Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Individual Members of New
Government Give Their
Views on Suffrage.
(Correspondence ot The Associated Press.)
Petrograd, April 26. Woman's
suffrage has come quickly and unos
tentatiously to Russia. The pro
visional government has not jet of
ficially announced its full views on the
tubject, but individual ministers have
stated that it is decided that women
will vote at both the municipal and
rural councils elections, and also in
the elections for the central constitu
tional assembly.
Universal suffrage will be a curious
and interesting experiment in Russia.
From the mass of peasant women
fully intelligent voting can scarcely be
expected at present, but no doubt for
them the vote will be a highly stimu
lating and educative opportunity. The
men voters do not expect that women
of this class will vote independently,
and say therefore, that their partici
pation will only slightly affect the re
sult. The attitude of the average peasant
to his womenfolk is still, on the
whole, contemptuous, but sometimes
a capable woman rules a whole vil
lage, and it is a well known fact that
in certain religious sects the women
are the leaders.
In Petrograd there have been sev
eral woman's suffrage demonstra
tions since the revolution, with
speeches in the city hall and proces
sions with red flags. They have not
been militant, but rather educational
demonstrations, reminders to the
women, themselves to be up and
doing, and a reproach to those men
who. while not seriously objecting to
woman's suffrage, wish it were not
coming so soon.
Women in Universities.
Educational facilities to women in,
both the secondary and university
schools were granted in Russia long
before most other European coun
tries. For years past, too, women
have had rather greater liberty of
thought and action than men, and
while there has been no very strong
or organized suffrage movement,
women have been directly engaged in
public work by the side of the men,
and it seemed to nobody any great
step from the position they thus en
joyed to the actual vote.
When the revolution came, evcry-
one joined in, women as well as men.
Women who had been nursing or
studying or writing or working in re
lief societies or co-operative stores or
munition factories, or simply house
keeping came forward and took their
place naturally in the many-sided
movement. Women were prominent
in the bread processions which were
reluctantly fired on by the soldiers.
Women workers and girl students
marched with the soldiers and work
men, and took' revolutionary, red
flagged rides in the commandeered
Women Help Out.
Women leaders came to the Duma
wittf information and advice, estab
lished connections, and helped to
gather up the loose. ends of the chaotic
movement. Women and girls crowded
into the Duma with the throng of sol
diers and workmen, radiated out into
the myriad committees, 'distributed
food, operated typewriters and found
for themselves suitable places in the
general organization. Young women
were found frequently as speakers at
the impromptu mass meetings where
orators of the people harangued the
crowds at street corners. A woman's
organization plastered the town with
bills urging equal recognition of the
A woman writer was placed at the
head of the organization of temporary
soup kitchens opened for the soldiers
during the revolution week. The city
council elected to its permanent com
mittee several women, including Mme.
Miliukoff and Countess 1'anin. There
were meetings specially organized by
women house servants to urge an im
provement in their working condi
tions, but, as nobody knew what to
demand, nothing further happened.
There have been continuous meetings
of women at the Women's university
and Medical college, with stormy con
flicts between the moderates and the
radicals, and thousands of resolutions
have been passed, declaring for equal
suffrage, resumption of work, continu
ation of the war, and support of the
provisional government. .
School Girls Get the Spirit.
School girls everywhere have been
imbued with the new spirit. They
"have organized, elected committees
and councils, and passed resolutions,
usually under the advice and counsel
of their teachers. The schools hum
with the voluntary study of civics and
Pupils in the various schools of
Petrograd proposed the formation of
a Union of Pupils, to which each
school, was to send a proportional
delegation. The principals vetoed the
enterprise, and said if the delegates
met they would resign. The dele
gates did meet, the organization was
formed, and the principals did not rc-
We Have a Large Assortment
Lawn Mowers, Hose Reels,
;Lwn Sprinklers, Lwn Rol-
ilen end
14-inch Mower, with 3 blades
fully adjusted $3.25
12,inch Ball Bearing High Wheel
Mower, at $S.4S
Detachable so you can take in at
night, at $5.50
Team which repreienti the school. Sol Rosenblatt won third
place in the high school meet at Lincoln yesterday.
i ksrivt -Fk S'Wt max e
The debating team at Central High
has just completed a successiul year
under the direction of Miss Emily
Rough, debating coach. The four
members of the squad above won their
letters this year. Sol Rosenblatt, the
captain and only man left from the
team of last year, won third place in
the tenth annual contest of the Ne
braska High School Debating league
at Lincoln yesterday.
Max Konecky and Louis Freiberg
Pilgrims of Egypt, With Dis
cordant Music, Journey to
Tomb of Mohammed.
(Correspondenre of the Associated Press.)
Suez, March 00. The passage of
the "holy carpet" through Suez on its
way from Cairo to Mecca was one of
the few spectacular events to break
the monotony.of war time in Suez, a
considerable procession of Moham
medans 'accompanying it in its pil
grimmage to Mohammed's tomb.
The procession in Suez started
from the freight station, where the
carpet had previously arrived by spe
cial train. The pilgrims, representing
various tribes and races, bore ban
ners and played discordant music
upon tom-toms.
Behind the foot pilgrims came a
body of Egyptian cavalry with drawn
swords, mounted upon beautiful Arab
ponies and followed by a mountain
battery of native artillery. An
Egyptian military" band came, next,
making a prodigious din, and after
them marched a splendid body of
Egyptian infantry, their bayonets
glistening in the brilliant sunshine.
They were followed by a . civilian
band, making weird noises in an ef
fort to reproduce some of the popu
lar native airs.
Then cam? the "holy carpet," car
ried in a rfclily embroidered canopy
borne on the back of a camel. Two
more camels followed; on one of
which rode a native priest. Then
came some English military mounted
police, bringing up the rear of the
As the carpet, surrounded by a
guard of Egyptian infantry, passed,
Enjoy Your
Sunday Dinner
at the
Table d' Hote From
12 Noon to 8:30
P. M.
$1.00 Per Plate
Music and
Garden Took of all
50-ft. H-in. Guaranteed Hose
complete with all couplings
Other Hose, up to 24c per foot.
Brass Ring Sprinkler 95c
Hose Nozzles ; 7fjc
are new at the school this year, gain
ing their early experience in the east.
Herluf Olson, the fourth member of
the squad, kept t lie family name in
high school debating circles this year
by stepping in and tilling the place
of his brother Arild, the mainstay of
last year's team.
The team has taken part in six con
tests this year without a defeat against
their record, gaining the decisions
over Lincoln, Springfield, Weeping
Water. Sioux City and South High.
immense crowds of natives lining the
streets saluted while their women
folk, who were at the windows and on
the roofs of the houses, made a curi
ous wailing. After the carpet had
finished its tour of the town it was
taken back to the railway station and
conveyed by special train to the
docks, where it was reverently loaded
on a British ship en route to Jeddah,
whence it was conveyed to Mecca by
Rats and Sparrows Are
" Worse Than Submarines
(Correfipon14nce of The Associated Press.)
London, April 30. Rats and .spar
rows destroy more food in England
than German cubmarines destroy on
the sea, in the opinion of the food
production department of theBoard
of Agriculture, which has issued an
order for their destruction through
out the country. A bounty has been
placed on rats. Practical hints on how
to kill, not only sparrows, but crows
and rats have also been given,
H Helped.
On the new brakeman'a flt run there
was a very steep grade. The engineer
always had more or less trouble to get
up this grade, but this time he came near
sticking altogether. Eventually however, he
reached the top.
Looking out of the cab the engineer
saw the new brakeman and said, mth a
Bitfh of relief:
"We had a hard job getting up, didn't
"We sure did," assented the new brake
man, ''and if I hadn't put on the brake
we'd have slipped back." Philadelphia
Don't Deny Yourself the Ad
vantage of a Beddeo
Charge Account
Come in today and Bet what you want.
I wilt gladly extend liberal credit to you.
Pay me a little each week and have full
season's wear out of what you buy.
May is the month of bargains here,
and the millinery section offers two
special groups that are marvelous
from a standpoint of value. Every hat
is new every hat is desirable.
Group 1
All new models, made of new braids
trimmed in ribbon, flowers, foliage
and combinations of the three. The
values are $8.50, $9.50 and $10.60
for only
Group 2 "
Sensational to say the least:
beautiful lisere, straw and braid
uai Biiso oporra nats, cnarm- f
ing trimmings $12.50, $14.50,
$16.50 and $18.60 values, for
Write For Our Spring Catalogued
John Nelson of Sargent Is
Second and Sol Rosenblatt
of Omaha Third.
Lincoln, May 12. (Special Tele
gram.) After a conference of the
judges this afternoon, Oral E. Harvey,
who won first place in the state high
school championship debate today,
was disqualified and the following
awards made: First, John Nelson,
Sargent; second. Sol Rosenblatt,
Omaha; third, "J. Harold Wilson, Paw
nee City.
Lincoln, May 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Oral" E. Harvey, represent
ing the Alliance High school and the
northwestern district of the Nebraska
High School Debating league, tlu
largest of its kind in the United
States, was awarded first place in the
championship contest held at the State
university today as a part of the Fete
day program.
Harvey's participation has been
questioned and a conference of the
judges was called for this afteri ocn
to pass upon the matter of his eligi
bility. John Nelson of Sargent, rep
resenting the West Central district,
was second, and Sol Rosenblatt of
Omaha, representing the Eastern dis
trict, third.
Harvey and Rosenblatt spoke on
the negative ami Nelson on the affir
mative of the question, "Rcs Ived,
The United States Should Abandon
the Monroe Doctrine," the same sub
ject discussed at all of the district
The debate was held in Memorial
hall and about 200 students attended.
Prof. M,. M. Ogg is president of this
league. The judges were Dean Hast
ings of the College of Law, Frof.
Guernenscy Jones and Albert Wat
kins. Twelve district champions took
part in the final contest, inch de
bater was allowed ten minutes for
argument and four minutes for rebut
tal. The affirmative speakers gener
ally contended that the Monroe doc
trine aroused the enmity of other na
tions. The negative asserted that un
der the Monroe doctrine the South
American republics had attained their
present standing and strength.
Fay Patterson of Minden, John
Young of Lyons. Harold Wilson f
Pawnee City. Oliver Ferebee of Nel
son, Ruby Richert of Clay Center,
Joseph Tnackery of Valentine, Law
rence Slater of Lincoln, William Hol
lindrake of Oakland and Mildred Col
lation of McCook were the other
Germans Give Their Views
As to Terms of Peace
(Correspondence of The Associated TreBiO
Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 30.
How some influential interests in
Germany, which are represented by
the Rheinisch Westfalische Zeittmg,
look upon future peace is illustrated
by a leading article in that paper on a
reported Austro-German peace move.
It quotes the following conditions,
which, it says, appeared in a Moscow
Alsace-Lorraine to remain German.
Belgium to become independent,
but without an army of its own.
The southern Slav states to become
independent. '
Courland to remain German.
Armenia to come under Turkish
The Dardenelles to remain Turkish.
The Zeitung then says:
"Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine can
hardly interest Russia, just as any
frontier modification on the Russo
Persian or Russo-Chinese frontier
would not interest, us, but the other
points are capable'of discussion. For
example, if we were to take our pres
ent territorial position in Galicia and
the Balkans as a basis for a Russo-
, j -
v v
Austro-Hun6arian agreement, neither
empire would fare badly. Russia would
then rule almost entirely over the
Ukraine populatu , while Austria
Hungary would have the entire Serb
race on its hands. If, by independence,
is understood self-administration on
the Galician model the independence
of the southern Slavs, which is de
manded by Russia, could also be real
ized by this solution. The Polish ques
tion is difficult, hut as the Russian
government repudiates tlic idea of !.,,... -
rilling foreign peoples an agreement! MAY MEAN SELF-GOVERNED
can certainly be found." I
Expert Suggestions On
What to Send to Solc'ers
Cieorgc Koeder. J. D.. of Grand
Island, late captain of the Second Ne
braska regiment, has written a few
suggestions as to what to buy and
what not to buy to send to our sol
dier hoys by Ked Cross and other -aid
societies. lie gives this as a result of
his experience gained during the
Spanish-American war.
The usual waste of money, material
and time by well intentions by aid so
cieties when first starting is some
thing enormous. The fust thing to
be done is the selection of a well bal
anced head to the organization, "the
right person in the right place." She
in turn should select her own lieuten
ants or assistants, taking sullicient
time in the selection of goods and
material purchased, always remem
bering "quality above quantity." "
A few suggestions of what to sen J
to hospitals: Garments for patients,
garments for nurses, garments for
doctors (headquarters Red Cross,
Washington, 1). C will send pat
terns), lied linen, towels, handker
chiefs, napkins. Articles to send to
soldiers in the held: Smoking tobac
co, pipes, cigarettes, chewing gum,
chocolate in tin boxes, best quality
stick candy, cotton or light woolen
socks, canned fruits, towels (large,
soft, thin ones, with no fringes), hand
kerchiefs, comfort bags.
Do not send clothing, jellies or
fruits in glass jars, fresh fruits, soft
candies, turkish towels, first aid pack
ages or bandages (these are supplied
by the government), or any bulky ma
terial. Contents of comfort hags:
WhMa am! hlack Mimid, Nu.
lllat'k ttiirutlig mt'uti.
flnaen No. b nredlRK.
Hlack and whit buttons.
SUaora, blunt point.
Soap, plna, safety plnn.
Tooltibruah and powder.
Cnmb, small; hand
Wrlllnfir pad and envelope.
Lead pencil, playing eariln.
Collapsible drinking cup. I
Home or all of these.
fourc of Affection.
The aypipathetlc vltmor to tho ,1M1 saw
that ont of tho prlHonera hud a rut In his
"Ah, you have a rat, I iee," h eald
r "Yea, sir," salt! the prisoner. "T fneds httn
every day. I think more of that rat than
any other living creature,"
That reply plcaned the vleltor Immensely.
"In every man," he said, "there lajaome
thlnff of the angel left If one ran only find
It. How came you to take luch a fancy to
the rat?"
" 'Cob he bit the Jailer." New York
Over th- garden fence the conversation
had suddenly turned acrimonious.
"An' If yore boy, 'Brbert, ties any more
cans to our pore dog's tall," was Mrs Mog
gln's item ultimatum, " 'e'll 'far about It,
that all. Oh, an' pwr'aps you'ya done wiv
(hat saucepan wot you borrow last Mon
day." ' 'Erbert," asked Mrs. drubb, shrilly,
"wot 'ave ou bin doing to Mrs. M ogg Inn
"Nothln1, mat' replied the small boy. un
blushing) y.
"There!" said hla mother, triumphantly.
"An' you returned 'er aaucepan yester
day, didn't you, dearie?"
"Sent It back by 'er dog!" said 'Erbert,
calmly. London Mall.
Electricity Will Rent
Your House lor You!
Omaha Electric Light and
8 l
English Papers Foresee Change
in Irish Policy Because of
American Principles, ,
K'onvsptMiilenefl of The A.sorlatptt Trpss.)
London, April 24. That the entry
of the Ijtited States into the war
may influence a settlement of the
Irish problem self -government for
land --is now not only the subject
of comment in the Irish newspapers,
but is forming an absorbing topic for
editorials and special articles in the
Nortltclifte pros, notably the London
Times It is even suggested that
American may have a direct band in
the settlement: its influence in Irish
a....,. m.u ,U miumi ... in -
creased recruiting in Ireland.
I he I'recmaus Journal, the omcial
(Mgiin ch me naiioiiaiisi pany, says:
"It is quite true that nobody, would
expert America to interfere in Kng
land's domestic ditTercuecs. hut as
time goes on it is unthinkable that
AniArica, lighting for the principle laid
down by President Wilson and hav
ing such a large population of Irish
men in her states, will not point out
to Kngland the necessity of acting in
accordance with her own principles,"
The Times suggests that it an
American contingent is sent to Eu
rope it should visit Ireland on its way
to France, "The Irish people," it
says, "are bewildered and almost
paralyzed by the new turn of events.
There is an end to alt talk of 'Eng
land's war' and of sympathy with
Germany. The whole fabric of their
anti-recruiting propaganda is iinder-
Five Year
at 1324
(&f J
Dr. McKenney Says:
"Enlist in the arniv of nni sntisfipH nnHonts
I Perfect health requires perfect teeth. Our skilled
and experienced dentists will solve your teeth prob
lems. Moderate charges consistent with high-grade
Bast Silver
Filling . , . .
Beit 22k
Gold Crowns.
Wonder Plates Worth
$15 to $25
14th and Farnam St.
1324 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
can get Plates, Crowns, Bridges
and Fillings complete in one day
Hours: 8:30 A.
M. to 6 P. M.
and Saturdays
Till 8 P. M.
Not Open
Ask the bright Home-keeper!
She knows that Electricity helps make the
home easy to run, that Electric lighting:, an Elec
tric Washer, an Electric Iron, an Electric Toaster,
etc., are invaluable helps to pleasuit Home-making
She won't be without theml Wire your
house before you try to rent.
Union Pacific Building
Douglas 1062
mined. Never at heart reluctant to
light, some, of them heartily ashamed
of their idleness and some of them
held back almost by force, the young
Irishmen are beginning perforce to
sec this spreading struggle for free
dom in a new and larger light.
"No one would lightly involve the
American republic in our own do
mestic difficulties, but it would be
sheer folly not to recognize that na
tionalist Ireland is still far closer akin
to Irish Americans than to English
men." Some of the papers estimate that
there are .'50.(100 able'-bodied men in
Ireland who are eligible for military
State Commercial Clubs
To Hold Meeting in Omaha
Oninlia has been chosen -as the
meeting place fnr the Nebraska As
sociation of Commercial clubs. May
24 and J5. Alliance was originally se-
i tected, but the change to Omaha was
I decided upon in order that the dele-
ir-itsx micrlir linr irt taLr dart in
. thp Kood , onservation conference,
m. v ?j t0
. V. Steinliart of the
State Association of Commercial
Clubs has been in conference with the
,'.!!ianec people, and he will notify all
the other cluhs in the state of this
The Berg Clothing Co.'a
1415 Farnam Street
Now Turn to the
Want-Ad Pages
'without urc
W Pleas
You or
Your Money.
Heaviest Bridge
Work, per tooth
fc C t O fc 1 A
PO PO iplU
No Students.
Power Co.