THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 3, 1917. 9 A Sunday, May 13, 1917- Com har John McCormack tint "Star Spangled HBannw" on th Viet role.; 10-inch record, 75c. -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- Th nmil books r to tit C1r "cuUthif Library at 1 cnt dy. -Phone Douglas 137 "And We'll A-Maying Go-Monday at Burgess-Nash Keep Business Going a. Usual The President of the United States and many wise economists of lesser note throughout the land emphasize the importance of UNINTERRUPTED AND IN CREASED PRODUCTION in the factories, in the mines, on the farms, and every other form of industry. War cannot be successfully waged without internal prosper ity; war time brings greater use for all commodities, not less. To frighten trade at the place of con sumption is to smother it at the source of creation. To retard distribution would be to paralyze production. It is important that our buying and selling be uninterrupted. Money should not be hoarded, but exchanged circulated kept moving. That process alone will save the country from internal hardship and outward menace. A great store like this, whose reputation depends upon con tinued public confidence, may safely be depended upon to serve as an economical distributing cen ter its managers are ever alert to secure for its customers the best merchandise and the best values obtainable to bring them to your door at the lowest pos sible cost above cost of production. Monday Brings Sharp Reductions on Wanted. Silks, at $1.49 Yard BEAUTIFUL new weaves and designs, silks of the most favored sort, offered to you way under the present market price. Included are: $1.49 Yard. 36-inch striped taffetas 86-inch striped satins 36-inch black chiffon taffetas... 40-inch silk crepe de chene 36-inch black "and white check taffetas. . . 36-inch plaid taffeta for skirta 36-inch black peau de soie Imported Pongee Silk, $1.25. Natural color, with smart sport figures in the very latest colorings and designs, for summer suits and dresses, 32 inches wide. Black Chiffon Taffetas, $1.19 and $1.75. Widths 36 to 40 inches, soft, rich black luster. Black Satins, at $1.39 to $2.95. Very desirable and stylish for suits, skirts, dresses and coats, four special values for Monday 36-inch black satinat. .. .$1.39 I 36-inch black satin, at $2.25 36-inch black satin, at $1.59 I 36-inch black satin, at.... $2.95 Kayser Jersey Knit Silk, $2.50. Pretty shades of old rose, shadow lawn green, copen, purple, gold, gray, navy and black, 36 inches wide. Colored Chiffon Taffetas, at $1.69. Extra fine quality for dress skirts and suits, shades for street wear as well as pretty light shades for dancing frocks. BurgMi-Nuh Co. Mara Floor Pretty New Sheer Voiles At 25c to 89c the Yard THE range of smart styles is very large and includes both light and dark grounds in almost every pos sible color in plaids, stripes, florals and figured designs, 36 to 40 inches wide. Washable Materials for Sports Wear, 59c Beach cloth, gabardine, basket cloth, Tussah silk, in stripe, plaid, figured and dot designs; colors, white and tan ground; 36 to 40 inches wide. Imported English Voiles, 75c a Yard. Pretty plain shades, such as pink, blue, flesh, lavender, gray, reseda green, tan, navy, old rose, etc.; also cream and black. Burge.-Naah Co, Mala Floor We've Greatly Reduced Every "La Victore Corset in Stock WE'VE determined to close out the line of "La Victore" corsets and have reduced the price of the various styles to such a figure as we believe will accomplish the desired result in a hurry. The "La Victore" is well known and its merits are well recognized, but we feel that we have too many lines and have decided to close out this particular one. All this season's models, with low or me dium bust, front or back lace and all sizes are represented Three groups: I H "La Victore" corsets, pink or white, broche, front or back lace, reduced to "La Victore" corsets, pink orwhite, fancy batiste and coutil, back lace, reduced to $3.65 I $2.65 I $4.65 BurgiM-Noh Co. Sfttond Floor "La Victore" corsets, pink or ' white broche, back lace, reduced to INFANTS' Wear in May Sale Dainty little "fixin's" in selec tions and at prices that will please the mothers and little tots as well. Infants' wool sweaters with blue or pink stripe, $1.98. Infants' shoes, white, pink, blue, tan and combination of black and colors, 75c to $1.25. Infants' white bonnets of lawn, batiste, allover embroidery, fine trimmings of lace and embroidery, at 25c to $3.50. Infants' cashmere sacques for the outing, 59c to $4.50. Infants' long slips, prettily trim med, 65c to $1.98. Infants' bibs, for table wear, 15c to 25c. Infants' bibs, allover embroid ery, lace or embroidery trimmed, at 25c. Infants' all woo sweaters, plain white, $1.75. Co. 3 teens' Floor- Dainty White Dresses for Graduation, Confirmation and Summer Parties for the Miss THE season with graduations, confirmations and summer parties just ahead, offers many opportunities to wear such dainty, inexpensive pretty dresses. White Net Dresses Net and Organdie Combination Organdie and Lace Graduation dresses for the high school miss in net organ die, voile and batiste, trimmed with laces, nets and embroid eries, ages 14, 16 and 18, at $12.50 to $25.00. Graduation dresses of fine batistes, voiles and nrenn- dies, trimmed with laces and embroideries, fancy collars and pockets, for ages 6 to 14 years; prices, $2.50 to $25. White Skirts (or Women, Misses and Juniors In a wide variety of models made of such favored materials as Wash Satins, Piques, Lin ens, Silks and Gabardine; novelty buttons and pocket-trimmed; Wash Tub Skirts, 35c to $10.00 Silk Skirts, at $15.00 to $25.00 Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor Clearaway of ODD Pieces of FURNITURE MondayReduced 25 Under Regular HERE'S an offering that should and will appeal to a great many housewives who need an odd piece or two of furniture to carry out their scheme of rearrangement of the home for the coming season. It's a collection of odd pieces which have accumulated by the dresser and chiffonier being sold leaving the bed, or it may be four dining chairs out of a set of six were sold, and so on, all high grade, dependably constructed and finished furniture, including: " ' r China Cabineis, in mahogany, walnut and oak. Sewing Tables, in mahogany, walnut and oak. Wood Beds, in mahogany, walnut and oak. Metal Beds, in Vernis Martin and white enamel. Chiffoniers, in mahogany and walnut Rockers, in mahogany. Dining Chairs, in mahogany, oak and wal nut. Settees, in 'Solid mahogany and tapestry upholstered. and bo on throughout a big selection which has been arranged in the Oriental Section near the elevator on the Third Floor. Co. Third Floor RED CROSS BOOTH MAIN FLOOR BURGESS-NASH TN an effort to assist in the campaigii of securing members and funds tor the American Red Cross, we have installed a booth on tlie main floor at the left as you enter the Mainentrance. This booth will be presided over by members oj the Red Cross Membership Committee wlio will be pleased to accept your application for membership and any amount you feel disposed to contribute. Announcing for Monday-Our Annual May Sale of Undermuslins Presenting Better Range of Selection and Greater Values Than It's Been Our Privilege to Do for a Long Time PILES upon piles of crisp, white undermuslins made in the daintiest styles, in sanitary light and airy factories, by well paid operators. The materials are of the finest texture, the trimmings have never been more dainty or ef fectively employed. The workmanship and proportions are most high class in every respect, even in the most inex pensive garments. Corset Covers, 19c Nainsook or crepe trimmed with fine embroidery edges, cut full size and very special, at 19c Corset Covers, 45c Pine nainsook, with wide ribbon drawn beading, fine embroidery edges, 45c Corset Covers, 75c Nainsook, of fine quality, with lace insertions, lace medallions and edges, ribbon beading, 75c. Camisoles, at 65c Crepe de chine with lace inser. tions, lace edge and lace shoul der straps. Pretty Combina tions at 45c Good quality nainsook with em broidery insertions and edges, all sizes, at 45c. Combinations, 75c Nainsook with fine organdie in sertion, lace and embroidery edges, very special. Out-Size Garments Including gowns, corset covers, drawers, petticoats, envelope chem ise and combinations, made In a variety of styles of fine materials and prettily trimmed, cut full and large, at prices very low. Drawers, at 59c Nainsook drawers, trimmed with dainty laces and embroidery, open or closed, 59c. Drawers, at $1.25 Fine nainsook, cut full, with slashed sides, ribbon drawn lace beading and lace edge, special, t $1.25. Modesty Drawers A circular closed drawer, elas tic back of waist band, with but ton effect of the envelope chem ise; regular or extra sizes, 59e to $1.25. Petticoats, at 45c Good quality muslin, several styles, prettily trimmed with em broidery, at 45c. Petticoats, at 75c Made of muslin with double row of embroidery to form flounce, st 75c. Petticoats, at 98c Muslin with deep flounce clus ter of tucks and four-inch em broidery finished with underlay. Petticoats, at $1.25 Fine muslin made with deep flounce of lace and India linon, finished with lace edge, $1.25. Dainty Hand-Embroidered Filipino Undermuslins, in May Sale Filipino hand-made undermuslins have practically taken the place of the French convent-made undergarments. The ma terials are just as fine, the workmanship is pronounced by many as equally good and the prices are far less. Filipino hand embroidered gowns, square, v or round neck, rose scallop embroidery, $1.95. Filipino hand embroidered gowns of fin nainsook, with dain ty embroidery designs, $2.95. Filipino made gowns, in many styles and beautiful patterns of hand embroidery, $3.50 to $7.98. Filipino made drawers, with beautiful hand embroidery, $1.98 to $7.98. Filipino made envelope chemise, hand embroidered scalloped garment, $1.98. Filipino made petticoats of fine materials, deep flounces, hand embroidered, $3.98 to $4.98. Burf.M-Nuh Co. Sacond Floor Gowns, at 45c Good quality muslin, also soma crepe, neatly trimmed with em broidery, at 45c. Gowns, at 75c Nainsook, slip-over style, trim med with lace insertions, em broidery medallions and lace edge. Gowns, at 98c Fine nainsook, made with dain ty embroidery and lace insertions and embroidery and lace edges. Gowns, $1.25 to $1.98 Nainsook of fine quality, elab orately trimmed with ribbon drawn beading, $1.25 to $1.98. Crepe de Chene Camisoles, $1 Fine wash satin or crepe de chene, trimmed with fine laces and ribbon straps, $1.00. Envelope Chemise, $4.98 Made of very fine wash satin with lac insertions and edges, rib bon drawn beading, $4.98. Petticoats, $4.98 to $8.98 Wash silk, crepe de chene or wash satin, tailored with fine pleat ing and shirring, $4.98 to $8.98. Petticoats, $3.50 to $12.00 Elaborately trimmed, nainsook or batiste petticoats with deep flounce of lace insertions, medal lions and edges. Lamp Shade Jflc Frames, at - - Manufacturers' sample line of wire lamp shade frames, sizes IS to 26-inch. Large variety of shapes, including French empire, Princess, Japanese, Colonial, Tudor and Ovals, for electric light, with ? -inch fitter. Monday, special, at 49c. Florentine Silks, $1.00 36-inch florentine silk for mak ing lamp shades, in the best color ings, at $1.00 yard. Chenille fringe to match. Floor Lamps, at $6.50 Six-foot electric floor lamp, ma hogany finish, double socket; spe cial for Monday, $6.50. ' Note We will teach you how to make lamp shades free of charge. Burgee.-Naah Co-Third Floor "Standard" Rotary Sewing Machines A combina Hon ot com-l fort, quality and satisfac tion. $35 and up The machine for the wo man who does her own home sewing. Easy Weekly Payments Burfe-N..h Co. Fourth Floor w u f fctaEcraaiiam.i 1 Home, Garden and Lawn Needs Lawn mowers, Philadelphia make, new brand, 8-Inch wheel, 3 blades, fully guaranteed; 14-inch size, special, $2.75. Roller bearing lawn mowers, Philadelphia make, 4 blades; 14 inch size, $4.95. Guaranteed garden hose, Good year make, -inch elm brand 5-ply garden hose, 50-foot length, $3.95. -inch elm brand B-ply garden hose, 50-foot length $4.45 Glide molded garden hose, Vt inch size 10c Hardwood hose reels, 75c Poultry netting, 2-inch mesh, 1 to 6 feet high; rolls of 150 running feet; per 100 feet, at 90c. Hand weeders, heavily retinned, at I0c. 24-tooth wire lawn rake, spe cial, 49c. 12-prong steel rakes, good qual ity handle, 25c. Wonder weeder for dandelions, etc., special, 39c. The pull-easy cultivator, spe cial, 98c. Garden hoes, riveted, s p e -cial. 25c. Weeding hoes, 29c. Wood window boxes, painted green, 30 - inch size, 45c. Galvanized iron window boxes, painted green; has patented water receptacle; 24-inch size, 75c. SEEDS SEEDS Burpee's fresh seeds, radish, beets, lettuce, sweet peas and nasturtium, per package, 2c. D. M. Ferry's vegetable seeds, fresh stock, package, 5c Blue grass seed, pound, 23c. Burf..l-N..h Co. Down Stair. Stor. Join the Fly Swatting Brigade and Make Omaha a Flyless City i JUST consider yourself conscripted into my fly swatting U brigade and your reward will be a flyless city," said the Health Commissioner and we say get your screens ana iiy swaciers irom flurgess-Nasn. Window Screens Adjustable window screens, hardwood frame, covered with best quality wire cloth, 18 inches high, special, 25c. 24-in. high, special, 39c. 30-in. high, special, 50c. Screen Doors Painted black, heavy frame, covered with best quality wire cloth, any stock size, $1.39. Varnished screen door, heavy frame, covered with best quality wire cloth, any stock size, at $1.75. Screen wire cloth, painted black, square foot, 2 He Philips' knock-down screen frames, n.i vnn .... i . i j iicuvj m, a null- die, swatter edged with cloth extra special, 5c. Health Coiumiiuoucr Conncll wind lo aiobiliit an army pi 200,000 Omahsni, whom tit will lead la a great sprint drlv. igainat Hit home- ly, which he dcnotinctt ti lh. molt dangerom menace to humin lift and health. Thi doctor mutt tht following In dictment againil the fly; "Tht com ins of warm weather already hai brought out tbt big 6it that hare hidden In warm corntra during the winter. The fly la without doubt the greateit menace to human health and lift at thil time. No other agency can compete with it aa a carrier ol rtiieeiee. If the fly were exterminated from any community, tha death rata especially among infantl. would im- mcnmeiy ran at lean so per cent. assorted sizes. Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down Stair. Stor. 10c. Refrigerator Sale A UTOMATIC refrigerators, three-door. ilria- XI icing style, retinned adjustable shelves, solid bronze hardware, eight walls of ice-saving insula tion, white enameled food chamber, 100-pound capacity, $34.00. 100-lb. ice capacity, with water cooler, $37.50. Apartment house type refrigerator, front door top-icing type, white enamel food chamber, ice capacity 90 pounds, special, $16.50. Illinois top-icing type refrigerator, made of ash, white enamel food chamber, 75-pound ice capacity, $13.95. Illinois three-door, side-icing type refrigerators, solid bronze hardware, white enamel food chambers with three retinned wire shelves, 75-pound ice capacity, special, $19.50. Burg..-Naah Co. Down Stair. Store Burgess Nash Qmw. EVERYBODYS STORE'