Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
A Sale of Model Suits, Gowns and Coats
it White Pumps and Boots
Beautiful Styles for
Present Wear
IN A SEASON of beautiful Footwear,
these are some of the most exquisite we have
""ever had the pleasure of showing.
Women's White Kidskin Colonial Pumps,
with large tongues and square buckles, welt-
ed and stitched soles,' white welting; covered Louis
r ?
Women's White Nile Cloth Lace 9-inch Boots, light turn
soles; plain vamps with covered Louis heels $4.95
Main Floor, Rear.
N. B. This is one of the largest Shoe Departments in this section
of the country and one of the most complete in point of stocks and
service Every good type of Shoe is here we care for your Shoes
with a special shoe shining service.
BILLIKEN SHOES for children are our idea of perfection
The Shoes that conform to the shape of growing feet the
Shoes without a nail the Shoes that are flexible and are soft
and comfortable for little feet. COME IN AND SEE THEM
Hand Made Filet Lace
And Irish Lace Trimmed
Laces' have come into their
own again this season, Filet
and Irish Laces are extremely
fashionable. We are extreme
ly fortunate in being able to
offer an exceptional stock of
these Beautiful Blouses, be
cause these Waists, in exact
ratio of their popularity are
becoming very scarce.
Both the Filet and the Irish Laces are extremely beautiful and make
fascinating Blouses.
Colors are White, Flesh and Pink.
$10.00 to $25.00
Second Floor
Draperies and Curtains
New, Crisp and Charming
Curtain Materials, Velours and Velvets. Tapestry for Upholster
ing, Sunfast materials for hangings, Scotch and Filet Nets, Marqui
settes, Voile, Fancy Scrims, Imported and Domestic Cretonnes, etc.
Remarkable Assortment of Fancy Scrims; colored and drawn work bor
ders; extra special, at a yard 15c
Beautiful Assortment of Muslins, Voiles and Nets, plain and fancy; ex
tra special, at, a yard ' 19c
Beautiful Assortment of Nets, in new effects, white and beige; extra
special, at, a yard 49c
Large and most complete line'of Cretonnes, new patterns and color
ings; special, at, a yard 27 'a c
Most charming assortment of Cretonnes; a pattern and coloring for
every purpose, special, at, a yard ....35c
Beautiful Assortments Filet and Scotch Nets, in white, ivory and beige;
extra special value, at, a yard 69c
Brass Curtain Rods,
Extra Special, 5c Each
Just received, a beautiful line of Lace trimmed Filet Net Curtains, in
white, ivory and beige, extra special, at, a pair .12.98
Large assortment of Oil Window Shades, 3x6 size, extra special, 49c
Third Floor.
Rugs at Modest Prices
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, a large line in beautiful patterns. This is a very
popular and good wearing rug. We give you the, choice of our en
tire line, such as Empires, Saranacs, at $16.75
Seamless Axminsters. Including Sanfords, Beauvais and Smiths, Yonk
ers and Carltons. These are all well known rugs and retail up to
$37.50, on sale at $27.50
Seamless Velvet Rugs, a beautiful line of splendid patterns suitable
for any room in the house. Rugs worth $35.00, on sale at. . . .$24.98
Nonpareil Chenille Chamber Rugs. A very beautiful rug, especially
suited for Chamber. Colors, blues and grays, in Key, Colonial and French
borders at the following prices:
4x7 size, regular price $9.00, sale price $6.50
36x72 size, regular price $5.60, sale price $4.25
30x60 size, regular price $4.50, sale price. ...7 $3.00
Third Floor.
Domestics at Lowest Prices
Very Substantial Savings on These
Here are the fabrics that you will have extensive use for
during the weeks and months to come, for the making of
dresses, aprons, etc. We are ready with complete stocks
at prices which will put money right back into your pocket-book.
The Genuine Toile Du Nord, Bates and Amoskeag Dress Zephyrs, in
this season's newest styles; off the bolt, for Monday, at yard. . . 12c
Beautiful 36 and 40-inch Woven Stripe Voiles, sheer crisp, dainty fab
ric, fast colors; regularly 25c, Monday, at a yard 19c
Sport Suiting, new season's stripes and plain shades; extra heavy; for
outing, golf and tennis shirts; Monday, a yard 15c
The Genuine Everett Classic Dress Ginghams ; the wonderful fabric in
all the pretty nurse stripes and fancy checks; Monday, a yard. .12)c
Charming "Leader" and "Spray" Voiles; most favored fabric, in choic
est season's printings and very dainty; Monday, a yard 15c
36-inch Best Grade Dress Percale, light and dark grounds; mill shorts
to 20 yards; Monday, choice, a 'yard 12$e
The Genuine "Claremont" Dress Batiste, sheer quality; neat stripes, dots
and figures; for children's summer frocks and aprons; Monday. . . 12 He
36-inch 'Leno" Tropical Suiflngs, all the new sporting shades, for out
ing, tennis, golf and yachting suits; Monday, a yard., 25c
27-inch Cable Cloth;" this remarkable suiting in all the wanted neat
checks and stripes f or .hoys' waists, children's rompers, underskirts, etc. ;
on saie juonaay, at, a yara lSc
Beautiful Fancy Sateen "Bookfold," highly mercerized, neatly printed
in figures and stripes; for lining wrappers and kimonos: value 25c a
yard; Monday, at, a yard 19c
32-inch Woven Madras and Dress Zephyrs, beautiful plaids, checks and
stripes, all fast colors; regularly 19c; Monday, at, a yard. 15c
Beautiful "Cordele Printed Organdies." This sheer summer ma
terial in handsome printed, neat florals, figures and fancy stripes;
regularly 15c; Monday, at, a yard 12 He
At Remarkable Reductions
FOR MONDAY we announce a Sale of Extraordi
nary Character. Everyone who has viewed these
beautiful creations at our Openings will realize what
a reduction sale of these garments means.
Every garment distinctive every garment superb
,m style, coloring and fashion
lines every garment con
structed of superb materials and finished
in a masterly manner.
Model Garments, If You
Please, at Remarkably
Reduced Prices
Many are reproductions of Imported
Styles the items we mention are but a
few from the wonderful assortment. BE
event never fails to bring a throng to the
Apparel Store.
Stone Blue Gros de Londre, silver and bead
embroidered; reduced from $198 to $98
Taupe Faille Taffeta, Australian Chinchilla
collars and cuffs;reducedfrom$165 to $95
Navy Gros de Londre, silver embroidered
and braided; reduced from.. $149 to $75
Navy Serge and Gray Silk Jersey, 3-piece
suit; reduced from $85 to $59
Navy Gros de Londre Taffeta Suit, navy and
white trimmed; reduced from $139 to $75
Sand Taffeta, stitched Tricotine, with band
collars and cuffs ;reducedfrom$165 to $95
Navy Poiret Twilled and white broadcloth
Soutache, reduced from $125 to $98
Sand Poiret Twill, braided, emerald trim
med; reduced from $125 to $69
Poiret Sport Suit, navy silk coat, white Bed
ford skirt; reduced from. . .$67.50 to $49
The Evening Gowns
Black Sequin and Lace Gown, gold embroid
ered; reduced from $225 to $150
Beige Filet and Georgette Gown; reduced
from $135 to $98
Poiret Silver Cloth, rose trimmed; reduced
from $98.50 to $69
Black Net, jet banded, emerald trimmed;
reduced from $98 to $65
Jade Georgette, Sequin trimmed; reduced
from $75 to $55
Flesh Georgette, bead band trimmed, re
duced from $95 to $69
Joseph Model Afternoon Gown, Copen Bro
cade Gros de Londre, reduced $125 to $89
Crystal Beaded Navy Georgette Afternoon
Gown; reduced from $98 to $69
Evening Wraps
Taupe Satin, gold lined and gold embroid
ered; reduced from $150 to $119
Black Satin, gold embroidered wrap, re
duced from $145 to $100.
Kolinsky Trimmed Gold Jersey Coat; re
duced from $125 to $98
White Khaki Kool Jade Embroidered Coat;
reduced from $125 to $95
Poiret Taupe Satin Fringe Trimmed Wrap;
reduced from $115 to $85
Second Floor
Our May Sale for Babies
Offers Most Attractive
FOR WEE FOLK we have gathered together an
exceptional stock of dainty wear and every mother
will be delighted to know that while the assemblage
of garments is immense, the prices are exceedingly
you can afford to miss this sale.
Infants' Mercerized Hose, in pink, sky, black and
white, special, at ; I0c
Infants' long and short Dresses, regular 79c val
ues, special at . i.49c
Infants' long and short Skirts, regular 59c val
ues, special at. ..... , 39c
Birds' eye Diaper Cloth, 24x24 inches, a bolt, $1.25
Birds' eye Diaper Cloth, 27x27 inches, a bolt, $1.35
Infants' Dainty Lawn Hoods, neatly'trimmed with
dainty laces and embroidery, 50c values, spe
cial at 25c
A complete assortment of long and short dresses,
ranging in prices from 75c to $5.98
Infants' Wash Hats, in, various styles, from 50c
to $3.50.
Infants' Flannel Skirts, Gertrude and yoke style,
hemmed and scalloped bottom with embroidered
sprays, worth up to $1.00, special at 45c
A limite'd lot of Infants' Shoes, different styles and
colors, values up to $1.00, special at 39c
Infants' Embroidered Pique Carriage Robes, val
ues up to $1.50, special at 50c
Infants' Cashmere and Crepella Sacques and Night
ingales, trimmed with crochet or embroidered
edges, neatly embroidered sprays in pink and
blue , 39c
Infants' Vests, wool and cotton mixtures, open
front and "Ruben," all sizes, regular 29c val
ue, special at 19c
Children's Colored Dresses, sizes 2 to 6, in pretty
Plaid and checked Ginghams, made up in either
long or short waisted effects, regular 75c val
ue, special at 49c
Beautiful Gingham Bloomer Dresses, finished
with a dainty touch of hand smocking, sizes 2 to
6 years, values up to $1.69, special at $1.19.
Infant's Novelties
Of. All Descriptions
Rattles 19c to $1.00
Comb and Brush Sets 50c to $1.98
Hot Water Bottles 50c to $1.00
Carriage Straps 75c to $1.50
Creeping Bands 19c to 50c
Coat Hangers ...50c and 75c
Pin-Holders 25c
Record Books 2Gc to $1.98
Teething Rings 25c and 50c
Rubber Toys 25c to 75c
Second Floor.
h m jmmpm y - m i i
mP":i ... 1 1 unit s
$3.00 and $3.50 Jersey Silks,
One of the Most Popular Fabrics
THIS IS A VERY remarkable offering Jersey Silks were never so
popular as they arc now. For skirts, coats, dresses, blouses, petticoats,
There are 38 and 40 inches wide, extra heavy All Silk Jersey, in the
newest and most wanted colorings of the season; plain and stripes to
36-inch Chiffon, Taffeta and Satin Messaline, $1.00
A very unusual announcement. Beautiful Silk in a rich collection
of how colorings and very special at this price, $1.00 a yard.
36-inch Imported Swiss Radiant Satin, $1.95.
In the new double faced effects for the new Summer Coats; very
rich, lustrous finish; splendid weight; beautiful colorings; sells every
where for $2.95, now $1.95 a yard.
40-inch Imported Chiffon Taffeta, $1.50.
Very soft, lustrous finish; suitable for the new coats, skirts and
dresses; in plain and changeable street shades; worth $2.25 and more,
a rare bargain at $1.50 a yard.
White Sport Silk, $1.25 to $3.75. ,
One of the most popular ofthe wanted fabrics of the season. We are
prepared to show the largest and most comprehensive assortment of
these beautiful Silks in the "West; including the new Sport Satin, Rookie
Silk, Khakl-Kool, La Jora, Shantungs, Sports Crepes, Wash Satins,
Shanghai Duck, etc., a yard, $1.25 to $3.75.
Main Floor, Aiil. of Silk.
That Improve the Figure
Frolaset Lace Front
Corsets that improve the figure are cer
tainly worth more to you than corsets that
are merely so much boning and coutil, and
for that reason we recommend the
They cost no more than the ordinary kind, but
are worth more to you. Frolaset Corsets lace In
front, perfectly designed to give physical comfort
and reflect the new lines of Fashion.
CORSETIERES and Ul us demonstrate the Mer
its of the Frolaiet Front Laced Corset.
Splendid Values at $2, $3, $3.50, $4, $5
and Upward
FROLASET Corset model for athletic and
sports wear; very low top with elastic gore in
front at top of Corset; medium long skirt with
free hip section; material is plain flesh color
coutil; all whale boning .$5.00
Model 4430 Corset for short, stout firurei.
very low top; bones in front of Corset are just
the right length to allow the figure to sit com
fortably; material is white coutil; a corset that fits the figure
which is hard to fit $4.00
Model 2115 A Corset for the young girl; very lightly boned; low
top, short skirt , $2.00
Second Floor
4 1 .
New Silk Skirts Are Superb
Beautiful Sample Lines
THE FINEST materials shown this season are employed in
these Superb Skirts. Silk Jersey, Faille, Black Satin, Tesan,
Georgette Satin, Taffetas and Georgette Crepes.
Pleated and shirred tops, detachable belts, all the new pock
et and ornaments; also embroidered silks. Charming embroidery
lends a fascination not to be denied.
Novelty Silks, in colors and black, and the stock of Black
Satin and Silk Skirts is particularly attractive. ' ,
Barrel pockets, the "jupe tonneau" silhouette and every attrac
tive idea that Fashion has tied to this season is embodied in these
beautiful Skirts.
Prices are very modest for these splendid styles.
Second Floor
Fine White Goods
High class imported white embroidered novelties, many
dainty designs to select from, splendid for Graduation
Dresses, 36 and 45 inches, the yard, at .$1.25
White and embroidered lace check Voile, dainty new designs, 38 inches,
the yard, at , 59c
Finest qualities imported white transparent Organdie for graduation
dresses, 45 inches, the yard, at 75c to $1.75
One Special Item 45 inches, white transparent Organdie, 50c value,
the yard, at .29c
Fine quality White Pin-Dot Swiss, which will be much in demand for
dainty frocks and blouses; 30 inches, the yard, at SOc
White Novelty Skirting, for suits, separate skirts, middies, jackets,
etc.; 36 inches, 46c value, the yard, at 25c
Large assortment of fine white Voiles, in stripes, checks and cords; 25c
and 30c value, the yard, at 15c
36-inch English Nainsook, soft finish, pure white, for undermuslins; the
yard, at , I... .15c
Imperial Long Cloth, chamois finish, pure white, worth $2.00 the bolt,
of 12-yard bolts, 36 inches, Monday, at. . . .., .$1.50
Sheer fine white Dimities, in checks and stripes, 28 inches, 30c value,
10 to 20-yard lengths, Monday, at yard 19c
Colored Wash Goods
Finest quality silk and cotton Crepe de Chine, worth $1.00 the yardi
good amount of colors to choose from this lot; 40 inches, the yara,
at 49c
40-inch plain Voiles in every wanted plain shade and white; 50c value,
the yard, at.i. .1 29c
Egyptian Tissue, in pretty plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors; 27
inches, the yard, at ...25c
Real Jap Crepe, in wide and narrow stripes and solid colors. Jap
Crepe does not fade and requires no ironing. It is just the thing
for street and house wear, middies, children's rompers, etc,; 30
inches, the yard; at....y.. .....35c
Needs Wash Silk and Cotton Dress Goods, in Nile, light blue, black,
pink, gold, white and lavender; 26 inches, the yard, at 25c
Printed silk and tcotton Dress Fabrics, in white and tan ground de
signs, with green, blue and red dots; 36 inches, 39c value, the yard, 25c
Windsor Printed Crepes, white ground, 30 inches, worth 22c, the
yard, at 12tfe
Ripplette in stripes and checks, fast colors; needs no ironing and
used for house dresses, children's frocks, middies, rompers; name Rip
plette stamped on selvage ; 27 inches, 20c value, the yard, at . . 1 1 He
' Basement v