvttnlflK. third (nil of Omaliii). Tlino, Silii.
Klv-mtln free-for-all on dirt: I'JiCKlealnn,
Unr-nln, fJ pt ; IUt1t, Unrntn ( llurlry i
uc-und; Clarke, Otnahu (Trior), tliinl.
Tlmr, (1:32.
TVn-inilw frfe-ftir-nll on tltrt: MikI'M
(Hnrlpvl. firl : IMxoil i Hurl-! , ''rrtii'l;
I'larlut (Thori. third. Tlnu 11:12'. l-uljs
was hurt wh-'iv lio spilled in litl racf.
Ten-tnllM mulch Mu'f on IxHirdrj. for inn
I'hhiHH of two or more r IhidnrH : A. l,lly.
Wm-oln (llarlosl. firt; min Knimr, Omiiliu
(Hurley), nccond: "lUnlk" hunt," Omaha
(Indlitn). third. Tim p. 7:20 J-5.
Tw.nlv-flp-mll- frr-f-f'tr-iill on dirt: Topi
Dixon. Lin'-ohi (Hurley), rirnt ; Pun tff..r.
hlti'-oln fllarloy). Bucond; l.utz, Omaha 1 In
dian). Ihird. Tlnv, :il:14.
Carroll Belden Will Go With
Troops as Y. M. C. A. Worker
Carroll R. IScMen of the Tlionip-son-Belilen
company, is ricicrniinrd
to lo his bit for the nation in tin
war. He was unable to qualify for
Fort Snelling, or otlicr military serv
ice, because of serious tooth trouble
anil a grave operation recently.
So be has applied to become a war
worker with the troops at the front,
under auspices of the Vount? Men's
Christian association.
He volunteered for such work
through General Secretary K. F.
Ocnison of the local association.
Young Helden is married and holds
an important and highly ipccinlid
merchandising position.
Teutons Launch Fresh Men Against Nivelle's
Lines on Champagne Front and South of
Craonne Only to See Them Melt Away
Before Gunfire of the Enemy.
British War Office Declares Heavy Fighting Constant
Near Bullecourt and Capture of Prisoners
North of River Scarpe.
Paris, May 13. Troops commanded by the German crown prince this
morning launched several violent .attacks against the French lines on the
Champagne front north of Rheims, on the plateau south of Craonne and in
the region of Maisons De Champagne.
The official statement this afternoon says all the German attacks were
smashed by the French artillery and rifle fire, the Teutons suffering severe
London, May 13. The battle of Bullecourt, on the southern end of the
Arras front, where heavy fighting has been raging for the last week, and one
of the most desperately defended sections of the famous Hindenburg line, is
still going on, according to the official statement issued today by the British
war office, , . . i
Nebraska Officer Commands
Those Provisional Organiza'
tlons Already Formed in
Officers' Reserve Camp.
Minneapolis, Minn., May U. (Spe
cial Telegram.) TNnenty-five hundred
men. of the northwest, hand-pickrfd
and cross-examined as to their va
riotts attributes, will begin training at
Fort Snelling Tuesday for a share ot
the work of officering the first real
national army ever raised in the
United Stales.
Selection of 44.1 applicants whose
names have not been published pre
viously was announced yesterday..
Nearly 1 ,01)0 men have already re
ported, have been examined physical
ly, assigned to companies aim oar
rarks and equipped with uniforms.
More than 1,800 have been notified
to annear. in addition to reserve
corps officers and engineers designat
ed from Washington, ami the unai
task of picking out the last few who
will be' ordered to the camp will be
completed today, according to Cap
lain Charles 11. Mason, camp ad
jutant. George A. Klicrly of Santon. Neb.,
is commanding the provisional com
panies already organized at the camp.
Many of them will assist the regular
armv officers in imtriietion work.
Tiic following Nebraskaus have
been placed on the approved list:
Colonel George A. I'.berley. Stan
ton; Major Joseph A. Slorch. Fuller
ton; Second Lieutenant Karl C.
Krown. 1'apillion; Second Lieutenant
Donald I. Ilurke, Omaha; John F.
Mead, Omaha; A. L. riurnham,
Stanton: F. C. Westcrvelt, Lincoln;
J. N. Allison, W. A. Urcckeiiridgc.
II. II. Stuart, M. Miller, II. M. Hund
ley, jr., and T. S. McShanc, Omaha;
Y. II. Case, North Platte; R. U. 'ag-(
ner, Lincoln; C. W. Dressier. liea
trice; F. M. Getlys, Arnold; V. L.
McMullmi. Lincoln: J. H. Taylor, I'ni
vcrsity Place; C. K. Kline. Lincoln;
E. P. Watkins, Lincoln; V. M. Fol
son, Lincoln; G. A. Lotbrop. Blair;.
G. Oldham, Kearney; V. C. Yasey,
Judge Stewart Referee
In Ure-Hall Controversy
Lincoln, May U. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge V. E. Stewart of Lin
coln has been, appointed referee by
the supreme court in the suit started
by Slate Treasurer Hall against cx
Xounty Treasurer 'William Cre of
Douglas county to collect penalties
due because of the failure of the lat
ter to remit to the slate monthly col
lections belonging to the "state.
Morris Co. Will Aid Its
Men Buy Liberty Bonds
Chicago, May 12. Morris &
Co. today authorized the purchase
of $750,000 in liberty bonds and
announced a plan whereunder its
25,000 employes may purchase
bonds on easy payments.
St. Louis, May 12. Plans to
subscribe for $80,000,000 of the
liberty loan were inaugurated at a
meeting of ten of the presidents of
the eighteen clearing houses in
Federal Reserve District No. 8
(St. Louis) here today.
The slogan to be used in sub
scription work will be "a war
bond in every home."
Bombardment ot zeebrugge.
An official statement issued this
evening by the britisli admiralty,
says :
"A very heavy bombardment of the
important area at Zecbrugge was
successfully carried out Saturday
morning by our forces.
"The royal naval air service
rendered valuable co-operation and
over fifteen aerial combats occurred
in which four enemy machines were
destroyed and five others were driven
down out of control.
"Two of our machines failed to re
turn. Oue of these descended in
Dutch territory and Vas interned."
Destructive Fire On Port
Rotterdam. Ma'y 1.1. The naval at
tack yesterday on the German sub
marine base at Zecbrugge, on the Bel
gian coast, was the most destructive
yet made hy British warships.
Two submarine sheds were blown
up. Sixty-three persons were killed
and upwards of 10' others were taken
to hospitals.
Germnas Say Attacks Fait.
Derlin. May 13 (Via Londou). The
great British attack launched yester
day against the German positions on
the Arras battle front, says the offi
cial statement issued today by the
German army headquarters stair, has
broken down.
At Rocux the British were success
ful in forcing their way through the
German lines.
At all other places they were re
pulsed after hand to hand . fighting.
buttering the heaviest losses.
lighting for possession of
court again broke out today.
Dr. Jessup Installed
Head of Iowa University
Iowa City. la., May 13. (Special.)
Waller Albert Jessup was inaugur
ated president of the L'niversity of
Iowa yesterday afternooiy. President
D. D. Murray of the State Board of
Education presided at the exercises
which were held in the armory. The
principal-address was made by Presi
dent William Lowe Bryan of Indiana
university. The new executive was
presented by President Emeritus
Thomas Huston Mc Bride.
The ceremonies which began Fri
day afternoon with an educational
symposium at the natural science au
ditorium concluded this evening with
a recepfion at the Triangle club.
Prominent educators from many of
the leading universities and colleges
of the I'nited Slates were in attend
ance. The l'niversity of Nebraska
was represented by Regent Frank
Louis Hallcr, who is a member of the
class of 18K3. Oilier N'ehraskans
present were President Francis X.
McMonauiv of Creighton university
and Rev. Lewis Franklin Townsend
of Nebraska Wcsleyau university.
Druggist Fitch Loses His
Appeal cn Prohibition Law
I), li. Fitch, druggist, fined $100 in
police court for violation of the pro
hibition law, lost his appeal to the
district court, when Judge Estelle
sustained the lower court's verdict.
Judge Estelle declared the stale legis
lature acted within its rights in pass
ing the prohibition law in making bis
decision, when attorneys M. O. Cun
ningham. Frank Weaver and F. W,
Filch for Fitch, questioned this pre
rogative. The attorneys say they will
take the case lo the supreme court.
Sentence will be imposed Monday
Gompers Urges Labor to
Protest New Postal Rates
Washington, May 12. Samuel Gom
pers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor, appealed to organ
ized labor tonight to protest against
the proposed increase in second-class
postal rates and other provisions of
I he w ar revenue bill.