Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA SUNDA It HW. MAY. 13, 1S)17,
4 A
Arnold Fanners and Stockmen
Out in: Great Numbers to
Hear Preparedness Train
, Speakers.
Arnold, Neb., May 12. (Special
Telegram.) Eddyville, Oconto, Calla
way, Arnold and Stapleton were the
stops made by the farm preparedness
special today, tbe tour officially end
ing at Stapleton.
' Meetings along the Callaway branch
of the Union Pacific were the most
enthusiastic of the entire trip. Those
held it the country school houses and
churches were reported by the speak
ers to be the most successful they
have held.
The upper end of this valley is well
stocked with cattel and bogs and the
alfalfa is the best seen on the trip.
The pastures are slow in coming and
the feeder! are getting short of hay.
But the cattle are yet in prime condi
tion. Intense interest is being manifested
inthe conservation convention to be
held in , Omaha May. 22 and every
speaker aboard the special emphasizes
the importance of every community
being represented. '
Met By Autos at Arnold.
The meeting at Arnold this after
noon was the cap sheaf of the entire
trip. A hundred gaily decorated auto
mobiles were at the depot and each
speaker was escorted to his or her
appointment by from five fo fifteen
heavily laden cars. Not less than 500
people were at the depot andthis is
about two-thirds of the citizenship of
the town. Ben Mills is the man re
sponsible for the complete arrange
ments for the meeting at Arnold.
At Callaway the streets were filled
with people when the special arrived.
Lieutenant Governor Howard ad
dressed meeting of about 200 men
and he spoke with especial emphasis
about the necessity of standing by the
governor and his assistants in the
work of preparing Nebraska to do its
full duty to the government.-
Gardening Gets Impetus.
Oconto and Eddyville turned out
good crowds and at every (topping
place the. women evidenced the keen
est interest in the home economics ad
dresses. .' Prof. Skinner reports that
the school gardening work has re
ceived a great impetus.
The last meetings of the trip were
held at Stapleton and they were
largely attended. Every station along
this branch was supplied with speak
trs and every community was cov
ered. , ;: 1
Nine meetings were held today with
a total attendance of about 4,800. Im
mediately after- the meetings' tonight
the special train left for Kearney,
where the .corps of- lecturers dis
banded. " - , ....
More than 20,000 thousand, people
addressed .and more than 100,000
piece! of literature distributed, is the
record of the farm, preparedness spe
cial. ;; . ,
Notes from West Point - .
i : . CAnd Cuming County
West PofnVNeb, May 12 (Spe
tial) The West Point school board
has placed 'itself on record" in - the
present war emergency by ordering
that all pupils enrolled will be per
mitted -discontinue their studies to
enlist in the army, or navy, 4he Red
cross service or to work on tarms
and will be granted full credit for the
work-of the current semester,
Charles Throener, a prominent
farmer living west, of the river, died
on Wednesday after a lingering illness
from cancer of the stomach. Funeral
services were held this morning from
St. Boniface church, Monterey.
J. G. Bendict of the, east aide has
been' seized with an attack of blood
poisoning, caused by a knife wound
sustained while butchering hogs a few
weeks ago. He has been taken to
Omaha for hospital treatment.
lift and Mrs. John Werbelow of
the west aide celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary at J5t, Peter'!
German Lutheran church on Friday
Kearney County Schools ' .
q Have Patriotic Pacade
Mipden, Neb, May 12. Schools
from all parts of Kearney county
were. represented in a patriotic parade
here 'yesterday. Many of the larger
girls pupils were dressed in Red Cross
nurst uniforms which 'added im
mensely to the beauty of the parade.
Somt of the smaller boy! carried
rifles1 and some carried hoes and
The parade ended at the Audi
torium, which was filled to overflow-
inn". An Ariorinal nm K.. D..
t. A. Lonquist was read by Matie
ureen. w. t. Andrews and Judge, H
S. Dangan made addresses.
After the rfrmnni m tUm LA1.
torium a flag raising waa held at the
i.cmrai scnooi Duiiamg, wnere a nag
wai hosited which had been given
to tne central scnooi building by the
ladies of the Grand Army of the
, Republic
Skeleton of Man is ; '
Plowed Up Near Winnebago
, west romt, wen. May 1Z. (Spe
- cial.-ihe skeleton of a man was
plowed up by Herman Glover at his
place; near Winnebago, last week,
while breaking sod in the field. His
- plowshare struck the skull at a depth
nf ahnnr frmr tnrli. Tn all ana
ancc the body must have been buried
more; man mry years, although the
bonea were in a fair state of preser
vation Thf owm tin r A': t'. . I
Indian burial nor was there found
any indications of a violent death.
Alliance Red Cross Raises " ' '
Five Hundred On Tag Day
Alliance, Neb, May 12 (Special.)
-r-The Alliance chapter of the Red
Cross have been enlisting : a large
. number of people in the work. The
recent tag day netted the organiza
tion $500 and it is now 'planning a
dance tor1 the: tehefit of the local
. chapter and Company G of Alliance.
The Berg Clothing Co.'s
1415 Farnam Street
ERIN Mr. Hanna Sheehy Skeffington, widow of the Dublin
editor executed by a firing squad after the Irish revolt last
year, has stirred Los Angeles mightily. After her lecture cit
izens adopted resolutions which were telegraphed to Presi
dent Wilson, urging him to support Ireland's demand for
was .KE?ma.xQ 9. heh sew.
' Tha Wise Husband.
Mr, Barton llvtd In ft suburban town. Hit
wl( asked htm to purchase a shirtwaist for
bar whlia la New York. After tetllnf the
laleivtrt what hi wai attar, iha displayed a
"Hera ara aoma very pretty one. What
eolor do you prefer?" una eald. 1
"It doein't make any difference!" replied
Mr. Barton.
"Donan't make any difference!" exclaimed
the aaleirlrl. "Why, don't you. think, your
wife would like a certain color?"
"No, It makei no difference what color I
get or what ilae. I shall have to come back
tomorrow to toava It changed." New York
' May Muslim.
It muit b a iltrn of age when you find
you'd rather stick to the office than pull a
heavy boat around In queet of ,flah.
The frost on the pun kin ts all very well,
but we don't Ilka to aee the froit on the
early, radiih, . .
Borne of then spring gowm look bub
piclouely like the Mother Hubbard breaking
out fn a new place. . .
The Queen of May has a bad cold.
Louisville Courier-Journal,
Once a city man ot convivial habits got
Into difficulty In a small town. Indeed, he
found himself baled before tbe local mag
istrate. "The constable," observed the city man to
the magistrate, "seems wonderfully certain
about the details of my cane. How la It he
doesn't call his fellow-officer to corroborate
what he says?"
"There's only one constable In this vil
lage, sir," explained the magistrate.
"But I saw two last night!" Indignantly
asserted the accused.
"Exactly," aatd the magistrate, smiling
broadly; "that's Jest the charge against
yon!" San Francrsro Chronlcls.
Broadway's Greatest Fun Maker Sings Exclusively
for the
, , Jolson, the original black-faced comedian of
the world, who appears in Robinson Crusoe, Jr.',
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings, May 17,
18, 19 at the BOYD THEATER, will also sing for
you in your home at any and at all times on the fol
1976 "Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go?"
2021 "I Sent My Wife to the Thousand Isles."
2154 "Broken Doll."
2181 "Ev'ry Little While."
2169-"What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes
At Me For?"
1956 "YaakaHoolaHickeyDoola." "
; ' ' And Ten Other Catchy Songs
1 Your selection of records is not complete unless you have one
or more of his popular hits listed above.
If unable to visit our Record Department Phone your order to
Douglas 1623 and it will receive prompt attention.
Complete record catalogue furnished on request.
Columbia Grafonolas'to suit all purses $15, $25, $50, $75 up to $350
'' " Sold On Small Payments.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St.'
Omaha's Leading Grafonola Store.
Doctors Stand Amazed at Power
of Bon Opto to Make Weak Eves
Strong According to Dr. Lewis
Guaranteed to Strengthen Eyesight 50
in One Week s Time in Many Instances
Ht Followed Infltractloos.
Frederick; tho Great, king of Fruit la, this
llliistrtoiia ancestor of Kaleer Wllhelm, had
a fancy for slants In bla bodyguard. One
day a recruiting officer apled tn Berlin
an Irishman whose height waa six feet
four lnchee. The officer's hopes were high,
too, but thara waa one difficulty Pat could
not speak a word of German, and tho king
had always Insisted that his men must
know that language.
The recruiting sergeant, having got hla
man to unllst without much trouble, saw
a way out.
"i'at." said he, "hla majesty will ask
you three questions In German, and you
will answer In German. 1 will teach you
tbe words, and you must get them right."
"He will say to you, 'How old are you'
You will reply, '27 years. Then he will
ak, 'How long have you fcwen In tho army?'
You will renpflrol. 'Three weeks,' and then
he will say, 'Are you satisfied with your
lodgings and your food?' and you answer,
'Both, your majesty,' and then you will
salute the king."
Pat got the German thoroughly, When
reviewing his trorps, tha king immediately
sighted-the newcomer.
"Ah." he said, with a sntlafled smile at
the giant Hibernian, "my friend, how long
have you been In the army?"
"Twenty-seven years."
"What!" yelled his majesty. "Why, how
old are you ?"
Three weeks." I
"Donner und blltsen!" shrieked the In
furiated despot. "Am I a madman or ara
"Both." replied Pat, lmperturbably, and
the king waa removed foaming. New York,
Bee Want Ada Produce Rfwultw; '
A Free Prescription Yoa fan Have Pined
and Vm at Horn.
Philadelphia, Pa. Victims of eye strain
and other eye weaknesses, and those who
wear glasses, will be glad to know that, ac
cording to lr, Lewis, there ts real hope and
help for them. Uany whose eyes were fall
ing say they have had their eyes restored
by this remarkable prescription and many
who once wore glasses say thay have thrown
them away. One man aays, after using It:
"I waa almost blind. Could not see tn read
at all. Now I can read everything without
my glasses and my eye do not hurt any
mora. At night they would pain dreadfully.
Now they, teel fine all the time. It was like
a miracle to me," A lady who used It says:
"The atmosphere; seemed haay with or with
out glasses, but after using this prescription
for fifteen daya everything seems clear. I
can read even fine print without glasses."
Another who used It says: "I was bothered
with eye strain caused by overworked, tired
eyes which Induced fierce headaches. I have
worn giaasea for several years both for dls
tance and work, and without them I could
not read my own name on an envelope or
tha typewriting on the machine before me. I
can do both now and havu discarded my
long distance glassev altogether I can count
tha fluttering leaves on the trees across the
street now, which for several yeara have
looked like a dim green blur to me. I can
not expreHS my Joy at what U has done for
me," . . . . ,
i It la believed that thousands who wear
glasses can now discard them In a reason
able time and multitudes more will be able
to strengthen their eyes so aa to b-apartd
the trouble and 'expense of er getting
glasses. Kye troubles of many descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by the uh of
this prescription. Go to any active drug
store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets.
Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In a fourth of a
glans of water and let It dissolve. With this
nqma oaino tne eyes two to tour times flatly.
You should notice vour eve claar un nir
centlbly right from the start and Inflamma
tion and redness will quickly disappear. If
your eyes bother you even a little it Is your
duty to take steps to save them now before
It Is too late. Many hopelessly blind might
-have saved their sight if they had cared for
tneir eyes w time.
Note: Another prominent Phynlclan to
whom the above article waa submitted, said:
'Yea, tho Bon-Opto prescription is truly a
wonaerrui eye romay. us constituent ingre
dlonts are well known to eminent eye spe
cialists and widely prescribed by them.
hnve lilted it varv successfully In my own
practice on patients whose eyes were strained
inrougn ovsrwurn or jiujui iiasin, i van
nignty recommena u in case 01 wbik, wai
rv. anhtnic. smarting, itching, burning eyes.
red lids, blurred vision or for eyes inflamed
from exposure to smoke, sun, duat or wind,
it t nn at the very few nrena rations I feel
should be kept on hand for regular use In
almost every family," Bon-Opto. referred to
above, Is not a patent medicine or a secret
remedy. It la an ethical preparation, the
formula being printed on the package. The
manufacturers auaraniwo u m Fuensuiirii
eyesight 60 par uent in one week's time In
many Instances or refund the money. It can
h nhtained from any good druggist and Is
sold In this city by Sherman & MoConnoU
and other druggists. Advertisement;
A full line of HOOSIER
Kitchen Cabinets and
Tables Now in Stock.
Good Furniture for People Who Care.
Made by Men Who Know.
If 4.46.416. SOUTtt iSt .
Buy a Victrola on Easy,
Convenient Terms. Satisfy
That Musical Longing.
Distinguished Adam Living Room Suite
In Brown Mahogany and Cane
A LUXURIOUS Suite that will delight your family and friends for many years, being a source of pride and lasting
J satisfaction. The frames are of genuine mahogany, finished English brown, fitted with soft deep spring seats and
pillow cushion backs. The upholstering is a rich blue black striped velour. The backs and sides are of hand-woven
cane finished antique. You will notice the exceedingly graceful lines and the carved medallions.
The Davenport, $130.00 The Arm Chair, $63.00 The Rocker, $64 00
Wing Chair or
William and Mary style, as illus
trated, with soft, loose cushion
seat; shown in two patterns of at
tractive tapestry. Exceptionally
well made and spe- tQQ Cfl
cially priced, at. . . . ip0,OU
A Wonderful Library Table at
This table, so expressive of strength and character in every line, is
64 inches long ana zo mcnes, wme. it nas a large concealed drawer,
and is finished in English brown mahogany. Your particular
attention is cajled to the fine turnery.
Tapestry Rockers and
William and Mary period1, as illus
trated above ; made with wide arms
nd covered in pleasing tapestry
of good grade. Chair or Rocker
With loose cushion seat. $24.50
With stationary spring seat,
at $22.50
Oriental Rug Section
Wonderful Chinese Rugs
That Rival the Choice Products of the Orient
jTtHE charm of the wonderful color schemes and unusual designs decides their superiority
J. over many oriental types. The fine soft yarns from which the rugs are woven insures their lay
ing or hanging perfectly, and, to be sure, many of the picture patterns are more suitable as
hangings than as floor coverings. The designs are raised and so clearly defined that they ap
pear to be "carved" upon the ground of the rug.
From a Collection Valued at More Than $20,000, We Con
sider the following Examples Worthy of Especial Mention
10 feet 1 inch by 13 feet 2 inches. Rug has old blue ground of
wonderful depth; carved upon it are butterflies and foliage and
typical of many others in the exhibit, it has an urn of strange shape
very Chinese but very beautiful; border is of cream and old
rose. Price $525.00
8 feet by 10 feet Rug. Center ground is of rich Pekin Poppy color
with black blue and gold border; the design is worked out over the
center in medallions and bright colored flowers of China. The
price $220.00
A smaller slie, 6 feet by 8 feet, partakes of the Tapestry order, in
that It will serve as a hanging as well as a rug. A forest scene is
cleverly depicted with all the unvarnished simplicity of medieval
times a monkey up a tree a donkey, birds, butterflies, spiders.
Price $150.00
A beautiful creation for the living room is worked out with a deep
and rich gold ground upon which is projected a leaf pattern in im
perial Chinese blue. The size is 8-9x12. Price $475.00
In the collection are a number of very beautiful small creations,
priced, at $10.00. $20.00. $25.00 and $40.00
These rugs are different in every way, even to the odd sizes
(being measured by the Chinese meter), different from any other
kind of rug, yet, perhaps, more adapted to our homes and color
schemes than any other type of rug. Come and see them.
All lovers of fine and unusual Rugs should see the
display in our windows and on our Second Floor.
Surprisingly Beautiful Cretonnes
Colorful and in hundreds of well drawn, attrac
tive designs. Patterns both light and dark, suit
able for every room in your house, priced with
extreme moderation and bought before the big
raise in prices.
20 patterns, per yard..35d 30 patterns, per yard..50
75 patterns, per yard..65 35 patterns, per yard. .85
25 patterns, at, per yard. $1.00
SUNFAST FABRICS Unconditionally guaranteed
fadeless by sun or water, in both light and heavy
, weights. Colors include new shades of gold, bronze
blue, rose, myrtle, brown and mulberry .
from $1.50 to $4.50 Per Yard
Refrigerator Time Is Here
This Beautiful White Enameled Lined
Will Be the Choice of Thoughtful
A High Grade, Sanitary Refrig
erator. Has solid oak case, all
white enamel lined style and dry
n,ulnfinn. KverV
air Byuwiii u
wall and door thoroughly mineral
wool insulated, to full thickness;
beautifully finished, both inside
and out Pure tinned removable
wire shelves. Seamless steel drain
age pans in ice chamber. Strictly
high grade. Full value. Sealed
white interiors.
65-lb. ice capacity. .$24.00 100-lb. ice capacity $33.50
75-lb. ice capacity. .$27.75 5-b. ice capacity. $35 .00
$3.00 Allowed on ANY Old Ice Box.
Lawn Mowers
,We Can Guarantee,
Special Values, Too.
14-inch, 3-blade, special $3.95
16-inch, 3-blade, special $4.95
14-inch Laurel with ball bearing and 4 blades
16-inch Rapid with ball bearings and B blades $10.3a
Orchard & Wilhelm IVORY furniture polish, used since 1895
on our own furniture, is good for you. IOEr ft fir
two sizes, the bottle SiUC ,
ffliByfflja-J II