Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 37

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Employes of Federal Rubber
Company Find Each Other
Again When Two Are
Taken Prisoners.
New evidence that, after all, the
world is a very small place, conies
almost daily to the surface, and the
following incident illustrative of this
saving is a rather unusual and decid
edly interesting echo from the world's
great battle front.
It is the case of three men, all foreign-bom,
and who in the natural
course of events are thrown together
in one of the great industrial plants
of this country. One is an Italian,
Dominick Grcgorcio, who came to
this country before the beginning of
t,o F,r tn eppr bis fortune. The
nthrr two men arc Austrians. All
three found employment at the plant
of the Federal Rubber company,
Cudahv, Wis., and became fast friends.
Now Dominick was the sole support
of an aged mother, whom he left be
hind in sunny Italy, and when subse
quently there came a letter telling of
the mother's declining health and the
-A r !, nrppnrp and comfort OI
her son, Dominick dutifully packed
his worldly belongings, bade his
friends a hasty farewell and sailed for
home. .
At the opening of the war Domi
nick responded to his country's call
i ...., n frnnt. Some time
later, when Gorcia was captured and
prisoners were Deiug uruugm
the enemy's lines, among the first
were Dominick's old friends, the two
Austrians. In a letter to another
friend at the Federal Rubber com
pany's plant Dominick said he was
very glad to meet his old friends, even
though strictly speaking they were
his enemies, and tn the hearty hand
shaking that followed the reunion qt
these three men there was no evi
dence of war, or strife, or enmity, and
each expressed regret that through
the fortunes or misfortunes of war
they, as old-time friends, had been
obliged fo shoot at each other.
Ford Advises Car Owners
To Have Motors Overhauled
Most motor car owners consider all-the-year
driving as a matter of course
and would as soon think of stopping
eating in the winter as putting their
:ars away on account of cold weather.
Spring, however, does have some
significance for automobilists. It
means that the days of long drives
through the country are almost at
hand and every driver, whether ex
perienced or a novice, -wants his car
in the best possible shape to take ad
vantage of the good roads. The time
to make ready is before the roads are
in shape.
Even though the car has been giv
ing consistent satisfaction all winter,
it is a good idea to go carefully over
the tires, in search of worn or weak
spots. ... ,
The Ford company is advising Ford
owners to take their cars to the near
est Ford agency and service station
for a spring overhauling. In every
branch city there are several author
ized Ford agencies, while 10,000 more
are scattered over tho United States.
Liberty Cars Much in ,
Evidence on Streets Here
The handsome gray Liberty cars
with the yellow wheels are becoming
very much in evidence on the streets
of Omaha. The W. M. Clement
Motors company has reported several
sales in Omaha during the week.
Bailey Differential Is
Planning Record Business
A fitting example of the confidence
felt hv larger manufacturers in gen
eral business conditions, despite the
war situation, is found in the activi
ties of the Bailey Non-Stall Differen
tial corporation of Chicago. Under
the general managership of J. E. Duf
field and with big financial backing
the company is organizing a selling
force of men of long experience and
is preparing for a first year's produc
tion which would make a most credit
able showing for a much older con
The chief claim to distinction, on
the part of the Bailey differential, ac
cording to its makers, is that it en
ables passenger cars, trucks and
tractors to travel through mud, sand
and snow and out of ditches where
machines with bevel differentials
would stall. This is because the Bailey
product gives a positive drive to both
wheels on the straightaway and when
one wheel gets into trouble all of the
power of the motor is thrown to the
other wheel. Neither wheel can
travel slower than the motor and be
cause this type of differential elim
inates spinning the skidding is great
ly reduced. .
Original 'Velie Car Is
Secured by the Factory
Sometime ago we told the story of
the original Velie car built in the early
days of the industry, a car whose
whereabouts was unknown, but which
had been discovered in the hands of
J. G. Reuter, a commission merchant
of Peoria, 111.
"Old Maud's" mileage has caused
the death of three speedometers, but
it has valiantly held its course in spite
of the on-rush of new and wonder
fully improved models and never felt
the need of a towline in its entire
career. ,
Some days ago the Peoria Velie
dealer sold Mr. Reuter a late model
Velie Biltwel Six and obtained posses
sion of "Maud" for the factory. The
car was driven overland to Moline
without a mishap or delay and now
rests serenely in the showroom; an
interesting evidence of the wonderful
progress made in automobile building
these years.
Overland Uses 12,000,000
Gallons of Oil a Year
Approximately 12,000,000 gallons of
fuel and lubricating oil are consumed
yearly at the Willys-Overland fac
tories in Toledo to operate and lubri
cate machinery and in the building
and testing of its product, according
to J. R. Jamison, local Willys-Overland
branch manager.
Six million gallons of fuel oil are
consumed each year in the heat treat
ing and forge shops. Two thousand
barrels of motor oil are used every
twelve months. Six thousand gallons
of screw-cutting oil for machinery are
consumed. Six tank cars 35,000 gal
lons of cylinder oil for dyanometer
tests are used each month. '
Road testing and operation of the
cars in the factory's garage required
700,000 gallons of gasoline in 1916.
Hudson Suner-Six Picked
By All the Contestants
"Instancing the distinctiveness of
Hudson Super-Six design and its fa
miliarity to the motoring world, 100
per cent of the dealers who took part
in the car-name content, conducted in
the motor review of Leslie's Weekly,
picked out the Hudson correctly,"
said Guy L. Smith, local dealer. "The
cars were all so arranged in the
photograph layout that all names or
distinguishing marks not directly as
sociated with the design of the car
itself were eliminated. Yet the Hud
son was picked by every participant
in the contest.
To Use Autos to Come to
Sunday School Convention
Many of the delegates to the Ne
braska Sunday school convention in
Omaha, June 19 to 21, will come in
automobiles. Six "auto caravans,"
containing 150 to 200 automobiles
each, have been arranged for. One
will be headed by a band.
vention. The Nebraska Sunday School
association was organized at tne rirst
Baptist church, Omaha, in 1867.
CaE;r.t, will held in the Cltv
Auditorium. There is to be a jubilee
- : 1 ( 41.- AHj:in, iini tn
processiuuai iiuiii uuimtmiu .
,l.. kthnlir, nf Hi ncsnrtntinn on
Thursday evening. A denominational
.i:...,... ,.itl h hl1 WVHnpcHav nnnn.
A n,i,nt nf rliirirm education
will be another feature of the conven
tion. About 500 people will be re
quired to produce the various episodes
depicting mc siuij ut K
tinn frnm the nlrl Tewisll faniUV tO
the modern Sunday school.
It will be a "mass convention open
tn nv whi, rtir tn come. It is not
necessary to be a delegate. ,
Hupp Stands Test Well
When Put to Hard Task
T. , Int-cctlnrr In nrtf in the
c nnM,1f nl lOtfi Antnmnhiie
OUIUUlMtJT w " . -
Contests, recently issued by the con
test board ot tne American nuiomu
bile association, the numerous tests
atmhilf havf hen nilt to."
asserts G. H. Houliston, manager of
the HupmoBiie company oi neorasKa.
"T..C hi, it'oir if irtmnarifttl. look
at the Hupp records, covering the Al
bany to Buffalo economy run and the
tort George lull clim trial, ine ron
George Hill is one of the stiffest
limlii in th milnlrv. fanv cars do
not attempt to climb it even on low
gear, ine nupmomie went up mis
hill on high gear and was doing bet-
. At,nM mil a n hi,,r at. th
top. This was the touring car, stock
and standard in every particular,
without special adjustments of any
kind and very much overloaded."
Orr Sales Co. Holds the
Lead in Division "B"
This is jubilee week at the office of
the Orr Motor Sales company and
marks the winning of first place in
the Lincoln Highway sweepstakes, a
sales race extending figuratively from
San Francisco to New York City,
thence by water to Galveston, Tex.
Out of a possible score of 206
points, the Orr Motor Sales company
heads Division "B" in the race, hav
ing reached the 121-point mark. The
original plan set 100 points as the
finish, but some of the contestants
soon passed their quota of cars and
insisted upon more racing. The fast
ones in Division "B" are Omaha, At
lanta. Ga..: Indianapolis. Ind.. and Se
attle, Wash. Omaha leads them all by
a good margin and Mr. Orr says
they will keep the lead.
Finds Prosperity All
Over the Commonwealth
J. H. De Jong, manager of the Ap
person Motor company, spent last
week traveling through the rural dis
tricts in Nebraska and reports a good
outlook for this season. Many of the
farmers are too busy with the farm
work to do much of anything else,
but they all seem to be in good spirits
and prosperity is evident.
Standard Motor Car Co.
Sells Indiana Trucks
Announcement lias just been made
to the effect that the Standard Motor
Car company has taken on the agency
for the Indiana truck, manufactured
by the Indiana Truck company of
Marion, Ind. The territory controlled
from Omaha will embrace Nebraska
and western Iowa. '
Always Ascendant Always Ahead
THE remarkable success of the KING EIGHT is
the latest and greatest proof of the continuing
Tightness of KING engineering and the steadfast
honesty of KING construction and policy.
The KING EIGHT'S success has surpassed the most
sanguine hopes of its builders, and thousands of KING
EIGHTS, all over America and in forty-nine foreign
lands, are daily teaching motorists what they should
NOW expect from an automobile.
The KING Chassis as offered to the public is a continuation of a
, year's manufacture to which have been added various body types
Touring, Foursome, Roadster and Sedan with graceful,
stylish lines and rich coach work that quietly bespeak the splen
did quality of the machinery they cover and compare most
favorably with can of much higher price.
7-Passeiiger Touring. . .$1585
3-Passenger Roadster. .$1585
Wire Wheels, $100 Extra.
4-Passenger Foursome, $1585
7-Passenger Sedan $2150
AH Prices f. o. b. Detroit
We cannot guarantee that these prices will not change.
Noyes-Killy Motor Co.
Omaha Distributor
May Presage Opening of Avia
tion School at Fort Omaha
for Instruction of
Trying Corps.
The return of Major Frank P. Lahm
to Fort Omaha to take charge of the
army balloon school there is hailed
with delight by officers and men. In
addition to being an efficient soldier.
he is regarded as one of the most ex
pert aviators in the army flying corps.
Major Lahm is no stranger in
Omaha, having passed several months
here a few years ago. He had charge
of the aviation work soon after the
balloon house at Fort Omaha was
completed and remained until trans-
terred to tne areopiane service
It is understood that the coming of
Major Lahm does not mean that aero
planes will be immediately added to
the equipment at Fort Omaha. How
ever, it is expected that later on they
will come and that instructions in op
erating this class of flying machines
will be given.
The observation balloon that was
sent up from Fort Omaha at 7 o'clock
this morning landed at Pacific Junc
tion, la., making a clean flight of
twenty-five miles in a little more than
an hour. The bag was in charge of
I ipiitmant Davidson and as it passed
over the city was seen by hundreds of
early risers. It mainiawra nnsi
of about 1.000 feet most of the time.
Maxwell Engineer Advises
Stock Stuff in Economy Run
"Do not change any of the regular
factory equipment or adjustments in
the stock Maxwell car and you will
be certain of the greaest measure of
This injunction is the paramount
note in a list of instructions for 2,000
or more Maxwell dealers who next
month are to travel over roads every
where in the United States and Can
ada in a national proof demonstrati n
of Maxwell upkeep economy, partici
pating in a contest lor in casu
prizes, with a silver and gold cham
pionship cup to be awarded by the
Maxwell Motor Sales corporation.
The event is to be known as the na
tional Maxwell gasoline economy
proof day.
Banfler Year for the U. S.
Truck Tires Is Predicted
Sales of United States solid truck
tires reached new peak points during
the first quarter ot this year. Com
pared with the same months of former
years, all previous records have been
eclipsed, according to an announce
ment made today by C. J. Welch,
manager of the truck tire department
of the United States 1 ire company.
Daring the three months . ending
March 31, an Increase of 127 per cent
over the sales of the corresponding
period of 1916 are noted.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success.
yevtpps -cI3o o h
ITNDURANCE is simply sustained power.
Endurance in the Scripps-Booth does not depend
on mere size or weight.
It is the product of lightness, plus concentrated strength,
plus co-ordination of parts, plus control.
Scripps-Booth endurance is the highly specialized, har
monized strength of Science.
Excess weight in a motor car secures ease by holding
the car down on the road. "
Scripps-Booth attains ease by scientific balance.
Scripps-Booth lightness is actually converted into
Every ounce of Scripps-Booth energy counts every
minute it is in action.
It is not wasted in overcoming dead weight.
Scripps-Booth lightness conserves energy. It has al
ways energy to spare.
2514 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas S218.
Four-Cylinder Roadster 93S
Four-Cylinder Coupe - - . USO
Eight-Cylinder Four-Pasaenger 1285
EiahhCylinder Tova Car - 3575
Four-Cylinder Roaditaf
The Cole Obligation
To The Public
Only by Serving the Public
Well Are We Entitled to Large
and Permanent Success.
This vital principle has been the corner
stone upon which we have builded the sub
stantial Cole growth. '
It is the Cole obligation to the public.
All of our efforts after our car is sold must
concentrate on satisfaction to the owner, just
as all the skill, all the thought, all the re
sources, all the time at our command are
concentrated on the perfection of the car
while it is building.
We invite you to investigate our methods
to find out for yourself that we realize, and
are prepared to meet the Cole Obligation to
the Public, great though it is.
Seven Passenger Cole Eight Touring Car $ 1 795
Cole Eight Tuxedo Roadster $1795
Four Passenger Cole-Springfield Tour coupe $2293
8even Passenger Four-Door Toursedan . $2493
Price, f. o. b. faete7
Subject to chins without aotict
Retail Distributors
2210 Farnam St Phone Douglas S268.
Cole Motor Car Company
Indianapolis, O. S. A.
Wholesale Distributors for Iowa and Northern Nebraska.
Some Good Territory Open (or Lit Dealers.
2210 Farnam Strut, Omaha, Neb.
1414 Locust Street, Des Moines, la.