9 C ';. 1 VH1IV -'iimi Ik FdRtL UKYWf W TIMELY ARCHITECT BUILDER HINT and U6GETI0N and SUPPLY about RUILDINa niR OMAHA SUNDAY TF1E: MAY 13. 19 1 7. ,i i wi i ... nil m wn m fMt, i BUILDING BOOMS IN MFOSTRICT Contract Let for New Ware house at Ninth and Douglas Streets Will Construct New Plants. The $200,00lioragc and warehouse lo be built at Ninth and Douglas streets, as the joint home of the Omaha brayches of the United States Rubber company and the American Hand-Sewed Shoe company, will be a big addition to Omaha's wholesale and manufacturing district. J. C. llardis company has the contract. Building has been active in the wholesale and manufacturing district during the past year and a big build ing program is mapped out there for this year. The Lee-Coit-Andreesen warehouse is now practically com pleted. It will not only greatly in crease the capacity of the ,lace, but will add to the business-like appear ance of that part of the city. work is progressing on the Kirsch braun creamery plant at Ninth and Farnam streets. It will be operating in tun swing before the tirst oi the year. Beside it will be the big plant ot the Coins rroducts company, which will manufacture buttermilk meal. The manufacture of buttermilk meal has come to be of more and more importance throughout the country. This is the second plant of its kind to be started in Umaha this year. With the talk of conservation of foodstuffs and the campaigns be ine conducted toward that end. coir tractors look for more plants of this kind in the near future. New Home of Unitarians Will Cost Thirty Thousand Bids are asked May 25 for a new $J0,000 home for the Unitarian church at Thirty-first and Harney streets. John and Alan McDonald are draw ing plans. C. W. Russell of the M. E. Smith company is chairman of the building committee. Brick and stone construction is planned. Unitarians have increased their membership in Omaha during the past year and one half, holding services in Turpin's hall most of the time. Years ago the ' Unitarians had a church of their own, but they sold it. Rev. Robert French Leavens is pastor. Contract Being Poured for , Tire and Rubber Co. Plant Contract has been let for the new plant of the Crown Tire and Rubber company at Ralston. It -will cost ap proximately $32,000. The plans, how cvei?Tall for new wings and additions when needed. The general contract was let to Winter & Thomas. J. C. Bixby & Sons got the plumbing con tract. The Crown Tire and Rubber com pany will manufacture a newly pa tented automobile tire. The company will also branch out into the manu facture of rubber goods. Selma Realty Co. to Build $85,000 Apartment House The contract has been let for an SS5.000 apartment house for the Sel ma Realty company at 706 Park ave nue. Richard Everett drew the pVns. The Selma company will retain the general contract. E. R. Hendricks is 10 do the plumbing work and Luhr & Luhr have the contract for electrical work. Concrete Being Poured for New Yates School Building Alexander Beck is constructing the Henry W. Yates school building at Thirty-second and Davenport streets. It is to be 162x110 feet. Concrc'te pouring is" in progress. It will be ready for occupancy by the opening of the fall term of school. Twenty-Thousand-Dollar Home for Omaha Doctor Dr. G. W. Todd will build a $20,000 residence and garage- at Fifty-fifth and Dodge streets. It will be of stucco and Portland cement con struction. Improvements to Be Made at Omaha Public Library Extensive remodeling is to be done at the Omaha Public library, Nine teenth and Harney streets, at a cost of $3,500. Stockham & Baker are the architects. FOOD IS CHEAPER IN LONDON War Prices Abroad About One-Third Lower Than in the United States. "People are more prosperous indi vidually in London today than they were before the war. And food, though the number of courses to a meal is limited, is cheaper than it is in America," Robert McBride, pub lisher of Travel, said on his return from London recently. He explained the prosperity by the fact that instead of being supported by one man, the head' of a family, virtually all members of a family now work while the father is at the front. "A baked potato in a restaurant here costs 15 cents. It can be had in London for from 4 to 6 cents. Lunch eon is limited to two courses and dinner to three, hut one may have as many helpings as one desires. There is plenty of food in London and tobacco enougl. to last the island three years. Sugar is the one thing that seems difficult to obtain. "Wages are much higher. Women, taking the places of men, are mak ing in munitions factories as much as $5 a (lav. Stenographers are get ting $10 to S12 a week, where they once received 'only $5. Teople who have not had ni'fiey before are mak ing it now. Curiously the commodity most in demand is pianos." New York Tribune. Modem Square Type Home I 1 . r;st I JHE3 , , i rr fir . Kiws-i v in I Bimin Room tj .-.iri mm I " J"'" I Poom I jJ jl " I li I . J PlaaT rceo Plati This house, biiilt by Home Build ers, shows a well-arranged, comforta ble home of the square type. It is very simple and economical, with large rooms, and the plain exterior gives it a very pleasing appearance. the outside dimensions are Zbx', with a nine-foot porch across the en tire front. The living room is fin ished in oak and has a built-in book case on each side of the vestibule, heavy beamed ceiling, a brick fire place and window seat. The dining room is in the front of the house and is finished in oak. with Daneled walls and plate rail. The kitchen, pantry and rear entry are mushed in yellow pine. Combination stairway leads BIG RUN OF LIGHT OPERA DESPITE WAR Vienna Turns Its Attention to Things of the Stage, Vaude ville Being Popular. MANY NEW PLAYS PUT ON (Correspondence ot The Associated Pretts.) Vienna, March 10. The season's product in operas, light operas, mu sical shows and plays generally has been good despite riie war. Viennese may do without a good many' things, but it seems that music and comedy they must have, a craving which they have been able to satisfy unstintingly, because stage productions are not subject to governmental regulation, while composers, playwrights, singers and actors have ways for keeping away from the'front. The output in operas has been lim ited. However, three new works made their appearance. Two of them never went beyond - their premieres. Only Richard Strauss' "Ariadne at Naxos" proved a success after the composer had made a goodly number of corrections. Even the "Stargazcr" of Franz Lehar, great favorite that he is. had to move oft the boards, al though its life was prolonged by an overhauling of siore and libretto. Light Opera Innovation. A light opera innovation which has enjoyed considerable success is Leo Fall's "The Rose of Stamboul.", The title is wholly unrelated to the argu ment of the book and the music is a hybrid between Oriental tam-tam and Viennese motives. But the play has been seen by full houses for sev eral weeks now, despite the fact that there is only one melody in it which a Vienna music lover could remem ber. The season has brought an ava lanche of musical one-acts. In effect these are vaudeville sketches in rhyme set to music, which in a surprising number of cases is remarkably good. The musical comedy sketch is the ef fort of young and unknown compos ers. It is given in houses where din ner can he had during the perform ances. Nevertheless, some genuine playbuildings and meritorious music may be seen in these thirty-minute operas. As a dispeller of "trench" gloom the men home from the front find them without equal. Vienna is to have a musical innova tion of real merit soon. Following the "Kammersschauspicl,'' Vienna will have the "Kammcrroper," which might betranslatcd into English as chamber opera, or "opera in camera." tike the chamber comedy, the cham ber opera is an exclusive stage pro duct for exclusive people, but at rea sonable prices. As to Chamber Plays. The chamber stage is a small af fair, and the personnel, while of ne cessity high class, is limited to a few. The aim is to produce pieces whose literary or musical qualities are inherent and do not need the sup port of elaborate stage settings and mechanical and optical effects. In some respects the chamber play re turns to the essentials of the Greek ObCOMD n.p. PUAM from the kitchen to the grade door and into the basement. The main stairway is a box stairway which goes up from the living room. In the second story there are three large bedrooms, a large sleeping porch and bathroom, all finished in white enamel, with mahogany doors. ine entire basement has cement floor and all of the modern conveni ences, with a vegetable room built of solid brick. The basement walls are Dressed brick above the grade line. The Home Bm'lders, Inc., will be glad to furnish vou anv information de sired about the above plan. Tames T. Allan, Architect, Brandeis Theater Building, Omaha. comedy, that is to say, only the play and the acting, or the music and its rendition, matter. Meritorious one and two-act operas will be the program of the chamber opera. Ihc following repertoire ot the new Vienna Chamber opera shows this: "Gardening for Love," by Mo zart; "Opera Dress Rehearsal," by Lortzing: "The Apothecary," by Haydn; "May Queen," "The Cheated Kadi," by Gluck; "The Maid as Mis tress," by Pergolese; "Secret Mar riage," by Cimarosa; "Thickhead." by Dworzak; "Iolanthe," by Tschaikow ski; "The Match Girl," by Enna, and "Shepherdess and Chimney Sweep," by Lafitte, are some A the pieces which will be given. Not the least in teresting feature of this program is that the list of composers is interna tional, including Italian, French and Russian composers. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Beaton Track. Apropos of a widow who, dylnir, re quested to he burled near her five hue Bands. Booth Tarklngton said: "It must have been this widow that they toll the story about. "According to the story, a widow and her latest capture were advancing up the aisle, 'of a flower-decorated church to the music of the weddlni; march, when every light every single light in the place went out." Mr. Tarklngton paused with an awed look. "And what happened?" Baked the listener. "They kept right on." said Mr. Tarklng ton. "The widow knew the way." Wash ington Star. The exact formula on every can Sill mil Hi lLi You can depend on these three varnishes, because the guarantee formulas on the cans prove that they have been properly aged and that they are absolutely free from rosin and other adulterants. Never take chances with varnish. Get Devoe and be sure. DEVOE & IUYNOLDS CO. Chicago Kansas City Denver Minneapolis Founded In New York In 17S4. The oldest manufacturing concern in the United States. PLANS FOR PEACE IN THROES OF WAR British Plan to Enforce World Peace After Present War Is Already Drawn Up. TAKES IN ALL RISKS (Correspondence of The Associated Tress ) London, April 20. The British plan for a league to enforce peace, as drawn up by a committee headed by Viscount Bryce, former American ambassador, has just been made public here, although it was prepared two years ago, thus antedating the plan of the American league. It goes further than the American plan in providing means to enforce decisions upon aggressive and recalcitrant na tions. In a prefactory note to the outline of the British scheme, Lord Bryce says: ' "The frightful catastrophe of the present war, involving more than half the human race, and bringing grave evils on neutral nations also, has driven thoughtful men to reflect on the possibility of finding means by which the risk of future war may be dispelled or at least largely reduced. The only effective and permanent remedy would be to convince the several peoples of the world that they have far more to lose than to gain from strife, and to replace by a senti ment of mutual international good will the violent national antagonisms that now exist. But this, we well fear, would be a slow process. Follow Public Opinion. "Meantime that which may be done, and which it seems possible to do at once, is to'provide machinery by and through which the volume of inter national public opinion, which favors peace may be enabled to express itself, and bring its power to bear upon any nation in which there may from time to time exist a spirit of aggression or a readiness to embark on war in pursuit of selfish interests or at the bidding of national pride. "The nature of the machinery re quired is indicated by some facts which this war has brought out in strong relief. These are: First,' the increased risks to peace that arise from the increased epeed with which communications between governments me ditating war are exchanged, and with which momentous decisions are taken. Second, the difficulty neutral nations find in ascertaining the merits of a dispute whleh has led to war, and thus In Judging between the disputants and throwing to one or other side the weight of their opinion. Third, the gigantic scale on which war Is now waged, compelling governments. In or. rler to secure themselves from sudden on slaughts, to mainlaln naval and military armamenls incomparably larger than ever before, and thereby laying Intolerable bur dens on the peoples. The machinery needed to meet these con ditions would seem lo he: First, the prescribing of a certain period of time within which steps could be taken to settle a dispute amicably before a resort to arms. Second, means for ascertaining the facts and clearing up the Issues in dispute, so as to facilitate the forming of an Impartial opinion upon .the merits. Third, arrangements between pacifically minded nations for mutual protection against sudden attack by a slate which refuses to allow time for invest liTellng and trying to secure an amicable adjustment of lis claims. "It may reasonably be hoped that if some scheme calculated to attain these objects were adopted by a con siderable number of states, the opin ion of neutral nations, being better in structed and having a vehicle for its expression, would become a more ef fective force than it has been hitherto in the way of deterring aggressive governments from war. Time Ripe for Plan. "Everyone seems lo feel the ap proach of a supremely important mo ment. If the opportunity which the close of the present conflict will offer for the provision of means to avert future wars be lost, another such op portunity may never reappear. If things are not then made better the prospect for mankind willi.be darker than ever and the condition of the world will have grown worse, because the recurrence of like calamities will have been recognized as a thing to. be expected and their causes as be- Even an expert cannot tell by looking at varnish whether it is adulterated. That is why it is so important that you should always buy varnish with a guarantee formula. YERNOSITE SPAR VARNISH PALE INTERIOR VARNISH MARBLE FLOOR FINISH For outside work and all surfaces exposed to water, use Vernositc. It will not turn white from rain or sleet and the sun will not blister it. For inside woodwork where ex tremely transparent varnish is re quired, use Pale Interior. It pre servei the natural beauty of the wood, is hard to mar and won't scratch white. x For all floors use Marble Floor Finish. It waterproofs the wood, and enables it to withstand the severest wear and tear without marring. yond all human cure. 'BRYCK.H The plan is outlined by Lord Bryce's committee as follows: 1. To refer ell dlaputi'S tint mlflht arlsf bMw.'on tlirm, If diplomatic methods of i!.itinont hnii fnllfd, flthor to an arbitral tillnnml for .lurilolal decision or to a tounotl vt t'oiu'Htatlon for invcstlBHtlon and triort. 2. Not to doolHr war or hosln hontllttlM or hoHtllo pruoaratotm until (hn tribunal had dfi-ldt'd or tha council hud reported, 3. To tk rom'ertoil arllon. oconomlr and forrlMe, aRntimt any BiK"tory power that should aej In violation of the preceding condition. 4. To tak almtlnr action analnat any non BlRiiatnry powi-r that should drolnro war or boKln houl ill tlia or hoitllln prparntloiia ftKRlnst a alunatory power without flrot aub mlltlitK tho dispute to peacuaWe letlkmcnt by tho miMhod Indicated. Corrclvo aw Urn by tha mpmbora of thf union would a treaty obltittition only In tho fiiNo whnre n state had rcnortod to force befi.ro submlUinn the dispute to peaoeablo at'ttlettient. for the purnonca of uih action It la not proponed to abolltih natlon.il arma ments and auhfltltuta a form under Inter national control. The forcea employed aliould ba the national forcer, of the metnbera of the union. lntarnat tonal dispute which diplomacy has failed to adjust would ba re ferred either to Judicial process or to con ciliation. Thus, two claaaca of dlsptitea are recognised and two proccasea of adjustment: 1. The first clasa of disputes are called 'Justlclablo.' Such disputes ara to ha ro ferredto Tha Undue, court, aa It now la, or may In future he constituted, or to aoiua other arbitral court. 2. The other clnss of disputes, helnir, of course, tha clafl most likely to lead to war, comprises those which are not justiciable : such aa, for Instance, those which (trine out of the general economic and pollllcnl rivalry of Hlnlea, or, It may be, from the discontent of nationalities within a atate, where, auch dlaroiitent commands tho sympathy of a kindred people. For the settlement of such disputes a Judicial tribunal Is not tha best authnrlly. It la proposed, therefore, to Institute for thla purpose a now International body which Is called the council of conclllallon. The memlers of the council would he appointed by the ulttniUory slates for a fixed term of years, the council belns tlum always complete, anrl in hciriR. As thi council ha a no executive power, and Its function la merely to In ventilate, report, and make recommendations, it. Is neither necessary nor dealrnhle that Its members ahould act under Instructions from their governments. They should deliberate and aot freely according to their heat judgment In the interests of the whole society of nations. Since It (a likely that the (Tirnt powers would hav a larger number of men quali fied to be members, they might be Riven s sjreatar representation aay three to each Itreat powers and one at least' to each of the rest. The council would mediate between the dlaputants and en d on v or to arrange a settle ment, which should not be a mere com promise, but should lent upon Intelligible and accepted principles, and have In It some guarantee of permanence. But In every case where It falls to do this It should publish a report or reporta dealing; with the whole situation and sotting: forth Its recom mendations and the grounds on which they are based. These reports and recommeirlatlons would then form the subject of debutes In the national laitlHlalive assemblies and of discussion at public meetings and In the press. And sufficient lime being allowed for this "six months," It is not unreasonable to hope that tho best public opinion of all countries would support the council In press ing; for an amicable aolutlon on the lines suggonted, and that the disputants would yield to that pressure. Should this hope not he fulfilled, then it must be clearly understood that no puwer would be under treaty obligation either to accept the recommendations of the council or to put pressure upon a power, refusing lo accept them. The states would retain on these points all their liberty of action. All that the treaty would prescribe Is that if such a situation arises tho powers should met In oonference to consider whether or not It If practicable or desirable for them It la possible that from such a altua tlon war might In tho last resort arise It Is not claimed that the union would make war Impossible, But It Is believed that the enforced period of delay, the con alderatlon by ait Impartial council, and the publicity"- given to lis recommendations would be very likely to prevent war by rallying the public opinion of the work! in favor of pouce; and Unit, In the worst slrlctod, for a power making war In defiance of the recominednatlnna or tile council could not rely on aupport from ihe olhnr I signatory powers. A Merry-flo-Round. An employe of a real estate office hud , been sent by the hou-e nnfiila lo luln tin Inventory, of the drowing room furniture of a. mansion In their hands. He was so long about his task that at last the woman of the house went to aee what was taking place. She found the man slumbering awwtly on a aoft, with an empty bottle beside him. It was evident, however, that ho had miide a pathetic attempt to no his work, for In the inventory book was written: "Ona revolving caj-pnt." Chicago Herald. American Tent and Awning Co. 40TH AND FARNAM "In the heart of th residence district" JOHN S. OPDAHL, Manager. We have a specialty for slipping- porchcM, especially adapted for ventilation and shade. Mr. Opdahl attends personally to all calls ind orders. CALL HARNEY S022. Heavy Hoisting E. J. DAVIS 1212 Farnam St Tel. D. 3S3 CYCLONE SANITARY LAWN FENCE i the hiprheHt (trade frnre on the mar ket; heavier, (stronger and doner npaceil than nay other; complete, erected on wood pnfltn, 20c per lineal foot and up. Wc carry a full line of wire and iron fences and gdteH, trellises for roses and vines, flower bed borders, fenceu, atayn, steel poHts for field fencing. A I no w make flag poles. Come in and nee our line and get our low prices. Send for Cation tit?. ANCHOR FENCE CO., 207 North 17th St. Phone Red 614. Special Sale of Apple and Plum Trees, each, 5c Large Line of Pot Flowers. . . .Sc and 10c Garden Seeds, 3 packages for 10c FRANK R. MARTIN Mil Harnsy Strsst. lt IgSMTISl'aii-ll'i'linl'li,! HOME RUILDERS ANNOUNCEMENT Home Builders, Inc., wishes to announce that but few arealeft of the 150,000 7rr. Nonpurticipnting shares authorized for issue since January 1st. After these on hand are exhausted the new allotment will probably bear the rat of 6 owing to the downward tendency of money seeking investment. . The next allotment of shares authorized will be Nonpar ticipatiiiK and, except for tho rate per cent, they will be, in every way, like the 7 shares being issued now. 6 Horne Buiers 5hares W' Be Attract'v On account of the high character of Homo Builders' mort gage security the best in the world and the ready converti bility of Home Builders' Shares into cash when the money is wanted, will make these shares attractive to conservative in vestors who appreciate the element of safety as much as a fair rate of interest on their money. 7 $ 1.00 shares will be issued while they last to anyone ordering by mail or in person. Respectfully, HOME BUILDERS JNC. OMAHA HAVE YOU A FAVORITE KIND OF TOMATO? We Have All The Best Varieties Vegetable and Flowering , plants of all sorts are ' now ready. - - - THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. 1613 Howard Street Doug. 1736 Wire and Iron Fences and Gates for Lawn Garden and Poultry Yards TrelliatJt for Vintt and Rm Grape Arbor Flower Beds Clothes Posts Iron and Wire Window Guards Screen Door Guards Send for Catalogue CHAMPION IRON 15th and Jackson Sti. Saum's Treated Floors ntedft no other treatment during thn life ot thi- building. There is always a fresh supply of material junt below the surface ready to become oxidized if, for any reason, the top or wearing nurface is removed by traffic or abrasion. Recommended by leading archi tects and contractors. Furnished and Applied by JOSEPH P. REDDING 314-15 Farnam Building. Old First National Bank Bldf. Omaha, Nab. The Keynote to Success is Attention to Business Our trees and shrubs grow because they are fresh dug and properly handled. Let us figure your wants today. Choice Concord Grapes, $2.50 Per 100 BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES Phone Benson 534. P. J. FLYNN, Prop. Telephone Douglas 8980. racial Supply Co. of Q Vu INSULATIONS & ROOFING We contract for the application of all roofing and insulative materials NATRO CO. Roofing Products. 1114 Jackson St. Phone Doug- 349. - Glaring Buy your glass and paint at Henry M. Johannszen Glass and Paint Company 114 S. 14th St. Omaha, Neb. 1 C. C. SH1MER, S.c'y., NEBRASKA Wire Arches Summer Houses Chairs and Settees lYee and Flower Guards Lawn Vases & WIRE WORKS Tel. DougUa 1590. DON'T STOP BUILDING We can save you money on your building material A Million Brick, at $2.50 Per Load Cast Iron Columns and Lintels, at 2 Cents Per Pound Steel Beams, at 3 Cents Per Pound DRY WHITE PINE Second Hand Lumber $20 to $24 Per Thousand Door and Windows. WALL PAPER lc to 3c Per Roll H. GROSS Lumber & Wrecking Co., Webster 2884. The Best in Asbestos. A good contractor Is essential to the making et e substantial home. All rosl denes work and repairing is my specialty Eatimates cheerfully furnisned. N. L. THOMSEN S204 Leavenworth St. Phone Wal 1397. ran