'1HK O .VI AH A SUNDAY bi: MA if 13. liir 6 A LODGE ROOM NEWS OF GREATER OMAHA Benson Woodmen of the World Ready to Follow Colonel Mather and Go Into the Army. EMPRESS GARDEN ENTER - MAETMAN'S -the HOME of GOOD FURNITURE AT SANE, REASONABLE PRICES Benson Camp No. 288, Woodmen of the World, holds its regular work session Tuesday evening in Woodmen of the World hall. Since Colonel C. L. Mather volunteered to raise a regi ment of soldiers for the army the at tendance has materially increased, members thinking this is the oppor tunity to get into the army. r ' a : t tn.i uerman-nmencan uauiJ ru. iu- will give a May day festival Tuesday evening in New Bohemian Turner hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas streets. The usual initiation will precede the entertainment. Schiller Camp No. 304 will meet Thursday evening at the German home, 4406 South Thirteenth street. Special entertainment has been pro vided. Marconi Camp No. 421 will meet Wednesday evening in Columbia hall, Twenty-second and Pierce streets, for the conferring of the protection de gree. Sobieski Camp No. 75 will meet to day at 2 o'clock in Woodmen of the World hall, Twenty-ninth and Wal nut streets, to transact the regular business and initiate candidates. Cedar Wood Camp No. 19 will meet regularly next Saturday evening in Woodmen of the World hall, Twenty-first and U streets, for the purpose of conferring degrees, deliv ering policies and transacting other business. Alpha Camp No. 1 is making prog ress in arranging for the building soon to be erected and known as "Alpha Camp Home." The lot is fa vorably located and the building when completed will give the first camp organization of the Woodmen of the World a home worthy of that dis tinguished honor. The Seymour Guards dance given at Crounse lull last Tuesday night was a success. The entertainment netted a neat sum and will materially assist in paying expenses of the or ganization to the grand encampment in Mobile in July. . Woodmen Circle Items. W.iA. Fraser Grove No. 1 will in itiate a large class of candidates Fri day evening in Crounse hall. 'The Dora Alexander guards will assist. W. A. Fraser Grove No. 1 will give a May party in Crounse hall Friday evening. The entertainment will con aist of a dance program and a special drill by the Dora Alexander guards, which includes figures presented in the drill at the meeting of the state grove) held in Lincoln. An opportunity will be given mem ber! of Welcome trove No. 54 and Druid Camp No. 24 to assist the new organization known as Welcome Grove drill team by attending an in formal dance in Druid hall, Thursday evening, May 24. The proceeds of the entertainment will be used to pur chase new uniforms and other para phernalia for the team. Refreshments will to served. - v ' Order ol Scottish Clam. Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scot tish Clans, will hold a short business ession Tuesday evening, followed by a social and dance, for the benefit of the new bagpipe band. ' Royal Neighbor! of America. Pansy Camp No. 10 will celebrate Itt twenty-fifth i anniversary Friday evening in Swedish Auditorium. There will be program and refresh ment. . Fraternal Aid Union. 1 Mondamin Lodge No. Ill will give a card' party and dance Tuesday eve ning in its hall in Labor Temple. Ef forts have been made to make this an event of the season. ' Fraternal Order of Eaglet. Omaha Aerie will have a class ini tiation Thursday evening, May 17, un der the auspices of. the joiut degree team, .. At South Omaha-Aerie last Tues day evening a large class was initiat ed, showing the new amplified work. Many new features of the second de gree were introduced and a goodly number of the oldtimers came out to ace the new "stuff," and there will be more new features introduced by the team next Thursday at Omaha Aerie. Committees have been appointed by Omaha, South Omaha, Benson, Flo rence and Council Bluffs to make ar rangements for a big Held day for all eagles in this vicinity, to which the "big guns" of the order will be in vited. ' The next meeting of the Joint com mittee will be held today at 3 o'clock at the hall of Omaha Aerie. t .jr . J I I m V:V 3W4UV4M? r ' -'SfflrSHrst: . 4f n ffl f? 1 NEW U YOU WILL NEED SOME HOMEFURNISHINGS THIS SPRING Hnrtman's offers yon your choice of the world's largest, most complete stork of furniture aud home-furnishings at prices that will instantly appeal to yon. All we ask is Intelligent investigation aud comparison. Hartraan's, to day, Is the world's greatest home-furnlshlng organization, and our merchan dise reflect that fact convincingly. Nowhere else in America can you buy M genuine quality at such low prices and we are here to prove It to you I It costs you nothing to investigate, ana oniigaieg yon in no nay hiuhmwici whv nut flnil nt for Ynnraelf whv Hnrtman's is rhlraso's favorite nome-mr- nlshlng center! We are ready and able to serve you economically and to your complete and lasting satisfaction. Special Easy Monthly Payments Gladly Arranned on Any Purchase If Desired l ave proved so popular as members of the Empress Garden's corps of en tertainers, have consented to extend their engagement another week and will De seen in an entirely umcicin assortment of dances. Thelma Wolpa and Tommy Bon ney, juvenile entertainers, will re- .I. .......1. Tl,a tlnv 9nii main amnuir ween. ...it " talented Omahans will appear during ., 1- . C ...... t Q efAnfi me ninncr nour iruni u uum ouk.,v.n. Miss Mary Callahan has been added to the singing staff. She acts as so loist witn tne oarnen quartet, ivnss Callahan is also an Omaha girl. The Garden's dance floor is becom ing more nopular each night. The almost constantly during the. dance hours. Attains saxapuonc 11 udim provides the dance music. teenth and Farnam streets, Thursday evening. May 24. Tribe of Ben Hur. . Mecca Court will hold an open meeting Thursday evening. Maccabees. A May ball will be given by Omaha Review, No. 46, of the Mac cabees, Saturday night at A.'O. U. W. hall. Royal Highlanders. Fcrncliffe Castle, No. 488, will, give a dance in the hall at Labor Temple Friday evening. Degree of Honor. Anniversary Lodge, No. 220, will give a card party and dance in the Danish Odd Fellows' hall Monday evening. May 21. , Knights and Ladies of Security. ftma.tra f'nnnril Nn 2295 will irive a dance Monday evening, May 14, at the Swedish auditorium, Sixteenth and Chicago streets. Hard Timt Dance. The Loyal Mystic Legion, council No. 253, will give a hard time dance Friday at the Ancient Order of United . Workmen hall, Fourteenth and Dodge. ; Spanish War Veterans. ( Regular meeting of Le Forby camfr No. 1, Spanish War Veterans, will be held May 16th at Memorial hall. Grafting Saving Trees Destroyed by Germans (Correspondence of The AHootated Frees.) Paris, April 30. France is not un duly' depressed by the destruction of the orchards in the evacuated areas of its territory," because a remedy is said to have been found for the evil inflicted on their agricultural- dis tricts by the Germans. - As soon as the wholesale felling of the fruit trees was announced by the French press an astute Norman peas ant wrote to his paper pointing out that nothing was easier than to. save a broken or hacked fruit tree at this time of the year by careful grafting. The Horticultural Society of France took up- the idea at once and issued detailed instructions for the grafting of every kind and variety of .fruit trees, his work must be completed by May 15. Thus French ingenuity bids fair to overcome the problem raiscfl by the damage done to the fruit trees. Brotherhood American Yeomen, . Wednesday evening in Labor Tem ple hall Omaha Homestead, No. 1404, American Yeomen, will give the. last dance of the season. . The drill team is arranging to put on a show of alt nations for the en tertainment May 30. , Next Wednes day will be a regular business meet ing, at which time the women's de gree team wilt put on the work. Grand Foreman William Koch has sent a telegram to all delegates, an nouncing that because of war condi tions and the request of the president and state governors to economize and make sacrifice forethe good of the country, that the supreme board has changed, the place of meeting of the next supreme conclave to Des Moines, instead of Detroit. This action on the part of the board saves the brother hood approximately $20,000 in ex pense. State Foreman C. O. Heath and Na tional Delegate Amos E. Henely have been promised the support of the dele gates of several states for Omaha .as the location of the next national con clave.- . i . Lawton Auxiliary. General Henry W. Lawton auxiliary will hold a regular meeting at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon at Memorial nail, court House. Ladies Aid of F. P. C. The women of the Ladies' Aid of F. V. C will give card party and dance at the Labor temple. Nine The Berg Clothing Co.'s NEW LOCATION 1415 Farnam Street A Valuable Aid To H E A L T H HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is excellent in cases of stomach or bowel ailments Absorption Process , .' Makes Faces Young ducceaa hat at last eom to acitntUtt who for year haw sousht torn method of removing th outer veil of facial iklfi In eaaaa of unsightly eomplexfoni, which .would be both painteM and harmless. Th new procMt U ao almplt. 10 inexpensive, the wonder 1 no on had discovered it lontr ago. It haa been amply demonstrated that ordinary mercolited wax (sold by drurcitts in ounce packagca), entirely remove, by gentle absorption, the withered, lifeleta sur face 'skin, showing: the youthful, roeelike skin beneath. The wax it applied at night, tike eold cream, and washed oft hi the morning. The absorption also cleanses clog Bed, pores, increasing the skin's' breathing capacity and preserving tone, color and natural beauty of the new skin. i A simple and harmless wrinkle remover which has also proved quite successful can easily be made at home in a jiffy. All one need do is to dissolve an ounce of powdered saxoiite In a hall pint ol witch Basel and bath the face 'in the solution once a day fur a whilst AFtf (hat vovy timt application the finer lines disappear and the deeper one soon follow. Advertisement. - - M SIMMONS" GUARANTEED LIGHT WEIGHT 2-INCH POST STEEL BED Outside posts are fit ted with brass mounts, has 10 heavy 1-inch fillers, artistically enameled in Vernis-Martin, full size only, dur ably constructed; special value at $11.89 BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED And ornamented Queen AnnBed Room Furniture, imitation Circassian walnut, elegant finish, attractive period ornamentations. ft- I i fill (Ml IMITATION CIRCASSIAN WAL NUT QUEEN ANN BED Head end stands 28 Inches high, foot end In proportion, very neatly ornamented in pleasing design, run size only. A remarkable value at $19.95 QUEEN ANN DRESSER Large else base, fitted with 4 drawers, 42x21 inches; all drawers hare dust-proof bottom, French bevel plate mirror measures 24x30 Inches. Set In elegant frame, metal period draw er pulls. A splen did value at, ' $28.85 QUEEN ANN DRESSING TA BLE Note the beautiful de sign, has 36xl8-lnch base, French bevel plate mirror, center mirror measuring 14x 22 inches; two swinging side mirrors, three dust- (It) proof drawers, won-A.i 1 3 derful value at v WEU, MADB ATTRACTIVE DRKS8KR Has roomy but, fit ted with 4 largo drawers with wood pulls, 21x16 Ide bevel plate mirror, set In neat frame: constructed of tmitatlon quarter-flawed oak and finished irolden. He sure and see this exceptional bargain, at $9.45 DON'T FORGET OUR NEW LOCATION Building Formerly Occupied by Beaton 6 Later Furniture Co-1 HANDY FIBER REED COLLAPSIBLE STJLKEY Fiber sides finished In S beautiful gray en- am el, large site hood, adjustable back, heavy With rubber-tired wheels, rear Hood bumper wheels, easily SJS folded and can be taken on street can, trains, etc Complete with hood, only fN An Unusually Beautiful Wtjr jGf Display of Vary High Jhw rlrv Grade Rugs at Prtcas IyA-v that make every one 'jPjj'ka Splendid Bargain. A Few Striking Examples ol Our Big Values: $10.85 6x9 Seamless Brussels Rug, elegant designs . . , 9x12 Monariif Brus sels Rugs, at 9x11 Wool Velvet Rugs, new patterns $13.50 .$19.89 9x12 Special Seamless ' tS)r rA Velvet Rug e)3.0U 9x12 Axminster Rug, ffflg FA choice patterns, for. . . . . . iiuO.oU 9x12 ex, fine seamless 90 7C Velvet Rug lOJ.Id A GENUINE MAHOGANY COL ONIAL 4-POSTER BED Foot and head-board, 60 inches high, attractive carved post as illus trated, splendidly finished, con structed of selected wood; spe cially quoted at $2T.50 A CORRECTLY BTTTLT QUARTER" BAWED OAK WILLIAM AND car, MART PERIOD ROCKIER Vt:M Pull Quirtfjr-Mwed oak fratn, Jacobean flnlvh, back and seat up holstered Id high-grade Imitation Spaniih leather; strongly built tiuouffnout; extremely a at a An pleasing design, I II tlft We Carry a Splendid Variety of Choice Period Rockers THB HANDSOME! tSS CARRIAGE PIC- Z3Sf J TUKED HERE Is mad of im ported reed, bot tom resting: on de pendable steel frames and spring; In turn supported by heavy, rubber tlred wheels; comes In natural or Baronial brown trimming;, and specially priced at aU-"lliaiiw W-?w2Msl ATTBACTIVELT DESIGNED 3-PIECE LD3RABY SET-Set consists of large size library table, comfortable rocker and roomy armchair, upholstered In guaranteed Spanish imita tion leather, spring construction below seat, made of se lected solid oak and finished fumed. A wonderful- op portunity to secure enough furniture 1jk fj QQ for one room. Our special low JAeOv EXTREMELY COMFORTABLE FULL SIZE FIBER REED ROCK ER Silltabl. for' porch, l&wn or living room, natural or Bnrontal brown finish. Our low price... .$3.69 XiiBSHSiissssssssMsassssssissssssaBMavsssssssssssssssssiw 7-PIECE CHARLES n DESIGN DINING SUITE Exactly as illus trated, constructed entirely of solid oak finish, fumed or golden, table fitted with 45-inch top, which extends to 6 feet; has heavy center ped estal, 4 rope supporting legs. 5 genuine leather upholstered chairs, with high panel back, 1 armchair to match. si f jm m yv Special price for complete set of 7 pieces this ?W A jjl II week at only THB FAMOUS "RANNEY" SANITARY AND ECONOMICAL REFRIGERATOR Built of saioned ash, rounded oornera, has roomy provision compartmant. fit ted with removable nickel wira shelves; larse else Ice chamber, dou- A fa a ble wall construction, white asH.ajll enamel Hoed, only " v RECLINIW BACK PLATFORM BASE ROCKER Has genuine solid oak frame, finished a-olden, fitted with footrest, alldea underneath chair when not In us, upholstered in high-grade aq Qm Imitation Spanish leather; a Kk remarkable value, at S7VJ.UW Two Passenger Child' Swing, like cut, U.2b IN A VOURA TIN Q A NEW DEPART KENT, WHICH WILL HEREAFTER BE Omaha's Greatest Economy Center Opening Week We Are Offering All Beaton & Laler's Warehouse Stock, Including All Merchandise Lett From Our Former Beaton & Laler Sale, at 25 Below Former Prices! Consist ot Thousands ot Fine Hometurnlshlng ItemsDon't Miss It! Note These Prices, Then Come In and Seejhe Items tor Yourself: (60.00 Fumed oak, loose cush ion Spanish leather Arm Chair 845.00 139.60 Brown Mahogany Carved High-back Colonial Rocker, for S29.62 138.00 Mahogany China Cabi net, at S23.50 $33.00 Mahogany William and Mary Period Serving Table S24.75 $30.00 Mahogany High-Back Tapestry Fireside Chair, tor S22.50 (25.00 Mahogany Piano Lamp, 24-inch old rose silk shade, tor $18.75 (8.00 Golden Oak Imitation Leather Rocker $6.00 $8.60 Mahogany Table Lamp and old gold Nellie Bly shade .... : $6.38 $20.00 Mahogany Over-stuffed Blue Velour Arm Chair, for .... $15.00 $18.50 Jacobean Rope-leg Drop leaf Table $13.88 $16.00 Jacobean Oak Rope-leg Phone Stand and Stool, for $12.00 $17.00 Heywood Tapestry and Back Willow Arm Chair, for $12.75 $16.00 Silver Gray Fibre, Tapes try Seat Rocker . . . .$12.00 $13.50 Mahogany Windsor Arm Chair or Rocket .... $10.12 $12.00 Mahogany Tapestry Seat Rocker $9.00 $10.00 Science Study Table, fumed or golden oak.. $7.50 259b DISCOUNT ON ALL ALADDIN ALUMINUM WARE $6.50 Gray Enamel Tea Wagon, for $4.88 $6.50 Mahogany Candle Stick with glass shade ....$4.88 $6.00 Fumed Oak Porch Swing, 60 Inches long $4.50 $3.75 Fumed Oak Porch Swing, 42 inches long $2.81 $4.00 Extra 4ize Round Willow Clothes Hamper $3.00 Handy Meat Grinder .... .694 Convenient Folding Clothes bar for .... , :.-58e Your Chaice o! Our Entire Slock at 25 Below "Before Ihe War" Prices Massive Quarter Sawed Oak Combina tion Bufft and China Cabinet. Has heavy plank top, bnt art ass ends, three handy drawers, finished golden, nighty ponsnea. rrencn Devei piate mir ror set in neavy xrame, flll an exceptional value, d U ft 48-INCH TOP W1LMAM AND MART PER IOD DINING TAHIjE Made of wlected gen uine quarter-sawad oak Jacobean flninh, -foot eiumtlon, 6 graceful poBts and stretchers. Only a personal visit will con- &Q0 TA vines your cf this exceptional iy25sDU ATTKACnVB 4-PA88BNOBR LAWN SWINO Substantially built of well a sonad wood, atrontly bracad and raln forcad: atanda I feet higX A M fm seats It Inches wide and ao4e il finished natural v Brown awnlnf canopy to fit, extra, SXia. 413 -415-417 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET HIGH-GRADE COUCH HAMMOCK Heavy brown canvas; comfortable link fabric spring fillers with adjustable head rest, soft mattress magazine pock eta at either end. Price On - m of swing only, aunshade tOrla. I k not include V J . SB El El m