6 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 13, 1917. WASTRELS ARE NEAR TRAITORSTO NATION Men Who Buy Food Which They Do Not Need Are Not Helping Country in the War. A W nivk frw hhn Bougereau's Work Critically Considered Jlt tit KJ 1 1 Ml til Rodin. Gilder and Others in Point- : : By A. R. GROH. An open letter to the young gara bo, wearing glasses and a misplaced eyebrow mustache, seen finishing his lunch in a local restaurant: Dear Gazabo I am the man, who gave you that terrible took as 1 passed your table in going out of the restaurant You may have noted the contemptuous glance that I gave with a condemnatory eye at the dishes ranged around your plate. Ynu may have wondered what was "biting' me. I will tell yo I. My condemnatory glance was dirested upon you because tlte dishes ranged around your plate branded you us a wastrel. And wa strels, particularly food wastrels, are near-traitors in these times. You knew that there is a shortage in food. You knew that the word has gone out to everybody to produce $ much food as possible and to wa:.i as little as possible. . - Should Be Ashamed. You knew this. Why, then, were you ot ashamed to sit there with all that exhibit of wasted food around youf There was a big beefsteak th; t you bad fooled around with. Less than one-third of it was consumed. There was a dish of new potatoes in cream that you had mussed up soinswhit and the sliced tomatoes that you had barelv touched and the asparagus that you had nibbled at and the pie tha; you had only half consumed and the :up of coffee half wasted. Now, I don't want to "bawl you jut" too severely. Perhaps you were jnly thoughtless. Probably you were jnly thoughtless. You woulojit d jberately waste the food supply of rour country, would you? You say you can pay for it, and it loesn't matter whether you eat it or i t. A very shallow argument. It does natter just as much as if you hadn t i cent. The fact that you can pay for ood doesn't give you a right to waste t. Imagine the food of the world ahausted, what good would all the noney in the world be? It would be powerless to t-store the food. Think ;t over, my friend. . - May Save the Steak. There is one redeemable thought. So doubt that one-third consumed teefsteak will be cleaned and reno ated and come out on a clean plat i ter to some other customer. So, it on't be wasted And the creamed po 'atoes can do duty again. And the Vnuloes and asparag s will fit into a ew or soup. And even the damaged ie may find its way into a bread pud ling. For such, I understand, is the a-av of restaurants. And while I never like to think of it when eating Sash at a hash palace, I rejoice at it n these scarce-food times. The point 1 want to make is that if ou waste as much at home as you lo in the restaurant, and if alt you Ion t eat at home goes into the gar bage pail, is is a serious thing. Espe :ially serious is it if there are a few million thoughtlesi people like your ' self in this country. Turn over a new leaf, my friend, 7011 and all other food wasters. Make up your mind to waste no food, at least not during the war. I'll look next time I pass your table. Don't let me see any wasted food or 1 may forget myself and land on you. St. Jpseph Man Now Vice ; ; President Omaha National Walter W. Head, cashier of the German-A.iiericaii National bank of St. Joseph, Mo., will come to Omaha July 1 to Uke; the place of the late W. H. Bu:iolz as a vice president of the Omaha National bank. . , All the old members of the staff re main and there is one, new one, Ed ward Neal. who has been in the col lection department of the Omaha Na tional ban for twelve years and is . promoted to be an assistant cashier. Frank Boyd, who was cashier, is to be a vice president, and Eire MiHard. who was an assistant cashier, is to be cashier. - , The complete staff of the bank now will be as follows: J. H. Millard. , president; Ward M. Burgess, vice president; Walter W. Head, vice presi-, dent; B. A. Wilcox, vice president; Frank Boyd, vice president; Ezra Millard, . cashier; Otis . Alvison, as listant cashier; John Changstrom, as sistant cashier; Edward Neale, as sistant cashier. ? . . ' ., City Sells $1,000 Worth'" ' A:-.! Of Seed Potatoes at Cost 'i The Week's sales of the'muniripal , garden seed department amounted to f LOW. most of the amount beinsr re ceived for sales of seed potatoes. This feature of the city's gardening project will be resumed on Monday morning. Director Fleharty assigned many lots and tracts to persons who will cultivate ' them. . More lots ' are wanted. - - "I am pleased with the work which has been accomplished toward inter esting the people in cultivating the vacant land of the city. It will mean much next fait. I am told there is yet time to plant many kinds of seeds and it is my desire that every vacant piece of laud shall be used this season, said Mayor Uatiiman, Hulda Carlson Missing Since Last Tuesday Hulda Carlson, aged 23 years, has Deen missing since i hursday. - Miss Carlson left the Scandinavian , Young Women s Christian associa tion home the forenoon of Mav 10. In a handbag she took clothes with her. - She was recently discharged from , a hospital, where she went to be treated tor neurotic ailment. Miss Carlson was formerly a house maid in the home of Horace F. Orr. 125 South Thirty-eighth street. She has blue eyes, light hair and a clear ' complexion. She wore a blue and wnite wasn dress. . ' Seven Youths Vindicated - . - Of Assault on Policeman Seven young men. ehareed with assaulting Patrolman Thomas O'Con i nor near the, municipal Auditorium on tne nignt ot April 30. were dis Charged in police court Saturday. ; The defendants were Frank Comp- ion, Joe, Arthu.- and 61ynn Clark, irtorge Anderson, fc. M. Wireman and Wvlie Comoton. . ' "Insufficient evidence to establish guilt," ruled the court. Manatiick. West Dodge, Omaha, May 10, 1917. To the Editor of The Bee: 1 received a shock a few days ago when I saw a painting, by the Frenchman, Bougereau, which I un derstand the art . society here is con templating buying for $30,000.'As one who loves art and the cause of art very deeply I feel I must pro.trst against this purchase, and as one who has studied art for many years in the, east and abroad, I feel that I have some right to make a protest. I consider Bougereau's work of the very lowest order, entirely lacking in all that makes art great and full of defects and meanings which cannot fail to have a pernicious and degrad ing effect on any community. Many people who have a smattering of art knowledge and who think they know a great deal because thry are not shocked by the nude in art and who are a shade better informed than those who think all nude work is wicked, also know so little that they think any picture of the nude is great for no other reason than that it is nude. This is Bougereau's appeal. Technically, this picture is entirely lacking. There are no bone in it, no anatomy; there is no foreshort ening where it is needed, the leg is a bow from the thigh to the knee and there is no knee, and it is all badly drawn. Although she is supposed to be standing in a pool of water, she is standing on the surface as though it were ice.' The background comes in front of the figure and both are in front of the frame. And in a more spiritual sense what does it stand for? Nothing. She is simply1 inane. expressing nothing. There is none of the wonderful feeling of reality of the nudes of Rubens, where you feel that every bone, every organ of the body is in place ana wonting periecny, in which you feel the grandeur of the human hodv as a dwelling place for the mind and the soul. Nor of Michel Ansreln. whose neoDle are too won derful to need clothes; or of Rodin, whose nudes teach us that he who is perfectly sincere can never be vul gar. Here we have a woman who is not nude, but naked. The nudes of the great masters are uplifting, en nobling. This is vulgar, ugly and im moral to him who can read. But It is not necessary to take mv word for authority. I studied with the late William M. Chase in New York, and for over three years I heard him give long talks on art and criticism every week. Mr. Chase was ......... r. . ... I .L ior iweniy-nve yeara consiacrcu inc glCOlCSL Sib ICNVMCI 1,1 UK. will, 11 J. and undoubtedly was the greatest of the older men. I know that he con sidered Bougereau the exponent of the lowest form of art in existence. Many a time have I known him to look at a student's canvas a moment, explode with the one word, "Bou gereau!" and go on to the next. To anyone why' understands his opinions an hour s talk would not nave said more. His artistic hatreds came un der the head of Bougereau, Henner and their kind, the kaiser, Ruskin. I have heard him tfil of a familv who were friends of his who sent him word to come and see their wonderful new Bousereau. for vdiich tliev had paid a big turn. He went and he told them what he thought ot it. they were politely unbelieving and angry. The picture was placed where the family could see it oftenest. This family could afford to have and did have a very fine Rembrandt which hung where strangers could see it and he impress; ! by the name, but where the family did not see it often. Mr. Chase prevailed on them to hang the two side byVde nearest the family living place, where they would see them'constantly. and asked them to study them equally. He wenl abroad and did no: see them for two years. At the end of that time he called upon them. Th Rembrandt hung in the place of . honor, but the other was not to be seen. He a'sked what had become of it. They told him that it was in the attic, as they had grown to love the kembrandt, so they could not see enough of it, and to hate the Bougereau so they could not bear to see it. He asked them why they, did not sell it, as they could get a targe price for it. They replied that they ould not let an .. influence - so per verted go out of their house, that thev would rattScr burn it up and lose the money. I also studied a great deal with Mr. Kenneth Hayes-Miller, who is consid ered by serious students in New-York the best teacher there, which means the best in the world, as New York is now the art center, of the world. ; know thft he thinks no more of Rogrreau than Mr. Chase did. I also know that Robert Henri, F. Luis Mora and u.any others of the leading artists of New York have only con tempt for that style of art. , Great art brings a moral uplift to the people of any community. If this picture is hung in a public gallery in Omaha it will not teach the people anything of art or of anything else. If they would take a small part of $.10,000, say $5,000 or even $1,000, and buv good photographs, if possible in color, of the great pictures which have stood the test of centuries and modern pictures which are great by the same standards and put them in public places and make them 'inter esting and explain them, they would be doing far more to educate the pub lic. And that is the true aim of every art gallery. The people of Omaha can learn to appreciate good art, for. appreciation can be taught. But they will never learn so long as they are given art like the impossible portrait of Fontenelle, the cast iron waves we often see here and the things in vio lent motion, hut entirely lacking in action which they are so fond of exhi biting here, while beautiful things like the landscapes of Mr. Gilder, who is one of our great American landscape painters, go begging for a paltry sum. The peiple will never learn while they are given the pictures they vote for. Omaha needs art missionaries. The public should be given pictures se lected by tho'se who know fat more about art then they do and be taught to love good art., Any leader must know his subject and know what he is going to teach before he can teach anything. Does the missionary take a vote of the heathen to find out which religion he will teach them? Does the school teacher ask his pupils what he shall teac( them? I defy anyone to study a good and a. bad picture and not learn to love the good and despise the bad one. It is only by seeing the good that the people will learn to care for great art. This is shown by the fact that in New York, where great art is shown, the crowds can hardly be accommodated. That Omaha needs art missionaries is shown by any observer at the Franco-Belgian exhibition at the Auditorium. The four Rodins, which are the only real art there, ate. passed by. And people do not even glance at the wonderful Victory, although every true lover of art will bow to her no matter how often he sees her nor how poor the reproduction: If Omaha could have one of those Rod ins it would mean more than every work of art that has ever been here. That marvelous thing, "Severed Head of John the Baptist, could not live long beside the Bougereau without driving the tatter to the junk pile. In the first place, it is so abso lutely dead. The wonderful expres sion of the mouth! We know it is dead, that it is severed from the body and that it met a violent death. We alio know that it has been dead some time at least more than twenty-four hours; also that it has gone through many adventures since it left the body. As Shakespeare gave us not only the plots of his plays, but the whole background of the life of the world at that time, so Rodin has ex pressed in this head the life of Bible times. We can almost-see the crowd, the cruelty of that time, the soldiers in formation with helmets and spears, and here and there a sneer. We know that thi ' man died without solace and peace at the end. And how wonderfully Rodin has gotten those two things most difficult for an artist to get, especially a sculptor, and especially in bronze color and tex ture. This hair must be dark brown. We feel the color of the skin. And how wonderfully we feel that the skin is skin and that the hair is fluffy. And how we feel the bony structure of the head. It is all there just as it should be. This head must have laid there awhile tnd been thrown there by vio lent hands. We know that this man could not have lived in this day. He shows on his face the age in which he lived and the development, intel lectual and moral, of that time. We can see and feel all these things in it even if we had never heard the story. No sculptor or painter of any age has ever reached higher art than this. But, some people would say. this would not be a fit subject to give the public, especially children. Perhaps ' so. One of the most difficult things in art to be learned is that the subject has nothing whatever to do with it. One of the most beautiful pictures I ever saw was a Rubens in Brussels, in which somebody cuts out the tongue of a martyr and feeds it to a dog. Revolting subject, but a beautiful pic ture. Yet I have seen many pictures of undeniably beautiful women which were hideous as pictures. For myself, I do not, care what the subject of a work of art 80 long as it is great art. But the other three Rodins' are equally gr;at in their way.' And there are many things of pleasing subjects equally great. Can anyone see any of these great things in any of the pictures at the Auditorium or in the Bougereau? I confess I cannot, and I would be grateful .to anyone who would show me them. Omaha is unusually . backward in art, even smaller cities, such as Des Moines, being ahead of it But it is a hopeful sign that there is interest in art. To quote Mr. Chase again. He used to tell us to admire something immensely, no matter how bad it was, even if it was that awful thing, "Na poleon Crossing the Alps," in the Metropolitan museum. So long as we admired something, we would go on liking better and better things, and finally get somewhere some time, while he who admired nothing would never get anywhere. So if Omaha admires something, even a Bougereau, it means the beginning of better things. Even if it isn't on the ladder of art or art appreciation, if it is just on the ground under that ladder and looking up, that is something to be proud of. LETA MOORE MEYER. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. Q. hihst than in a hurry f A. Q. He doesn't appear to be talc-v r ing a nap. , Well, what's his trouble ? ,' He's to appear before his bank directors on the matter of a loan and his car is down with punctured tires. Isn't he foolish to depend upon . his car in such an emergency? -He wouldn't be if he had the right tire equipment. , . What do you call the tight tire equipment? . Lee Tires the stuff that gelt you there, and the tires you .can always depend upon. Don't ask me, but go and look into the Lee Puncture ' Proof feature, their standard lines, their Inner Tubes and find out for yourself what I mean by right tin equipment, from . POWELL , S! Fainam at. SUPPLY Y raooo wslae Ml. - - Lee ' ; Standard Tires Give more tlrt comfort and mileage than ever before churned for wry standard make of tires. Lee Tubes - Alwayafandareofrar thickness and tugged nen. Theyaraextromo ly supple, tough, resil ient and long wearing. a ... , a.000 miles tgarameej UlrrttEiCa.fj.itAsdiak M ! eimacrCweiiewBej x I'm" the Willard Service Station Man); I and you'll know my place of business ' by the red and white Willard Service' Station sign. I'm Willard worinne for vim. hetoinff you to look after your batteries keep-: 1 ing you out of battery trouble or help-J ing you out when you fall Into it. I have the equipment and the tntimau knowledge of batteries necessary to give you the beat repair and recharging serv ice. And you don't lose the use of your' machine while I'm doing the workfor 1 have a rental battery for you whatever' the make or model of your car Come In and get acquainted, and while, you're in ask for your Willard Service Card. which entitles you to free testing'' Nebraska Storage Battery Co. ' 2203 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 5102. f ft' bit f yfra-PSHHijer roaring CrWbl But lit inches Year-Ahead Beauty in the Hupmobile is a fact. ' Performance is a second fact. The Hupmobile has established it by out pointing cars of all types. Value is a third fact Hupmobile quality has been acknowledged for years. We are ready to demonstrate these facts ior your individual attention. Pe-PMMntfer Tourinf Car f IKS Sreji-pMMier Tovrini Cat 1440 Tm-paamnii Roaditat - 138S tira-paandn Sadan - - - I73S riicF.O.t.Datntt McSHANI MOTOR CO, 2523-2828 Farnui St. Local Diitrlbuter. Douglas 0489. HUPMOBILE CO. OF NEBRASKA Phone Dmiflas 8433. Factory Branca. OMAHA, NEB. ThaWatJtoiSapaHaa kW Car SMviea i The Studebaker SIX From the Standpoint of Economy IF ECONOMY is to be your consideration from now on, especially in the purchase of your motor car, you should by all means investi gate "the tudebaker SIX from that standpoint. . Where people know cars, at all probabilities they . buy that car in greatest numbers which gives them the greatest value for their money. : Therefore, in Detroit, where 80 of all cars are . ?. made, where people know cars, the official regis trations show that there are more Studebakers in use than any other car costing over $500. ' Where people prove motor car value and quality by the continuous test of twelve months in the year service, they probably buyv in greatest numbers tliat car which stands up and gives the service. Therefore, in California, Washington, Oregon and the Rocky " Mountain States!, there are more Studebakers in use than any other car costing over $500.' In the far West, people prove motor car value and quality, they test it out, twelve months in the year, on the longest, hardest, hilliest drives in the United States. " The careful, keen, shrewd buyers in the great Middle Western farming states use Studebaker cars because they have found that Studebakers give consistent service on the rough country roads, day in and day out, at the least possible maintenance and repair expense. In the metropolitan cities where style is a factor, there are thousands of Studebakers in daily use. In ratio to power, the Studebaker SIX is most economical in gasoline consumption. In ratio to carrying capacity, its light weight and perfect balance make it most economical in , tires Studebaker owners frequently get from 8,000 to 10,000 miles on a single set of tires. Studied accessibility reduces inspection, adjust ment and repair costs to a minimum. Therefore, if economy is to be your watchword, buy a Studebaker. v ' ' Buy it as an investment not as an expenditure. If you want to sell it, or trade it in, it will bring a higher re-sale price in ratio to first cost, than most other cars. . The Studebaker SIX is the best work of a great manufacturing organization; it bears a great name, it carries a splendid reputation, and it is protected by a year's guarantee against defective material and workmanship. Come in and let us show you, point by point, the quality features of this car, the features that make it one of the best automobile "buys" in the world. Four-CyHnder Models FOUR Roadster . . . $W FOUR?Tourlng Car . . S FOUR Landau Roadster . 1151 FOUR Every-Weather Car 1185 Altthct.a.kDHKM Studebaker-Vilson, Inc. Farnam Street and 25th' Avenue OMAHA, NEB. Six-Cylinder Models SIX Roadster .... $121) SIX Touring Car . . . U5 SIX Landau Roadster . . 1 35 SIX Touring Sedan . , 170 SIX Coupe 175 SIX Limousine .... 2M ' Attprict. a. t. Detroit